PROGRAM of INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2

PROGRAM of INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2

<p> PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>WHO WE ARE WHERE WE ARE IN HOW WE EXPRESS HOW THE WORLD HOW WE ORGANISE SHARING THE PLANET An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, PLACE AND TIME OURSELVES WORKS OURSELVES An inquiry into rights and physical, mental, social and responsibilities in the struggle to An inquiry into orientation in place An inquiry into the ways in An inquiry into the natural world and An inquiry into the spiritual health; human share finite resources with other and time; personal histories; homes which we discover and express its laws; the interaction between the interconnectedness of human- relationships including families, people and with other living things; and journeys; the discoveries, ideas, feelings, nature, culture, natural world (physical and biological) made systems and communities; friends, communities, and communities and the relationships explorations and migrations of beliefs and values; the ways in and human societies; how humans use the structure and function of cultures; rights and within and between them; access to humankind; the relationships which we reflect on, extend and their understanding of scientific organizations; societal decision- responsibilities; what it means to equal opportunities; peace and between and the interconnectedness enjoy our creativity; our principles; the impact of scientific and making; economic activities and be human. conflict resolution. of individuals and civilizations, from appreciation of the aesthetic. technological advances on society and their impact on humankind and local and global perspectives. on the environment. the environment.</p><p>DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE Term 1 week 2- week 6 Term 2 week 4- week 9 Term 2 week 10- term 3 Term 4 week 3- week 11 Term 1 week 7- Term 2 Term 3week 7- Term 4 week 2 week 6 week 3) CENTRAL IDEA CENTRAL IDEA CENTRAL IDEA CENTRAL IDEA CENTRAL IDEA CENTRAL IDEA Our actions can affect the Artefacts help us understand People in their culture People learn about the world Communities have services Some resources in the world safety of ourselves and the history of a community communicate and express by observing and investigating in place to support health are essential, but limited others (PE) themselves for different and wellbeing purposes and audiences (Art, Indonesian)</p><p>LINES OF INQUIRY LINES OF INQUIRY LINES OF INQUIRY LINES OF INQUIRY LINES OF INQUIRY LINES OF INQUIRY</p><p>● Different ways to be ● Artefacts and community ● Everyone has a ● People investigate the ● Communities are all ● The world has essential safe are connected different culture world around us resources that we use</p><p>● Our actions affect ● Artefacts can provide ● People communicate ● People observe the world ● Organisations within ● Resources are limited information about the in different ways communities provide others ● There are different ways to ● Our use of resources affect history of a community support ● Communication has ● Safety is everyone’s evaluate our observations others ● Artefacts show us a different purposes ● The way responsibility ● People use evidence to ● It is our responsibility to change over time and audiences communities support their investigations look after our resources support health and ● Indigenous artefacts wellbeing provide history of a community.</p><p>KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS KEY CONCEPTS</p><p>Connection Change Function Reflection Form Responsibility </p><p>UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>Responsibility Perspective Causation Form Function Connection Causation</p><p>LEARNER PROFILE LEARNER PROFILE LEARNER PROFILE LEARNER PROFILE LEARNER PROFILE LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES ATTRIBUTES</p><p>Principled Thinkers Risk Taker Knowledgeable Caring Balanced Communicators Inquirers Open- Minded Reflective Reflective Inquirer Balanced</p><p>ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT</p><p>Lotus Chart of safety at Timeline of artefacts- Students to complete Pre and Post Test Summary of a community Pre and Post test home, school, cybersafety, students to select an dance/ drama presentation member. on the playground, on the artefact and order/ describe on how they express road and in the community. how they have changed themselves. Action- Students have created a over time. plant and have written a letter to a family member discussing how Compare and contrast venn the plant will keep them healthy diagram with a partner on and have a positive impact on their well being. how we communicate. </p><p>ATTITUDES ATTITUDES ATTITUDES ATTITUDES ATTITUDES ATTITUDES</p><p>Integrity Curiosity Creativity Confidence Appreciation Appreciation Tolerance Appreciation Enthusiasm Independence Independence Commitment