
<p>Mesa Elementary School</p><p>2003 – 04 STUDENT/ PARENT HANDBOOK</p><p>Mesa Elementary School PO Box 1803 SHIPROCK, NM 87420</p><p>Pandora Bidtah, Principal Manfred Duncan, Secretary Mae Sandoval, Counselor District Mission Statement</p><p>Improvement is continuous, Excellence is expected, Lifelong learning is valued. School Mission Statement</p><p>Motivating Every Student to Achieve School Goals/Objectives</p><p>Goal 1: High Student Achievement FOCUS 1: Improve reading across the curriculum All students will read at or above grade level Goal 2: Safe and Welcome Learning Environment FOCUS 2: Encourage positive behavior FOCUS 3: Expect and support a welcoming learning environment FOCUS 4: Respect all individuals Goal 3: Efficient and Effective Operation FOCUS 5: Inegrate technology to support District goals FOCUS 6: Manage the resources and facilities of the District to support District goals FOCUS 7: Ensure high performing workforce FOCUS 8: Sustain continuous improvement</p><p>1) All students will increase their academic skills in all other pertinent areas.</p><p>3) All students will participate in School Guidance/Counseling sessions which will focus on Character Counts and promoting a school setting that is safe and healthy. Daily Operation</p><p>Office Hours………….7:30 AM………….3:30 PM Breakfast……………..7:45 AM………….8:10 AM Class Hours…………..8:15 AM…………..2:45 PM</p><p>ATTENDANCE A. POLICY The Central Consolidated School District Board of Education provides a full educational program for each student in the District. The Board directs, through the Superintendent and each /Building Principal, that students shall attend classes daily at the grade level to: 1. Receive the benefit of the entire educational program. 2. Minimize disturbance of the classroom routine by not entering or leaving at non-standard times. 3. Avoid needless repetition of subject matter by teachers due to student absenteeism. 4. Recognize the importance for your child to be in school every day, unless your child is ill.</p><p>B. STUDENT ATTENDANCE: Our school opens at 7:30 AM. Instruction time begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 2:40 PM each day. Students are expected to attend all 180 days of the school year. However, if your child is ill (fever etc.) keep him/her at home. Teachers report attendance to the school office each day as required by State Regulations If a school misses three (3) days in a row, a referral will be given to the School Liaison to make a home visit. If a student misses (10) days in row and the family has not contacted the school, the student will automatically be withdrawn from enrollment. In order to reenroll, the parent will be required to attend a meeting with the teacher and principal. An attendance contract will be established at this meeting.</p><p>C. WHAT TO DO WHEN STUDENTS ARE ABSENT 1. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS / TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES - A letter must be presented to the Principal and teacher the day before an absence for these types of events. 2. TARDINESS – The school expects punctuality at all times. A student will be marked late at 8:15. Chronic late comers will be subject to counseling by their teacher or a parent-teacher-student conference. 3. REQUEST FOR EARLY DISMISSAL – A parent or guardian written request for an early dismissal of a student must be submitted to the Principal’s office in advance for approval prior to taking time off school. 4. PREMITTING STUDENTS TO LEAVE DURING SCHOOL HOURS – In the Elementary Schools, no pupil will be permitted to leave campus prior to the regular hour of dismissal unless accompanied by a parent, a person designated by the parent in written form, or a school official. Phone calls to dismiss students are not acceptable. Relatives, without proper arrangements, appearing at the school to take students will be refused such requests. In emergencies, notes from parents asking that a near-relative pick up a student will be considered, checked and may be refused. Student safety comes FIRST and students will not be released into uncertain circumstances. </p><p>STUDENT EXPECTATION 1. Homework is a task to be completed outside the classroom and consists of assignments related to classroom activities. Each student is responsible for obtaining and completing his/her individual assignments. Parents are encouraged to monitor their children in completing the task. 2. Come prepared for instruction. Bring pencil, paper, and textbook.</p><p>REPORT CARD Report cards are distributed six (6) times a year, or each 6 weeks, to enable parents and students to review progress. Report cards should be reviewed and if you have any questions, call the teacher for an appointment immediately. (See school calendar for schedule of report card distribution.)</p><p>“ LACK OF ADEQUATE PROGRESS" NOTICE If a child is having difficulty at any point in the year, parental contact will be made by the teacher informing parents of subjects the student is having problems in. A referral process will be establish for parents, student/s, and teacher/s to participate in a Student Assistant Team meeting to address academic or behavior concerns.</p><p>All teachers will communicate in writing each January with parents concerning children who may be "at - risk" for retention.</p><p>GRADING - GENERAL The grading scale is as follows: A = 90 – 100 F = Failing B = 80 - 89 S = Satisfactory C = 70 – 79 U = Unsatisfactory D = 60 - 69 O = Outstanding F = 59 and below N = Needs Improvement</p><p>Retention of students is a process that is followed when the professional staff, in consultation with the parent, determines it to be in the best interests of the student, If a student is at risk of not passing their grade level, the classroom teacher determines this in January of each school year and prepares an "at-risk of not passing warning" for the parent. The teacher is to then prepare a written "intervention study plan" or IPP (Individualized Progress Plan) for the student and work very closely with the parent and student on preparing the student in such a way and manner that retention in May is not necessary. If for uncontrollable reasons this plan does not work out, then the student will be recommended for retention. We note that research has shown that "retention in the grade levels" is not productive and is usually not in the best interest of the in child. To be effective, retention should occur no later first grade.