Chapter 6 Light at Interfaces – Law of Reflection and Refraction Part I Introduction Law of Reflection and Refraction Law of Reflection and Refraction normal Law of reflection: i r i r n1 n2 Law of refraction “Snell’s Law”: sin n t i 2 sint n1 Incident, reflected, refracted, and surface normal in same plane Huygens’ Principle Every point on a wavefront may be regarded as a secondary source of wavelets Huygens’ Principle Law of refraction Fermat’s Principle The path a beam of light takes between two points is the one which is traversed in the least time Law of reflection Fermat’s Principle Law of refraction SO OP t vi vt h2 x2 b2 (a x)2 t vi vt To minimize t(x) with respect to x, dt x (a x) dx 2 2 2 2 vi h x vt b (a x) 0. sin sin Thus, i t , vi vt so, ni sini nt sint Fermat’s Principle For a ray passing through a multilayer (m layers) material s s s t 1 2 m v1 v2 vm Then 1 m t ni si , c i1 The summation is known as the optical path length (OPL) traversed by the ray. P (OPL) S n(s)ds. The route light travels having the smallest optical path length EM Wave Point of View Light is an electromagnetic wave, obeys the Maxwell’s equations Plane of incidence: formed by k and the normal of the interface plane normal EB k EM Wave Point of View i(tkr) E E0e i(tkr) B B0e E cB 1. What happens to and at the interface? 2. Can one derive law of reflection and refraction? 3. Or obtain more information? Part II Fresnel Equations Plane of Incidence Polarization of Light Always relative to plane of incidence TE: Transverse electric TM: Transverse magnetic s: senkrecht polarized p: plane polarized (E-field sticks in and out of the plane) (E-field in the plane) perpendicular, horizontal parallel, vertical Polarization of Light Linear polarized light decomposition y x Any polarization state can be described as y linear combination of these two: ikzt ikzty E E e x xˆ E e yˆ 0x 0 y x ix iy ikzt E E0xe xˆ E0 ye yˆ e “complex amplitude” contains all polarization info Waves at Interface boundary point Waves at Interface At the boundary point, phases of the three waves must be equal (k i r it) (k r r rt) (k t r tt) r is at the boundary This is true for any boundary point and time, so let’s take r 0 it rt tt i r t Thus, the frequencies are equal If we now consider t 0 k i r k r r k t r which means all three propagation vectors lie in the same plane Law of Reflection Since k i r k r r kir sini kr r sinr Both incident and reflected waves travel in same medium, ki kr Thus one obtains the law of reflection: i r Law of Refraction Since k r r k t r kr r sinr kt r sint Both reflected and transmitted waves travel in different media (same frequencies; different wavelengths!): kr / vr n1 / c kt / vt n2 / c which leads to the law of refraction: n1 sinr n2 sint Part III Fresnel Equations Maxwell’s Equations D – Displacement field D dS dV D H – Magnetic Intensity B B E dr dS E t t P – Polarization D D M – Magnetization H dr j dS H j t t - Magnetic permeability B dS 0 B 0 - Permittivity e - Dielectric Susceptibility m - Magnetic Susc. D E P P E o e – Conductivity 1 H B M M m H j – Current density o j E D E B H Boundary Conditions I B 0 A small cylindrical Gauss surface cross the interface gives The normal components of magnetic field are continuous across the interface. Boundary Conditions II D A small cylindrical Gauss surface cross the interface gives is the surface free charge density. If , then the normal component of D is continuous across the interface. But E may not unless will be the same. Boundary Conditions III B E t A small rectangular loop cross the interface gives The tangential component of the electric field is continuous across the boundary. Boundary Conditions IV D H j t A small rectangular loop cross the interface gives is the surface free current density. If , then the normal component of H is continuous across the interface. E-fields at the Boundary For both electric and magnetic fields, the tangetial components must be continuous as boundary is passed All waves only have tangential electric fields: TE waves E E yˆ 0i i E E yˆ 0r r E0t Et yˆ complex field amplitudes Continuity requires: E i E r E t B-fields at the Boundary TE waves The magnetic fields: i(ki r t) Bi (Bi cosi xˆ Bi sini zˆ)e i(kr r t) Br (Br cosr xˆ Br sinr zˆ)e i(kt r t) Bt (Bt cost xˆ Bt sint zˆ)e Continuity requires: Bi cosi Br cosr Bt cost Same analysis can be performed for TM waves Boundary Conditions at the Interface TE waves