Barry Wellman's Vita

Barry Wellman's Vita

<p>Barry Wellman's Vita</p><p>September 8, 2003</p><p>SUMMARY </p><p>Professor Barry Wellman studies networks: community, communication, computer, and social. His research examines virtual community, the virtual workplace, social support, community, kinship, friendship, and social network theory and methods. Based at the University of Toronto, he directs NetLab, teaches at the Department of Sociology, does research at the Centre for Urban and Community Studies, the Knowledge Media Design Institute, and the Bell University Laboratories' Collaborative Effectiveness Lab, and is a cross-appointed member of the Faculty of Information Studies. </p><p>Prof. Wellman is the Chair-Elect of the Community and Information Technologies section of the American Sociological Association. He has been a Fellow of IBM's Institute of Knowledge Management, a consultant with Mitel Networks, a member of Advanced Micro Devices' Global Consumer Advisory Board, a keynoter at conferences ranging from computer science to theology, and a committee member of the Social Science Research Council's (and Ford Foundation's) Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security. He is the (co-)author of more than two hundred articles, co-authored with more than eighty scholars, and is the (co-)editor of three books.</p><p>Social Network Analysis: Prof. Wellman's intellectual approach is social network analysis. He founded the professional society in the field: the International Network for Social Network Analysis. His co-edited Social Structures: A Network Approach has been named by the International Sociological Association as one of the "Books of the Century" (Cambridge University Press, 1988; updated ed., JAI Press, 1997; reprinted, Canadian Scholars Press International, 2003). Prof. Wellman has published articles about the theory, methods and substance of social network analysis. He created the terms "network city" in 1973, "network of networks" in 1983, "networked individualism" in 2000, and (with Keith Hampton) pioneered the use of "glocalization" in discussing computer mediated communication networks.</p><p>Computer Networks as Social Networks: Since 1990, much of Prof. Wellman's work has analyzed computer networks as social networks. His research group is studying:</p><p> Detailed analyses of how people use computers in their everyday lives: at home, in the community, and at work. Uses surveys, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic observations.  How ethnically Chinese entrepreneurs use the Internet and other means of communication and transportation to link Toronto, Beijing and Los Angeles.  How loosely-coupled organizations use computer-mediated communication as virtual workgroups.  How members of complex, networked organizations discover, access and manage knowledge.  Identifying sociologically-informed concerns for designing ad hoc networking systems in which people work and find community with shifting sets of others.  How social networks affect the productivity of scholars: citation networks intersecting with social networks.  The ties of white-collar teleworkers with office colleagues and family/community members.  The kind of life online and offline led by residents of "Netville": a leading-edge wired suburb of Toronto.  The "glocalization" [globalization + localization] that comes with wired living via advanced connections to the Internet and other online services.  The relation of Internet skills to social capital and skills.  International comparisons of Internet use.  The spatiality of personal networks: To what extent are ties with friends and relatives affected by the physical distance between them.  The "double digital divide": Does the lack of mentoring and institutional supports in low-income, segregated areas exacerbate poor people's and visible minorities' lack of access to computers and the internet? </p><p>In the 1990s, Prof. Wellman worked with computer scientists and information scientists at the University of Toronto to design, development and evaluate the Cavecat/Telepresence system for computer supported cooperative work. This combination of personal video and collaborative computing enabled people to communicate, work and commune over large distances. The project entailed multidisciplinary cooperation between researchers in universities and the private sector. With Caroline Haythornthwaite, he edited a special issue of the American Behavioral Scientist The Internet in Everyday Life Nov, 2001), which was substantially revised and expanded into a book of the same name (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002). He is also preparing two books, Living Wired in a Networked World and Personal Communities: From Little Boxes to Networked Individualism.</p><p>Communities as Social Networks: Since the late 1960s, Prof. Wellman has developed the study of communities as social networks: demonstrating that communities are no longer limited to neighborhoods. He has been studying the ways in which people use these ties to gain resources, and the implications of these networks for large-scale social organization. His current research in this area focuses on multilevel analyses of support and reciprocity in ties and networks in an era of "networked individualism". Prof. Wellman is now completing a long-term study of network-based personal communities in Toronto. In 1999, he published Networks in the Global Village (Westview Press), an edited volume of original analyses of personal communities around the world, each written by a resident of the country being discussed.He is a principal founder of a new sociology journal, City and Community, whose first issue appeared in 2002.</p><p>Interdisciplinary Links: Much of Prof. Wellman's research has been collaborative and interdisciplinary, including work with communication scientists, computer scientists, educators, geographers, historians, information scientists, lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, statisticians, and theologians.</p><p>International Links: Prof. Wellman is currently collaborating on studies of the Internet in everyday life in Catalonia (with Manuel Castells and Isabel Diaz de Isla) and Japan (with Kakuko Miyata). His work has been translated into Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. He has lectured and held workshops about social network analysis in Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Peru, Spain, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the USA. He has published in a wide array of books and journals, including: American Behavioral Scientist, American Journal of Sociology, Annual Review of Sociology, Bulletin de Methode Sociologique, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Communication Yearbook, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Cultural Anthropology Methods Bulletin , History of the Family, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Marriage and Family Review, Roundel, Science, Social Networks, Sociological Methods and Research, Sociological Theory, Sociological Research Online.</p><p>Teaching: Prof. Wellman teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Urban Sociology, Community, Social Network Analysis, Information and Communication Technology and Society, and Research Methods. Prof. Wellman received the International Network for Personal Relationships' Mentoring Award in 1998. He was the second place winner of the International Society for Personal Relationships' Outstanding Teaching Award (1996). At the University of Toronto, the Department of Sociology has named its undergraduate research prize after him (the "Barry Wellman Prize"). </p><p>Honors: Prof. Wellman has been awarded an Outstanding Lifetime Contribution Award by the Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association (2001). The Dept of Sociology, University of Toronto honored him, April 2001, with a "Barryfest" conference: "Social Structure in a Changing World – Presentations in Honour of Barry Wellman". Prof. Wellman's "The Community Question" article (American Journal of Sociology, 1979) about networked communities was selected as one of the seven most significant English-Canadian sociology articles of the 20th century by the Canadian Journal of Sociology (Summer 2001). His co-edited Social Structures book was cited as one of the hundred most significant sociological books by the International Sociology Association. It presents a score of original articles exemplifying social network analysis. (Cambridge University Press, 1988; Elsevier, 1997). Four of his articles, representing the range of his work, have been anthologized in Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology, edited by John Scott: "Structural Analysis: From Method and Metaphor ...", "The Community Question," "The Place of Kinfolk ..." and "Net Surfers Don't Ride Alone."</p><p>Prof. Wellman has been a Fellow of the Bellagio Center (Rockefeller Foundation), the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, and the Halbert Foundation (Hebrew University). In 1999 he was a Visiting Professor at the School of Information Management and Systems, University of California, Berkeley. He was the Distinguished Keynote Speaker of the International Network for Social Network Analysis in 1994, that society's highest honor. He was second prize winner of the International Society for Personal Relationships' Outstanding Teaching Award (1996), a finalist for its Outstanding Publication award, and a multiple winner of the University of Toronto's Dean's Excellence Award. His website is an "Expert's Choice" of the Social Science Information Gateway (UK).</p><p>Leadership: Barry Wellman founded the International Network for Social Network Analysis in 1976, headed this interdisciplinary body until 1988, and continues as its International Coordinator, Executive Committee member, and "Ties & Bonds" columnist. Prof. Wellman is the Chair-Elect of the Communication and Information Technologies section of the American Sociological Association. He is one of the few persons to chair two sections, having previously served as Chair of the ASA’s Community and Urban Sociology section. He has also been has been on the Councils of the ASA’s Community section, its Sociology and Computing section, and the Community Research section of the International Sociological Association. In 1994 he was selected as one of the five active Canadian members of the Sociological Research Association (an American honor society) and was named in 2000 to its Executive. He has also been selected for the Canadian Who's Who.</p><p>Barry Wellman heads the NetLab research network at the University of Toronto. He was the American Sociological Association's first Advisor on Electronic Networking and the first Chair of the ASA's Electronic Publications committee. He is the Advisor of the "Virtual Communities and Environments" Focus Area for the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Processes. He was a founding member of the Association for Computing Machinery's Electronic Community Center committee, and he co-developed the National Geographic Society's Web Survey 2000 on "millennium trends" and Web Survey 2001 investigating "the internet in everyday life". He founded the Structural Analysis Programme at the Department of Sociology and led it, 1979-1983. He is on the Steering Committee of the University of Toronto's Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI), and on the editorial board of eleven journals. </p><p>Conjugal Connection: Barry has been married with Beverly Wellman since 1965. A medical sociologist, Beverly Wellman is the co-editor (with Merrijoy Kelner) of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Challenge and Change (London: Taylor and Francis, 2001). She and Dr. Kelner are the co-authors of numerous articles analyzing the uses and professionalization of complementary and alternative medicine. Her life career has included being a modern dancer, a teacher of primary grades and creative movement, and a student of the Alexander and Laban techniques. </p><p>Biographical Notes: Prof. Wellman was educated at the Bronx High School of Science (Honors, 1959) Lafayette College (Honors B.A. in History, 1963) and Harvard University (M.A in Social Relations, 1965; Ph.D. in Sociology, 1969). His doctoral thesis examined how race, class, and school segregation affect adolescent identity and cosmopolitanism. Barry Wellman was Captain of Lafayette College's undefeated GE College Bowl team in 1962. In April 2003, he and the team returned Lafayette for a forty-ish anniversary reunion where they lectured about their work and defeated current undergraduates in a College Bowl game, 320-150. Barry Wellman has appeared in other television and radio shows and was featured in a feature- length documentary (What If...). He is the only academic whose picture hangs among the performing artists in Toronto's landmark "Bagel" restaurant. </p><p>PRESENT POSITIONS</p><p>Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto</p><p>Research Associate, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto</p><p>Director, NetLab, University of Toronto</p><p>International Coordinator, International Network for Social Network Analysis</p><p>Founder and Associate Editor, City and Community [ASA's 1st section based journal: print/web]</p><p>Steering Committee Member and Research Associate, Knowledge Media Design Institute [KMDI], University of Toronto </p><p>Chair-Elect, Communication and Information Technologies section (and Chair, Membership Committee), American Sociological Association </p><p>Books Co-Editor (with Beverly Wellman), Social Networks [journal]</p><p>Chair-Emeritus, Community and Urban Sociology Section, American Sociological Association Professor, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto (cross-appointment) "Virtual Communities and Environments" Focus Area Advisor, SIGGROUP/ACM Research Associate, Knowledge Media Design Institute [KMDI], University of Toronto Principal Investigator, Personification Technologies Lab, Bell University Labs, Univ. of Toronto Research Associate, McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto Research Associate, Collaborative Effectiveness Lab, Bell University Laboratories, Univ. of Toronto Research Associate, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto Research Associate, Centre for Health Promotion, University of Toronto Research Associate, Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement Cooperating Partner, KoprA (Kooperationsnetz Prospektive Arbeitsforschung / Cooperation Network Prospective Work Analysis), Institut fьr Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, Muenchen/Munich </p><p>ADDRESS</p><p>NetLab, Centre for Urban & Community Studies 455 Spadina Avenue, Fourth Floor University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2G8 Fax: 416-978-7162 Web: Email: wellman at</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>Bronx High School of Science, 1959 (Honors) B.A., Lafayette College, 1963, Honors History major; magna cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa; ranked 1st in Arts & Science M.A., 1965, Harvard University, Sociology (Dept. of Social Relations) Ph.D. 1969, Harvard University, Sociology (Dept. of Social Relations) Born: Sept. 30, 1942 Married: Beverly Wellman, July 6, 1965 U.S. and Canadian citizen</p><p>CAREER</p><p>Professor, Department of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, 1980 - Director, Structural Analysis Programme, Univ. of Toronto, 1979 - 1982 Associate Director, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto, 1980-1984 Associate Professor of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, 1972 - 1980 (tenured) Research Associate, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto, 1970 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, 1967 - 1972 Research Sociologist, Clarke Inst. of Psychiatry, Toronto, 1967 - 1969</p><p>Fellow, IBM Institute for Knowledge Management, 2001-2002 Visiting Professor, School of Information Management and Systems, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1999 Fellow, Bellagio Center, Italy, 1999 Visiting Professor, Inst. for Urban and Regional Development, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1985 Fellow, Netherlands Inst. for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1978- 1979 Visiting Professor, Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, England, 1974-1975</p><p>HONORS</p><p>Outstanding Lifetime Contribution Award, Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association, 2001. "BarryFest" celebratory conference ["Social Structure in a Changing World: Presentations in Honour of Barry Wellman], Dept of Sociology, Univ of Toronto, April 2001</p><p>The Community Question” (1979) selected as one of the 7 Top English-Canadian Articles of the 20th-century by the Canadian Journal of Sociology (Summer 2001).</p><p>Social Structures: A Network Approach (ed. by Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz) included in International Sociological Association's list of "Books of the Century" [April 2001].</p><p>Selected as “High-Performing Researcher,” Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada, July 2003. </p><p>Website selected as "Expert's Choice" for Social Science Information Gateway (UK): "an excellent source of material on network analysis and the integration of electronic and social networks." [ choice/experts/duncan_timms.html]. Included in the gateway, July 2002: -bin/ view=full&database=sosigv3&query=1010072173-26. Reconfirmed Feb 2003: database=SOSIG&query=992619187-5417</p><p>Chair-Elect, Communication and Information Technologies section, American Sociological Association, 2003-2004. </p><p>Member, Global Consumer Advisory Board, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), January 2002 -.