Summary of May 9, 2005 Staff Senate Meeting

Summary of May 9, 2005 Staff Senate Meeting

<p>Summary of June 13, 2005 Staff Senate Meeting The meeting was called to order at 2:32 PM.</p><p>Approval of April Minutes: Approved without changes.</p><p>Approval of May Minutes: Approved with one change on page 2: determining what we want from “date” should be “data”.</p><p>C&N has an At-Large election for eight Senate seats. Since Loren Beard won the seat in VPUA, her name was removed from the At-Large Ballot. Ballots were passed out and current Senators were asked to vote for eight of the ten names on the ballot. </p><p>Faculty Senate Representative - Dr. Bob Staat. The full report will be on Docushare, but highlights follow.  The Senate met on the HSC and Senators were addressed by Dr. Larry Cook, the new Executive Vice President of Health Affairs. o Dr Cook spoke of the goals and objectives of the HSC o “Baxter III” as it is referred to, but the name has not yet been determined, will be starting in the near future. It will be in the parking lot south of the Dental School and will house 50 Principal Investigators and their research teams. Completion should be in 30 – 36 months.  Dr. Nancy Martin discussed the Intellectual Property Policy and reported that U of L has one of the better university policies out there. She also talked about complaints people have about HIPPA and IRB training requirements, but those are legal requirements and must be done.  Dr. Willihnganz gave the reports for the Provost and President. o The CPE asked all state schools to keep tuition increases in single-digits, but only U of L and KSU did. CPE pretty much said “Oh Well…” This somewhat diminished their credibility. o CPE is revising its public agenda for Higher Education and also thinks that U of L is doing too much and extending too far. Faculty Senate passed a resolution that CPE’s actions are not in concert with House Bill 1. That resolution will be posted in Docushare. Someone raised a parking question about losing the lot south of the Dental School – As things happen, Parking will advise staff and faculty of changes. </p><p>Student Senate Representative – Sowmya Srinivasan  SGA is revising its Constitution to start out efficiently. Senators are being appointed to committees; the web site is being updated.  Sowmya is speaking to nine Orientation sessions to get freshmen involved.  SGA co-sponsors events all over campus. They are planning 3 events in September.  Freshmen LEAD Program – get motivated freshmen involved in student government early.  Tangible Services Committee – working with Mr. Owsley on things like campus beautification and Adopt a Spot. If Staff has ideas they want to pursue, Sowmya will be glad to work with them to present ideas to Mr. Owsley.  Block Party – 9/22 Brandeis Street will be closed between Third and Fourth Streets. Bigger and better than last year. Students are planning a bus ride to Tampa for the football game at the conclusion of the party.  Contact Sowmya at [email protected]</p><p>Standing Committee Business – Reports should be available on Docushare Executive Committee – Bill Forman The Executive Committee and Plans and Policies met with Dan Hall and Ralph Fitzpatrick on External Affair’s exciting new project. They are working on community collaboration in the western sections of Louisville to improve four distinct issues. The groups also heard year end reports from the Committee Chairs present.</p><p>Credentials & Nominations – Loren Beard There were two petitions to amend Staff Senate By-Laws read for a Third reading: 1. CONCERNING: Pertaining to Article 1. Officers, Section 6 Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer. BACKGROUND: Human Resources has changed the name and function of the University-wide Fringe Benefits Committee to the Human Resources Advisory Committee. RATIONALE: To ensure that the Senate continues to have appropriate representation on all University-wide committees. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following items were changed and/or corrected to provide a clean working copy of the by-laws: PROPOSED: Petition to Amend the By-Laws pertaining to Article 1. Officers, Section 6 Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer. Add K “that the Secretary/Treasurer should represent the Staff Senate on the Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC)”. “To be added in once final review is completed”.</p><p>2. CONCERNING: Pertaining to Article VII, Standing Committee of the Staff Senate, Section 5c.Finance and Economic Welfare Committee. Also pertaining to Article VII, Standing Committee of the Staff Senate, 5c. Finance and Economic Welfare Committee Section 2. Composition. BACKGROUND: Human Resources has changed the name and function of the University-wide Fringe Benefits Committee to the Human Resources Advisory Committee. RATIONALE: To ensure that the Senate continues to have appropriate representation on all University-wide committees. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following items were changed and/or corrected to provide a clean working copy of the by-laws: Article VII, Standing Committee of the Staff Senate, Section 5c.Finance and Economic Welfare Committee. Delete the words “a member” in the second sentence and replace with “the chair”. Also in Article VII, Standing Committee of the Staff Senate, 5c. Finance and Economic Welfare Committee, Section 2. Composition. Change the name of the University-wide committee from “University-wide Fringe Benefits Committee” to “Human Resources Advisory Committee”. “To be added in once final review is completed”.