<p> VITAE AMITAV ACHARYA</p><p>Professor of International Relations and the UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance School of International Service American University 4400, Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC, USA 20016-8071 [email protected]</p><p>PREVIOUS ACADEMIC POSITIONS </p><p> Professor and Chair in Global Governance, Department of Politics, and Director, Centre for Governance and International Affairs, University of Bristol, United Kingdom (August 2007- December 2008) Professor, Deputy Director and Head of Research, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (now S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2001- 2007). Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, Department of Political Science, York University: 1993- 2005 (2000-5, on leave). Fellow, Harvard Asia Center, and Fellow, Centre for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: 2000- 2001. Lecturer, Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore: 1990- 1992. Donner Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for International and Strategic Studies, York University, 1989-1990. Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore: 1987- 1989. </p><p>VISITING POSITIONS</p><p> Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, (2013, 2014). Visiting Professor, Department of International Relations and European Studies, Central European University, Budapest (2014, 2015). Nelson Mandela Visiting Professor of International Relations, Rhodes University, South Africa, (January 2012-December 2013) Visiting Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, (Jan- Feb 2012) Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (since 2006) Visiting Professor, Summer University on Comparative Regionalisms, Central European University, Budapest (2-12 July 2012) Visiting Professor, Summer School on ‘International Relations Theory and Method’ Organized by the Consortium on International Studies in Vietnam and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Sapa, Vietnam, 7-12 August, 2011. Senior Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Vancouver, Canada, (since 2006) (http://www.asiapacific.ca/media/press-releases/25591) Visiting Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2010-2012 Associate Research Fellow, United Nations University, Centre for Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Brudges, Belgium 2009-(http://www.cris.unu.edu/News-Archive.33.0.html?&tx_ttnews %5Btt_news%5D=747&cHash=43c5a2a91a) Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Politics Group Visitor, Nuffield College, Oxford University, Hillary Term, 2007 Inaugural Direk Jayanama Visiting Professor of Political Science, Thammasat University, Bangkok, June-July 2005 Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, October- December 2004 ASEM Chair In Regional Integration, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, 2003-4 Fellow, Harvard University Asia Center: 2000- 2001 Fellow, Centre for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: 2000- 2001. http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2001/01.18/20-cbgfellows.html Visiting Scholar, Asia Center, Harvard University, April-May 1999 Visiting Research Fellow (with the rank of Associate Professor), Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore June1998-June 1999 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Government, Sydney University, March-June 1998 Visiting Fellow, Asia-Pacific Research Centre, Stanford University, November 1992 ntal Visitor, Department of International Relations, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, February-April, 1987 Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Australian National University, January-May, 1985 Visiting Scholar, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Sept- December, 1983 </p><p>PERSONAL</p><p> Born: 26 June 1962, Orissa, India Male, married with one child, Canadian Citizen </p><p>EDUCATION</p><p> Ph.D., International Politics, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, 1987 M.A., Political Science, First Division, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1982 B.A., Political Science, First Division Honours with Distinction, Ravenshaw College, Utkal University, Orissa, India, 1980</p><p>AWARDS/FELLOWSHIPS</p><p> Christensen Fellowship, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, elected October 2012 University Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Research, Creative Activity and Other Professional Contributions, 2012, American University School of International Service Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Research, Creative Activity and Other Professional Contributions, 2012, American University Murdoch University Distinguished Alumni Award, Arts, Education and Creative Media, 2012 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research, 2000, School of Arts and Social Sciences, York University Dean's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching, 1995-96, School of Arts and Social Sciences, York University Teaching Honour Roll, Department of Political Science, York University, 1996-97 Murdoch University Research Studentship (May 1983 to Oct 1986) University Grants Commission Fellowship, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1980 National Talent Scholar, National Council for Educational Research and Training, Government of India, Awarded in 1978 and held the award until 83. (This is India’s highest undergraduate and graduate award) National Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Government of India (July 1976 to June 1978) Government of India Merit Scholarship for Residential Schools, 1976 </p><p>TEACHING Graduate</p><p> "Topics in the International Political Economy of Eastern Asia" Graduate Seminar, York University, 1993-95. "Human Rights and Democratic Transition in Asia", Graduate seminar, 1997-98, 1999-2000. Advanced Study of International Relations, Ph.D. Core Course, Department of Political Science, York University, 1997-98. “New Institutionalism in Asia”, graduate seminar, Harvard University, co-taught with Ezra Vogel. Spring 2000 “Conflict and Security Architecture in the International System”, Graduate Seminar, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 1998-2001. “The Analysis of International Relations”, Graduate Seminar, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2002-5. “Asian Security Order”, Graduate Seminar, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2006. “Concepts and Method in International Relations,” Graduate course, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2006 (co-taught with Khong Yuen Foong and other faculty members). “Comparative Regional Security Institutions,” SIS, American University, 2009, 2010, 2011. “Human and Global Security,” SIS, American University, 2009. “New Multilateralism in International Affairs,”, SIS, American University, 2012 “Foundations of Global Governance,” SIS, American University, 2013-14 “ASEAN and Regional Governance in Southeast Asia,” SIS, American University, 2014 “International Security in Asia,” SIS, American University, 2011-13</p><p>Undergraduate</p><p> "The International Political System," 2nd Year, National University of Singapore, 1990-92. "Regionalism in International Politics," 3rd Year, National University of Singapore, 1990-92. "Strategic Studies," 4th Honours Seminar, National University of Singapore, 1992. "Global Conflict and Security I and II, 3rd Year, York University, 1994-97. "Introduction to International Relations", 2nd Year, York University, 1994-97, 1999-2000. "States and Societies in Southeast Asia," 3rd Year, York University, 1995-97. M.A. Colloquium, Department of Political Science, York University, 1997. “Regional Institution-Building in Asia Pacific”, 3rd year, Sydney University, 1998. “Multilateralism”, Part I and II, 3rd Year, York University, 1999-2000 “Southeast Asia in the New Global Order”, 4th Year Seminar, York University, Fall, 1999 “International Relations of East Asia”, Department of Government, Harvard University, co-taught with Iain Johnston. “Global Security,” SIS, American University, 2009. “Introduction to World Politics,” SIS, American University, 2010, 2011 “Civilizations and World Orders,” SIS, American University, 2014-</p><p>Graduate Thesis Supervision I have supervised five doctoral students at York, one at Nanyang and two at Bristol. I have supervised or supervising three at American University. I have served in the doctoral committee of one student at Georgetown University. In addition, I have supervised dozens of master’s students at York, Nanyang, Sydney and American University.</p><p>EDITORIAL AND MANUSCRIPT REVIEW </p><p>Joint Chief Editor (since 2010), Asian Security Monograph Series, Published by Stanford University Press under the auspices of the East-West Centre, Washington, D.C. (Member of Editorial Committee since 2005)</p><p>Editorial Committee/Board Member: European Journal of International Relations (2003-2008); Pacific Affairs (2003-2010?); Chinese Journal of International Relations (2006-2008); Global Governance (2003-6); Pacific Review (2001-present); Policy and Society (2002-6); Cambridge Review of International Affairs (2006-present); Südostasien aktuell - Journal of Contemporary Southeast Asian Affairs (Institute of Asian Studies, Hamburg) (since 2009), Australian Journal of Political Science (since 2010); Jadavpur Journal of International Relations (since 2012); Global Responsibility to Protect, GR2P (2008-); Contemporary Politics (2009-); Chinese Quarterly of International Strategy Studies, (2015-) </p><p>Editor, Canada-Southeast Asia Policy Papers, Canada-ASEAN Centre, Singapore, 1993-94; Associate Editor, Contemporary Southeast Asia (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 1987-89; Member, Editorial Committee, Southeast Asian Affairs (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 1987-89.</p><p>Reviewer of manuscripts for International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, World Politics, Security Studies, International Security, Journal of Asian Studies, Pacific Affairs, Journal of Peace Research, Pacific Review, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Contemporary Security Policy, Security Dialogue, Review of International Studies</p><p>Reviewer of book manuscripts for Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Routledge, Oxford University Press, PalgraveMacmillan and Polity Press.</p><p>ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION (SELECTED)</p><p> Faculty President, School of International Service, American University, 2012-13 Member, Review Committee on Distinguished Professor Appointments, American University, 2012- present Member, Rank and Tenure Committee, School of International Service, American University, 2011- 13. Global Director of Transnational Challenges and Emerging Nations Dialogue (www.transcend- global.org), School of International Service, American University, 2011. Chair, ASEAN Studies Center, American University, 2009- Director, Centre for Governance and International Affairs, University of Bristol, UK, (July 2007- December 2008) Deputy Director and Head of Research, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2001-6 (This is equivalent to the rank of Vice-Dean (Academic) of a Faculty) Chair, Ph D Selection and Defence Committee, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University Associate Director, University of Toronto - York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1996-98. Coordinator, M.A. Program in Political Science, Department of Political Science, York University, 1997-98. Member of the Executive Committee of the York Centre for International and Security Studies, various years. Chair, search committee for faculty in international relations, Department of Political Science, York University, 1995-6.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS </p><p> 2013-16, President Elect (2013-14), President (2014-15) and Past President (2015-16), of the International Studies Association (ISA). 2009-10: Member, Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee, International Studies Association. 2008-9: Vice-President, International Studies Association (ISA). 2008: Member, Programme Committee, World International Studies Committee (WISC) Conference, Ljubljana, Slovania. 