<p> T.G. Terry Elementary School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School 6661 Greenspan Ave. Dallas, Texas 75232 972-749-3200 www.dallasisd.org/terry</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 1 | P a g e CAMPUS PROCEDURES AND SCHOOL POLICIES</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 2 | P a g e T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 3 | P a g e ATTENDANCE POLICY</p><p>In order for students to receive the most benefit from instruction and to maximize their learning, it is important for them to attend school every day! As a school our goal is to have 98% attendance from every student. We understand that at times, students may become ill and so, we the following procedures in place: . Students should attend school every day. . When a student is absent, the absence will be initially marked as unexcused and a system- generated phone call will be made to parents/guardians to notify them of the absence . If a student misses school because he/she is sick, it the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to send a note explaining the absence within three days of the student’s return to school so that the absence is changed to “EXCUSED”. . After 5 excused absences, the parent will be asked to provide a doctor’s note in order to excuse any additional absences due to illness. . If a child arrives after 10:00amor is picked up before 10:00am, the child will be counted absent for the entire day. . Absences due to vacations, babysitting, family illness or family visits, car trouble or oversleeping, etc. will be marked as unexcused.</p><p>The Texas Education Code 25.095 requires schools to report truant students to the court system. After the 3 rd unexcused absence, a warning letter will be mailed to parents. After the 5 th unexcused absence, the parent will be served with a summons to report to truancy court. Parents may be fined up to $500 per unexcused absence, required to attend counseling, and/or complete community service for failure to ensure that the child adheres to the compulsory school attendance law.</p><p>Research on effective schools consistently supports “bell to bell quality instruction” as a necessity for high achievement. Promptness to class is a campus priority. Class begins at 7:55a.m. Students who enter the building after the 8:00a.m. bell must get a tardy permit from the Reception Office. After the third tardy and each thereafter, the student will be required to contact parents and make up lost learning time during recess. An additional assignment related to the importance of developing responsible habits, such as being on time, may be assigned. </p><p>Except as provided below, a student in any grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 shall not be given credit or a final grade for a class unless the student is in attendance 90 percent of the days the class is offered. This restriction does not affect a student’s right to excused absences to observe religious holy days [see FEA] and does not apply to a student who receives credit by examination for a class as provided by Education Code 28.023. [See EHDC]</p><p>A student who is in attendance for at least 75 percent but less than 90 percent of the days a class is offered may be given credit or a final grade if the student completes a plan approved by the school’s principal that provides for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class. </p><p>ARRIVAL & DIMISSAL PROCEDURES </p><p>Arrival Procedures . The front doors will be unlocked at 7:30a.m. For safety reasons, students should not be left on campus before 7:30a.m. . Students are expected to arrive at school at 7:45a.m. School starts at 7:55a.m. After 8:10, official tardies are entered into the Dallas ISD Computer Database and morning announcements start. . Breakfast will be served to all students in the classroom beginning at 7:55a.m. . All students must enter the building through the front of the building (Main Doors). . To ensure adequate supervision, students should report to the following morning locations, until teacher pickup at 7:50am: o PreK 3 and 4 year olds: Classrooms o Kinder – 2nd: Auditorium o 3rd – 5th: Gymnasium . Students arriving after 7:55a.m. will walk directly to their classroom before reporting to the classroom. . Students arriving after 8:10a.m. will sign the Tardy Log in the Receptionist’s Office. . You may drop-off students in the front of the school. . Please DO NOT drop-off in the Staff’s Parking Lot. T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 4 | P a g e . 