</p><p>Elected, Commitee on Sections, American Sociological Association, 2003-2006. (Previously nominated, 2006). </p><p>Fellow, IBM Institute for Knowledge Management, 2001-2002</p><p>Elected, Sociological Research Association [honor society], 1994. Member, Executive Nominations Committee, 1996; Elected, Executive Committee, 2000, rising through Executive ranks to be Chair, 2004-2005. Chair, Executive Nominations Committee, 2001-2002; </p><p>Fellow, Bellagio Centre [Rockefeller Foundation], Italy, October-November, 1999</p><p>Mentoring Award, International Network for Personal Relationships, 1998.</p><p>Chair, Community and Urban Sociology Section, American Sociological Association, 1998-2000 </p><p>Outstanding Teaching Award, Second Place, International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, 1996</p><p>Listed in "" along with Britney Spears and 50K+ others. May 5 2001. [ bin/pod.cgi/Computers/Internet/Cyberspace/Culture/] </p><p>Listed, Canadian Applied Science and Technology Registry [aka Who's Who in Canadian High-Tech].1998 -</p><p>Outstanding Publication Award, One of five Finalists, International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, 1996</p><p>Elected, Council of Sociology and Computing section, American Sociological Association, 1997-1999</p><p>Web Page of the Month, Knowledge Media Design Institute, University of Toronto, April, 1998</p><p>Web Page of the Month, Department of Sociology, Univ of Toronto, Dec, 1997.</p><p>Picture Posted on Bagel Restaurant's Wall of Fame, Nov, 1997.</p><p>Halbert Exchange Fellowship, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, April-May, 1995.</p><p>Nominated, Council of Organizations, Occupation and Work section, American Sociological Assoc, 1995.</p><p>Info Technology Res Ctr "Innovation Award" to the Telepresence Project, Sept. 1994.</p><p>Plenary Speaker, Int'l Sty for the Study of Personal Relationships, Groningen, Neth., July, 1994.</p><p>Distinguished Keynote Speaker, International Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb. 1994. [Highest honor of society]</p><p>Top-ranked social science proposal, Connaught Foundation Transformative Grant, 1994.</p><p>Proposal to study networks ranked 4th of 135 by Socical Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1994.</p><p>"Media Use and Work Relationships in a Research Group." Voted best paper in session & nominated as best paper in the Hawaii Int'l Conf on System Sciences. Collaboration Technology track. [co-authored with Caroline Haythornthwaite and Marilyn Mantei.]</p><p>Identified as second most prominent scholar in social network analysis in study done by Kathleen Carley & Norman Hummon (Social Networks, 1993).</p><p>Listed, Canadian Who's Who, 1993 -.</p><p>Voted Reggae King, Grand Lido Hotel, Negril, Jamaica, Dec., 1993.</p><p>Research Highlight, Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Annual Report 1992-1993</p><p>Inaugural Lecture, "International Lectures on Sociology," Matsuyama Univ., Japan, July, 1992.</p><p>Dean's Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts and Science, Univ. of Toronto, 1991, 1992, 1993.</p><p>Barry Wellman Award established 1990 by Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, for year's best undergraduate research paper.</p><p>SAS Success Story award for innovative computer program for ego-centered network analysis, 1990.</p><p>Third Place, Spring Rally, BMW Car Club of Canada, 1990.</p><p>Keynote Speaker, First European Social Network Conference, Paris, February, 1987.</p><p>Theodore Standing Commemorative Lecturer, SUNY, Albany, April, 1987.</p><p>Second Prize, Best Paper in Sociological Theory, American Sociological Assoc., 1984.</p><p>Social Science and Humanities Reasearch Council of Canada Leave Fellowship, 1983 - 1984</p><p>Fellow-elect, Australian National University (1982, declined)</p><p>Fellow, Netherlands lnstitute for Advanced Study. 1978 - 1979.</p><p>Canada Council Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, 1974 - 1975.</p><p>Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1963 - 1964; NSF Graduate Fellowhship 1964- 1967.</p><p>Ranked First in Arts & Science, Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Magna cum laude honours, Lafayette College, 1963.</p><p>Who's Who in American College and Universities Students, 1963</p><p>American Friends of Lafayette Medal, 1963: Outstanding History Major.</p><p>Porter Bible Prize, Lafayette College, 1963. Excellence in Religious Studies.</p><p>Captain & highest scorer, Lafayette College team, Undefeated GE College Bowl champions, CBS-TV, 1962.</p><p>SAT [Scholastic Aptitude Test] score=1598/1600, Bronx High School of Science, 1958 </p><p>Varsity Letter Winner in Track (mile relay) and Cross-Country, Bronx High School of Science, 1956-1959.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES</p><p>BOARDS</p><p>Founder and Coordinator, International Network for Social Network Analysis, 1976 - 1988</p><p>International Coordinator, International Network for Social Network Analysis, 1988 -.</p><p>Nominations Committee, International Network for Social Network Analysis, 2002-2003 </p><p>Founding Electronic Advisor (and Chair, Advisory Group on Electronic Networking), Amer. Sociological Assoc, 1995-1997.</p><p>Founding Chair, Subcommittee on Electronic Publications, Publications Ctte, Amer. Sociological Assoc., 1995 - 1997.</p><p>Chair, 1998-2000, Community and Urban section, American Sociological Association </p><p>Chair-Emeritus and Council Member, Community and Urban section, American Sociological Association, 2000-2002 Focus Area Advisor, "Virtual Community and Environments," Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Processes [SIGGROUP], 1997 -</p><p>Member, Steering Committee, Knowledge Media Design Institute., 1999 -.</p><p>Committee Member, Program for Information Technology, International Technology, and Global Cooperation, Social Science Research Council, 2000 - 2002.</p><p>Founding Council member, Community and Urban Sociology section, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Assoc, 1999 -</p><p>Member, Web Committee, American Sociological Association, 2002 - .</p><p>Member, Committee on Sections, American Sociological Association, 2003-2006</p><p>Council member, Sociology and Computing section, American Sociological Association, 1997-1999.</p><p>Member, Electronic Communities Committee, Association for Computing Machinery, 1996 - 1997.</p><p>Member, Information Highway Working Group [Canada], 1996 - 1997.</p><p>Awards Ctte Member, Int'l Society for the Study of Personal Relationships (Publication, Outstanding Contribution, Teaching), 1995 - 1996</p><p>(Founding) Chair, Committee on Publications, Community and Urban Sociology section, American Sociological Assoc., 1994-1997.</p><p>Chair, Community Section Selection Committee, "Lynd Award for Outstanding Contribution to Community Sociology," American Sociological Assoc., 1987 - 1988; Member 1986 - 1987.</p><p>Founding Member, Advisory Council, Int'l Network for the Study of Personal Relations, 1986-.</p><p>Member, Community Section Selection Committe, "Robert Park Award for Outstanding Book," American Sociological Assoc., 1990 - 1991.</p><p>Board Member, Community Research Committee, Int'l Sociological Assoc., 1981 - 1986.</p><p>Council Member, Community Section, American Sociological Assoc., 1977 - 1980.</p><p>Friends of the Spaced Out Library: The Merril Collection of Speculative Fiction, 1990 -.</p><p>Network Therapy Advisory Committee, Community Occupational Therapy Assoc., 1994 - 1997.</p><p>EDITORIAL - CURRENT </p><p>Founder, Founding Associate Editor, and Chair Publications Committee, City & Community, 1998 -. Associate Editor, Social Networks: 1982 -. (Editorial Board Member, 1977 - 1982) Co-Editor, Technical Report and Working Paper Series, Knowledge Media Design Institute, 2001 - Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2003 - . Founding Editorial Board, International Journal for Networked and Virtual Organizations, 2001 - . Editorial Board, Information, Communication and Society, 2000 - . Editorial Board, Field Methods, 1999 - Editorial Board, Sociological Perspectives, 2000 - 2003. Editorial Board, Sociological Inquiry, 1997-2003 Founding Contributing Editor, New Media and Society, 1997 - International Correspondent, Sociological Research Online, 1995 - Editorial Board, Journal of Online Behavior, 1998 - Editorial Board, Sociological Forum, 1994 - </p><p>EDITORIAL - PAST</p><p>Founding Editor, Connections, 1976 - 1988 Technology and Community Editor, Encyclopedia of Community (Sage 2003). Co-Editor, Special issue on "The Internet in Everyday Life." American Behavioral Scientist, 45, 3, November 2001. Editorial Board, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 1999 - 2003 Editorial Board, Progress in Communication Science, 1993 - 2002 Consulting Editor, Communication Research, Special issue on "Communication Technology and Community," 2000-2001. Editorial Advisory Committee, Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 1997 - 2000 Editorial Board, Cultural Anthropology Methods, 1992 - 1999 Co-Editor, Special issue on Social Networks, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, May, 1992 Advisory Board, Sociological Analysis [Albanian journal of sociology], 1998. Consulting Editor, American Journal of Sociology, 1984 - 1986 Editorial Board, "Personal Relationships" book series, Sage Publications, 1983 - 1986 Editorial Advisor, Journal of Social Issues, Two special issues on "Social Support," 1983 - 1984 Advisory Board, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1983 - 1997 Advisory Board, "Structural Analysis" monograph series. Academic Press, 1982 - 1986; Cambridge U. Press, 1986 - 1991</p><p>RESEARCH ENDEAVORS</p><p>CURRENT</p><p>Principal Investigator, “Communication Tools: Social Design of Technology.” 2003- 2004. Analysis of information flows, information brokerage, and social networks within a large organization. Student collaborator: Anabel Quan-Haase. Supported by Communications and Information Technology Ontario and Bank of Montreal.</p><p>Principal Investigator, "The Internet in Everyday Life: Canada and the World." 2002-. Analysis of Canadian, American and worldwide survey data about how the Internet affects friendship, community, social capital, domestic relationships and civic involvement. Student collaborators: Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen, Bernard Hogan, Tracy Kennedy, Monica Prijatelj, Anabel Quan-Haase, and Inna Romanovska. Supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.</p><p>Principal Investigator, "Information Technology and Transnational Entrepreneurship." 2003-. An investigation of globalization and glocalization, studying how of entrepreneurial networks in Toronto, Beijing and Los Angeles are connected, online and offline. We ask how the Internet, and other means of transportation and communication connect Chinese-ethnicity entrepreneurs doing business in these three cites/countries. Student collaborators: Wenhong Chen, Phuoc Tran. Supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.</p><p>Co-Principal Investigator, "The Spatiality of Personal Networks." 2003-. Uses social network data to examine the extent to which physical distance between network members affects their sociability, emotional support, and material aid. Co-Principal Investigators: Ranu Basu (York U Geography) and Diana Mak (McGill Geography). </p><p>Principal Investigator, "The Interplay between Social Networks and Computer- Supported Communication Networks" 1999-2001. Analyzes a variety of datasets studying social networks of work and community to discern regularities in kinds of social relationships and social networks, using different kinds of communication media. Studies relationships between social networks and scholarly interconnections and productivity Faculty collaborator: Howard White (Drexel). Doctoral student collaborator: Emmanuel Koku. Postdoctoral collaborator: Nancy Nazer. Supported by Bell University Laboratories.</p><p>Principal Investigator, "Wired Suburbs" 1996 - . Ethnographic and survey-based study of how living in a new Toronto-area suburban development ("Netville") with excellent broadband connectivity affects women's and men's relations of work and community online and offline in the home, neighbourhood, and non-locally. Faculty (and former doctoral student) collaborator: Keith Hampton (MIT). Supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Communications and Information Technology Ontario.</p><p>Principal Investigator, "Modeling and Developing Tools for Ad Hoc Networking: Computer, Communication, Work and Community." 2001-2002. How do people communicate and acquire knowledge in situations where they work and find community in fragmented, sparsely-knit, multiple social networks? Doctoral student collaborator: Anabel Quan-Haase. Supported by Communication and Information Technology Ontario and Mitel Networks.</p><p>Co-Principal Investigator, "Double Digital Divide." 2000-2004. Uses survey data from Canada and the U.S. to analyze the extent to which the spatial segregation of the poor and visible minorities reinforces their relative lack of access to computers in general and the internet in particular. Co-Principal-Investigator: Eric Fong. Faculty collaborator: Rima Wilkes (Univ of British Columbia). Doctoral student collaborator: Wenhong Chen, Melissa Kew. Supported by the Office of Learning Technologies, Human Resources Canada.; Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).</p><p>Co-Principal Investigator, "Knowledge Management in Networked Organizations." 2001-. Analysis of how members of complex organizations discover, access and use knowledge. Collaboration with Robert Cross, Lawrence Prusak and Anabel Quan-Haase. Supported by IBM Institute for Knowledge Management. </p><p>Principal Investigator, "Networking in the Global Village: The East York Study of How Personal Communities are Used." 1976 - . Follow-up on the East York study of "Community Ties and Support Systems" (below). In-depth qualitative interviews of subsample of original respondents. Information on the structure and dynamics of community ties of men and women. Multilevel and longitudinal analyses of social support and reciprocity. Faculty collaborators: Dean Behrens, Kenneth Frank. Doctoral student collaborators: Rochelle Cote, Gabriele Plickert. Supported by the Univ. of Toronto, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the (U.S.) Center for the Study of Metropolitan Problems, the Joint Programme in Transportation of York Univ. and the Univ. of Toronto.</p><p>Co-Investigator, "Survey2000 and Survey2001." 1998-2002. Member of a team responsible for design and analysis of social network, internet and community questions on The National Geographic web survey ("Millennium 2000") of 60,000 adults worldwide: their mobility, connectivity, civic involvement, and tastes. Similar role in follow-up study comparing web visitors/users with a control sample. Principal Investigator James Witte (Clemson Univ.). Faculty collaborator (and former doctoral student): Keith Hampton (MIT). Doctoral student collaborators: Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen, Tracy Kennedy, Anabel Quan-Haase. Master's students collaborators: Bernard Hogan, Inna Romanovska, Nathaniel Simpson. Supported by The National Geographic. Society and the (US) National Science Foundation.</p><p>Consultant, "Deconcentration and Social Capital: Assessing the Impact of Relocation in Three Urban Neighborhoods." 2003-2005. Susan Greenbaum (Anthropology, Univ of South Florida, Principal Investigator). Advising on social capital, research design and research analysis in study of the residents of US Hope VI projects.. Supported by the (US) National Science Foundation. </p><p>PAST</p><p>Principal Investigator, "The Place of Computer-Supported Communications in Work and Community: Ceriso and Indigo." 1992 - 2000. Design and analysis of a series of field trials, surveys and experiments on the ways in which people use video- enhanced computerized communication (and other communications media) of dispersed work sites in southern Ontario. Research encompasses other forms of communication (e.g., computer-mediated learning), and includes collaborative work with sociologists, anthropologists, computer scientists, information scientists, communication scientists, and industrial engineers in universities, the private sector, and government. Co-Investigator (and former doctoral student collaborator): Caroline Haythornthwaite (Univ of Illinois). Doctoral Student Collaborator: Laura Garton. Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Information Technology Research Ctr., the Ontario Technology Fund, and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.</p><p>Co-Investigator, "Projecto Internet Catalunya." 2001 - 2002. Analysis of a 3,000- adult survey of Catalans, inquiring into the relationship between Internet use and social networks, identity, self-enhancement, self-empowerment, and social mobilization. Principal Investigator: Manuel Castells. Faculty collaborator: Imma Tallurdes (Univ. Oberta de Catalunya). Doctoral student collaborator: Isabel Diaz de Isla (UOC). Supported by Generalitat [Government] de Catalunya and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. </p><p>Principal Investigator, "Changing Conceptualisations of Community in the Networked Society." 