DOCUMENT RESUME 'ED 116 308 EA 007 790 TITLE Oversight Hearings on the.ImpactAid Laws and Testimony on H.R. 5181. Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of the Committee on Educa:tion and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, First Session. , ... INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington,,D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. li PUB DATE 75 NOTE , 173p.; Bill to amend the Education Amendments of 1974 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$8.24 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Educational Finance; *Educational Legiplation; Elementary Secondary Education; *Federal Aid; *Federal Legislation; Federal Programs IDENTIFIERS Education Amendments 1974; *Impact Aid ABSTRACT This document contains the transcripts of three hearings on the impact aid laws; the text of H.R. 5181; and prepared statements, letters, and supplemental materials offered to the committee. (iRT) 4- ************************************i********************************** * Documents acqUired by ERiC include many informal unpublishe'd * *materials not available from other sources.ERIC makes every effort* *to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * *reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * *of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductionRIC makes available * *via the ERIC Document Reprodtirction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * *responsible for the quality of the original docuxent. Reproductions* *supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. * *********************************************************************** 4 OVERSIGHT HEAllINGS ON THE IMPACTAID LAWS AND TESTIMONY ON H.R. 5181 HEARINGS 11E1::( ME THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELEMENTARY) SECONDIRI., AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION rHE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONAND LABOR . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H.R. 5181 To .MEND THE Eutv.vrioNAMENDMENTS OF 1974 HEARINGSIIE1,11) IN WASHINGTON, D,C, I E,BRI,ARI 27, AI RH. 9 AND 15, 1975 Printed fur the use of the Committee on Educationand Labor ('Aiti. I). PEtticiNs, Chairman ti U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 58-348 WASHINGTON :1976 tr O ON EOUCA'FioN A f..k Boit. CARL D. PERKINS, KentuckChairman FRANK TIIIIMPSoN. JitNew...itersey A 1.1,tEl T II. {1.1 minne-:.,t ,IDIIN 11. DENT, Pennsylvania j1 DOMINICK V. DANIELS, Nett Jersey ALPHONZO BELL, California JOHN BRADEMAS, Indiana JoHN N. ERLENktoRN, JAMES G. O'HARA: Michigan MARVIN I. ESCII, Michigan A l'O('ST('S V. HAWKINS, California EDWIN I) ESIILENIAN, Per Iv:1Mo WILLIAM I). FORD, 'Michigan PETER A. PF:YSFili, New 1)k PATSY T. MINK. Hawaii ion leave') 1l9N.\ LO .1 SA 10.551 N, Col lectl. lit LIAM) NiEEDts, Washington JOHN Itrk:11A NA N,lahania PHILLIP Br icr()N. California .IA NIES NI. .1FiFFORDS, \ crintirit .1) ISF:Pli NI GA Yin)S. Pennsylvania LARRY PliFISSLEILYSolith I lakora \V 11.1.1ANI -MID; CLAY. Missouri \AMMAN] F. Hoolil,ING i'oItanla SIIIRLFIY CH(SIO)LNI, New York VI }MINI.