Record of Board Proceedings s2

Record of Board Proceedings s2

<p> Record of Board Proceedings (Minutes)</p><p>The Metcalfe County Board of Education met on Monday, February 10, 2014 at 6PM for the regular monthly meeting. The following members were present:</p><p>1) Joey Shive 2) Tim Brown 3) Donnie Perry 4) John Caffee</p><p>Absent - Robin McMurtrey Present - Superintendent Absent - Board Attorney</p><p>1) Call to Order</p><p>Invocation by Donnie Perry. Joey Shive called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.</p><p>2) Recognition </p><p>MCMS Student of the Month - Alexandria Baker Classified Staff of the Month - Wanda Barlow Certified Staff of the Month - Jennifer Shearer</p><p>Sponsored by Edmonton State Bank, South Central Bank and Metcalfe County BOE</p><p>3) Superintendent & Director Reports</p><p>Dr. Lile</p><p>KSBA Conference Follow-Up The major topics were superintendent's evaluation and finance office qualifications. We will continue to be working on and talking about the superintendent evaluation and looks like there will be more training for finance officers. The Kentucky General Assembly is in session right now and is moving extremely slow.</p><p>Audit Review Team for MCHS A KDE review team will be here for the high school on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. </p><p>Additional Board Agenda Item After the agenda deadline, we were notified that Jordan Samuels was selected as the 5th ever state STLP engineer from Metcalfe County. She will be attending the KySTE (Technology Conference) in Louisville, March 04-07. She will be assisting with technology setup, repair, maintenance and general technology questions during this conference.</p><p>Policy 01.42 (Regular Meeting) This will be the second read and approval of this policy to set meeting dates for the board of education. FEMA & Calendar Update Chris Huffman will update the board on these items. </p><p>Cathy Nunn </p><p>Coach's Closet Program</p><p>Cathy Nunn shared information on Coach's Closet. It is an organization designed to provide used sports equipment to students who might not have the opportunity to play because of the cost of equipment. This project was started by a student at the Gatton Academy at Western Kentucky University. All Metcalfe County Schools are now accepting donations as well as Edmonton State Bank, South Central Bank and the Dollar Store. </p><p>Youth Service Center (YSC) Paperwork has been submitted for the Continuation Program Plan Action Components for YSC. There are additional funds from Race to the Top to be used for specific needs. FR/YSC programs collaborate with community partner: such as the Extension Office, College and Career Director and various business persons in the community. When collaborating with many of these partners, there is no cost to FR/YSC. This allows more money to be spent on student needs. There is also a United Way Grant to purchase clothes for students. BRADD is helping with the program Grandparents Raising Grandchildren by providing $700 a year for meetings. Meetings are being held every other month.</p><p>Patty Bunch</p><p>Family Resource (FR) Paperwork for Continuation Program Plan Action Components for Family Resource (FR) was also submitted. There is not a budget at this time so this is just plans. Principal Nunn asked teachers at MCIC to complete the survey to assist with the completion of these plans. There are also Race to the Top funds for FR. A change to be implemented is to contact children who are age appropriate for preschool, but not enrolled and encourage them to enroll or provide them with some resources if they are not willing to enroll. A budget will be presented at a later time, hopefully in April. Free and reduced numbers are up across the state, as a result we may see less funding locally.