
<p> 1</p><p>Hauptseminarapparat Wellenreuther WS 2004/04: „Indianer“ und „Indianerinnen“ in Nordamerika vom 16. bis zum 18. Jhdt.</p><p>Stand: 19.10.04</p><p>Seminarapparat Nr. 44, SUB</p><p>The three worlds of Captain John Smith : illustrated with phototgraphs and maps / by Philip L. Barbour, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, c1964, 65 A 431.</p><p>Dry bones and Indian sermons : praying Indians and colonial America / Kristina Bross, Ithaca, NY [u.a.] : Cornell Univ. Press, 2004, FMAG 2004 A 13314.</p><p>Boundless faith : early American women's captivity narratives / edited and mildly modernized by Henry L. Carrigan, Jr, Brewster, Mass : Paraclete Press, 2003, FMAG 2004 A 8506.</p><p>Titel: Narratives of captivity among the Indians of North America : a list of books and manuscripts on this subject in the Edward E. Ayer Collection of the Newberry Library / Chicago,Newberry Library, New York, NY : Martino, [ca. 1985] = 1912-1928, 92 A 5343.</p><p>The letters and papers of Cadwallader Colden, Bd. 5 / Cadwallader Colden, New York : AMS Press, [1973] = 191, 75 A 11077:5</p><p>The Eliot Tracts : with letters from John Eliot to Thomas Thorowgood and Richard Baxter / ed. with an introduction by Michael P. Clark, Westport, Conn. [u.a.] : Praeger, 2003, FMAG: 2004 A 17407</p><p>Women's Indian captivity narratives / ed. with an introd. and notes by Kathryn Zabelle Derounian-Stodola, New York, NY [u.a.] : Penguin Books, 1998, FMAG 99 A 2472.</p><p>A narrative of the dangers and sufferings of Robert Eastburn during his captivity in the years 1756-1757 / Robert Eastburn, Fairfield, Wash. : Ye Galleon Press, 1996 = 1758, ALT 98 B 86.</p><p>Captured by texts : Puritan to postmodern images of Indian captivity / Gary L. Ebersole, Charlottesville, Va. [u.a.] : Univ. Press of Virginia, 1995, 95 A 15971.</p><p>The Indian grammar begun / John Eliot; 1997 = 1666; IN: A key into the language of America / Roger Williams, London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1997 = 1643, ALT 97 A 701:1.</p><p>Women and freedom in early America / ed. by Larry D. Eldridge, New York [u.a.] : New York Univ. Press, 1997, 97 A 11339</p><p>Suspect relations : sex, race, and resistance in colonial North Carolina / Kirsten Fischer, Ithaca [u.a.] : Cornell Univ. Press, 2002, 2002 A 8053.</p><p>The Jesuit relations : natives and missionaries in seventeenth-century North America / ed. with an introd. by Allan Greer, Boston [u.a.] : Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000, FMAG 2000 A 1966. </p><p>A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson / Susannah Willard Johnson. [Vorredner: Horace W. Bailey], Springfield, Mass. : Huntting, 1907 = 1814, ALT 95 A 455.</p><p>The Indian captivity narrative : a woman's view 2</p><p>/ compiled by Frances Roe Kestler, New York u.a. : Garland Pub., 1990, =Women's history and culture 2, FMAG: ZA 40336:1179.</p><p>Unter den Händen der Barbaren" : Indian Captivity Narratives des kolonialen Nordamerikas in deutscher Sprache, 1697-1774 / von Claudia Kroke, Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2001, DISS 2004 B 9480.</p><p>New American world : a documentary history of North America to 1612 (5Bde). / David Beers Qinn [Hrsg.], London u.a. : Macmillan, 1979, 80 B 3097:1-5.</p><p>Indian slavery, labor, evangelism and captivity in the Americas : an annotated bibliography / Russell M. Magnaghi, Lanham, Md [u.a.] : Scarecrow Press, 1998, FMAG 98 A 20677.</p><p>Titel: The captive : the true story of the captivity of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson among the Indians and God's faithfulness to her in her time of trial / Mary White Rowlandson. Mark Ludwig [Vorr.], Tuscon, Ariz. : American Eagle Publications, 1988, 92 A 22065.</p><p>Escape from Indian captivity : the story of Mary Draper Ingles and son Thomas Ingles / as told by John Ingles. Ed. by Roberta Ingles Steele ..., Radford Va. : R.I. Steele, 1982, K 97 A 2933.</p><p>The Indian captivity narrative : an American genre / Richard VanDerBeets, Lanham u.a. : Univ.Pr. of America, 1984, 86 A 4537.