% SMITH. Nehr iIta "MARIO IOLAGGI, New York IKE ANDREWS, North Carolina WILLIAM LEIIMAN, Florida JAIME BENITEZ, Puerto Rico NIICHA El. BLOEIN, Iowa HI )1tEllif CORNELI Wisconsin TED RISENHOOVER, Oklahoma PAJ I. SIMON, Illinois EDWARD BEA RD, Rhode Island L.'I .F:t.) ZE PE It E'rT I, New York GEORCil. NI11,1.1.11{, California RONALD AtorrL, Ohio TIM HALL, Illinois ti SUBUONAMITTEE ON ELEMENTARY, SEvONDARY, AND VOCATIONAL IATiox CARL 1). PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman WILLIA.N1 I). FORD. Michigan, ALIIER'I' II. QUIE, Nlinnesotn PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii tun leave) A LPHONZO BELL: California LLOYD HEEDS. Washington D ESHLEMAN. 1'eun,)Irnnla SHIRLEY C111:411))1,M, New York .1011N iir(ll.NAN. Alabama I F: ANDREWS, North Carolina L.% RRY PRESSLER. South Dakota WILI:LAM LEHMAN, Florida \VILLIANI F. 1;001)1,ING. Pennsylvania TED ItIENillit)\ lilt, Oklahoma JAMES M.JEFEoRDS, Vermont PAUL SIMON, Illinois RONALD Mt iTTL, Ohlo TIM HALL,. Illinois MICHAEL It1.411'IN, Iowa a JAMES G. O'HARA. Michigan LEO ZEF'ERETTI, New York GEORHF: MILLER, California ar 3 CONTENTS Pager . nearing, held in Nktishingt, ii, 1).C.: February 27, 197.;' / .April 14,11)75 s,.-1 April 1., 1977) Is,.-,41. Text of 11.1{. :-)1)41 .). I\ Statement of Bell, Ron. Terre!II.,Coninne--ioner of Education, Departna nt of Health,Education, andWelftkre: accompana d by Charles\I. Cooke, DeputxAtsistnint Secretary for Legislation, Department of Ilalth, Education, and Welfare, Albert1,..N.Iford, and \Vilna'', Stormer 12,1.1S: Iloinii,Thonint-, director of Federal programs, Nlontgonnery, Ala., . Public School- 11S. Dontenici,IIii.It V.,aC.S. Senator front the State of New NIexie,o, acconnpanied by Dr. Larry Iluxel . 1 Eldred, lAntson C., national pre-iderit, the Impacted School I tistricts of the nitre) States, accompanied 1),.Dr.II.David Fish, -San I iiego Unified School District - 4: Fish,I )r.I /avid, special projects director, SanI hew, ('it y Sclamols 11 ll Giffultd, Bernard, It, deplit. chancellor, Board of Education, New lurk, accompanied hy Bert ha LP \ itlal ti!.... Henry, I/c, Paid, associate superintendent. of Alonitgoinery Counts Schools __ 1.4.-. Hinshaw, Hon. Andrew J., a Itypresentative in Congress (row the* State of ("alit-omit', and lion. ( lair litirgener, a Ifepresentative in Congres. from the,State of California , ,, luAk, Samuel Ii., executive N-icen president, Council of the tlreat City Schools . I:31 Iletriecione. Anthony.. senior budget analyst, Prince C.eorges Comity Board of Educat ion . .. 1410 S,ikes,lion. Robert L.F., a Itepresentarive in Congress from the State of .Florida, accompanied by Pledger Sullivan, deputy super- intendent, Okaloosa County, Fla 1:"):; . Weintraub, Frederick _J.,assistantexecutive director for govern- mental relation-, Council for Exceptional Children Prepared statement., lettere, supplemental material-, it cetera: 11(.11, Hon, T. if..,(%,..mi--ii.ticr of Education, Department of health, Education, and Welfare, prepared statement of . Bobo, Thomas A... director of 9)(-(;,i10 .orrice., Nlotitgoinery Public School., NIontgoiner-kla., prepari\d statement of _ 11: Briggs, Paul W., superintendent, Clevelanal Public School-, I leveland, Ohio, letter to Chairman Perkin, dated Nlarch 24. VG:. 