</p><p>Bennie Stephens</p><p>Certified Evaluation Plan He informed the board we are preparing for the internal review for the high school on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The MCS Certified Evaluation Plan has to be revamped. At the meeting last month a committee was approved by the board. There is one too many members on the committee, there must be an equal number of teachers and administrators. Kim Coleman agreed to step down from the committee. The charge of the committee will be to look at new regulations and revamp the plan to meet state regulations and what we want out evaluation plan to be. It will be a completely different evaluation system. There is nothing to approve, this is just information for the board. Jamie Howard</p><p>Kindergarten The results for the Kindergarten screener called Brigance, which is given to all kindergarten students at entry level were released the end of January. The state average showed 49% of kindergarten students that were ready and Metcalfe County was at 51%. </p><p>Chris Huffman</p><p>Amend Calendar Approval is being requested for students to go to school on March 21st, which is currently a Professional Development Day. The rest of the days missed will be added to the end of the calendar and approval will be requested at a later time. </p><p>LPC The next meeting will be on Monday, February 17th. There will be a presentation from the architect. We will learn about our building and facilities and begin to develop a plan to be submitted to KDE.</p><p>FEMA After almost four years of dealing with FEMA, we have received a check for $193,000 on the old central office building. This concludes all of our claims with FEMA. Dr. Lile commended Chris for his work in obtaining this money for the district.</p><p>Jamie Moss</p><p>Speech Language Pathologist </p><p>A new Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) was hired after a current employee left us for another district. Her name is Wendy Embry and she is located at the primary center.</p><p>Herby Bunch</p><p>Transportation</p><p>Herby is ready for warm weather. Dr. Lile commended Herby and his staff for their work during this trying time. </p><p>Dwight Ross</p><p>Cash in Bank We have $2,916,00.00 in cash sitting in the bank at this time. We transferred a CD back to our cash account because we can draw more interest this way. If we decide to put money back in a CD, we just have to make a call to the bank. The Technology Match of $13,000 which was approved earlier came in during the last month. We are about $70,000 ahead in tax collections from the same time as last year. All of these figures are reflected in the bank reconciliation and finance reports for this month. 