2003-4: Founding President, Asian Political and International Studies Association and Co-Chair, Program Committee, First APISA Congress, Singapore, 28-3- November, 2003. This is Asia’s first professional body on politics and international studies. (http://www.apisanet.com/docs/first_congress_abstracts.pdf; http://www.apisanet.com/docs/first_congress_report.doc) 2006-7, Founding Secretary-General, Consortium for Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia, Supported by the Ford Foundation. This is Asia’s first academic and policy network dealing with transnational and human security challenges. (http://www.rsis-ntsasia.org/resources/publications/e- news/newsletter/2007%20jan-feb.pdf)</p><p>PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND ADVISORY ROLES (SELECTED)</p><p> Member of International Advisory Board, Centre for Rising Powers, Cambridge University Member of Advisory Board, Human Security Center, London Adviser, Oxford Research Group, London. http://oxfordresearchgroup.org.uk (since 2008). Member of Advisory Board, EU-Asia Centre, Brussels. Member of International Advisory Group, Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Brisbane, http://www.r2pasiapacific.org (since 2008). Project Advisory Scholar, Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, USA (2007-8). Member, Harvard Asia Vision 21 Project, Harvard University Asia Center (since 1999) Member of the Core Group, Study Group on UN-NATO Relations, International Peace Academy, New York (2001-2) Member, Eminent Person/ Expert Group, ASEAN Regional Forum (the main intergovernmental security grouping in the Asia Pacific). http://www.aseansec.org/eep-arf.pdf (2001-9). Member, High Level Expert Group, The InterAction Council (The group comprises former heads of state and governments from around the world) (2001). Member, Harvard Project on Regional Governance in Asia, John F. School of Government and the Harvard University Asia Center. (1999- 2000). Member, Asia Project, Council on Foreign Relations, New York. (1994-95) Member of the founding Board of Directors of the Canadian Consortium on Asia Pacific Security (CANCAPS). (1994-97). Academic Adviser, Canada-ASEAN Centre, Singapore.( 1994) CONSULTANCY (SELECTED)</p><p>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada; Canadian International Development Agency; Government of Singapore; United States Federal Government; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Asian Development Bank, World Bank.</p><p>SELECTED RESEARCH GRANTS</p><p> 2012-2013: The One Earth Future Foundation, US 50,000, for a conference and book project on “Why Govern: The Strategic, Functional and Normative Imperatives of Global Governance”. 2006: The Ford Foundation, US 600,000, for setting up The Consortium on Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia. (I served as its founding secretary-general; the consortium includes 14 institutions in Asia) 2006: Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan, US 350,000, for the Sentosa Roundtable on Peace and Cooperation in Asia. 2002: Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan, and Sasakawa Peace Foundation, USA: US 350,000, for “Evolving Approaches to Security Security in the Asia Pacific”. Completed, resulting in four edited volumes and four policy reports. 2003-5: Ford Foundation, Non-Traditional Security Issues in Asia, Two-year grant totalling US 150,000 to organizing coordinating meetings of all 11 Ford Grantee Institutions in Asia. 2002: Ford Foundation, Non-Traditional Security Issues in Asia, Three-year research grant totalling US 310,000 2001: Lee Foundation, Singapore, S$40,000, Harvard-IDSS Comparative Regionalism Project. 2001: Harvard University Asia Center, US$20,000, for “Crafting Cooperation: Regional Institution-Design in Comparative Perspective”, with Iain Johnston. 2000: Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Asia Pacific Policy Program, Grant to support study of ASEAN as a Rule-Based Regional Community: U$5000. 2000: Harvard University Asia Centre, Research and Teaching (The New Institutionalism in Asia Seminar with Ezra Vogel) Grant: (Approx. US$25,000). 1998: Harvard University Asia Center, Visiting Scholar Grant, U$2500 1997- 1999: Development and Security in Southeast Asia Project, a collaborative research project sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency involving the Canadian Consortium for Asia Pacific Security, the University of the Philippines, and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia, Approx. C$25, 000. 1993 - The Ford Foundation/Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Project on Arms Control and Defence Planning in Southeast Asia, S$12,000 1993 - Canada-ASEAN Centre, Singapore, ("Managing Security in Southeast Asia") C$10,000 1992 - Canadian International Development Agency: S$10,000 ("ASEAN in the Post-Cold War Era") 1992 - Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security, Peace and Security Competition Fund, Research Grant, C$11,100 (Regionalism in the Third World)</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>In Progress:</p><p>1. Constructing Global Order: Sovereignty, Security and the Limits to Universality (under contract with Cambridge University Press). 2. Why Govern? Rethinking Demand, Purpose and Progress in Global Governance, edited by Amitav Acharya (under contract with Cambridge University Press). Authored Books </p><p>1. The End of American World Order (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2014; New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015, Chinese Edition, Shanghai People’s Press, 2016)). “a stimulating argument” - Joseph S. Nye, Harvard University, in International Affairs; “extremely valuable contribution to the debate about the future of global order” - Oliver Stuenkel, Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), São Paulo, in The Diplomat; “a compelling vision of the post-American world” - The LSE Review of Books; “a punchy, trenchant critique of liberal internationalist and American hopes for a “sticky,” post-American liberal world order”. Human and Social Sciences Net Online. 2. Indonesia Matters: Asia’s Emerging Democratic Power (Singapore and New York: World Scientific, 2014). “required reading material for Indonesian foreign policy students, diplomats going into foreign service and those going to be posted in Indonesia”, Jakarta Post editor Meidyatama Suryodiningrat. 3. Rethinking Power, Institutions and Ideas in World Politics: Whose IR? (Abdingon, Oxford, and New York: Routledge, 2013). 4. Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order, (London and New York: Routledge, 2001, 2009, 2014). Translated into Chinese under the title Jian Gou An Quan Gong Tong Ti (Shanghai People’s Press, 2004). “a vivid and cutting edge work”- American Political Science Review; “a major contribution to the ongoing Asian security debate and contributes substantially to the quality of that debate’s policy analysis” - Survival; “an invaluable resource for every student of the region”- Pacific Affairs. 5. The Making of Southeast Asia: International Relations of a Region (Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2013, and Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012). "As an introduction to the region, there is no better-written or more comprehensive volume available"- Asian Affairs. 6. Civilizations in Embrace: The Spread of Ideas and the Transformation of Power (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012). 7. Whose Ideas Matter? Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009). Recognized by the Asia Society as one of five books “for their exceptional contributions to the understanding of contemporary Asia or US-Asia relations” for its Bernard Schwartz Book Award for 2010. “Acharya has written not only the most thorough application of constructivist theory on Asian regionalism but he has also added a new dimension to that theory on the localization of norm diffusion” - Perspectives on Politics; “fills a gap not only in International Relations theory but also in our perceptions of Asian efforts to build a stable and prosperous community” - Contemporary Southeast Asia. This book has also been published as a paperback by Cornell and in Singapore by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) 8. Singapore’s Foreign Policy: The Search for Regional Order (Singapore: World Scientific, 2007). 9. Asia Rising: Who Is Leading? (Singapore: World Scientific, 2007). A current affairs book. 10. The Age of Fear: Power Versus Principle in the War on Terror (Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, and New Delhi, Rupa & Co, 2004). A current affairs book. Reissued under the Routledge Revivals series, 2013. 11. Regionalism and Multilateralism: Essays on Cooperative Security in the Asia-Pacific (Singapore: Times Academic Press, 2002. Second Revised and Expanded Edition (Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 2003). A collection of previously published essays with a new introduction and conclusion. 12. The Quest for Identity: International Relations of Southeast Asia (Oxford University Press, 2000) “the best work on Southeast Asian regionalism available”- Pacific Affairs; “an important book for historians, political scientists, and Southeast Asia area specialists… wonderfully integrates history and political science… indispensable” - Journal of Asian Studies. 13. U.S. Military Strategy in the Gulf: Origins and Evolution under the Carter and Reagan Administrations (London and New York: Routledge, 1989, 2013). “a compelling and well balanced account of U.S. Gulf strategy” - International Journal of Middle East Studies. Reissued under the Routledge Revivals series, 2013.</p><p>Edited Books 1. Africa in Global International Relations: Emerging Approaches in Theory and Practice (Routledge 2015) co-edited by Paul-Henri Bischoff, Kwesi Aning, and Amitav Acharya 2. Democracy and Reform in the Middle East and Asia: Social Protest and Authoritarian Rule After the Arab Spring (London: I.B Tauris, 2013). Co-edited with Amin Saikal 3. Human Security: From Concept to Practice (Singapore and London: World Scientific, 2011). Co- edited with Subrat Singhdeo and M. Rajarethnam. 4. After Iraq: Rebuilding World Order (Singapore and London: World Scientific, 2011), co-edited with Hiro Katsumata. 5. Human Security; The Concept and Its Application (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2010). In Chinese. 6. Non-Western International Relations Theory: Reflections on and Beyond Asia (Oxford and New York: Routledge 2010). Edited by Amitav Acharya and Barry Buzan. Introduction and Conclusion co-authored. “illuminating both in demonstrating the poverty of IR theories in the contemporary world, and also in raising doubts about the need for grand IR narratives in the non-Western world”- Survival. 7. Living With China: Regional States And China Through Crises And Turning Points, edited by Shiping Tang and Li Mingjiang and Amitav Acharya (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2009) 8. Bandung Revisited : The Legacy of the 1955 Asian-African Conference for International Order, edited by Tan See Seng and Amitav Acharya (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2008). Introduction co-authored. 9. Theorising Southeast Asian Relations: Emerging Debates (London and New York: Routledge, 2008). Edited by Amitav Acharya and Richard Stubbs, Introduction co-authored. 10. Crafting Cooperation: Regional International Institutions in Comparative Perspective, edited by, Amitav Acharya and Iain Alastair Johnston (Cambridge University Press, 2007). Introduction and Conclusion co-authored. “consistently enlightening and interesting...a milestone... groundbreaking”- International Affairs (London); “pathbreaking” - Foreign Affairs. 11. Reassessing Security Cooperation in Asia-Pacific (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007), edited by Amitav Acharya and Evelyn Goh. Introduction co-written, two chapters self-authored. 12. Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Trends and Prospects, edited by Ralf Emmers, Mely Anthony and Amitav Acharya (Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic, 2006). 13. Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Dynamics of Securitisation, edited by Mely Caballero Anthony, Ralf Emmers and Amitav Acharya (London: Ashgate, 2006). 14. UN Peace Operations and Asian Security edited by Mely Caballero Anthony and Amitav Acharya (London: Routledge, 2005). Concluding chapter authored. 15. Asia-Pacific Security Cooperation: Reconciling National Interest With Regional Order, edited by Tan See Seng and Amitav Acharya (Armonk: ME Sharpe, 2004). Introduction co-authored. 16. Democracy, Human Rights and Civil Society in Asia Pacific, edited by Amitav Acharya, Bernie Frolic and Richard Stubbs ((Toronto: University of Toronto-York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 2000). 17. The Next Stage: Preventive Diplomacy and Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, edited by Desmond Ball and Amitav Acharya (Canberra: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, 1999). Two chapters contributed. 