PAGES WEEKLY. K�NSAS, JUNE 17, 18'85. {SIXTEENPRICE. 81.50 A YEAR. VOL.ESTABLISHED.IRR3.}XXIII. No. 24. TOPEKA, ltveredhts semi-annual address, which was. excellent of straw­ business. The great difficulty In the way'of HORTIOULTURAL SOOIETY. fourth a. crop. An crop KANSAS carelessnes·lI. If a thoughtful and well-written paper, urging berries, currants" and gooseberries. Only a success was the proverbial or- measures till; Society and vines the same attenti lD was given to the fruit very cautionary by The Fifteenth Semi-annual Session, Held fair crop of grapes; some ten-year-old members the of Indorsing fruit as Is to farm crops to make its In way 11th and 12th. were winter-killed. chards given at Oswego, June that 'are con-' them there would be no question as theories, varlous devices, etc., Montgomery.-Apples a poor crop, except succeed, FIRST.DAY. the members and So- to the success of fruit staqtly pressed upon of the the Ben Davis. Jonathan and Malden's growing. 'I'he fif.tecJlth seml-aununl session swindlers and unreliable Missouri on the Orchard clety. Traveling State Horticultural held at Blush. The Winesap and Pippin The committee Apple Kansas Society, nurserles were roundly scored in the paper. bloomed but reduced Manual at the last annual meet- the 10th and 12th lnst., was full, greatly by drop­ appotnted vis­ Oswego, Kansas, After II few remarks by members and will a F. Leaven- most sessions held ping of the fruit. Pears produce good ing, consisting of Wellfinuse, line of the entertalnlna itors, and the passing of resolutlnns thank­ on the bottom laud poor worth Wm. Cutter, Davis county, a of The Lab-tte County yield upon uplands: county; , f'or number years. lng the muslclans and the eltlzensof Oswego and trees Rft'�cted with blight. A and A. N. Greenwood county, pre- Horticultural did the part 'ot enter- prospect Godfrev, for thelr Socl-ty- and the Labette C'Ounty Soelety Richmond and Mu­ on this and in such a light crop of the Early seuted their respective papers talulng members delegates exceedingly cordial entertalnment, the State Goose will .. Instructive manner rill" eherrtes. The Wilt.! plum ct, the most papers prepared whole-souled And hospitable that subj The annual meetlng, the 'I'hese Society adjourned; a WArm yield well. A fllw peaches upon up­ for the Society for sntne thue, papers every nne present will always keep the Board decided, will be held next Decem- folks and lands; trees badly killed. The Snyder were laid over uutll the annual meetlnz, place In their heartfor the Oswezo ber at Manhattan, RS _ dnrlng the win­ when will be thoroughly discussed • •• the county Society. Nev,'I: wasbetter muste, blackberry escaped injury they . .' Mulched strawberries not cultivated well as other to be made bynew com- '. hoth vocal and Instrumental, provided fnr ter, reports Amenoan South-down AB8001a.tlon. late produced well. Red raspberries In, mlttees who are to prepare the best lists 'of the State Society. Kan8a8 Farmer:' jured; the Black Cap two-thtrds-or a crop, varieties suitable for the various districts of The Association convened at the 'Opera. The fourth annual meeting of the Ameri­ the Grpgg variety uninjured. A good crop Kansas, If this Manual Is carried out In the house with President Gale in the chair and 'can South-down Association was held. In of Concord grapes on young vines; the wlu- It will be one of'the most valu- . spirit begun, Secretary Brackett at his usual place. The Sprlngfleld, I'[l., on the 3d Inst. The large ter Inj ured old vines. able' productions of the State Society, and number of delegates present was smaller number of patHemen aud fine stoek breeders CO.trev·-Reported similar prospects and result in Immense benefit to the Statl'., than usual, owing to the backward season In attendance at the centrallllinois series of - counties. coadltlous as in the adjoining J. F. Hill gave an essaz on "Whati Dldn'f and the very busy ttme with farmers and Short-horn sales made this meeting' of the Sumne7'.-RepDrted large crops of small Know." The had direct reference to After the open- paper Association one of unusual Interest. small fruit growers.' usual for frults.of all kinds; and a good prospect the mistakes of horticulture. The eft'ect of were made on iruit pros- ' from members unable to lng, county reports orchards In excel- apples. Vlneyol'ds and a mlstakeIn a farm crop only lasts one year, .Com�.unlcatlons as follows: , fully � , peets ,­ Jh,e t'xp_re8810ns� o! ' years atte�d\ con�rlDlld ,_ .� �� ,. ,�" ,:",,' ,"" �lt!o\.U!.iii>n:l(lu'�tft"h,t�t;:tajjtpr 111000 . not lent �on,!lltI<tn. .