Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1998-99 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 10-8-1998 The thI acan, 1998-10-08 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1998-99 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1998-10-08" (1998). The Ithacan, 1998-99. 8. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1998-99/8 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1998-99 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ·, ,, , .. M :5port~ 24 ' . Dedication ,1'../ • ' • ' ' ~ . ,, ' '• . Senior strong safety can Eddie Rivera turns tragedy int9 tackles. VOLUMB 66, NUMBER 8 THURSDAY, 0croBER 8, J.998 28 PAGES, FREE s•EING RED DELICIOUS Contractor: work crews stonewalled or four weeks, then the job is in HS&HP some jeopardy," Brown said. The east and north sides of the building arc covered with pol­ construction ished stone and sheets of stone, while the other sides arc primari­ at standstill ly brick. While most of the brick work has been finished, the crew By Aaron J. Mason must still wait for the delivery of Ithacan- Staff the stone. Building crews and adminis­ "If the stones start trucking in trators remain optimistic, amidst here in the next week or week in SUZIE O'ROURKE/THE ITHACAN many delays, that construction of a half, then one way or another Seniors Liz Carty (left) and Olivia Weale pick out a bag of fresh apples at the annual Apple Harvest Festival held on the Ithaca Commons Saturday and Sunday. Besides buying tempting the new School of Health we'll pull it off," Brown said. foods and handmade crafts, visitors could watch dramatic performances and listen to music. Sciences and Human Perfor­ Brown attributed delays with mance building will be complete the project to a shortage of by its target date, Dec. 1998. masons in the area and problems When the first phase of the with the project's steel supplier. $ I 4.6 million project began in The Pennsylvania-based steel Sett-ng the standard Oct. 1997, officials associated supplier could not fabricate the with the facility did not anticipate steel quick enough. age, marital status, national ori­ the number of delays that have "We were behind early on in Committee strives to define bias gin, disability or handicap." The plagued the project over the \he job because the construction while balancing individual rights code does not" state any punish­ course of the year. of steel couldn't get up," Brown ment for these actions. Work on the exterior of the said. "This isn't a local problem. By Kate Hilts committee. Circumstances have Bias is defined by the com­ building is at a standstill. Brian Our suppliers come from all over Ithacan Staff to be weighed against the Ithaca mittee as "an action by an indi­ Brown, superintendent for the the states." On Sept. 22 the Bias-Related College Student Conduct Code vidual or individuals that reflects general contractor, Christa Forty masons arc also needed Incidents Committee met to dis­ and First Amendment rights. negatively on a person's or Construction, said his crew is for the project, while only 15 cuss two possible cases that could The First Amendment grants group's race, color, sex, sexual dependent on stone delivery from were available, he said. The short­ warrant the publication of a Bias the right to free speech. The com­ orientation, national origin, dis­ Indiana Stone Works to continue age is a problem being experi­ Alert-a notice posted around mittee must decide, however, if ability or religion." work on the outside of the build­ enced in the surrounding area. campus infonning the communi­ free speech has threatened anoth­ The committee scrutinizes ing. "The county as a whole has ty about discriminatory actions of er person's safety. each incident to detennine if it "If Indiana Ston~ Works does­ a group or individual. The committee tries to define meets the hateful bias criteria or n't come through in another three See HS&HP, page 6 One case centered on an inci­ a bias incident, but each case has an unintentional bias. dent involving verbal harass­ leads to different definitions. Events that appear to be moti­ ment, said Bob Holt, director of Somtimes incidents fall into a vated by underlying bias rather campus safety. gray area, said Keeon Gregory, than intentional malice are not The other case dealt with the director of multicultural affairs. listed on a Bias Alert. These "Million Can March" slogan and Because of the unclear definition issues are·addressed and the com­ was offensive to a member of the of bias, it is hard for the commit- mittee conveys their concern to committee. tee to set a standard to those responsible for the incident. The committee compare incidents. Some incidents brought agreed to issue a Bias Gregory said although