18. New Challenges for ASEAN: Emerging Policy Issues, edited by Amitav Acharya and Richard Stubbs (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1995). Introduction co-written and one chapter self-authored. This book has also been published by University of Washington Press, 1996) 19. Cambodia: The 1989 Paris Peace Conference and After. Background and Documents (New York: Kraus International, 1991), co-editor with Pierre Lizze and Sorpong Peou. </p><p>Shorter Monographs:</p><p>1. Promoting Human Security: Ethical, Normative and Educational Frameworks in Southeast Asia (Paris; UNESCO, 2007). http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001518/151821e.pdf 2. An Arms Race in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia? Prospects for Control, Pacific Strategic Papers no.8 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1994), 71pp. 3. A New Regional Order in Southeast Asia: ASEAN in the Post-Cold War Era, Adelphi Paper no. 279 (London: International Institute of Strategic Studies, 1993), 91pp. 4. The Gulf Cooperation Council and Security: Dilemmas of Dependence 1981-88, (London: Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies, 1989).</p><p>Special Issue of Journals </p><p>1. “Why is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory? Reflections on and from Asia,” Special Issue of International Relations of Asia Pacific, Vol.7 (2007), Co-Edited with Barry Buzan) Seven of the eight articles in this special issue, including Preface, Introduction and Conclusion by Acharya and Buzan, are among the top ten most cited articles of the journal as of 1 November 2013. 2. “Theorising Southeast Asian Relations: Emerging Debates,” Pacific Review, Vol. 19, No 2 (June 2006). Co-edited with Richard Stubbs 3. “UN Peace Operations and Asian Security”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 2005. Co-edited with Mely Anthony 4. "Reconceptualising Southeast Asia", Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science , vol.27, no.1 (1999), Co-Edited with Ananda Rajah</p><p>Articles in Refereed Journals</p><p>1. “Advancing the Study of Asian and Comparative Regionalism,” in International Relations of Asia Pacific, Vol.15, No. 3 (2015). Part of a Special Section of the journal entitled “Studying Asian and Comparative Regionalism through Amitav Acharya's work,” edited by Anje Jtschke, International Relations of Asia Pacific, Vol.15, No. 3 (2015): 537-566. </p><p>2. “Global International Relations (IR) and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol.58, No.4 (2014), pp.1-13. (This article is an expanded version of my Presidential Address to the International Studies Association Annual Convention in Toronto, March 26-29, 2014). </p><p>3. “Remaking Southeast Asian Studies: Doubt, Desire and the Promise of Comparisons,” Pacific Affairs, vol.87, no.3 (September 2014), pp. 463-483.</p><p>4. Power Shift or Paradigm Shift: China’s Rise and Asia’s Security Order,” International Studies Quarterly, vol.58, No.1 (2014), pp. 158-73. 5. “Who Are the Norm Makers? The Asian-African Conference in Bandung and the Evolution of Norms,” Global Governance, vol. 20, No. 3 (July-September 2014), pp.405-17. 6. "Comparative Regionalism: A Field Whose Time Has Come?", International Spectator, vol. 47, no.1 (2012), pp. 3- 15. 7. “Dialogue and Discovery: In Search of International Relations Theories Beyond the West,” Millennium, vol. 39, No.3 (2011), pp. 619-637. 5th most cited article in Millennium on 1 August 2013. 8. “Can Asia Lead: Power Aspirations Versus Global Governance,” International Affairs (July 2011), pp. 851-869. 9. “Engagement or Entrapment: Scholarship and Policymaking on Asian Regionalism,” International Studies Review, Vol.13 (2011), pp. 12–17 10. “Norm Subsidiarity and Regional Orders: Sovereignty, Regionalism and Rule Making in the Third World,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 55, No.1 (2011), pp. 95–123. 11. “Asia is Not One,” Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 69, No. 4 (November 2010), pp.1001–1013. 12. “Democracy or Death? Will Democratisation Bring Greater Regional Instability to East Asia?”, Pacific Review, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2010), pp. 335-358. 13. “The Emerging Regional Architecture of World Politics: A Review Essay,” World Politics, Vol.59, No.4 (July 2007), pp. 629-652. 14. “Why is there no Non-Western International Relations Theory: An Introduction,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol 7, No. 3 (2007), pp.287-312. Co-authored with Barry Buzan. Top most cited article in the journal as of 1 November 2013. 15. “Preface: Why is there no non-Western IR theory: reflections on and from Asia”, pp.285-86. Sixth most cited article in the journal as of 1 November 2013. 16. “Conclusion: On the Possibility of a Non-Western IR Theory in Asia,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2007), pp 427-438. Co-authored with Barry Buzan. 10th most cited article in the journal as of 1 November 2013. 17. “Made in America? Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism,” in Roundtable: Peter J. Katzenstein’s Contributions to the Study of East Asian Regionalism,” Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 7 (2007), pp. 359–412. 18. “State Sovereignty After 9/11: Disorganised Hypocrisy?” Political Studies, Vol. 55, no.2 (Summer 2007), pp. 274-296. 19. “Betwixt Balance and Community: America, ASEAN, and the Security of Southeast Asia,” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2005), pp. 37-59. Co-authored with See Seng Tan. 20. “Do Norms and Identity Matter? Community and Power in Southeast Asia’s Regional Order,” Pacific Review, vol.18, no.1 (March 2005), pp.95-118. 15th most cited article in the journal as of December 2013. 21. “How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change in Asian Regionalism”, International Organization, vol. 58, no.2 (Spring 2004), pp. 239-275. 22. “Will Asia’s Past be Its Future?”, International Security, vol. 28, no.3 (Winter 2003-04), pp.149- 164. 23. “Democratisation and the Prospects for Participatory Regionalism in Southeast Asia”, Third World Quarterly, vol.24, no.2 (2003), pp.375-390. 24."Redefining the Dilemmas of Humanitarian Intervention", Australian Journal of International Affairs, vol.56, no.3 (November 2002), pp.373-382. 25. “Human Security: East Versus West”, International Journal, Vol. LVI, No. 3 (Summer 2001), pp.442-460. (Translated into Chinese, World Economic and Politics, No.5 (2002), pp.57-62. Translated into Korean, IRI Review, vol.11, no.2 (Autumn 2002). This article also appears in Asia Pacific Security: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21 st Century (Kuala Lumpur, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, 2002); and The Human Face of Security: Asia-Pacific Perspectives , (Canberra, Australian National University, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 2002). 26."A Concert of Asia?", Survival, vol. 41, no.3 (Autumn 1999), pp.84-101. 27. "Southeast Asia's Democratic Moment?”, Asian Survey (May-June 1999). 28."Realism, Institutionalism and the Asian Economic Crisis", Contemporary Southeast Asia , vol.21, no.1 (April 1999), pp.1-29. 29."Imagined Proximities: Reconstructing Southeast Asia as a Region", Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, vol.27, no.1 (1999), pp.55-76. 30."Culture, Security, Multilateralism: The 'ASEAN Way' and Regional Order", Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 19, no.1 (April 1998). This also appears as a chapter in Keith Krause, ed., Culture and Security: Multiculturalism, Arms Control and Security Building (London: Frank Cass, 1998), pp.55- 84. 31. "The Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone', Security Dialogue, vol.29, no.2 (June 1998), 219- 230, co-author with Ken Boutin. 32. "Ideas, Identity, and Institution-Building: From the 'ASEAN Way' to the 'Asia Pacific Way", Pacific Review, vol.10, no.2 (1997), pp.319-346. Most viewed article in the journal, as well as 4th most- read and 5th most cited article in the journal as of December 2013. 33. "Transnational Production and Security: Southeast Asia's Growth Triangles", Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol.17, no.2 (September 1995), pp.173-185. 34."A Regional Security Community in Southeast Asia?", Journal of Strategic Studies, vol.18, no.3 (September 1995), pp.175-200 (This article also appears as a book chapter in Desmond Ball, ed., The Transformation of Security in the Asia/Pacific Region (London: Frank Cass, 1995). 35. "Cambodia, the United Nations and the Problems of Peace", Pacific Review, vol.7, no.3 (1994), pp.297-308. 36."Regional Military-Security Cooperation in the Third World: A Conceptual Analysis of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations", Journal of Peace Research, vol.29, no.1 (January 1992), pp. 7-21 37. "Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Security Community or Defence Community?" Pacific Affairs, vol.64, no.2 (Summer 1991),pp.159-178 38."The Rapid Deployment Force and the U.S. Military Build-up in the Persian Gulf Region", Australian Outlook: The Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.38, No.2 (August 1984), pp. 90-98 39."The Anatomy of Political Power in Industrial Societies: Concepts of Social Conflict and Class Power from Marx to Miliband", Indian Journal of Politics, Vol.18, No. 2 (June 1984), pp. 31-42</p><p>Chapters in Books (Refereed) </p><p>1. “R2P and a Theory of Norm Circulation,” in Ramesh Thakur and William Maley, eds., Theorising the Responsibility to Protect, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015). 2. “International Relations Theory and the Rise of Asia,” in Saadia Pekkanen, John Ravenhill and Rosemary Foot, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the International Relations of Asia (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014), pp. 120-137. 3. “Thinking Theoretically About Asian IR,” in David Shambaugh and Michael Yahuda, eds., International Relations of Asia, 2nd edition (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014). This is a revised an updated version of my chapter for the 1st edition of the book. 4. “Foundations of Collective Action in Asia: Theory and Practice,” in G. Capannelli and M. Kawai, eds., The Political Economy of Asian Regionalism (Tokyo and New York: Springer 2014), pp.19-38. 5. “Contingent Socialization in Asian Regionalism: Possibilities and Limits,” in Miles Kahler and Andrew MacIntyre, ed., Integrating Regions: Asia in Comparative Context (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013), pp. 222-44. 6. “Transnational Civil Society as Agents of Norm Diffusion,” in Rodney Bruce Hall, ed., Reducing Armed Violence with NGO Governance (Abingdon, Oxford, and New York: Routledge, 2013), pp.97-113. 7. “Ideas, Norms and Regional Orders,” in T.V. Paul, ed., International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012),pp.183-209. 8. “Democracy and Disorder: will democratization bring greater regional instability to East Asia,” in Yin-Wah Chu and Siu-lun Wong, eds, East Asia’s New Democracies: deepening, reversal, non- liberal alternatives (London and New York: Routledge, 2010), 143-66. 9. “The New Transregional Security Politics of the Asia-Pacific,” in William T. Tow, ed, Security Politics in the Asia-Pacific (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 301-313. 10. “The Strong in the World of the Weak: Southeast Asia in Asia’s Regional Architecture”, in Bates Gill and Michael Green, eds., Asia’s New Multilateralism (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009), 172-192 11. “Theoretical Perspectives on International Relations in Asia”, in David Shambaugh and Michael Yahuda, eds., International Relations of Asia (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008) pp.57-84. 12. “Identity without Exceptionalism: Challenges for Asian Political and International Studies”, in Navnita Chadha Behera, ed. International Relations in South Asia: State of the Art (New Delhi, India and Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008), pp. 74-89. 13. “Human Security,” in John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens, The Globalisation of World Politics, 4th edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007) 14. “Multilateralism, Sovereignty and Normative Change in World Politics,” in Edward Newman, Ramesh Thakur, John Tirman, eds., Multilateralism Under Challenge?” (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2006) 15. “Human Security, Identity Politics and Global Governance: From Freedom from Fear to a Fear of Freedoms,” In Helen James, ed., Civil Society, Religion and Global Governance (Routledge, 2007). 