WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | June 22-July 12 | Volume 79, Number 16 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE 8 ordained deacons Infants offered dignity Blessed beyond belief IMMIGRATION DEBATE Bishops ‘cannot, in good faith, endorse’ new GOP bill CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ops’ website justiceforimmigrants.org. minded House members the Trump admin- cretion, and that an immigration bill could Bishop Vasquez said this unnamed bill istration can end its family separation policy, secure the U.S. border and ensure humane WASHINGTON | The U.S. bishops would “undermine asylum protections by without the need for legislation, at its own treatment to immigrant families through al- “cannot, in good faith, endorse” an significantly raising the hurdle applicants discretion. ternative policies. face during the ‘credible fear’ review, lead Bishop Vasquez added, “We believe that Given the newness of the bill, “we ask for immigration bill submitted by the to increases in child and family detention any such legislation must be bipartisan, pro- timely consideration of our concerns,” Bishop House’s Republican leadership, said … eliminate protection for unaccompanied vide Dreamers with a path to citizenship, be Vasquez said, “particularly the cuts to family- Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, minors through the proposed changes to the pro-family, protect the vulnerable and be re- based immigration, as well as the harmful Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthoriza- spectful of human dignity with regard to bor- changes to the asylum system and existing chairman of the bishops’ Committee tion Act, includes part of the DACA (Deferred der security and enforcement.” protections for unaccompanied children. on Migration. Action on Childhood Arrivals)-eligible popu- The Uniting and Securing America Act Without such changes to these measures, we lation but does not include same population (USA) Act, which he referenced in the letter, would be compelled to oppose it.” Bishop Vasquez said the bill would bring eligible in the USA Act and the DREAM Act, would protect Dreamers and strengthens House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, about “large structural changes to the im- make sweeping cuts to family-based immi- border security. The DREAM (Development, has pledged to bring both the new bill and migration system that detrimentally impact gration and unilaterally implement a safe Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act, H.R. 4760, the Securing America’s Future Act, families and the vulnerable.” He said the new third country agreement without a bilateral which he also mentioned, primarily would to the House floor for votes. Bishop Vasquez, bill, still without a name or number, “contains or multilateral treaty or agreement.” offer a path to citizenship for DACA recipients in January, wrote to the House opposing H.R. several provisions that run contrary to our Nor would the bill “end the practice of sep- and other Dreamers. 4760. In the June 18 letter, he said, “we re- Catholic social teaching.” arating families at the U.S.-Mexico border, he In the letter, Bishop Vasquez reminded spectfully urge you to reject” it. n He made the comments in a letter dated added. “Instead, this bill would increase the House members the Trump administration June 18 and sent to each member of the number of children and families in detention, can end its family separation policy without The full text of the letter can be found at https:// House. It was posted June 19 on the U.S. bish- which is not acceptable.” Bishop Vasquez re- the need for legislation through its own dis- bit.ly/2I3gDFf. Trump signs executive order stopping family separation MARK PATTISON The government earlier in June said 1,995 “My wife feels strongly about it. I feel Catholic News Service minors had been separated from 1,940 adults strongly about it. I think anybody with a who had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border, al- heart would feel strongly about it,” Trump WASHINGTON | President Donald though some minors had crossed without said during the June 20 signing ceremony in Trump signed an executive order June 20 their parents or adult kin. the Oval Office, with Nielsen and Vice Presi- that halts his administration’s family separa- The policy and its upshot stirred some of dent Mike Pence flanking him. tion policy for families who have crossed the the most hostile reaction yet of any Trump “I don’t like the sight or the feeling of fami- U.S.