</p><p>Both By-Law revisions, having been voted on and approved twice and read to the Senate three times, are considered to be made.</p><p>Senators seated at the June 13, 2005 Staff Senate meeting:</p><p>Arts and Sciences – 2005-07: Ginger Brown and Mona Francis</p><p>CBPA – One (1) 2005-07 seat: AT LARGE*</p><p>Dental – 2005-07: Sherry Kennedy and Sue Sunkel; 2005-06: Doug Wilson</p><p>(Education – no openings)</p><p>Graduate Programs – 2005-07: Carol Davis</p><p>Kent School – 2005-07: Theresa Christopher</p><p>(Law – no openings.)</p><p>Libraries – 2005-07: Katrina Butcher</p><p>Medicine – 2005-07: Patricia Allen, Donna Bottorff, Patricia Edwards, Courtney Gagel, Kim Holsclaw, Marcy Suter, Bridget Szczapinski and Marian Vasser; Four (4) 2005-07 seats and one (1) 2005-06 seat: AT LARGE*</p><p>(Music – no openings)</p><p>Nursing – 2005-07: Patricia Moon</p><p>President's Office – One (1) 2005-07 seat: AT LARGE*</p><p>Provost – 2005-07: Bridget Burke; 2005-06: Nancy Knadler</p><p>(Public Health & Information Sciences – no openings.)</p><p>Speed School – 2005-07: Ron Lile (V.P. Athletics – no openings.)</p><p>V.P. Business Affairs – 2005-07: Richard Brown, Paul Eiden, Brent Fryrear, Marcus Hayes, Debby Kalbfleisch, Betty Kelley and Ken Nichter; One (1) 2005-06 seat: AT LARGE*</p><p>V.P. External Affairs – 2005-07: Valerie Casey</p><p>V.P. Finance – 2005-07: Martyna Warren</p><p>V.P. IT – 2005-07: Alice Radmacher; 2005-06: Vincent Bellina</p><p>(V.P. Research – no openings)</p><p>V.P. Student Affairs – 2005-07: Sheryl Meier</p><p>V.P. University Advancement – 2005 -07: Loren Beard</p><p>*At Large election: Eight people were elected to serve as at large senators to fill open seats in CBPA, Medicine, the President’s Office and V.P. Business Affairs. The 2005-07 seats will be filled by Valerie Browning, Nanette Dix, Kent Gardner, Martha Parry, Wanda Taylor and Susan Walker, and the 2005-06 seats will be filled by Ruby Backert and Marry Cross. The election was ratified by the senate but seat placements have not yet been made.</p><p>Officer Nominations: Senator Robert Cochran introduced the nominees and opened the floor for nominations. All nominees were allowed to address the Senate.</p><p>Chair Nominees: Senator Bill Forman Senator Richard Brown </p><p>Vice Chair Nominees: Senator Beverly Daly Senator Martyna Warren Senator Fryrear withdrew from the Vice Chair race</p><p>Secretary/Treasurer Nominees: Senator Brent Fryrear Senator Ken Nichter – was not present to make a presentation Ballots were passed out to Senators and were collected to be tallied. While the votes were being counted Committee Reports were made.</p><p>Finance and Economic Welfare – Ruby Backert No Report – Did not meet. Plans and Policies – Beverly Daly Met with the Executive Committee. Senator Daly wants to better define the role of P&P in the coming year. The needs of P&P are hazy since the executive committee was established. Services and Facilities – Angela Lewis-Klein No Report, but the cost increase in the vending machines was sent out to the listserv. Mr. Owsley reported that the prices increase periodically. There was also some discussion about healthier alternatives being available in the vending machines. More under Mr. Owsley’s report. Staff Grievance – Teresa Yates No Report Staff Policy Review – Bridget Burke They are looking at the Staff Grievance Policy and there are a number of policies coming from the HRAC. The next meeting is June 22. </p><p>Chair’s Report – Bill Forman  Board of Trustees – Met twice since the last Senate meeting and they approved Dr. Blaine Hudson as the Dean of Arts and Sciences. They also approved the 2005-06 budget.  Officers and a couple of Senators have been working with Senator Richard Brown on the State of the Staff reports and it is a good product! They are down to a narrative and are meeting this week.  Partnership for Prescription Assistance – people should not have to choose between medicine and food. If people want additional information, Bill has brochures available…contact him and he’ll mail them out to you via interoffice mail.  Statewide Survey about Kentuckians’ thoughts about U of L – Knowledge about us is increasing and opinions of U of L are improving. The best known part statewide is Rick Pitino. We are a well kept secret, but we are working to make people aware of the University and improving opinions.  Pikeville – U of L President Ramsey and other officials were invited to Pikeville to discuss the U of L Healthcare model. Pikeville officials have also visited the HSC. UK President Todd was upset by this although Pikeville had also evidently contacted UK, but received no response. </p><p>University-wide Committees Athletic Association –  Vice Chair Daly reported that Basketball tickets are going up $2 a piece. Two Classics will have ticket sales at $30 a piece.  The performance review for Tom Jurich was very good.  The Arena – the Governor wants a preliminary decision by October. Governor’s Task Force on the Arena –  Chair Forman was invited to the meeting and there were 4 presentations on where the arena should be located. Officials will be visiting Indy, Nashville and Charlotte. There will be an arena, but Bill said to remember the “golden rule”; them that have the gold make the rules!! Staff Senators are reminded to forward all reports for Standing Committees and University-wide Committees to the Staff Senate Secretary/Treasurer for inclusion on the Docushare site.