The dope on Fox's PJs Family affair Orchesis Expression PomKoimtcrpoint approach Schneider counts cm Innovative dance show opens to Eddie Murphy's new showdad for gtime advice this weekend wnth dedication Opinion, page 4 Sports, back page Arts & Entertainment, page 5 High 64° Thursday Low 30° M ustang Daily January 28,1999 C A L I F ORNIA POLYTEC HNIC STATE UNIV ERSITY SAN LUIS 0BIS,P„0 Greeks rush « to avoid new restrictions By F. Xavier Lanier II Mustang Daily SAFETY New students will not he alK>w’ed to join fraternities FIRST: and sororities once a deferred rush proyram is implement­ Kickboxing ed at Cal Poly m the fall of 2000. Creek leaders believe instructor they are heiny sinyled out and fear deferred rush w ill ney- Casey Noland ¥ atively affect their chapters. demonstrates moves with A deferred rush means first-quarter students may not and without rush or pledye fraternities or sororities. Juan Con:ale:, sparring vice president of student affairs, has led the effort for a gear at SLO Kickboxing on see RUSH, page 3 Foothill Boulevard in San Luis Obispo. Poly revamps Colin McVey/ Mustang Daily outdated plan By Courtney Harris Disappearance sparks Mustang Daily CJal Poly will meet the new millennium with .in o\ t r- jump in self defense haul of Its I961-hased Master Plan. Í.. ; .An open forum attended hy students, faculty and staff By F. Xavier Lanier II in)’, kickhoxin);, siihmisston wrestlinj’ and Vi'ednesday in the University Union welcomed ideas on Mustang Daily self-defense seminars. Its priority is self- directiny the schintPs yrowth. defense. hut the instructors Ix'lieve it is “Essentially, the plan is a blueprint for the future of the .Alter tlu’ Ji^.ippeariincc *>t KaiTuT important htr students to yet ,i yinid work­ university,” said Paul Zinyy, provost ami vice president of Ncwlunise, iH'opIc K-Uiin togiiotion their out and have fun. In addition to cixd class­ academic affairs. Enrollment issues represent the most N.ilety m S.m Ians LMMspo. IVspiie v.irvmt: es, Lkldell and his mstnictors offer womens immediate reason for chanye, he said. phiK)Miphies .inJ methmls. selt-detense kickKixiny and wmnen’s yround-fiyhtiny Accordiny to Zinyy, the old plan fiKiised m.nnl> on exjvrts .til luree women need to know classc's. physical aspects of the campus. It underwent IS revisitms how to proteit themselves Tlie yn.Hind-fiyhtin)’ class is vlesiyned to in the last 10 years, he said. “There w.is a notiee.ihle increase in te.ich wximen how ti> yet out of r.ipe situa­ “Basically it’s time to do a real comprehensive review enrollment for .iKnit two weeks after the tions in which the attacker yets the victim of (the plan) instead of the piecemeal approach that h.is Newhouse mcKlent," said t'hiick Liddell, on the yround, instructor Scott .Adams said. been done the last three decades,” Zinyy said. a kickhoxinu ch.impion .md chief instriiC' “Women need to know more thin The meetiny addre.ssed 10 areas to be examined tor at 'si y') KickhoMim. strikes and kicks, they need to ktu'w that throuyh task forces. For some students m the audience, ^I O Kickhoxme teaches its students the most relevant of the yroups were Built Environment how to protect themselves through hox- see DEFENSE, page 2 see PLAN, page 3 »«t rm vM«r Nifsf*»« Mivrieiy Web site lets Poly rate profs S» J » V o ^ 'Í1 ONLINE POLL: senior, created the site, located on the web at poly ratings Poly students Dorm residents team up to let http://polyratings.kewltech.com. They have been host­ can evaluate ing and refining it from their C'al Poly dorm nnim since ...... their favorite students rave or gripe online ttm* the quarter began. USSLÌÌUÈSS». (or least By Steve Noone Lanniny said his motivation for creating the site was a favorite) Mustang Daily bad experience with a physics professor, but the goal of professors on the site is not to provide a place for people to gripe about a new web site, called For the scoop on their professors. Cal Poly students can their instructors. I« '•«'I . Ili»4l4 PolyRatings, ni)w yo to the web. “The guy was a horrible lecturer, and he spoke in this • '**7 i*»l<**. tt«?» run by two Students can rate their professors online, and read really monoteme voice,” Lanniny said. “1 dropped the residents of other’s anonymous comments on Polyratinys, a new web class after the first day, hut 1 had a friend who had to stick * 0« ••• !