2000-2001. Identifies and analyses the variety of communities in contemporary developed nations. Investigates community as: local area, social networks, virtual communities, shared interests, subjective social identity, moral communities. Supported by Law Commission of Canada. </p><p>Co-Investigator, "Teleworkers: Work, Organizational, Domestic and Community Relations." 1993 - 2002 . Study of teleworkers in a large Canadian high-technology organization. What kinds of professional and managerial jobs are amenable to teleworking [telecommuting]? How does teleworking affect involvements at work and after work? Principal Investigator, Janet Salaff. Faculty Collaborator: Arent Greve (Norwegian School of Business). Doctoral/Post-doctoral Student Collaborator: Dimitrina Dimitrova (McMaster University). Supported by Bell Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.</p><p>Principal Investigator, "Scholarly Network Studies." 1996 - 2003. Studies of how computer mediated communication affects scholarly interaction at two invisible colleges: an international human development research group ("GlobeNet") and a Toronto-based network ("TechNet") of computer scientists, social scientists, and advanced creators of computer applications. Uses survey, ethnographic and bibliometric analyses. Faculty Collaborator: Howard White (Drexel University). Doctoral student collaborators: Emmanuel Koku and Nancy Nazer. Supported by the TeleLearning Network, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Policy Research Secretariat (overall trends analysis). </p><p>Consultant, "Deconcentration and Social Capital: Assessing the Impact of Relocation in Three Urban Neighborhoods", 2003-2005. Susan Greenbaum (Anthropology, University of South Florida, Principal Investigator). Advising on social capital, research design and research analysis in study of the residents of US "Hope VI" social housing projects. Supported by the (US) National Science Foundation). </p><p>Principal Investigator, "Social Networks of Alcohol and Drug Users." 1992 - 1996. Interview-based study of the socially-close ties of users of alcohol and illicit drugs. How social networks affect the use of such substances. 225 respondents interviewed in 1993. Supported by Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare.</p><p>Director, "National Alcohol and Drug Study." 1988 - 1992. Literature review of how community social networks affect alcohol and drug use. Literature review and principal data analysis for technical report of the Canadian National Alcohol and Drug Survey. Supported by Canadian Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Univ. of Toronto.</p><p>Consultant, "Networks, Community and Ethnicity in Bulgaria." 1990 - 1992. Investigations of community in Sofia and interethnic relations throughout Bulgaria. In cooperation with the Inst. of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.</p><p>Director, "Structural Analysis Programme." 1979-1982. The Programme was a collaborative effort by a research group of Univ. of Toronto sociologists. Its approach emphasized the discovery of underlying structural patterns, and how these patterns affected behavior. The Programme sponsored research from this common structural approach into a wide range of substantive areas. A book of articles principally derived from the programme was published by Cambridge University Press in 1988: Social Structures: A Network Approach.</p><p>Director, "Community Ties and Support Systems." 1971-1974. Analysis of the structure of urban networks of Torontonians and how these ties provide assistance in dealing with contingencies. Primary data source is 845 interviews with adult residents of the Borough of East York. Additional fieldwork and participant - observation in the use of network resources at the Neighbourhood Information Centre, East York. Supported by the Ontario Ministry of Health, the Laidlaw Foundation, the Canada Council and Bell Canada.</p><p>Director, "Public Participation in Transportation Decision-Making." 1973-1976. Policy review of strategy and tactics of new process of wider decision-making in transportation planning in North America and a catalogue of cases of recent experiences of public involvement. Supported by the Ontario Ministry of Transport.</p><p>Director, "High-Rise, Low-Rise, Community Ties." 1972-1973. Analysis of the East York data, investigating differences between inhabitants of high-rise apartment buildings and of single-family dwelling on a number of measures of social relations and health. The analysis used partial correlation techniques to differentiate between effects related to the different social characteristics of the residents of the two types of dwelling units and effects related to the housing context itself. Supported by the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation.</p><p>Co-Director, "The Yorklea Study of Mental Health in the Community." 1967-1969. Principal responsibility for the design, conduct and analysis of an 845- respondent survey. Effects of social characteristics (e.g., gender, socioeconomic status), socially-close interpersonal ties and social network structure on the prevalence of stress and mental distress and the use of formal and informal supportive resources. The sociological data formed the basis for the "Community Ties and Support Systems" study (see above). Supported by the Clarke Inst. of Psychiatry.</p><p>Director, "Self-Conceptions and Urban Participation of Black and White Adolescents." 1969-1971. Computer-based analysis of the relationship of social positions, social contexts and reference groups with self-conceptions and attitudinal, spatial and relational cosmopolitanism. Further analysis of School Integration Research Project. Supported by the Canada Council. Research Associate, "School Integration Research." Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1965-1968. Relationship of integration experience to selected sociological variables. Advisor on research philosophy and design; major contributor to preparation of questionnaire and codebook; construction of intensive interview and codebook concerned with perception of self, school and race; supervisor of interviewing and coding. Construction of "Who Am I Dictionary" for the computer-based content and analysis of self-conceptions. Supported by the Carnegie Corporation and the National Science Foundation.</p><p>RESEARCH AWARDS [Small grants not included]</p><p>CURRENT SUPPORT</p><p>“Communication Tools: Social Design of Technology.” 2003-2004. Principal Investigator. Communications and Information Technology Ontario and Bank of Montreal, $30,000.</p><p>"Modelling and Developing Tools for Ad Hoc Networking: Computer, Communication, Work and Community." Communication and Information Technology Ontario and Mitel Networks. $90,000. </p><p>"Canadian Community Cohesion and Civic Involvement in a Networked World." 2002-2004. Federalism and Federation Program, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $39,352. </p><p>"Netting Together: How is the Internet Affecting Community?" 2003-2006. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $145,000. [ranked 3rd of 119 proposals].</p><p>"Information Economy and Transnational Entrepreneurship." 2003-2006. Initiative for the New Economy, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $185,000. [ranked 1st of 44 proposals.]</p><p>PREVIOUS SUPPORT</p><p>"Community Ties and Support Systems." 1971-1973. Ontario Ministry of Health, $32,500; Laidlaw Foundation, $18,000; Canada Council, $4,911.</p><p>"High-Rise, Low-Rise: The Effects of High-Density Living on Community Ties." 1972. Canadian Ministry of State for Urban Affairs, $4,985.</p><p>"The Multiple Communities of Modern Urbanites." 1972-1973. Urban Environments Study, Bell Canada, $6,000.</p><p>"Accessing Resources in the Community." 1977. Urban Housing Markets Program, Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto. $8,510.</p><p>"Community Needs and Support Networks in East York." 1977. Canadian Ministry of Manpower and Immigration. $67,384.</p><p>"East York Community Resources Project." 1978. Canadian Ministry of Manpower and Immigration. $12,816.</p><p>"East York Community Ties Study." 1978. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $9,923.</p><p>"East York Social Network Study." 1978--Connaught Fund, Univ. of Toronto, $11,350; 1980--Center for Studies of Metropolitan Problems (NIMH), US$32,628; 1980-1983-- Structural Analysis Programme, Univ. of Toronto, $5,000. "Community Through the Life-Course." Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant for the Study of Population Aging, $27,210; Gerontology Programme, Univ. of Toronto, $3,000.</p><p>"The Place of the Neighborhood in the Overall Community." 1982. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $15,031.</p><p>"The Influence of Social Network Characteristics on the Availability of Support." 1984. Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada. $21,000.</p><p>"Delivering Social Support Through Social Networks." 1986-1987. Canadian Ministry of Welfare, National Welfare Grants. $26,378.</p><p>"Integrating the Analysis of Network Structures, Dyadic Ties and Personal Attributes: Implications of Personal Communities and Social Support." 1987. Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada. $13,280.</p><p>"Aging and Changes in Family, Occupational and Residential Status: A Longitudinal Study of Consequences for Social Networks and Social Support." 1988. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant program for the Study of Population Aging, $17,655. Gerontology Programme, Univ. of Toronto, $1,000.</p><p>"The Network Basis of Alcohol and Drug Use: Literature Review and Research Design." 1988. Health and Welfare Canada, $8,001.</p><p>"The Implications of Telephone Networks for Social Networks." 1989. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant program for the Human Context of Science and Technology. $7,790.</p><p>"The National Alcohol and Drug Study: Literature Review, Descriptive Report and Ancilliary Reports." (with Scot Wortley and Beverly Wellman), 1989 - 1992. Health and Welfare Canada, $70,000.</p><p>"Supportive Community Networks: Implications for Mental Health and Mental Disorders." 1989 - 1990. Health and Welfare Canada, $11,204.</p><p>"Video-Enhanced Computer Supported Cooperative Work." (with Marilyn Mantei, Ronald Baecker and William Buxton), 1989 - 1991. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, $370,002. "Kinship in Social Networks." 1991. Demographic Review Secretariat, Health and Welfare Canada. $5,000.</p><p>"Assessing the Impact of `Global Village' Telecommunications on Community and Social Support." 1990 -1991. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Grant program for Science and Technology Ethics and Policy, $32,036.</p><p>"The Impact of Social Networks on Alcohol and Drug Use." 1991-1993. National Health Research and Development Program $15,000, Health Promotion Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada. $26,685.</p><p>"Using Personal Community Networks: Comparative Analyses." 1991 - 1994. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. General Research Grant, $101,000.</p><p>"Analyses of Social Networks: Supportive, Virtual and Abusive." 1994. Summer Experience Development Program, Human Resources Development Canada, $8,160.</p><p>"Ontario TelePresence Project." (with William Buxton, Ron Baecker, Marilyn Mantei), 1990 - 1991. Information Technology Research Ctr., $62,150. 1991 - 1996, Ontario Ministry of Science and Technology, IBM, Bell Canada, etc. $2,600,000+.</p><p>"The Social Implications of the Virtual Workplace." 1994-1995. Centre for Information Technology Innovation; Industry, Sciences and Technology Canada, $12,650</p><p>"The Place of Computer-Supported Communication in Co-Workers' Relationships: The Interplay of Computer Networks, Video Networks and Social Networks." 1992-1995. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Strategic Grant program for Science and Technology Ethics and Policy, $171,716.</p><p>Halbert Exchange Fellowship to the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 1995. $5,000.</p><p>"The Personal Networks of Communities and Workgroups." 1994-1997. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $113,812.</p><p>"Teleworking Employees: Networking and Work-Family Linkages." (Co-investigator with Janet Salaff). 1995-1998. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $114,970; Bell Canada, $207,980.</p><p>"The Policy Implications of Computer-Supported Communication Networks of Work and Community." 1995-1998. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $101,500.</p><p>"Integrated Community Networks: How and What Forms of Computer Mediated Communication Do People Use in a Wired Suburb." 1998-1999. Communications and Information Technology Ontario, $17,000.</p><p>"Ethereal Colleges: Scholarly Networks in a World of Computer Mediated Communication." 1996-1999. TeleLearning Network Centre of Excellence, 1996-1998, $60,000; 1998-1999, $28,000.</p><p>"Computer Networks as Social Networks: Wired Communities and Scholarly Communities." 1997-2000. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $80,000.</p><p>"Invisible Colleges - Scholarly Networks Thematic Review." 1998-1999. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Policy Review Secretariat Project on Trends: Technological Change and the Information Revolution, $5,000.</p><p>"Mapping and Using Relationships Based on Network Analysis and Related Behavioural and Sociological Assessment and Modeling Techniques." 1999-2000. Bell Canada University Laboratories. $46,546.</p><p>"Using Relational and Social Network Information to Enhance Unified Communication." 2000-2001. Bell University Laboratories. $74,019.</p><p>"Double Digital Divide." 2000-2001. Principal Investigator. Office of Learning Technology, Human Resources Canada, $25,000. </p><p>"Changing Conceptualisations of Community in the Networked Society." Law Commission of Canada. 2001. $15,000. </p><p>"Women in Cyberspace: How Living in a Wired Suburb Affects Domestic Work, Paid Work and Networking." 1998-2001. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $129,600.</p><p>"Using Relational and Social Network Information to Enhance Unified Communication." 2000-2001. Bell Canada University Laboratories. $74,019.</p><p>"Developing the Virtual Campus." 2000-2001. Co-investigator with Mark Chignell, Gale Moore and Monica Schraefel. Bell University Laboratories. $140,000.</p><p>"Knowledge Management in Networked Organizations." 2001-2002. IBM Institute for Knowledge Management, US$15,000.</p><p>"Survey 2001: Information Technology's Impact on Community, Culture and Conservation." 2000-2002. Co-investigator with James Witte, Catherine Mobley, Keith Hampton. (US) National Science Foundation, National Geographic Society. US$487,761. </p><p>PUBLICATIONS (more significant papers in bold)</p><p>REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES</p><p>D.B. Coates, Sharon Moyer and Barry Wellman, "Yorklea Study: Symptoms, Problems and Life Events". Canadian Journal of Public Health 60 (Dec., 1969): 471-81.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Identities in Black and White." Sociological Inquiry 41 (Winter, 1971): 57-66.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "`I Am a Student.'" Sociology of Education 44 (Fall, 1971):422-437. Reprinted in Martin Gold and Elizabeth Douvan, Adolescent Development: Readings in Research and Theory. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1971.</p><p>Barry Wellman,"Crossing Social Boundaries." Social Science Quarterly 52 (Dec., 1971): 602-24.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Ellen Murray, "Success and Self-Conception." Summation 3 (Aug., 1972):17-36. </p><p>Paul Craven and Barry Wellman, "The Network City". Sociological Inquiry 43 (Winter, 1973): 57-88. [Reprinted in The Community, edited by Marcia Effrat. New York: Free Press, 1974.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Public Participation in Transportation Planning." Traffic Quarterly 31 (Oct., 1977): 639-56.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Barry Leighton, "Networks, Neighborhoods and Communities," Urban Affairs Quarterly 14 (March, 1979):363-90.[Reprinted in City Scenes, edited by J. John Palen. 2d ed., Boston: Little Brown, 1981; The Internal Structure of the City, edited by Larry S. Bourne. 2nd ed., New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1982; New Perspectives on the American Community, edited by Roland Warren and Larry Lyon. 4th and 5th eds., New York: Rand McNally. Readings in Sociology: An Introduction, edited by Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1988. Published in French as "Réseau, Quartier et Communaute," in Espaces et Societies 38/39 (1981): 111-33.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Community Question: The Intimate Networks of East Yorkers." American Journal of Sociology 84 (March, 1979): 1201-31. [Reprinted in Social Network Analysis: Critical Concepts, edited by John Scott. London: Routledge, 2002, Vol. 2: 390-420. Chinese version, Cheng Chung Science Translation Review 3 (1983): 87- 127. Japanese version, translated by Emi Ooka and Shinji Nozawa, forthcoming in Readings in Social Network Analysis, edited by Shinji Nozawa, 2004.] Selected as one of the seven most significant English-Canadian sociology articles, Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Debate About `Community'." Habitat 25 (Fall, 1982):23-28.