Hellenic Accreditation System s5

Hellenic Accreditation System s5

<p> Hellenic Accreditation System </p><p>Annex F1/12 to the Certificate No. 90-3</p><p>SCOPE of ACCREDITATION of the Testing Laboratory of the Testing, Research & Standards Centre (KDEP) of PPCS.A.</p><p>Materials/ Products to be tested Types of test/ Properties to be Applied methods/ measured Techniques to be used</p><p>Electricaltests</p><p>Power transformers 1. Ability to withstand the dynamic IEC 60076-5:2006 20-15/0,4 kV or 20/0,4 kV effects of short-circuit / (the entire Standard) from 50 to 1000 kVA - Current RMS value - Current peak value - Time - Reactance and its variation 2. Measurement of voltage ratio and IEC 60076-1:2011 check of phase displacement / § 11.3</p><p>- Voltage ratio - Phase displacement 3. Measurement of winding resistance/ IEC 60076-1:2011 Winding ohmic resistance § 11.2 4. Measurement of no-load loss and IEC 60076-1:2011 current / § 11.5</p><p>- No-load losses - No-load current 5. Measurement of short-circuit IEC 60076-1:2011 impedance and load loss / § 11.4 - Short-circuit impedance - Load loss - AC metal-enclosed switchgear 1. Measurement of resistance of main IEC 62271-200: 2011 and controlgear for rated voltages circuit § 6.4 from 1 kV to 52 kV IEC 62271-1: 2011§ 6.4 2. Ability to withstand the effects of: IEC 62271-200: 2011 - Short time current § 6.6 - Peak current IEC 62271-1/ 2011§ 6.6 - Low voltage switchgear and Ability to withstand the effects of: IEC 61439-1:2011, §10.11 controlgear assemblies - Short time current - Peak current -</p><p>Page 1of5 Annex F1/12 to the Certificate ESYD No.90-3 14.02.2018 Materials/ Products to be tested Types of test/ Properties to be Applied methods/ measured Techniques to be used</p><p>Mechanical tests</p><p>Bolts, screws and studs Tensile test for the determination of ELOTΕΝISO 898.01Ε3: 2013,</p><p>- Tensile strength (Rm) §9.2, 9.3 και - Elongation after fracture (Af) and 9.6 stress at 0,0048d non-proportional elongation (Rpf)</p><p>- Proofload - Weldable steels for the Tensile test: ELOT EN 10080:2005 reinforcement of concrete - Real section ΕLΟΤ 1421-2 E2:2007 - Elongation ΕLΟΤ 1421-3 E2:2007 - Strength at yield ReH - Strength at break Rm - Ratio Rm/ReH - Metallic materials Tensile test / ΕΛΟΤ ENISO </p><p>- Maximum force 6892.01:2010 - Elongation at break ELΟΤ ΕΝ 10002-1:2001 - Lower yield strength § 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 - Tensile strength Annex A, D, G, H</p><p>Plastics and elastomers Tensile test / ELOT ΕΝ ISO 527-1:1996 - Elongation at break Ε2:2012 - Tensile strength at yield ELOT ΕΝ ISO 527-2Ε2: - Tensile strength at break 2012 - Metallic materials Charpy impact test / ELOT ΕΝ ISO 148.01:2016 Energy absorbed by breakage Metallic welded materials Face bend test (FBB) and Root bend ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 5173: 2011 test (RBB)/ +Α1:2012 Examination of imperfections Welded metallic specimens Transverse tensile test: ELOTΕΝISO 4136 Ε2: - Plates - Elongation 2012 except for § </p><p>- Pipes with diameter >18 mm - Tensile strength Rm and § ELΟΤΕΝ ISO 6892.01:2010 ELΟΤΕΝ 10002-1:2001 § 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 20 Annex A, D, H</p><p>Concrete specimens with Compressive strength test ELOT 722:1981 dimensions according to the Methods "Ministry for the Method "Ministry for the Environment, Physical Environment, Physical Planning and Planning and Public Works Public Works SK-303, SK-304" SΚ-303": 1. Cubes: - 150 X 150 X150 mm - 200 X 200 X200 mm 2. Cylinders: - 100 X 200 mm Rectangular metallic Charpy impact test / ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ΙSΟ 148.01:2011 Weld specimens Absorbed energy from impact.for ELOT ΕΝ ΙSΟ 9016 