16. “Securitisation in Asia: Functional and Normative Implications,” in Mely Anthony, Ralf Emmers and Amitav Acharya, eds., Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Dynamics of Securitisation (London: Ashgate, 2006). 17. “Southeast Asia and the United States after September 11, 2001,” in Jürgen Rüland, Theodor Hanf, and Eva Manske, eds., U.S. Foreign Policy Toward the Third World: A Post-Cold War Assessment (Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2006). 18. “Regional Institutions and Asian Security Order: Norms, Power, and Prospects for Peaceful Change”, In Muthaah Alagappa, ed., Asian Security Order: Instrumental and Normative Features (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002), pp.210-240. 19. "Containment, Engagement, or Counter-Dominance? Malaysia's Response to the Rise of Chinese Power", in Robert Ross and Iain Johnston, eds., Engaging China: The Management of a Rising Power (London: Routledge, 1999), pp.129-151. 20."Collective Identity and Conflict Management in Southeast Asia", in Emmanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, eds., Security Communities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp.198-227. 21. "Beyond Anarchy: Third World Instability and International Order after the Cold War", in Stephanie Neumann, ed., International Relations Theory and the Third World (New York: St Martin's Press, 1997), pp.159-211. 22."Developing Countries and the Emerging World Order: Security and Institutions", in Louise Fawcett and Yezid Sayigh, ed., The Third World Beyond the Cold War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp.78-98. 23. "The Asia Pacific", in Louise Fawcett and Yezid Sayigh, ed., The Third World Beyond the Cold War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp.118-133, co-author with Richard Stubbs. 24."The Periphery as the Core: The Third World and Security Studies", in Keith Krause and Michael Williams, eds., Critical Security Studies (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), pp.299-327. 25. "ASEAN and Asia Pacific Multilateralism: Managing Regional Security", in Amitav Acharya and Richard Stubbs, eds., New Challenges for ASEAN: Emerging Policy Issues (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1995), pp. 182-202 26."Regional Approaches to Security in the Third World: Lessons and Prospects", in Larry A. Swatuk and Timothy M. Shaw, eds., The South at the End of the Twentieth Century (London: Macmillan, 1994), pp. 79-94 (An earlier version of this paper also appeared as Occasional Paper no.28, Centre for International and Strategic Studies, York University, March 1995) 27. "The Economic Foundations of Singapore's National Security", in Garry Rodan ed., Singapore Changes Guard: Social, Political and Economic Directions in the 1990s (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire and New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993), pp. 134-152, co-author 28."Regionalism and Regime Security in the Third World: Comparing the Origins of the ASEAN and the GCC" in Brian L. Job, ed., The (In)security Dilemma: National Security of Third World States (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1991), pp. 143-164</p><p>Other Journal and Magazine Articles, Including Invited Articles (Selected)</p><p>1. “In Defence of the Multiplex World,” Japanese Journal of Political Science, Vol.16, No.3 (September 2015), pp. 456-458 (invited response to a forum on my book, The End of American World Order) 2. “Alternative Regional Institutions in Asia,” Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs, Vol. 2 No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2015) 3-6. Introduction to the Policy Forum. (invited) 3. “Doomed by Dialogue? Will ASEAN Survive Great Power Rivalry in Asia?”, ASAN Forum, 29 June 2015. http://www.theasanforum.org/doomed-by-dialogue-will-asean-survive-great-power- rivalry-in-asia/ 4. “Consociational Security: Avoiding the Struggle for Mastery in Asia,” Harvard Asia Quarterly, Vol.16, No.2 (2014), pp. 19-25. 5. “Why Indonesia Matters,” Strategic Review, The Indonesian Journal of Leadership, Policy and World Affairs, Vol.4, No.4 (October-December 2014), 61-68 http://www.stratfor.com/the-hub/why- indonesia-matters 6. “R2P and Theory of Norm Diffusion: Towards a Framework of Norm Circulation,” Global Responsibility to Protect, vol.5, No.4 (2013), pp.466-79. 7. “Overturning Lee Kuan Yew's Legacy in Singapore: Can Democracy and Development Coexist?”, Foreignaffairs.com, September 28, 2011 (invited) http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68307/amitav-acharya/overturning-lee-kuan-yews-legacy-in- singapore 8. “Why Asian Regionalism Matters?” World Politics Review, 1 June 2010 (invited) 9. “The Idea of Asia,” Asia Policy, No. 9 (January 2010), pp.32-39. Available at: http://www.nbr.org/publications/asia_policy/AP9/AP9_B_AsiaTrainRT.pdf 10. “ASEAN at 40: Mid-Life Rejuvenation?”, Foreignaffairs.com, 15 August 2007. Available at: http://www.foreignaffairs.org/20070815faupdate86481/amitav-acharya/asean-at-40-mid-life- rejuvenation.html 11. “The Myth of the Second Front: Localizing the ‘War on Terror’ in Southeast Asia,” The Washington Quarterly, vol. 30, no.4 (Autumn 2007), pp. 75–90 (Co-author with Arabinda Acharya). 12. “The Imagined Community of East Asia,” Korea Observer, vol.37, no.3 (Autumn 2006), pp. 407- 421. 13. “Conclusion: Asian Norms and Practices in UN Peace Operations,” International Peacekeeping, vol.12, no.1 (Spring 2005), pp.121-25. 14. “The Bush Doctrine and Asian Regional Order: The Perils and Pitfalls of Preemption”, Asian Perspective, vol. 27, No 4 (2003), pp.217-248. 15. “Guns and Butter: Why Do Human Security and Traditional Security Co-Exist in Asia?” Global Economic Review (Seoul), Vol.32, No.3 (2003), pp.1-21. 16. “Human Security in Asia: Conceptual Ambiguities and Common Understandings” Man and Development (India) December 2002, pp.325-344. Co-author with Arabinda Acharya. 17. “A Holistic Paradigm”, Security Dialogue (Special Section on Human Security), vol. No. 3 (September 2004). 18. “Mondialisation Et Souverainete: Une Reevaluation De Leur Lien”, Revue Internationale de Politque Comparee, vol.8, no.3 (2001), pp.383-394. (In French) 19. Shadow Over the Subcontinent”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vol.11, no.1 (Winter/Spring 2001), pp.41-46, co-author with Arabinda Acharya. 20.“Human Security in the Asia Pacific: Puzzle, Panacea, or Peril?”, CANCAPS Bulletin (November 2000), co-author with Arabinda Acharya. 21. “International Relations Theory and Cross-Strait Relations”, Prospect Quarterly (Taipei), vol.1, no.2 (October 2000), pp.1-24. (Available at: http://www.taiwansecurity.org/IS/Acharya-International- Relations-Theory-and-Cross-Strait-Relations.htm) 22.“Di qu zhu yi he ji jiang chu xian de shijie zhi xu: zhu quan, zi zhi quan he di qu te xing” (“Regionalism and the Emerging World Order: Sovereignty, Autonomy, and Identity”), World Economics and Politics, (Beijing, in Chinese) no.2 (February 2000), pp.56-63. 23. "Is Democracy Best?", Asiaweek, 23 October 1998, p.80. 24."Multilateralism: Is there an Asia Pacific Way?" NBR Analysis (Seattle: National Bureau of Asian Research, 1997) 25. "ASEAN-UN Cooperation in Peace and Preventive Diplomacy: Its Contribution to Regional Security", Indonesian Quarterly, vol.22, no.3 (Third Quarter 1994), pp. 215-226 26."The New World Order and International Security After the Gulf War: An Assessment", India Quarterly, vol.xlviii, no.3 (July-September 1992), pp.1-14 27. "The Asia-Pacific Region: Cockpit for Superpower Rivalry", The World Today, Vol.43, Nos.8-9 (August/September 1987), pp.155-159 [Reproduced in Current Affairs Bulletin (Sydney), Vol.64, No.7 (November 1987), pp.19-25] 28."Australia's Defense Policy in Transition", International Defense Review, Vol.20, No.7 (July 1987), pp.877-883 (co-author with Daniel Mulhall) 29."The Reagan Doctrine and International Security", Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace Studies, Vol.20, No.2 (May 1988), pp. 23-31 30."The United States Versus the U.S.S.R. in the Pacific: Trends in the Military Balance", Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.9, No.4 (March 1988), pp. 282-299 31. "Arms Proliferation Issues in ASEAN: Towards a More `Conventional' Defence Posture?", Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.10, No.3 (December 1988), pp. 242-68 (Special Focus Issue on "Arms and Defence in Southeast Asia") 32. "Problems in Australian Foreign Policy: January-June 1986", Australian Journal of Politics and History, Vol.32, No.3 (1986), pp. 359-377 (co-author with Richard Higgott) 33. "Problems in Australian Foreign Policy: July-December 1985", Australian Journal of Politics and History, Vol.32, No.2 (1986), pp. 171-183 (co-author with Richard Higgott)</p><p>Other Book Chapters (Selected)</p><p>1. “Foreward: Interregionalism in a Multiplex World,” in Mario Telò, Louise Fawcett, Frederik Ponjaert, eds., Interregionalism and the European Union: A Post Positivist Approach to Europe’s Place in a Changing World (Farnham, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate 2015): pp. xix-xxiv. 2. “Posthegemonic Multilateralism,” in Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinsom, eds., International Organization and Global Governance (Abdingon, Oxford, and New York: Routledge, 2013). 3. “Multinational and Regional Organizations,” Encyclopedia Britannica (2012 Book of the Year), (Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012), pp. 355-56. 4. “Europe and Asia: Reflections on a Tale of Two Regionalisms,” in Bertrand Fort and Douglas Webber, ed., Regional integration in East Asia and Europe: Convergence or Divergence? (London and New York: Routledge, 2006). 5. “Kashmir in the International System,” In W.P.S Sidhu, Bushra Asif and Cyrus Samii, Kashmir: New Voices, New Approaches (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006), pp.157-170. co-author. 6. “Southeast Asia, Relations With,” Stanley Wolpert, ed., Encyclopedia of India, Vol.4 (Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, Imprint of Thomson Gale, Sons, 2006), pp.89-93. Available at: http://library.worldtracker.org/Reference/Encyclopedia%27s/Encyclopedia%20of%20India %20vol.4%20-%20S-Z.pdf 7. “Conclusions: Asian Norms and Practices in UN Peace Operations,” in Mely Caballero-Anthony and Amitav Acharya, eds., UN Peace Operations and Asian Security (London: Routledge, 2005), pp. 121-5. 8. “The Bush Doctrine and Asian Regional Order: the Perils and Pitfalls of Preemption,” in Mel Gurtov and Peter Van Ness, eds., Confronting the Bush Doctrine: Critical Views from the Asia-Pacific (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005). 9. “Security Community,” in Martin Griffiths, ed., Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics (Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, 2005). 10. “Common Security,” in Martin Griffiths, ed., Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics (Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, 2005). 11. “Regional Security Arrangements in a Multipolar World,” in Martin Ortega, ed., Global Views of the European Union, Challiot Paper no. 72 (Paris: Institute for Security Studies, The European Union, November 2004), pp. 93-102. 12. “The Nexus Between Human Security and Traditional Security in Asia”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Security in East Asia, 16-17 June 2003, Seoul, Republic of Korea (UNESCO; Korean National Commission on UNESCO and Ilmin International Relations Institute of Korea University, 2004). 13. “State-Society Relations: Asian and World Order after September 11”, in Ken Booth and Tim Dunne, eds., World’s in Collision: Terror and the Future of Global Order (London: Palgrave, 2002), pp.194-204. 14. “Regionalism and the Emerging World Order: Sovereignty, Autonomy, Identity”, in Shaun Breslin, Christopher W. Hughes, Nicola Phillips and Ben Rosamond, eds., New Regionalisms in the Global Political Economy (London and New York: Routledge, 2002), pp.20-32. 15. “Regionalism: The Meso Public Domain in Latin America and South-East Asia”, in Daniel Drache, ed., The Market or the Public Domain: Global Governance and the Asymmetry of Power (London and New York; Routledge, 2001), pp.296-318. 16. “Diplomacy in Hard Times: Singapore Confronts Global Terrorism and Regional Regression”, in Chang Li Lin, ed., 2002 Perspectives on Singapore (Singapore: Times Academic Press and Institute of Policy Studies, 2002), pp. 39-56. 17. “Ethnocentrism and Emancipatory IR Theory”, in Samantha Arnold and J. Marshall Bier, eds. Displacing Security, (Toronto: Centre for International and Security Studies, York University, 2000). 