5th Grade Ambassadors will help with the morning drop-off in the front beginning at 7:45a.m. . To ensure a safe and orderly arrival, please: o Drive slowly and carefully o Make sure your child is ready to get out of the car when you arrive . If you prefer to walk your child into the building, please cross the street between the designated crosswalks. Crossing guards will be available. . We ask parents to say goodbye to their children outside the building or in the front entry. Parents may not walk their children to the classroom in the morning. An exception will be made if a parent is assisting a child with carrying heavy or big objects, but the parent must check-in the front desk first and get a visitor’s pass before proceeding through the hallways. Limiting the number of adults in the hallways will help with the supervision and safety of students. We appreciate your support in this endeavor. . Parents who wish to talk with teachers should make an appointment for a time during the teacher’s Planning Period. Please remember that during the morning arrival time, teachers are busy supervising students and preparing for learning. They are not available to conference with parents during this time, but will gladly meet during a more convenient time.</p><p>CAFETERIA</p><p>Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child in the cafeteria. Lunch time is an important opportunity for your child to develop independence and cultivate friendships; therefore our campus has selected Fridays for parents to eat in the cafeteria with students. Recess is for children only. If you plan to visit frequently, please contact the Receptionist Office and sign up as a cafeteria volunteer!!</p><p>Reminder: The designated day for parents to eat with students is on Fridays. </p><p>Each grade level has a specific lunch period. Lunch applications can be accessed on the DISD website. If you are interested in eating lunch with your child, plan to join them on Fantastic Family Fridays ONLY. School menus are sent home at the beginning of the year and can also be accessed on DISD’s website at www.dallasisd.org. Students are allowed to bring a lunch from home that is nutritious. </p><p>Lunch application forms will be sent home as part of the enrollment packet. Please complete and return the application form whether or not your child eats the school breakfast and/or lunch. </p><p>Reminder: Breakfast and Lunch is free for all students.</p><p>Dismissal Procedures It is important for the parent, student, and teacher to ensure the child arrives home safely each day. Students who ride day care buses will meet in the Auditorium . PreK and Kindergarten: Pick up from the Classroom . 1st -2nd grades will be picked up from the front of the building near the portables. . 3rd-5th grades will be picked up from the front of the building near the playground. . Students staying for the After-School Program will be escorted to the cafeteria for an afternoon meal. It is important that you pick up your child on time each day so that staff may attend to other responsibilities. At 3:10p.m. all students who have not been picked up will be escorted to the auditorium. Students will wait there until a parent signs them out. 1st offense – a verbal warning 2nd offense - written warning 3rd offense – Dallas ISD Police will be called which could lead to CPS notification</p><p>Early Pick-Up A picture ID is required to pick up a child early from school. Only adults listed on the child’s emergency card or enrollment form may take the child form campus. Once T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 5 | P a g e cleared by the Receptionist Office, the child will be called to meet the parent. If a child leaves the campus before 10:00a.m., the child will be counted absent for the entire day.</p><p>Children should not be released between 2:25-2:55 p.m. Every minute of classroom instruction is vital and frequent early releases will disrupt learning for all students. Please plan appointments after 3:00p.m. when possible. </p><p>Inclement Weather Dismissal Procedures In the event of inclement weather (rain, snow, sleet, etc.) Students will wait in designated areas for parent pick up: PreK and Kindergarten: Classrooms 1st and 2nd grades: Auditorium 3rd and 5th grades: Gymnasium</p><p>The Dallas ISD DASA Afterschool Program at T.G. Terry is available for a free. Applications will be sent home during the 1st 6Weeks regarding the program. Students enrolled in the afterschool program will be escorted to the cafeteria at 3:10p.m.</p><p>BOOKS AND MATERIALS</p><p>Textbooks are loaned to students during the school year. They must be returned at the end of the year in good, clean condition. Students will be charged for lost and/or damaged textbooks and library books. In addition, students need grade level specific supplies throughout the year. </p><p>BREAKFAST IN THE CLASSROOM</p><p>Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Children who eat breakfast at the beginning of their school day have higher math/reading scores, broader vocabulary and perform better on standardized tests. Students are able to focus and act better throughout the day. </p><p>The breakfast in the classroom initiative takes the traditional school breakfast approach and improves it with one key ingredient: THE CLASSROOM. Breakfast is available to all children free. Students receive a “grab bag” in their class to eat before morning announcements (7:55 a.m. – 8:10a.m.).