TM waves E E i i Er Er n1 Bt B n2 t B B i Br i Br Et Et Ei Er Et Bi Br Bt Bi cosi Br cosr Bt cost Ei cosi Er cosr Et cost Fresnel Equations TE waves (s-polarization) TM waves (p-polarization) Get all in terms of E and apply law of reflection (i = r): Ei Er Et ni Ei ni Er nt Et ni Ei cosi ni Er cosi nt Et cost Ei cosi Er cosi Et cost For reflection: eliminate Et, separate Ei and Er, and take ratio: Er ni cosi nt cost Er nt cosi ni cost rTE r rTM r|| Ei ni cosi nt cost Ei nt cosi ni cost For transmission: eliminate Er, separate Ei and Et, take ratio… Et 2ni cosi Et 2ni cosi tTE t tTM t|| Ei ni cosi nt cost Ei nt cosi ni cost Fresnel Equations TE waves (s-polarization) TM waves (p-polarization) And together: nt t 1 r t|| 1 r|| ni Using Snell’s law, , one has tan( ) sin(i t ) i t r r|| tan( ) sin(i t ) i t 2sint cosi 2sint cosi t t|| sin(i t ) sin(i t )cos(i t ) Part IV Understand Fresnel Equations Perpendicular Incident When , then n n n n r i t r t i || n n ni nt t i 2n i 2ni t t|| ni nt ni nt Thus, At the air/glass interface, r r|| therefore t t|| The plane of incidence is no longer specified when i t 0 Grazing Incident When , but r 1 r|| 1 t t|| 0 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients nt Calculate r and t versus i, let: n ni cos n2 sin 2 2 2 2 i i n cosi n sin i r r cos n2 sin 2 || 2 2 2 i i n cosi n sin i 2cos t i 2ncosi 2 2 t || 2 2 2 cosi n sin i n cosi n sin i Mathematica plot of transmitteded/reflected light http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FresnelEquations/ Reflection and Transmission Coefficients 1.0 t 0.5 || t r|| 0.0 Coefficients -0.5 r Brewster's angle 56.3o -1.0 0 20 40 60 80 Incident Angle i Reflection and Transmission Coefficients 1.0 0.5 r 0.0 41.8o r|| Coefficients -0.5 Critical angle Brewster's angle 33.7o -1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Incident Angle i Phase Shift k r t ˆ Ei Eie j k r t ˆ Er Ere j At the Air Glass interface One expect a reversal of sign in the electric fields, compared to ei 1 for . i.e., after reflection, the phase of the E-field of the reflected light changes with respect to the incident E-field Phase Shift We need to define phase shift for two cases: A. When two fields E or B are to the plane of incidence, they are said to be (i) in-phase ( = 0) if the two E or B fields are parallel and (ii) out-of-phase ( = ) if the fields are anti-parallel. B. When two fields E or B are parallel to the plane of incidence, the fields are (i) in-phase if the y-components of the field are parallel and (ii) out-of-phase if the y-components of the field are anti-parallel. Phase Shift (a) Bi , Bt (b) in phase, 0 Ei , Et E , E , E i r t all in phase 0 Ei , Er Bi , Br , Bt out of phase, Bi , Br Phase Shift Analogy between a wave on a string and an E-M wave traversing the air-glass interface. Phase Shift Analogy between a wave on a string and an E-M wave traversing the air-glass interface. Glass (n = 1.5) Air (n = 1) r 0 = 0 = 0 Air (n = 1) Glass (n = 1.5) = = 0 r 0 Phase Shift 1.0 0.5 t t|| r|| 0.0 Coefficients -0.5 r -1.0 0 20 40 60 80 Incident Angle i Phase Shift 1.0 0.5 r 0.0 Coefficients -0.5 r|| -1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Incident Angle i Reflectance and Transmittance From the geometry and total area A of the beam at the interface, the power (P) for the (i) incident, (ii) reflected and (ii) transmitted beams are: (i) Pi Ii Acosi (ii) Pr Ir Acosr (iii) Pt It Acost Cross-sectional Areas Reflectance and Transmittance P I Acos R r r r r 2 Pi Ii Acosi Pt It Acost nt cost 2 T t Pi Ii Acosi ni cos i 2 2 E n cos E Therefore, or t t ot 1 R T Eoi ni cosi Eoi We can write this expression in the form of components and ||: n cos n cos 2 2 t t 2 t t 2 R r and R|| r|| , T t and T|| t|| ni cosi ni cosi Therefore, R T 1 and R|| T|| 1 Reflectance and Transmittance TM TE (p) (s) Reflectance and Transmittance for an Air-to-Glass Interface Reflectance and Transmittance Perpendicular polarization Parallel polarization 1.0 1.0 R R .5 .5 T T 0 0 0° 30° 60° 90° 0° 30° 60° 90° Incidence angle, i Incidence angle, i Reflectance and Transmittance for an Glass-to-Air Interface Reflectance and Transmittance 2 n n When 0, R R R t i i || nt ni 4nt ni and T T|| T 2 nt ni For an air-glass interface (ni = 1 and nt = 1.5), R = 4% and T = 96% The values are the same, whichever direction the light travels, from air to glass or from glass to air.
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