4) Consent Items</p><p>Minutes</p><p>January 13, 2014</p><p>Field Trips </p><p>MCHS STLP Engineer Ky STE Conference Louisville 3/04-07/14 Dance Team National Competition Myrtle Beach, SC 3/13-16/14 FCCLA State Conference Frankfort 3/18-21/14 Culinary Class Art Institute/Opry Mills Nashville, TN 3/25/13 National Honor Society Hermitage Nashville, TN 3/28/14</p><p>MCMS KJHS State Convention Louisville 4/25-26/14</p><p>MCIC Beta State Convention Louisville 2/20-21/14</p><p>Fundraisers</p><p>MCHS Class of 2016 Shoulder Sales 3/21/14 School Wide Posters 2/11-6/30/14 Football Boosters Strawberry Sales 2/14-03/08/14</p><p>MCIC PTO Concessions - Governors Cup 03/01/14</p><p>Personnel items</p><p>Appointments June Hammontree Preschool Paraeducator 1/14/14 Chad Franklin MCMS Custodian 1/27/14 Matt Reed MCMS Assistant Baseball Coach 1/27/14 Wendy Embry SLP 2/03/14</p><p>Substitutes Kyna Parrish Certified Debra Waddell Certified Shauna Jessie Certified Carson Hadley Certified Samantha Huffman Certified Chris Parke Classified Custodian Michelle Jones Blakey Classified Cool/Paraeducator FMLA Heather Franklin MSMS Custodian 01/16-03/14/14 Stephanie Price District Wide Sub 12/10/13-02/27/14* *(Revised Dates)</p><p>Resignations Jeff Parke MCMS Custodian 1/13/14 Kayle Koerber MCHS Track & Field Coach 1/17/14</p><p>Donnie Perry moved to approve February Consent items as presented, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>5) Action Items</p><p>5A. Approve Family Resource (FR) & Youth Service Center (YSC)Continuation Plans</p><p>John Caffee moved to approve Family Resource & Youth Service Center Continuation Plans, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>5B. Approve amending 2013-14 school calendar</p><p>March 21, 2014 becomes a regular school day for students, it was originally a PD Day.</p><p>Tim Brown moved to approve amending 2013-14 school calendar, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>5C. Second read and approval of Policy 01.42 (Regular Meetings)</p><p>The updated policy will read, the Board shall adopt a schedule of regular meetings in December for the months of January through June, and adopt a schedule in June for the months of July through December, identifying the date, time and place of each meeting.</p><p>Donnie Perry moved to approve the updated Policy 01.42, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>5D. Approve finance reports and warrants</p><p>Tim Brown moved to approve February finance reports and warrants, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows: Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>Warrant # 14021A Check Date 02/05/2014 Advice # 49308 - 49605 $259,254.83 Check # 7152006 - 7152012 $ 1,212.66</p><p>Warrant # 14021X Check Date 02/05/2014 Check # 715948 - 7151972 $152,533.49</p><p>Warrant # 14021B Check Date 02/20/2014 Advice # 49606 - 49892 $252,165.70 Check # 7152039 - 7152044 $ 182.36</p><p>Warrant # 140X2 Check Date 02/20/2014 Check # 7152045 - 7152070 $151,393.77</p><p>Check # Name Amount Check Date 01/13/201 652333 ANGELA GOTT 95.00 4 REIMB FOR GLOGSTER LICENSE/CARL PERKINS 01/13/201 652334 FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES 913.50 4 BOOKS/SIG 01/13/201 652335 JOYCE HUFF 35.88 4 STUDENT TRANSPORATION/IDEA B 01/13/201 652336 LORINDA JONES 109.04 4 MUSIC THERAPY SERVICES/GF 01/13/201 652337 SIGN WAREHOUSE 177.13 4 SUPPLIES/MCVC SUPPLEMENT 01/13/201 652338 ARAMARK 447.56 4 MAINTENANCE 01/13/201 652339 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 174.95 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652340 CLARK BEVERAGE 435.00 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652341 ENGLISH, LUCAS, PRIEST & OWSLEY 624.00 4 LEGAL FEES/GF 01/13/201 652342 GORDON FOOD SERVICE 34,248.47 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652343 H & W SPORT SHOP 806.59 4 SUPPLIES/GF HEARTLAND REHABILITATION 01/13/201 652344 SERVICES 174.60 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 01/13/201 652345 HOBART CORPORATION 533.20 