Respect</p><p>APPROACHES TO APPROACHES TO APPROACHES TO APPROACHES TO LEARNING APPROACHES TO APPROACHES TO LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING</p><p>Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking Social Social Social Research Social Social Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Self- Management Self- Management Self- Management Self- Management Research</p><p>UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>Research Research Research</p><p>INTERCULTURAL INTERCULTURAL INTERCULTURAL INTERCULTURAL INTERCULTURAL INTERCULTURAL CAPABILITY CAPABILITY CAPABILITY CAPABILITY CAPABILITY CAPABILITY</p><p>Identify and discuss cultural Describe their experiences of Development of resilience Use basic skills required Identify what is familiar diversity in the school and/or intercultural encounters in which community they have been involved Identify personal strengths and for participation in and what is different in describe how these strengths are group tasks and respond the ways cultural diverse Imagine and explain what their useful in school or family life responses might be if they were to simple questions individuals and families placed in a different cultural Explain how being prepared to situation or setting try new things can help identify about their contribution live. strategies when faced with to group tasks. unfamiliar or challenging situations Describe their Recognise that conflict experiences of occurs and distinguish intercultural encounters between appropriate in which they have been and inappropriate ways involved. to deal with conflict. </p><p>CRITICAL AND CREATIVE CRITICAL AND CREATIVE CRITICAL AND CREATIVE CRITICAL AND CREATIVE CRITICAL AND CREATIVE CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING (TOOLS) THINKING (TOOLS) THINKING (TOOLS) THINKING (TOOLS) THINKING (TOOLS) THINKING (TOOLS)</p><p>- KWL Chart - KWL Chart - KWL Chart - Diary about plant - Tic, Tac Toe </p><p>- Lotus Chart - Timelines - Wonder Wall - Letter writing - Venn Diagram </p><p>- ‘Y’ chart - Brainstorm -</p><p>ENGLISH LEARNING ENGLISH LEARNING ENGLISH LEARNING ENGLISH LEARNING ENGLISH LEARNING ENGLISH LEARNING</p><p>● Literature on artefacts. ● Literature about ● ● Explore different text ● Explore different different cultures types and identify text resources that are UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>● Write procedural texts ● Communication features. Introduce essential but limited. about being safe in the books related to the ● Melbourne Museum resources Use non-fiction books classroom, at home, inquiry unit about the watercycle. Reflection around water and by ● Different cultures ‘Communities have Create diagrams that the heater/ fire. and how they services in place to explain the watercycle. support health and ● Historical Recount communicate wellbeing’ ● Read an informative article ● text about safety. Big Write an explanation book, ‘Firefighters’. ● Timeline ● Whole class focus- ‘How the watercycle ● St.John’s Ambulance Discussed language Myths and fables from works?’ and appropriate a range of cultures reflection vocabulary. Also Narrative: Writers workshop: introduced newspaper ● Write a persuasive text articles that discuss ● Incorporate artefacts as a ● Develop writers seeds on ‘Why we should save safety. central plot point or influenced by water?’ complication in narrative different cultures writing. Poetry: ● Use an artefact from the ● Japanese culture: past and present as a Haikus writers seed.</p><p>● Recount:</p><p>● Historical Recount</p><p>● Recount about the excursion</p><p>● Persuasive:</p><p>● Students write advertisements for artifacts, toys.</p><p>● Students argue the merits of new vs old toys</p><p>ENGLISH VICTORIAN ENGLISH VICTORIAN ENGLISH VICTORIAN ENGLISH VICTORIAN ENGLISH VICTORIAN ENGLISH VICTORIAN CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS</p><p>Recreate texts imaginatively Explore differences in words that Recreate texts Read texts with familiar features Understand that the purposes texts Recognise short vowels, common represent people, places and things using drawing, writing, imaginatively using and structures using developing serve shape their structure in long vowels and consonant (nouns, including pronouns), drawing, writing, phrasing, fluency, phonic, semantic, predictable ways digraphs and consonant performance and digital happenings and states (verbs), performance and digital contextual, and grammatical blends(VCELA182) forms of communication qualities (adjectives) and details such forms of knowledge and emerging text Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures Understand that a letter can UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>(VCELT192) as when, where and how (adverbs) communication(VCELT192 processing strategies, including and language features that help the represent more than one sound, (VCELA179) ) prediction, monitoring meaning and text serve its purpose and that