Minutes of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Soda Springs, Caribou

Minutes of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Soda Springs, Caribou

<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SODA </p><p>TH SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO HELD AUGUST 20 , 2014.</p><p>MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR.</p><p>ROLL CALL SHOWED THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR</p><p>MITCHELL J. HART, PRES.</p><p>LYNDA LEE</p><p>ROBERT M. LAU CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 2 OF 36</p><p>EXCUSED: JON D. GOODE</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Mark Steele</p><p>Alan Skinner, Director</p><p>Paul Gritton</p><p>Tausha </p><p>Vorwaller, Clerk</p><p>Teresa Watkins CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 3 OF 36</p><p>Clyde Nelson, </p><p>Attorney</p><p>Kristin Horsley</p><p>Gary & Robbie LeMarr</p><p>Doug Wood</p><p>Jackie & Austin Robinson</p><p>Tonya Yamauchi</p><p>Austin W. Robinson</p><p>Reagan Yamauchi CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 4 OF 36</p><p>Spencer Winzenried</p><p>Brian Thomas</p><p>CeJay Golightly</p><p>Jonathon Balls</p><p>Julie Smith</p><p>Joy & Galen Wilson</p><p>Earl Somsen</p><p>Jared Henesh</p><p>Robin McMurray CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 5 OF 36</p><p>Craig & Sally Hill</p><p>Nick Conley</p><p>Kristin Skinner</p><p>Randy Prescott</p><p>Kirk & Sue Hansen</p><p>Ashlee Stalcup</p><p>Rikki & Morgan </p><p>Wood</p><p>Ric Anderson CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 6 OF 36</p><p>Charles & Rebecca </p><p>Fryar</p><p>Sina Nieruch</p><p>Madison Smith</p><p>Damien Allen</p><p>Kelly Hill</p><p>Carl Toupin</p><p>Sheri Geragi</p><p>Jeff Horsley CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 7 OF 36</p><p>Dave Doran</p><p>Debbie Pugmire</p><p>Brian Stringham</p><p>Michele Reddish</p><p>Jon Bunderson</p><p>Reggie Scheierman</p><p>Scott Shaw</p><p>Todd Watts</p><p>Tony Varilone CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 8 OF 36</p><p>Terri Bergmeier</p><p>SS School Dist. Track</p><p>Members</p><p>The invocation was given by Jeff Horsley, Mayor Smith then led everyone in the </p><p>‘Pledge of Allegiance’. </p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes from the last meetings. Councilmember Lau moved to </p><p> th dispense with the reading of the regular meeting minutes of August 6 along with the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 9 OF 36</p><p> th th special meetings of August 6 and 7 , 2014 and approve them as written. Councilmember </p><p>Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>The pre-paid accounts payable were reviewed. Councilmember Lau asked about the </p><p> payment for the new fire truck. Director Skinner explained that the payment would be held</p><p> until the truck was delivered and accepted by Chief Squires. Councilmember Hart moved to</p><p> approve the pre-paid accounts payable for August 2014, seconded by Councilmember Lau. </p><p>All in favor, motion carried. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 10 OF 36</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTER FOR DETAIL)</p><p>Mayor Smith recognized Coach Jeff Horsley for his exceptional contributions to the </p><p> community as a coach and teacher. Jeff Horsley is known throughout the State for his </p><p> successful cross country program but the Mayor pointed out that it’s not the </p><p> championships that are important, it is the important lessons he is teaching by setting the </p><p> example that integrity is more important than winning. The Mayor stated it was a privilege</p><p> to honor Coach Jeff Horsley as a “Soda Springs Super Hero”.</p><p>Dave Doran, Mobility Coordinator Highway District #5 with the Community Transportation CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 11 OF 36</p><p>Association of Idaho (CTAI), expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to address the </p><p>Mayor and Council along with other surrounding community leaders. Mr. Doran was asked</p><p> by Commissioner Somsen and Councilmember Lee to speak about funding opportunities </p><p> for pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and non-motorized or active mobility options. He </p><p> helps communities coordinate and advance pathway initiatives like the City’s current </p><p> project of interconnecting all the City’s trails. Mr. Doran explained the Community Choices </p><p> for Idaho program which is a Federal Highway’s program with up to $500,000 funding </p><p> available with a 7.34% match. He also mentioned that the recent curb and ramp updates </p><p> done on the State highway allows the City to pursue alternative transportation projects. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 12 OF 36</p><p> st The program will be open for applications October 1 and Mr. Doran encouraged the City to</p><p> have a good plan prepared and ready to go. Mr. Doran offered to be a liaison, answer </p><p> questions and work with any community who would like to pursue these funds. He </p><p> mentioned that the Parks & Recreation Trails grants program could help with this project </p><p> also. Commissioner Somsen mentioned that he and the representatives from the </p><p> surrounding counties would like to work with Mr. Doran on a multi-county trail system. </p><p>Mayor Smith encouraged them to use his office to discuss their plan and asked </p><p>Commissioner Somsen to report back on how the City and County can work together on the</p><p> project. Councilmember Lau requested to set up a meeting with Mr. Doran to