<p> Cumbria Constabulary</p><p>Policy Document</p><p>Title: Expenses Policy for Police Officers and Police Staff in Attendance at Residential and Non Residential Training Events Inside and Outside of Constabulary Area</p><p>POLICY STATEMENT</p><p>This policy document explains Cumbria Constabulary’s position in respect of claiming expenses for attendance at residential and non-residential courses. </p><p>This policy document also details expenses that may be claimed during stages of Probationer Training.</p><p>A separate policy applies to claim of expenses and allowances for Special Constables.</p><p>This policy brings together other Constabulary documents to clarify and avoid any misinterpretation or misunderstanding surrounding claims.</p><p>All claims for expenses for attendance at a training course should be submitted in accordance with this policy. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>MANAGEMENT INFORMATION</p><p>Policy File Reference: P9/</p><p>Policy Owner: Director of Personnel & Development</p><p>Approved at: Business Management Board 12/8/04 & Operations Board 18/8/04</p><p>Policy signed off by: Director of Personnel and Development </p><p>Effective from: 18th August 2004 </p><p>1st Review date: September 2005 **Policy under review**</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Expenses Policy for Police Officers and Police Staff in Attendance at Residential and Non Residential Training Events Inside and Outside of Constabulary Area</p><p>Contents </p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>2. AIMS</p><p>3. APPLICATION</p><p>4. LEGAL AND OTHER REFERENCES</p><p>5. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION EXEMPTION STATUS</p><p>6. COMMENTS ON THE POLICY</p><p>7. POLICY DETAILS</p><p>7.1 Police Officers (not including Probationer Constables) and Police Staff - Residential and Non Residential Training 7.1.1 Normal Home to Work Mileage Rule 7.1.2 Travel Expenses 7.1.3 Car Sharing 7.1.4 Refreshment Expenses Police Officers Police Staff 7.1.5 Incidental Allowance for Police Officers (only) Attending Residential Training Courses</p><p>7.2 Probationer Constables - Probationer Training 7.2.1 20-Mile Rule 7.2.2 Travel Expenses 7.2.3 Car Sharing 7.2.4 Refreshment Expenses 7.2.5 Incidental Expenses Allowance</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>7.2.6 Submission of Expenses Claims Whilst Training as a Probationer Constable 7.2.7 Probationer Constables Residing Outside the Constabulary Area</p><p>7.3 Police Officers, Police Staff and Probationer Constables (Miscellaneous) 7.3.1 Car Sharing 7.3.2 Production of Receipts 7.3.3 Business Travel Management 7.3.4 Air, Rail and Taxi Travel 7.3.5 Advances on Expenses 7.3.6 Use of Police Vehicles and Hire Cars Delivery and Return of Hire Cars Fuel Vouchers and Fuel Cards 7.3.7 Additional Charges or Penalties</p><p>8. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS</p><p>Appendix One Incidental Expenses Allowance for Police Officers Attending Residential Training Courses</p><p>Appendix Two Meal Allowances for Probationer Training at Headquarters</p><p>Appendix Three Accommodation, Travel and Subsistence Entitlements for Probationer Training</p><p>VERSION CONTROL</p><p>Ref Status Date Reason for Authorised Change V1 Draft Consultation Director of Personnel & Draft Development.</p><p>V2 Draft 30/07/04 Draft Following Director of Personnel & Consultation Development.</p><p>V3 Agreed 12/8/04 Final Approval Business Management Board 18/8/04 Final Approval Operations Board</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>This policy is introduced to clarify the expenses Police Officers and Police Staff may claim in respect of attendance at a Residential or Non Residential training event, inside and outside of Constabulary Area</p><p>This policy is also introduced to formalise the reimbursement of expenses for newly appointed Probationer Constables during each stage of Probationer Training.</p><p>2. AIMS</p><p>This policy document aims to clearly explain the Constabulary’s position in respect of refreshment and travel expenses claims for Police Officers and Police Staff attending residential and non-residential training events inside and outside of the Constabulary area.</p><p>The policy aims to provide greater clarity to newly appointed Probationer Constables in respect of expenses they may claim when attending Probationer Training events inside and outside of the Constabulary Area.</p><p>3. APPLICATION</p><p>This policy applies to Police Officers (excluding Chief Officers) and Police Staff. </p><p>This policy also particularly applies to Probationer Constables attending residential and non-residential training events inside and outside of the Constabulary Area and when in attendance at training events held at Bruche, Warrington or other designated Police Training School.</p><p>A separate policy applies to claim of expenses and allowances for Special Constables.</p><p>4. LEGAL AND OTHER REFERENCES</p><p>Police Regulations 2003, Annex U, Regulation 34, Schedule 2, Motor Vehicle Allowances</p><p>Police Regulations 2003, Annex V, Regulation 35, Food and Accommodation Expenses</p><p>PNB Circular 03/8 Incidental Expenses Allowance for those Attending Residential Training Courses</p><p>Police Staff Terms and Conditions of Employment, Section 4, Travel and Subsistence</p><p>Constabulary Travel Expenses Policy for Police Officers and Police Staff. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Constabulary Expenses and Allowances Policy for Special Constables</p><p>Constabulary Refreshment Expenses Policy (Police Officers)</p><p>Every care is taken to ensure that all cross references to other policies, procedures and guidance notes of Cumbria Constabulary is as up to date and applicable as possible. However, there may be occasions where policies are being reviewed or finalised, and an existing policy has not yet been amended to reflect this.</p><p>5. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION EXEMPTION STATUS</p><p>This policy will be released to the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.</p><p>6. COMMENTS ON THE POLICY</p><p>All comments on how this policy can be improved are welcomed and should be forwarded to the Policy Owner at the correspondence address below:</p><p>Director of Personnel & Development Cumbria Constabulary Police Headquarters, Carleton Hall, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 2AU</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 4 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>7. POLICY DETAILS</p><p>7.1 Police Officers (not including Probationer Constables) and Police Staff - Residential and Non Residential Training</p><p>Use of own vehicles will not be made where:</p><p> Police transport is available An individual can make the journey as a passenger of another authorised user It would be more efficient to make the journey by public transport or by hire car.</p><p>7.1.1 Normal Home to Work Mileage Rule</p><p>On all business journeys, which includes attendance at residential and non- residential training events, Police Officers and Police Staff must deduct their normal home to work mileage from any expenses claim.</p><p>For example:</p><p>A Police Officer whose nominated station is Windermere and lives in Kendal travels for the day for Race and Diversity training in Ulverston.</p><p>The Journey from Kendal to Windermere is 9 miles</p><p>The Journey from Kendal to Ulverston is 23 miles.</p><p>The Police Officer may claim 14 miles for that journey each way.</p><p>7.1.2 Travel Expenses </p><p>Where an individual is attending a training course in their own car, including essential and casual users, mileage will be paid at the locally adopted public transport rate or hire car rate whichever is the most cost effective. All claims for training expenses should be submitted on Forms 130 or 131.</p><p>All mileage rates are as shown at Public Folders / Force / Pay and Allowances. </p><p>For the purpose of this policy attendance at conferences or seminars (or other similar learning events eg, workshops, forums) are to be classed as a training event.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 5 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>7.1.3 Car Sharing</p><p>Please see section 7.3.1 Car Sharing.</p><p>7.1.4 Refreshment Expenses</p><p> Police Officers</p><p>Please refer to the Refreshment Expenses Policy (Police Officers) which can be found at Public Folders / Strategic Management Handbook / Policy & Strategy / Force Policy / Policy.</p><p> Police Staff </p><p>Please refer to the Police Staff Terms and Conditions Handbook, Section 4 (Travel and Subsistence Arrangements), Item 2 (Subsistence Allowances – all Police Staff) which can be found at Public Folders / Strategic Management Handbook / Policy & Strategy / Force Policy / Policy.</p><p>7.1.5 Incidental Allowance for Police Officers (only) Attending Residential Training Courses</p><p>In accordance with the Police Negotiating Board Circular 03/8, Police Officers on a residential training course may claim incidental expenses allowance. Further information is provided at Appendix One.</p><p>7.2 Probationer Constables – Probationer Training</p><p>7.2.1 20-Mile Rule</p><p>Probationer Constables, who reside in excess of 20 miles of Cumbria Police Headquarters at Penrith, will be provided with hostel accommodation at Police Headquarters, Penrith. Mileage will be paid as set out at Appendix Three which details each stage of the training programme.</p><p>Where a Probationer Constable lives in excess of 20 miles from Cumbria Police Headquarters, Penrith and chooses not to stay in hostel accommodation, mileage will be paid as set out at Appendix Three which details each stage of the training programme. Additional daily travelling expenses will not be reimbursed and must be met by the individual.</p><p>Probationer Constables who reside within 20 miles of Cumbria Police Headquarters at Penrith must meet the cost of daily travel to and from Headquarters with the exception of the relevant journeys set out at Appendix Three which details each stage of the training programme.</p><p>7.2.2 Travel Expenses </p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 6 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Appendix Three, “Accommodation, Travel and Subsistence Entitlements for Probationer Training”, details the number of journeys Probationer Constables may claim at the different stages of training. </p><p>All journeys will be paid at the locally adopted public transport rate.