a syllable must contain a rereading (VCELY187) vowel sound (VCELA183)</p><p>Create short imaginative and Understand how to spell one and Understand patterns of repetition two syllable words with common informative texts that show Understand that simple connections Respond to texts drawn from a range Create events and and contrast in simple texts letter patterns (VCELA181) emerging use of appropriate of cultures and experiences can be made between ideas by characters using different (VCELY185) using a compound sentence with Recognise most letter–sound text structure, sentence- media that develop key two or more clauses usually linked matches including silent letters, level grammar, word choice, events and characters from by a coordinating Recognise and know how to use digraphs, vowel digraphs and literary texts(VCELT228) spelling, punctuation and conjunction(VCELA214) simple grammatical morphemes in common long vowels, and Recreate texts imaginatively using word families Understand how to use appropriate multimodal understand that a sound can be drawing, writing, performance and visual memory to write high- represented by various letter elements (VCELY194) digital forms of communication frequency words, and that some combinations( VCEA218) (VCELT192) Build on familiar texts by using high-frequency words have regular similar characters, repetitive and irregular spelling components patterns or vocabulary((VCELT193) Construct texts that Explore differences in Build on familiar texts by using Create short imaginative, informative ● Understand how to use words that represent Build on familiar texts by similar characters, repetitive incorporate supporting and persuasive texts using growing people, places and things experimenting with character, digraphs, long vowels, patterns or vocabulary(VCELT193) knowledge of text structures and images using software (nouns, including setting or plot(VCET229) blends, silent letters and including word processing language features for familiar and pronouns), happenings syllabification to spell Build on familiar texts by some less familiar audiences, experimenting with character, programs (VCELY197) and states (verbs), simple words including selecting print and multimodal qualities (adjectives) and setting or plot(VCELT229) Recognise that capital letters signal compound words elements appropriate to the audience details such as when, proper nouns and commas are and purpose (VCELY230) where and how (adverbs) ● Use visual memory to write used to separate items in lists (VCELA179 Create short imaginative and Understand that the (VCELA225) high-frequency words and purposes texts serve shape words where spelling is not informative texts that show Identify the parts of a simple sentence predictable from the emerging use of appropriate text their structure in predictable that represent ‘What’s sounds structure, sentence-level grammar, ways (VCELA176) Discuss how authors create word choice, spelling, punctuation happening?’‘Who or what is characters using language and Understand that nouns ● Use visual memory to write and appropriate multimodal involved?’ & the surrounding images represent people, places, high-frequency words and elements(VCELY194) circumstances things and ideas and words where spelling is not Understand concepts about Understand that there are different include common, proper, ways of asking for information, predictable from the Identify visual representations of concrete or abstract, and print and screen, including making offers and giving sounds Explore different ways of characters’ actions, reactions, speech how different types of texts that noun groups/phrases commands expressing emotions, including and thought processes in narratives, can be expanded using are organised using page verbal, visual, body language and and consider how these images add articles and Discuss characters and events in a facial expressions (VCELA201) Construct texts that incorporate numbering, tables of to or contradict or multiply the adjectives(VCELA216) range of literary texts and share personal responses to these texts, supporting images using software Make short presentations, speaking content, headings and titles, meaning of accompanying words including word processing programs clearly and using appropriate voice navigation buttons, bars and making connections with own experiences and pace, and using some links (VCELA177) Construct texts featuring print, visual introduced text structures and Understand the use of vocabulary in Identify the separate phonemes in and audio elements using software, language (VCELY211) consonant blends or clusters at the everyday contexts as well as a including word processing programs beginnings and ends of syllables Rehearse and deliver short Identify the parts of a simple growing number of school contexts, (VCELA203) presentations on familiar and new including appropriate use of formal topics, speaking clearly and varying sentence that represent Discuss how depictions of Understand that people use different informal terms of address in different tone, volume and pace ‘What’s happening?’