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652346 KONICA MINOLTA 1,597.51 4 COPIERS/GF 01/13/201 652347 KY SCHOOL BOARD ASSOCIATION 840.00 4 REGISTRATION/GF 01/13/201 652348 KY SCHOOL BOARD INSURANCE TRUST 748.14 4 4TH QTR UNEMPLOYMENT 01/13/201 652349 MAIL FINANCE 509.28 4 POSTAGE LEASE/SUPT OFFICE 01/13/201 652350 NORVEX 888.00 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652351 SARA LEE EARTHGRAINS 1,201.98 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652352 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 94.63 4 SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM 01/13/201 652353 SCRTC 5.85 4 UTILITIES 01/13/201 652354 SOUTHERN BELLE 2,723.15 4 FOOD SERVICE 01/13/201 652355 T.J. SAMSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 559.00 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/GF 01/16/201 652356 BARREN COUNTY GLASS 4,600.00 4 PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION 01/16/201 652357 DEMCO 2,041.92 4 SUPPLIES/SIG 01/16/201 652358 PAMELA STEARNS 106.72 4 TRAVEL 01/16/201 652359 RALPHIES 72.00 4 STUDENT ACTIVITY/MIGRANT 01/16/201 652360 SCHOLASTIC 230.67 4 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION/MCMS TITLE I 01/16/201 652361 WALMART 102.68 4 SUPPLIES/MCPC SBDM 01/16/201 652362 A T & T 412.00 4 UTILITIES 01/16/201 652363 AIRGAS MID AMERICA 23.93 4 MAINTENANCE 01/16/201 652364 BENNIE STEPHENS 7.60 4 POSTAGE REIMBURSEMENT/GF 01/16/201 652365 BROCK McVEY 217.18 4 MAINTENANCE 01/16/201 652366 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO. 2,202.85 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM 01/16/201 652367 DANVILLE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 36.98 4 SUPPLIES/FINANCE 01/16/201 652368 DOLLAR GENERAL 26.40 4 MAINTENANCE 01/16/201 652369 FARMERS RECC 406.61 4 UTILITIES 01/16/201 652370 JOSEPH A. WADE 59.12 4 TRANSPORTATION 01/16/201 652371 KNIGHTS MECHANICAL 706.86 4 MAINTENANCE 01/16/201 652372 KONICA MINOLTA 1,834.02 4 COPIERS/GF 01/16/201 652373 KSBA 112.19 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM & MEDICAID/GF 01/16/201 652374 PIZZA HUT 56.00 4 FOOD/MCMS SBDM 01/16/201 652375 RABEN TIRE 2,232.18 4 TRANSPORTATION RONDAL SHIRLEY, METCALFE CO. 01/16/201 652376 SHERIFF 17,682.84 4 TAX COLLECTION FEE 01/16/201 652377 SANDERS RADIATOR 85.00 4 TRANSPORTATION 01/16/201 652378 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT 62.96 4 SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM 01/16/201 652379 TRI-COUNTY EMC 25,352.04 4 UTILITIES 01/16/201 652380 WAKY SIGN CO 13,750.00 4 SITE IMPROVEMENT 01/22/201 652381 ACT REGISTRATION 2,701.00 4 ACT REGISTRATION/SIG 01/22/201 652382 AMERICAN FIDELITY 25.00 4 PAYROLL 01/22/201 652383 BAMILL, LLC. 1,941.25 4 COPIERS/GF 01/22/201 652384 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 214.86 4 SUPPLIES/GF 01/22/201 652385 C P G 516.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/22/201 652386 CBTS 146.00 4 SUPPLIES/NETWORK SERVICES 01/22/201 652387 DANVILLE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 146.06 4 SUPPLIES/SUPT OFFICE/GEAR UP 01/22/201 652388 GRREC 125.00 4 REGISTRATION/PERSONNEL 01/22/201 652389 JEFFRIES HARDWARE 710.23 4 MAINTENANCE 01/22/201 652390 KSBA 50.00 4 CLASS/BOARD PAID 01/22/201 652391 LIGHTHOUSE RESTAURANT 90.00 4 GIFT CERTIFICATES/MCIC SBDM 01/22/201 652392 MCHS/HOSA 100.00 4 STUDENT WELFARE/YSC 01/22/201 652393 NORTH WARREN PTO 100.00 4 REGISTRATION/MCIC SBDM 01/22/201 652394 PEARSON EDUCATION 452.42 4 VIDEO LIBRARY/MCHS SBDM 01/22/201 652395 PHOENIX BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 174.65 4 ENVELOPES/FINANCE 01/22/201 652396 SCRTC 213.30 4 PHONE/NETWORK SERVICES 01/22/201 652397 SCRTC 3,526.15 4 UTILITIES 01/22/201 652398 SUPER TEACHER WORSHEETS 300.00 4 LICENSE/MCIC TITLE I 01/22/201 652399 TRI COUNTY EMC 25.