%• teck m tm f«t m i I fMfM» f* IMM rkft* Diablo Hall. site created by two students duriny winter vacation. it out to the end. She got sucked into taking a really awful Architectural enyineeriny junior Forrest Lanniny courtesy photo/ and roommate Douy Dahms, a computer enyineeriny see SITE, page 2 Mustang Daily www.mustangdaily.calpoly.edu 2 Thursday, January 28,1999 News Mustang Daily nx)k her first cla.ss for a different reason. SITE ‘‘ O f course if a student has an ax to grind that DEFENSE “I was realizing my level of fear was getting in the way of my adult life ... continued from page 1 would be the perfect place to do it. People reading continued from page 1 the fear of .sexual assault,” Simone reacher.” it should he careful because not a lot of students many attacks end up on the jiround,” said. “The class opened a whole new .ff “If you look at the reviews on there who love instructors will end up posting^ Adams said. “We teach them how to world for me.” in)w most of them are pretty ^iood," f»et out of and survive the situation.” Simone says her first class directed he said. “People do this kind of tiling» Many Cal Poly students take her to overctmiing her fear. — Jim Conway les.sons at SLO Kickboxing. Sarah hy word-of-mouth anyway, and ftater- “It helped me realize that my body Madrifial, a seamd-year psychology nities all have files on prc^essors. This speech communication department chair belongs to me and that 1 had the tools student and Rape Crisis Center vol­ just makes it more convenient.” to protect myself, even as a female,” unteer, goes to self-defense classes Simone saiii. Hahms .said he feels the Polyratinj.’s “We ttied to make our site kind of Jim Conway, speech department four times per week with her room­ Simone continued taking more site could he used to improve the like that.” chair, said sites like Polyratings are mate and dad. She began classes, advanced Model Mugging and quality of education at Cal Poly. because she thought it would be fun He also said its success depends on nothinn new, and will probably not Aikido courses. She is happy she “This is totally a positive thin^;,” and it would keep her in shape. the contributions of students. have much of an effect on professors decided to become an instructot. he said. “We’re all spending the same “I would recommend it to anyone,” “Teaching adds meaning to my “The site is as powerful as the stu­ or academic departments. amount to no here, it’s like a free mar­ Madrigal said. “It makes me feel like life,” Simone said. dent body wants to make it,” he said. “This type of site exists on other ket: you should he able to make sure I’ve accomplished something, in the Model Mugging has an imiiressive “It’s primarily for constructive crit­ campuses already,” he said. “We do sense that I’ve made my life safer.” track record that spans over 25 years. you net what you’re payinn tor.” icism,” he said. “The question is how anonymous evaluations of cla.sses for Some people just want to learn how “Everyone that’s had to use the Lanninn desinned the nf'^pi^'eal are we weed out all the jerks? our use anyway, I don’t think it’s to defend themselves and are not techniques in an attack has knocked interface and wrote the code that dis­ But we’re all in collene and we’re all noinn have much effect beyond stu­ interested in the fitness aspect of class­ out or disabled or deterred their plays the panes over winter break adults — 1 think that kind of thinn dents.” es. For this kind of person, there is assailant, as many as eight years after while Dahms learned and wrote the will he pretty minimal.” Model Mugging, a non-profit program. “Of course if a student has an ax to taking the course,” said Tesoro. scripts that make the site work. “So far 1 think we only have aKiut “Model Mugging is a 30-hour one- Instructors agree that learning self- nrind that would he the perfect place “1 tried to make it better lookinn 25 reviews posted, hut I’m excited tm-one training that teaches street- defense takes a lot ot time and money. to do it,” he said. “People readinn it than some of the official Cal Poly about it,” he said. effective defensive fighting," its co­ A cheaper and less time-consuming should he careful because not a lot of sites like POWF.R (Poly Web The names of instructors were founder Mary Tesoro said. “We teach way of protecting oneself is by buying students who love instructors will end through muscle memory program­ Renistration) ot Mustanninlo,” copied from department weh panes a self-defense device. up postinn-’’ ming.
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