</p><p>CLASSROOM PARTIES</p><p>Each class may have a Winter Party and an End-of-Year Party. Parties will begin at 2:00p.m. in your child’s classroom. Teachers will work with the parents to coordinate healthy snacks for each party, along with one dessert per class. Please contact your classroom teacher if there is something you wish to bring or if you would like to assist. </p><p>Only store bought products can be brought into the school. </p><p>Birthdays may be recognized by the homeroom class during last 15 minutes of the school day (2:40 – 2:55p.m.) You may bring a small healthy treat to share with your child’s class. </p><p>COMMUNICATION</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 6 | P a g e Parent and teacher communication is vital for the success of all students. You are invited to contact your child’s teacher with a written note, email message, or a phone message with the Office Personnel. Office personnel will place messages in the appropriate mailbox for the teacher’s review at the end of the day. Teachers are not available for conversation during class time, but will return notes, emails, and phone calls in a timely manner. </p><p>Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom to take phone calls from parents.</p><p>Please make after school arrangements with your child before school starts.</p><p>Please contact your child’s teacher with any concerns or questions before contacting the school office, principal or district offices. If your questions or concerns remain after speaking with the classroom teacher, please follow the communication matrix. The Parent Concern Form should be completed and given to the Office Manager or left in the Receptionist Office. Principal’s Concern Forms are located in the Receptionist’s Office. Please feel free to complete and return the form. The Principal will contact you within 48 hours regarding your concern. At T.G. Terry, we are committed to quality customer service for all families.</p><p>The school works very hard to keep parents informed and the lines of communication open. </p><p>A weekly folder including children’s work and other pertinent information and notices will be sent home each Tuesday. Also, a monthly newsletter will be sent home with important information. </p><p>Parent Portal The Dallas ISD’s Web-Based parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to a protected website where they can view confidential information about their child’s grades, attendance, and assignments. We would like for 100% of our families to have access to the system.</p><p>Access to Parent Portal . Parents/Guardians of Dallas ISD students can get access to their child’ information on the Parent Portal by: 1. Registering for an account at https://dallas.gradespeed.net/pc 2. Going to your child’s school to get your child’s verification code. 3. Add your child to your Parent Portal account. You will need the verification code to complete this process. 4. Please check with the school for assistance with access, registration, etc.</p><p>The School Messenger is used regularly to share important information via telephone and email messages. </p><p>CONFERENCES</p><p>Two parent-teacher conference days are scheduled each year, one per Fall Semester and Spring Semester. However, teachers are always available to discuss your child’s progress. Please feel free to schedule an appointment during their Planning Period or after school. </p><p>DISCIPLINE</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 7 | P a g e The physical and emotional safety of all students and teachers is a priority at T.G. Terry. In addition to enforcing the Dallas ISD Student Code of Conduct (which may be located on the District’s website at www.dallasisd.org), T.G. Terry teachers, staff, students, parents, and visitors, are expected to follow our 3 school-wide rules at all times. 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be a Good Citizen</p><p>Discipline is considered academically and behaviorally. Children are expected to interact with one another in a positive, constructive manner to keep from impeding the process of learning. Whether it be a game on the playground, a social studies lesson or an art/music experience all students are asked to always follow the 3 school wide rules. Self-control, proper language and respect for peers and adults are always emphasized and expected. </p><p>Academic discipline is a realization of the child’s portion that class work and homework are expected to be completed in a timely and neat manner. Incomplete assignments and failure to prepare properly, will lead to the child being under considerable pressure. Parents are asked to encourage good academic behavior.</p><p>If students persistently show inappropriate behavior, with academics and/or behavior, they will receive a Principal’s Referral and Campus Administrators will implement consequences according to the District’s Student Code of Conduct and/or Referral to Student Support Team (SST).