<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SODA </p><p>TH SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO HELD AUGUST 20 , 2014.</p><p>MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR.</p><p>ROLL CALL SHOWED THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: JAMES R. SMITH, MAYOR</p><p>MITCHELL J. HART, PRES.</p><p>LYNDA LEE</p><p>ROBERT M. LAU CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 2 OF 36</p><p>EXCUSED: JON D. GOODE</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Mark Steele</p><p>Alan Skinner, Director</p><p>Paul Gritton</p><p>Tausha </p><p>Vorwaller, Clerk</p><p>Teresa Watkins CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 3 OF 36</p><p>Clyde Nelson, </p><p>Attorney</p><p>Kristin Horsley</p><p>Gary & Robbie LeMarr</p><p>Doug Wood</p><p>Jackie & Austin Robinson</p><p>Tonya Yamauchi</p><p>Austin W. Robinson</p><p>Reagan Yamauchi CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 4 OF 36</p><p>Spencer Winzenried</p><p>Brian Thomas</p><p>CeJay Golightly</p><p>Jonathon Balls</p><p>Julie Smith</p><p>Joy & Galen Wilson</p><p>Earl Somsen</p><p>Jared Henesh</p><p>Robin McMurray CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 5 OF 36</p><p>Craig & Sally Hill</p><p>Nick Conley</p><p>Kristin Skinner</p><p>Randy Prescott</p><p>Kirk & Sue Hansen</p><p>Ashlee Stalcup</p><p>Rikki & Morgan </p><p>Wood</p><p>Ric Anderson CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 6 OF 36</p><p>Charles & Rebecca </p><p>Fryar</p><p>Sina Nieruch</p><p>Madison Smith</p><p>Damien Allen</p><p>Kelly Hill</p><p>Carl Toupin</p><p>Sheri Geragi</p><p>Jeff Horsley CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 7 OF 36</p><p>Dave Doran</p><p>Debbie Pugmire</p><p>Brian Stringham</p><p>Michele Reddish</p><p>Jon Bunderson</p><p>Reggie Scheierman</p><p>Scott Shaw</p><p>Todd Watts</p><p>Tony Varilone CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 8 OF 36</p><p>Terri Bergmeier</p><p>SS School Dist. Track</p><p>Members</p><p>The invocation was given by Jeff Horsley, Mayor Smith then led everyone in the </p><p>‘Pledge of Allegiance’. </p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes from the last meetings. Councilmember Lau moved to </p><p> th dispense with the reading of the regular meeting minutes of August 6 along with the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 9 OF 36</p><p> th th special meetings of August 6 and 7 , 2014 and approve them as written. Councilmember </p><p>Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>The pre-paid accounts payable were reviewed. Councilmember Lau asked about the </p><p> payment for the new fire truck. Director Skinner explained that the payment would be held</p><p> until the truck was delivered and accepted by Chief Squires. Councilmember Hart moved to</p><p> approve the pre-paid accounts payable for August 2014, seconded by Councilmember Lau. </p><p>All in favor, motion carried. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 10 OF 36</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTER FOR DETAIL)</p><p>Mayor Smith recognized Coach Jeff Horsley for his exceptional contributions to the </p><p> community as a coach and teacher. Jeff Horsley is known throughout the State for his </p><p> successful cross country program but the Mayor pointed out that it’s not the </p><p> championships that are important, it is the important lessons he is teaching by setting the </p><p> example that integrity is more important than winning. The Mayor stated it was a privilege</p><p> to honor Coach Jeff Horsley as a “Soda Springs Super Hero”.</p><p>Dave Doran, Mobility Coordinator Highway District #5 with the Community Transportation CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 11 OF 36</p><p>Association of Idaho (CTAI), expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to address the </p><p>Mayor and Council along with other surrounding community leaders. Mr. Doran was asked</p><p> by Commissioner Somsen and Councilmember Lee to speak about funding opportunities </p><p> for pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and non-motorized or active mobility options. He </p><p> helps communities coordinate and advance pathway initiatives like the City’s current </p><p> project of interconnecting all the City’s trails. Mr. Doran explained the Community Choices </p><p> for Idaho program which is a Federal Highway’s program with up to $500,000 funding </p><p> available with a 7.34% match. He also mentioned that the recent curb and ramp updates </p><p> done on the State highway allows the City to pursue alternative transportation projects. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 12 OF 36</p><p> st The program will be open for applications October 1 and Mr. Doran encouraged the City to</p><p> have a good plan prepared and ready to go. Mr. Doran offered to be a liaison, answer </p><p> questions and work with any community who would like to pursue these funds. He </p><p> mentioned that the Parks & Recreation Trails grants program could help with this project </p><p> also. Commissioner Somsen mentioned that he and the representatives from the </p><p> surrounding counties would like to work with Mr. Doran on a multi-county trail system. </p><p>Mayor Smith encouraged them to use his office to discuss their plan and asked </p><p>Commissioner Somsen to report back on how the City and County can work together on the</p><p> project. Councilmember Lau requested to set up a meeting with Mr. Doran to work on the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 13 OF 36</p><p>City’s pathway plan and get a