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Network Analysis: Some Basic Principles." Sociological Theory 1: 155-200. [Partially reprinted in Chinese translation in Sociology in the West 9 (1991): 30- 35. Awarded second prize in the "Best Paper" competition of the Section on Theory, American Sociological Association.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Looking for Community". Environments 16, 2 (1984):59-63. [Special issue, "The Good City: 1984 and Beyond," edited by Lawrence Haworth.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Comment on Siddique and Turk." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 22, 3 (1985):431-33.</p><p>R.J. Richardson and Barry Wellman, "Structural Analysis: The State of Canadian Art". Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 22, 5 (1985):771-93. [Special issue on "The State of the Art in Anglophone Canadian Sociology". Translated into French as "Analyse des Réseaux Sociaux: Principes, Developpements, Productions". Pp. 1- 31 in Un Niveau Intermédiare: Les Réseaux Sociaux, edited by Alexis Ferrand. La Celle St. Cloud, France: Ctr. d'Etudes des Solidarities Sociales, 1987.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Community Question Re-evaluated." 1988. Comparative Urban and Community Research 1: 81-107.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley, "Brothers' Keepers: Situating Kinship Relations in Broader Networks of Social Support." Sociological Perspectives 32, 3 (1989): 273-306. [Reprinted in Aiding and Aging: The Coming Crisis in Support for the Elderly by Kin and State, edited by John Mogey. Greenwich, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990, pp. 185-224. Published in Bulgarian by the Inst. of Sociology, Sofia.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Place of Kinfolk in Personal Community Networks." Marriage and Family Review 15, 1/2 (1990): 195-228. [Reprinted in Families in Community Settings, edited by Donald Unger and Marvin Sussman. New York: Haworth Press, 1990; Reprinted in Social Network Analysis, Critical Concepts,edited by John Scott. London: Routledge, 2002, Vol. 3: 82-107; Edited and reprinted in Families in the U.S.: Kinship and Domestic Politics , edited by Karen Hansen and Anita Garey. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998: pp. 231-39.]</p><p>Barry Wellman and Susan Sim, "Integrating Statistical and Textual Analysis in the Study of Social Networks." (with Susan Sim). Cultural Anthropology Methods Bulletin 2; Part 1 -- (Feb. 1990): 1-11; Part 2 -- (May, 1990): 1-5.</p><p>Detelina Radoeva and Barry Wellman, "Mrejoviat Podhod v Sotciologuiata." ["The Network Approach in Sociology."] 1990. Sotciologuitcheski Problemi [Sociological Problems] 22 (2): 133-34. [in Bulgarian]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Network Analysis on the Bulgarian Frontier." Footnotes, April, 1991: 7-8.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley. "Different Strokes from Different Folks: Community Ties and Social Support." 1990. American Journal of Sociology 96 (Nov.): 558-88. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Getting Support in the Big City." Special issue of Ekistics on "Urban Stress." Number 331 (dated July-August 1988, but published November, 1996): 187-192.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Ove Frank, Vicente Espinoza, Staffan Lundquist and Craig Wilson. "Integrating Individual, Relational and Structural Analysis". 1991. Social Networks 13 (Sept.): 223-50. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Which Ties Provide What Kinds of Support?" 1992. Advances in Group Processes 9: 207-35.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "How to Use SAS to Study Egocentric Networks". Cultural Anthropology Methods Bulletin 4 (June, 1992): 6-12. Beverly Wellman and Barry Wellman, "Domestic Affairs and Network Relations." Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 9 (Aug., 1992): 385-409. </p><p>Robert Milardo and Barry Wellman, "Making the Personal Social". Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 9 (Aug., 1992): 339-42. </p><p>Barry Wellman and David Tindall. "How Telephone Networks Connect Social Networks". Progress in Communication Science 12 (1993): 63-94.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "An Egocentric Network Tale. " Social Networks 15 (Dec, 1993): 423-36.</p><p>Michael Walker, Stanley Wasserman and Barry Wellman, "Statistical Models for Social Support Networks". Sociological Methods and Research 21 (August, 1993): 71-98.</p><p>Charles Wetherell, Andrejs Plakans and Barry Wellman, "Social Networks, Kinship and Community in Eastern Europe." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 24 (Spring, 1994): 639-63.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite, Barry Wellman and Marilyn Mantei, "Work Relationships and Media Use: A Social Network Analysis." Group Decision and Negotiation 4,3 (May, 1995): 193-211. Special issue on "Distributed Groupware". </p><p>Laura Garton and Barry Wellman, "The Social Impacts of Electronic Mail in Organizations: A Review of the Research." Communication Yearbook 18 (1995): 434-53. </p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman."Using SAS to Convert Ego-Centered Networks to Whole Networks." Bulletin de Methode Sociologique No. 50 (March, 1996): 71-84. </p><p>Linton Freeman and Barry Wellman. "A Note on the Ancestral Toronto Home of Social Network Analysis." Connections 18 (November, 1996): 15-19. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Are Personal Communities Local? A Dumptarian Reconsideration." Social Networks 18, 3 (Sept., 1996): 347-354.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Renita Wong, David Tindall and Nancy Nazer, "A Decade of Network Change: Turnover, Mobility and Stability". Social Networks 19 (January, 1997): 27-50. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Milena Gulia and Caroline Haythornthwaite. 1996. "Computer Networks as Social Networks: Virtual Community, Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Telework." Annual Review of Sociology 22: 213-38. Abstract: [Reprinted in Knowledge and Communities, edited by Eric Lesser, Michael Fontaine and Jason Slusher. Boston: Butterworth Heinemann, 2000, pp. 179-208.]</p><p>Barry Wellman and Charles Wetherell. "Social Network Analysis of Historical Communities: Some Questions from the Present to the Past." 1996. History of the Family 1, 1: 97-121. </p><p>Roxanne Hiltz and Barry Wellman, "Asynchronous Learning Networks as a Virtual Classroom." Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 40, 9 (Sept., 1997): 44-49. </p><p>Laura Garton, Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, "Studying Online Social Networks." Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 3 (1), June, 1997: Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, "Work, Friendship and Media Use for Information Exchange in a Networked Organization." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 49, 12 (Oct., 1998): 1101-1114. </p><p>Christoph Müller, Barry Wellman and Alexandra Marin. "How to Use SPSS to Study Ego- Centered Networks." Bulletin de Methode Sociologique 69 (Oct., 1999): 83-100.</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman. "Netville Online and Offline: Observing and Surveying a Wired Suburb." American Behavioral Scientist 43, 3 (Nov, 1999): 475- 92. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Keith Hampton. 1999. "Living Networked On and Offline." Contemporary Sociology 28 (6), Nov, 1999: 648-54. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Changing Connectivity: A Future History of Y2.03K." Sociological Research Online 4, 4, February 2000:</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Physical Place and Cyber Place: The Rise of Networked Individualism." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 25, 2 (2001): 227-52. </p><p>Emmanuel Koku, Nancy Nazer and Barry Wellman. "Netting Scholars: Online and Offline." American Behavioral Scientist 44 (10), June, 2001: 1750-72.. Listed at PESOS ["Penn Economic and Organizational Sociology Working Paper Abstract Series"], University of Pennsylvania, Nov 2000.</p><p>David Tindall and Barry Wellman, "Canada as Social Structure." Special issue on "The Legacy of Canadian Sociology," edited by Harry Hiller. Canadian Journal of Sociology 26, 3 (Fall, 2001): 265-308.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase, James Witte and Keith Hampton. "Does the Internet Increase, Decrease, or Supplement Social Capital? Social Networks, Participation, and Community Commitment." American Behavioral Scientist, 45, 3 (November 2001): 437-56. [In translation in the Hungarian Information Society Journal 2, 1 (April 2002): 5-26].</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Long Distance Community in the Network Society: Contact and Support Beyond Netville." American Behavioral Scientist, 45, 3 (November 2001): 477-97.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Computer Networks as Social Networks." Science 293 (September 14 2001): 2031-2034.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Virtual Community in ‘Real Life'." / "La Communaute Virtuelle Dans la 'Vraie Vie.'" Horizons 4, 5 (November 2001) (Policy Research Secretariat, Canada): 30-32. [bilingual issue]. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Jeffrey Boase, "A Plague of Viruses: Biological, Computer, Marketing." Current Sociology 49, 6 (November 2001): 39-55.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Designing the Internet for a Networked Society." Communications of the ACM [Association for Computing Machinery] 45, 5 (May 2002): 91-96. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Jeffrey Boase and Wenhong Chen, "The Networked Nature of Community: On and Off the Internet." IT and Society 1, 1 (Summer 2002): 151-65. Arent Greve, Janet Salaff, Barry Wellman and Dimitrina Dimitrova. "Going Virtual: Some Sources of Teleworking Success and Failure." Business Value Directions 1, 1 (Winter 2003): 18-29.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase, Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen, Keith Hampton, Isabel Diaz de Isla and Kakuko Miyata. 2003. "The Social Affordances of the Internet for Networked Individualism." Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 8, 3 (April): </p><p>Steve Mann, Jason Nolan and Barry Wellman. 2003."Sousveillance: Inventing and Using Wearable Computing Devices to Challenge Surveillance." Surveillance and Society 1, 3: 331-55.</p><p>Tracy Kennedy, Barry Wellman and Kristine Klement. 2003. “Gendering the Digital Divide..” IT & Society 1,4 (Spring).</p><p>Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen, Barry Wellman and Monica Prijatelj. 2003. "Is there a Place in Cyberspace: The Uses and Users of Public Internet Terminals." Culture et Gйographie, Summer, forthcoming. </p><p>Hampton, Keith and Barry Wellman. 2003. For "Neighboring in Netville: How the Internet Supports Community and Social Capital in a Wired Suburb." City and Community 2,3 (Fall): 277-311.</p><p>Howard White, Barry Wellman and Nancy Nazer. "Does Citation Reflect Social Structure: Longitudinal Evidence from the `Globenet' Interdisciplinary Research Group". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. forthcoming, 2004. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Three Ages of the Internet: Ten, Five and Zero Years Ago." New Media and Society 6 (1) [special issue on changes in the Internet during the past five years]: forthcoming. </p><p>REFEREED CHAPTERS IN BOOKS</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Who Needs Neighbourhoods?" Pp. 282-87 in Citizen Participation: Canada, edited by James Draper. Toronto: New Press, 1971. Revised version, Pp. 94-113 in The City: Attacking Modern Myths, edited by Alan Powell. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1972. [Reprinted in Perspectives on the American Community, 3rd ed., edited by Roland Warren, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1979; Reprinted in The Community in Canada, edited by Satadal Dasgupta, New York: University Press of America, 1996.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, Paul Craven, Marilyn Whitaker, Sheila du Toit, Harvey Stevens and Hans Bakker, "Community Ties and Support Systems". Pp. 152-67 in The Form of Cities in Central Canada, edited by Larry S. Bourne, Ross D. MacKinnon and James W. Simmons. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1974. [Reprinted in Christopher Beattie and Stewart Crysdale, eds., Sociology Canada, Butterworths, 1974.] </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Form and Function of Future Communities." Pp. 301-313 in Futures for Central Canada, edited by Larry S. Bourne, et al. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1974.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Towards a Reformulation of the Community Question: Social and Spatial Linkages in Toronto Intimate Networks." Pp. 363-90 in Urban Networks: Structure and Change, edited by Candido Mendes. Rio: Conjunto Universitário Candido Mendes, 1977. [Portuguese Fversion: "Una Reformulcaçao da Questâo da Comunidade." Pp. 373-403 in Sistemas Urbanos: Estrutura e Mundanca, edited by Candido Mendes. Rio: Educam, 1978.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Community Transformations: Present and Future." Pp. 213-26 in Participatory Democracy in Action, edited by Dan Chekki. Sahibabad, India: Vikas, 1979.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Applying Network Analysis to the Study of Social Support." Pp. 171-200 in Social Networks and Social Support, edited by Benjamin Gottlieb. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1981.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Studying Personal Communities." Pp. 61-80 in Social Networks and Social Structure, edited by Peter Marsden and Nan Lin. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1982.</p><p>Barry Wellman with Robert Hiscott, "From Social Support to Social Networks." Pp. 205-22 in Social Support: Theory, Research, Applications, edited by Irwin Sarason and Barbara Sarason. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Domestic Work, Paid Work and Net Work." Pp. 159-91 in Understanding Personal Relationships, edited by Steve Duck and Daniel Perlman. London: Sage, 1985.</p><p>Alan Hall and Barry Wellman, "Social Networks and Social Support". Pp. 23-41 in Social Support and Health, edited by Sheldon Cohen and S. Leonard Syme. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1985. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Alan Hall, "Social Networks and Social Supports in Later Life". Pp. 191-231 in Later Life: The Social Psychology of Aging, edited by Victor Marshall and Tony Harris. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1986. </p><p>Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz, "Towards a Structural Sociology". Pp. 1-18 in Social Structures: A Network Approach , edited by Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Structural Analysis: From Method and Metaphor to Theory and Substance." Pp. 19-61 in Social Structures: A Network Approach , edited by Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. [Translated into Hungarian as "Strukturális Elemzés" in Társadalmak Rejtett Hálózata, edited by Angelusz Róbert and Tardos Róbert. Budapest: Maguar Közvéleménykutató Intézet, 1991. In Spanish translation as "El análisis estructural: del método y la metáfora a la teoría y la sustancia," in Debates en Sociologia 22, Catholic University of Peru, June,1998, and Politica y Sociedad, Univ Complutense de Madrid, 1999. Excerpts translated into Chinese by Wenhong Zhong in Guowai Shehuizue (Sociology), pp. 1-12, 1994. Excerpts translated into Italian as "Analisi strutturale: un paradigma alternativo;" Pp. 27-49 in Reti: L'analisi di Network nelle Scienze Sociale, edited by Fortunata Piselli. Rome: Donzelli Editore, 1995. Reprinted in Social Network Analysis: Critical Concepts,edited by John Scott. London: Routledge, 2002, Vol. 1: 81-122].</p><p>Barry Wellman, Peter Carrington and Alan Hall "Networks as Personal Communities." Pp. 130-84 in Social Structures: A Network Approach , edited by Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. [Excerpted in Society in Question, edited by Robert Brym. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1996, pp. 80-85]]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Community Question Re-evaluated." 1988. Pp. 81-107 in Power, Community and the City , edited by Michael Peter Smith. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Men in Networks: Private Community, Domestic Friendships." Pp. 74-114 in Men's Friendships , edited by Peter Nardi. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. (1992). [Condensed version published in electronic form as Proceedings of the 1991 European Social Network Conf., June, 1992.] Marilyn Mantei, Ronald Baecker, William Buxton, Thomas Milligan, Abigail Sellen and Barry Wellman. "Experiences in the Use of a Media Space." in Groupware: Software for Computer- Supported Cooperative Work , edited by David Marca and Geoffrey Bock. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1992, pp. 372-78. Reprinted in Readings in Groupware and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work , edited by Ronald Baecker. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1993, pp. 803-808. [Preliminary version in Reaching Through Technology: Proceedings of the CHI'91 Conf. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 203-208. Available online to ACM members at</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Models of Community, Models of Communication." Pp. 373-89 in Communications et Nouvelle Technologies, edited by Claire Belisle. Lyon: PPSH, 1993.</p><p>Michael Walker, Stanley Wasserman and Barry Wellman. "Statistical Models for Social Support Networks." Pp. 53-78 in Advances in Social Network Analysis , edited by Joseph Galaskiewicz and Stanley Wasserman. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite, Barry Wellman and Marilyn Mantei. "Media Use and Work Relationships in a Research Group." Pp. 94-103 in Proceedings of the 27th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Vol. 4, Information Systems, edited by Jay Nunamaker, Jr. and Ralph Sprague, Jr. Los Alamitos CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "An Electronic Group is Virtually a Social Network." Pp. 179-205 in Culture of the Internet , edited by Sara Kiesler. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997. [Translated into German as "Die elektronische Gruppe als soziales Netzwerk." Pp. 134-67 in Virtuelle Gruppen, edited by Udo Thiedeke. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000]</p><p>Barry Wellman and Milena Gulia. "Net Surfers Don't Ride Alone: Virtual Communities as Communities." Pp. 167-94 in Communities in Cyberspace, edited by Marc Smith and Peter Kollock. London: Routledge, 1999. Revised version pp. 331-67 in Networks in the Global Village , edited by Barry Wellman. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999. [Reprinted in Social Network Analysis: Critical Concepts, edited by John Scott. London: Routledge, 2002, Vol. 3: 145-80; Excerpted in Society in Question, 2nd ed., edited by Robert Brym; Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada, 1999, pp. 72-86. Preliminary version online at ]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Doing It Ourselves: The SPSS Manual as Sociology's Most Influential Recent Book." [expanded version] Pp. 71-78 in Required Reading: Sociology's Most Influential Books , edited by Dan Clawson. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998. </p><p>Barry Wellman. 1998. "Social Networks." Pp. 525-533 in Encyclopedia of Mental Health, Vol. 3 edited by Howard Friedman. San Diego: Academic Press.</p><p>Janet Salaff, Barry Wellman and Dimitrina Dimitrova, "There is a Time and Place for Teleworking." Pp. 11-31 in Teleworking Environments: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Telework, Sept 1-4, edited by Reima Suomi, Paul Jackson, Laura Hollmén and Mats Aspnäs. Turku, Finland: Turku Center for Computer Science General Publication No. 8, 1998. </p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite, Barry Wellman and Laura Garton, "Work and Community Via Computer-Mediated Communication." Pp. 199-226 in Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Transpersonal Implications , edited by Jayne Gackenbach. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998. [Translated in German as "Arbeit und Gemeinschaft bei computervermittelter Kommunikation." Pp. 355-92 in Virtuelle Gruppen, edited by Udo Thiedeke. Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000.] Barry Wellman and Stanley Wasserman, "Social Networks." Pp. 351-53 in Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol 7, edited by Alan Kazdin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Keith Hampton and Emmanuel Koku, "Virtual Communities." Pp. 170-72 in Encyclopedia of Psychology, Vol. 8, edited by Alan Kazdin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. </p><p>Laura Garton, Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, "Studying On-Line Social Networks." Pp. 75-105 in Doing Internet Research, edited by Steve Jones. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Milena Gulia. "A Network is More Than the Sum of its Ties: The Network Basis of Social Support." Pp. 83-118 in Networks in the Global Village , edited by Barry Wellman. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999. </p><p>Endre Sik and Barry Wellman. "Network Capital in Communist and Post- Communist Societies." Pp. 225-54 in Networks in the Global Village , edited by Barry Wellman. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Stephanie Potter, "The Elements of Personal Community Networks". Pp. 331-66 in Networks in the Global Village , edited by Barry Wellman. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999. </p><p>Hampton, Keith and Barry Wellman. "Examining Community in the Digital Neighborhood: Early Results from Canada's Wired Suburb." Pp. 475-92 in Digital Cities: Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives, edited by Toru Ishida and Katherine Isbister. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000. [Reprinted in The Wired Homestead, edited by Joseph Turow and Andrea Kavanaugh. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003: 545-75.] </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise of Networked Individualism." Pp. 17-42 in Community Networks Online, edited by Leigh Keeble. London: Taylor & Francis, 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Kenneth Frank. "Network Capital in a Multi-Level World: Getting Support in Personal Communities." Pp. 233-73 in Social Capital: Theory and Research, edited by Nan Lin, Karen Cook and Ronald Burt. Chicago: Aldine DeGruyter, 2001. Preliminary version available through the World Bank Social Capital data bank: </p><p>Barry Wellman, Wenhong Chen and Dong Weizhen. "Networking Guanxi ." Pp. 221-41 in Social Networks in China: Institutions, Culture and the Changing Nature of Guanxi, edited by Thomas Gold, Douglas Guthrie and David Wank. Cambridge University Press, 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Little Boxes, Glocalization, and Networked Individualism." Pp. 11-25 in Digital Cities II: Computational and Sociological Approaches, edited by Makoto Tanabe, Peter van den Besselaar, and Toru Ishida. A volume in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science: The State of the Art Series. Berlin: Springer- Verlag, 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman. 2000. "N3: The Intersection of Transportation Networks, Communication Networks and Community Networks." Pp. 265-70 in Social Change and Sustainable Transport, edited by William Black and Peter Nijkamp. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press: 2002. </p><p>Hampton, Keith and Barry Wellman. 2002. "The Not So Global Village of Netville. Pp. 345-71 in The Internet in Everyday Life, edited by Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite. Oxford: Blackwell.</p><p>Anabel Quan-Haase, Barry Wellman, James Witte and Keith Hampton. 2002. "Capitalizing on the Internet: Network Capital, Participatory Capital, and Sense of Community." Pp. 291-324in The Internet in Everyday Life, edited by Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite. Oxford: Blackwell.</p><p>Wenhong Chen, Jeffrey Boase and Barry Wellman. 2002. "The Global Villagers: Comparing the Users and Uses of the Internet Around the World." Pp. 74-113in The Internet in Everyday Life, edited by Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite. Oxford: Blackwell.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman. 2002. "The Internet in Everyday Life: An Introduction." Pp. 3-41 in The Internet in Everyday Life, edited by Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite. Oxford: Blackwell. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Milena Gulia. 2002. "Where Does Social Support Come From? The Social Network Basis of Interpersonal Resources for Coping with Stress." Part 4, Chapter 15 in Socioeconomic Conditions, Stress and Mental Disorders: Toward a New Synthesis of Research and Public Policy, edited by Ann Maney and Juan Ramos. Rockville, MD: SAMHSA Science Information Office. Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Health, Office of Behavioral and Social Research and Office of Prevention. Online at: </p><p>Emi Ooka and Barry Wellman, "Does Social Capital Pay Off More Within or Between Ethnic Groups? Analyzing Job Searchers in Five Toronto Ethnic Groups" Forthcoming in Inside the Mosaic, edited by Eric Fong. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. Preliminary version at: %20library/economic/ookawellman1/ookawellman1.html </p><p>Emmanuel Koku and Barry Wellman, "Scholarly Networks as Learning Communities: The Case of TechNet." In Press in Building Online Communities in the Service of Learning, edited by Sasha Barab, Rob Kling and James Gray. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.</p><p>Tom Gray, Ramiro Liscano, Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase. Krishnan Radhakrishnan and Yong Choi. "Context and Intent in Call Processing." Forthcoming in Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems. Amsterdam: IOS Press: 2003. </p><p>REFEREED BOOKS</p><p>Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz, eds. Social Structures: A Network Approach . [Collection of 18 original chapters.] Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988. </p><p>Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz, eds. Social Structures: A Network Approach . [Collection of 18 original chapters.] Updated edition. Greeenwich, CT: JAI [Elsevier] Press, 1997.</p><p>Marc Eliany, Norman Giesbricht, Mike Nelson, Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley (and June Corman). Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Canadians: A National Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey (1989) Technical Report. Ottawa: Minister of Supplies and Services (1992). </p><p>J. Jill Suitor, Barry Wellman and David Morgan, eds., Special issue on "Change in Networks." Social Networks19, 1 (January, 1997).</p><p>Barry Wellman, ed., Networks in the Global Village . [collection of 10 original articles.] Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, co-editors, "The Internet in Everyday Life. " Special issue of American Behavioral Scientist, November, 2001: collection of 9 articles</p><p>Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite, co-editors, The Internet in Everyday Life. [expanded and revised version, 22 original articles]. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. </p><p>Manuel Castells, Imma Tubella, Teresa Sancho, Isabel Diaz de Isla, and Barry Wellman. 2002. La Sociedad Red en Catalunya: Un Analysis Empirico. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. [Translated into Catalan as La Societat Xarxa a Catalunya: Analмsi Empнrica, 2003; Translated into English as The Network Society in Catalonia: An Empirical Analysis, 2003]. Revised printed version: La Societat Xarxa a Catalunya. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori, 2003 (forthcoming).</p><p>NON - REFEREED ARTICLES</p><p>Marion Gillies and Barry Wellman, "East York: A Profile". Toronto: Clarke Inst. of Psychiatry, April, 1968.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Community Ties and Mental Health." Toronto: Clarke Inst. of Psychiatry, Aug., 1968.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Pathways to Mental Caseness." Toronto: Clarke Inst. of Psychiatry, Aug., 1968.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Paul Craven, Marilyn Whitaker, Sheila du Toit and Harvey Stevens, "The Uses of Community" revised version. Aug., 1971. </p><p>Paul Craven, Sigfrid Schulte and Barry Wellman. "Interactive Path Analysis (IPA-APL): A Computer Programme.". Toronto: Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto, 1972. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Strategy and Tactics for Public Participation in Transportation Planning in North America." Toronto: Joint Program in Transportation of the Univ. of Toronto and York Univ., Research Report No. 23 (Nov., 1974). [Revised version: Annual Proceedings of the Road and Transportation Association of Canada (Toronto, 1974).]</p><p>Barry Wellman and Marilyn Whitaker, "High-rise, Low-rise: The Effects of High Density Living," Ottawa: Urban Affairs Canada. Discussion Paper B.74.29, Dec., 1974. 76 pp. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Marilyn Whitaker. "A Catalogue of Participatory Transportation Planning Cases: Canada and the United States". Joint Program in Transportation of York Univ. and the Univ. of Toronto, 1976. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Barry Leighton, "Interview Schedule/Aide-Mémoire: East York Social Networks Project Phase IV". Toronto: Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto. Resource Paper No. 1, Oct., 1978 (revised version).</p><p>Barry Wellman, editor. "Harrison White talks about Networks and Vacancy Chains." In Lorne Tepperman, ed., Formal and Informal Career Structures. Structural Analysis Programme, Univ. of Toronto, Working Paper No. 41. Jan., 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Brenda Billingsley, Christina Black, Jennifer Gullen, Sharon Kirsh, and Edward Lee. "East York Social Network Study Codebooks". Toronto: Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto. Resource Paper No. 5A, Nov., 1983 (revised version).</p><p>Barry Wellman, "References on the Nature of Friendship." Connections 6 (Summer, 1983):24-25.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Susan Gonzalez Baker, "Using SAS Software to Link Network, Tie and Individual Data". Connections 8, 2-3 (1985):176-87. Barry Wellman, Clayton Mosher and Scot Wortley. "A Community Network Approach to the Study of Alcohol and Drug Use: Literature Review and Research Design". Report to Health and Welfare Canada, April, 1988. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Where Have All the Friends Gone? Re-Assessing Liberated Communities." Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto. Aug., 1990.</p><p>Marc Eliany, Norman Giesbricht, Mike Nelson, Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley. 1990. "National Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey: Highlights Report." Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada, June, 1990.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Susan Sim, Cyndi Rottenberg and Scot Wortley. "Using Word Perfect Macros to Build a Reference List". 1990. Connections 13 (1-2):23-26. [Condensed version published in PC Magazine, Oct. 11, 1988:325-26. Expanded version and software, The Cites System. Durham, NC: National Collegiate Software, Duke Univ. Press. 1988 (version 1.0), 1989 (versions 1.1 & 1.2), 1991 (version 1.3). [Distribution of version 1.3 transferred to William C. Brown, publishers, 1991.] </p><p>Karen Ramsay and Barry Wellman, "Evaluation of the NIC Income Tax Clinic Pilot Program". Toronto: Neighbourhood Information Ctr., Sept., 1991. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Nature of Kinship in Personal Community Networks." Demographic Review Secretariat, Health and Welfare Canada, Oct. 1991.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite, Barry Wellman and Marilyn Mantei. 1993. "Putting Computerized Communications in Perspective: Media Use and Content in a Research Group." Working Paper, Ontario Telepresence Project, July, 1993. </p><p>Laura Garton and Barry Wellman. 1993. "Social Impacts of Electronic Mail in Organizations: A Review of the Research Literature." Toronto: Ontario Telepresence Project, Technical Report No. OTP-93-13; November, 1993. </p><p>Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Gale Moore, Janet Salaff and Barry Wellman." Fear, Control and Empowerment: The Interplay between Computerized Communication Technologies and the Social Organization of the Virtual Workplace." Working Paper. Toronto: Centre for Urban and Community Studies, Dec., 1993. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Bill Buxton, "Work and Community along the Information Highway: Realities and Possibilities." Policy Options 15 (Sept, 1994): 11-16. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "From Groupware to Networkware: Implications for HCI and CSCW." Working Paper, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto, Sept., 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova and Laura Garton. "Movers and Stayers: How the Social Organization of Telework Affects the Use of Computer-Mediated Communication." Working Paper, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto, Sept. 1994. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "I was a Teenage Network Analyst: The Route from The Bronx to the Information Highway." Connections 17, 2 (October, 1994): 28-45.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Measuring Social Networks Involved in Immigration and Integration." Report to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, April, 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "Multiple Conceptions and Definitions of `Community'". Report to Canadian Cable Television Assoc, March, 1996. 24 pp. Barry Wellman, "The SPSS Manual as Sociology's Most Influential Book during the Past Twenty-Five Years." Footnotes, July, 1996: 12.</p><p>J. Jill Suitor, Barry Wellman and David Morgan. 1997. "It's About Time: How, Why and When Networks Change." [Introducton to a special issue on social change.] Social Networks 19 (January): 1-8. </p><p>Laura Garton and Barry Wellman. 