�. ot ), Wllpm.d,f)ttf) ,cowntJy .-The ,prospects a wafftViilgton.-Repoil'ts'e6'couraglhg or a'Jlfe ,�.mlsta1fi:Hn a num-: tb08� prf�e�t.!"l�t t.h� P�Oauctlon bloomed profusely,' �Q.r tl'��, ,buY;lng and. better mutton is a. growing demll,n<l of eneouragtrig, Apples and 'Orchards InJured should have for crop, yet vineyards bel' of cheap seellllD'gslwheii be re­ but the fruit is dropping 'Oft'. Some orchards the in America. The low prices more 'Or less by severe winter. secured budded f.rult the oulture.eoatlugno day. for home use. , . ceived for wool the last will not produce enough ured during few.:l'ears IIlJ by more for one than th� other; being deluded Pears line prospects, but since re- !lUcy.-Appl� . have cel1alnly been very dlsueartentng presented' The MISSOUfi carries a full the mts- �I blight. Pippin by oily and swindhng tree agents, breeders It dueed hy blight. The Murillo cherry will wool-growers, yt-t to and the blight. The early with more than South.�own crop escapes of plantlllll; trees top of to that make a good crop. The Hartford grape was a matter oouaratulatiou jmow bloom of strawberrles cut late frosts, than root the uurortuuat Ioeatlon of an or- promises well; other varieties only a partial oft"b� South-down wool br.lngs a few cents- more the Wilson and Downing suffeflng the In holes than the soli, cultivateo in �ost. chard, plautlng deeper than that the long- crop. Strawberries not spring killed. per pound yielded by Peaches a and many trees encouragtng borers by ton much indiscrlml- well. Therc will btl a good crop failnr� wooled mutton sheep. producing trees . Raspberries promise well. Some p�al' nate trlmrmng, and receiving' and following (If currants and gooseberries. All varieties Among li-tters recently reeelved was Olle: beal'well,ot,hersRcat.terlng. The Kitt.attnny tOD milch volunteer advlce were mentioned of blackberries damaged by the severe win- frolll MI'. HIlIll'v Woods, mauag,'r .uf the blackberry killed to the gro' 0"1. as some of the mistakes. ThecRnesof hortlcultur�1 Lonl WalsinghaUl at Mer­ tel' the Snyder variety. that the fl�clis In connty It was reported Dr. Homlsphar read a paper .n "Kllowl- well.kll'O�Vll badly winter, killed.' Peaches In Lab�tte ton, In Engla.nd. .Mr. 111 common raspb�rries lind trees not Woo�s, Ben DaVIS apple edge and Its Power," In which he urged eSII.llllllcd VollUne 1. all localities a iailul'l'. Blil1:ht has appeared K�swlck suff�red with the bark burstlllg ou the southwt'st Side. of hDrtlcultural knowledge otbU'S, wilo,have other trees. by only th,e l1:ettillg of the AmerlCIlU Suuth-rlown Record, sptl!lk!l on the peRl', crab and waxed promptly wrap with cloth but to It as well. Remedy, lea.rnlng apply In of the value of the The crop very light lind stili high Jonn8on.-A.pple the tree heal at once. Hon. L. A. Simmonds. Sumner county, terlll� work., of ' pnrchase of It bO many bree.dersotiSoulh· out by dropping. The King n:�y of by thinning ao.�hatKansas Solil:l was the subject a and hiarned paper on aver! gave very practical down lhe lllade of it and trees . sheep Tompkins, DOllllnie Wlnesllpapple and useful Dr. W. S. or the ,and u,;e. by the.ut IIlterestmg paper by "Geology Applied to Horticulture, froUi diS· the winter. No m the sl.'lectlou of breelimg are damaged b peaches. was followed a .stock . of It hy Soils." He llll:'nt.inned, Newlon, Oswego. Clllssification of best that ('ould y., . the only e,capeu in· tant flocks, Ijr" Blackberries, Snydel I ul w hIe h I as'ted fn� some and lime as the elements of ail t.he, evl?ences gf'nera SCuSSIO� sand, clay thll (If having fOllnde(1 The'peRr crOll promisl's well, but the Surface CJ.f jury. tlllle the subject of productive soil. He then proceeded to clas. b� _wlsdolll l�pon drainl1�e, SIlC Rt'co.rd. trees are affected by blight. Cherry crop It t�dl.a and tile methods were fully discussed. the val ious soils accord�d to the P(,I' sHy most favorable reports by the winter, a No tha'll:the light. Haspbenles dalllaged was showu tha.t orchard 1I0t having 01' the vavlous o�he.t:: cent,. of Silica, allumini clay who of the the best.. The 'Of all�r were by'members the Miami doing crop subsoil dram would be very much glv�n .�poke , na.tural solis might contain, closed. remarkable one. Thes3me of the lamhlng Just �trawberrles Is a WIIS and sea�on benefitted if tile drainage foilowed, Mr.' President of I,he Labette resul�s " Williams, As IS well the of rt-corded be said of and currallts.
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