Institute of Medical Illustrators

Institute of Medical Illustrators

<p>INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL ILLUSTRATORS</p><p>Minutes of the meeting of Council held at Calumet Photographic Ltd, 93 – 103 Drummond Street, London NW1 2HJ on Thursday 8th February 2007.</p><p>Present: Mr Jeremy Nayler Chairman Mr Angus Robertson Chairman Elect &Honorary Secretary Mr Geoffrey Gilbert Honorary Treasurer</p><p>Mr Paul Hyett Members of Council Mr Andrew Johnson</p><p>Mr Philip Ball MAA Representative</p><p>The meeting started at 11.10 a.m.</p><p>07/01 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>Apologies for absence were received from:</p><p>Professor David Haslam President Ms Carol Fleming Acting Honorary Secretary Mrs Jill Bradbury Members of Council Mr Jason Candlin Mr Sam Evans Mr Alistair Rose Mr Stephen Palmer Scottish Board Chairman Miss Emma Burns Student Representative Mr Ray Phillips BIPP Representative</p><p>It was noted that there had been severe interruptions to travel due to the adverse weather conditions throughout the country.</p><p>07/02 MINUTES</p><p>The minutes of the meeting of Council held on the 2nd of November 2006 had previously been accepted as a true and accurate record subject to the following amendment:</p><p>06/85 Matters Arising – 06/34 BSc Review 1st Para, line 6 delete the repeated “ to enforce”</p><p>07/03 MATTERS ARISING</p><p>06/70 Report of the BSc Programme Leader Andrew Johnson asked if the Institute had received a reply from GCU regarding the payment of fees to BSc markers. Mr Nayler, Chairman, informed Council that he had not received a reply but had authorised the issue of the invoice for marking the 3rd year cluster.</p><p>06/86 Chairman’s Address 1 The Chairman, Jeremy Nayler, informed Council that Fujifilm had not attended the GCU graduation. Discussion was deferred until later in the agenda.</p><p>06/87 Appointments Council was informed that Carol Fleming had accepted the appointment as Acting Honorary Secretary with the proviso that the appointment as Honorary Secretary from October 2007 would be for 5 years.</p><p>06/87 Appointments Andrew Johnson suggested that guidelines and the remit should be given to new Team Leaders upon their appointment. The Chairman, Jeremy Nayler, agreed to draft their remit.</p><p>06/88 MAA and Regulation for Medical Artists and Designers Andrew Johnson asked whether the questionnaire had been issued. The Chairman, Jeremy Nayler, informed Council that he had completed the letter and questions and this was now with Jane Fallows.</p><p>06/89 Report of the Honorary Secretary The Honorary Secretary, Angus Robertson, asked whether the offer from Calumet to run a Colour Management Course free of charge had been taken up by the Institute. He was informed that to date this had not been progressed. Details had previously been forwarded to Jill Bradbury and in view of her absence he would contact her.</p><p>06/108 Any Other Business With reference to the BPLC the Honorary Treasurer, Geoff Gilbert, following the last meeting of Council had written to the BPLC regarding the non issuing of invoices in previous years. In reply they had been surprised at the non payment of invoices following which Mr Gilbert paid the current years fees. Following general discussion it was agreed to withdraw from the BPLC.</p><p>07/04 CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESS</p><p>The Chairman, Jeremy Nayler, informed Council that he had received a letter from our new President, Professor David Haslam, following his taking up the Presidency of the RCGP. Mr Nayler had replied informing him of the President’s standing invitation to join council meetings and to attend our Conference and Annual Dinner. The President had later sought advice having been invited to judge a Spanish Medical Illustration competition.</p><p>Council was informed that Mr Nayler and Keith Bellamy had attended the CSO Conference in November. There were several speakers; including Professor Sue Hill, CSO, who talked about raising the profile and making scientific services more productive and efficient and Lord Warner talking about the importance of HCS in NHS reform. In view of the content Mr Nayler suggested that both he and Mr Bellamy put something together for IMI News.</p><p>2 Mr Nayler had also held a number of discussions about the IMI Archives, identifying various different collections of material held by several IMI members. It had been proposed to house the archives at Cardiff University, where space had been offered, as well as some expertise in cataloguing archive material. They would not, however, house published material, since this would be available through the British Library. Mr Nayler therefore proposed the following: that complete sets of published journals be held by colleges that run medical illustration courses, to take the main collections to Cardiff for temporary storage then Garry Swann and Julie Dorrington spend some time going through them, that a full list of the archive contents be published on the IMI member’s site and that a decision could then be made about digitising some or all of the material to make it more accessible to members.</p><p>He had a received a request from Hazel Herd for information on Workforce Planning and he had passed on the WRT recommendations and the Institute’s response.</p><p>The Pickers Institute’s Report, which had recommended an accreditation scheme for providers of patient information had been discussed by Council via email and the consensus seemed to be that, while it is was useful to be aware of this scheme, it would be more useful for independent providers than those in the NHS.