124 Cross, Christopher, minority legislative associate, titles t joto),..iihriiit tett. 1;3, Eldred, Lamson C., national president of the Impact School In,trin,. ofthe l'nited State-, prepared statement of 42 Ilseroad, Homer I)., superintendent of schools, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, AU., letter to Chairman Perkin-, (hiked, April I, 197:i . ' 1241 Fish, 1)r.II. David, president-elect and director of special projects, San Diego Unified School District : I Brevard County, Fla., -,nitement on impact aid, local leeway or required local effort . .-iv:i Douglas School District N0.'3, Ellwort In Air Force Ba.s, S. Dak., statement of 112 Prepared statements of - , .. 51, sS- 4 iv: Prejuir.11,1,110110.1. sIi1,1,10s100111 PIK", V" 11,L' trot, nrL,1 I In\I,I 1).11, , r. r1,, :,1/.1 ,r .N 11,PVT', .1 ,ttf,,r,i,I ); If 11,,pw l'31.11,ft.1 ,.1 1,1-1r, c( ,,f thv ( ,,f .\(%s 1,, prep..r. IN, ( II, Vaal k f,.t. t,I,J11, 1111:(tici.,1 1,11,1' /1,110(i\;,(11 '11'07., I I's ,,;;Inj1;1.1 ffiti% \ pr1,1(ft tit, HI,',lin,,,f ( 11a-hargt,,,a (' Cilairi1,;111 clatl I 1., braark. 12;',197.; l'r,parof . 1.;i 13.rd ,,f ?Aiwa. 1,,?,,,f (,,...11, 1.1 ,1,11, r l,raar 21). \11'1:1. Ii11111%,' 1t1 !1.11), -1,110 /r1/111 ,,f .\1,,f1:1t1;111, '1.1/f1,111%, (ilwrolit,111/411/ S111, r 3.111..11 .";2. N II., 11, (1):11r.,,.at \I,'Igari.11,11 a fat, ,r flaw./),, (4' h 1,1 r,r 1,, (11,1trrilan datial II' 1'1rrr11,11.1,11 II .1vim tihruch.r.1.1.1:,11,,t1 1,f tho ILIJ,r. 1,1 r,r Charrrii.al al.- d P.)7.; 7`, :;,,,(1.. Irift.! .,1 11)11gvete.t, ( 1,1,1611d ..rpm, /kr,,f I', r, rte.p.r, ,,f )).,],;(rt ,,f ttnu 11:.urt,1,111.v, 1,11,7t, ,1'h:turn:Inl'ot1,111,,(lanai Spit: 7, 121 1" rat1111(1, III ;" ,r11 Nog, .-11100,1.gran. 1,, aa.Chrrn.a1 1:1 11,111,,,,,1..;ictitig rilnch,r, ,11%,,f, if, ,(.3) ;I..I.tatitI', 111, no,rafri(Itlin .11,r11 14, PIT... 160 21 1'1 4. %S,,r/,..r- ;in 1111i if `ii ;0; IIIr:1 / 1 i Vroi r . trrtt, rf,,r fq,r,1):41f ,,f Ili, 1' Cltildnat, ,t 142 I 4, OVERSIGHT HEARIVS ON THE 1111)11'T LAWS AND TESTIII.ONY.)ON 3151 / THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1975 1 1( 4 , ) :to I:ri.it)) T 1 1 1 1 1..s. SIisci'NI NI 1.1lr1. iiN ELENIKvr":Y " "1:r 1 ) VI " \ ATI"N 11-111t, (''NI ITTI.L ()N EDI I \ NI) LAI;111:. (1(1.1/Iin(jlon, The snheonlolittee (et at:1:, a.III pursuant to call, in room .211'5. !Zavlairn House: (Alice Minding, (Ion. CarlI).I'vrldus(chairman of t he committee) presiding. Present : Iteprese itat Ives Peri:ins. Vor.d, Afeeds, IZiserthoover.silo(, 1,Zoloretti,Jlillcr,Alotti,- /I:114 Qine. and (ioodling. Statt members present :John F. Jennings. counsel of the sulio4aii- inittee rindliri,toplik Cross. minority senior education t. Chairman PEEK 1...s. sohcommittee on Elenientary. -Secondary. and Vocational Education holding. it hearing- today to oversee the implementation of the inindnients to the impact aid laws which were adopted in the Education 'Amendments of 1974, l'ulnie Law 9:1:1!..(t). ()lir 1)1.i/tie 111111)0Se in conducting this hearing is to ascertain front the atiministnItion how far Along it. is in impletrientingt hose amnd- ments. whether it anticipates :inv. additional casts in the programduo to those amendments. and %%int sections of the amendments it sees as needing corrective.
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