Baden United Methodist Church s1

Baden United Methodist Church s1

<p>Baden United Methodist Church 420 Dippold Avenue Baden, PA 15005-1716 D. Edward Bailey, Pastor </p><p>Time Value Mail Change Service Requested</p><p>The Gleam Baden United Methodist Church Monthly Newsletter (724) 869-2720 [email protected] (Office) [email protected] (Pastor)</p><p>Ronda F. Curcio, Editor</p><p>Monthly Volunteers Shirley Bruce, Nancy Dominick, Carol Harmotto Joyce Ickley, Patty King</p><p>May Issue Deadline – Apr 14 Assembly Day – Apr 23 Schedule of Services Sunday………………………………………………………………………………………………….Chapel – 8:15 a.m. Sunday……………………………………………………………………………………………..Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m. Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m. Last Saturday of Each Month…………………………………………Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.</p><p>2 1 2 3 4 5 Sunday 9:30a LET Worship: Chapel Café Bible 6:00p Kidz Club 8:15am in Study 6:00p Worship Eaton open from 6:00p Service Chapel 9:00am Aldersgate 6:00p Bell Choir 10:30am in the until practice practice 7:30p sanctuary 10:15am Sanctuary Pastor on Pastor on Pastor on Choir Sunday vacation vacation vacation Pastor at practice School: Conference 9:00am Board of Ministry Pastor at Gathering 9:15am Opening meetings Conference Board of Ministry meetings 6 7 8 9 10 11 12</p><p>9:30a LET 7:00p Trustees 12:30p UMW Bible 9:00a Busy meeting meeting Study Bees 11:30a Sunday School 6:00p 6:00p Bell Choir Fellowship Hall Teachers Aldersgate practice in use 1pm - Meeting practice 7:30p 5pm Sanctuary 6:00p Worship Choir Pastor on Service vacation practice</p><p>13 14 15 16 17 18 19</p><p>Fellowship Hall GLEAM in use 11a – DEADLINE 9:30a LET 7:00p Friday 9:00a UMM 4:30pm Bible Night Diners breakfast Bishop - Clergy Pastor & Cabinet Study Club Bishop - Clergy retreat seminary visit in 11:30a GEMS 6:00p Worship retreat 6:00p Bell Choir Pgh meeting in Service Chapel 6:00p practice Café Aldersgate 7:30p practice Sanctuary 11:30a SPRC Choir 6:30p Scouts in meeting in the practice F.H. parlor 20 21 22 23 24 25 26</p><p>11:30a Youth GLEAM 9:00a Busy 6:00p ASSEMBLY meeting with 5:30 – 8:30 pm Bees Aldersgate Pastor We Care Food practice Distribution 9:30a LET 3:00p District Bible Conference at Study College Hill UMC 6:00p Bell Choir practice 7:30p Sanctuary Choir practice</p><p>27 28 29 30 AA meets in Weight 11:30a CE 6:00p 9:30a LET Fellowship Watchers Board Aldersgate Bible meeting practice Study Hall every meets in Sunday Fellowship 6:00p Bell Choir practice evening at Hall every 7:30p 6:00pm Wednesday at Sanctuary3 6:00pm Choir practice 2008</p><p>Baden Church is a caring congregation dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community through its joyful expression of love, fellowship and service. The Gleam April 2008</p><p>Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720</p><p>Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC:</p><p>Legend has it that way back in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s; John Chapman began dropping apple seeds in large parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. These seeds grew into numerous apple trees and he was later called “Johnny Appleseed.” It should be noted popular belief had him dropping seed, but closer to the truth is the fact that he was a nurseryman who planted trees in communities where they could be cared for and the apples harvested. What is unique about an apple seed is that one seed can grew into a tree and produce bushels of apples. What do you think might happen if you plant one seed for God, how many bushels of blessings might that seed give to others. Seeds are so important that there is a large super secure storage facility called the “Doomsday Vault” that holds about 4.5 million seeds for safekeeping in case of a nuclear war, climate change, and natural disasters. It is located near Norway and buried deep beneath the surface. It is intended to repopulate the world’s vegetation after a disaster. All kinds of seeds are easily available to us today. A single seed can be the beginning of all sorts of things. A handful can eventually feed an entire city or become a forest. We know the importance of seeds for vegetation but what about spiritual seeds? What kind of seeds are you sowing? Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches” (Matthew 13:31) In other words, even something great and wonderful will start small. On the other hand, something greatly terrible can also start as a tiny bad seed. So what is a bad seed? Proverbs gives a clear description of a bad seed. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love will eat its fruits” (Proverbs 18:21). The point is that you get to choose whether it is death or life. What is the best seed to sow? I believe it is one of hope. Again, Proverbs says, “Anxiety weighs down the human heart, but a good word cheers it up” (Proverbs 12:25). Seeds of hope are powerful. Hope is building up instead of tearing down. Hope is uniting instead of dividing. Hope is sharing instead of hoarding. Hope loves instead of hating. Are you sowing hope? Remember Paul’s words to the Church at Galatia and to us, “Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow” (Galatians 6:7). 4 As we begin to enjoy the advent of the planting season, let also consider sowing seeds of hope for a world in despair!</p><p>Grace, Hope, and Joy!</p><p>Ed Bailey, Pastor [email protected] </p><p>$Stewardship Corner$ Your pastor was on a major retailer website recently and the site had a counter on how much money they saved American families since January 1, 2008. The number was constantly growing by the seconds. At the moment of this writing it was $65,884,574,849.89. That is sixty-five billion, eight hundred eighty-four million, five hundred seventy-four thousand, eight hundred forty-nine dollars and eighty-nine cents. I did a little research and could not understand how the company arrived at the savings figure. However, during the research I discovered that this corporation in 2007 profited 11.284 billion. That’s a large profit for a corporation that is supposedly saving you and me money. I thought about that profit in two ways: On the one hand I thought that is too much profit for a corporation. While they advertise low prices, their prices are obviously not low enough. On the other hand, while I do not knowingly hold stock in the company, but I probably have pension funds and mutual funds that own portions of this corporation, I thought I would like their profits to have been higher. This dilemma is an age old one is it not? How much is enough? Many are quick to answer, “Enough is more than one has now.” Upon more reflection one realizes there is no easy answer to this question. These may be better questions…What do I do with what God has entrusted me with? How can I be a blessing to others with what God has given me? Just a thought…</p><p>Attention Youth! Following the 10:30 worship service on April 20th the youth are invited to share in a brainstorming session about youth ministry activities. Pizza and Pop will be served. Please RSVP by the 18th by email at [email protected] or text messaging the pastor’s cell 412-719- 4436 so the pastor can be prepared for you. The brainstorming session will be facilitated by Mr. Alan Hazelwood. Be thinking about ideas to bring with you.</p><p>God, Groceries, and Gas The past three years the pastor has participated in the Pastor’s Academy for Stewardship Formation. This was funded in large part by the United Methodist Foundation of Western PA. A part of the pastor’s participation in the Academy is the completion of a project. The pastor has chosen the theme “God, Groceries, and Gas.” You will have opportunity to participate in a variety of hands on activities that are designed for people of all ages. Please watch the May Gleam, and also weekly bulletins for more information. You may also email the pastor for updates. In the meantime, I am inviting families to join my family in preparing a home made dinner for May 17th. The dinner will feature everything homemade, from applesauce, pies, rolls, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a possible trip to a slaughter house to acquire a ham. The donation for this church dinner has yet to be determined. </p><p>5 25 Grant Miller John O’Connor Judy Tomei</p><p>27 Blanche Gilberg Lori Hartge</p><p>28 Helen Dawson 1 Brandon McKee Joyce Hahn Tom Ochs Phyllis Parkhurst Randy Tetrick, Sr. 29 Laina Montagna 3 Dana Seamon Nita Peck Karen Stephansky 4 Alex Kouvolo, Jr. Hugh McCreery 30 Joanne McCartney Patty King</p><p>5 Marcia Marmagin</p><p>6 Scott Setzenfand</p><p>7 Kelly Dwyer</p><p>9 Gregory Nowaczewski Apr 8 Ray & Christine Smith 11 Katie Jones Apr 15 John & Katherine Collingwood 12 Betti Kaleugher Apr 20 Walt & Betty Szymoniak 13 Jim Rhode Apr 20 Michael & Marsha Jack Smith Geweth Keith Stumpf Apr 21 Ricky & Sue Tucker Apr 28 John & Tracy 15 Jim Romigh Krepps Apr 29 Walter & Margery 16 John Schwartz Tillery</p><p>17 Nancy Orlowski Please help us keep Jane Saras our birthday and anniversary lists 19 Dave Smith current. If you or someone you know has 22 John Lubic, Jr. an April birthday or anniversary and is not 23 Vivian Frederick included on, or would like to be removed from our 24 Karli Miller list, please contact the church office. </p><p>6 Liturgists meeting Nursery 6.....….....………...... …..Carol Walker 13……….....…..…...... Dave Smith 6...... 20……….....…...... ……...... Esther Hallas 13...... 27...... Janet Johns 20...... 