</p><p>The letter received by the Honorary Secretary from Meg Munn, MP, regarding Women in Work Commission had provided an extensive debate by email and Mr Nayler had written to summarise the principal points made. Mr Nayler suggested that if anyone wanted further discussion then it should be discussed at the end of the Membership Secretary’s report. Council had debated reduced subscriptions for part- timers before and Julie Dorrington, Membership Secretary, had raised the question again but he did not propose to reopen that question today.</p><p>07/05 STUDENT AWARDS</p><p>The Chairman, Jeremy Nayler, informed Council that there had been extreme embarrassment from Fuji in respect that they had been invited to come along and present the BSc Awards at the graduation ceremony in November but no one had turned up. There had since been several emails to Mark Reynolds and an invitation from Ross Milligan, BSc Programme Leader. Consequently this year’s award winner had still not received their award. The Honorary Treasurer, Geoff Gilbert, added to the discussion by informing Council of the confusion that had arisen from the statement on the IMI website which indicated a monetary award as well as the supply of a camera from Fuji should have been made to award winners. It seemed that this had happened over several years and following discussion it was agreed that the honourable outcome was to recompense each award with the sum of £50 with those who had won both awards receiving £100 each. Council unanimously agreed to the proposal. Geoff Gilbert also informed Council that Ross Milligan who still continued to pay his yearly 3 subscriptions, although he was an Honorary Fellow and entitled to free subscription, asked that his payment that normally went to the Pat Turnbull Travel Fund be redirected in this instance to help fund these payments to the students concerned.</p><p>With regard to the future of the BSc Awards there were now courses in Staffordshire and Wales with proposed BSc Hon courses in Glasgow and in Westminster and it was considered now not practical to award students. Consideration would be given to the memory of Peter Kilshaw which had previously been given through one of the BSc Awards. Following discussion it was agreed to consider various options and await the outcome of the BSc at GCU.</p><p>07/06 INFORMED CONSENT ONLINE TRAINING</p><p>The Chairman, Jeremy Nayler, outlined to Council that he had asked the Honorary Treasurer, Geoff Gilbert to open negotiations with regard to Informed Consent Online Training. Mr Gilbert informed Council he had received an offer of £2,000 + VAT for a multi user licence for a 12 month period. This was approximately £5.39 per IMI member and was to include any technical work to function within the website. Following discussion it was agreed that we only required relevant modules for the membership and could not justify such expenditure. It was further agreed to request individual member rates for a tailored programme and advertise those through the IMI member’s page on the website.</p><p>07/07 REPORT OF THE HONORARY SECRETARY</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from the Honorary Secretary, Angus Robertson. Mr Robertson gave an update on recent activity within the Institute.</p><p>An application for a travel grant from the Pat Turnbull Travel Fund had been received the content of which was read to Council. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed that the applicant, Kathy McFall be awarded the sum of £300 towards travel to the HeSCA Conference in Toronto in June 2007. This was conditional on writing an article upon her return.</p><p>07/08 REPORT OF THE HONORARY TREASURER</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from the Honorary Treasurer, Geoff Gilbert. Mr Gilbert then gave an update, on the monies currently held by the Institute.</p><p>Account £</p><p>Current 245.56 Subscriptions 506.26 Conference 0.00 Business Reserve 17,851.39 Capital Reserve 1.328.15 Bonus Saver 61,649.71 4 Treasury Stock 5.5% 2012 78,270.27 Treasury Stock 8% 2009 18,470.00</p><p>The written report included an account summary for the whole of 2006 with the trading position showing a surplus of approximately £22,000. The report also included an account summary for the month of January 2007 which included the purchase of the new investment in Treasury Stock at 5.5%. Currently this was showing a deficit of approximately £1,500 which in fact was interest paid to the previous owner of the stock and which the Institute would receive at the end of the current six monthly interest period. A request for funding had been received from Jane Tovey; the first item was for several costs related to the Conference and was in fact the responsibility of the Conference Team; the second item was for the cost of undertaking a Level 2 Audit at Bradford. Council unanimously agreed that this required to break even according to the budget.</p><p>07/09 AWARDS & COMPETITIONS</p><p>There was no report from Jane Fallows.</p><p>07/10 REPORT OF THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY</p><p>Members of Council were circulated with a comprehensive report on membership breakdown, renewals and unpaid members as of the </p><p>Applications for membership in the following category had been received from:</p><p>Student: Undergoing Post Graduate Certificate in MI at Stafford University </p><p>Katherine Grice Naseeba Hussain Caroline L Smith</p><p>Member: Robin Baker Rejoining Hannah Causer Rejoining Belinda Colton Rejoining Sharon Sutherland Rejoining after maternity leave</p><p>Associate: Oliver Brock</p><p>Corporate: Newscast – representative David Davis</p><p>The above applications were approved.