18. “Preventive Diplomacy: Concept, Theory and Strategy”, in Desmond Ball and Amitav Acharya, eds., The Next Stage: Preventive Diplomacy and Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region (Canberra: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, 1999). 19. "Preventive Diplomacy: The Concept and Its Evolution in the Asia Pacific Region" in Desmond Ball and Amitav Acharya, eds., The Next Stage: Preventive Diplomacy and Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region (Canberra: Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, 1999). This chapter also appeared in Proceedings of the Eighth Asia Pacific Roundtable (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Strategic and International Studies, 1996) 20.“The “Asian View” on Human Rights: A Different Look”, in Wilfried A. Hermann, ed., Asia’s Security Challenges (Commack, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, 1998), pp.149-155. 21. "The Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones in South-East Asia and Africa", SIPRI Yearbook 1998 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp.443-455, co-author with Sola Ogunbanwo 22.“Confidence-Building Measures in the Asia-Pacific: Their Relevance to the UN Conventional Arms Register”, in Malcolm Chalmers, Mitsuro Donowaki and Owen Greene, eds., Developing Arms Transparency: The Future of the UN Register (Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, 1997), pp.163-176. 23. "Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in the New World Order: A Comparative Perspective," in Andrew Latham, ed. Non-Proliferation Agreements, Arrangements and Responses: Proceedings of the 1996 Canadian Non-Proliferation Workshop (Toronto: Centre for International and Security Studies, York University, 1997), 117-43. co-author with Ken Boutin. 24."Fiscal Burden Sharing", in James C. Hathaway, ed., Reconceiving International Refugee Law (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1997), pp.111-145, co-author with David B. Dewitt, 25. "Defence Cooperation and Transparency in Southeast Asia", in J.N. Mak and Bates Gill, eds., A Southeast Asian Arms Register (London: Oxford University Press, for Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 1997). 26."Prospects for a Regional Arms Register in the Asia Pacific Region", in Hannelore Hoppe, ed., "A Regional Arms Register in the Asia Pacific Region", (New York: United Nations, Centre for Disarmament Affairs, 1996). 27. "A Concert of Powers in the Asia-Pacific", in Derek Da Cunha, ed., The Evolving Pacific Power Balance (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1996), pp.35-41. 28."The ARF Could Well Unravel", in Derek Da Cunha, ed., The Evolving Pacific Power Balance (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1996), pp.63-69 29."An Arms Race in Southeast Asia", in Derek Da Cunha, ed., The Evolving Pacific Power Balance (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1996), pp.83-88 30."Regional Security in the Asia Pacific: Trends and Prospects", in Jusuf Wanandi, ed., Regional Security Arrangements in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta: Centre for Strategic and International Studies 1995), pp.13-29 31. "ASEAN and Conditional Engagement", in James Shinn, ed., Weaving the Net: Conditional Engagement with China (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1996), pp.220-248. 32. "The Perils of Prosperity? Security and Economic Growth in the ASEAN Region", in Jane Davis, ed., Security Issues in the Post-Cold War World (London: Edward Elgar, 1995), pp.99-112, co- author with Richard Stubbs. 33. "Regional Organizations and UN Peacekeeping", in Ramesh Thakur and Carlyle Thayer, eds., A Crisis of Expectations: UN Peacekeeping in the 1990s (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995), pp. 207-222. 34."Making Multilateralism Work: the ARF and security in the Asia-Pacific", in Michael W. Everett and Mary A. Sommerville (eds.), Multilateral Activities in South East Asia : Pacific Symposium 1995 (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1995), pp.179-194. 35. "Human Rights and Regional Order: ASEAN and Human Rights Management in Southeast Asia", in James Tang, ed. Human Rights and International Relations in Asia-Pacific (London: Frances Pinter, 1995), pp.167-182. 36."The Security Architecture of Eastern Asia", in Collin Mackerras, ed., Eastern Asia: An Introductory History, 2nd edition (Melbourne: Longman Australia, 1995), pp. 575-583 37. "Regional Organisations and Security in the Third World: A Framework for Comparative Study", in Jonathan Rittenhouse and Courtice G. George, eds., Regionalism and Theory (Lewiston: Edwin Mellon Press, 1991),pp. 113-142 (vol.9 of the series on Studies in History and Politics/Etudes d'histoire politique). 38."Overview: An Agenda for Cooperative Security in the North Pacific", in David Dewitt and Paul Evans, ed., The Agenda for Cooperative Security in the North Pacific (Toronto: York University, North Pacific Cooperative Security Dialogue Research Programme, 1993), pp. xxxiv-xlv, co- authored with David Dewitt and Paul Evans. 39."China's Arms Sales in the Gulf", in Omar Al-Hasan, ed., The Middle East Military Balance 1990 (London: Brassey's, 1990), pp. 118-132. 40."Blocs regionaux et securite economique: ASEAN, APEC. EAEG", in Gerard Hervouet, ed., Asie- Pacifique: Les nouveaux espaces de cooperation et de conflits (Jointly published by University of Laval Press, Quebec, Canada and Fondation pour les etudes de defense nationale, Paris, 1991), pp. 161-177. Co-author with Ken Christie.</p><p>Academic Interviews</p><p>1. “Theory Talk #42 - Amitav Acharya,” (On the Relevance of Regions, ASEAN, and Western IR's false universalisms), August 10, 2011. http://www.theory-talks.org/2011/08/theory-talk-42.html 2. “Constructing Security and Identity in Southeast Asia,” Interview with the Author published by the Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol.11, no.2 (Winter-Spring 2006), 155-164. Available at: http://www.bjwa.org/article.php?id=Bsg9lE965f1HviKf8L7VqWf0xYX7FR347fH0dj0l</p><p>Selected Policy Reports </p><p>1. “Common Security with Asia: Changing Europe’s Role from Model to Partner,” International Policy Analysis (Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, December 2012). “http://library.fes.de/pdf- files/iez/09525.pdf 2. ASEAN and Burma/Myanmar: Past and Prologue (Washington, DC: Sigur Center for Asian Studies, George Washington University, April 2012). 3. Southeast Asian Security after September 11, Foreign Policy Dialogue Series 2003-8 (Vancouver: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, 2003). 4. A New Agenda for the ASEAN Regional Forum: A Report on the IDSS Project on the Future of the ASEAN Regional Forum, IDSS Monograph, No 4 (Singapore: IDSS, 2002). Co-author Government of Singapore 5. The ASEAN Regional Forum: Confidence-Building (Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1997). 75pp. This report was circulated at the ARF Inter-Sessional Support Group Meeting on Confidence-Building Measures, Beijing, March 1997. DFAIT/Canada 6. Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones in the New World Order (Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1997). DEFAIT/Canada. This report was circulated at the UN Commission for Disarmament. 7. Engagement or Estrangement? India and the Asia Pacific Region, Eastern Asia Policy Papers (Toronto: University of Toronto - York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1999). CIDA/Canada 8. Sustainable Development and Security in Southeast Asia: A Concept Paper, (Toronto: Canadian Consortium on Asia Pacific Security, 1995), co-author with David Dewitt and Carolina Hernandez, 31pp. This also appears as a chapter in Thangam Ramnath, The Emerging Regional Security Architecture in the Asia-Pacific Region (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Strategic and International Studies, 1996), pp.345-378. CIDA/Canada 9. Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Dilemmas of Foreign Policy, Eastern Asia Policy Papers no.11(Toronto: University of Toronto - York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1995), 30pp. CIDA/Canada 10. Governance and Security in Southeast Asia: The Impact of Defence Spending, Eastern Asia Policy Papers no.9 (Toronto: University of Toronto - York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1995), 30pp. CIDA/Canada 11. China's Defence Expenditures: Trends and Implications, Eastern Asia Policy Papers no.1 (Toronto: University of Toronto - York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1995),co-author with Paul Evans, 48pp. CIDA/Canada</p><p>Working Papers</p><p>1. "ASEAN 2030: Challenges of Building a Mature Political and Security Community,” Working Paper 441 (Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 28 October 2013) http://www.adbi.org/working-paper/2013/10/28/5917.asean.2030.political.security.community/ Listed on Social Science Research Network (SSRN)'s Top Ten download list for: PSN: under categories “National Security and War”, and “Other Conflict Studies”. 2. "Foundations of Collective Action in Asia: Theory and Practice of Regional Cooperation," Working Paper No. 344 (Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 2012). http://www.adbi.org/files/2012.02.14.wp344.foundations.collective.action.asia.pdf 3. “Asian Regional Institutions and the Possibilities for. Socializing the Behavior of States,” ADB Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration, No. 82 (Manila: Asian Development Bank, June 2011) . http://aric.adb.org/pdf/workingpaper/WP82_Acharya_Asian_Regional_Institutions.pdf 4. “Nonhegemonic International Relations: A Preliminary Conceptualization,” Working Paper 10- 08Centre for Governance and International Affairs, University of Bristol, 2008). http://www.bristol.ac.uk/politics/workingpapers/10-08aapaper.pdf 5. “Why is There No NATO in Asia? The Normative Origins of Asian Multilateralism,” Working Paper No. 05-05 (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, July 2005). http://www.wcfia.harvard.edu/node/913 6. “International Relations and Area Studies: Towards A New Synthesis,” State of International and Security Studies Papers No.2 (Singapore: Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, 2005). http://www.amitavacharya.com/sites/default/files/IR%20and %20Area%20Studies.pdf 7. “Multilateralism, Sovereignty and Normative Change in World Politics,” Working Paper No. 78 (Singapore: Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, 2005). https://www.ciaonet.org/wps/ids005/ids005.pdf 8. “Security and Security Studies After September 11: Some Preliminary Reflections”, in The Concept of Security Before and After September 11 by Steve Smith and Amitav Acharya, IDSS Working Paper Series, No 23 (Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, 2002). 9. "East Asia: Cooperative Security or Concert of Powers?", IDSS Working Paper no.3 (Singapore: Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, 1999) 10. “Democratising Southeast Asia: Economic Crisis and Political Change,” Working Paper 87 (Perth: Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, August 1998) 11. "Sovereignty, Non-Intervention, and Regionalism", CANCAPS Papier no.15 (Toronto: Canadian Consortium for Asia Pacific Security, York University, 1997) 12. “Refugees, Security and International Politics: The Principles and Practices of Burden-Sharing,” (Toronto: York University, Centre for Refugee Studies, 1995), co-author with David Dewitt 13. “Sustainable Development and Security in Southeast Asia: A Concept Paper,” Amitav Acharya, David B. Dewitt, and Carolina Hernandez, CANCAPS Papier No. 6 (Toronto: Canadian Consortium for Asia Pacific Security, York University, August 1995). http://www.cancaps.ca/papiers.html#avail 14. “Third World Conflicts and International Order After the Cold War,” Working Paper no. 134 (Canberra: Australian National University, Peace Research Centre, 1993) 15. “A Survey of Military Cooperation Among the ASEAN States: Bilateralism or Alliance,” Occasional Paper no.14 (Centre for International and Strategic Studies, York University, April 1990), 40pp. 16. “The Gulf War and "Irangate": American Dilemmas,” Working Paper No 130 (Canberra: Australian National University, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 1987)</p><p>Published Testimony</p><p>Amitav Acharya, Testimony Before the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs On Relations Between Canada and the Asia Pacific Region, Ottawa, Wednesday, April 9, 1997, Issue No. 29, Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Second Session, Thirty-fifth Parliament, 1996</p><p>Research Surveys</p><p>1. "Regional Security Building in the Asia-Pacific: A Proposed Research Agenda", (Toronto: York University, Centre for International and Strategic Studies, 1989) 2. "New Directions in the Regional Security Studies of Southeast Asia", (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Regional Strategic Studies Programme, March 1988).