</p><p>Physical, verbal, or emotional abuse will not be tolerated. All students who engage in such behavior will face consequences, regardless of who initiated the incident. Students are expected to immediately reports acts or threats of bullying or violence to any teacher or staff at the campus.</p><p>If your child tells you that he/she is being bullied at school, please report the incident to the Main Office. </p><p>T.G. Terry utilizes a positive behavior reward system which rewards students for exhibiting good behavior. Each child has an opportunity to be honored each 6 weeks by the Principal and Counselor for displaying good character and behavior.</p><p>DRESS AND GROOMING</p><p>In compliance with Local Dallas ISD Policy, all students must follow the unifomdress code.</p><p>If a student is dressed inappropriately, his/her parents will be contacted immediately. Students must adhere to the dress code at all times. Students may substitute the approved uniform shirt for the College Shirts day on Wednesdays and T.G. Terry T-shirt on Fridays with uniform pants.</p><p>Terry uniform colors: white and hunter green shirts with khaki, black or navy blue bottoms. </p><p>Please see detailed District policy below:</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 8 | P a g e Tops: Shirts and blouses must have button down collars or have straight collars. Turtlenecks and polo styles are permitted. Color: All students shall war white shirts and/or additional solid color tops to be determined by the campus. Logos: Manufacture trademarks, if any, must be one inch or less. District school logos are permitted and are not limited in size.</p><p>Slacks and Pants: Color: All slacks and pants must be a solid color: khaki, navy blue or black. Style: Slacks and pants can be pleated or flat front, full length, appropriately fastened at the waist. Pants with loops require belts. Material: Cotton, canvas, corduroy, linen, polyester, or twill.</p><p>Skirts, Jumpers, Shorts, and Capris: Color: Khaki, navy blue, and black in a solid, single color.</p><p>Cardigans and Sweaters: Color: Should match an accepted uniform color. Style: All must be worn over a collared shirt, turtleneck, or polo style top. Logo: District school logos are permitted and are not limited in size.</p><p>Jackets: All jackets must be appropriately sized and worn over an approved school uniform shirt. Jackets containing offensive slogans, symbols, and other suggestive or controversial designs are not allowed. All District-issued school jackets are permitted.</p><p>Footwear: Students should wear athletic shoes, loafers, or other closed-toe, closed-heel shoes. Flip- flops or thongs sandals are not permitted.</p><p>DROP OFF AND PICK UP</p><p>Students may only be dropped off and picked up in front of the school. The back parking lot is for Dallas ISD personnel ONLY.</p><p>FIELD TRIPS</p><p>All students must have a signed Parental Permission Slip before students are allowed to attend a field trip. All parents attending field trips must complete chaperone paperwork. Each teacher will determine how many parent chaperones are needed, depending on the location and activity of the field trip. Chaperones must attend volunteer training and complete a background check once a year. Parents must have an approved volunteer application on file before the day of the trip in order to participate in field trips. Chaperones must also complete a Chaperone Form prior to each field trip. </p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 9 | P a g e Parent chaperones must pay their own admission fee and may ride the school bus when attending a field trip. However, siblings are not permitted to ride the bus according to the Dallas County Transportation Office. </p><p>To ensure safety, the parent of a student with frequent behavior concerns will be required to accompany the student on field trips. </p><p>HEALTH AND SAFETY</p><p> No child should be sent to school if there are any symptoms of illness present. This is to assure the quick recovery of the sick child and to protect other children. A child may be sent home if there is any suspicion of a contagious disease. In case of a child’s illness or accident at school, the school will contact the parent to care for the child. It is important that the school have the parent’s home and business phone numbers and/or the numbers of at least one available friend or neighbor. PLEASE keep this information up-to-date in the school clinic. This information is a very important link between the school and parents in managing the health care of a sick or injured child. The campus nurse maintains all health records and conducts routine screenings. School policy and State law prohibit dispensing medication in school without proper permission. Before any medications are given, the nurse must have a form completed and signed by the doctor. This form requests the name of the medicine, the name of the prescribing physician, time for dispensing and any possible side effects. The medicine will be locked in a cabinet only accessible by assigned personnel. “Over the counter” medication (i.e. Tylenol, cough syrups, ointments) cannot be given by school personnel. Whenever possible, medication should be scheduled outside of the school day. True emergencies are those conditions that may cause loss of life or significant damage if treatment is not given within a short period of time. These situations require ambulance services. The Principal or Assistant Principal may provide transportation to a medical facility or home to parent in less serious situations. The nursing staff is not allowed to transport students in their cars due to lack of appropriate insurance coverage and liability issues. Each school has “School Emergency Evacuation Procedures” on file in the main office. Should it be necessary to evacuate the school, students will travel via bus or walk to a predetermined site. A designated person will be in charge of the site and students will be released to parents ONLY. Students will only be allowed to leave the building with an authorized adult. A principal’s permit to leave school form will be completed by office personnel and provided to the adult. Students will not be allowed to walk home without authorized adult supervision.</p><p>HOMEWORK</p><p>Students will be assigned homework and other projects. Parents are urged to be involved in these assignments without doing the assigned work. </p><p>Homework is given for several reasons: 1. Drill – Most students require consistent drilling to master material essential to their educational development, i.e., math facts, spelling words. 2. Practice – Following classroom explanations, illustrations, and drill on new work, it is given so the material will be mastered.</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 10 | P a g e 3. Special Projects – book reports, compositions, research papers, and 6 weeks projects allow students the opportunity to apply the material learned through this type of presentation. 4. Reading – Every grade level will require students to read at home for at least 30 minutes or more each night. This is a skill that is foundational to their overall success.</p><p>Parents should be consistent in ensuring that all homework is completed properly and turned in when it is due. The responsibility of homework is an important part of your child’s academic success.</p><p>HOMEWORK HINTS FOR PARENTS</p><p> Establish a time and a place for nightly study time. Ask to see your child’s assignments. Initial the assignment when you feel that it is completed and the quality is acceptable. Insist that your child organize their study and/or have a planned system. Know the day of your child’s spelling test. Review the list with her/him the night before the test. In addition to doing homework, expect your child to do some reading that is not assigned. Do this daily. Reading gets better with practice. Let your child see you reading every day. Set aside some time for family reading. Children are never too old to enjoy a book read aloud. Assist your child in the learning of math facts. Point out how math is used in everyday life. Encourage problem solving and the extension of math skills. Take time to read your child’s writing. Encourage him/her to continue and try new styles and ideas. Limit the time your child spends watching television.</p><p>ITEMS FORBIDDEN ON CAMPUS</p><p>. Personal toys . Electronic sound equipment (radios, beepers; tape recorders; video games, etc.) . Alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, weapons . Large sums of money </p><p>Cell phones – For safety purposes, the district permits students to possess personal cellular phones. However, the device must remain turned off during the instructional day. </p><p>The use of cell phones or any device capable of capturing images or recording are strictly prohibited for use during the school day. </p><p>The District is not liable for lost or stolen cell phones.</p><p>LOCKS AND LOCKERS</p><p>Students are expected to store their materials and supplies properly in their lockers. If a lock is used on the locker, only combination locks are allowed for use and the teacher and/or office personnel should have the combination code. Otherwise, the locks will be cut off of the locker. Students will need a backpack or bag for daily supplies and textbooks. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with his/her belongings, including textbooks. </p><p>LOST AND FOUND T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 11 | P a g e Please write your child’s name on all his/her possessions. At times, students will misplace their belongings. Lost items are placed in the lost and found tub in the hopes of being found by their owner. The lost and found tub will be located in a designated area of the school. Students may look for lost items before or after school. </p><p>Lost items not recovered within the six weeks period will be given to a non-profit organization.