27...... </p><p>Acolytes Ushers 6...... Nicholas Charlovich, Candle Paige Miller, Bible 6 8:15...... Dave Woodling 13...... Jacob Charlovich, Candle 10:30...... William Ickley, Don Fleming Megan Ochs, Bible John Parkhurst, Brandon Short 20...... Brooke DiCicco, Candle Jesse DiCicco, Bible 13 8:15...... Dan Wilson 27...... Garrett Foley, Candle 10:30…...... Fred Zajac, Dave Smith Mason Foley, Bible Alan Freed, John Krepps 20 8:15...... Timothy Smith 10:30...... Bill VanDeCar, Jeff McClure Greeters Bobby Charlovich, Dale Sheaffer 27 8:15...... Gerald Ferguson 6...... John, Phyllis & Lexie Parkhurst 10:30...... Joyce Hudson, Teres Fausti 13...... Peggy Evanko Carol Walker, Viki Zajac 20...... Walt & Betty Szymoniak 27...... Teres Fausti & Fran Zimmerman 30 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood 10:30...... Bill & Joyce Ickley Fred & Viki Zajac</p><p>April Meetings</p><p>Apr 6 11:30am Sunday school teachers meeting Apr 7 7:00pm Trustees meeting Apr 8 12:30pm UMW meeting Apr 13 11:30am SPRC meeting in the parlor Apr 13 11:30am GEMS meeting in Chapel Café Apr 20 11:30am Youth meeting with Pastor Apr 27 11:30am CE Board </p><p>7 We extend our condolences to the family of Evelyn Cole, who recently passed away. Please keep her family in CONGRATULATIONS TO Laina Montagna prayer at this difficult time. and Camron Reese Kapinski who were recently baptized. “I am the resurrection and the life,” says our Lord. “Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26, NRSV).</p><p>CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2008 CONFIRMANDS!! This year’s Confirmands are Brooke DiCicco, Laina Montagna and Elizabeth I would like to thank everyone for their VanDeCar. cards, prayers and phone calls while I was in the hospital. I would also like to thank Pastor Ed for his visits and his prayers. ~Fran Zimmerman NEW STUDY GROUP TO BEGIN! Have you ever asked the question "Why did God place me here?" or "What is God's purpose Thank you to Pastor Ed for his visits and for my life?" If so, you will want to attend the the cards. new 8-week Purpose Driven Life Study ~ H.E. McCreery scheduled to begin Saturday April 5, 2008 at 4:00 pm in the church parlor. The study Thank you for the cards, phone calls, will be held for 8 weeks with the final study on Saturday, May 24, 2008. All are welcome and especially your prayers and to attend this study based on the Purpose Driven Life book written by Pastor Rick concern during my recent surgery. Warren. Fred Zajac will be leading the study. Knowing that so many caring people The study will focus on helping understand were praying for me made my recovery God's plan for our lives. An excerpt from the book "to discover the meaning and purpose so much easier. God Bless all of you. of your life you must begin with God, your Creator, and his reasons for creating you. ~ Ronda Curcio You were made by God and for God...." </p><p>A signup sheet will be in the Narthex. Books Many Thanks to Bob Blanarik, Paula will be provided for those desiring to attend. Hazelwood, Marilyn Dobich and the entire Please sign up as soon as possible, but no cast and musicians for all of the work they later please than March 30 so books may put into the Maundy Thursday Last be purchased. Thank you! Supper Drama. 8 Sunday School: for helping with the serving and cleanup. It Our Sunday school classes are moving was a busy day, but very successful! Thank steadily along despite the cold, icy, snowy you one and all. weather that we have had on Sunday mornings. It is hard to believe that May is approaching, and our Sunday school Sunday school teachers meeting: sessions for the Spring Quarter will soon be Our next Sunday school teachers and over. assistants meeting will be held on Sunday, Our “Shining Stars” for Jesus (recognition April 6th at 11:30 in Chapel Café. If you are program) will continue until everyone has unable to attend this meeting, please let Miss had the opportunity to be a “Star”! You will Linda, or Joyce Hudson, Carol Walker, or find all of our previous “stars” on the “wall Donna Brynzcak, our CE Board members of fame” leading to our Chapel Café area. know. We would like to thank all of the brave children and youth who came to our sleepover in the cold snowy weather. I am Kidz Club: not sure who had the most fun playing At our last Kidz club in March, we had the hockey, the kids or Mr. Smith? Miss Linda chance to learn the Easter story with the help would like to thank Paula Hazelwood, Carol of “resurrection eggs”. The children had Walker, and Dave & Danna Smith for many questions about the items that they helping with Camp: “Let your Light Shine”. found inside of each of the eggs. After our We sure did have a lot of fun! Hopefully story time, we had the opportunity to make next year we will have even more Sunday our very own play dough to take home. This school students attend. month, we are going to continue to talk about Jesus resurrection. We will be making our very own butterflies to take home in Pancake& Sausage Breakfast craft time. If you are in Pre-school through Fundraiser for VBS: the fifth grade, come and join in the fun we On Sunday, March 9th, Jim & Marilew have