<p>GUIDELINES FOR SUSSEX COUNTY ARTS & HERITAGE COUNCIL HISTORY REGRANT PROGRAM FY2018</p><p>MISSION AND GOALS: The mission of the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council is to foster and promote the artistic and cultural vitality of Sussex County.</p><p>The goal of the Regrant Program is to support historical societies and sites in Sussex County. The Council is pleased to administer the Regrant Program in an effort to pursue this goal. The program is funded by the New Jersey Historical Commission</p><p>Read the guidelines and the application thoroughly before completing the application.</p><p>GRANT PERIOD: FY 2018 January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018</p><p>APPLICATION DEADLINE: Postmark or hand deliver before 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 17, 2017 Mail or deliver to: The Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council 133 Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860 973-383-0027</p><p>FUNDING CATEGORIES: Eligible organizations may submit applications in ONE of the following categories:</p><p>General Operating Support (GOS) – Organizations with a clearly-stated mission relating to history should apply in this category. These history organizations may request funding for the general operating expenses of the organization which may include expenses directly relating to a specific program. Applicants may request up to 20% of their operating budget. Special care should be taken not to inflate budgets. The intent of the GOS grant is to support day to day operations of the organization.</p><p>Special Project (SP) – Organizations or departments of other organizations which do not specifically deal with history but currently have or would like to develop history projects should apply in this category. First time applicants may request up to 50% of the project costs. Subsequent funding requests for the same SP may be up to 20% of the project cost. The intent of the SP grant is to get a project off the ground in hopes of the project becoming self -supporting in the future. All history organizations can also apply for a special project grant if they have a special project for which they want support. </p><p>ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE EXPENSES FOR RE-GRANTS</p><p>See Next Page Page 2</p><p>Eligible Expenses</p><p>The following expenses are eligible:</p><p> Salaries and wages Contracted services/outside fees and services Printing, publicity, marketing Postage and telephone Fundraising and development Staff training Lease expenses Mortgage interest Equipment purchase, installation, and lease (e.g. computers, office furnishings, files) Utilities and HVAC (purchase, installation, and operational costs of heating, ventilation and air conditioning.) Maintenance of collections and the interiors of structures (Note: Interior construction is not considered maintenance and is not an eligible expense.) Basic grounds maintenance Travel and transportation (automobile travel @$.31/mile, train, or air coach travel) Insurance Licensing and registration fees (e.g. New Jersey charities registration) Planning for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Long-term and strategic planning</p><p>Ineligible Expenses</p><p>County History Partnership Program grant funding may not be expended on any of the following:</p><p> Capital improvements, including the construction of structures and work such as roofing, replacement of gutters, windows, doors, and the removal or addition of interior walls, and major landscaping projects Exterior maintenance Purchase of real estate, motor vehicles, or leasehold improvements Acquisitions (including artifacts and collections) Hospitality Deficits and debt service Retroactive funding Endowment Mortgage or loan principal Page 3</p><p>GENERAL PROVISIONS: An organization or project must directly serve the Sussex County public and do at least one of the following things:</p><p>1. Increase the body of knowledge about history 2. Increase the audience for history in Sussex County 3. Improve opportunities for the study of history 4. Make history more readily available to a broad audience</p><p>EVALUATION CRITERIA: The following criteria will be used by SCA&HC in screening applicants</p><p>1. Historic merit of the organization and/or project 2. Ability of the staff (volunteer or professional) and the board to support the organization or project and oversee the provisions of the grant 3. Financial soundness of organization 4. Applications submitted by due date. 5. We require a copy of all programs, original copy of publicity that is sent to the media and flyers/other publicity material. The wording required by the state must be on all materials. (See last page for statement.)