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/22/201 652400 U.S. POST OFFICE 552.00 4 STAMPS/MCHS SBDM 01/22/201 652401 WALMART 3,181.41 4 SUPPLIES/VARIOUS FUNDS 01/24/201 652402 GRREC 200.00 4 REG/MCPC PD 01/24/201 652403 GREEN-TAYLOR WATER DISTRICT 48.90 4 WELFARE/YSC SUPPLEMENT 01/24/201 652404 JACKIE PEREZ 30.00 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/IDEA B/IDEA B PRE 01/24/201 652405 PEARSONS ASSESSMENTS 324.36 4 SUPPLIES/IDEA B 01/24/201 652406 PRESENTATION SOLUTIONS 10,474.10 4 POSTER MAKER/MCHS TITLE I 01/24/201 652407 WALMART 1,871.96 4 TV'S/MCHS TITLE I 01/24/201 652408 AETF/BG ON STAGE 430.00 4 STUDENT ACTIVITY/MCMS SBDM 01/24/201 652409 ALLEN TROTTER 91.80 4 TRAVEL 01/24/201 652410 B R TIRE 50.00 4 TRANSPORTATION 01/24/201 652411 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 642.00 4 SUPPLIES//MCMS & MCIC SBDM 01/24/201 652412 C P G 82.76 4 TRANSPORTATION 01/24/201 652413 CINCINNATI FLOORING 212.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/24/201 652414 COY NEAL CONSTRUCTION 14,350.00 4 SITE IMPROVEMENT 01/24/201 652415 DEREK FURLONG 200.00 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/DEREK FURLONG 01/24/201 652416 DOLLAR GENERAL 79.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/24/201 652417 EDMONTON-METCALFE CO. CHAMBER 35.00 4 MEMBERSHIP DUES/GF 01/24/201 652418 HUMANA 8.57 4 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 01/24/201 652419 LEIA TUCKER 41.40 4 TRAVEL 01/24/201 652420 MAIN STREET SCREENPRINTING 160.00 4 DISTRICT ATHLETICS 01/24/201 652421 RENAISSANCE LEARNING 63.00 4 SUPPLIES/MCPC SBDM 01/24/201 652422 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 251.52 4 SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM 01/24/201 652423 SUPERIOR ONE SOURCE 1,799.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/24/201 652424 THE PRINTING PRESS 342.25 4 SUPPLIES/MCIC SBDM 01/24/201 652425 UPBEAT SITE FURNISHINGS 125.35 4 SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM 01/24/201 652426 WALMART 178.62 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM 01/28/201 652427 BARREN RIVER HEALTH DEPT. 10,000.00 4 NURSES/3RD QTR. 01/28/201 652428 BETH THOMPSON 45.45 4 TRAVEL 01/28/201 652429 C P G 245.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/28/201 652430 CATHY NUNN 257.52 4 TRAVEL 01/28/201 652431 CLARK BEVERAGE GROUP 127.00 4 DRINKS/MCMS SBDM 01/28/201 652432 DOLLAR GENERAL 15.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/28/201 652433 EDMONTON-METCALFE CO. CHAMBER 70.00 4 MEMBERSHIP DUES/MCPC & MCVC 01/28/201 652434 GALLAGHER'S 225.00 4 CAR WASHES/MCMS TITLE I & SBDM 01/28/201 652435 GRREC 150.00 4 REGISTRATION/MCHS SBDM 01/28/201 652436 JENNIFER SHEARER 45.45 4 TRAVEL 01/28/201 652437 ORACLE ELEVATOR 422.