‘Who or characters in print, sound and systems of communication to cater to contexts appropriately, and using supportive what is involved?’ & the images reflect the contexts in which different needs and purposes and props they were created surrounding circumstances Discuss features of plot, character and that many people may use systems to Compare opinions about UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>(VCELA178) setting in different types of literature Identify all Standard Australian communicate with others characters, events and settings in and compare some features of English phonemes, including short and between texts (VCELT242) and long vowels, separate sounds Understand that spoken, visual and characters in different texts in clusters (VCELA239) written forms of language are Explore differences in words Compare opinions about characters, different modes of communication with different features and their use that represent people, events and settings in and between varies according to the audience, texts (VCELT242) places and things (nouns, purpose, context and cultural including pronouns), background happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) (VCELA179)</p><p>Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and experiences (VCELY185)</p><p>Create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge (VCELY160)</p><p>Understand that people use different systems of communication to cater to different needs and purposes and that many people may use sign systems to communicate with others (VCELA198)</p><p>Understand that language is used in combination with other means of communication (VCELA199)</p><p>Understand that there are different ways of asking for information, making offers and giving commands (VCELA200)</p><p>Explore different ways of expressing emotions, including verbal, visual, body language and UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p> facial expressions (VCELA201)</p><p>Understand the use of vocabulary in everyday contexts as well as a growing number of school contexts, including appropriate use of formal and informal terms of address in different contexts (VCELA202)</p><p>MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS LEARNING MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS LEARNING MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING</p><p>Number and Place value: Multiplication: Measurement: Survey the grade and collect Gather data and plot graphs data: based on our usage of using numbers to create a ● Repeated addition with Use ‘feet’ to measure out the resources. safe strong password marbles. steps to a dance. Compare Lunch box- classify healthy and lengths of paper to create unhealthy. Discussed being ● Students multiply groups puppets to enact an balanced and eating unhealthy of artifacts. Indonesian folk tale. food in moderation. </p><p>Exercise during and after school. Shape: Time:</p><p>● Pyramids connected to a Describe duration between discussion on egyptian now and upcoming cultural Divide healthy and unhealthy festival. Describe the duration foods into halves and quarters artifacts. of cultural events. - fairy bread, pizzas, fruit ● Students design artifacts UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p> using 2d and 3d shapes.</p><p>Money:</p><p>Number: Compare and contrast Australian currency with ● Creation of a timeline. foreign currencies.</p><p>MATHEMATICS VICTORIAN MATHEMATICS VICTORIAN MATHEMATICS VICTORIAN MATHEMATICS VICTORIAN MATHEMATICS VICTORIAN MATHEMATICS VICTORIAN CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS</p><p>Recognise, model, represent Describe and draw two- Measure and compare the Identify a question of interest Represent data with objects and and order numbers to at least dimensional shapes, with and lengths, masses and capacities based on one categorical drawings where one object or 1000 (VCMNA104) without digital technologies of pairs of objects using variable. Gather data relevant drawing represents one data value. (VCMMG120) uniform informal units to the question (VCMSP126) Describe the displays (VCMSP102) (VCMMG095 Collect, check and classify data Choose simple questions and Describe the features of three- Describe duration using (VCMSP127) gather responses (VCMSP101) dimensional objects (VCMMG121) months, weeks, days and hours (VCMMG097) Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs Recognise and represent Recognise, describe and order and interpret them multiplication as repeated Australian coins according to (VCMSP128) addition, groups and arrays their value (VCMNA092) (VCMNA108) Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, Recreate texts imaginatively using quarters and eighths of shapes drawing, writing, performance and and collections (VCMNA110) digital forms of communication (VCELT192)</p><p>Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (VCELY230)</p><p>OTHER VICTORIAN OTHER VICTORIAN OTHER VICTORIAN OTHER VICTORIAN OTHER VICTORIAN OTHER VICTORIAN CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS CURRICULUM STANDARDS</p><p>UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>Physical Education ( Safety ) Geography The Arts Science Physical Education Science</p><p>● Recognise situations ● Definition of places as ● Present drama that ● Light and sound are ● Identify and explore ● Observable changes occur and opportunities to parts of the Earth’s communicates ideas, produced by a range of natural and built in the sky and landscape; promote their own surface that have been including stories from sources and can be sensed environments in the daily and seasonal changes health, safety and given meaning by people, their community, to (VCSSU049) local community affect everyday life wellbeing and how places can be an audience where physical activity (VCSSU046) ● People use science in their defined at a variety of (VCADRP023) can take place ● Examine health daily lives (VCSSU041) ● Earth’s resources are used scales (VCGGK064) messages and how ● Respond to drama, ● Describe physical and in a variety of ways ● Describe and explain they relate to health ● Connections of people in expressing what they social changes that (VCSSU047) where places and activities decisions and Australia to other places in enjoy and why, and occur as children grow are located (VCGGC058) ● Living things have a variety behaviours Australia and across the why people make and older and discuss how of external features and world (VCGGK065) perform drama family and community ● Explore actions that live in different places (VCADRR024) acknowledge these help make the ● Aboriginal and Torres Geography where their basic needs, Strait Islander ● Respond to dance, ● Identify rules and fair including food, water and ● classroom a healthy, Country/Place on which expressing what they ● Describe and explain play when creating shelter, are met. safe and active place the school is located and enjoy, and where and where places and activities and participating in (VCSSU042) are located (VCGGC058) ● Describe their own why Country/Place is why people dance physical activities ● Living things grow, change strengths and important to Aboriginal (VCADAR024) ● Identify how people are ● Use basic skills and have offspring similar achievements and and Torres Strait Islander ● Explore ideas, connected to different required for to themselves (VCSSU043) those of others, and peoples, and the ways in experiences, places (VCGGC059) participation in group identify how these which they maintain observations and tasks and respond to contribute to personal special connections to ● Collect and record imagination and simple questions Geography identities particular Country/Place geographical data and express them through information from the field about their (VCGGK066) ● Weather and seasons and ● Recognise situations subject matter in and other sources contribution to group the ways in which different and opportunities to ● Reasons why some places visual artworks they (VCGGC060) tasks. cultural groups, including promote their own are special and some create (VCAVAE021) ● Recognise that conflict Aboriginal and Torres health, safety and places are important to ● Represent data and the ● Create and display occurs and distinguish Strait Islander peoples, wellbeing people and how they can location of places and their artworks to express between appropriate be looked after features by constructing describe them (VCGGK067) ideas to an audience and inappropriate (VCGGK069) tables, plans and labelled (VCAVAP023) maps (VCGGC061) ways to deal with Indonesian ● Representation of the conflict. ● Respond to visual ● Interpret data and Participate in structured play location of places and artworks by describing information to draw and class activities, exchanging their features on maps subject matter and conclusions and describe with peers and teacher and models, including a ideas (VCAVAR024) the direction and location greetings and information globe, and the location of of places, using terms such about self, family and interests the major geographical ● Use imagination and divisions of the world in experimentation to as north, south, east, relation to Australia explore musical ideas opposite, near, far (VCGGK063) using voice, (VCGGC062) Science movement, instruments and body Objects are made of materials Self Awareness and percussion UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p>Management (VCAMUE021) Visual Arts that have observable properties (VCSSu044) Relationships and diversity History ● Sing and play ● Experiment different instruments to materials, techniques and ● Identify examples of improvise, compose processes to make continuity and change in Everyday materials can be ● Identify how families and practise a artworks in a range of art family