</p><p>CLASSROOM MISSION & RULES Each classroom teacher will have a class Mission /Statement established and specific rules by which his/her class is governed. Students will be expected to follow those rules while in that classroom. Rules and consequences will be posted. You will get a copy of rules in newsletter, cafeteria, library, gym will have their expectation. DELAY/CANCELLATION OF SCHOOL The decision to delay or cancel school is made by the Superintendent of the District. A decision to alter the schedule due to inclement weather or for other reasons is usually made by 6:00 AM and is broadcast on local radio and television stations. </p><p>FIRE DRILLS AND OTHER EVACUATION DRILLS 1. Fire drills are held for the purpose of practicing orderly exits in case of an emergency. 2. Students must follow directions of the teachers in charge and remain silent during the drills. 3. The fire laws of the State mandate that all occupants must leave the building during these drills. 4. All staff and students are expected to follow directions as regulated in our School Safety Handbook.</p><p>ACADEMICS</p><p>A. COURSES OF STUDY All courses of study for Mesa Elementary School are approved and formally adopted by the CENTRAL CONSOLIDATED BOARD OF EDUCATION. Areas of study are continually reviewed and updated to meet the needs of the kindergarten, primary and elementary students. They are the result of an ongoing process of curriculum development involving a highly skilled and trained staff and administration.</p><p>B. CURRICULUM State of New Mexico. Social Studies and Science are included in the curriculum. Special areas include Physical Education, Library & Computer. Special needs of some students are met through the Title I Program, Bilingual Program, Special Education classes and a Gifted Program. Other specialized personnel are provided to enhance pupil learning opportunities, they include: Counselor, Social Worker, School Nurse, Resource Media Center, Speech Hearing Therapist, Homebound Teacher, Psychologist, Occupational and Physical Therapists.</p><p>C. TESTING The School District maintains a standardized testing program. Standardized testing is one of several methods which enable the staff to learn more about the student and to evaluate instruction and the effectiveness of the school curriculum. Therefore, these results permit the District to design educational opportunities to meet both individual and group needs.</p><p>Tests are used for many reasons: 1. To provide a measure of each student's academic progress as a basis for planning instruction. 2. 2. To compare present and past academic progress to determine the rate of the student's progress. 3. To provide information which may be used in identifying students for instructional purposes. 4. To study student acquired subject and skill strengths and weaknesses for a grade or a school as a whole. To determine the quality of instruction relative to realized outcomes and student learning. 5. To provide a basis for reporting student's achievement to parents. Percentile ranks range from 1 to 99 and indicate the percentage of raw scores in a norm group that fall below a given student's raw score. For example if a student's percentile score is 91%, this means that the student scored higher than approximately 90% of the students in the norm group.</p><p>If a fouth grader obtains a grade equivalent of 6.8 on a mathematics test, it means that his/her performance is theoretically equivalent to the students in the norm group who had completed 8 month of grade 6. It does not mean that the student has mastered all of the mathematical skills that have been taught up to 8 months in the 4th grade.</p><p>Tests and assessments used in the District include: 1. NM Achievement Tests - Grades Three through Six 2. NM Writing Assessments - Grades Four and Six 3. EPSF (Early Prevention of School Failure) - Kindergarten & First Grade 5. IPT Bilingual and Navajo Language. 6. DIBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. 7. Reading Mastery 8. Language for Learners 9. Open Court Reading 10. IPT Individual Proficiency Test 11. Navajo Language</p><p>NURSE SERVICES All students will be required to have updated immunization records before entering school. The nurse is available throughout the week to see students. Students who become sick at school will be sent to the nurse's office. In the nurse's absence, office staff will assist the child. In the event that the child displays sympton1s that will not allow him/her to continue working at school, parents will be notified and arrangements will be made for the child to go home. For the protection of all students and staff, parents need to keep a child showing signs of illness at home and check with the clinic. Parents should, watch for symptoms such as sore throats, colds, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. Students who have specific medical problems should notify the nurse at the beginning of the year. She will then notify teachers or other staff members if necessary, for the children's safety and well being. All accidents that occur while at school must be reported immediately; to the nurse's office. In the case of a serious accident or other emergency the school will contact the parent or guardian. Therefore, the school must have phone number where parents can be reached at any time during the school day.</p><p>GUIDANCE SERVICES Guidance services play an integral part in the development of the individual student for effective living by striving to accomplish the following goals with each student:</p><p>1. Help students understand themselves. 2. Help students understand and make the most of their abilities, aptitudes, and interests. 