</p><p>07/11 REPORT OF THE IMI NEWS EDITOR</p><p>There was no report from the Editor Alistair Rose.</p><p>5 07/12 REPORT OF THE JOURNAL EDITOR</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a report from the Editor, Kathy McFall. </p><p>It was noted that the Executive Editorial Committee had recently reviewed the members of the International Editorial Board and that they would consider any recommendations that Council wished to put forward. Following discussion Council agreed that Julie Murray, Australia, be considered for the IEB.</p><p>The Editor also requested that the guidelines for the Pat Turnbull Travel Fund should include that any recipient must write a short report for the Journal as well as IMI News. Council agreed unanimously.</p><p>07/13 REPORT OF THE WEBMASTER</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from the webmaster, Andy Johnson.</p><p>Mr Johnson informed Council that 60 members had registered for the online CPD. It was agreed to market as an excellent benefit of membership the online CPD to non-members and Mr Johnson would speak to Sam Evans, Promotion & Marketing. Mr Johnson had also approached Kosmos Software to investigate the implantation of an online conference and booking system. A meeting was scheduled for sometime in March; two options were available at a cost of £500 for a part system and £5,000 for a full system. Council considered these but did not consider it feasible to implement a full system in the current year. Geoff Gilbert reported that he had spoken to Martin Johns in order to provide an update of the existing system for Pam Johansson. Council unanimously approved the cost of £500. Mr Johnson continued by informing Council that there had been a poor uptake from Corporate members who had been offered the facility to produce a dedicated web page within the IMI site. The revamped IMI Talk page now had 240 people registered on the forum. Since the introduction of people registering only 62 had actually made a posting. This seemed to have stopped the unprofessional postings that were common on the old service.</p><p>07/14 REPORT OF THE EDUCATION AND CPD TEAM</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with Minutes and a written report from the team leader, Andy Johnson.</p><p>Council was informed that 19 students had enrolled on the new graduate and postgraduate courses in Medical Illustration at Staffordshire University. Westminster University had been selected to develop a new full-time BSc (Hons) in Clinical Photography. The Education team would work closely with the university team over the next 12 months, advising on content and curriculum development. The university had submitted the first filter application, which lodges the intent to run a new course from September 2008. 6 07/15 REPORT OF THE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from the team leader, Jason Candlin.</p><p>Philip Ball. MAA Representative, referred to an email received from MacPeople and he was asked to forward this to Mr Candlin.</p><p>07/16 NATIONAL GUIDELINES</p><p>Paul Hyett, Guideline Lead, reported that the Dental & Orthodontic Guideline was nearing completion; he had received a draft guideline from Alex Frazer on Ophthalmic Photography; the Paediatric Guideline had been forwarded and the Wound Management Guideline was in the final stages of preparation.</p><p>07/17 REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE PLANNING TEAM 2007</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a report from the 2007 Conference Team.</p><p>07/18 REPORT OF THE PERMANENT CONFERENCE PLANNING TEAM </p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a report from Geoff Gilbert, Honorary Treasurer. Following discussion regarding the venue in the North East of England it was unanimously agreed that Mr Gilbert approach Peter Grencis to undertake the role as Conference Chairman.</p><p>07/19 REPORT OF THE SCOTTISH BOARD</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with Minutes from the October meeting of the Scottish Board.</p><p>07/20 REPORT OF THE PR AND MARKETING TEAM</p><p>There was no report from the team.</p><p>07/21 REPORT OF THE STANDARDS TEAM</p><p>Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from the team leader Jane Tovey.</p><p>Andrew Johnson reported that he had spoken with Jane Tovey with reference to the acceptance of QAS as Staffordshire University had their own QAS. He would contact her again to clarify the situation with reference to a dedicated QAS page.</p><p>07/22 HPC</p><p>There was no report from Keith Bellamy and Carol Fleming. 7 07/23 FHCS</p><p>There was no report from Jeremy Nayler.</p><p>07/24 DATE OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>It was announced that the next meeting of Council would take place at 11.00 a.m. on Thursday 17th May 2007 at Calumet Photographic Ltd, 93 -103 Drummond Street, London, NW1 2HJ.</p><p>07/26 ANY OTHER BUSINESS</p><p>The Honorary Secretary, Angus Robertson, raised the issue of providing an online system for the Annual Elections to Council. Following discussion it was agreed that if Mr Robertson provided the necessary documentation then Mr Gilbert and Mr Johnson would speak with the software developers Kosmos.</p><p>The meeting closed at 2.20 p.m.</p><p>Certified that the foregoing minutes represent a true account of the meeting with the addition of any amendments below the signatures.</p><p>Signed: Chairman…………………</p><p>Secretary………………….</p><p>Date……………………….</p><p>8</p>

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