recommendation on what is most likely to succeed. Terri </p><p>Bergmeier with the Ledge Creek Horse Park initiative asked if the funding will continue to </p><p> be available in the upcoming years. Mr. Doran stated the program was recently initiated by</p><p> the State and he expects it to continue. Tony Varilone mentioned that the Community </p><p>Development groups are well into the planning of connecting the paths. </p><p> rd Mayor Smith welcomed citizen input. Ashlee Stalcup of 150 East 3 South commented on </p><p> the previously discussed regulations on chickens within the City limits. Mrs. Stalcup </p><p> encouraged the Council to consider a licensing system instead of limiting the number of CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 14 OF 36</p><p> chickens. This would give the City the ability to address problems. She mentioned that she </p><p> has seen places with just five chickens that are terrible and have seen places with 20 </p><p> nd chickens and it is beautiful. Sheri Geragi of 371 South 2 East also addressed the Mayor </p><p> and Council regarding chicken regulations. She informed the Council that she has six </p><p> chickens and a rooster and she is very attached to them. She mentioned that she has been </p><p> widowed twice by military veterans and expressed that it upset her to read that the Council</p><p> was considering regulating chickens. She mentioned several urban areas she has lived that </p><p> allow chickens, goats and bees and she thinks it’s wrong to consider limiting chickens in </p><p> this rural area. She mentioned the benefits of having chickens and that her neighbors don’t CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 15 OF 36</p><p> even know she has chickens. She asked the Council not to pursue regulating chickens. </p><p>Austin W. Robinson, 90 East Hooper expressed his feelings that the City does not have the </p><p> right to regulate what he can do on his own property and asked what the fees would be </p><p> used for. He also mentioned that he feels the City’s efforts should be directed to more </p><p> st important issues. Kristin Skinner, 45 West 1 North posed a question regarding </p><p> regulations on dogs and what is going to be done when the neighbor’s dog comes in her </p><p> yard and kills her daughter’s chickens. What protections will the new regulations have for </p><p> the chickens? Teresa Watkins, Animal Control Supervisor commented that the chicken </p><p> subject got completely out of control and mentioned that there have not been many chicken CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 16 OF 36</p><p> complaints. She mentioned that registering the chickens would just help track down the </p><p> owners if the chickens were loose and wandered away from the owner’s property. Mayor </p><p>Smith thanked everyone for the comments and mentioned that the animal ordinance </p><p> amendments were still being reviewed and discussed. He encouraged all to further discuss </p><p> their suggestions or concerns with any of the Councilmember’s. </p><p>Mayor Smith declared the public hearing open at 5:30pm to take public comment regarding</p><p> the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014 through September 30, </p><p>2015. There were no comments regarding the proposed budget. The public hearing was CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 17 OF 36</p><p> closed. The Council held off discussion of the budget and approval of the appropriation </p><p> ordinance until later in the meeting.</p><p>Carl Toupin, owner/operator of M. R. & E. Inc., the solid waste contractor for the City, was </p><p> in attendance to address questions regarding his request to increase garbage rates 3.5%. </p><p>Mr. Toupin explained the increase was needed to keep up with equipment costs, manpower</p><p> and pay raises. The proposed increase would raise residential rates .34 cents and </p><p> commercial .94 cents and bring in approximately $9,000 in additional revenue. The last </p><p> increase request was in 2012. Councilmember Lee expressed her concern with the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 18 OF 36</p><p> increase, mentioning that the additional cost has to come from the citizens. The Mayor </p><p> reviewed any issues the City should be aware of. Mr. Toupin stated he did not know of any </p><p> and explained that they try to address any problems promptly. Director Skinner </p><p> mentioned there are always a few issues with cans that need repaired or a dump that is </p><p> missed but Mr. Toupin and his employees are good to respond and take care of it. </p><p>Councilmember Lee requested a schedule of how the money is spent. The Mayor asked to </p><p> understand what the capital plan is. Councilmember Hart stated that he feels the City is out</p><p> of line asking Mr. Toupin for this type of information. He explained that the City is </p><p> procuring a service for the citizens, trying to make the most informed and cost effective CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 19 OF 36</p><p> decision as possible. The Mayor mentioned that he works with vendors at Monsanto and </p><p> requests this type of information to help understand the increase in order to plan for the </p><p> future. Councilmember Hart feels it is inappropriate to put Mr. Toupin on the spot in a </p><p> public meeting and suggested having a private meeting to review these issues. Mr. Toupin </p><p> mentioned that he has no problem meeting with City representatives on an ongoing basis </p><p> to review any concerns. He also mentioned that he has competitors