</p><p>Students should keep all money (lunch or otherwise) on their person throughout the school day. Lockers do not have locks and are not safe places to keep money or other valuables. </p><p>PARENT CONCERNS</p><p>All parent concerns will be handled through the Receptionist’s Office and the Main Office by retaining a Parent Concern Form located in the Receptionist Office. You will be asked to fill out the form and will contacted within a 24 hour period regarding your concern. In order for us to better serve you; you will be asked about a reasonable solution at the time you are being contacted. If your concern is about a classroom teacher situation, we ask that you afford the teacher every opportunity to assist you with any of your concerns. </p><p>The Office Staff will assist you with all concerns. If the office staff are unable to assist you with your concern, it will be given to the principal. We look forward to working with the T.G. Terry community and parents to develop a strong united partnership for all of our students and their success.</p><p>PARENTS, VISITORS AND GUESTS</p><p>To ensure the safety of all students and teachers, all visitors, parents and guests must enter through the front main entry doors of the building. Upon your first visitation, a valid state issued ID or driver’s license must be presented to receive a visitor’s badge to enter the hallways and classrooms. After the first visit, you will log in for each visit to receive a visitor/volunteer badge. </p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 12 | P a g e Please note that an appointment is required before visiting a classroom or meeting with a teacher. Visitors will not be allowed to walk throughout the hallways during the school day without an appointment. Classroom observations may be scheduled in advance with the classroom teacher. Visitor/Volunteer badges must be worn at all times. Please do not deliver supplies, lunches or pick up students for appointments by going directly to the classroom. Please conduct all business at the Reception Office. </p><p>PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA)</p><p>The Parent Teacher Association offers parents the opportunity to become involved. Parents work together with teachers to plan and coordinate school-wide events and projects. PTA dues are assessed each year to support the numerous activities that the PTA sponsors.</p><p>Parent Involvement is essential to the continued success and growth of the school. Therefore, parents are encouraged to actively participate in the PTA. For more information about the PTA and opportunities to volunteer, please speak with Office Personnel. PTA meetings are held once a month. </p><p>STUDENT ABSENCES</p><p>When a student is absent from school, he/she has three days from the date they return to submit a note to the attendance office stating the reason for the absence. Failure to bring a note will result in the absence being unexcused. Numerous unexcused absences may lead to a truancy violation. If the child is absent for more than three (3) days, make-up assignments will be allowed. </p><p>The following reasons for absences are valid: . Personal Illness (Doctor’s notes may be required for prolonged illnesses or repeated absences) . Emergency family situations . Professional appointments that cannot be made outside of the school day. . Observance of recognized religious holidays when observance is required during the school day. . A personal or educational absence submitted in writing to the principal and of which approval has been granted in advance of the planned absence.</p><p>The following are examples of possible unexcused absences: . Missing the bus . Trips not approved in advance . Overslept . Birthdays or other celebrations . Hunting, fishing or attendance at sports functions . Family vacations . Car trouble</p><p>REPORT CARDS & RECOGNITION</p><p>PK, K, FIRST GRADE Each six weeks, students in grades PreK, Kindergarten, and First grade will receive a report card that indicates the mastery level of academic skills. The card will also include behavior and attendance ratings.</p><p>The primary focus in these grades is to ensure students are reading on or above grade level, as reading ability is a strong predictor of futures success.</p><p>Tutoring will be provided for student performing below grade level standards. T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 13 | P a g e Students in PK – 2nd grade will not receive awards for grades, but attendance will be recognized on the last day of school with awards.</p><p>2ND – 5TH GRADE</p><p>Each six weeks, students in grades 2 -5 will receive a computer generated report card with numeric grades. Parents are highly encouraged to register for an account on Parent Portal at https://dallas.gradespeed.net/pc to access your child’s grads, attendance, and assignments. Parents are encouraged to review grades carefully and set goals with their children for achievement A = 90 and above B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 Below 70 = Failing </p><p>Grades reflect performance levels and are aligned with the content and rigor of state and national standards. The following scoring weights are used: 50% Classwork (Homework is only counted if it increases the grade average) 20% Tests/Quizzes (retake opportunity provided for failing tests) 20% Projects 10% Six Weeks Test (retake opportunity provided for failing tests)</p><p>Students will be given 2 days after each absence to makeup work without penalty.