</p><p>Book Reviews</p><p>Contemporary Southeast Asia (Singapore); Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science (Singapore); Asian Studies Review (Australia); Australian Journal of Politics</p><p>SPEECHES, LECTURES, SEMINARS AND CONFERENCE PAPERS</p><p>United Nations General Assembly Speech:</p><p>Speech to United Nations General Assembly on Human Security, New York, 14 April 2011. http://www.un.org/en/ga/president/65/initiatives/Human%20Security/Amitav%20Acharya%20UNGA %20Human%20Security%20Debate%20Presentation.pdf</p><p>Keynote Speeches and Special Lectures: 1. Keynote Address, “Reinventing Caribbean Regionalism in an Emerging Multiplex World,” “Forum on the Future of the Caribbean,” Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 5-7 May, 2015, (organized by UNDP and attended by the five Caribbean Prime Ministers and dozens of foreign ministers, and senior officials from countries and international organizations and NGOs). (Program: http://caribbeanfutureforum.com/wp- content/uploads/2015/07/ForumofFutureofCaribbeanFINAL.pdf) Text at: http://caribbeanfutureforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Keynote-Address-by- Professor-Amitav-Acharya.pdf 2. Keynote Address, “A World of Their Own Making? The Bandung Conference and the Post-War International Order,” International Conference on “Bandung Conference and Beyond: Rethinking International Order, Identity, Security, and Justice in a Post-Western World,” Organized by Gadja Mada University, and the University of Queensland, Yogyakarta, April 8-10, 2015. Watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkq5mqDo7bQ 3. Keynote Address to the Seminar on Global IR and Chinese School of IR,” China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, 8 December 2014. 4. Speech to Opening of the Doctoral Academic Year, 2014/15, Institut d'Etudes Européennes, de l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, 16 October 2014. “Political Science and International Relations in a Multiplex World”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_X7PyvL1cg 5. Keynote Address to the 28th Annual Convention of the Mexican International Studies Association, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, 11 Oct 2014. “International Studies in the Post- Hegemonic Multiplex World.” 6. Keynote Address to the International Studies Association-West Annual Conference, Pasadena, California, 26 Sept 2014. “Global IR in a Multiplex World: Towards A Research Agenda”. 7. Keynote Address to the International Studies Association-Northeast Annual Conference, Baltimore, 7 November 2014: “Teaching Global IR”. 8. Keynote Address to the International Studies Association-Midwest Annual Conference, St Louis, 8 November 2014: “Teaching Global IR”. 9. Keynote Address to the International Studies Association-South Annual Conference, Richmond, 25 October 2014. “Bridging the Academia-Policy Gap in Global IR”. http://democraticgeography.net/2014/10/27/acharya-and-the-global-international-relations/ 10. Keynote Address to the International Conference on “The Asian Century: What International Norms and Practices”, Institut français des relations internationales (French Institute of International Relations), Paris, 12 September 2014. “How Have Norms Shaped Asia: Implications for Asian Century”. 11. Presidential Address to the 55th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 March 2014: “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies”. (original text at http://www.sciencespo.fr/ceri/en/content/global-ir-and- regional-worlds-beyond-sahibs-and-munshis-new-agenda-international-studies) 12. Keynote Address to Annual International Studies Convention 2013, “Re-imagining Global Orders: Perspectives from the South”, 10-12 December, 2013, organized by a consortium of Indian universities and held at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India: “Imagining Global IR out of India”. 13. Keynote Address, 7th Congress of the Asian Political and International Studies Association, Ankara, 25-26 October 2013: “The Mediterranean/Europe and the Indian Ocean/Asia: Two Paradigms of International Order?” 14. Distinguished Speaker Seminar, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, 1 July 2013: “Power Shift or Paradigm Shift: Asian and World Order in an Era of Rising Powers”. 15. Keynote Speech, International Workshop on “Cyberia: Identity, Cyberspace and National Security”, Organized by the Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, Shangri-la Hotel, Singapore, August 21-22, 2012: “Identity and Security in Asia”. 16. Keynote Address, International Conference on “Rethinking Asia: Visions for Common Security in the Indo-Pacific,” Organised by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Tutzing, Germany, June 20-21, 2012: “Building Cooperative Security Regimes in Asia: Prospects for the Emergence of New Regional Governance Structures". 17. Distinguished Public Lecture, O.P. Jindal Global University in New Delhi, 16 February 2012: “Global Governance: Myth or Reality”. 18. Keynote Address, 5th Annual Nordic NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies) Council Conference, “Political regimes, growth politics and conflict in Asia: Responses to changing environmental, economic and socio-cultural conditions,” Stockholm University 21-24 November 2011: Democratization and Participatory Regionalism in Southeast Asia”. 19. Keynote Address, International Conference on “Prospects of Cooperation and Convergence of the Issues and Dynamics in South China Sea,” Co-Organised by Centre for Asian Strategic Studies, New Delhi, and the Habibie Center, Jakarta, Indonesia, 31st May, 2011. 20.Keynote Address, Conference on Regional Integration in Europe and Africa: Models, Policies, and Comparative Perspectives, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 16-18 February 2011: “Comparative Regionalism: A Field Whose Time has Come?” 21. “Opening Dialogue,” 2010 Millennium Conference, London School of Economics, “Dissent to Dialogue, Discourse to Discovery: On the Possibility of IR Theories beyond the West,” on 16-17 October 2010. 22.Keynote Address, Symposium on "Looking Forward: International Affairs in the Next Decade", organized by the Journal of International Service, American University, January 30, 2009. http://futureworldaffairs.blogspot.com 23. Inaugural ASEAN Secretariat Policy Forum Lecture, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 16 July 2009. “Reconstructing ASEAN: Challenges for the 21st Century,” http://www.aseansec.org/PR- Launch-ASEANSecretariatPolicyForum.pdf 24.Keynote Address, the GARNET Annual Conference on ‘Mapping Integration and Regionalism in a Global World’ in Bordeaux on 17-18 September, 2008, ‘Regional Worlds in a Post-Hegemonic Era’. http://www.spirit.sciencespobordeaux.fr/Cahiers%20de%20SPIRIT/Cahiers%20de %20SPIRIT_1_Acharya.pdf GARNET is a Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation, funded under the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme and comprising 42 leading research centres and universities. 25. Keynote Address, Conference on “Still the Asian Century?”, University of Birmingham, 10-12 September, 2008: “The Future of Asian Security Order”. 26.Keynote Address, The 12th SPF ISSYK-KUL Forum, Organized by Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan, Asian Dialogue Society, and International Centre Goa, 5-7 November 2006, Goa, India: "Central Asia and the South Caucasus: Internal and External Dynamics". 27. Keynote Address, Symposium on “ASEAN Cooperation: Challenges and Prospects in the Current International Situation,” Organised by the Indonesian Mission to the UN in New York, 3 June 2003: “Conditions and Prospects for a Security Community in Southeast Asia”, http://www.indonesiamission-ny.org/issuebaru/Mission/asean/photogallery.htm 28.Keynote Address, Inaugural Workshop of the Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA), 1-2 November 2001, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Identity Without Exceptionalism: Challenges for Asian Political and International Studies”. (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/RSIS/publications/SSIS/SSIS002.pdf) 29.Fellow’s Seminar, Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 17 April 2001: “How Ideas Spread: Contestation, Adaptation and Regional Cooperation in Asia”. 30.Keynote Address, “Global Forum Japan - U.S. Dialogue on "The Future of China", Organised by the Japan Forum on International Relations, Tokyo, and Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., 4 July 1995, Tokyo: "Can China be Integrated into Regional Security Regimes?" 31. Braden Lecture on Southeast Asia, Harvard University, Fairbank Centre for East Asian Research and Center for International Affairs, 10 February 1994: "ASEAN in the Post-Cold War Era: Regionalism and Security Issues”.</p><p>Invited Academic Lectures (Selected):</p><p>1. “Theorizing the Global South: A Conversation with Amitav Acharya, “ 29th Annual Congress of the Mexican International Studies Association, Cancun, 15-17 October 2015. 2. “The End of American World Order and China's Rise: What It Means for Asian Security," ISIS Malaysia International Affairs Forum, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Kuala Lumpur, 12 August 2015. 3. “The End of American World Order and the Birth a Multiplex World”, University of Macau, 22 August 2015. 4. “An Agenda for ASEAN Studies,” The Second International ASEAN Studies Conference, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 3-5 August 2015. http://www.chula.ac.th/en/archive/5500; http://www.asean.chula.ac.th/iconas2015/program.php 5. Meet the Author: The End of American World Order, India International Center, New Delhi, 14 July 2015. http://www.delhievents.com/2015/07/the-end-of-american-world-order-book.html 6. “The Global Study of IR,” Workshop on “How to Study Global IR,” Oxford University, 11 May 2015. Podcast at: http://www.politics.ox.ac.uk/materials/podcasts/14013/session-1-the-global-study-of-ir.mp3 7. “Taming China: Can Asia Overcome Chinese Dominance and Avoid Europe’s Past?”, University of Copenhagen, 9 March 2015, 10.15-12.00. http://asiandynamics University of Copenhagen,.ku.dk/aktiviteter/arrangementer/arkiv_arrangementer/acharya/ 8. “Regional Worlds,” Speech to PRIMO (Power and Region in a Multipolar World) Workshop, University of Lisbon, 26-30 January 2015. Watch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnc5gJteCgo 9. “Avoiding the Struggle for Mastery in Asia,”, Lecture to Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 5 December 2014 10. “International Relations in a ‘Multiplex World’,” Lecture to Sciences Po, Paris, 11 September 2014. http://www.sciencespo.fr/master-public-affairs/content/multiplex-world 11. “The End of Hegemony?” Lecture at Department of Politics and International Relations Colloquium, Oxford University, 6 June 2013. 12. “Making Sense of 'Non-Western International Relations Theory,” St Catherine’s College, Oxford University, 8 May 2013. 13. "Understanding ASEAN - Do We Need Alternative IR Theories?", Foresight Lecture, Alfred Herrhausen Society, the International Forum of Deutsche Bank, in cooperation with the University Potsdam, the Humboldt University Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin, 13 December 2012. 14. "Beyond Universalism," Freie Universität Berlin, Nachwuchsforschergruppe (NFG) and the Kollegforschergruppe (KFG), Berlin, Germany,17 June 2012. 15. "The Once and Future Relevance of Area Studies," Colloquium Politicum/ Studium Generale, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 18 June 2012. 16. “The Arab Spring and the Asian Summer: Democracy and Its Discontents in a Rising Asia”, Center for International Studies, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 21 Nov 2011. 17. “Of Boomerangs and Banyans: The Diffusion of Human Rights Norms Reconsidered,” Presentation to the Workshops on Religion and Human Rights Pragmatism: Promoting Rights across Cultures, New York, Columbia University, 24 September 2011 18. “From Poor South to the Power South: Emerging Powers and Global Governance,” German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Germany, 5th November 2010. 19. “Between Confucius and Kant: China, Asia and the Future of Asian Security Order,” Fairbank Center for China Studies, Harvard University, 22 February 2010 20."The Emerging Architecture of Asian Multilateralism: Community or Consociation?" Mortara Center for International Studies, Georgetown University, 8 November 2010. 