</p><p>Where the training centre is closed for a weekend during Stage 2 only, an additional return weekend journey home may be claimed.</p><p>7.2.3 Car Sharing </p><p>Please see section 7.3.1 Car Sharing.</p><p>7.2.4 Refreshment Expenses</p><p>Residential Probationer Constables will be entitled to breakfast, lunch and evening meal, providing they use the room allocated. Where accommodation is booked but not used, entitlement to breakfast and evening meal will cease.</p><p>Probationer Constables who are non-residential will be entitled to lunch only.</p><p>For the first day of each week of Stages 1, 3, 5 and 6 of a Probationer Training course, all residential students will be required to make their own breakfast arrangements, except where they return to their accommodation on Sunday.</p><p>During Stage 2 of Probationer Training, Centrex will provide all meals.</p><p>During Stage 4 of Probationer Training when a student is on Area, meal arrangements will be his or her own responsibility.</p><p>7.2.5 Incidental Expenses Allowance</p><p>Residential Probationer Constables may claim Incidental Expenses Allowance following the initial 18 weeks’ training period, providing they use the room allocated. Where accommodation is booked but not used, entitlement to Incidental Expenses Allowance will cease.</p><p>Probationer Constables who are non-residential and travelling to Headquarters each day are not entitled to Incidental Expenses Allowance.</p><p>Further information is provided at Appendix One.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 7 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>7.2.6 Submission of Expenses Claims whilst Training as a Probationer Constable.</p><p>At the time of appointment to Cumbria Constabulary, Probationer Constables are posted to North, West or South Cumbria. </p><p>Probationer Constables, although attending training at Headquarters, should submit all expenses claims on a monthly basis to the relevant Area Finance Manager for consideration. Claims should not be accumulated until the end of probationer training and should be submitted by the published deadlines (normally the 3rd of the month).</p><p>7.2.7 Probationer Constables Residing Outside the Constabulary Area</p><p>Where Probationer Constables reside outside the Constabulary Area, journeys to Police Training Centre, Bruche, or other designated Police Training School, during Stage 2 of Probationer Training will be reimbursed for the mileage to Headquarters, Penrith or to home address, whichever is the shortest practicable route.</p><p>7.3 Police Officers, Police Staff and Probationer Constables (Miscellaneous)</p><p>7.3.1 Car Sharing</p><p>In the interests of efficiencies of the service and protection of the environment those attending training courses are encouraged to, wherever possible, travel together and share transportation.</p><p>Police Officers, Police Staff or Probationer Constables who submit travel expenses claims and are subsequently found to have been car sharing as a passenger may find themselves subject to a criminal investigation and / or disciplinary proceedings.</p><p>7.3.2 Production of Receipts</p><p>Where claims are made for the reimbursement of additional travel expenses that have been met by the individual, all original receipts must be submitted at the time of the claim. Reimbursement will not be made without the original receipt, except in exceptional circumstances.</p><p>Receipts need to match the claim in terms of the date, time and nature of the expenditure. Indecipherable receipts will not be accepted. The submission of inappropriate/incorrect receipts will be subject to further scrutiny. </p><p>Please note, expenditure on alcohol, newspapers, private telephone calls and mini-bar usage will not be re-imbursed. This must be deducted from any amounts claimed. See also the Refreshment Expenses Policy (Police Officers) and the Police Staff Terms and Conditions Handbook, both of</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 8 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p> which can be found at Public Folders / Strategic Management Handbook / Policy & Strategy / Force Policy / Policy.</p><p>It is appreciated that there may be instances where receipts are not available. However, it is expected that a receipt will accompany the majority of claims. Where no receipt is submitted an explanation should be provided on the form to be authorised by the line manager.</p><p>7.3.3 Business Travel Management</p><p>Cumbria Constabulary participates in a national collaborative Police contract for business travel, which is currently held by Business Travel Management who are responsible for the booking of all business journeys. </p><p>Business Travel Management provides Cumbria Constabulary with rail and air tickets, where they will seek the most advantageous rate for the journey and discounted rates at hotels. </p><p>All bookings and requests for public transportation and hotel accommodation should be in accordance with Constabulary Procurement Policy and through Business Travel Management. A copy of the Procurement Handbook can be found Public Folders / Strategic Management Handbook / Policy & Strategy / Force Policy / Procedure / Procurement Handbook. </p><p>Business Travel Management can be contacted on: 01228 515018</p><p>7.3.4 Air, Rail and Taxi Travel</p><p>Please refer to Sections 7.3.2, 7.3.3 and 7.3.4 of the Constabulary’s Travel Expenses Policy for further information regarding air, rail and taxi travel.