The Twelfth Meeting of the Exmc to Be Held

The Twelfth Meeting of the Exmc to Be Held

<p> ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 1 of 19</p><p>INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IEC SYSTEM FOR CERTIFICATION TO STANDARDS RELATING TO EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES (IECEx SYSTEM)</p><p>ExMC – IECEx Management Committee</p><p>Confirmed List of Day 1+2 Decisions</p><p>Introduction</p><p>This document contains a list of Decisions from Day 1 and 2 of the Fifteenth Meeting of the IECEx Management Committee, ExMC, held in Fortaleza on 19 and 20 September 2013.</p><p>Decisions 2013/01 to 2013/37B were confirmed during Day 2 of the meeting.</p><p>Decisions 2013/38 to 2013/60B were confirmed by the IECEx Executive via correspondence, immediately following the meeting.</p><p>In noting the success of the Fortaleza meetings we look forward to working with all Members as we implement these decisions and further secure the success of the IECEx System.</p><p>With kind regards</p><p>Chris Agius IECEx Executive Secretary</p><p>Visiting address: Contact Details: IECEx Secretariat Tel: +61 2 8206 6940 SAI Global Building Fax: +61 2 8206 6272 286 Sussex Street E-mail: [email protected] Sydney NSW 2000 Australia ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 2 of 19</p><p>1.2 Address by the IEC President – Dr Klaus Wucherer</p><p>Decision 2013/01</p><p>The meeting appreciated an Address from the IEC President Dr Wucherer and his support of the IECEx System</p><p>2 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA</p><p>Decision 2013/02 </p><p>The Meeting approved the Draft Agenda ExMC/858D/DA with the following changes:  Item 8.4 – Proposed new OD for application of IEC 60079-33 Ex s – Inclusion of Comments from DE relating to ExMC/866/CD Comments issued as Green paper ExMC(DE/Fortaleza)03.  Item 13.4.1 – Relating to the Report from WG4 “Assessors” Additional Comments from DE will be provided verbally at Item 13.4.1  Item 13.7 – Report from WG15 on Non electrical Standards – Revised Report ExMC(Secretariat/Fortaleza)02 Replaces ExMC/877/CD  Item 13.8 – Report from WG16 Training - To move item 13.8 Report from WG16 to be included with item 11 IECEx CoPC Scheme Report as the recommendation from WG16 has a direct impact on the work of ExPCC </p><p>3.2 Matters arising from these minutes</p><p>3.2.1 Report on Actions arising from the Calgary 2012 ExMC Meeting</p><p>Decision 2013/03 </p><p>The Meeting accepted a report from the Secretariat on the actions arising from the Calgary 2012 Meeting as detailed in Annex A of ExMC/819A/RM, noting action item 18 (IT solutions for identifying Certificates covered by an IECEx Mark License) carries forward.</p><p>4 OVERVIEW OF IECEx SYSTEM ACTIVITIES AND CURRENT POSITION </p><p>4.1 Annual Report Card Decision 2013/04</p><p>The Meeting accepted the Secretariat’s report ExMC/859/R, containing an overview of the IECEx System activities acknowledging the continued and sustained year by year growth of the IECEx. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 3 of 19</p><p>4.2 Election of IECEx Chairman</p><p>Decision 2013/05</p><p>The Meeting, following an election by secret ballot, agreed to appoint Dr Thorsten Arnhold from Germany as the ExMC nomination as Chairman for CAB approval.</p><p>5 REPORT ON IEC CAB (Conformity Assessment Board) MATTERS</p><p>5.1 Address by IEC CAB Chairman – Dr Hiromichi Fujisawa</p><p>Decision 2013/06</p><p>The meeting appreciated an address by the IEC Vice President and CAB Chairman, Dr Fujisawa along with his support of the IECEx System and attendance at this and previous IECEx meetings and events. </p><p>5.3.2 Noting of Specific Decisions, relating to IECEx from CAB Geneva 2013 Meeting (CAB/1170/DL)</p><p>Decision 2013/07</p><p>The Meeting accepted a verbal report from the Secretary.</p><p>Decision 2013/08</p><p>The Meeting agreed to discuss a GB comment concerning the IECEx general reserve during the discussion on Finances </p><p>6 IECEx MEMBERSHIP</p><p>6.1 Current Membership</p><p>Decision 2013/09</p><p>The Meeting accepted the updated Membership list, as listed at . ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 4 of 19</p><p>6.3.1 New ExCBs and ExTLs accepted, via correspondence, since Calgary 2012 ExMC Meeting.