the athletic department RUNNING UNLIMITED JOHN KAVENY ON THE COVER West Valley Track Club's Jim Dare dur­ ing the final mile (4:35.8), his 30th, in the Runner's World sponsored 24-Hr Relay at San Jose State. Dare's aver­ age for his 30 miles was 4:47.2, and he led his teammates to a new U.S. Club Record of 284 miles, 224 yards, break­ ing the old mark, set in 1972 by Tulsa Running Club, by sane nine miles. Full results on pages 17-18. /Wayne Glusker/ STAFF EDITOR: Jack Leydig; PRINTER: Frank Cunningham; PHOTOGRA­ PHERS: John Marconi, Dave Stock, Wayne Glusker; NOR-CAL PORTRAIT CONTENTS : Jon Hendershott; COACH'S CORNER: John Marconi; WEST VALLEY PORTRAIT: Harold DeMoss; NCRR POINT RACE: Art Dudley; Readers' Poll 3 West Valley Portrait 10 WOMEN: Roxy Andersen, Harmon Brown, Jim Hume, Vince Reel, Dawn This & That 4 Special Articles 10 Bressie; SENIORS: John Hill, Emmett Smith, George Ker, Todd Fer­ NCRR LDR Point Ratings 5 Scheduling Section 12 guson, David Pain; RACE WALKING: Steve Lund; COLLEGIATE: Jon Club News 6 Race Walking News 14 Hendershott, John Sheehan, Fred Baer; HIGH SCHOOL: Roy Kissin, Classified Ads 8 Track & Field Results 14 Dave Stock, Mike Ruffatto; AAU RESULTS: Jack Leydig, John Bren- Letters to the Editor 8 Road Racing Results 16 nand, Bill Cockerham, Jon Hendershott. --- We always have room for Coach's Comer 9 Late News 23 more help on our staff, especially in the high school and colle­ NorCal Portrait 9 giate areas, now that cross country season has begun. If you'd be interested in sending us results, photos, schedules, articles, members)...or some other prize, as determined and pre-announced etc., on a regular basis, then contact us right away. This is by the editor. Readers are encouraged to submit photos for obviously not limited to WVTC members...so get in touch and make consideration in this contest. -- LAST MONTH'S WINNER was Skip this a cooperative community effort by becoming one of our grow­ Houk of Reno, Nevada. He was the only person who submitted a ing staff. Thank you. correct answer...other guesses were Bob Seagren (2) and Dick Fosbury (l), and one individual who thought the Olympian was THIS ISSUE'S CONTRIBUTORS: Lurana Hoetger, Runner's World, Bob the woman, but failed to tell us who she was. He is Ron Daws. Cooper, Track Newsletter, Sean O'Riordan, Art Dudley, Grace Ruth, Norman Bright, Chris Kinder, Ollan Cassell, Paul Reese, Ernie Marinoni, Sid Toabe, Bob DeCelle, Bill Lamb, John Geer, Starting Line, Don Kopriva, Daryl Zapata, Jay Marlowe, Harry Cordel- los, David Costill, Clark Coover, Bill Adams, Loren Lansberry, Bob Rush, Bruce Drummond, Jack Cook, Bob Lynde, Paul Gaddini, Larry Bridges, Jim Hunt, Jack Rose, Red Estes, Bob McGuire, Aldo Nelson, Joe Newton, Chuck Foote, Kaj Johansen, Dick Ellis, Har­ ry Young, Thomas Elrod, Larry Lung, Dick Gilchrist, John Trent, Joe Taxiera, Rudy Fahl, Stan Rosenfield, Clark Smithson, Walt Lange, Ron Elijah, Wharf-to-Wharf Race Committee, Wayne Badgley, John Hutchinson, Rich Perry, John Vecchi, Bill Kelly, Nick Vogt, Ed Collins, Byron Lowry, Ralph Lee, Bob Anderson, Homer Latimer, Jeff Fishback. S U B S C R IP T ION INFO. The NorCal Running Review is published on a monthly basis by the West Valley Track Club. It is a communication medium for all Northern California track & field athletes...covering high school, collegiate, age-group, masters, AAU, and women's competitions in NAME THESE SIX PA-AAU ROAD RUNNERS (LEFT TO RIGHT)..1970 PHOTO. track & field, road running, and race walking. It is available at most local road races and many of the bigger track and cross READERS' POLL country meets, or you can subscribe at a savings of $1 .00+ per year over the single copy rate. During the past month, Art Dudley has gone to the trou­ SUBSCRIPTIONS: Normally $5.00/year, mailed bulk-rate, 3rd ble of analyzing all the NCRR Questionnaires that have been re­ class, from San Mateo. Special savings on multiple-year sub­ turned by our readers, and below is a summary of the good and scriptions: $9.25 for 2 years, $12.75 for 3 years, or $20.00 for the bad...just what people would like to see (and not see) in 5 years. Add $2.50/year for 1st class mailing within the U.S., our publication. Of those that returned questionnaires (near­ Canada & Mexico; add $3.50/year for airmail within the U.S. and ly 150 out of 700+), 84% were from the PA-AAU (including Reno), Canada. Add $1.00 per year for 3rd class mail to Canada and 8% were from other parts of the state, and 8% were from out-of- $1.25 to all other foreign countries. Foreign airmail rates are state. A total of 22% of those who replied were either in