</p><p>7.3.5 Advances on Expenses</p><p>Police Officers and Police Staff members should be aware that under no circumstances will Cumbria Constabulary advance expenses for travel or subsistence/refreshments. However, in exceptional circumstances, advances can be provided for hotel accommodation.</p><p>7.3.6 Use of Police Vehicles and Hire Cars</p><p>The use of Constabulary vehicles and hire cars is to be restricted to official business journeys and attendance at a training course or event only. Police Officers and Police Staff members are advised that the use of a Constabulary Vehicle or hire car on personal journeys is misuse of Constabulary resources and as such may be a disciplinary, and possibly a criminal, offence.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 9 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p> Delivery and Return of Hire Cars</p><p>Hire Cars will be delivered to and collected from the staffed Police Station nearest to where the user resides. Where the hire car is booked for more than one day, the hire car should be returned to the nearest staffed Police Station overnight. </p><p>Police Officers and / or members of Police Staff should under no circumstances utilise a hire car for their normal home to permanent place of work or permanent place of work to home journey. However, where the business journey is in the opposite direction of the Police Officers or Police Staff members nominated station and it is more economical for both the Constabulary and the individual, hire cars may be delivered to the user’s home but only with the approval of his or her line manager. </p><p>Please refer to the examples below.</p><p>Example One:</p><p>John Smith, Prosecutions Manager lives in Penrith and his nominated station is Carlisle. John is going on to Edinburgh to attend a training event. John must collect his hire car at Carlisle Police Station, as it is en route.</p><p>Example Two:</p><p>PC Jones lives in Kirkby Lonsdale and his nominated station is Kendal. He is going to Hutton, Preston for a training course. His hire car may be delivered to home, as Kendal is not en route to Preston from Kirkby Lonsdale.</p><p> Fuel Vouchers and Fuel Cards</p><p>Cumbria Constabulary operates a fuel card and a fuel voucher system. Constabulary vehicles are issued with a fuel card. Where a hire car is booked a fuel voucher will be issued. Following the end of a business journey and before returning constabulary vehicles or hire cars the individual should completely refill the car with fuel and present the fuel card or fuel voucher to the relevant local petrol station participating in the scheme.</p><p>Further information about participating petrol stations should be sought from Area / Departmental Finance Managers.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 10 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>7.3.7 Additional Charges or Penalties</p><p>Cumbria Constabulary will reimburse additional expenditure on public transport where a Police Officer or Police Staff member’s business journey has been extended at the request of the Constabulary and where a valid receipt can be produced.</p><p>Additional reasonable expense incurred outside the control of the individual (transport cancellation, illness etc) will be re-imbursed where the relevant reporting procedures are followed and where relevant documentary evidence is provided.</p><p>Additional public transport expense will not be reimbursed where the Police Officer or member of Police Staff has voluntarily incurred charges which have not been at the request of the Constabulary.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 11 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Appendix One</p><p>Incidental Expenses Allowance for Police Officers Attending Residential Training Courses</p><p>(Please refer to “Public Folders/Force/Pay and Allowances Information/Police Officers/(Police Incidental Expenses – 1.1.04.xls) for current relevant rates)</p><p>The rates set out in the PNB circular 03/8 has been increased in line with the average of the December-to-December movement in the catering, alcohol and all items elements of the Retail Price Index.</p><p>With effect from 1st January 2004 the rates are as follows:</p><p>£4.43 per night to a maximum of:</p><p>£17.77 per week (except where an Officer has to attend for a week’s course of training on the preceding Sunday night and will thus be in attendance for five nights.)</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 12 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Appendix Two</p><p>Meal Allowances for Probationer Training at Headquarters:</p><p>Breakfast = £2.30 Lunch = £3.25 Evening Meal = £2.80</p><p>Probationer Constables residential at Headquarters (and staying in their allocated room) will be able to claim the above.</p><p>Probationer Constables who are non-residential will be able to claim lunch at the above value.</p><p>Residential Probationer Constables must make their own breakfast arrangements for the first day of each week of Stages 1, 3, 5 and 6. Where Probationer Constables return to their accommodation on Sunday, breakfast will be provided on the following Monday.