</p><p>Grade penalties will be applied for other late assignments, as determined by the teacher.</p><p>Tutoring will be required for students scoring below grade level standards.</p><p>Students in 2nd – 5th grade will participate in and of year Awards Ceremony. The following awards will be recognized, A and B Honor Roll, High Achievement on State Assessments, and Good Character.</p><p>SCHOOL CLUBS</p><p>School clubs are an integral part of our students expanding their knowledge in the areas of music, art, dance, robotics, etc. However, although we feel all students should be involved in after-school activities, academics is most important. Therefore, if your child is failing or in danger of failing, he or she may not participate for an entire six weeks period. If not improvement is made after a six weeks period, your child will be removed from the club and required to attend tutoring sessions. School clubs are a privilege for our students. Therefore, academics must be of the highest caliber.</p><p>SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS</p><p>Campus safety is a team effort. Our strict policies regarding background checks, campus visits, ID verification, and student pick up will help us ensure safety of the entire T.G. Terry Family. Please report any unauthorized adults on school property and always wear a visitor’s/volunteer identification badge when on campus.</p><p>We have a safety feature which includes automatic locking doors and an intercom system for gaining building entry. After 8:00 a.m. visitors will be required to utilize this system. We understand that often times, mornings can he hectic. However, we respectfully ask that parents plan ahead to limit frequent interruptions during the instructional day.</p><p>Every year, as a school, we practice emergency drills including fire and tornado drills, campus evacuation, and lock down procedures. These drills help us ensure we are prepared in the event of an emergency. T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 14 | P a g e STUDENT RECORDS AND INFORMATION</p><p>The school maintains accurate, updated records on all students. As a parent, you have certain rights and responsibilities.</p><p>. Parents are responsible for completing the Student Enrollment Forms and returning them to the school as soon as possible. . Parents are responsible for contacting the school if any of the information changes. It is imperative to have accurate phone numbers on file in case of emergencies. . Parents shall have the right to inspect and review any and all official records and files related to their child/children including all the material which is part of student’s cumulative record folder and intended for school use or to be available to parties outside the school or school system, and specifically including…but not limited to identifying data; academic work completed; level of achievement; attendance data; scores on standardized tests; health data; teacher or counselor rating and observations and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns. . The school shall provide a school employee to interpret the information within the cumulative folder t o the parents. . Parents may request copies of materials contained in their child’s records. Please allow up to 2 business days for request to be processed.</p><p>STUDENT SERVICES</p><p>Our school offers specialized services for students who are experiencing challenges. As with any student-related concern, please begin by sharing with your child’s teacher. If additional information/support is needed, please call the school and your call will be directed to the appropriate individual. Please read a summary of the most common services provided at the school and district levels: School Counseling: The goal of school counseling is to support each child’s academic success by ensuring their social and emotional wellbeing. Mr. Wade meets with students as a class, in small groups, or individually to help them learn positive social and emotional skills to cope with life’s challenges. Parents or teachers may refer a child to Mr. Wade, and student may also self- recommend. Youth & Family Center: When a student requires more intensive and long term counseling or non-emergency medical care than can be provided at the campus, a referral to the Youth and Family Center (YFC) may be appropriate. YFC is a joint effort between the Dallas ISD and Parkland Hospital to offer physical and mental health services to student in Dallas ISD. Doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and therapists are available to provide specialized service to students. Insurance is accepted or payment is made on a sliding fee scale. Student Support Team (SST): This group of educators meets regularly to discuss the needs of individual students who are facing challenges related to academic achievement, behavior, attendance, medical conditions, speech differences, etc. The function of the SST is to review interventions and create an action plan for continued support in the hopes of helping the student overcome their difficulty. In the event the student continues to struggle despite extensive campus interventions, the SST may coordinated with district personnel to provide evaluation and other services, through departments such as Special Education, Section 504, Dyslexia, and Speech.