</p><p>Decision 2013/10</p><p>The Meeting accepted the report detailing the list of ExCBs and ExTLs accepted via correspondence as detailed in ExMC/860/R.</p><p>6.4 Applications for Extension of Scope</p><p>Decision 2013/11</p><p>The Meeting accepted the report detailing the applications for extension of Scope detailed in ExMC/861/R, noting agreement on the use of IEC 60079-13.</p><p>7.2 IECEx 5 year Re-Assessment</p><p>Decision 2013/12</p><p>The Meeting accepted the report detailing the re-assessment reports issued since the Calgary 2012 ExMC Meeting detailed in ExMC/862A/Inf.</p><p>7.3 Revision of OD 003-2 to incorporate an Interim Surveillance Assessment between 5 year Re-assessments</p><p>Decision 2013/13A</p><p>The Meeting, in noting support from the ExTAG, accepted a proposal from WG1 (Revision of Scheme Rules) for a mid-term interim surveillance assessment visit for ExCBs and ExTLs subjected to 5 year reassessments, by a technical assessor, not necessarily a Lead Assessor, as provided for by the proposed amendment to OD 003-2 contained in Document ExMC/857/DV. The current program for On-Line reviews by the Secretariat shall continue.</p><p>Decision 2013/13B</p><p>The Meeting, in noting support from the ExTAG, agreed to the AU proposal that use may be made of a suitable local Assessor for the midterm surveillance assessment visit in an attempt to contain costs, where practical to do so, taking account issues of impartiality. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 5 of 19</p><p>7.4 New ExCBs and ExTLs Assessment Reports since ExMC Meeting Calgary, 2012</p><p>7.4.1 New ExCB – LabTest Certification Inc. Canada</p><p>Decision 2013/14</p><p>The Meeting accepted the Assessment report contained in ExMC/884/DV </p><p>7.4.2 New ExTL – LabTest Certification Inc. Canada</p><p>Decision 2013/15</p><p>The Meeting accepted the Assessment report contained in ExMC/885/DV </p><p>8 IECEx CERTIFIED EQUIPMENT SCHEME, IECEx 02</p><p>8.2 Proposed Amendment to IECEx 02 Rules of Procedures</p><p>Decision 2013/16A</p><p>The Meeting accepted the Proposed Amendment to IECEx 02 Edition 5.0 contained in ExMC/863A/DV to proceed to publication, following editorial alignment regarding “or legal entity” as per ISO/IEC 17065.</p><p>Decision 2013/16B</p><p>The Meeting accepted the principle of the DE Proposal to amend Clause 8.1.3 contained in IECEx 02 Ed.5 as detailed in document ExMC/899/CD but agreed to refer this to WG 1 for further work and prepare an amendment for final consideration by ExMC.</p><p>8.3 Operational Document OD 024 - Results and Discussion on Questionnaire – Acceptance of non Witnessed Tests</p><p>Decision 2013/17</p><p>The Meeting, in noting the following two documents, and additional input from IECEE agreed to defer further discussion until the next ExMC meeting to allow further consideration and an understanding of developments within the IECEE.  ExMC/717A/Q – Questionnaire  ExMC/865/CD – Results and Analysis of Questionnaire ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 6 of 19</p><p>8.4 Integration of Ex s (new IEC 60079-33) into the IECEx 02 Certified Equipment Scheme</p><p>Decision 2013/18</p><p>In noting general acceptance of document ExMC/866/CD as the new OD and clarification over the term Independent Verifiers, the meeting agreed to refer the remaining DE Comments detailed in ExMC(DE/Fortaleza)03 to the Executive for review and preparation a final Draft OD for ExMC approval via correspondence. </p><p>9 IECEx CONFORMITY MARK LICENSE SYSTEM, IECEx 04</p><p>9.1.2 Current ExMarkCo Membership vacancies</p><p>Decision 2013/19</p><p>The Meeting accepted the nomination of Ms Dalia El Tawy as a member of the IECEx Mark Committee in the Interest Category of Manufacturer</p><p>9.1.3 Guidance for the use of the IECEx Logo</p><p>Decision 2013/20</p><p>The Meeting agreed that the following documents proceed to publication. ExMC/867/CD - Draft Revision of IECEx 01B ExMC/868/CD - Draft Revision of IECEx 04A</p><p>9.1.4 Procedures for issuing IECEx Mark Licenses, OD 022 and use of the Mark for Unit Verification Certification</p><p>Decision 2013/21</p><p>The Meeting agreed that document ExMC/869/CD should proceed to publication. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 7 of 19</p><p>9.3 Other Matters relating to the IECEx Conformity Mark System </p><p>Decision 2013/22A</p><p>The Meeting accepted the ExMarkCo recommendation that more work be undertaken to cover aspects of Confidentiality within the IECEx Rules.</p><p>Decision 2013/22B</p><p>The Meeting thanked Mr Duffy for his comprehensive report on the work of ExMarkCo Committee outlined in document ExMC/883/R.</p><p>10 CERTIFIED SERVICE FACILITIES SCHEME – IECEx 03</p><p>10.2 To Note Publication and feedback of new Scheme Rules and Operational Documents for the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme- </p><p>Decision 2013/23 </p><p>The Meeting noted that all documents listed under this agenda item have been published in accordance with decisions 2012/26; 27:28 and 29 from the Calgary meeting</p><p>10.3 Any Other matters concerning the IECEx 03 Certified Services Scheme Decision 2013/24 </p><p>The Meeting agreed that the Executive should be asked to consider a proposal to establish a new Committee structure for the Certified Services Scheme for consideration by the ExMC.</p><p>11 IECEx CERTIFICATE OF PERSONNEL COMPETENCE SCHEME, IECEx 05</p><p>Decision 2013/25A </p><p>The Meeting agreed to ExMC WG16 Recommendation #4 (of ExMC/878/R) that the work of WG 16 (see Agenda Item 13.8) be transferred to a new WG of ExPCC, with ExMC WG16 Recommendations # 1, 2, 3 to be referred to ExPCC. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 8 of 19</p><p>Decision 2013/25B </p><p>The Meeting agreed that the existing members of ExMC WG16 become the WG members under the ExPCC to consider this work. The Convenor of this WG be left to ExPCC to appoint.</p><p>11.1 Report from the ExPCC Chairman</p><p>Decision 2013/26A </p><p>The Meeting agreed that as an interim measure the following apply  All existing ExCBs use Edition 1 of both OD 503 and 504.  All new ExCBs use Edition 2 of both OD 503 and 504.  All ExCBs use Edition 3 of both OD 503 and 504 on publication.</p><p>Decision 2013/26B </p><p>The Meeting agreed that Mr John Allen take over the Chairman of ExPCC with Mr R Wigg to become Deputy Chairman. This to apply for the remainder of the existing term and the next term.</p><p>Decision 2013/26C </p><p>The Meeting accepted the report contained in ExMC/870/R.</p><p>12 IECEx SYSTEM – GENERAL MATTERS</p><p>12.2 ISO/IEC 17065 Implementation</p><p>Decision 2013/27</p><p>The Meeting in accepting the proposed implementation plan contained in Document ExTAG/298/Inf noted that an upcoming ExTAG training session proposed for the next meeting could cover some of the comments made by RU concerning the need for technical requirements and checklists. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 9 of 19</p><p>12.3 Approval and maintenance of Documents (re Action Item 13 from Split 2011 ExMC Mins – RU Proposal)</p><p>Decision 2013/28A</p><p>The Meeting agreed that the Chairman and the Secretary seek approval within CAB for consistency in the provision of required timeframe for the review of both Operational documents and Rules of procedures.</p><p>Decision 2013/28B</p><p>The Meeting agreed that when revised Operational Documents and Rules are published in a manner that identifies changes eg use of “Red Line” documents. The Secretary was requested to review which is the best way to capture identification of the Changes’</p><p>12.4 Progress on the AU Proposal for certain matters to be delegated to IECEx Executive</p><p>Decision 2013/29</p><p>The Meeting agreed in principle to having a list of items that may be delegated to the Executive but are not in a position to accept the proposals in document ExMC/872/CD. Therefore it was agreed to defer this proposal to the next ExMC meeting. However in the meantime Members were requested to submit written comments in the form of proposed changes to ExMC/872/CD to the Secretary within 3 months. </p><p>12.5 Term of Office for Chairman and Deputy Chairman of ExTAG, ExMarkCo and ExPCC - proposed Amendment to IECEx 01 Basic Rules </p><p>Decision 2013/30</p><p>The Meeting accepted the proposal in Document ExMC/890/CD to be referred to the CAB for approval. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 10 of 19</p><p>13 WORKING GROUP REPORTS</p><p>13.1 IECEx WG1 - Rules</p><p>Decision 2013/31A</p><p>The Meeting accepted the format of Document ExMC/864/CD as the recording of Terms and Definitions used within IECEx.