21. “Obama in Southeast Asian Perspective,” Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, 12 November 2009. http://www.gwu.edu/~sigur/assets/docs/Acharya_November_2009_Asia_Report.pdf 22.“Between Confucius and Kant: China and the International Order,” Speech to the Orient Forum of the Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 19 September 2009. 23. “Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism,” Invited Lecture, Asian Development Bank, Manila, 5 August 2009. 24.Speech at the launch of Whose Ideas Matter? Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism, East-West Center in Washington, Washington, D.C., 8 October 2009 (http://www.eastwestcenter.org/ewc-in- washington/events/previous-events-2009/october-8-dr-amitav-acharya/) 25. “The Limitations of Mainstream International Relations Theories for Understanding the Politics of Forced Migration”, Lecture at Centre for International Studies, Oxford University, 27 October 2008. Available at: http://amitavacharya.com/sites/default/files/The%20Limitations%20of%20Mainstream %20International%20Relations%20Theories_0.pdf 26.“Norm Dynamics in World Politics,” Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 26-30th July, 2008. 27. “The Evolution of Asian Regionalism,” Lecture at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, 28 November 2007. 28.Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR), Annual Conferences in Seoul, 2003, Shanghai, 2004, Singapore 2006 and Kuala Lumpur 2008. The Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations is student-run organization of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences. (http://www.hpair.org/about/history/conferences.aspx; http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~easley/HPAIR%20Security%20report.pdf) 29.“International Relations Theory and Western Dominance: Rethinking the Foundations of International Order,” Lecture delivered at the “Reenvisioning Global Justice/Global Order” Seminar Series, Centre for International Studies, Oxford University, 22 February 2007. (http://www.amitavacharyaacademic.blogspot.com/) 30.“East Asia’s New Multilateralism: Hopes and Illusions,” Lecture at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, 23 February 2007 (http://www.ox.ac.uk/gazette/2006-7/weekly/180107/lecs.htm#17Ref) and Hong Kong University, 12 February 2007. 31. “Formation of a New Order and Security in Asia,” Waseda University, Tokyo, August 24, 2006. (http://www.wiaps.waseda.ac.jp/initiative/news/pdf/poster_summer-seminor.pdf) 32. “The Imagined Community of East Asia,” presented at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Korean Institute of International Studies, May 14-15, 2006, Seoul, South Korea. 33. “Human Security and Transnational Challenges in Southeast Asia,” Liu Institute of Global Studies, University of British Columbia, 3 May 2006. 34."The East Asian Summit: Implications for Regional and International Order". Lecture to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 8 December 2005. (http://www.iiss.org/events- calendar/2005-events-archive/december-2005/discussion-meeting---professor-amitav-acharya/) 35. “Can China Lead?” delivered to the Second Beijing Forum, hosted by Peking University, Beijing Hotel, China, 16-18th October 2005. (http://ennews.pku.edu.cn/news.php?s=130147971; http://ennews.pku.edu.cn/beijingforum2005/) 36.“Human Security, Identity Politics and Global Governance: From Freedom from Fear to a Fear of Freedoms?” Keynote Address to the Conference on Civil Society, Religion and Global Governance: Paradigms of Power and Persuasion, Organized by Australian National University, Canberra, 1-2 September 2005. (http://law.anu.edu.au/nissl/acharya.pdf) 37. “Why is There no NATO in Asia?” Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 22nd November, 2004. (http://www.wcfia.harvard.edu/node/913) 38.“Asian Regional Organizations and Security: After 9/11,” European Commission Lectures, The European Commission, Brussels, 24 September 2004. 39.“Alliance Politics in the Asia-Pacific”, Keynote Address, Workshop on “An Emerging Security Triangle? Australia-Japan-US Strategic Interests and Regional Response,” Griffith Asia-Pacific Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia, 29-30 July 2004. 40.“China’s Monroe Doctrine? Implications for U.S. Policy towards Asia,” Harvard University Asia Center, 16 March 2004. 41. “Terrorism in Southeast Asia, UN Department of Political Affairs, New York, 4th March 2003 42.“Terrorism and Regional Order in Southeast Asia,” Columbia University Southeast Asia Seminar, 6th March 2003. 43.“How Ideas (Norms) Spread: Contestation, Adaptation and Cooperation in the Asia Pacific,” Harvard University Asia Center, Modern Asia Seminar, 7 May 2001. 44.“Power, Socialization and Institution-Building: Generalizing from East Asia,” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 30 April 2001. 45. “How Ideas Spread: Contestation, Adaptation and Regional Cooperation in Asia,” Fellow’s Seminar, Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 17 April 2001. 46.“The Globalization of Ideas: A Historical Perspective on Hegemony, Culture and Socialization.” Award Recipient’s Lecture, Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research, York University Department of Political Science, 26th March 2001 47. “Will ASEAN Recover?”, Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, Lecture to mark the publication of Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia: ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order, 11 January 2001. 48.“Power, Identity and Multilateralism in the Asia Pacific Region,” St Antony’s College, Oxford University, 15 February 2000. 49.“Intrusive Regionalism”, Global Economic Governance Program, Oxford Policy Institute Lecture Series, Oxford University, 14 February 2000 (The series consisted of 8 invited lectures from scholars on Third World issues from around the world): http://amitavacharya.com/sites/default/files/Oxford%20Lecture %202000-The%20Third%20World%20and%20International%20Order-Intrusive%20Regionalism.pdf 50."Realism, Institutionalism, and the Asian Economic Crisis," Harvard University Asia Center, Modern Asia Seminar Series, 9 April 1999. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~asiactr/mas_archive.htm 51. "Ethnocentrism and Emancipatory IR Theory," Australian National University, Department of International Relations, 14 May 1998. 52. "Asian Values: Do They Exist?" and "Asia Pacific Regionalism," University of Wisconsin - Madison, Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Global Studies Program, 22 April 1996. 53. “Prospects for Security Regimes in the Asia-Pacific Region," Keynote Address, Policy Council of the Japan Forum on International Relations, Tokyo, 5 July 1995. 54. "Does Economic Growth Lead to Democratisation?", Murdoch University, Perth, Asia Research Centre, 16 June 1995. 55. "Asia-Pacific Multilateralism and Regional Security: Promise and Performance,” Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 24 May 1995. 56. "Does Asia-Pacific Multilateralism Matter? The ASEAN Regional Forum as a Security Institution," Harvard University, John M. Olin Institute of Strategic Studies: 15 May 1995. 57. "Developing States and the Emerging World Order", McGill University, Montreal, Department of Political Science,1994. 58."ASEAN in the Post-Cold War Era: Regionalism and Security," Braden Lectures on Southeast Asia, Fairbank Centre for East Asian Research and Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 10 February 1994. 59. "ASEAN-Indochina Relations in the Post-Cold War Era: From Enmity to Security Community?", Stanford University, U.S.A., Asia Pacific Research Centre, 11 November 1992.</p><p>Academic Conference Presentations (Selected):</p><p>1. “The End of Hegemony,” Paper Presented to the 6th Regional Powers Network Conference on “Rising Powers and Contested Orders in the Multipolar System,” Rio De Janeiro, Organized by BRICS Policy Center, Rio De Janeiro and German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, 19-20 September 2013 2. “The Making of Southeast Asia: What’s Next?,” Roundtable on The Making of Southeast Asia (Cornell University Press, 2013), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok , 16 July 2013. 3. “Constructivism and the Study of Global IR,” Workshop on “The Future of Constructivist Research in International Relations,” Oxford University, Center for International Studies, 30 April 2013. 4. Response, Roundtable on “Studying Asian and Comparative Regionalism through Amitav Acharya’s Work,” 54th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, California, USA, April 3-6 2013. 5. “The Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean: Two Paradigms of International System,” 54th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, California, USA, April 3-6 2013. 6. "Local and Transnational Civil Society as Agents of Norm Diffusion," Global Governance Workshop, Oxford University, Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, 1-2 June 2012. 7. "Collective Identity Formation in Asian Regionalism," 22nd World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Madrid, 7 July 2012. (co-authored with Allan Layug). 8. “The Arab Spring and the Asian Summer: Democratisation and Its Discontents in a Rising Asia,” International Conference on “Democratising the Neighbourhood: The Implications of the Arab Spring for the Middle East and Asia,” Co-organised by the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies (The Middle East and Central Asia), Australian National University, and Transnational Challenges and Emerging Nations Dialogue (TRANSCEND), School of International Service, American University, Canberra, 9-10 December 2011. 9. “Mandala: Southeast Asian history and the formation of contemporary regional identity,” Conference on “Was there an historical East Asian international system? Impact, meaning, and conceptualization.” Organized by David Kang and Amitav Acharya, Korean Studies Institute at USC and the School of International Service, American University, University of Southern California, March 4-5, 2011 10. “Ideas, Norms, and Regional Orders,” Conference on “When Regions Transform: Theory and Change in World Politics,” McGill University, Montreal, 1-2 May 2010. 11. “Who Governs? Emerging Powers and Global Governance,” International Conference on Global Governance in the 21st Century, School of International Service, American University, 24-25 Sept 2010. 12. “Asian Regional Institutions and the Possibilities for Socializing the Behavior of States,” Asian Development Bank Project on Institutions for Regionalism”, Shanghai, China, 5 November 2009. 13. “Theoretical Perspectives on International Relations in Asia,” Conference on “International Relations in Asia: The New Regional System,” Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 27-29 September 2007. 14. “Why is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory”, 47 Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, 2006, March 20-25, 2006, San Diego, USA. 15. “International Relations and Area Studies: Towards a New Synthesis?”, “Workshop on the Future of Interdisciplinary Area Studies in the UK”, St Antony’s College, Oxford University, 6-7 December 2005. (http://www.ntu.edu.sg/RSIS/publications/SSIS/SSIS002.pdf) 16. “The Quest for Regional Identity in Southeast Asia: A Conceptual and Analytical Perspective on the Social Construction of Regions,” Commission of History of International Relations (CHIR), Tokyo Conference on: “Rethinking International History from Asian Perspectives,” Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, 16-19 September 2004. 17. “International Norms as Makers of Institutions: Regional Institution-Design in Post-War Asia”, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, 28-31 August 2003. 18. "The Evolution of Norms: The Social Construction of Non-Interference in Asian Regionalism", International Studies Association 44th Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon, February 25--March 1, 2003. 19. “United States and Southeast Asia After September 11,” Conference on: "Benign Neglect: American Third World Policies in the Post-Cold War-Era," Department of Political Science of the University of Freiburg, Germany, 9-10 October 2002. 20. “Imagined Communities and the Social Construction of Regions: Insights from Southeast Asia’s ‘Quest for Identity’”, Seventh ASEF University, “Regionalism in Asia and Europe and Significance for Asia-Europe Relations,” organized by the Asia-Europe Foundation, Barcelona, Spain, 10-24 November 2002. 