DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT: A CAPACITY DIAGNOSIS 2020 THE REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS The CADRI Partnership is a global UN led partnership that works towards strengthening countries’ capaci- ties to pursue integrated and coherent solutions to reduce disaster and climate risks across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This publication may be used and reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, for educa- tive and for non-commercial use without special permission in writing from the copyrights holder, provided credits are given to the copyright holder. The Organization of the United Nations would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication making use of this document. This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Diagnosis of National and Local Capacities to manage Disaster Risk in the Republic of Mauritius conducted in 2019. The analysis was subsequently comple- mented with additional technical inputs and updates collected throughout 2020. © 2020 Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative Design: Talitha Abraham This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Diagnosis of National and Local Capacities to manage Disaster Risk in the Republic of Mauritius conducted in 2019 under the leadership of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre (NDRRMC) in close collaboration with the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, with the support of the United Nations Country Team in Mauritius and the CADRI Partnership. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ms. Sophie Baranes, CADRI Partnership Coordinator, would like to acknowledge the support and commitment of the following individuals and organizations in ensuring the success of this diagnosis: The Government of the Republic of Mauritius, notably the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre (NDRRMC), particularly: • Mr. Khemraj Servansing, Officer in Charge, NDRRMC • Mr. Ravi Shanker Mungra, Chief Inspector of Police, NDRRMC • Mr. Heman Bissessur, Coordinator for Community Mobilisation and Local Community Sup- port, Preparedness team • Mr. Venoo Sunnassy, Coordinator for Community Mobilisation and Local Community Sup- port, Preparedness team • Mr. Dookharansing Seetohul, NDRRMC Secondee from Mauritius Meteorological Services The local authorities of Surinam, Rivière des Galets, Chamarel, Bel Ombre and Rodrigues Island. The United Nations System in Mauritius, under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Christine Umutoni, particularly: • Ms. Doorgawatee Ram-Gopal, UN Resident Coordinator Office • Ms. Celine Lemmel and Ms. Tania Labour from the International Organization for Migration • Mr. Satyajeet Ramchurn and Mr. Madookur Desha from the United Nations Development Programme • Ms. Ramatoulaye Moussa Mazou from the World Health Organization The CADRI partner agencies, for the deployment of five experts: • Ms. Olga Buto from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Headquarters • Mr. Bogdan Danila from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office • Mr. Rija Harivelo Zoelisoa Rakotoson from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) Regional Office • Ms. Cecilia Aipira from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Office • Ms. Tasiana Mzozo from the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), the Joint Environment Unit of the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, for the deployment of four experts: • Mr. Arjun Katoch, UNDAC • Ms. Odeda Benin-Goren, UNDAC • Mr. Mark Gillick, NGO Map Action • Ms. Karin Stibbe, European Union Civil Protection The CADRI Partnership Secretariat would like to extend special thanks to Mr. Ravi Shanker Mungra, Mr. Mario Behrens and Mr. Madookur Desha for their support to the organization of the mission and the consolidation of the report. 5 CONTENTS TABLE OF ACRONYMS 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 1. INTRODUCTION 16 1.1 Mauritius vulnerability and exposure to disaster risk 18 1.2 The rationale for the CADRI Partnership engagement in Mauritius 24 2. UNDERSTANDING DISASTER RISK 30 2.1. Collection and analysis of disaster risk data and information 32 2.2. Risk information management system 42 3. GOVERNANCE TO MANAGE DISASTER RISK 48 3.1 Legislative and policy frameworks for disaster risk management 50 3.2 Institutional framework and coordination mechanisms for DRM 57 3.3. Financing for DRM 61 4. INVESTING IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION FOR RESILIENCE 64 4.1 Tourism 66 4.1.1 Institutional & policy framework for DRM in tourism 69 4.1.2 Access to information on disaster risk and climate change 73 4.1.3 Investment in disaster resilience 75 4.1.4 Preparedness for response and recovery 77 4.2 Agriculture 80 4.2.1. Institutional & policy framework for DRM in agriculture 84 4.2.2. Access to information on disaster risk and climate change 85 4.2.3. Investment in disaster resilience 87 4.2.4. Preparedness for response and recovery 88 4.3 Environment 90 4.3.1 Institutional & policy framework for DRM in environment 93 4.3.2 Access to information on disaster risk and climate change 96 4.3.3 Investment in disaster resilience 98 4.3.4 Preparedness for response and recovery 99 6 4.4 Water and sanitation 102 4.4.1 Institutional & policy framework for DRM in water & sanitation 105 4.4.2 Access to information on disaster risk and climate change 108 4.4.3 Investment in disaster resilience 109 4.4.4 Preparedness for response and recovery 112 4.5 Health 114 4.5.1. Regulatory and Policy framework 117 4.5.2. Institutional set up 118 4.5.3. Access to information on disaster risk and climate change 121 4.5.4. Preparedness for response 123 4.6 Education 128 4.6.1. Institutional & policy framework for DRM in education 130 4.6.2. Preparedness for response and recovery 133 5. PREPAREDNESS 134 5.1 Hazard/ Risk analysis and early warning 136 5.2 Information management and communication 139 5.3 Legal and policy framework for DRM 141 5.4 Institutional framework and coordination mechanisms 142 5.5 Contingency planning 145 5.6 Training & Exercises 146 5.7 Emergency services and prepositioning 148 6. A FOCUS ON RODRIGUES ISLAND 150 6.1 Managing disaster risk in the agriculture sector 153 6.2 Managing disaster risk in the environment sector 155 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY 158 8. LIST OF INSTITUTIONS VISITED 162 9. END NOTES 166 7 ACRONYMS AFD Agence Française de Développement AHRIM Association des Hôteliers et Restaurateurs de l'île Maurice APMIS Agriculture Production and Market Information System ASYREC Automated System for Relief Emergency Consignments CADRI Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBRN Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear risk CCA Climate Change Adaptation CDCU Communicable Disease Control Unit CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CWA Central Water Authority DIA Drainage Impact Assessment DRM Disaster Risk Management DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DRU Disaster Response Unit EHEU Environmental Health Engineering Unit EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPA Environmental Protection Act ERP Emergency Response and Preparedness ESA Environmental Sensitive Areas EU European Union EUCP European Union Civil Protection EWS Early Warning System FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FAREI Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute GCF Green Climate Fund GIS Geographic Information System HWM High Water Mark I / NDC Intended / Nationally Determined Contributions IA Irrigation Authority IAES Inter-Agency Emergency Simulation ICT Information Communication Technology ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management IDRL International Disaster Response Law IDSR Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response programme IM Information management 8 IMU Infrastructure Management Unit INFORM Index for Risk Management INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group IOC Indian Ocean Commission IOM International Organization for Migration IPC Infection Prevention and Control IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management JEE Joint External Evaluation JEU Joint Environnent Unit (UNEP/OCHA) JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LDA Land Drainage Authority MCCI Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry MCIA Mauritius Cane Industry Authority MIRA Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment MMS Mauritius Meteorological Services MoAIFS Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security MoD Ministry of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications MoEP Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities MoESC Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change MoET Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and Development MoG Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare MoHL Ministry of Housing and Land Use Planning MoHW Ministry of Health and Wellness MoLD Ministry of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management MoIC Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development MoS Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity MoT Ministry of Tourism MoTC Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation MSB Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency MSIF Mauritius Sugar Insurance Fund NAP National Adaptation Plan 9 NAP National Adaptation Plan NDRRMC National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Centre NEF National Environment Fund NEOC National Emergency Operations
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