</p><p>DIRECTIONS: General Directions:</p><p>1. Read all information carefully 2. Type all forms and narrative sections (Hint! Composing the narrative portion of your application will help greatly in preparing future applications.) Use only the forms enclosed with the application. 3. Sequence all forms and narrative as specified on application. 4. Signatures should be in blue ink. 5. Submit one (1) original and (3) copies of the completed application, submit (1) of support material 6. For GOS, financial data should reflect your fiscal year. 7. Do not enclose applications in binders. Applications should be stapled.</p><p>SUPPORT MATERIAL-(Refers to Section 7)</p><p>Support material is submitted in order to give the Regrant Committee additional information about the organization or project. Support material may consist of any of the following:</p><p>1. Up to six photographs 2. One DVD or CD 3. One published work 4. Flyers, Posters, Press Releases (up to 10)</p><p>All support material must be fit into one 9” x 12” envelope. Support Material will be retained by the SCA&HC for promotional purposes until the end of the grant period. Page 4</p><p>PROPOSED CALENDAR: We offer this proposed calendar for your information as it may be helpful as you plan your projects.</p><p>Block grant submitted to New Jersey Historical Commission by SCA&HC (every two years). </p><p>July 2017 Grant award announced by NJHC</p><p>October 2017 Grant workshop at 133 Spring St., Newton</p><p>November 17, 2017 Applications due (no exceptions). Applications reviewed by Grant Committee and grant amounts are decided by the committee. </p><p>December 2017 Recommendations presented to SCA&HC Board of Directors for approval</p><p>January 2018 Notification of Re-grant awards to all applicants at Annual Meeting</p><p>January 13, 2018 Re-grantee final report due to SCA&HC</p><p>Winter/Spring 2018 Upon receipt of funds from NJHS and signing of contract from Regrantee – First payment of 2018 given to Re-grant recipients.</p><p>APPLICATION ELIGIBILTY:</p><p>1. Currently be or be administered by a tax-exempt organization by determination of the IRS in accordance with 501 c (3) 2. Have a board of directors empowered to formulate policies and be responsible for the governance and administration of the organization, its programs and its finances 3. Comply with the Fair Labor Standards by paying professionals and supporting personnel at least the minimum wage prevailing for persons employed in similar positions. 4. Comply with the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act barring discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. 5. Have a clear purpose or mission related to history and at least a one-year record of sponsoring quality programs, projects and services that fulfills that mission 6. Demonstrate that the organization (in the case of GOS) or the project (in the case of SP) specifically benefits the citizens of Sussex County.</p><p>Evaluation items judged by regrant panel: 1. Historic Merit 2. Demonstrated capability of the organization 3. Clarity and completeness of the application 4. Potential for success within projected budget and timeline 5. Marketing plan and capability 6. Impact on Constituency 7. Outreach to broad culturally diverse constituency 8. Accessibility 9. Proper use of state wording (next page) in ALL publicity and program materials. Page 5</p><p>“Funding has been made available in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission through the County History Partnership Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council.”</p><p>SUSSEX COUNTY ARTS & HERITAGE COUNCIL HISTORIC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Section 1 GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>Type of Grant _____ General Operating Support (GOS) (check one) _____ Special Project (SP) - Governing Organization </p><p>Name of Organization ______</p><p>Fed. Employer’s Id. # ______U.S. Cong. Dist.# ______NJ Leg. Dist.# ______</p><p>Contact Person ______</p><p>Mailing Address ______</p><p>Daytime Telephone ( ) ______Evening Telephone ( ) ______</p><p>Section 2 AUTHORIZATION (read carefully)</p><p>We, the undersigned, representing the above-named organization, understand that the pages and attachments included in this grant application constitute an agreement between the applicant and the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council. We certify that all statements included herein are true. We hereby release the Council, its employees and agents from any liability and/or responsibility concerning the submission of materials.