</p><p>Vice President for Business Affairs - Larry Owsley  Pepsi Machine price increase – Unlike tuition, purchasing items from vending machines is optional. U of L is trying to be competitive price-wise and convenience. The money made goes into the general fund. One of the Senators said that raising vending prices hurt employee’s feelings, it was seen as a slap in the face and a morale blow…having a small raise and a big tuition increase, another year may have been better to increase vending prices. Mr. Owsley said it was not meant to be a blow to morale or a negative effect on Staff. U of L’s commission is about 32 – 33% on vending machines, based on the exclusive vending contracts. A Senator asked what the revenue was to the University…Mr. Owsley was not sure, but the number $240,000 came to mind. He was going to check and get back to the Senate with that number. At this point another Senator said that Staff really had to concentrate on bigger issues to discuss, such as raises, health insurance costs, prescription costs…we are wasting time talking about something that you can bring to work if you don’t want to pay at a vending machine.  Jennifer Church, the Pharmacist in Human Resources, is being received well! If people want to discuss prescription issues and alternatives, please contact Jennifer for a personal appointment.  Outstanding Performance Awards – Mr. Owsley congratulated Senators Patricia Moon and Sheryl Meier who were both recipients this year and were recognized at a reception at the President’s Mansion. Chair Forman gave accolades to Mr. Owsley for being there and congratulating the award recipients as it was also his 36th wedding anniversary and his wife was waiting to go to dinner.  Student Government Association – They are working on Adopt-A-Spot, which will be rolled out to the Vice Presidents. Student groups and Staff can select a spot – sign a contract to keep it cleaned up, and keep the campus beautiful. There has been 22 years of progress on campus beautification since Mr. Owsley has been here and he is glad the Student Government is interested in the campus appearance.  Physical Plant is working to train it employees and provide computer access. This is an ongoing project and Larry Detherage is working to make sure that PP Employees get trained and have access to computers.  Parking – Changes at HSC will be in January 2006. No changes this fall due to the new HSC Research building. There is excess capacity in the parking garage and no plan to eliminate green spaces. A Senator said that they had heard that the green permit would continue to be sold to faculty and staff who have them now, but new faculty and staff would not be able to buy a green permit. That is a proposal from Parking, but it has not reached Mr. Owsley as yet.  A Senator asked why the Blue Parking Signs have been removed at HR? A Senator from Parking said she would make sure that the signs are replaced…it is still a blue lot.  Melissa Long Shuter has survived 9 days in Mr. Owsley’s Office. He is glad to have her.</p><p>Associate Vice President of Human Resources - Julien Carter Mr. Carter could not attend our meeting today.</p><p>Staff Senate Officers for 2005-06 Parliamentarian and Senator Bob Cochran reported the results for officers: Chair – Bill Forman Vice Chair – Bev Daly Sec/Treas. – Brent Fryrear </p><p>Chair Forman thanked everyone for returning him to office and said that we have big issues to address. The first year has been a real learning experience on the Senate as well as the Board of Trustees. The Senate acts out of reaction, we sit and let things happen. We have to become proactive! This will be a primary goal for the next year.  We need to work to improve the work of the standing committees – we will re- evaluate the needs of the committees, if a committee is not needed, it will be eliminated. The standing committees should do the work of the Senate…there have been too many times committees have not met or had no report…that HAS to change!  We are still an advisory body – if we only react, we have no advice to give. If we are proactive, we have a better chance to make changes.  The Staff Senate is like U of L statewide…we are not perceived as a group that accomplishes much. We have got to do a better job. Communication has improved this year, but we need to improve it more! Bill wants to have 6 meetings a year – 2 at HSC and 4 at Belknap – where the officers meet with staff. We have a 30 Years of Accomplishments PowerPoint presentation that we want to show and LISTEN to what Staff members have to say. Listening is the most important part of communication.  We will have another Staff Senate Retreat – more to follow.  Robin said that she will create constituent lists for email to help Senators who cannot do that easily.  Senator Richard Brown wants Senators to talk about issues on the up and up. Officers need to open up the listserve and Senators need to keep postings positive.  Chair Forman will have a rhetorician at the Senate retreat…she will talk about email etiquette, listserve etiquette.  Mike Radmacher will check with Dennis Robinson about the use of Blackboard as an optional communication tool for the Senate.</p><p>Other Business There is a correction for the Parking Fact Sheet. Senator Fryrear will correct and repost on Docushare.</p><p>Having no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4:17 PM Staff Senate Officers for 2004-05 Chair – Bill Forman 852-0996 [email protected] Vice Chair – Bev Daly 852-8360 [email protected] Sec/Treas. – Brent Fryrear 852-2956 [email protected] Senate Office - Robin Emond-Durham – 852-6713 [email protected] Web: Staff Senate Collection on Docushare:</p>

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