high available on request. Special rates to schools, libraries, and school or college (l4% & 8% respectively), and a surprising 15% newsmedia: only $3.00/year within the U.S. All yearly subscrip­ were coaches. Nearly one-half (42%) competed in long distance tions include 12 issues, which will usually be published once mostly, while about the same amount (46%) were involved in both every 5 weeks or so (so it may take more than a year to receive long distance running and track & field. The other 12% was di­ all 12 copies). Every third issue will feature a special 4-page vided equally between non-competitors and mostly track & field pictorial feature. Back issues available for 65% by mail (75% competitors. The age break-down was as follows: under 20 for pictorials). Be sure and keep us informed of your address (21%), 20-29 (32%), 30-39 (31%), 40-49 (11%), over 49 (5%). changes...remember, the NCRR is not forwardable I Following is a table listing the percentages of readers who felt we had too much, too little, or about the right amount + PHOTO QUIZ + of various items. Too Much About Right Need More Rules: (l) Submit your guess (only one per individual per Road Race Reporting 5% 76% 20% month) on a postcard and mail it to: Photo Quiz, P.O. Box 1551, So.Cal. Coverage 16% 68% 16% San Mateo, CA 94401; (2) Your card must be postmarked by Sept. High School Track & Field 20% 64% 16% 30^_JL973; (3) In cases of ties a winner will be drawn from all Collegiate Track & Field 21% 66% 13% those cards with correct answers. The prize: A one-year sub­ Senior Coverage 1% 79% 20% scription or renewal to the NCRR (or $5 off yearly dues for WVTC Women's Coverage 2% 66% 32% - 3- Too Much About Right Need More listings of top performers during cross country (postal) and Overall Track & Field 16% 76% track seasons (We could do this maybe at the end of each sea­ Road Race Scheduling 88% 12% son, but the effort required to compile such a list(s) is be­ T&F/Cross Country Scheduling 4% 80% l6% yond the time limits of your editor. Anyone volunteer to be a Race Walking Coverage 13% 74% 13% guinea pig and try this? You'll notice that once such indivi­ Photos 3% 52% 45% dual has done this...see "this & that".); NCRR too club-ori­ Special Articles 1% 66% 33% ented (Don't forget that all clubs, including WVTC, can put in Club News 5% 80% 15% just about any news they want. The NCRR has to have at least a small section that appeals to WVTC members since it is our The three items which our readers felt we needed a lot more club newsletter. The remainder of the issue is hardly club- of were: photos, special articles, and women's coverage, in that oriented .); race applications as inserts a good idea (We order. We have increased the number of photos in our magazine think so too...let's have more meet directors follow through by a fair amount...last issue we had 20 pictures (plus 19 more on this. It only costs about 2% per mailing at $15.00.); -- in our special pictorial section). This time we will have about pull a Watergate on the National A.A.U. Office (Any lawyers in­ 20 photos...up l/3 from the May-June issue. Two special arti­ terested in this venture?); eliminate humor from the NCRR cles are featured in this issue, also reflecting your desire to (Blehhhh!!); keep walkers and females out of a man's maga­ expand this category. Also, we are attempting to have an ex­ zine (Chauvinist pig??); — don't be so harsh on Peter Mattei tensive women's schedule and more coverage on results this time. (0k...sorry about that); bigger print (Only if everyone is Note that 12% wanted more extensive road race scheduling! willing to pay $10/year...doubling the print size doubles the WOW...how can you get more extensive? I've listed about every cost, both in materials and labor for our printer.); give race in existence on the west coast, south of Washington. If special space to big cross country and track meets like you do anyone knows of a race that I don't know about, please let me road racing results (We'll try, but space limitations creep in know. again...our last pictorial was a super-in-depth coverage!!). Some other random ideas & suggestions (with editor's com­ And so, we'd like to thank you all for your comments. It ments in parentheses): a more regular publication schedule has been good for us to take a look at ways in which we can im­ (Again, I have to make a living and work too...since I don't prove, and we have implemented many of your suggestions already get paid for this task, and neither does anyone else, I can and will use others in the future.
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