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/28/201 652438 PC MALL GOV 605.54 4 SUPPLIES/MCIC SBDM 01/28/201 652439 RENAISSANCE LEARNING 168.75 4 LICENSE/MCPC SBDM 01/28/201 652440 THE PRINTING PRESS 264.74 4 SUPPLIES/FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER 01/29/201 652441 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 32.39 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM 01/29/201 652442 BETTER QUALITY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 30.49 4 COPIER 01/29/201 652443 CHASITY OAKES 215.00 4 REIMB FOR REGISTRATION/MCPC SBDM 01/29/201 652444 EDMONTON IGA 103.20 4 FOOD FOR GOVERNOR'S CUP/MCHS TITLE I 01/29/201 652445 EDMONTON MARATHON 20.00 4 MAINTENANCE 01/29/201 652446 PITNEY BOWES 56.00 4 POSTAGE RENTAL/MCIC SBDM 01/29/201 652447 SIGN WAREHOUSE 739.99 4 SUPPLIES/MCVC SUPPLEMENT 01/29/201 652448 SUBWAY 75.00 4 FOOD FOR GOVERNOR'S CUP/MCHS TITLE I 01/31/201 652449 BARNES & NOBLE 3,669.76 4 SUPPLIES/21ST CENTURY 01/31/201 652450 BLUEGRASS CELLULAR 384.02 4 UTILITIES 01/31/201 652451 FIRST BANKCARD 115.82 4 MAINTENANCE 01/31/201 652452 FOLLETT LIBRARY 214.00 4 BOOKS/MCPC SBDM 01/31/201 652453 GOODHEART-WILCOX PUBLISHER 1,074.21 4 VIDEO DESIGN/CARL PERKINS 01/31/201 652454 GRREC 545.00 4 REGISTRATION/TITLE I/GF 01/31/201 652455 KENWAY DISTRIBUTORS 2,150.48 4 MAINTENANCE 01/31/201 652456 KONICA MINOLTA 702.47 4 COPIER/DISTRICT 01/31/201 652457 L-S BUILDERS SUPPLY 384.68 4 MAINTENANCE/TRANSPORTATION 01/31/201 652458 LEA ANN PARNELL 46.92 4 TRAVEL 01/31/201 652459 LOWE'S 657.79 4 MAINTENANCE/21ST CENTURY 01/31/201 652460 MAIN STREET SCREENPRINTING 166.00 4 SHIRTS/MCMS SBDM/ATHLETICS 01/31/201 652461 OVERDRIVE SCHOOL LIBRARY 4,000.00 4 OVERDRIVE/GF 01/31/201 652462 PC & MAC EXCHANGE 73.00 4 SUPPLIES/NETWORK SERVICES 01/31/201 652463 PIEDMONT PLASTICS 85.00 4 SUPPLIES/MCVC SUPPLEMENT 01/31/201 652464 SAM'S WHOLESALE 45.00 4 MEMBERSHIP/GF 01/31/201 652465 TOP LINE DIGITAL SCALES 379.97 4 SUPPLIES/TITLE I 01/31/201 652466 ACE HARDWARE 218.98 4 MAINTENANCE 01/31/201 652467 BARNES & NOBLE 4,879.32 4 BOOKS/SIG 01/31/201 652468 CHRIS LONG 45.90 4 TRAVEL 01/31/201 652469 CLARION HOTEL 91.31 4 LODGING/MCVC 01/31/201 652470 EDMONTON-METCALFE CO. CHAMBER 35.00 4 MEMBERSHIP DUES/MCMS SBDM 01/31/201 652471 FIRST BANKCARD 70.50 4 MISC/GF 01/31/201 652472 FLINN SCIENTIFIC 1,378.08 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM 01/31/201 652473 GRREC 545.00 4 REGISTRATION/TITLE I/GF 01/31/201 652474 ICY TRENT 53.10 4 TRAVEL 01/31/201 652475 JESSICA MILES 315.00 4 TRAVEL 01/31/201 652476 MCHS FCCLA 40.00 4 FOOD/UNITE TO READ/MCMS TITLE I 01/31/201 652477 PIZZA HUT 77.87 4 FOOD/MCVC 01/31/201 652478 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 701.38 4 SUPPLIES/21ST CENTURY 01/31/201 652479 WARDS 173.84 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM 01/31/201 652480 WENDY WEBB 19.35 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652481 ACE HARDWARE 104.57 4 MAINTENANCE 02/05/201 652482 BARN LOT THEATRE 50.00 4 ADVERTISING/GF 02/05/201 652483 BARREN CO. BUSINESS 115.19 4 SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM/MAINTENANCE 02/05/201 652484 BENNIE STEPHENS 74.70 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652485 BENNY LILE 144.00 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652486 BUDDY BROWN 90.00 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652487 CHRIS HUFFMAN 79.20 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652488 CLINTON CO. HIGH CHEERLEADERS 50.00 4 ADVERTISING/GF 02/05/201 652489 DELL, INC 1,300.39 4 TECHNOLOGY/MCPC SBDM 02/05/201 652490 DENISE COMBS 45.90 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652491 ECOLAB EQUIPMENT 285.57 4 MAINTENANCE 02/05/201 652492 FRED HARBISON 56.25 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652493 GREEN MECHANICAL 502.55 4 MAINTENANCE 02/05/201 652494 HOSS BROADCASTING 100.00 4 ADVERTISING/GF 02/05/201 652495 JENNIFER STOTTS 68.40 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652496 