</p><p>We further certify that any funds received under the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council Re-grant Program will be used for the purposes set forth in this application. Should any aspect of our grant need to be altered, we will contact the Council and file an amended written application and/or other documentation for funding approval.</p><p>We understand and agree that submission of any application signifies intention to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, Labor Standards under Section 5(1) of the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans With Disabilities Act.</p><p>We also understand that, in an effort to promote and encourage history in Sussex County, the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council may promote the programs and services of our organization or project. We will therefore keep the Council informed of dates, times and places of all of our events and on-going services. For monitoring purposes, we will furnish the Council with two (2) complimentary tickets and/or admission information at least one month in advance of our organization’s events. This will allow the Council to evaluate our organization or project.</p><p>Chief Administrative Officer (type) ______Title______</p><p>Signature ______Date ______</p><p>Chief Fiscal Officer (type) ______Title ______Signature ______Date ______SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 2</p><p>Section 3 APPLICATION SUMMARY</p><p>Type of organization (check one)</p><p>____ Historic society _____ Historic site ______architecture</p><p>____ Museum _____preservation ______genealogy</p><p>_____Military _____farming ______transportation</p><p>____ OTHER (specify) ______</p><p>Section 4 BUDGET SUMMARY (Check and complete GOS or SP.)</p><p>____ GOS * NOTE - Amount requested from SCA&HC cannot exceed 20% of applicant’s annual budgeted expenses. Transfer totals from budget charts in Section 13 & 14 Year 2017 to corresponding lines below.</p><p>Total Cash Income (include SCA&HC request) $ ______(a)</p><p>Total Cash Expense _ $ ______(b)</p><p>Total (deficit) or surplus = $ ______</p><p>Total Requested from SCA&HC $ ______(C)</p><p>____ SP * NOTE - Amount requested from SCA&HC cannot exceed 50% of project’s budgeted expenses. If you are requesting funding for a project which has previously been funded by a SCA&HC grant, you may request only 20% of the project cost. Transfer totals from budget charts Section 13 & 14 Year 2017 to corresponding lines below.</p><p>Total Cash Income (include SCA&HC request) $ ______(a)</p><p>Total Cash Expense _ $ ______(b)</p><p>Total (deficit) or surplus = $ ______</p><p>Total Requested from SCA&HC $ ______(c)</p><p>Indicate your organization’s fiscal year end date. FYE ______SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017 Applicant Organization ______page 3</p><p>ANSWER EITHER SECTION 5a OR 5b BELOW. Draw a diagonal line through the section you are NOT answering and write NA along the line. Use the item headings and make sure that they are sequenced and numbered in the order below. Answers to these questions should follow this page.</p><p>Section 5a ORGANIZATION INFORMATION (GOS – History Organizations ONLY) 1. Mission Statement (one paragraph suitable to reprint for promotional purposes)</p><p>2. Paid Staff and Board Members (board - list name, office, address, telephone number and term of office staff - list name, position, brief job description and qualifications)</p><p>3. History of Organization (one to three paragraphs suitable to reprint for promotional purposes)</p><p>4. Current Membership (# of paid members, # of non-paid members or “this organization does not have members”)</p><p>5. Short -Term Objectives (Describe specific objectives for the coming year.)</p><p>6. Long - Range Goals (Describe long range goals.)</p><p>7. Funding Use (Describe the use of requested funds.)</p><p>8. General Operations of Organization (Describe how your organization operates i.e.; board meetings, board responsibilities, volunteers, member benefits, planning procedures, etc.)</p><p>9. Number and Demographics of Individuals Benefiting (List total annual audience, minority audience and special constituency audiences. Include demographics.)</p><p>10. Number and Demographics of Participating Personnel (List total annual participation)</p><p>11. Evaluation Plan (Describe how the organization and its programs are evaluated.)</p><p>12. Standards (Describe how historic standards are set and evaluated.)