</p><p>Decision 2013/31B</p><p>The Meeting agreed in principle that where ever possible consistent definitions should be used.</p><p>Decision 2013/31C</p><p>The Meeting agreed in principle that where applicable TC 31 definitions should be used.</p><p>Decision 2013/31D</p><p>The Meeting agreed that all definitions should be referred to the definition “Owners” for detailed review and alignment where necessary. The Secretary was requested to keep the list of Definitions up to date.</p><p>Decision 2013/31E</p><p>The Meeting accepted the recommendations contained in Document ExMC/873/R with the following variations:</p><p> Recommendation 4 to go to WG2 (re List of test equipment required by ExTLs)  Recommendation 12 not accepted. To obtain more information from the US and refer back to WG 1 with the US experts to WG1 to provide additional information.  Recommendation 14- agreed that the number series 400 be assigned to the Conformity Mark documents.</p><p>13.2 IECEx WG5 - Management of Quality System Assessments of Manufacturers</p><p>Decision 2013/32 ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 11 of 19</p><p>The Meeting agreed to consider via correspondence documents referenced in recommendations 2, 3, 4 contained in Document ExMC/874/R.</p><p>13.3 IECEx WG2 - Development of Technical Guidance Documents </p><p>Decision 2013/33</p><p>The Meeting accepted a verbal report of progress from the ExMC WG2 Convener, Mr Steve Bentham, noting a written report to be provided along with new TCD by end October 2013. The title of the WG changed to Technical Capability Documents.</p><p>13.4 IECEx WG4 - Technical Reference Group for Assessment of ExCBs and ExTLs</p><p>13.4.1 WG4 Report</p><p>Decision 2013/34A</p><p>The Meeting accepted the report contained in Document ExMC/875/R.</p><p>Decision 2013/34B</p><p>The Meeting accepted a proposal from DE that WG4 review Operational Document OD 003-1 to cover Assessor requirements for all IECEx Schemes. </p><p>Decision 2013/34C</p><p>The Meeting in accepting the offer from Mr John Allen to join WG4 requested other Members to nominate experts to join WG4.</p><p>13.4.2 Assessor Applicants</p><p>Decision 2013/35A</p><p>The Meeting appointed Mr Philip Oates of GB as an IECEx Approved Assessor as contained in Document ExMC/888/DV</p><p>Decision 2013/35B</p><p>The Meeting appointed Mr Heinz Farke of DE as an IECEx Approved Assessor as contained in Document ExMC/889/DV ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 12 of 19</p><p>13.5 IECEx WG11 - Trade Agents</p><p>Decision 2013/36</p><p>The Meeting accepted the recommendations contained in Document ExMC/891A/CD and the Operational Documents proceed to publication.</p><p>13.6 IECEx WG 13 - Business Development</p><p>Decision 2013/37A</p><p>The Meeting accepted the recommendations contained in Document ExMC/871/R, noting the following </p><p> Examples of use of the IECEx Logo on social media sites with the Secretariat to track down the incorrect use of the IECEx Logo on eg “Linked in” page.  Refer the Recommendation 2, concerning Market research back to WG13 to expand on this recommendation and provide more information.</p><p>Decision 2013/37B</p><p>The Meeting accepted the draft Business Plan to be issued as the current Business Plan as of the 30 June 2013 and agreed to request WG13 to continue to review and update the Business Plan. </p><p>End of Day 1</p><p>5.4 IEC’s Review of the Structure and Governance of IEC Conformity Assessment Activities</p><p>Decision 2013/38</p><p>The Meeting appreciated an Address from the IEC Vice President and CAB Chairman, Dr Fujisawa, concerning a review of the Structure and Governance of IEC Conformity Assessment Activities. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 13 of 19</p><p>13.7 IECEx WG 15 – Non Electrical Equipment</p><p>Decision 2013/39A</p><p>The Meeting agreed to retain ISO 16852, Flame arresters, as a Standard for use in the Certified Equipment Scheme and within the work of WG 15.</p><p>Decision 2013/39B</p><p>The Meeting accepted a report from Mr J Munro as contained in Document ExMC/877/R and Green Paper ExMC(Secretariat/Fortaleza)02.