JOBE PUBLISHING 196.00 4 ADVERTISING/GF 02/05/201 652497 JOEY SHIVE 164.40 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652498 JOHN CAFFEE 158.93 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652499 LANETTA SHIVE 111.87 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652500 LEA ANN PARNELL 45.90 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652501 LEANNE BELL 45.90 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652502 LORINDA JONES 109.04 4 MUSIC THERAPY SERVICES/GF 02/05/201 652503 MATT SHIRLEY 99.00 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652504 MID STATE WASTE 1,910.52 4 MAINTENANCE 02/05/201 652505 ROBIN MCMURTREY 104.40 4 TRAVEL 02/05/201 652506 SIGNS UNLIMITED 255.00 4 LETTERING/MCMS SBDM 02/05/201 652507 STERICYCLE 279.09 4 MAINTENANCE 02/05/201 652508 SUNSHYN DAZY'S 38.25 4 SUPPLIES/GF</p><p>FEBRUARY 2014 RECEIPTS DATE FROM FOR AMOUNT 2/3/2014 LISA DEVORE CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/3/2014 MCHS FOOD SERVICE 39.12 2/3/2014 RITA KELLY BROWN SIGNS 878.90 2/3/2014 KY STATE TREASURER TVA 415967.72 2/5/2014 KENTUCKY REVENUE CABINET UTILITY TAX 84235.66 METCALFE CO EXTENSION 2/7/2014 OFFICE SIGNS 73.00 2/7/2014 RICHARD FROEDGE SIGNS 20.00 2/7/2014 KY STATE TREASURER MOTOR VEHICLE TAX 4378.96 2/7/2014 SOUTHERN KY REALTY SIGNS 303.00 2/7/2014 MCHS SUBSTITUTE REIMB 66.92 2/7/2014 KY STATE TREASURER OMITTED TANGIBLE TAX 1702.76 2/10/201 COMMONWEALTH OF 4 KENTUCKY OVR 1300.00 2/10/201 4 KY STATE TREASURER DISABILITY DETERMINATION 10.00 2/10/201 4 METCALFE COUNTY CLERK MOTOR VEHICLE TAX 17794.80 2/10/201 4 METCALFE COUNTY CLERK DECEMBER 2013 222.05 2/10/201 4 METCALFE COUNTY SHERIFF PROPERTY TAX - JAN 2014 92557.99 2/10/201 METCALFE COUNTY SHERIFF JANUARY 2014 OIL TAX 1466.80 4 2/10/201 4 METCALFE COUNTY SHERIFF JANUARY 2014 TELECOMM 11111.96 2/10/201 4 METCALFE COUNTY SHERIFF JANUARY 2014 FRANCHISE TAX 125576.67 2/10/201 4 METCALFE COUNTY SHERIFF JANUARY 2014 FRANCHISE TAX 59145.14 2/12/201 4 KANDIS GALLAGHER RACE PARTICIPANT 7.00 2/12/201 4 MICHELLE BLAKLEY CRIME CHECK 20.00 2/12/201 4 ASHLEY WRIGHT RACE PARTICIPANT 5.00 2/12/201 4 CHRIS LAGERMANN RACE PARTICIPANT 5.00 2/12/201 4 SOUTH CENTRAL BANK COMM EDUCATION-SPONSOR 125.00 2/12/201 4 MCHS GATE REIMB 113.89 2/12/201 4 GRREC RACE TO THE TOP 18050.00 2/12/201 COMMONWEALTH OF 4 KENTUCKY SEEK 46217.00 2/12/201 COMMONWEALTH OF 4 KENTUCKY SEEK 56080.00 2/12/201 COMMONWEALTH OF 4 KENTUCKY SEEK 449459.00 2/13/201 4 CASH RACE PARTICIPANTS 56.00 2/13/201 4 AMANDA ANDERSON RACE PARTICIPANT 45.00 2/13/201 4 RHONDA HAWKINS RACE PARTICIPANT 45.00 2/13/201 4 AMY LOGSDON RACE PARTICIPANT 45.00 2/13/201 4 TONYA RIGSBY RACE PARTICIPANT 45.00 2/13/201 4 SHERRY PHELPS RACE PARTICIPANT 7.00 2/13/201 4 MARIA PARKE RACE PARTICIPANT 10.00 2/13/201 4 JASON GRINDLE CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/13/201 4 KY STATE TREASURER DELIQUENT PROPERTY TAX 236.02 2/13/201 4 KY STATE TREASURER FUND 2 124065.00 2/14/201 COMMONWEALTH OF 4 KENTUCKY JANUARY 2014 FOOD SERVICE 67436.09 2/17/201 4 CASH RACE PARTICIPANTS 15.00 2/17/201 4 LESLEY LONDON RACE PARTICIPANT 9.00 2/17/201 4 THERESIA ATKINS RACE PARTICIPANT 110.00 2/17/201 KELLI BROWN RACE PARTICIPANT 50.00 4 2/17/201 4 KYLE HARPER RACE PARTICIPANT 6.00 2/17/201 4 MICHAEL HARPER SIGNS 16.00 2/17/201 4 RICHARD FROEDGE SIGNS 10.00 2/17/201 4 RITA KELLY BROWN SIGNS 115.60 2/17/201 4 MARGARET BROWN SIGNS 100.00 2/17/201 4 CAROL ENGLAND CHANEY SIGNS 993.00 2/20/201 4 JORDAN CARVER SIGNS 10.00 2/20/201 