21. “Rethinking International Order After September 11: Some Preliminary Observations”, 4th Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network (SEACSN) Regional Workshop, “Inter-state Conflict Resolution in Southeast Asia: Strategies, Mechanisms and Best Practices,” Penang,15 - 17 July 2002, Organized by the Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network (SEACSN) Research and Education for Peace, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM), Penang, Malaysia. 22.“The Emerging Synthesis Between Rationalist and Constructivist Theory: Ideas and Institution- Building in Asia Pacific”, American Political Science Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, 29 August-2 September, 2001. 23. "Imagined Proximities? Reconceptualising Southeast Asia as a Region," ASEAN Inter-University Seminar for Social Development, Pekan Baru, Sumatra, Indonesia, 16-19 June 1997 24."The Third World and Liberal Institutionalist Theory: Globalist Illusions and Regional Realities", Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, 16-20 April 1996 25. "Globalisation and Democratisation in Southeast Asia", Workshop to Develop an Interdisciplinary Research Proposal on Southeast Asia, Organised by the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies, Nanaimo, British Columbia, 16-19 February 1995 26."Intervention in the Third World in the Post-Cold War Era", Annual Conference of the Centre for International and Strategic Studies, York University, Toronto, 14 January 1993, 27. "Singapore's Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: Continuity and Change", Conference on "The Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia", Windsor, Ontario, University of Windsor, 29 October - 1 November 1992 28."Regional Blocs and Concepts of Economic Security", XVth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Buenos Aires, July 21-25, Co-author with Ken Christie 29."Regional Military-Security Cooperation in the Third World: A Conceptual and Comparative Assessment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations", Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C. 1990 30."Security and the Origins of Regionalism among the Developing Countries: A Comparative Study of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Gulf Cooperation Council", Joint Annual Convention of the British International Studies Association and the International Studies Association, University of London, 28 March - 1 April 1989. </p><p>Public Affairs and Policy-Oriented Lectures and Conferences:</p><p>1. “Security Pluralism in the Asia Pacific: Towards Ecosystem Stability”, Paper presented to the Conference on “Transformation of World Order: China’s Roles and Challenges”, Shanghai Institutes of International Studies, Shanghai, 13-15 November 2015. 2. “The End of Hegemony?,” Sixth Regional Powers Network Conference, “Rising Powers and Contested Multilateral Orders”, organized by German Institute of Global and Area Studies and the BRICS Policy Center, Rio De Janeiro 19-20 September 2013. 3. “Multipolarity and the Future of the Liberal Order,” TRANSWORLD Conference on “The Transatlantic Relationship: Still Leaders in a Changing World?”, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, 26 April 2013. 4. “The Heirs of Nehru and Nkrumah: Regionalism and Intervention in Asia and Africa,” Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa, 8 March 2013. 5. "New Players in a Changing System: The Growing Influence of Global Institutions and Non-State Actors," Europe in Crisis and the Global Shift of Power – A Self Absorbed EU in the New Geopolitical Framework, BMW Stiftung Herbert Quandt, Munich. 4 October 2012. 6. "Taming Chinese Power," Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, 8 February 2012. 7. “Setting Out the Issues”, Panelist at the Workshop on “Rivalry and Partnership – The Struggle for a New Global Governance Leadership”, Conference organized by Project on the Future of Multilateralism (WWS), International Institutions and Global Governance Program (CFR), The Stanley Foundation, and the Munk School of Global Affairs, Princeton University, New Jersey, January 14-15, 2011. 8. “Asian Global and Regional Governance,” Presentation to the Six University Conference on “New Challenges and Opportunities for Foreign Policy Making,” October 27-28, 2011, American University, Washington D.C. 9. “Asian Approaches to International Relations and Global Governance: Conflict or Convergence,” Workshop on “Global Governance: Asia and the New World Order” co-organized by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy 12-13 December 2010 Beijing, China. 10. “Foundations of Collective Action in Asia,” Presented to the Asian Development Bank Institute Annual Conference, “The Political Economy of Asian Regionalism,” Tokyo, Friday, 3 December 2010. 11. “The Regional Security Architecture debate: an overview”, International Expert Workshop on Asian, Asia-Pacific Multilateralism and the Evolving Regional Security Architecture,” The International Institute for Strategic Studies – Asia, and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 15-16 October 2009. 12. “Asian Conceptions of International Relations and Global Governance,” Presented to the Delivered at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, on 4th December 2008. 13. “The EU in International Affairs”, Panelist at International Conference organized by the GARNET Network, Brussels, 24-26 April 2008. 14. “China and Southeast Asia: Some Lessons for Africa?,” Paper presented to the international seminar on “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? China and Africa: Engaging the World’s Next Superpower”, Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2007. 15. “Regional Security Arrangements in a Multipolar World?” Paper Presented at the 4th FES-SWP North-South Dialogue: “Global Ungovernance” or New Strategies for Peace and Security?” Berlin, 21-22 September 2004. (http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/global/50101.pdf) 16. “The Role of Regional Organizations: Are Views Changing?”, Paper Presented at the the Pacific Symposium, 2004, National Defense University, Washington, D.C. 22-23 April 2004. (http://www.ndu.edu/inss/symposia/pacific2004/acharya.htm) 17. “China and Southeast Asia: Security Aspects,” Paper Presented to the Asian Security Conference 2003, Organised by the Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses, New Delhi, 27-29 January 2003. 18. “A Fine Balance: US Relations with Southeast Asia Since 9/11,” Paper prepared for the conference on US-Asia Relations Today: A New ‘New World Order’?” A joint CERI (Sciences Po) – CSGR (Warwick University) International Colloquium organised in co-operation with the Asia-Europe Centre, Sciences Po and the German Marshall Fund of the US, Paris, 2-4 December 2002. (co- author with David Capie). 19. “Cambodianization in World Politics”, Amitav Acharya, Paper Prepared for the International Conference to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreement, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, Phnom Penh, 22-23 October 2001. 20.Democratization and Regional Stability in Southeast Asia, Paper Prepared for the ISEAS Forum on Regional Strategic and Political Developments, Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 25 July 2001. 21. "International Relations Theory and Cross-Strait Relations", Paper Presented to the International Forum on Peace and Security in the Taiwan Strait, Taipei, Taiwan, July 26-28, 1999. 22."Confidence-Building Measures in the Asia Pacific: There Relevance to the UN Conventional Arms Register", Paper presented to the Meeting of the UN Expert Group on the UN Conventional Arms Register, Tokyo, 11-13 May 1997. 23. "The Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone: A Comparative Perspective" paper presented to the Canadian Verification Symposium, Organized by the Non-Proliferation, Arms Control and Verification Research Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Ottawa, November 6-7 1996. 24."Preventive Diplomacy: A Concept Paper", paper presented to the Workshop on Confidence- Building Measures in the Asia Pacific Region, Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, Singapore, 30-31 October 1996. 25. "Preventive Diplomacy: Concept, Theory, and Strategy", paper presented to the International Conference on "Preventive Diplomacy for Peace and Security in the Western Pacific", Jointly Sponsored by The 21st Century Foundation and The Pacific Forum CSIS, Taipei, Taiwan, August 29-31, 1996. 26."Multilateralism: Is There an Asia Pacific Way?", paper prepared for the Conference on "National Strategies in the Asia-Pacific:The Effects of Interacting Trade, Industrial, and Defense Policies", organized by the National Bureau of Asian Research and the Center for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy, Monterey Institute of International Studies, March 28-29, 1996, Monterey, California. 27. "Regional Security: Trends and Prospects", Paper presented to the Conference on Security Issues in the Asia Pacific Region: Indonesian and Canadian Perspectives", Organised by Council for Security Cooperation in Asia Pacific, Indonesia and Canada, Jakarta, 26 June 1995. 28."Development and Security in Southeast Asia: A Concept Paper", paper presented to the consultative workshop on "Development and Security in Southeast Asia", Organised by the Institute of Strategic and Development Studies, Manila and the Canadian Consortium for Asia Pacific Security, 13-14 December 1995, Manila, 2-3 June 1995. 29."Remaking the State in Cambodia", Paper presented to the Conference on "In Pursuit of Lasting Resolutions: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Societal Reconstruction", Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dalhousie University, 3-5 March 1995. 30."Making Multilateralism Work: The ASEAN Regional Forum and Security in the Asia Pacific", Paper presented to the Pacific Symposium, "Multilateral Activities in Southeast Asia", National Defense University, Honolulu, 22-23 February, 1995. 31. "Security Implications of Transnational Economic Activities Associated with the Growth Triangles", paper presented to the Fourth Southeast Asia Roundtable on Economic Development: "Growth Triangles: A Strategy for Development", Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, 27-28 June 1994. 32. "Preventive Diplomacy: Issues and Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region", paper presented to the 8th Asia Pacific Roundtable, Kuala Lumpur, ASEAN Institutes for Strategic and International Studies, 5-8 June 1994. 33. "Why the Rush in Arms Upgrading in Southeast Asia?" paper presented to the Second Asia Pacific Conference on Defence, Singapore, 23-25 February 1994. 34."The Agenda for Cooperative Security in the North Pacific", briefing paper prepared for the North Pacific Cooperative Security Dialogue Final Conference: "The Agenda of Cooperative Security", Waterfront Centre Hotel, Vancouver, Canada, 21-24 March 1993. Co-authored with David Dewitt and Paul Evans. </p><p>MEDIA INTERVIEWS CNN International BBC Television http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKsBWkZFqq4&feature=youtu.be BBC World Service Radio Al Jazeera TV- Interview with Ritz Khan on “Islam and the East,” Al-Jazeera TV, 18 November 2009, (Part I: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_pI5VJk1_I&feature=related Part II: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=iObnEy7ths4) CTV (Canada): http://ottawa.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20120321/harper-heads-to-asia- 120321/20120321/?hub=OttawaHome Channel News Asia (Singapore) TV Radio Singapore International CNBC Asia TV Radio Australia Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Radio Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio http://www.abc.net.au/rn/saturdayextra/stories/2010/2906079.htm Inside Asia (Thai TV Current Affairs Program): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv6b2WT2ZlQ</p><p>Op-Eds</p><p>Asiaweek Asian Wall Street Journal Australian Financial Review Bangkok Post Canberra Times East Asia Forum (Canberra) Far Eastern Economic Review Financial Times (London) Foreignaffairs.com (Council on Foreign Relations) Hindu Huffington Post (Canada) Huffington Post (USA) International Herald Tribune Jakarta Globe Jakarta Post Japan Times Indian Express Nation (Bangkok) Ottawa Citizen PacNet (Honolulu) People’s Daily Online (China, in English) South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) Straits Times (Singapore) Times of India Toronto Star Washington Post (Monkey Cage Blog) Yaleglobal Online </p>
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