before the committee are re~ort­ Alert for the harass­ some incidents may be ed on Bias Alerts but do not lead ment case, but differ­ tasteless and insensitive to judicial proceedings. Cases ing views among and may warrant an where the conduct code is violat­ members about what alert, they do not violate ed can be referred judicially. constitutes bias kept the Student Conduct ·If a student writes something them from issuing an Code. Students who· offensive on their own message alert about the slogan. write racial slurs O!] board and does not deface prop­ Michael Powell, Gregory another person's door, erty, that student can not be affirmative action offi­ for example, may be referred judicially, Gregory said. cer and assistant college counsel, referred judicially for destruction Students offended by the mes­ disagreed with Brian McAree, of property, but may not be sages can tell those responsible associate vice president of stu­ referred for what they wrote. for the message and report the dent affairs and campus life, The Student Conduct Code incident as bias related. The com­ about the incident.· states freedom of inquiry and mittee will ~~uss the matter and McAree said the slogan was expression are . "essen_tial · ele­ speak to the -person responsible; not intended to offend, . .but ments" in a campus community. but the message is not required to Powell argued whether or not it The code says, however, "no be removed, Gregory said. was intended, it still did offend. student shall be discriminated Students on the committee are MICHAEL W. BLOOMROSE/THE ITHACAN Defining what constitu~ a against on the basis of race, color, not involved in deciding which Construction worker Ben Hounac apraye a primer coat on a wall In bias incident is a functions of the religion, sex, _sexual orientation, inc~nts are bias related. the new HS&HP building Monday. 1be project Is behind schedule. ACCENT , ••• 1.3 CLASSlFIED •. 19 . Q)MICS .•••• 20 OPiNJON •.•• lO SPORTS ••••• 21 www.ithaca.edu/ithacan 2 THE lntACAN OC'l'oBBR 8, 1998 Daugherty, Grainger, Hindemith and Stravinsky. Depression screenings Flu shot clinics Free screenings for depres­ The Hammond Health Center By lllcbael W. Bloomrose rate of about IO percent, but the Carter adminis­ sion will be offered to stu­ will offer flu shots during walk­ Ithacan Staff tration expects inflation to slow to eight percent dents in conjunction with in clinics from 8 a.m. to 1O for the entire year. National Depression Day, a.m. on Tuesday and 3 p.m. to This week, 20 years ago: Ithaca College's Student Congress is not wor­ from ·11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today 4 p.m. on Wednesday. No A peaceful protest outside Job Hall interrupts ried about inflation rates, but rather what might in the Counseling Center, appointments are necessary the meetings of various Board of Trustee commit­ tum into the reappearance of the military draft. Hammond HAalth Center. and the fee is $10. tees and sub-committees. At the Student Congress meeting last week, Fifty protesters, marching from the front of chairperson Jeff Hallenbeck announced he was Demonstration on muscles Chamber Orchestra concert Egbert Union, demonstrate against college invest­ infonned at a meeting of the Independent Student Kathy Hinkley, a clinical assis­ The Ithaca College Chamber ments in corporations operating in South Africa Coalition that the military was considering rein­ tant professor of physical Orchestra will perform a con­ and the omission of sexual orientation in this stating the draft in 1979. Julie Stromstead, execu­ therapy, will speak at the cert at 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday year's freedom from discrimination clause in the tive director of the ISC, passed this infonnation Sciencenter about how mus­ in the Ford Hall Auditorium, judicial code. on to Hallenbeck at their meeting la'it month. cles work during everyday featuring works from Beet­ Board Members could be seen peering out of According to Stromstcad, the military will activities. The program will be hoven's Symphony No. 8, Job Hall windows as the assembled students need one-third of all 18-year-old males in the held at 2 p.m. on Saturday. Piano Concerto No. 4 and chanted, "Break ties with apartheid!" and "Two, anned services by 1982. Stromstead stresses that Mendelssohn's "Fingal's four, six., eight-God loves gays as much as the draft is still a proposal. Visiting professor lecture Cave.n straights!" Ithaca Congressman Matt McHugh issues a Libby Larsen, the 1998-99 Ithaca College President James J. Whalen, statement in which he says, "the draft issue is Karel Husa visiting professor meeting with the Trustee Executive Committee only a rumor ..
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