at Kidz Club! Six graders and Jr. High Wetzel, Joe & Kathleen Barsic, Bob are welcome to come and be a Kidz Club Blanarik & Tom Ochs, so graciously cooked assistant for the evening. a fabulous pancake and sausage breakfast Our club always meets on the first Thursday for our Education Dept. to help with the cost of the month in Fellowship Hall from 6:00 of this years VBS “Beach Party”! We are until 7:30. very grateful to the congregation who supported their effort, and joined us after the 10:30 worship for a great time of fellowship, Friday Night Diners Club: delicious food, and a visit from the “Easter If you were thinking that you missed our last Bunny”. We would like to thank our Jr. & Friday Night Diners Club, you didn’t! Sr. High Sunday school class for helping With Easter being in the month of March, with the setup, Luke & Hannah Heilig, the and not knowing what the weather was Charlovich family, the Walker family, going to be like, we decided to skip last Brandon Short, Fred & Vicki Zajac, Dave & months outing. However, we are back! Danna Smith, and Christine & Ray Smith, </p><p>9 Sanctuary Choir: hand bell choir. We are truly blessed here This year the Sanctuary Choir tried at BUMC to have this beautiful something different. Instead of presenting choir! Thank you one and all for an Easter Cantata to the congregation, we the weeks of dedication. Your decided to present a “Tenebrae Choral wonderful music is the result of Service” on Good Friday. We would like to your patience with me, and your thank Pastor Bailey for his love of ringing! encouragement in undertaking this new worship experience. Many thanks to all of our choir members for their participation Praise Ringers rehearse on Wednesday in not only the Good Friday service, but evenings from 6-7pm in Chapel café. also for both of our Easter services on Easter Sunday. We would like to welcome Sanctuary Choir rehearses from 7:30- Melissa Jones to our Alto section of our 8:30pm in the choir room. choir. Thank you Melissa for joining our choir family! Come and join us! Our choir will continue to sing throughout the months of April and May, and then will Contemporary Worship: take a summer break until September. If Did you know that we have a Saturday you are interested in singing with us, you worship service each week at Baden can contact any of our choir members for UMC? Each Saturday at 6:00pm in the further information, or you may call Miss Sanctuary we offer a worship service with Linda at 724-869-4430. communion. The last Saturday of the month is when our Praise Teams lead the Praise Ringers: music. Our Contemporary worship for the The Praise Ringers played for the month of April will be held on Saturday, congregation on Palm Sunday, and will be April, 26th at 6:00 in the church sanctuary playing again in the month of April. Many with “Faith +5”. Come as you are and join of the new songs that we are rehearsing us in this relaxed, informal, worship are Contemporary Christian Songs. We setting. Our thanks to “Aldersgate” our hope that you are enjoying not only the other Praise Team for leading our March traditional anthems, but also the new contemporary worship service. We are so Contemporary styles. The Ringers would blessed to have such talented musicians like to thank Carol Walker for the in our church family! embroidered music bags that she made for all of our members. They are just what Cherubs & Children’s choirs: we need to keep all of our music in, Our Children’s choir is under the thanks Carol! direction of Mrs. Tabitha Bailey, and is Good bell choirs don’t just happen! They open to any child in grades one through are the result of many months, even six. The choir practices on Sunday years of hard work and dedication. Most mornings during the last 15 minutes of of our ringers do not read music, and I do our Sunday school program. The children not require them to do so. The only sing once a month for us at the 10:30 stipulation is that they want to ring bells, worship service. If you would like any and that they make a commitment to the 10 further info, you may contact Mrs. Bailey child in the nursery through Kindergarten or Miss Linda. programs. The little ones practice on Sunday mornings during their Sunday Our Cherub’s choir is under the school time. The Cherub’s also sing once direction of Mrs. Danna Smith, Mrs. Tracy a month for us during the 10:30 worship Charlovich, Mrs. Michele Sheets, and Mrs. service. Nicole DiCicco. The Cherub choir is for any</p><p>UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Tuesday, April 8, 2008 12:30 pm</p><p>Greeters...... Everyone Devotion……………………………….……………...... Kathleen Phillips Hostesses...... Celia Overholt & Joanne Papantonio Program………………..…….………………………....The VIM trip to Dulac, LA</p><p>The “Busy Bee” sewers will gather on the Thursdays of April 10th & 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.