life and in the local physically changed or can have a range of repertoire of chants, forms area by comparing past combined with other materials relationships songs and rhymes, and present (VCHHC056) in a variety of ways for including those used ● Listen to others’ ideas, particular purposes ● Identify the content by cultural groups in Media Arts and recognise that (VCSSU045) features of primary the local community others may see things ● Respond to media artworks sources when describing (VCAMUM022) differently. and consider where and the significance of people, ● Rehearse and perform why people make media The way objects move ● Describe ways of places or events songs and artworks depends on a variety of factors making and keeping (VCHHC054) instrumental music including their sixe and shape friends, including how ● Identify perspectives they have learnt and a push or pull affects how an actions and words can about changes to daily life composed to Indonesian object moves or changes help or hurt others, from people in the past or communicate ideas to sha(VCSSU048) and the effects of present (VCHHC055) an audience Develop awareness that Indonesian modifying their (VCAMUP023) and English borrow from each behaviour. ● Identify the significance of other Activities in the loval place and a person and/or place in ● Respond to music, Recognition and expression of reasons for their location and the local community communicating their emotions the influence of purpose, (VCHHC057) preferences and discussing where and distance, accessibility on the ● How they, their family, why people make and frequency with which people ● Extend their friends and communities perform music visit places (VCGGK070) vocabulary through commemorate past (VCAMUR024) which to recognise and events that are important describe emotions and to them (VCHHK062) ● Create and present when, how and with media artworks that ● The history of a significant whom it is appropriate communicate ideas person, building, site or to share emotions. and stories to an part of the natural audience Ethical Concepts environment in the local (VCAMAP023) community and what it ● Explore the meaning of reveals about the past right and wrong, good (VCHHK063) and bad, as concepts Ethical Capability ● The significance today of concerned with the ● Explore the effects an historical site of outcomes of acts. that personal feelings cultural or spiritual can have on how Decision Making and Actions importance (VCHHK064) people behave in ● Explore the type of ● The effect of changing situations where acts often considered technology on people’s ethical issues are right and those often lives and their UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p> considered wrong and perspectives on the involved (VCECD003) the reasons why they significance of that change are considered so. (VCHHK065) Personal and Social History knowledge capability Indonesian ● Identify personal Who the people in their family Notice that the languages people strengths and describe are, describe where they were use and the way they use them how these strengths born and raised and how they relate to who they are and where are useful in school or are related to each other and and how they live family life how their stories are (VCPSCSE009) communicated and ● Explain how being shared(VCHHK058) Science prepared to try new things can help identify strategies Science Inquiry Skills when faced with Differences in family structures Communicating unfamiliar or of families and the role of Represent and communicate challenging situations family groups today, and what observations and ideas about changes (VCPSCSE010) they have in common and how in objects and events in a variety of these have changed or ways. remained the same over time Indonesian (VCHHK059) ● Give factual information about self, family and How the present, past and significant objects future are signified by terms using labels, captions indicating and describing time and descriptions (VCHHK060) </p><p>Differences and similarities between students' daily lives and perspectives of life during their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods, including family traditions, leisure time and communications (VCHHK061) </p><p>History Concepts and Skills </p><p>Sequence significant events UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2 PROGRAM OF INQUIRY 2017 - Grade 1/2</p><p> about personal and family history to create a chronological narrative (VCHHC053) </p><p>Indonesian</p><p>Participate in shared reading and play-acting, and respond through singing, chanting, action and movement</p><p>INCURSIONS/EXCURSIONS INCURSIONS/EXCURSIONS INCURSIONS/EXCURSIONS INCURSIONS/EXCURSIONS INCURSIONS/EXCURSIONS INCURSIONS/EXCURSIONS</p><p>Melbourne Museum Artvo- Docklands N/A St.John’s Ambulance Incursions- Yarra Valley Water Indonesian Incursion </p><p>UNITS OF INQUIRY 2017 | GRADE 1/2</p>

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