</p><p>*Services for students who are recent immigrants, refugees, homeless, or hospitalized long-term (Hospital Homebound) are also available through the district. Please let your child’ teacher or Mr. Wade know if your child needs these services.</p><p>STUDENTS LEAVING SCHOOL</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 15 | P a g e No student is to leave the building/campus during the school day without following the proper procedures. Only a student’s parent/guardian or those listed on the enrollment information will be allowed to pick up students before dismissal time. A valid ID must be provided to office personnel before the child is released.</p><p>Students will not be released during the last 30 minutes of the school day (2:25 p.m. – 2:55 p.m.) to avoid disruptions and disturbances. </p><p>STUDENTS’ USE OF SCHOOL TELEPHONES</p><p>Students will be allowed to use the school telephones for emergencies only. Please make transportation arrangements before coming to school. If there is an emergency, the teacher will give the student a note to use the telephone. If there is a medical emergency, the student will be sent to the clinic.</p><p>Students will not be allowed to receive phone calls during the school day and messages will not be taken unless it is an emergency situation. Student cell phones may not be used during the instructional school day. Cell phones will be confiscated if visible and/or being used during the school day.</p><p>TESTING DATES</p><p>During state assessments, schools are required to ensure test security and confidentiality. On testing days, parents will not be allowed to eat lunch with their child or enter the building. We are also required to limit all traffic and noise in the halls on these days. Please avoid scheduling doctor’s and dentist’s appointments on testing days, as attendance is imperative. Thank you for your support.</p><p>VOLUNTEERS</p><p>The success of an elementary school program depends a great deal on active parent volunteers. Opportunities throughout the year will arise for parents to volunteer. Some opportunities include class parent representatives, cafeteria assistance, festivals, reading with students (PreK-2), library volunteers, class parties, field trip chaperones, character education support, various committees and fundraising activities. Contact the school for more information.</p><p>Anyone wishing to volunteer MUST: 1. Attend a volunteer training; and 2. Complete a background check online with Dallas ISD</p><p>WEATHER CLOSINGS</p><p>In the event of possible school closings, please tune in to local radio and television stations for information. For further news and updates, you may also access the DISD website at www.dallasisd.org.</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 16 | P a g e T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 17 | P a g e PARENT/STUDENT HANDBOOK CONTRACT AGREEMENT 2016-2017</p><p>Please place an X by the following statements indicating that you have read and completely understand the policies and procedures as outlined in the T.G. Terry Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook.</p><p> I acknowledge that I have received a 2016-2017 T.G. Terry Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook.</p><p> I have read and understand the standards, policies and procedures defined in the 2016-2017 T.G. Terry Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook.</p><p> I understand that the information in this handbook is subject to change. I also understand that changes in district policies supersede, modify, or eliminate the information summarized in the 2016-2017 T.G. Terry Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook.</p><p> I acknowledge that I have read the entire contents of the 2016- 2017 T.G. Terry Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook.</p><p>______Print Name of Parent/Guardian Signature of Parent/Guardian</p><p>______Name of Student Teacher Grade</p><p>______Name of Student Teacher Grade</p><p>______Name of Student Teacher Grade T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 18 | P a g e ______Name of Student Teacher Grade</p><p>2016-2017 DALLAS ISD STUDENT CALENDAR</p><p>T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 19 | P a g e T.G. Terry Elementary School HANDBOOK | 2016-2017 20 | P a g e</p>
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