1996. "Using Social Network Analysis to Study the Use of Media Space Technology." </p><p>Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Deborah Hardwick, Kathleen Hoski, Hilary Mar and Barry Wellman. "Teleworking Potential: Evaluating Corporate Jobs." Report to Bell Canada, Dec., 1996, 60 pp. </p><p>Laura Garton and Barry Wellman, "Using Social Network Analysis to Examine the Association Between Desktop Videoconferencing and Relationships in a Dispersed Office." May, 1997.</p><p>Hal Berghel, Robert Judd, Hilbert Levitz, Judson Rosebush, David Sallach, Ed Skellings and Barry Wellman. "The ACM and Electronic Communities: A Report to the Association for Computing Machinery from the ACM Community Center Project" New York, July, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Virtual Community: Introducing a New " SIGGROUP Bulletin19 (1), April, 1998: 18-20.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "Living Networked in a Wired World." IEEE Intelligent Systems 14 (1), Jan- Feb, 1999: 15-17.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Social Affordances of E-Mail." SIGGROUP Bulletin 20, 2 (1999): 63.</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Web Survey for" Wellman Associates, Nov, 1999. 17pp.</p><p>Manuel Castells (with Barry Wellman, editor). "Urban Sociology in the Network Society: Back to the Future" The Urban Community: 27, 2 (Fall, 1999): 6-9.</p><p>Thomas Chmielewski and Barry Wellman. "Tracking Geekus Unixus: An Explorers' Report from the National Geographic Website." SIGGROUP Bulletin 20 (December, 1999): 26-28.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networking Network Analysts: How INSNA (the International Network for Social Network Analysis) Came to Be." Connections 23, 1 (Summer 2000): 20-31.</p><p>Janet Salaff, Arent Greve, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Barry Wellman, and Jeffrey Boase. "Escape from the Fishbowl: Office Workers Go Virtual." Working Paper, Dept of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, Nov 2000.</p><p>Emmanuel Koku and Barry Wellman, "Who Uses Unified Communication and Why?" Report. Bell University Laboratories, April 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise (and Possible Fall) of Networked Individualism." CUSS News, December 2001: 5. [Newsletter of the Community and Urban Sociology section of the American Sociological Association]. Reprinted in Connections, 25, 1 (Spring 2002): forthcoming. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Plague of Viruses: Biological, Computer, Marketing." SIGGROUP Bulletin, forthcoming, 2001. [preliminary version].</p><p>Manuel Castells, Barry Wellman, Imma Tubella, Isabel Diaz de Isla, and Beverly Wellman. 2002. "La Poblaciуn de Cataluсa en la Sociedad de la Informactiуn 2002." Survey. International Internet Institute, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, January, 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Isabel Diaz de Isla. 2002. "Redes de Sociabilidad y Redes de Internet" [Social Networks and Computer Networks"]. In Manuel Castells and associates, La Societat Xarxa a Catalunya: Informe de Recerca. [The Network Society in Catalonia: Research Report.] Barcelona: International Internet Institute, Universitat Oberta Catalunya. </p><p>Chen, Wenhong and Barry Wellman. 2003. "Digital Divides and Digital Dividens: Comparing Socioeconomic, Gender, Life Stage, Ethnic and Rural-Urban Variations in Internet Access and Use in Eight Countries" Report to the AMD Global Consumer Advisory Board, July.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "On (From) Lafayette: A Journey from the Bronx to Cyberspace." Aristea, Fall 2003: forthcoming. </p><p>LONG REPORTS</p><p>Barry Wellman and Marilyn Whitaker, Community-Network-Communications: An Annotated Bibliography. Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, 1972. Enlarged ed., Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, Univ. of Toronto, 1974.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Supportive Community Networks: Which Network Members, Relationships and Networks Provide What Kinds of Social Support? Report to National Health Research and Development Program, Health and Welfare Canada. July, 1990. 115 pp.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Beverly Wellman, Lea Caragata and Milena Gulia. Evaluating Community in Social Housing: Social Networks, Social Support and Local Community Involvement. Paper No 3: Indicators of Quality of Life, Health and Well-Being in Social Housing. Ottawa: Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. June, 1993. 110 pp. + c100 pp. appendices. </p><p>Scot Wortley and Barry Wellman, Social Networks and Substance Abuse: Testing Competing Theories of Deviance. Preliminary report of the Social Networks and Substance Abuse Project to the Health Promotion Studies Unit, Health and Welfare Canada, March, 1994. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Beverly Wellman and Donald Lloyd. 1997. Describing Social Support Networks: Development, Findings and Techniques. Report to Statistics Canada, March, 102 pp.</p><p>Nancy Nazer, Barry Wellman and Emmanuel Koku. 1999. Networked Organizations in a Wired World: Trends Report. Report to Policy Research Secretariat, Government of Canada, July, 56 pp.</p><p>Eric Fong, Barry Wellman, Melissa Kew and Rima Wilkes. 2001. Correlates of the Digital Divide: Individual, Household and Spatial Variation. Report to Office of Learning Technologies, Human Resources Development Canada, June, 84 pp. </p><p>Barry Wellman. 2001. The Persistence and Transformation of Community: From Neighbourhood Groups to Social Networks. Report to the Law Commission of Canada. October. 101 pp. </p><p>Barry Wellman. 2002. The Four Socials: Social Linkages, Social Capital, Social Inclusion, and Social Cohesion. Report to the Human Resources Development Canada Seminar on Globalization, Governance and Social Policy. Ottawa. May. 77 pp. </p><p>NON - REFEREED CHAPTERS IN A BOOK</p><p>Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz. 1988. Section introductions in Social Structures, edited by Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz: "Thinking Structurally" (pp. 15-18), "Communities" (pp. 123-29), "Markets" (pp. 221-25), "Change" (pp. 327-331), "Mobility" (pp. 401-404). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Barry Wellman, "Measuring Seniors' Contribution to the Economy and to Community Well- Being." (Workshop Rapporteur). Pp. 108-110 in Proceedings of the International Conference on the Measurement and Valuation of Unpaid Work, April, 1993. Ottawa: Labour and Household Surveys Analysis Division, Statistics Canada, August, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "Personal Communities: Some Basic Characteristics." Pp. 75-85 in Changing Values and Attitudes in Households with Rural Peer Groups, Social Networks, and Action Spaces, edited by James Cécora. Bonn: Society for Agricultural Policy Research and Rural Sociology, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Privatization of Toronto." Pp. 157-163 in Proceedings of the Congerence on Urban Regions in a Global Context (October, 1995), edited by Judith Kjellberg Bell and Steven Webber. Toronto: Centre for Urban and Community Studies and the Program in Planning, University of Toronto, 1996.</p><p>Barry Wellman. 1997. "Measuring Social Support Networks." Report to Statistics Canada, March, 16 pp.</p><p>Barry Wellman, 1997. "Preface to JAI Edition." Social Structures: A Network Approach, edited by Barry Wellman and S.D. Berkowitz. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Emmanuel Koku, "The Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) as a Scholarly Community: A Preliminary Report." Pp. 51.0-51.12 in "Report on the Period 1 July 1996 - 31 October 1997," by Ron Baecker and Gale Moore. Toronto: Knowledge Media Design Institute, University of Toronto, Nov, 1997. </p><p>Barry Wellman. "The Privatization of Community: From Public Groups to Unbounded Networks." Pp. 89-104 in Millennial Milestone: A 'Switching Crisis' in Sociology, edited by Janet Abu-Lughod. Barcelona: International Sociological Association, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Network Community: An Introduction to Networks in the Global Village." Pp. 1-47 in Networks in the Global Village, edited by Barry Wellman. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Preface to Networks in the Global Village." Pp. xi-xxii in Networks in the Global Village, edited by Barry Wellman. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "From Little Boxes to Loosely-Bounded Networks: The Privatization and Domestication of Community." Pp. 94-114 in Sociology for the Twenty-first Century: Continuities and Cutting Edges, edited by Janet Abu-Lughod. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Glocalization." Pp. 559-62 in the Encyclopedia of Community, edited by Karen Christensen and David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Network Communities." Pp. 983-88 in the Encyclopedia of Community, edited by Karen Christensen and David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Cybersocieties." Pp. 372-76 in the Encyclopedia of Community, edited by Karen Christensen and David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003. </p><p>Wenhong Chen, Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Digital Divide." Pp. 137-39 in the Encyclopedia of Community, edited by Karen Christensen and David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003. </p><p>Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen and Barry Wellman. "Internet, Effects of." Pp. 777-79 in the Encyclopedia of Community, edited by Karen Christensen and David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003. </p><p>INFORMAL ARTICLES</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Ties and Bonds." Eight to sixteen page article written for every issue of Connections since its first issue in 1977 until the present. Thrice-yearly until 1992; twice yearly since then. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "What is to be Done? The Next Ten Years of INSNA." Connections 10 (Winter, 1987):189-90.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Clay Mosher, "Some Suggestions for Sociology Undergraduate Methods Instruction." Dept of Sociology, Univ of Toronto, August 1989, 20 pp.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "How to Write a Paper." (PDF format). Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, January, 1989.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "How to Beat a Bulgarian Radar Trap." 1990. Society/Societe 14 (Oct.): 39- 41. Contact [Magazine of BMW Car Club of Canada] (Oct., 1990):24, 27. Expanded version, Roundel [Magazine of BMW Car Club of America] 20 (Oct., 1991):72-74. Condensed versions: "Driving in Bulgaria a Wild Way to Go." 1990. Toronto Star, "Wheels" section, June 23: G13; Peace Magazine (Oct., 1990): 6.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "On the Sociological Frontier in Bulgaria." 1990. Connections 13 (1-2): 9- 12.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Thoughts on Conferences." Connections 15 (Summer, 1992): 18-20.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Bum Raps: Daydreams of a Weary Conferencer." Footnotes 21 (May, 1993): 14.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Measuring Seniors' Contributions to the Economy and to Community Well- Being." Workshop Rapporteur, International Conference on the Measurement and Valuation of Unpaid Work, Statistics Canada and Ministry for the Status of Women, Ottawa, May, 1993.</p><p>Beverly Wellman and Barry Wellman, "Proper Chair, Sitting Right Eases Back Pain." Toronto Computes!(June, 1993): 47-48.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Editorial Response to Val Derlaga's Review of Men in Networks." Personal Relationship Issues 1 (July, 1993): 27.</p><p>Beverly Wellman and Barry Wellman. "Sit Down for This." The Computer Paper (Jan, 1994): 8.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Ransomed Bimmers." Torque of the Town (May, 1994): 21.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Eau de BMW?" Roundel (August, 1994): 10.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Geography Still Influences Social Networks." Letter to the editor, Contemporary Sociology 23 (Sept., 1994): 769-70. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Laura Garton. "Position Statement." Proceedings of the Centre for Information Technology Innovation Conference on Towards the Virtual Workplace: Implications for Social and and Organizational Research. Toronto, Nov., 1994. 3 pp. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Report on Electronic Networking to the Council of the Amer. Soc'gl Assoc.," Dec., 1995. Barry Wellman, "Report on Electronic Publications to the Publications Committee of the American Sociological Assocciation," Dec 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Kathleen Carley. "Survey on Electronic Networking Opportunities and Constraints," American Sociological Association, Dec., 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The ASA Starts Operating . . . Electronically!" Footnotes, March, 1996, p. 10.</p><p>Barry Wellman. 1995. "Citation for Charles Tilly's Honourary Doctorate of Science, University of Toronto," Nov. 23, 3pp. [Published in Connections 19, 1 (May, 1996): 26-27].</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rules of the Game in Lima." Connections 19, 1 (May, 1996): 20-26. [Revised version: "The Rules of the Traffic Game in Lima." Roundel (magazine of the BMW Car Club of America), March, 1997, pp. 54-55.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Nostalgic Letter". Roundel (magazine of the BMW Car Club of America), Nov, 1996: 21.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "A New Community and Urban Journal? Chair's report, CUSS Publications Committee." Community and Urban Sociology Section Newsletter 14 (Winter, 1996): 9-12.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Beverly Wellman, "Megacity." Letter to the Editor, Toronto Globe and Mail, March 3, 1997, p. A12.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Tribute to `Coach' Watt." Letter to Lafayette Magazine, Spring, 1997, p. 3.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Geneva Gig." Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto, August, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Judith Merril: A Great New York Canadian" [obituary]. SOL Rising, No. 20, January, 1998: 12.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Mentoring: A Personal Relationship." International Network Newsletter 43 (1998): 5-6.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Pen for Your Thoughts - and Shirt Pocket Wardrobe." Sept, 1998. 1 p. Red Rock Eater (email newsletter). </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Christians and 'Ottomans' on the Ethnic Frontier in the Balkans: Ten Years Ago and Now." March 30, 1999. 1 p. Red Rock Eater (email newsletter).</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Mystery of the Endowed Chair: A Quest in Reverse Engineering." Dept of Sociology, Univ of Toronto, July, 1999. 15 pp.</p><p>Barry Wellman, moderator and editor. "Must Community Have a Place? An Online Discussion." Community and Urban Sociology section, American Sociological Association, April 2000. Website:</p><p>Barry Wellman, "This Sections Chair's Final Column." The Urban Community, Summer, 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Scientists in Cyberspace: A Report of the Founding Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers." SIGGROUP Bulletin, Aug 2000: 13-14. Gale Moore, Barry Wellman, K. Victor Ujimoto, and Jeanette Wright. "Professor Harry Kaneharu Nishio (1927-2000)" [obituary]. Department of Sociology Newsletter, University of Toronto, Spring 2001, p. 6.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Oxford Internet Institute: Towards the Future." Report to the Management Committee, Oxford (University) Internet Institute, November 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Life Cycle of Authorhood." Connections 24, 2 (2002): 29. </p><p>AMD Global Consumer Advisory Board [14 authors]. "Inaugural Meeting Report." 9 pp. June 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Tantalizing Tales: Four Books That Inspired Me: Gans, Greer, Jacobs and Tilly." Contribution to the Tantalizing Tales exhibition, University of Toronto Library, October 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Nathaniel Simpson and Phuoc Tran. "Report on Pilot Study of Digital Literacy." Research Committee, AMD Global Consumer Advisory Board, February 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The SARS Situation in Toronto." Report to Executive Committee, Association of Internet Researchers, April 2003. [SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Disorder]. Available on Jason Nolan's blog --</p><p>Barry Wellman and others. "Community in Popular Culture: Movie, TV/Radio, Documentary, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Music, Stage, " edited by George Woodward. Forthcoming in Sage Encyclopedia of Community, Thousand Oaks CA, 2003. [Annotated guide: BW contributed 51% of entries, 395/772]</p><p>PUBLICATIONS IN REVISION AND UNDER PREPARATION </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Coherence of Strong Ties." For Social Networks.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Where Have All the Friends Gone?" For The Atlantic Monthly.