</p><p>14 ExTAG MATTERS</p><p>14.1 Report from ExTAG Fortaleza 2013 Meeting</p><p>Decision 2013/40A</p><p>The Meeting, noted a letter from the retiring Secretary of ExTAG Mr Michel Brenon, and agreed that the ExMC Secretary respond to his letter and warmly thank him for his kind comments and especially his tremendous contribution over the years. </p><p>Decision 2013/40B</p><p>The Meeting agreed to the nomination from ExTAG that Mr. Julien Gauthier be appointed as the new ExTAG Secretary. </p><p>Decision 2013/40C</p><p>The Meeting accepted a report from Mr R Sinclair contained in Document ExTAG(Secretariat/Fortaleza)02.</p><p>14.2 Any other ExTAG Matters</p><p>Decision 2013/41</p><p>The Meeting agreed that the AU proposal concerning Assessor capabilities, re Document ExMC/887/CD be referred to WG4 for consideration. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 14 of 19</p><p>15 IECEx WEB SITE and INTERNET BASED “ON-LINE” CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY SYSTEM AND OTHER ENHANCEMENTS.</p><p>Decision 2013/42</p><p>The Meeting accepted the Secretariat report contained in Document ExMC/879/R.</p><p>16 REPORT FROM IEC TC 31</p><p>Decision 2013/43A</p><p>The Meeting expressed their great appreciation of the tremendous contribution from Mr Jim Munro as Chairman of IEC TC 31 with over 15 years service to both TC 31 and IECEx.</p><p>Decision 2013/43B</p><p>The Meeting accepted the TC 31 report contained in Document ExMC/880/R.</p><p>17 REPORT FROM THE UNITED NATION’S UNECE </p><p>17.1 Update Report</p><p>Decision 2013/44A</p><p>The Meeting accepted a verbal report from Lorenza Jachia on the activities on UNECE including a report of the 2013 UNECE Ex Sectorial Initiative workshop on 18 September.</p><p>Decision 2013/44B</p><p>In considering action required arising from both the recent UNECE surveys and the outcome of UNECE Ex Sectorial Initiative workshop held on 18 September 2013 in Fortaleza, the Meeting agreed to the following:</p><p>1. That a clear and positive statement from UNECE WP6 be obtained that confirms the IECEx as satisfying the objectives of the published CROs</p><p>2. That the United Nations UNECE CRO Publication be located on a more visible and accessible area of the UN main website ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 15 of 19</p><p>3. Confirmed the need for on-going promotion and awareness of the CROs via vehicles such as the planned IECEx / UNECE International Conferences, eg 19+20 February 2014 Conference planned for Malaysia</p><p>4. To recommend to WG8 IECEx to focus on issues of promotion of mutual acceptance of the results of conformity assessment – the IECEx Certificates of Conformity in accordance with the requirements of Recommendation L of UNECE and the CROs.</p><p>Decision 2013/44C</p><p>The Meeting expressed its appreciation to the UNECE, especially Lorenza Jachia and Frank Lienesch for the cooperation with IECEx in addressing the needs of the Ex Sector.</p><p>17.2 United Nations, UNECE Publication Common Regulatory Objective</p><p>Decision 2013/45</p><p>The Meeting noted the translations of the UNECE Common Regulatory Objective publication (CROs) into many other languages. These will be available from IEC website, noting that copies of the CROs are available as conference material from the IECEx Secretariat.</p><p>Review of Day 1 Decisions.</p><p>Decision 2013/46</p><p>The Meeting noted the draft decisions from day one and accepted them with some minor editorial changes, which have been incorporated in this Confirmed list of Decisions.</p><p>18 ExNB GROUP REPORT </p><p>Decision 2013/47</p><p>The Meeting accepted a Report from, Mr T Houeix, the Vice Chairman of the European Notified Bodies Group for ATEX, ExNB [ ExMC(ExNB/Fortaleza)06 ]. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 16 of 19</p><p>19 REPORT FROM PCIC EUROPE</p><p>Decision 2013/48</p><p>The Meeting accepted a verbal report and update of PCIC Nth America, PCIC Europe and PCIC Middle East, from Mr Marty Cole and appreciated his representing IECEx at the 10th anniversary of PCIC Europe.</p><p>20 FINANCE </p><p>20.1 2012 Accounts </p><p>20.1.1 Approval of the 2012 Audited Accounts</p><p>Decision 2013/49</p><p>The Meeting in noting the audited accounts in Document ExMC/848/DV agreed that they be referred to CAB for acceptance.