3. Help students develop a social well-being so that they can contribute to society. 4. Help students develop the confidence to think their problems through 5. Help students develop problem-solving skills.</p><p>Guidance services may include individual and/or group counseling sessions. Students and parent should feel free to arrange an appointment with the school counselor whenever they encounter a school-related or, personal problem. Scheduled appointments will then be brought to the attention of the student's teacher so that arrangements can be made to provide the student with assignments that would me missed during that time.</p><p>PARENTS AS PARTNERS IN EDUCATION Involving parents in the classroom/school can only enhance the student’s educational and life achievements as well as create a positive parent/school relationship. It is generally known that the single most important determinant of a child’s success in school is not family income or family status. It is whether that child’s parents are involved in his or her education. This school supports this philosophy; thus, welcomes every parent to participate in some the following activities or means to become part of the school: 1. Beginning of the School Year Parent Orientation to meet Teacher and to become familiar with the Education State Standards. 2. The school wants to know the parents’ expectations and concerns. 3. School committees welcome parent participation. 4. Parents are encouraged to maintain an open communication with their child’s teacher. 5. Attend various trainings held for community/parent participation by different committees ranging from local school to district wide. 6. This Parent Handbook also provides many insights to how the school is operated for continuous enhancement of your child’s education. 7. As your child’s first teacher, parents can support their child’s education by following some of these suggestions: Schedule daily homework time. Read together. Use TV wisely. Keep in touch with the school. Offer praise and encouragement. Talk together.</p><p>Together, the school, parents, and the community, we can make a big difference in the education of our young children.</p><p>MESA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL'S STUDENT CODE</p><p>It is realized that the vast majority of student behavior problems will be handled through informal Teacher and/or Counselor INTERVENTION counseling and remedial. It is also necessary to provide a structure procedure that will include taking care of those student infractions which might not be handled in this usual manner. If a student has demonstrated acceptable behavior and then becomes involved in a problem area, school officials will consider the record of that student's behavior before any action is taken. If a student has continually been involved problem areas, then the disciplinary action would, depending on the circumstances, probably be the maximum action. Such factors as the length of time since the student's last problem, student's attitude, etc., will be taken into account as disciplinary action is taken. Here are some examples of possible problem areas and possible disciplinary action imposed. The school administration reserves the right to impose such discipline as they feel appropriate given all the circumstances.</p><p>SPECIAL NOTE: (A11 Students, Grades 4 - 6). In Keeping With A Safe and Orderly School Environment. Student wearing of A11 Gang or Disruptive or Intimidating colors in/of Clothing is disallowed. Pants always wi11 be firmly attached at the top of hips and never lower. No student head covering is a11owed inside any building.</p><p>INFRACTION FIRST/SECOND SUBSEQUENT OCCURRENCES OCCURRENCES</p><p>*Disruptive Behavior (non-violent) *Teacher Counseling *Counselor-Counseling -Parental Conference -Suspension</p><p>* Disruptive Behavior *Teacher Counseling *Principal -Program (violent) -Parental Conference* -Suspension *Suspension -Expulsion</p><p>*Tardiness *Teacher Counseling *Liaison Officer -Parent Conference -Suspension -Expulsion</p><p>* Absences, unexcused *Teacher -Liaison Officer *Liaison Officer -Parent Conference</p><p>*Disobedience/insubordinate *Teacher Counseling * Principal Counseling -Parental Conference -Program -Suspension -Expulsion</p><p>*Dishonesty/Cheating *Teacher Counseling *Counselor-Counseling -Program -Suspension -Expulsion</p><p>*Bus Behavior Offense * Counselor/Counseling *Principal -Warning -Parental/Conference -Suspension -Expel</p><p>*Verbal Abuse/Threats *Teacher Counseling *Counselor-Counseling Principal (if severe)</p><p>*Destruction of Property (civil *Teacher Counseling *Counselor-Counseling -Student Restitution *Destruction of Property (state) *Principal *Principal -Program Restitution -Parental Conference -Suspension -Expulsion</p><p>*Tobacco/Controlled Substance *Counselor *Principal -Program Use/Dealing -Counseling -Parent Conference -Program -Suspension' -Police -Expel</p><p>*Dangerous Devices Possession *Teacher Counseling *Principal -Program -Confiscation -Parent Conference -Report to Principal (written) -Expel -Suspension</p><p>IF DEADLY DEVICE-SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION - Police</p><p>*Dangerous Devices Possession n *Counselor Parent *Principal -Parent Conference -Counseling –Program -Suspension -Police -Expel</p><p>*Physical Aggression *Teacher Conference *Special Education Test (without injuries to others) -Counselor Conference -Suspension</p><p>*Physical Aggression * Principal * Suspension (with injury to others) -Parent Conference/Principal -Expulsion -Suspension</p><p>*Wearing of Colors/Clothing *Teacher/Parent *Principal That are Deemed Unsafe -Counselor/Parent -Suspension or Disruptive to the School's -Social Worker/Parent Safe/Education Environment.</p><p>SPECIAL NOTE: Endangerment or Disruption of Educational Atmosphere, i.e., fire setting, bomb threats, gun-knife/other, threats, toy or real, possession of guns, other deadly object, devices; heinous behavior.</p><p>* Principal *Receive Expulsion Immediately</p><p>"ZERO TOLERENCE" Refer to School Policy</p>
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