</p><p>13. Services (Describe any on-going services your organization provides to the community and/or members.) *14. Accessibility All programs must be held in accessible venues. You must provide a complete ADA plan following the Americans with Disabilities Act regulations. The SCA&HC will provide you with an ADA self-assessment survey and planning tool. SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 4</p><p>Section 5b PROJECT INFORMATION (SP - Non-History Organizations and History Organizations)</p><p>1. Project Description (one paragraph suitable to reprint for promotional purposes)</p><p>2. Project Administrators (List name, position, brief job description and qualifications of all project administrators. Indicate whether they are paid or volunteer.)</p><p>3. History of Project (one to three paragraphs suitable to reprint for promotional purposes)</p><p>4. Project Relevance to Governing Organization (Describe how the project relates to the purpose of the governing organization and how it will benefit that organization.)</p><p>5. Project Short -Term Objectives (Describe specific objectives for the coming year.)</p><p>6. Project Long - Range Goals (Describe plans, if any, for the future of the project.)</p><p>7. Funding Use (Describe the use of requested funds from this grant)</p><p>8. Project Facilitation (Describe timelines, planning, volunteer and paid participant recruitment, etc.)</p><p>9. Number and Demographics of Individuals Benefiting (List total annual audience, minority audience and special constituency audiences. Include demographics. State how this information is determined)</p><p>10. Number and Demographics of Participating Personnel</p><p>11. Evaluation Plan (Describe how the project will be evaluated. Provide sample evaluation form that will be given to the public to fill out)</p><p>12. Standards (Describe how historic standards are set and evaluated.)</p><p>13. Services (Describe any on-going services the project provides to the community and/or members.)</p><p>14. Future Funding (How will you fund the project in the future?)</p><p>15. Accessibility (Submit full ADA plan as stated on previous page. SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 5</p><p>Section 6 PUBLICITY AND MARKETING</p><p>Describe how your organization publicizes each of its programs and services. Include the types and quantity of information distributed, types of media used, target audiences, etc. </p><p>Section 7 SUPPORT MATERIALS</p><p>Attach the following at the end of the application:</p><p> a. A copy of the IRS Determination Letter listing the organization or the governing organization as being tax exempt Attach even if you have submitted with previous applications. IMPORTANT! DO NOT SUBMIT INCORPORATION PAPERS OR SALES TAX INFORMATION. b. b. Enclose a copy of all publicity in a 9” x 12” manila envelope. For Special Projects which are new, please include preliminary sketches of proposed materials. SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 6</p><p>Section 8 FINANCIAL DATA - EXPENSES - Finance Chart #1 (check one) ____ GOS ____ SP Please Note: For this cycle only, financial data must cover the 12-month period from January 1, 2016- December 31, 2016</p><p>SCA&HC In-Kind Funds + Cash Expense = Total (Not included in total) Personnel (paid staff)</p><p>Administrative ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Research ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Outside Fees and Services</p><p>Consultants ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Speaker/Panelists ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Capital Expenditures are not funded by the SCAHC</p><p>Other Operating Expenses</p><p>Space Rental/Mortgage ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Marketing ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Travel/Transportation ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Phone/Postage ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Facility Maintenance ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Rentals ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Supplies/Materials ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Insurance ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Technical Production ______+ ______= ______(other than personnel)</p><p>Other ______+ ______= ______(itemize on separate sheet if greater than 5% of total)</p><p>TOTALS ______+ ______= ______SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 7</p><p>Section 9 FINANCIAL DATA - INCOME - Finance Chart #2 (check one) ____ GOS ____ S Please Note: For this cycle only, financial data must cover the 12-month period from January 1, 2016- December 31, 2016</p><p>In- Kind Cash Income (Not included in total)</p><p>Earned Income</p><p>Admissions ______(tickets, memberships, etc.)</p><p>Contracted Services Revenue ______(fees, contracts, services, workshops)</p><p>Other ______(sales, ad space, concessions, investments, etc.)