Ε2: absorbed energy level > 70 Joule 2012</p><p>Page 2of5 Annex F1/12 to the Certificate ESYD No.90-3 14.02.2018 Materials/ Products to be tested Types of test/ Properties to be Applied methods/ measured Techniques to be used</p><p>Chemical tests</p><p>Lubricating oils of internal Determination of Total Base Number, ASTMD2896:2015 combustion and marine machines TBN Petroleum products: Diesel oil, Determination of flash point closed ASTMD 93: 2016a heavy fuel and lubricating oils cup, Pensky - Martens ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 2719: 2016 Petroleum products: Diesel oil, Determination of density ASTM D 4052: 2016 lubricating oils and fuel oil ELOT ΕΝ ISO 12185:1996 Petroleum products: Lubricating Determination of flash and fire point ASTMD 92: 2016b oils (new and used) open cup, Cleveland ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 2592:2002 Petroleum products: Lubricating Determination of kinematic viscosity ASTM D 7042: 2016e3, oils, oil for engines and diesel fuel (at 40 oC and 100 oC) and Viscosity ASTM D 2270-10 (2016) Index Physical tests Solid plastics (that can become Measurement of relative density ASTM D 792: 2013, wet but not affected by water) (specific gravity) and density / Test method Α Density Rubbers Measurement of SHORE A & D DIN 53505:2000 hardness / SHORE hardness ISO 7619-1: 2010 Elastomers Determination of abrasion resistance / ISO 4649:2010 – Method Α - Density ISO - Volume loss 2781:2008/Amd.1:2010 – - Abrasion resistance Method Α Rubber having SHORE A or Determination of rebound resilience: DIN 53512:2000 IRHD hardness from 30 up to 85 - Ratio of returned to energy applied - Rebound resilience Soil samples Dry preparation of soil samples Specification Method "Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Ε 105:1986, § 1" Soilsamples (specimens) 1. Determination of moisture of soil: Specification Method - Moisture "Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Ε 105:1986, § 2" 2. Determination of moisture – density Specification "Method relation (PROCTOR standard Ministry for the Environment, method): Physical Planning and Public Works - Moisture Ε 105:1986, § 10" - Density Soils 1. Specific gravity of soils/specific Technical Standard of gravity HMEPPPW E105:1986§ 4 2. LiquidLimit Technical Standard of HMEPPPW E105:1986§ 5 3. Determination of Plastic Limit and Technical Standard of plasticity index HMEPPPW E105:1986§ 6 4. Sieve analysis of fine and coarse Technical Standard of soils (Dry method)/Amount of passing HMEPPPW E105:1986§ 7 material 5. Determination of material of Soils Technical Standard of finer than the No 200 (75μm) Sieve/ HMEPPPW E105:1986§ 8 Amount of passing material Page 3of5 Annex F1/12 to the Certificate ESYD No.90-3 14.02.2018 Materials/ Products to be tested Types of test/ Properties to be Applied methods/ measured Techniques to be used Aggregates 1. Determination of materials finer ASTM C 117: 2013 than No 200 (75 μm) sieve in mineral aggregates by washing/Amount of material finer than 75 μm Aggregates (cont.) 2. Resistance to degradation of coarse ASTM C 131/C131M: 2014 aggregates by abrasion and impact in ASTM C 535: 2016 the Los Angeles machine/Amount of loss of weight 3. Reducing field samples of aggregate ASTMC 702/C702M-2011 to testing size Fine aggregates 1. Sieve analysis of fine aggregates/ ASTMC 136/C136M: 2014, Amount of passing material § 7.3, 8, 9 2. Determination of specific gravity of ASTMC 128: 2015, fine aggregates /specific gravity § 8, 9, 10.2 3. Determination of absorption of fine ASTMC 128: 2015, aggregates /Amount of absorbed § 8, 9, 10.3 moisture Coarse aggregates 1. Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates/ ASTMC 136/C136M: 2014, Amount of passing material § 7.4, 8, 9 2. Determination of specific gravity of Technical Standard of coarse aggregates /specific gravity HMEPPPW SK – 301:1985 § 5, 6, 7.1 ASTMC 127: 2015 3. Determination of absorption of Technical Standard of coarse aggregates / Amount of HMEPPPW SK – 301:1985 absorbed moisture § 5, 6, 7.3 ASTMC 127: 2015 Fresh concrete 1.Slump of concrete/measure of height Technical Standard of specimen HMEPPPW SK – 309:1986 Draft Standard ELOT 521:1981 2. Determination of air content of ASTM C 231/C231M-2014 freshly mixed concrete by the pressure method/air percent</p><p>3. Determination of density (Unit ASTMC138/C138M: 2016a weight) of concrete/unit weight Concrete specimens Preparation and curing of concrete Method "Ministry for the specimens: Environment, Physical - Dimensions Planning and Public Works - Density SΚ-303" Draft StandardELOT 671:1981 Outdoor luminaries – Road Outdoor (Road) measurements of ELΟΤΕΝ 13201-3:2016 lighting Illuminance and Luminance §7.2.6 - 7.2.9, ELOT EN 13201-4: 2016 §7.1, 7.3, 8 Indoor luminaries –Lighting of Indoor work places measurements of ELΟΤΕΝ 12464-1:2011 work places Illuminance</p><p>Non-destructive tests Metallic materials Ultrasonic examination of fusion ELΟΤΕΝ 171640:2011</p><p>Page 4of5 Annex F1/12 to the Certificate ESYD No.90-3 14.02.2018 Materials/ Products to be tested Types of test/ Properties to be Applied methods/ measured Techniques to be used welds in ferrous plates and pipes Ultrasonic examination of (pulse-echo technique) / Location and welds dimensioning of discontinuities Ferromagnetic metallic materials Inspection of weldings in steel plates ELOT ΕΝISO 9934-1: using portable electromagnet (Yoke): 2002+A1:2005 - Location and dimensioning of Portable electromagnet surface discontinuities on the surface method (Yoke) of the material Metallic and other materials in Ultrasonic thickness measurement in ASTM E 797Μ:2015 which ultrasound can propagate mm (or inches). ΕLΟΤ EN 14127Ε2:2011</p><p>Metallic materials Measurement of thickness of non- Magnetic method: magnetic coatings over: ASTMB 499-09: 2014</p><p>- magnetic base using the magnetic Eddy-current method: method ELOT ΕΝ ISO 2360 </p><p>- non-magnetic base using the Eddy- E2:2004 current method / Coating thickness Metallurgical tests Metallic materials (using Metallografic inspection / *VGB – Technische </p><p> speciments and replicas) - Magnification Wishenshaftliche - Estimation of metallografic microstructure</p><p>- Determination of creep cavitation damage Metallic materials 1. Hardness test according to ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 6506-1: & BRINELL : Hardness HBW: 2014 2,5/187,5 & 2,5/31,75 metallic materials welds. 2. Hardness test according to ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 6507- VICKERS : Hardness HV10 & HV 1:2006 30 3. Hardness test according to ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 6508-1: ROCKWELLB&C : Hardness HRB, 2015 HRC *Verein Grosskraftwerk Betriebe. Site of assessment: Laboratorypermanent premises, 9 Leondariou Str., Kantza, Pallini, Attiki, Greece. Approved signatories: K. Stamatakis,E. Papadopoulos, A. Antonatos, P. Kollintzas, D. Kaimaras, A. Papathanasiou, A. Kourapas, S.Athanasopoulos, A. Antonakakis, A. Arvanitis, P. Kosti, E. Thirios, G. Tetradis</p><p>This Scope of Accreditation replaces the previous one dated November 21st, 2016. The Accreditation Certificate No. 90-3, to ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005, is valid until 2.7.2018.</p><p>Athens, February 14th, 2018</p><p>Konstantinos Voutsinas Managing Director, ESYD</p><p>Page 5of5 Annex F1/12 to the Certificate ESYD No.90-3 14.02.2018</p>

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