</p><p>Puritans among the Indians : accounts of captivity and redemption, 1676 - 1724 / ed. by Alden T. Vaughan & Edward W. Clark, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.] : Belknap Press, 1981, 82 A 1795.</p><p>Herrnhuter Indianermission in der Amerikanischen Revolution : die Tagebücher von David Zeisberger 1772 bis 1781 / hrsg. und eingel. von Hermann Wellenreuther und Carola Wessel, Berlin : Akad.-Verl., 1995= Selbstzeugnisse der Neuzeit 3, FMAG: ZA 84388:3.</p><p>Präsenzbestände im LS1/ HSD/ FB</p><p>Geschichte der Amerikanischen Indianer; besonders der am Mississippi, an Ost- und Westflorida, Georgien, Süd- und Nord-Karolina und Virginien angrenzenden Nationen : nebst einem Anhange ; Aus dem Englischen übersetzt / von James Adair, Esquire, Breßlau : verlegts Johann Ernst Meyer, 1782, HSD: DD95 A 313 (HSD= Lesesaal für Handschriften und seltene Drucke, Paulinerkirche).</p><p>The history of the American Indians; particularly those nations adjoining to the Missisippi [sic], East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia: containing an account of their origin, language, manners, ... With a new map of the country referred to in the history. By James Adair, .. / James Adair, London : printed by Edward and Charles Dilly, 1775, MA 96-340:8279, no. 01 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The history of the five Indian nations : of Canada, which are dependent on the province of New-York in America, ... By the Honourable Cadwallader Colden, ... In two volumes / Cadwallader Colden, London : printed for Lockyer Davis; J. Wren; and J. Ward, 1755, MA 89-24:5152, no. 3 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>A critical edition of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative / Robert Kent Diebold, New Haven, Conn., Yale Univ., Diss., 1972, . DA 72-29,535 (LS1-Theke). 3</p><p>Enthaltenes Werk: An appendix, containing an account of the treatment of the natives by the early voyagers, the settlement of N. England by the prefathers, the Pequot war, narrative of persons carried into captivity, anecdotes of the Indians, and the most important Indian wars to the time of Creek war / Samuel Gardner Drake, IN: The history of Philip's war, commonly called the great Indian war, of 1675 and 1676 : also of the french and indian wars at the Eastward in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696 and 1704 / Thomas Church. - 2. ed. - Exeter, 1834, 8 H AM II, 3341 (LS1 Theke)</p><p>A grammar of the Massachusetts Indian Language / By John Eliot. With notes and observations by Peter S. du Ponceau and an introduction and supplementary observations by John Pickering, Boston, 1822, 8 LING X, 5678 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The dying speeches of several Indians / John Eliot, [Cambridge, Mass.], circa 1685, MC 83-1021:141 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>[The Indian primer] : Prov. 22.6. Nehtupeh... / [John Eliot], [Cambridge, Mass.], circa 1684-87, Signatur: MC 83-1021:210 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The logick[logic] primer. Some logical notions to initiate the Indians in the knowledge of the rule of reason;... / J[ohn] E[liot], [Cambridge, Mass.] : [Drucker: M. Johnson], 1672, MC 83-1021:75-76 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The Indian Grammar began : or an essay to bring the Indian Language into rules / John Eliot, Cambridge, 1666, 8 LING X, 5676 RARA (HSD= Lesesaal für Handschriften und seltene Drucke, Paulinerkirche).