4 CLARK BEVERAGE GROUP MCVC SUPPLEMENT 64.71 2/20/201 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 4 CORP REFUND 929.18 2/20/201 4 MCHS GATE REIMB 82.25 2/21/201 4 TYLER TRAVIS AFLAC-RACE SPONSOR 50.00 2/21/201 4 JIMMY SHIVE SIGNS 100.60 2/21/201 4 TERRI CASSADY SIGNS 20.00 2/21/201 TOBACCO TRANSITION 4 US TREASURY PAYMENT 1267.49 2/25/201 4 KENTUCKY REVENUE CABINET UTILITY TAX 1298.93 2/26/201 4 MARLA YOUNG CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/26/201 4 KY STATE TREASURER DISABILITY DETERMINATION 10.00 2/26/201 4 GRREC SUPT TRAVEL REIMB 39.60 2/26/201 4 SEWS RACE PARTICIPANTS 40.00 2/26/201 4 SEWS RACE SPONSOR 300.00 2/26/201 GLASS & THOMPSON 4 INSURANCE W/C RETURN PREMIUM 6726.00 2/27/201 4 GENEVA SCROGGY COMMUNITY EDUCATION 326.00 2/27/201 4 JOYCE WHITAKER COMMUNITY EDUCATION 10.00 2/27/201 4 JUDY COMPTON COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 2/27/201 4 AUTUMN SHIRLEY COMMUNITY EDUCATION 10.00 2/27/201 4 SHARNA ACREE COMMUNITY EDUCATION 10.00 2/27/201 4 LINDSEY THOMAS COMMUNITY EDUCATION 13.00 2/27/201 LAURA MILLER COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 4 2/27/201 4 HEATHER SHAW COMMUNITY EDUCATION 10.00 2/27/201 4 LINDA EDWARDS COMMUNITY EDUCATION 40.00 2/27/201 4 SHERRY VOLRATH COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 2/27/201 4 TARA EMMERT COMMUNITY EDUCATION 30.00 2/27/201 4 LANETTA SHIVE COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 2/27/201 4 ASHLEY WRIGHT COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 2/27/201 4 CHARLOTTE ATKINS COMMUNITY EDUCATION 25.00 2/27/201 4 LANA HOUK COMMUNITY EDUCATION 25.00 2/27/201 4 DAPHYNA NUNN COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 2/27/201 4 DENISE COMBS COMMUNITY EDUCATION 20.00 2/27/201 4 CONNIE SHIVE COMMUNITY EDUCATION 10.00 2/27/201 4 TAMMY SEXTON CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/27/201 4 TABITHA TRAN CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/27/201 4 ABBIE SHIRLEY CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/27/201 4 TERRY HURT CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/27/201 4 GARY BELL CRIME CHECK 10.00 2/27/201 4 BIMBO BAKERIES USDA REIMB 125.00 2/27/201 4 RODNEY JOLLY SIGNS 183.60 2/27/201 4 BONNIE WILSON SIGNS 16.00 2/27/201 4 TERRY CASSADY SIGNS 25.00 2/28/201 4 FOOD SERVICE DAILY DEPOSITS 12601.91</p><p>5E. Approve January travel for Dr. Lile</p><p>John Caffee moved to approve January travel for Dr. Lile, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows: Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>7) Board Discussion</p><p>None 8) Public Comment</p><p>Shane Coffey informed the board, Metcalfe County Education Association (MCEA) in conjunction with KEA is planning a Day of Learning Event. Four persons will go to Frankfort on February 18th to meet with legislators and discuss concerns with them. Items for discussion are school funding and budgets. At this time there are three representatives have been selected: Shane Coffey from MCMS; Scott Johnson from MCIC and Kathy Jessie from MCIC. If there is anything the board would like for this group to share with legislators, they would be happy to do so.</p><p>9) Adjourn</p><p>Donnie Perry moved to adjourn, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:</p><p>Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee -yes</p><p>Metcalfe County Board of Education</p><p>______Joey Shive, Chairman</p><p>______Benny Lile, Secretary</p>

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