ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Denisia Jahr/Year: 2006 Band/Volume: 0019 Autor(en)/Author(s): Ribes Jordi, Baena Manuel Artikel/Article: Two new species of Dicyphus FIEBER 1858 from the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands with additional data about the D. globulifer-group of the subgenus Brachyceroea FIEBER 1858 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae) 589-598 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Two new species of Dicyphus FIEBER 1858 from the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands with additional data about the D. globulifer-group of the subgenus Brachyceroea FIEBER 1858 (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae)1 J. RIBES & M. BAENA Abstract: Two new species of the genus Dicyphus FIEBER 1858 are described: D. (Brachyceroea) heissi J. RIBES & BAENA nov.sp. from the Sierra of Guadarrama (Madrid), Cordova city, and Las Cañadas (Tenerife island) and D. (Brachyceroea) matocqi BAENA & J. RIBES nov.sp. from northern Portugal. The female of D. (Brachyceroea) cerutti WAGNER 1941 is redescribed. Additional data and drawings of the male and female genitalia of the available species of the globulifer-group are given and a dichotomous key for the species of this group is provided. Key words: Brachyceroea, Dicyphus, new species, Portugal, Spain. Introduction We describe below two new species of the subgenus Brachyceroea: Dicyphus WAGNER (1951) in his revision of the (Brachyceroea) heissi nov.sp. and Dicyphus genus Dicyphus FIEBER 1858 divided it into (Brachyceroea) matocqi nov.sp. Moreover, four subgenera: Dicyphus s.str., Idolocoris due to the problems with lectotype designa- OUGLAS COTT Mesodicyphus D & S 1865, tion of Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) cerutti – in WAGNER (as new) and Brachyceroea FIEBER opinion of the junior author – the female of 1858. The last subgenus was described by this species is redescribed. The female geni- Fieber as a genus, later synonymised by talia are figured the first time for five species REUTER (1875) with Dicyphus, restored to and we add new information about the male subgenus level by WAGNER (1941), and final- genitalia of four species of the subgenus ly divided into four species groups by WAGN- Brachyceroea. A key to the seven species of ER (1951). WAGNER’s (1945, 1951, 1961, the D. globulifer-group of the subgenus 1974) opinion was accepted in the catalogue Brachyceroea is provided. of Palaearctic Heteroptera (KERZHNER & JOSIFOV 1999) and this is followed by us in the present work. The species studied in this Description of the species paper belong to the D. globulifer-group char- acterised by the black head with a white spot Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) heissi J. RIBES & BAENA nov.sp. (Figs 1-7) at the inner borders of the eyes. In our opin- ion this is a practical group, but further stud- Description: ies will be necessary to clarify the systematic Measurements (mm): Length, = = 3.25- relationships in the subgenus Brachyceroea 3.70 Y = 3.10-3.25; maximum width, = = and the genus Dicyphus as a whole. 1.00-1.10 Y = 0.95. Denisia 19, zugleich Kataloge 1We are pleased to dedicate this note to Ernst Heiss as a token of our long friendship, and we wish him a frutiful der OÖ. Landesmuseen future of happiness in the work, in the things well done ... in the passion we share. Ad multos annos. Neue Serie 50 (2006), 589–598 589 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Habitus: Nearly parallel. Shining. Gener- the head. Hind tibiae with two rows (near al coloration yellowish. Head black with a 5+4) of short, brown, inclined spines that large yellowish spot near each eye. Anten- may be confused with the surrounding setae. nae: first joint black with the basal and apical Head short, in anterior view 1.05-1.19 parts yellowish; joints II and III black with times as broad as high. Ocular index 1.45- the basal part yellowish; joint IV black. Ros- 1.60 (=) and 1.60-1.70 (Y). Antenna: I-II- trum yellowish with the base of the three first III-IV = 0.30-0.68-0.37-0.25 (1= Las joints and all or the distal two thirds of joint Cañadas) and 0.28-0.60-0.38-0.25 (1Y IV black. Collar yellowish, narrowly black Sierra of Guadarrama). Joint II clavate 0.94- behind. Sides of pronotum and pronotal calli 1.09 times longer than synthlipsis and 0.62- black; posterior pronotal disc of variable col- 0.74 times longer than the width of prono- oration, in some specimens yellowish, some- tum. Rostrum slender, reaching the interme- times with the hind pronotal corners dark, in diate coxa. Collar thick, with or without other specimens darkened or black with pale discernible punctuation. Pronotum 1.62- median line, variation not correlated with 1.75 times as broad as long, trapeziform, the geographical distribution of the speci- with the sides and the posterior border sinu- mens. Scutellum black with two yellowish ate, calli