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 Page 13 of 15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Appendix Three</p><p>Accommodation, Travel and Subsistence Entitlements for Probationer Training</p><p>Stage Accommodation Travel Expenses Meal Entitlement Mileage paid at public transport rate (37p per mile at 1 April 2004)</p><p>Those students living in Those students living in excess of 20 miles and not wishing to stay Non Residential Students 1 excess of 20 miles from must meet all daily travelling costs with the exception of 1) and HQ will be entitled to 2) below. Students not staying in hostel hostel accommodation accommodation will be provided (2 weeks) based at HQ. Those students residing within 20 miles from HQ must meet all with lunch at HQ Monday to daily travelling costs with the exception of 1) and 2) below. Friday. HQ Residential Students There is no entitlement to claim for the initial journey to HQ on the first day of Stage 1. Residential students will be provided with lunch and evening 1) One return weekend journey from HQ to home address meal on Mondays, but will be may be claimed. required to supply own breakfast on the first day of each week of 2) The final day of stage one mileage may be claimed for the the various stages. Students journey from HQ to Bruche Police Training Centre. returning to their accommodation Mileage claimed for this journey = 100 miles each way. on Sunday will be provided with breakfast on the following Monday.</p><p>Tuesday to Friday, breakfast, lunch and evening meal at HQ will be provided.</p><p>If applicable, those staying in B&B accommodation will have breakfast at the B&B and lunch and evening meal at HQ.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Stage Accommodation Travel Expenses Meal Entitlement Mileage paid at public transport rate (37p per mile at 1 April 2004)</p><p>Accommodation provided There is no entitlement to travel expenses to Bruche due to Meals supplied at Bruche by Centrex. journey at the end of Stage 1. 2 Reimbursement for up to 5 return journeys from Bruche to home address. Mileage paid up to a maximum of 300 miles. (12 weeks) Students residing outside Constabulary area may claim for 5 return journeys from Bruche to HQ, Penrith or home address, Police whichever is the shortest. Training Where the training centre is closed for a weekend during Stage 2 Centre, only, an additional return weekend journey home may be Bruche claimed.</p><p>Final day of Stage 2 mileage from Bruche to Police HQ, Penrith may be claimed = 100 miles.</p><p>As detailed at Stage 1. Those students living in excess of 20 miles and not wishing to stay As detailed at Stage 1 3 must meet all daily travelling costs with the exception of 1) and 2) below.</p><p>(5 weeks) Those students residing within 20 miles from HQ must meet all daily travelling costs with the exception of 1) and 2) below. HQ There is no entitlement to travel expenses for first journey due to final journey of Stage 2.</p><p>1) Reimbursement for up to 2 return weekend journeys from HQ to home address. </p><p>2) Final day of Stage 3 students may claim for journey from HQ to home or nominated station whichever is the shortest.</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Stage Accommodation Travel Expenses Meal Entitlement Mileage paid at public transport rate (37p per mile at 1 April 2004)</p><p>Individual’s own Individual’s own responsibility. Individual’s own responsibility. 4 responsibility.</p><p>(10 weeks in Area)</p><p>As detailed at Stage 1 Those students living in excess of 20 miles and not wishing to stay As detailed at Stage 1 must meet all daily travelling costs with the exception of 1), 2) 5 and 3) below.</p><p>Those students residing within 20 miles from HQ must meet all (2 weeks) daily travelling costs with the exception of 1), 2) and 3) below.</p><p>1) Reimbursement from home or station (whichever is the HQ shortest) to HQ.</p><p>2) One return weekend journey from HQ to Home Address or nominated Police Station may be claimed (whichever is the shortest.)</p><p>3) Final day reimbursement from HQ to home or station (whichever is the shortest).</p><p>As detailed at Stage 1 As detailed at Stage 5 As detailed at Stage 1 6 a</p><p>(2 weeks)</p><p>HQ</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED</p><p>Stage Accommodation Travel Expenses Meal Entitlement Mileage paid at public transport rate (37p per mile at 1 April 2004) 6 b As detailed at Stage 1 Those students living in excess of 20 miles and not wishing to stay As detailed at Stage 1 must meet all daily travelling costs with the exception of 1) and 2) below. (1 week) Those students residing within 20 miles from HQ must meet all daily travelling costs with the exception of 1) and 2) below. HQ 1) Reimbursement from home or station (whichever is the shortest) to HQ.</p><p>2) Final day reimbursement from HQ to home or station (whichever is the shortest)</p><p>As detailed at Stage 1 As detailed at Stage 6a As detailed at Stage 1 6 c</p><p>(2 weeks) HQ</p><p>NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Version 3 August 2004 </p>
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