</p><p>An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson : late of Kachecky in New-England: who, with four of her children, and servant-maid, was taken captive by the Indians, ... A new edition. Taken in substance from her own mouth, by Samuel Bownas / Elizabeth Hanson, Woodbridge, Conn. : Research Publications, Inc., 1986=1728, MA 89-24:4660, no. 04 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, pastor of the church in Deerfield, and Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, of Lancaster : who were taken, together with their families and neighbors, by the French and Indians and carried into Canada / John Williams; Mary Rowlandson, Brookfield [Mass.] : Printed by Hori Brown, from the press of E. Merriam & Co.,September 1811, MC 83-1077:18860-18861 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The dangers and sufferings of Robert Eastburn, and his deliverance from Indian captivity / with introd. and notes by John R. Spears, Cleveland : Burrows, 1904 = 1758, ALT 95 A 456 (LS1 Theke). he Jesuit relations and allied documents : travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610-1791 ; The orig. French, Latin, and Italian texts, with Engl. transl. and notes / Reuben Gold Thwaites [Hrsg.], Cleveland : Burrows 1896-1901, MC 83-1077: 4867-5292b (LS1 Theke).</p><p>The redeemed captive returning to Zion : Or A faithful history of ramarkable occurrences in the captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield. Who, in the desolation which befel that plantation, by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighbourhood, into Canada. Drawn up by himself. Annexed to which is a sermon preached by him on his return. An appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Springfield. An appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Deerfield. Some observations, by the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston. Subjoined to this is, a sermon, delivered in the First Parish in Springfield, on the 16th of October, 1775. Just one hundred years from the burning of the town by the Indians. By Robert Breck, A.M. Pastor of the church there / John Williams, Printed and sold at Greenfield, Mass. : by Thomas Dickman, MDCCC. [1800], MA 89- 24:3753, no. 05 (LS1 Theke). 4</p><p>Zeisberger's Indian Dictionary : English, German, Iroquois - the Onondaga and Algonquin - the Delaware / David Zeisberger, Cambridge 1887, 4 LING X, 6180 (LS1-Theke).</p><p>Grammar of the language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians / By David Zeisberger. Translated from the German manuscript of the author by Peter Stephen du Ponceau. With a Preface and Notes by the Translator. Published by order of the American Philosophical Society in the Third Volume of the New Series of their Tran... / [David Zeisberger], Philadelphia, 1827= Transactions [of the American Philos. Society] ; N.S. 3, 4 LING X, 5893 (LS1 Theke).</p><p>In anderen Apparaten:</p><p>Titel: Indian dialogues : For their instruction in that great service of Christ ... / [JohnEliot], Cambridge, Mass. : [Drucker:] M. Johnson, 1671, SEM-APP-15:LS1 = MC 83-1021:73-74</p><p>The sovereignty and goodness of God, together with the faithfulness of his promises displayed : being a narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and related documents / Mary Rowlandson. Ed. with an introduction by Neal Salisbury, Boston, Mass. [u.a.] : Bedford Books/St. Martin's, 1997, SEM-APP-15:LS1 = 2003 A 1648.</p><p>Vorgemerkt</p><p>American captivity narratives : selected narratives with introduction / Olaudah Equiano ... Ed. by Gordon M. Sayre, Boston [u.a.] : Houghton Mifflin, 2000, FMAG Signatur: 2000 A 11576.</p><p>Moeurs des sauvages Ameriqains ... (2Bde) / Joseph François Lafitau, Paris : Saugrain [u.a.], 1724, 4 H AM I, 328:1 und 4 H AM I, 328:2 (LS1-theke).</p><p>The letters and papers of Cadwallader Colden, Bd. 1-4, 6,7,8 / Cadwallader Colden , New York : AMS Press, [1973] = 191, 75 A 11077:1-4, 6,7,8</p><p>*Pocahontas and her world : a chronicle of America's first settlement in which is related the story of the Indians and the Englishmen, particularly Captain John Smith, Captain Samuel Argall, and Master John Rolfe / [by] Philip L. Barbour, London : Hale, 1969, 72 A 9619.</p><p>*The history of the five Indian nations : depending on the Province of New York in America / Cadwallader Colden, Ithaca u.a. : Cornell Univ.Pr., (1980), 85 A 25875.</p>
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