just like everyone else </p><p> and he stays below the competition. Councilmember Hart clarified that this service is </p><p> basically a pass through to the citizens; the City is doing the citizens a favor by procuring </p><p> the service which is a benefit of living in the City. The Mayor thanked Mr. Toupin for CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 20 OF 36</p><p> coming. Councilmember Hart requested that the garbage rate resolution be prepared for </p><p> consideration at the next meeting. </p><p>Director Skinner presented a letter from DEQ which is the final acceptance of the operation </p><p> and maintenance manuals and record drawings of the wastewater treatment plant. This </p><p> allows the loans to be closed out. The four final invoices from Forsgren were presented for </p><p> approval in the amount of $8400. There is also an additional $300,000 in reimbursements </p><p> to be received with the final reimbursement check. Director Skinner hopes the </p><p> reimbursements will be processed in 30 days. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 21 OF 36</p><p> four final pay applications for the wastewater treatment plant project as presented. </p><p>Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Director Skinner </p><p> mentioned that he has clarified that even though the second loan was not totally utilized </p><p> the City will still receive the full principal forgiveness amount of approximately $455,000.</p><p>Director Skinner mentioned that he is struggling with getting contractors for small projects</p><p> like the Formation chlorination improvements. He suggested combining with the Court </p><p>Street project to help get more interest. The Court Street project has been submitted to </p><p>DEQ for approval but the City can proceed with bidding out the project and purchasing CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 22 OF 36</p><p> materials out of the current budget in hopes of having a contractor ready to go as soon as </p><p> we receive the DEQ approval. The Mayor expressed his desire to move as fast as possible </p><p> on Court Street. Director Skinner stated he will proceed with advertising and pre-bid </p><p> meetings. He also mentioned that he is trying to get on the well drillers schedule before the</p><p> end of September.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller detailed a proposal prepared by the committee working on changes to the </p><p> employees insurances and benefits. The proposal includes designating Sam Winward as </p><p> the City’s agent, moving the group life and vision to Met Life along with having Mr. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 23 OF 36</p><p>Winward handle the Delta Dental plan. The proposal includes setting up health saving </p><p> accounts (HSA) with the City contributing up-front and matching funds for the employees. </p><p>The proposal also includes changing the sick and vacation leave policy to a personal time </p><p> off (PTO) type plan and a proposal on how to transition the current banks of sick leave </p><p> along with implementing short and long term disability plans. Changes to the personnel </p><p> policy will have to be approved by resolution. The Council explained the benefits of the </p><p>HSA. The Mayor expressed the importance to approve the agent to implement the changes </p><p> and provide one on one assistance to the employees. Councilmember Lau moved to </p><p> approve designating Sam Winward as the City’s agent along with canceling the City’s CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 24 OF 36</p><p> current group life, vision and SIS/NexStep deductible supplement plans and approve the </p><p> new plans as presented by Mr. Winward along with designating him as the agent for the </p><p> current Delta Dental plan. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion </p><p> carried. </p><p>Mayor Smith mentioned speaking to those who groom the City’s trails and despite the fact </p><p> that the City has a penalty for driving motorized vehicles on the trails it is still happening </p><p> and causing damage. The Mayor proposes increasing the penalty to a $1,000 and post the </p><p> penalty amount on new signage. The Mayor understands the need for an exception and CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 25 OF 36</p><p> wants to be able to grant authorization for special circumstances. Attorney Nelson will </p><p> rd prepare an amendment to the code. Doug Hogan who lives on North 3 East commented </p><p> that he walks the asphalt trail daily and there is a very aggressive weed destroying the </p><p> asphalt. Mayor Smith requested that a work order be put in to take care of the issue. </p><p> st Director Skinner reported that the #4 hydro plant emitted smoke the 1 of the week. The </p><p> generator was pulled and sent to Blackfoot to be inspected. The generator was not </p><p> damaged but the issue is the dirt that accumulates due to the windows having to be opened</p><p> in the summer to cool the unit. The #4 unit is budgeted to be refurbished next year. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 26 OF 36</p><p>Director Skinner proposes to use excess funds in this year’s budget to put in a ventilation </p><p> system to cool the building and proceed with the refurbishing now that the generator is </p><p> already in the shop. Councilmember Lau moved to approve repairing the generator now </p><p> and pursuing ventilation using currently available Power funds. Councilmember Hart </p><p> seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Clerk Vorwaller presented a request from Student Body President, Siera Wistisen. The </p><p> request is for approval of the annual High School homecoming events. The bon fire is </p><p> th scheduled to be held at Kelly Park on Tuesday, September 9 and the parade will be on CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 27 OF 36</p><p> th September 11 . The Mayor and Council discussed the events. Councilmember Hart moved </p><p> to approve the bon fire and parade contingent on the assistance of the Fire and Police </p><p>Departments and having school staff supervision at both events along with a commitment </p><p> to clean-up all nails and debris at the bon fire site. Councilmember Lee seconded the </p><p> motion. All in favor, motion carried. </p><p>Mayor Smith recommended the appointment of two new members to the Airport </p><p>Commission. He has spoke with Wade Clark and Jason Cunningham who are willing and </p><p> would be valuable members on the commission. Councilmember Lau moved to approve CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 28 OF 36</p><p> the appointments of Wade Clark and Jason Cunningham to the City Airport Commission. </p><p>Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. The Mayor </p><p> mentioned there may also be some reappointments at an upcoming meeting.</p><p>Mayor Smith stated it was his pleasure to announce his recommendation for a new Police </p><p>Chief. He has been working diligently to come up with a candidate for the position. Chief </p><p> th Rice will be retiring on September 16 and a retirement party is planned for September </p><p> th 19 at the middle school. The Mayor recommended approval of Jon Bunderson as the new </p><p>Police Chief. Councilmember Lee moved to approve the Mayor’s recommendation to CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 29 OF 36</p><p> appoint Jon Bunderson as the new Chief of Police for the City of Soda Springs. </p><p>Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Smith </p><p> commented that he has absolute confidence that Officer Bunderson will lead the City’s </p><p>Police department in the right direction.</p><p>The Mayor recommended shifting $55,000 from the Police Department budget which is the </p><p> equivalent of one full time position to the Parks Department. His recommendation </p><p> including holding the funds in the Parks budget until spring and if some is needed in Streets</p><p> the budget would be reopened to utilize the funds where most needed. Clerk Vorwaller CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 30 OF 36</p><p> explained that this adjustment and other major items included in the proposed budget </p><p> could be clarified in the motion to approve the annual appropriation ordinance.</p><p>Councilmember Hart introduced Ordinance #641 entitled ‘AN ORDINANCE TERMED THE </p><p>ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL, APPROPRIATING MONEY IN SUCH SUM AND SUMS AS IS </p><p>DEEMED NECESSARY TO DEFRAY ALL PROPER EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY </p><p>OF SODA SPRINGS, IDAHO NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR </p><p>BEGINNING THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2014 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 </p><p>PUSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 50-1002, IDAHO CODE. A motion was then CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 31 OF 36</p><p> made by Councilmember Lee and seconded by Councilmember Lau that the rules requiring </p><p> ordinances to be read on three separate occasions be dispensed with and that the </p><p> ordinance be read once in full. A roll call showed the following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Mitch Hart</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda </p><p>Lee CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 32 OF 36</p><p>Robert</p><p>Lau</p><p>Absent:</p><p>Jon D. Goode</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>Clerk Vorwaller read Ordinance #641 at length. Councilmember Hart then moved to </p><p> approve the adoption of Ordinance #641 the annual appropriation ordinance for the 2015 </p><p> fiscal year budget including the shift of $55,000 from the Police Department to the Parks CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 33 OF 36</p><p>Department. The 2015 budget also includes a 3% property tax increase, up to a 3% </p><p> employee cost of living allowance, $10 rate increases to water and sewer, 5% power </p><p> increase and a 50% increase to water and sewer connection fees. Councilmember Lee </p><p> seconded the motion for adoption. A roll call showed the following vote:</p><p>Those voting aye: Mitch Hart</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Lynda </p><p>Lee CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 34 OF 36</p><p>Robert</p><p>Lau</p><p>Absent:</p><p>Jon D. Goode</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED COPY OF ORDINANCE #641 - ORIGINAL ON FILE)</p><p>Councilmember Hart moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30pm, seconded by CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 35 OF 36</p><p>Councilmember Lau. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>RD PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS 3 DAY OF </p><p>SEPTEMBER, 2014.</p><p>______</p><p>James R. Smith, Mayor CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 20, 2014 PAGE 36 OF 36</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______</p><p>Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk</p>
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