work on the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 13 OF 36</p><p>City’s pathway plan and get a recommendation on what is most likely to succeed. Terri </p><p>Bergmeier with the Ledge Creek Horse Park initiative asked if the funding will continue to </p><p> be available in the upcoming years. Mr. Doran stated the program was recently initiated by</p><p> the State and he expects it to continue. Tony Varilone mentioned that the Community </p><p>Development groups are well into the planning of connecting the paths. </p><p> rd Mayor Smith welcomed citizen input. Ashlee Stalcup of 150 East 3 South commented on </p><p> the previously discussed regulations on chickens within the City limits. Mrs. Stalcup </p><p> encouraged the Council to consider a licensing system instead of limiting the number of CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 14 OF 36</p><p> chickens. This would give the City the ability to address problems. She mentioned that she </p><p> has seen places with just five chickens that are terrible and have seen places with 20 </p><p> nd chickens and it is beautiful. Sheri Geragi of 371 South 2 East also addressed the Mayor </p><p> and Council regarding chicken regulations. She informed the Council that she has six </p><p> chickens and a rooster and she is very attached to them. She mentioned that she has been </p><p> widowed twice by military veterans and expressed that it upset her to read that the Council</p><p> was considering regulating chickens. She mentioned several urban areas she has lived that </p><p> allow chickens, goats and bees and she thinks it’s wrong to consider limiting chickens in </p><p> this rural area. She mentioned the benefits of having chickens and that her neighbors don’t CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 15 OF 36</p><p> even know she has chickens. She asked the Council not to pursue regulating chickens. </p><p>Austin W. Robinson, 90 East Hooper expressed his feelings that the City does not have the </p><p> right to regulate what he can do on his own property and asked what the fees would be </p><p> used for. He also mentioned that he feels the City’s efforts should be directed to more </p><p> st important issues. Kristin Skinner, 45 West 1 North posed a question regarding </p><p> regulations on dogs and what is going to be done when the neighbor’s dog comes in her </p><p> yard and kills her daughter’s chickens. What protections will the new regulations have for </p><p> the chickens? Teresa Watkins, Animal Control Supervisor commented that the chicken </p><p> subject got completely out of control and mentioned that there have not been many chicken CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 16 OF 36</p><p> complaints. She mentioned that registering the chickens would just help track down the </p><p> owners if the chickens were loose and wandered away from the owner’s property. Mayor </p><p>Smith thanked everyone for the comments and mentioned that the animal ordinance </p><p> amendments were still being reviewed and discussed. He encouraged all to further discuss </p><p> their suggestions or concerns with any of the Councilmember’s. </p><p>Mayor Smith declared the public hearing open at 5:30pm to take public comment regarding</p><p> the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014 through September 30, </p><p>2015. There were no comments regarding the proposed budget. The public hearing was CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 17 OF 36</p><p> closed. The Council held off discussion of the budget and approval of the appropriation </p><p> ordinance until later in the meeting.</p><p>Carl Toupin, owner/operator of M. R. & E. Inc., the solid waste contractor for the City, was </p><p> in attendance to address questions regarding his request to increase garbage rates 3.5%. </p><p>Mr. Toupin explained the increase was needed to keep up with equipment costs, manpower</p><p> and pay raises. The proposed increase would raise residential rates .34 cents and </p><p> commercial .94 cents and bring in approximately $9,000 in additional revenue. The last </p><p> increase request was in 2012. Councilmember Lee expressed her concern with the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 18 OF 36</p><p> increase, mentioning that the additional cost has to come from the citizens. The Mayor </p><p> reviewed any issues the City should be aware of. Mr. Toupin stated he did not know of any </p><p> and explained that they try to address any problems promptly. Director Skinner </p><p> mentioned there are always a few issues with cans that need repaired or a dump that is </p><p> missed but Mr. Toupin and his employees are good to respond and take care of it. </p><p>Councilmember Lee requested a schedule of how the money is spent. The Mayor asked to </p><p> understand what the capital plan is. Councilmember Hart stated that he feels the City is out</p><p> of line asking Mr. Toupin for this type of information. He explained that the City is </p><p> procuring a service for the citizens, trying to make the most informed and cost effective CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 19 OF 36</p><p> decision as possible. The Mayor mentioned that he works with vendors at Monsanto and </p><p> requests this type of information to help understand the increase in order to plan for the </p><p> future. Councilmember Hart feels it is inappropriate to put Mr. Toupin on the spot in a </p><p> public meeting and suggested having a private meeting to review these issues. Mr. Toupin </p><p> mentioned that he has no problem meeting with City representatives on an ongoing basis </p><p> to review any concerns. He also mentioned that he has competitors just like everyone else </p><p> and he stays below the competition. Councilmember Hart clarified that this service is </p><p> basically a pass through to the citizens; the City is doing the citizens a favor by procuring </p><p> the service which is a benefit of living in the City. The Mayor thanked Mr. Toupin for CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 20 OF 36</p><p> coming. Councilmember Hart requested that the garbage rate resolution be prepared for </p><p> consideration at the next meeting. </p><p>Director Skinner presented a letter from DEQ which is the final acceptance of the operation </p><p> and maintenance manuals and record drawings of the wastewater treatment plant. This </p><p> allows the loans to be closed out. The four final invoices from Forsgren were presented for </p><p> approval in the amount of $8400. There is also an additional $300,000 in reimbursements </p><p> to be received with the final reimbursement check. Director Skinner hopes the </p><p> reimbursements will be processed in 30 days. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 21 OF 36</p><p> four final pay applications for the wastewater treatment plant project as presented. </p><p>Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Director Skinner </p><p> mentioned that he has clarified that even though the second loan was not totally utilized </p><p> the City will still receive the full principal forgiveness amount of approximately $455,000.</p><p>Director Skinner mentioned that he is struggling with getting contractors for small projects</p><p> like the Formation chlorination improvements. He suggested combining with the Court </p><p>Street project to help get more interest. The Court Street project has been submitted to </p><p>DEQ for approval but the City can proceed with bidding out the project and purchasing CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 22 OF 36</p><p> materials out of the current budget in hopes of having a contractor ready to go as soon as </p><p> we receive the DEQ approval. The Mayor expressed his desire to move as fast as possible </p><p> on Court Street. Director Skinner stated he will proceed with advertising and pre-bid </p><p> meetings. He also mentioned that he is trying to get on the well drillers schedule before the</p><p> end of September.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller detailed a proposal prepared by the committee working on changes to the </p><p> employees insurances and benefits. The proposal includes designating Sam Winward as </p><p> the City’s agent, moving the group life and vision to Met Life along with having Mr. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 23 OF 36</p><p>Winward handle the Delta Dental plan. The proposal includes setting up health saving </p><p> accounts (HSA) with the City contributing up-front and matching funds for the employees. </p><p>The proposal also includes changing the sick and vacation leave policy to a personal time </p><p> off (PTO) type plan and a proposal on how to transition the current banks of sick leave </p><p> along with implementing short and long term disability plans. Changes to the personnel </p><p> policy will have to be approved by resolution. The Council explained the benefits of the </p><p>HSA. The Mayor expressed the importance to approve the agent to implement the changes </p><p> and provide one on one assistance to the employees. Councilmember Lau moved to </p><p> approve designating Sam Winward as the City’s agent along with canceling the City’s CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 24 OF 36</p><p> current group life, vision and SIS/NexStep deductible supplement plans and approve the </p><p> new plans as presented by Mr. Winward along with designating him as the agent for the </p><p> current Delta Dental plan. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion </p><p> carried. </p><p>Mayor Smith mentioned speaking to those who groom the City’s trails and despite the fact </p><p> that the City has a penalty for driving motorized vehicles on the trails it is still happening </p><p> and causing damage. The Mayor proposes increasing the penalty to a $1,000 and post the </p><p> penalty amount on new signage. The Mayor understands the need for an exception and CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 25 OF 36</p><p> wants to be able to grant authorization for special circumstances. Attorney Nelson will </p><p> rd prepare an amendment to the code. Doug Hogan who lives on North 3 East commented </p><p> that he walks the asphalt trail daily and there is a very aggressive weed destroying the </p><p> asphalt. Mayor Smith requested that a work order be put in to take care of the issue. </p><p> st Director Skinner reported that the #4 hydro plant emitted smoke the 1 of the week. The </p><p> generator was pulled and sent to Blackfoot to be inspected. The generator was not </p><p> damaged but the issue is the dirt that accumulates due to the windows having to be opened</p><p> in the summer to cool the unit. The #4 unit is budgeted to be refurbished next year. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 26 OF 36</p><p>Director Skinner proposes to use excess funds in this year’s budget to put in a ventilation </p><p> system to cool the building and proceed with the refurbishing now that the generator is </p><p> already in the shop. Councilmember Lau moved to approve repairing the generator now </p><p> and pursuing ventilation using currently available Power funds. Councilmember Hart </p><p> seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Clerk Vorwaller presented a request from Student Body President, Siera Wistisen. The </p><p> request is for approval of the annual High School homecoming events. The bon fire is </p><p> th scheduled to be held at Kelly Park on Tuesday, September 9 and the parade will be on CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 27 OF 36</p><p> th September 11 . The Mayor and Council discussed the events. Councilmember Hart moved </p><p> to approve the bon fire and parade contingent on the assistance of the Fire and Police </p><p>Departments and having school staff supervision at both events along with a commitment </p><p> to clean-up all nails and debris at the bon fire site. Councilmember Lee seconded the </p><p> motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Mayor Smith recommended the appointment of two new members to the Airport </p><p>Commission. He has spoke with Wade Clark and Jason Cunningham who are willing and </p><p> would be valuable members on the commission. Councilmember Lau moved to approve CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 28 OF 36</p><p> the appointments of Wade Clark and Jason Cunningham to the City Airport Commission. </p><p>Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. The Mayor </p><p> mentioned there may also be some reappointments at an upcoming meeting.</p><p>Mayor Smith stated it was his pleasure to announce his recommendation for a new Police </p><p>Chief. He has been working diligently to come up with a candidate for the position. Chief </p><p> th Rice will be retiring on September 16 and a retirement party is planned for September </p><p> th 19 at the middle school. The Mayor recommended approval of Jon Bunderson as the new </p><p>Police Chief. Councilmember Lee moved to approve the Mayor’s recommendation to CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 29 OF 36</p><p> appoint Jon Bunderson as the new Chief of Police for the City of Soda Springs. </p><p>Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Smith </p><p> commented that he has absolute confidence that Officer Bunderson will lead the City’s </p><p>Police department in the right direction.</p><p>The Mayor recommended shifting $55,000 from the Police Department budget which is the </p><p> equivalent of one full time position to the Parks Department. His recommendation </p><p> including holding the funds in the Parks budget until spring and if some is needed in Streets</p><p> the budget would be reopened to utilize the funds where most needed. Clerk Vorwaller CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 30 OF 36</p><p> explained that this adjustment and other major items included in the proposed budget </p><p> could be clarified in the motion to approve the annual appropriation ordinance.</p><p>Councilmember Hart introduced Ordinance #641 entitled ‘AN ORDINANCE TERMED THE </p><p>ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL, APPROPRIATING MONEY IN SUCH SUM AND SUMS AS IS </p><p>DEEMED NECESSARY TO DEFRAY ALL PROPER EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY </p><p>OF SODA SPRINGS, IDAHO NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR </p><p>BEGINNING THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2014 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 </p><p>PUSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 50-1002, IDAHO CODE. A motion was then CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 31 OF 36</p><p> made by Councilmember Lee and seconded by Councilmember Lau that the rules requiring </p><p> ordinances to be read on three separate occasions be dispensed with and that the </p><p> ordinance be read once in full. A roll call showed the following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Mitch Hart</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda </p><p>Lee CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 32 OF 36</p><p>Robert</p><p>Lau</p><p>Absent:</p><p>Jon D. Goode</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller read Ordinance #641 at length. Councilmember Hart then moved to </p><p> approve the adoption of Ordinance #641 the annual appropriation ordinance for the 2015 </p><p> fiscal year budget including the shift of $55,000 from the Police Department to the Parks CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 33 OF 36</p><p>Department. The 2015 budget also includes a 3% property tax increase, up to a 3% </p><p> employee cost of living allowance, $10 rate increases to water and sewer, 5% power </p><p> increase and a 50% increase to water and sewer connection fees. Councilmember Lee </p><p> seconded the motion for adoption. A roll call showed the following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Mitch Hart</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda </p><p>Lee CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 34 OF 36</p><p>Robert</p><p>Lau</p><p>Absent:</p><p>Jon D. Goode</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED COPY OF ORDINANCE #641 - ORIGINAL ON FILE)</p><p>Councilmember Hart moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30pm, seconded by CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 35 OF 36</p><p>Councilmember Lau. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>RD PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS 3 DAY OF </p><p>SEPTEMBER, 2014.</p><p>______</p><p>James R. Smith, Mayor CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 36 OF 36</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______</p><p>Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk</p>

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