</p><p>Contributed Income</p><p>Corporations ______</p><p>Foundations ______</p><p>Individuals and Private Sources ______</p><p>Government ______(Federal, State or Local - other than SCA&HC)</p><p>SCA&HC (granted) ______</p><p>TOTAL CASH INCOME SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017 Applicant Organization ______page 8</p><p>Section 10 FINANCIAL DATA - FUNDRAISING/DEVELOPMENT - Finance Chart #3 Please Note: Financial data must cover the 12-month period from January 1, 2016-December 31, 2016 (check one) ____ GOS ____ SP</p><p>SOURCES FY2016 FY2016 ACTUAL PROJECTED Corporations (up to now) (by end of year) 1______2______3______4______Foundations 1______2______3______4______</p><p>Individuals/Other 1______2______3______4______</p><p>Government 1______2______</p><p>SP ONLY Total allocated from Governing Organization ______</p><p>TOTAL ______</p><p>If applicable, complete the following on the basis of 2015 the last full year of operation).</p><p>Fundraising Events</p><p>Gross Income $ ______Less Expenses $ ______Equals Net Income $ ______</p><p>Organization Membership</p><p>Gross Income $ ______Less Expenses $ ______Equals Net Income $ ______SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 9</p><p>Section 11 CHART OF PROGRAMS - CURRENT CYCLE (January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016)</p><p>The Council will use this information to inform the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, New Jersey Network, Sussex County Magazine, etc. the arts activities of our re-grantees. Please complete the following chart below listing all actual major activities presented, produced or co-sponsored by your organization or special project for your current year. Use the chart on the next page to list planned activities for the projected year.</p><p>Dates Name of % Sussex # of % of Capacity Total Program/Exhibits County Exhibition Fee Audience/Venue Attendance</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______SCA&HC REGRANT APPLICATION FY2017</p><p>Applicant Organization______page10</p><p>Section 12 CHART OF PROGRAMS - PROJECTED CYCLE (January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017)</p><p>Dates Name of % Sussex # of Speakers/Presenters % of Capacity Total Program Speakers/presenters/Exhibits County Events Fee Audience/Venue Attendance</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______SCA&HC REGRANT BUDGET FY 2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 11</p><p>Section 13 FINANCIAL DATA - EXPENSES - Finance Chart #1 (check one) ____ GOS ____ SP January 1, 2017– December 31, 2017</p><p>SCA&HC In-Kind Funds + Cash Expense = Total (Not included in total) Personnel</p><p>Administrative ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Historic ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Technical Production ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Outside Fees and Services</p><p>Historic ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Other ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Capital Expenditures</p><p>Acquisitions ______</p><p>Other ______</p><p>Other Operating Expenses</p><p>Space Rental/Mortgage ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Marketing ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Travel/Transportation ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Phone/Postage ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Facility Maintenance ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Rentals ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Supplies/Materials ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Insurance ______+ ______= ______</p><p>Technical Production ______+ ______= ______(other than personnel)</p><p>Other ______+ ______= ______(itemize on separate sheet if greater than 5% of total)</p><p>TOTALS c______+ a ______= b ______(Transfer totals to corresponding lines on Budget Summary, section 4, p.2.) SCA&HC REGRANT BUDGET FY 2017</p><p>Applicant Organization ______page 12</p><p>Section 14 FINANCIAL DATA - INCOME - Finance Chart #2 (check one) ____ GOS ____ SP January 1, 2017– December 31, 2017</p><p>In- Kind Cash Income (Not included in total) Earned Income</p><p>Admissions ______(tickets, memberships, etc.)</p><p>Contracted Services Revenue ______(fees, contracts, services, workshops)</p><p>Other ______(sales, ad space, concessions, investments, etc.)</p><p>Contributed Income</p><p>Corporations ______</p><p>Foundations ______</p><p>Individuals and Private Sources ______</p><p>Government ______(Federal, State or Local - other than SCA&HC)</p><p>SCA&HC (requested) c ______</p><p>TOTAL CASH INCOME a ______(Transfer totals to corresponding lines on Budget Summary, Section 4, p.2.)</p><p>BUDGET SUMMARY</p><p>Total Cash Income $ ______(a)</p><p>Total Cash Expense - $ ______(b)</p><p>Total (deficit) or surplus = $ ______</p>
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