prominent, smooth; posterior calli and the fore corners sometimes ochra- pronotal disc slightly convex, nearly ceous. Pro- and mesosternum black, meta- smooth, at most with only very fine punc- sternum darkened. Abdominal terga variable, tures, and weakly sculptured. Scutellum tec- usually more or less darkened, changing be- tiform, nearly smooth basally and slightly tween yellow to the black. Hemelytra with convex and nearly smooth medially toward the apices of the exocorium and cuneus apex. Hemelytra parallel sided, clearly sur- black. Membrane hyaline with darker veins passing the end of abdomen. Ratio metatib- and vermiform ridges. Legs with the femora ia/metatarsus = 3.74-4.00. with large black spots. Tibiae darkened at base and with black spots on the apical two Genitalia =: Right paramere lamelli- thirds. Tarsi with joint III darkened. form, very small, and with pointed apex (Fig. 2) Left paramere with the body short Fig. 1: Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) heissi J. Dorsal vestiture dark, long and stout, and the hypophysis short and weakly RIBES & BAENA nov.sp., Habitus (*Vestiture, sparse, inclined and regularly distributed. curved; crest of the hypophysis with the punctures and granulation not shown; First antennal joint with only a few scat- Scale bar = 1 mm). base rounded (Figs 3, 4). Phallus slender, tered setae. Two converging setae in the weakly curved, with two proximate slender front over to antenniferous tubercles and spiculi on basal third, theca slightly dentate others scattered on the remaining parts of preapically (Fig. 5). Genitalia Y: Upper wall of the vagina lengthened, quadrangular, striated-granulat- ed, with the sclerotized rings thin, angular and sharpened on anterior part, separated from the lateral oviducts on the upper part where these oviducts have a lengthened and peanut-shaped base. The vermiform gland appears from behind of the posterior border of the vagina. Receptaculum seminalis emerging from behind the right side of the anterior border of the vagina (Figs 6, 7). Figs 2-4: Dicyphus Derivatio nominis: We have the pleas- (Brachyceroea) ure to dedicate this new species to our friend heissi J. RIBES & and colleague Ernst Heiss on the occasion of BAENA nov.sp. (2) th Right paramere his 70 birthday and in honour of his many (3, 4) Left contributions to the study of Heteroptera. paramere in two = positions (Scale Material studied: Holotype, : SPAIN, Madrid, bar = 0.1 mm). Sierra de Guadarrama, Bola del Mundo, 18-VII- 590 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Figs 6-7: Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) heissi J. RIBES & BAENA nov.sp., Vagina upwards and lateral view (Scale bar = 0.5 mm). Fig. 5: Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) heissi J. Dicyphus (Brachyceroea) matocqi RIBES & BAENA nov.sp., Phallus (Scale bar = BAENA & J. RIBES nov.sp. (Figs 8-14) 0.1 mm). Description: Measurements (mm): Length, = = 3.00- 1957, J. Ribes leg (coll. J. Ribes, Barcelona); Al- 3.70 Y = 2.80-3.40; maximum width, = = Y lotype, : SPAIN: Madrid, Sierra de Guadarra- 0.91-1.19 Y = 1.01-1.14. ma, Cercedilla, 3-VIII-1996, M. Costas & V. Or- tuño leg. (coll. M. Baena, Cordova). Paratypes, Habitus: Elongate oval. Shining. Gener- 1=: SPAIN, Canary Islands, Tenerife, Las al coloration yellowish. Head black with a Cañadas, 21-VI-1996, N. Zurita leg. (coll. J. large yellowish spot bordering each eye. An- Ribes, Barcelona); 1= id., 21-XI-1991, E. Heiss tennae: first joint black with base and apex == leg. (coll. E. Heiss, Innsbruck); 3 SPAIN, yellowish; joint II yellowish with the basal Cordova city, 3-VI-1989, 19-VI-1993, 29-VI- third black and the preapex dark; joint III 1993, at lamp, M. Baena leg. (coll. M. Baena, black or dark with the base yellowish, some- Cordova). times entirely darkened; joint IV black or Host plant: unknown. dark. Rostrum yellowish with the base of the Discussion: Dicyphus heissi nov.sp. is first three joints and distal half part of the close to D. geniculatus FIEBER based on the fourth joint black. Collar yellowish. Prono- nearly erect, black, dorsal vestiture and the tal calli and sides of pronotum black; poste- smooth yellowish collar, narrowly black be- rior pronotal corners darkened. Scutellum hind. The new species can be easily separat- black with two yellowish calli. Pro- and ed from D. geniculatus by the clavate shape mesosternum black; metasternum with dark of the antennal joint II and the black calli spots. Abdominal terga becoming more on the anterior lobe of the pronotum sepa- darkened in some specimens. Hemelytra rated by a white line; the shape of the left with only the apex of cuneus darkened. paramere with a short hypophysis slightly Membrane hyaline with darker veins and curved on the distal third; and the squared vermiform ridges. Femora with large black upper wall of the vagina that has the lateral spots.
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