</p><p>20.1.2 IECEx General Reserve Status</p><p>Decision 2013/50A</p><p>The Meeting noted the current level of IECEx General Reserve at end of 2012. The meeting in noting CAB Decision 33/5 of CAB/1170/DL regarding a level of General Reserve equivalent to 3 years Operating Costs expressed their concern at this decision as the detail and basis for this decision is unclear and requests clarification from CAB.</p><p>Decision 2013/50B</p><p>The Meeting agreed for the need to undertake a review of the General Reserve policy to address:  Clarify the exact IEC Policy requiring these reserves  Clarity over why the funds are necessary and what is to be covered  Clarity over what comprises Operating Costs  Funds needed to ensure ordered contraction of the System in the unlikely event of unexpected world-wide trading conditions  Timeframe to achieve the General Reserve Target  Establishment of a final Ceiling level ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 17 of 19</p><p>Decision 2013/50C</p><p>The Meeting agreed that WG13 develop proposals for ExMC to consider, once the General Reserve target has been reached. </p><p>20.3 IECEx 2014 + 2015 Forecasted Draft Budget Guide</p><p>Decision 2013/51</p><p>Members in noting the forecasted Draft Budget Guide contained in Document ExMC/881/CD agreed that it can be used as guidance when preparing the formal budget for 2015.</p><p>20.4 IECEx System Participation Fees </p><p>Decision 2013/52A</p><p>Members accepted a Draft Amendment to OD 019 Edition 7.0 as contained in Document ExMC/882A/CD.</p><p>Decision 2013/52B</p><p>The Meeting, following comment that Associated ExTL locations should contribute to the fees of the IECEx, agreed that the Secretary and Treasurer to prepare a written proposal to be considered by correspondence.</p><p>21 REVIEW OF CURRENT ExMC WORKING GROUPS (WGs)</p><p>Decision 2013/53</p><p>Members agreed to the following:  WG2 to be renamed.  WG16 to be disbanded.</p><p>22 OTHER BUSINESS</p><p>22.1 Change to Rules </p><p>Decision 2013/54</p><p>Members agreed that RU prepare a proposal for other options concerning the relationship between ExCBs and ExTLs not currently provided by Clause 11.1 of the Rules 02 for referral to WG1 and the Executive for consideration. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 18 of 19</p><p>22.2 Immediate Past Chairman</p><p>Decision 2013/55</p><p>Members agreed that as the Immediate past Chairman, Mr K McManama is unable to participate in the IECEx Executive, Dr. U Klausmeyer continue to serve in this role.</p><p>22.3 Translation of documents into other languages</p><p>Decision 2013/56</p><p>In noting advice from the Secretary concerning a desire from some IECEx Member Bodies for the provision of translated versions of IECEx Rules and Operational Documents, Members agreed however, that the only officially recognised Document is the English Version, in accordance with the IEC Statutes. Also agreed on the need to ensure copyright provisions for the protection of IEC intellectual property remain with the IEC.</p><p>23 REPORT TO CAB</p><p>Decision 2013/57</p><p>Members agreed that the preparation of the report to the next CAB meeting be left to the Chairman and Secretary.</p><p>24 NEXT MEETING</p><p>Decision 2013/58</p><p>The Meeting noted a report from Mr Rudolph Pomme about the arrangements and program for the next meeting of the IECEx scheduled to be held in The Hague, The Netherlands in August 2014.</p><p>Decision 2013/59</p><p>The Meeting accepted an offer from CSA to host the 2020 series of IECEx meetings in Toronto Canada. ExMC/900/DL September 2013 Referenced Agenda ExMC/858D/DA Page 19 of 19</p><p>25 Close of Meeting</p><p>Decision 2013/60A</p><p>In closing the meeting, the Meeting endorsed the Chairman’s appreciation of the following:  COBEI management and staff for all their hard work in ensuring the success of this week’s meeting  All Sponsors for their greatly appreciated support.  The Secretariat Team for their work in ensuring that the agenda and papers all ran smoothly.  All Delegates for their contribution and assistance in completing a very full agenda within the set timeframe</p><p>Decision 2013/60B</p><p>The Meeting expressed its sincere appreciation to Dr Alexander Zalogin for stepping into the role of Acting Chairman and his leadership in representing the IECEx including reporting to CAB and for officiating at this meeting.</p><p>------</p>

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