</p><p>The GEMS will meet on Sunday, April 13, 2008 after the 10:30 worship service. Sue Meade will lead devotions. Prayer and self denial will be the program. Ladies are to contact Sue Meade for transportation to Butler District Spring meeting in New Castle.</p><p>Remember, knife orders can be placed by contacting any United Methodist Women member. Also, a catalogue and order form is available in the church office.</p><p>Christian Sister’s and Children’s Dinner</p><p> will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. Mothers, bring your children. Daughters, bring your mother or sisters. There is a place for all church women and their guest at this dinner (even if not a UMW member). We also ask that you bring your Teddy Bear or favorite stuffed critter. Frank LaValle an entertainer/singer for all ages</p><p>11 will be our entertainment. Let’s have an exceptional turnout this year. Look for more information in the church bulletin.</p><p>Interested in missions? The Cooperative School of Christian Mission will be held in July at Grove City College. Perhaps you have considered attending but have had questions or heard rumors that have kept you from attending. Here are the answers to some of the more common questions/rumors. 1. There is no child care. WRONG! Child care will be offered for pre school children (those too young to attend Children’s School) during both the week-end and week-day sessions. Cost: $10.00 per day per child. In th addition, children who have completed kindergarten through 5 grade can attend an exciting Children’s School during either the week-end or week-day sessions. 2. Cooperative School of Christian Mission is for United Methodist Women. This is a half-truth! Cooperative School of Christian Mission is for all those with a passion for mission. I’m pretty sure that includes pastors and laymen. In addition to the Spiritual Growth Study which everyone will take, participants are invited to choose between the issue study (Giving Our Hearts Away: Native American Survival) and the geographic mission study (Israel/Palestine). We’re offering an advanced course for those who took Israel/Palestine last year. There are also many mission presentations to choose from during our “Options and Choices”. 3. School of Mission is same-old, same-old. WRONG! We’ve been working hard to recover the excitement of the past when this was a time in the summer to learn about mission opportunities, wrestle with justice issues, bond with others who had a passion for mission, worship together, and hear stimulating speakers and study leaders. First timers (or others who feel the need) this year will have a special orientation during the second hour of registration. Terms will be defined, the schedule will be explained, questions will be answered, and a mini tour will help new comers find their way around campus. If you have an interest in attending, you can contact either Pastor Ed of Sue Meade for more information.</p><p>Fall Retreat November 7-9, 2008 Olmstead Manor Ludlow, PA</p><p>12 Your retreat begins the moment you depart Baden United Methodist Church and begin the journey northeast through the Pennsylvania Wilds and to the Allegheny National Forest and stay at the only Adult Retreat and Renewal Center in the Western Pa Annual Conference. The mission of Olmstead Manor is to provide “Hospitality in a Hostile World.” This state of the art accessible facility is a beautiful setting for our second annual retreat. The price includes two nights and Friday evening dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner and Sunday breakfast and lunch. The cost per person based on a single occupancy room is $138.00 and the cost per person based on double occupancy room is $118.00. We have room for 25-30 participants and a $15.00 non- refundable deposit will hold your room. Scholarships are available for those in need. For more information on the retreat contact Sue Meade.</p><p>Please Pray for....Cody Bagnel; Justin Beck; Matthew Benkart; Wayne Bennett; Christina Blinn; Pauline Bruning; John Brynczak; Katherine Collingwood; Nancy Craig; Bonnie Cromie; Ronda Curcio; Lisa D’Ambrosio; Joseph Davies; Ryan Dorrier; Maggie Gall; Paul Gennaro; Amanda Hartge; Jack Hayes; Ken Jones; Pastor Warren Jones of Bethel UMC (Lower Burrell); Tracy & Trevor Kaiser; John Krepps; Ellen Lawrence; Amber Mazur; Hugh McCreery; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Brian Mickey; Emma Mills; Mark Montagna; Janine Parkhurst; Phyllis Parkhurst; Charlotte Reese; Lorraine Rhode; Joshua Shoup; John Shumsky; Jack Smith; Emily Staggs; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Matthew Wadd; Brenda Washington; David Waxler; Jody (Denny) Wilken; Susan Wenckowski; Mary Wolz; Sherri Zdunek; Cynthia, Doug; Pam. Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.</p><p> just 4 kids</p><p>13 14</p>

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