-Mexico border illegally. initiative. lies being separated,” Trump added. “This The executive order seeks to work around Hours before the executive order was will solve that problem and at the same time a 1997 consent decree that bars the federal signed, Pope Francis said he stood with the we are keeping a very strong border.” government from keeping children in im- U.S. bishops, who had condemned the family Even so, the executive order is not neces- migration detention — even if they are with separation policy, which has led to children sarily a panacea. It allows the Department their parents — for more than 20 days. The being held in government shelters while of Homeland Security to detain families to- executive order instructs the attorney gener- their parents are sent to federal prisons. gether “under present resource constraints.” al to seek federal court permission to modify Mexico’s bishops likewise decried the pol- The “temporary detention policy” also is the consent decree. icy. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen only in effect “to the extent permitted by law The crisis was spawned when Attorney Nielsen was heckled June 19 while she dined and subject to the availability of appropria- General Jeff Sessions announced a “zero tol- at a Mexican restaurant in the Washington tions.” erance” policy for border crossers. Under the area. Pence criticized those who make a “false policy, adults would be charged with a felony Every living former first lady and the cur- choice” between being “a nation of laws” and rather than a misdemeanor for crossing the rent first lady, Melania Trump -- herself an showing compassion. border. Under federal statute, those charged immigrant from Slovenia -- expressed their “The House is considering two immigra- President Donald Trump signs an executive with felonies cannot have their children de- sorrow, or a stronger emotion, at the sight of tion bills, although neither dealt in particular order June 20 to halt the separation of tained with them. children being separated from their parents. with the family separation policy. n families. (LEAH MILLIS, REUTERS | CNS) WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | June 22-July 12, 2018 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO DIOCESE Pictured are the new deacons and their wives. From left are Wilfrid and Evelyne Tilus, Thomas and Amy Cuff, Mark and Gloria Fry, Héctor and Yelena Isaza, Deacon Joe Gassman, Bishop John Noonan, Deacon David Gray, Anthony and Rosa Medina, Wilmar and Martha Rojas, Edward and Barbara Struttmann, Lou and Kathy Bartos. (ANDREA NAVARRO | FC) 8 men ordained permanent deacons GLENDA MEEKINS TWO DOMINICIAN MEN TO BECOME DEACONS of the Florida Catholic staff ORLANDO | Two men from Or- it became an evident necessity. Now ORLANDO | “For many years your par- lando’s sister Diocese of San Juan de la retired, Father Ruse worked in the large ishes have prayed for you and now you are Maguana in the Dominican Republic will mountainous region of Las Lomas for about to be ordained deacons,” Bishop John be ordained to the order of deacon this over a decade and found that only one Noonan told the eight men ordained to the coming fall. Jesus “Nilson” Delgado of La priest ministered to the large area. To order of deacon June 9 at the Basilica of the Cucarita and Manuel “Yadil” Santos of help serve the people, he began traveling National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Uni- Los Montecitos will be ordained Sept. 24 to the towns each Sunday to celebrate verse in Orlando. “Today we will pray that at the Cathedral in San Juan. Mass. As his retirement approached he God will bless you in your ministry of service Bishop José Grullón Estrella will ordain realized that others needed to carry on to God and his people. May we always mod- the men who have been preparing with the work begun by the mission. Speaking el ourselves after Jesus the Good Shepherd the help of Deacon Carlos Solá of St. with Bishop Grullón Estrella, he peti- who came not to be served, but to serve.” James Cathedral in Orlando and Father tioned that Delgado and Santos become The new deacons are: Louis Bartos Jr. of Fred Ruse. Father Eamon Tobin and the candidates for diaconate ordination. Sacred Heart Parish, New Smyrna; Thomas parishioners of Ascension Parish in Mel- Delgado and Santos will be the first Cuff of St. Margaret Mary Parish, Winter bourne helped fund the required courses. two men in the sister diocese to become Park; Mark Fry of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Although forming deacons for the deacons, thanks to the partnership Winter Park; Héctor Fabio Isaza Zapata of permanent diaconate was not originally forged by Bishop Thomas Grady and Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Deltona; An- part of the diocesan mission plan 35 then-Bishop Ronald Connors. The ordina- thony Medina Cruz of St. Mary Magdalen years ago when the diocese set out to tion marks a legacy of faithful commit- Pictured, from left, are Manuel “Yadil” Díaz, Father Fred Parish, Altamonte Springs; Wilmar Rojas establish missions in the Dominican ment to the formation of the people of Ruse, Bishop John Noonan and Jesus “Nilson” Delgado. Clavijo of St. Joseph/St. Maximilian Kolbe Republic, Father Ruse explained that the Dominican Republic. (COURTESY) Parish, Orlando; Edward Struttmann of Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Indialantic; and Wilfrid Tilus of St.
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