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Studying Personal Community Networks: A Program Review." For Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Rochelle Cote, Gabriele Plickert and Dean Behrens. "It's Not Who You Know, It's How You Know Them: The Relational Basis of Reciprocity" </p><p>Manuel Castells, Imma Tubella, Teresa Sancho, Maria Isabel Diaz de Isla, and Barry Wellman. "The Catalan Network Society: A Survey of Social Structure, Social Behaviour and Cultural Identity in Catalonia." For Comparative Studies on the Network Society, edited by Manuel Castells. London: Edward Elgar, Fall 2004. </p><p>Wenhong Chen and Barry Wellman. "Mind the Cyber-Gap: Fathoming the Digital Divide" For Blackwell Companion to Social Inequality, edited by Mary Romero and Eric Margolis. 2004. </p><p>Jeffrey Boase and Barry Wellman. "The Social Affordances of Technologies for Personal Relationships." For Cambridge Handbook of Personal Relationships, edited by Dan Perlman and Anita Vangelisti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. </p><p>BOOK REVIEWS OF</p><p>Louis Harris and Bert Swanson. Black Jewish Relations in New York City. Contemporary Sociology 1 (July, 1972): 356-57.</p><p>A.V. Spada, The Italians in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 10 (May, 1973): 184-85.</p><p>Scott Greer, The Urbane View. Contemporary Sociology 3 (May, 1974): 246-48.</p><p>Jeremy Boissevain and J. Clyde Mitchell, eds., Network Analysis: Studies in Human Interaction. American Journal of Sociology 81 (Nov., 1975): 690-93.</p><p>"Network Analysis: Structural Form and Social Behavior." Review essay of Paul Holland and Samuel Leinhardt, Perspectives on Social Network Research. Contemporary Sociology 10 (July, 1981): 512-14.</p><p>William Mitchell, Mishpokhe. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 18 (Aug., 1981): 412-14.</p><p>Marc Pilisuk and Susan Hillier Parks, The Healing Web. American Journal of Sociology 93 (Jan., 1988): 1006-1008. </p><p>Nan Lin, Alfred Dean and Walter Ensel, Social Support, Life Events, and Depression. Contemporary Sociology 17 (March, 1988): 237-38.</p><p>Elaine Nardocchio, Theatre and Politics in Modern Quebec. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 25 (Nov., 1988): 677-78.</p><p>David Cheal, The Gift Economy. Canadian Journal of Sociology 15 (1990): 375-77. Reprinted in Social Networks 12 (Sept., 1990): 269-72; Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 9 (Aug., 1992): 462-64.</p><p>Graham Allan, Friendship: Developing a Sociological Perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 9 (Feb., 1992): 155-58.</p><p>Kees Knipscheer and Toni Antonucci, eds., Social Network Research: Substantive Issues and Methodological Questions. Contemporary Psychology 37 (Dec., 1992): 1315-16.</p><p>Kenneth Scherzer, The Unbounded Community: Neighborhood Life and Social Structure in New York City, 1830-1875. American Journal of Sociology 99 (Nov., 1993): 798-800.</p><p>Review essay, "The Road to Utopia and Dystopia on the Information Highway?" Contemporary Sociology 26, 4 (July, 1997): 445-449. Contains reviews of: (1) City of Bits: Space, Place and the Infobahn by William J. Mitchell (2) The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier by Howard Rheingold (3) War of the Worlds:Cyberspace and the High-Tech Assault on Reality by Mark Slouka (4) Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway by Clifford Stoll (5) The War of Desire and Technology and Desire at the Close of the Mechanical Age by Allucquère Rosanne Stone (6) Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet by Sherry Turkle. </p><p>Dan Chekki, ed., Research in Community Sociology 6. Canadian Journal of Urban Research 1998.</p><p>SELECTED PAPERS PRESENTED AT MEETINGS [often in revised versions]</p><p>Donald Coates, Sharon Moyer and Barry Wellman, "The Yorklea Study of Urban Mental Health." Cdn. Psychiatric Assoc., June, 1969. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Margaret Hewson and Donald Coates. "Primary Relationships in the City." Cdn. Sociology and Anthropology Assoc., June, 1969, Toronto.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Paul Craven, Marilyn Whitaker, Sheila du Toit, Harvey Stevens, "The Uses of Community," Cdn. Sociology and Anthropology Assoc., June, 1971. St. Johns. Barry Wellman, "Breaking Terrestrial Constraints: Sociodelicism for Fun and Intellectual Profit." Science Fiction Research Assoc. and Secondary Universe Conf., Oct., 1971. Toronto.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Multiple Communities of Modern Urbanites." Amer. Inst. of Planners, Oct., 1972. Boston.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Network Nature of Future Communities." Society for the Study of Social Problems, Aug., 1972. New York.</p><p>Albert S. Gates, Harvey Stevens and Barry Wellman, "What Makes a 'Good Neighbor'?". Annual Amer. Sociological Assoc., Aug., 1973. New York. </p><p>Deborah Tannenbaum and Barry Wellman, "A Connections Agency: The Neighbourhood Information Ctr." World Congress of Sociology, Aug., 1974. Toronto. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Community Question: Three Patterns of Network Structure." Urban Sociology Study Group, British Sociological Assoc., Dec., 1974, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Cdn. Sociology and Anthropology Assoc., June, 1976, Quebec City; Society for the Study of Social Problems, Aug., 1976, New York; Amer. Sociological Assoc. seminar on InterMetropolitan Linkages, March, 1977, Chicago; Seminario sobre Sistemas Urbanos, June, 1977, Brasilia; World Congress of Sociology, Aug., 1978, Uppsala.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "What is Structural Analysis? Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Social Network Analysis." Int'l Conf. on Knowledge and Representation in the Social Sciences, Netherlands Inst. for Advanced Study, March, 1979, Wassenaar; ECPR Symposium on Interorganizational Networks in Int'l Perspective, April, 1979, Brussels; Amer. Sociological Assoc.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Approaches to the Study of the Impact of Large-Scale Divisions of Labor on the Structure of Primary Relations." Amer. Sociological Assoc., Aug., 1979. Boston. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Helping Networks in Perspective." Symposium on Helping Networks in a Welfare Society, School of Social Work, Univ. of Toronto, May, 1980. Amer. Psychological Assoc., Aug., 1980, Montreal. Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, Jan., 1981, Toronto. Cdn. Psychological Assoc., June, 1981, Toronto. Amer. Sociological Assoc., Aug., 1981.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "New Ties in Old Bundles: The Future, Present and Past of Community." First Global Conf. on the Future, July, 1980, Toronto.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Network Concepts for Interorganizational Research." Symposium on Interorganizational Relations, Jan., 1981, Toronto.</p><p>Peter Carrington and Barry Wellman, "Three SAS Databases Combining Social Network and Attribute Data." Cdn. Sociology and Anthropology Assoc., Ottawa, June, 1982. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Peter Carrington and Alan Hall. "Networks as Personal Communities." World Congress of Sociology, Mexico City, Aug., 1982. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Sharon Kirsh. "Sex, Work and Community." Amer. Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, Sept., 1982; Cdn. Sociological and Anthropological Assoc., Vancouver, June, 1983. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Alan Hall, "Support and Nonsupport: The Real World of Community Ties." Amer. Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, Sept., 1982; Moscow Conf. on the Management of Public Health Systems, Dec., 1982; NATO Workshop on Social Support, Chateau de Bonas, France, Sept., 1983. Barry Wellman, "The Impact of Telecommunications and Electronic Mail on The Nature of Community." Cdn. Telecommunications Research Inst. Conf., Sept., 1981, Ottawa; Workshop on Research Challenges in Information Technology, Univ. of Waterloo, Oct., 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using Network Analysis to Study Social Support and Community." Assoc. for Humanistic Psychology, Toronto.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Major Feature of any Useful Electronic Mail System is...." Workshop on Electronic Mail Systems, Univ. of Waterloo, April, 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Towards a Sociological Analysis of the Impact of Robotics." Seminar, Robots That Sense, Think and Act, Univ. of Waterloo, Oct., 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Domestic Work, Paid Work, Net Work." Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Phoenix, Feb., 1984; Women and the Invisible Economy Conf., Montreal, Feb., 1985; Urban Change and Conflict Conf., Sussex, England, April, 1985.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Impacts of Computer-Mediated Communications Across Space and Groups: From Telephones to Telematics." Cdn. Inst. of Advanced Research Conf. on the Social Impacts of Artificial Intelligence, May, 1984; Coop. on Information Technology and Society, Toronto, Nov., 1984.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Susan Gonzalez Baker. "The Users and Uses of Telephones." Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Palm Beach, Feb., 1985. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Network Analysis: Epistemology, Meta-Methods, and Some Garden Variety Applications." Cdn. Sociology and Anthropology, Montreal, May, 1985. Brown Univ., Nov., 1985. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Paula Goldman, Gale Moore and Clayton Mosher, "Getting Social Support". Amer. Sociological Assoc., Washington, Aug., 1985; Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Santa Barbara, Feb., 1986; World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, Aug., 1986; Amer. Sociological Assoc., New York City, Sept., 1986; Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Clearwater, Florida, Feb., 1987. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Networks and Social Support: Implications for Later Life." Cdn. Assoc. on Gerontology, Hamilton, Oct., 1985.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Community Question Re-evaluated." Amer. Sociological Assoc., New York City, Sept., 1986.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Organizational Buying Behavior: Never an Individual..., Hardly Ever a Dyadic..., Rarely a Group..., But Always a Network Phenomenon." Assoc. for Consumer Research, Toronto, Oct., 1986.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Obtaining Network Information from a Personalized Information System." Conf. on Personalized Information Systems, Toronto, Dec., 1986.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Paula Goldman and Clayton Mosher. "Le Sum des Liens n'est pas Egal une Réseau pour le Support Sociable". Le Séminaire Réseaux Sociaux. CESOL, Paris, Februrary, 1987. </p><p>Barry Wellman. "Support, Réseaux et Sociablité." Le Séminaire Réseaux Sociaux. CESOL, Paris, Februrary, 1987.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Models of Community, Models of Humanity: Coming to Terms with Computerized Conferencing." Second Guelph Symposium on Computer Conferencing, June, 1987. Barry Wellman, Clayton Mosher and Cyndi Rottenberg. "The Sum of Ties does not Equal a Network: The Question of Social Support". Amer. Sociological Assoc., Chicago, Aug., 1987. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Vicente Espinoza, Clay Mosher, Cyndi Rottenberg, Kristina Makkay and Susan Sim. "To What Extent Do Kin Provide Support? A Cdn. Research Report". Conf. on "Kinship and Aging," Committee on Family Research, Int'l Sociological Assoc., Lake Balaton, Hungary, April, 1988.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Vicente Espinoza, "Survival and Support in Santiago and Toronto". International Conference on Urban Restructuring, Int'l Sociological Assoc., Rio de Janeiro, Sept., 1988. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Community Network Approach to the Study of Alcohol and Drug Use." National Action Conf. on Drug Abuse, Health and Welfare Canada, Montreal, Oct., 1988.</p><p>David Tindall and Barry Wellman, "How Do Personal Networks Change Over Time?" Cdn. Sociology and Anthropology Assoc., Quebec City, June, 1989.</p><p>Beverly Wellman and Barry Wellman, "Domestic Affairs and Network Relations". Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb., 1989. Amer. Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, Aug., 1989; Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., San Diego, Feb., 1992. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley, "The Relational Basis of Social Support". Amer. Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, Aug., 1989. Bulgarian Inst. of Sociology, Sofia, Oct. 1989; National Conf. on Social Welfare, Toronto, Oct., 1989.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Renate Kalve and David Tindall. "How Telephone Networks Keep Social Networks Going". Amer. Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, Aug., 1989. Buffalo Symposium on Communications Network Research, Nov. 1989. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Place of Kinship in Urban Social Networks." Int'l Sociological Assoc., Committee on Family Research, Beograd, Oct. 1989.</p><p>Stanley Lieberson, Thomas Pettigrew and Barry Wellman, "A Research Agenda for Analyzing Relations between Bulgarians and Turks in Bulgaria." Int'l Symposium on the Ethnic Crisis in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Academy of Science, April, 1990. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Some Questions about the Sociopolitical Economy of Human Settlements and Sustainable Development in Eastern Europe." Int'l Colloquium on Urbanization and the Environment, Toronto, June, 1990.</p><p>Scot Wortley, Barry Wellman, Marc Eliany, Norman Giesbricht and Mike Nelson, "National Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey: Highlights." National Alcohol and Drug Survey Collaborators' Planning Meeting, Toronto, March, 1990; Cdn. Public Health Assoc., Toronto, June, 1990; Health and Welfare Canada Symposium, Ottawa, July 1990. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley, "Different Strokes from Different Strokes: Community Ties and Social Support." Int'l Conf. on Personal Relationships, Oxford, July, 1990.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Men in Networks: The Domestication of Community and Friendship." Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb. 1991; European Social Network Conf., Salle Durkheim, Sorbonne, Paris, June 1991; Int'l Sociological Assoc., Comparative Soc. Section, Kurashiki, Japan, July, 1992.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Réseaux Télephoniques et Réseaux Sociaux." Colloque, "Société et Communication," CNRS, Lyon, Dec. 1991.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Evaluating the Social Use of Telepresence: A CSCW System Combining Personal Video Communication and Computer-Supported Collaborative Work." Ontario Telepresence Conf., Univ. of Toronto, May, 1992; International Telepresence Conf., Univ. of Toronto, Nov., 1992.</p><p>Andrejs Plakans, Charles Wetherell and Barry Wellman. "Kinship and Community in an Eastern European Peasant Estate." Social Science History Assoc., Chicago, Nov., 1992. </p><p>Laura Garton and Barry Wellman, "Electronic Mail, Telepresence and Social Networks". Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb, 1993. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Milena Gulia, "The Network Nature of Social Support". Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb, 1993; Cdn Soc & Anthro Assoc, Ottawa, June, 1993. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Stephanie Potter, "The Elements of Personal Community Networks". Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb, 1993; Cdn Soc & Anthro Assoc, Ottawa, June, 1993; Amer Soc Assoc, Miami Beach, Aug., 1993. </p><p>David Tindall and Barry Wellman, "Do Personal Networks Change Over Time?". Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb, 1993. </p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite, Barry Wellman and Marilyn Mantei. "Media Use and Work Relationships in a Research Group." Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Maui, Jan., 1994. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "I was a Teenage Network Analyst: From the Loss of Community to the Virtual Community." Keynote Address, Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb., 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Renita Wong. "A Decade of Network Change: Turnover, Mobility and Stability." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb., 1994. </p><p>Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Janet Salaff and Barry Wellman. "Fear, Empowerment, Control and Connectivity: The Impact of Telecommuting and Desktop Videoconferencing." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb., 1994.</p><p>Janet Salaff and Barry Wellman. "Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Two Case Studies." Centre for Urban and Community Studies, April, 1994. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Contextual Approaches to the Study of Friendship." Int'l Conf. on Personal Relationships, Groningen, Neth, July, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Stephanie Potter. "The Elements of Personal Community". World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Ger, July, 1994; Amer Soc Assoc, Los Angeles, Aug, 1994; Cdn Soc & Anthro Assoc, St. Catharines Ont, May, 1996. </p><p>Janet Salaff, Barry Wellman Dimitrina Dimitrova, and Milena Gulia. "Strategic Connectivity: Communications and Control." Amer Soc Assoc, Los Angeles, Aug, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova and Laura Garton. "The Virtual Reality of Virtual Organizations: Telecommuting Deconstructed." Amer Soc Assoc, Los Angeles, Aug, 1994. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Charles Wetherell. "A Program for Historical Social Network Analysis." Soc Sci History Assoc, Atlanta, Oct, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Renita Wong, David Tindall and Nancy Nazer. "A Decade of Network Change: Turnover, Mobility and Stability." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb., 1994; Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Assoc, Montreal, June, 1995; Int'l Conf on Personal Relationships, Banff, Aug, 1996. Barry Wellman, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton, Milena Gulia, Caroline Haythornthwaite and Marilyn Mantei. "A Computer Network is a Communications Network is a Social Network." Conf. on Computing and the Social Sciences, San Diego, June, 1995. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Nancy Nazer, "Does What Goes Around Come Around?" Int'l Social Network Conf, London, July, 1995. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Milena Gulia. "The Reality of Virtual Communities." Amer. Soc. Assoc., Washington, August, 1995. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Janet Salaff, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Laura Garton and Caroline Haythornthwaite, "Computer Supported Cooperative Work." Amer. Soc. Assoc., Washington, Aug., 1995. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Beverly Wellman, "The Place of Social Support in Personal Community Networks." Symposium on Social Stressors, Personal and Social Resources, and their Health Consequences, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, August, 1995. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Privatization of Community: Life Online and in the Neighbourhood." Conference on Urban Regions in a Global Context, University of Toronto, October, 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "For a Social Network Analysis of Computer Networks." Assoc for Computing Machinery, Joint SIGCPR/SIGMIS Conf, Denver, April, 1996.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman. "Which Kinds of Network Members Communicate by Email or Face-to-Face for What Kinds of Work?" Int'l Sunbelt Soc Network Conf, Charleston, SC, Feb, 1996. Cdn Soc and Anthro. Assoc, Brock Univ, St. Catherine's Ont., June, 1996; Amer. Soc. Assoc. New York, August, 1996. Aaron Dantowitz and Barry Wellman. "The Small World of the Internet." Sunbelt Soc. Network Conf., Charleston, SC, Feb., 1996. Cdn Soc and Anthro. Assoc, Brock Univ, St. Catherine's Ont., June, 1996. </p><p>Barry Wellman "Redes Sociales: Analizando la Privatizacíon de la Communidad en Sociedades Posmodernas: Del Espacio Privado al Ciberespacio." Keynote address to founding conference of Red-Lat [Network of Latin American Social Network Analysts], Seminario Redes Sociales en América Latina. Pontifical Catholic Univ of Peru, Lima, March, 1996. Also presented at SUR, Santiago, Chile, March, 1996.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "El Análisis de Redes: Potencial y Aplicaciones." Seminario Redes Sociales en América Latina. Pontifical Catholic Univ of Peru, Lima, March, 1996.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "The Post-Industrialization of Community: On and Off-Line." Amer Soc Assoc, New York, August, 1996.</p><p>John Kennedy and Barry Wellman. "Workshop on Web Sites and Electronic Discussion Groups," Amer Soc Assoc, New York, August, 1996.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Policy Implications of Back to the CyberFuture: Continuities and Change in Computer Supported Social Networks of Work and Community." White House / Xerox PARC Conference on Leveraging Cyberspace, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 1996.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman. "Face-to-Face and Email-to-Email: Work and Friendship in a Networked Organization." International Sunbelt Social Network Conf., San Diego, Feb., 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Stephanie Potter, "Towards a MultiDimensional Analysis of Personal Networks." White Tie Event in Honor of Harrison White, San Diego, Feb., 1997. Barry Wellman. "Privatizing Toronto." Urban Affairs Assoc, Toronto, April, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Laura Garton and Caroline Haythornthwaite, "Confronting Global Mythologies: What Can We Learn from Intranets?" International Communication Assoc, Montreal, May, 1997. </p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, "By All Means Necessary and Proper: Work, Friendship and Electronic Mail in a Networked Organization." International Communication Assoc, Montreal, May, 1997. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Place of Sociology in Social Informatics." Advances in Organizational and Social Informatics Workshop, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Nov. 1997. [Helped to define the field and identify its proper label. For more information, see ]</p><p>Barry Wellman, "How to Do Social Network Analysis." Half-Day Tutorial, SIGGROUP-ACM, Phoenix, Nov, 1997.</p><p>Emmanuel Koku, Nancy Nazer and Barry Wellman. "How Do Scholarly Networks Communicate and Collaborate?" TeleLearning Network Centre of Excellence Conference, Toronto, Nov, 1997. </p><p>Kenneth Frank, Catherine Kaukinen and Barry Wellman. 1998. "Putting Ties Back Into Networks (Where They Belong): Multilevel Analysis of Social Support in Torontonians' Personal Communities." International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Sitges, Spain, May. </p><p>Emmanuel Koku, Nancy Nazer and Barry Wellman. 1998. "The Invisible College Goes Online." Sitges, Spain: International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, May. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Privatization of Community: On and Off-Line." Sitges, Spain: Shaker Inn Select Conference, May.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Network Community." Conference on Networks, Localities and Communities: New Directions for Research and Social Policy, Keele, UK, July, 1998. American Sociological Association, Chicago, August, 1999.</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Doing a Survey on the Web, on a Floppy Disk and In Person: The Case of Netville." World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, July, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Glocalization and Globalization." World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, July, 1998.</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Glocalization and the Wired Suburb." World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, July, 1998. </p><p>Koku, Emmanuel and Barry Wellman, "The Emergence of a Scholarly Network." World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, July, 1998. </p><p>Nazer, Nancy and Barry Wellman, "A Scholarly Network as a Loosely-Coupled Organization," World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, July, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Privatization, Domestication and Feminization of Community: From Neighborhood Solidarity to Global Network" Amer. Sociological Assoc, San Francisco, Aug, 1998.</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Netville: Does a Wired Suburb Find Community On and Offline?" Amer. Sociological Assoc, San Francisco, Aug, 1998. </p><p>Kenneth Frank and Barry Wellman, "Network Capital in a Multi-Level World: How Individuals, Ties and Networks Provide Soical Support in Contemporary Communities." Social Networks and Social Capital Conference, Duke University, Oct.,1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Laura Garton, "Using Social Network Analysis to Study Computer Networks: Theory, Method and Substantive Findings." Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference (CSCW'98), Seattle, Nov., 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Is 'The Internet Paradox' Generalizable? Implications from Traditional and Online Community Network Studies." Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference (CSCW'98), Seattle, Nov, 1998.</p><p>Emmanuel Koku and Barry Wellman, "Studying a High-Tech Community of Inquiry." Telelearning Conference, Vancouver, Nov, 1998. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networks in the Global Village," Sunbelt Social Network Conference (CSCW'98), Seattle, Nov. 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Can the New Media Address Multiple Personas Online and Offline?" Online Journalism conference, Univesity of California, Berkeley, March, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "From Little Boxes to Sociospatial Networks." Transatlantic Research Conference on Social Change and Sustainable Transport, Univ. of California, Berkeley, March, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Emmanuel Koku and Nancy Nazer, "Scholarly Networks On and Offline at the Millennium." Trends Conference, Policy Research Secretariat, Ottawa, May, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Sociological Methods for Studying Virtual Community." CHI 99 [Human Factors in Computing Systems], Pittsburgh, May, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Analyzing Social Relationships and Social Networks Online." CHI 99, Pittsburgh, May, 1999.</p><p>Janet Salaff, Arent Greve, Barry Wellman and Jeff Boase, "Providing the Service that Sells: Remote Sales Workers' Human and Social Capital." Tokyo '99 Telework Conf, Sept, 1999. </p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Studying Netville Online and Offline." Kyoto Workshop on Digital Cities, Sept. 1999. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Networked in a Wired World." National Policy Research Conference: Analysing the Trends. Ottawa, Nov., 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Building Communities OnLine." Marketing Customer Relationships Conf, The Canadian Institute, Toronto, Nov 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Personalizing Systems: Evidence from Field Studies of Social Relationships and Social Networks," Communications and Information Technology Ontario Digital Media Research Review Conference, Toronto, Feb 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Taking Stock of What we Now Know about Virtual Communities: At Work and At Leisure." Wharton School of Business and IBM Conference on Virtual Communities and the Internet, Philadelphia, April, 2000.</p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Net Effects: Social Support, Social Capital, and Internet Use in the Wired Suburb and Beyond." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, Vancouver, April 2000. </p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, " Is a Computer Network a Distinctive Social Network: The Structure of Communication among Researchers On and Off Line." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, Vancouver, April 2000. </p><p>Emmanuel Koku, Nancy Nazer and Barry Wellman, "Netting Scholars." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, Vancouver, April 2000; American Sociological Assoc, Aug, 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Kenneth Frank, "Network Capital in a Multi-Level World: Getting Support from Personal Communities." Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, Vancouver, April 2000; American Sociological Assoc, Aug, 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Capital Online and Offline." American Sociological Assoc, Aug, 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Ad Hoc Networking Within and Between Offices, Organizations and Communities." Micon/Mitel conf, Ottawa Aug 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, James Witte, Keith Hampton, Anabel Quan-Haase, and Kristine Klement. "Does the Internet Increase, Ignore or Replace Contact with Friends and Relatives: The Evidence from the National Geographic 1999 Web Survey." Assoc of Internet Researchers, Lawrence KS, Sept 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Manuel Castells, "What Do We Know? Where Do We Go?" Workshop, Assoc of Internet Researchers, Lawrence, KS, Sept 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Editing and Publishing Internet Research." Panel discussion. Assoc of Internet Researchers, Lawrence, KS, Sept 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "How Users Communicate in Ad Hoc Networks." CASCON-IBM conf, Toronto, Nov 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Designing for Social Networks: The Evidence from User Studies of Communities and Organizations." CITO User Interface Technologies TechTalk conference, Ottawa, Nov 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Physical Place and Cyber Place: Beyond Bowling Alone." Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference (CSCW'00), Philadelphia, Dec 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Dealing with Community" Workshop, CSCW'00, Philadelphia, Dec 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Eric Fong, Rima Wilkes and Melissa Kew. "Dealing with the Double Digital Divide: A Preliminary Report." Office of Learning Technology, Human Resources Canada, "Experts Conference", Ottawa, Feb 2001. </p><p>Howard White, Barry Wellman and Nancy Nazer. "Does Citation Reflect Social Structure? Longitudinal Evidence from an Interdisciplinary Research Group". International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Budapest, April, 2001.</p><p>Emmanuel Koku and Barry Wellman, "Network Analysis and Learning Communities." Online Learning Communities Conference, University of Indiana, Bloomington. May 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Door-to-Door, Place-to-Place, Person-to-Person." Urban and Regional Research Conference, Int'l Sociology Assoc, Amsterdam, June 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "La Vie en Rйseaux." Keynote address, Conference on Dйmocraties et Citoyennetйs Йlectroniques Locales, Toulouse, June 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise of Networked Individualism," Amer Sociological Assoc, Aug, 2001, Anaheim CA. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "How Computer Networks are Changing Social Networks." American Sociological Association, Aug, 2001, Anaheim CA. </p><p>Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman. "Instant Messengers: Effects of Using Instant Messaging for Ad Hoc Communication in a Knowledge Based Organization." Anaheim, CA: American Sociological Association Conference, August 2001. Revised version, Ottawa: MICON Conference, August 2001. </p><p>Keith Hampton and Barry Wellman, "Capitalizing on the Net: The Netville Experience." Internet Research 2.0 Conference, Minneapolis, October 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan Haase, James Witte and Keith Hampton."Does the Internet Increase, Decrease, or Supplement Social Capital?" Internet Research 2.0 Conference, Minneapolis, October 2001.</p><p>Kristine Klement, Barry Wellman and Keith Hampton, "How Women and Men Use the Internet: Findings from the Netville Wired Suburb and the National Geographic Web Survey 2000." Internet Research 2.0 Conference, Minneapolis, October 2001.</p><p>Wenhong Chen, Jeffrey Boase and Barry Wellman, "Comparing Internet Users and Uses Around the World: Findings from the National Geographic Web Survey 2000." Internet Research 2.0 Conference, Minneapolis, October 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise (and Possible Fall) of Networked Individualism." Sunbelt Social Network Conference, New Orleans, February 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite. "The Internet in Everyday Life." Symposium on Knowledge, Creativity and Communication, World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "GloCalization On and Offline." Thematic Group on Sociology of Local-Global Relations. World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman and Keith Hampton, "Family, Community and Networks: On and Off-Line" Committee on Family Research, World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane, Australia, July 2002.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, "The Internet in Everyday Life." American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 2002.] </p><p>Barry Wellman, Wenhong Chen, Anabel Quan and Jeffrey Boase, "The Global Villagers: The Users and Uses of the Internet." American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 2002.</p><p>Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman, "Networking Knowledge: On and Off Line Communities." Micon/Mitel conference, Ottawa, August 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Mobile-ized Society: In Theory and Practice." International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Cancun, Mexico, February 2003.</p><p>Anabel Quan-Haase, Richard Livesely and Barry Wellman. "Organizational Networks: On and Off Line." Information Highways Conference. Toronto, March 2003. </p><p>Tom Gray, Ramiro Liscano, Krishnan Radhakrishnan, Yong Choi, Barry Wellman and Anabel Quan-Haase.. "Context and Intent in Call Processing." Feature Interaction Workshop, Ottawa, June 2003. </p><p>Kakuko Miyata, Jeffrey Boase, Barry Wellman and Ken'ichi Ikeda. "The Mobile-izing Japanese: Connecting to the Internet by PC and Webphone in Yamanashi." International Workshop: "Front Stage - Back Stage: Mobile Communication and the Renegotiation of the Social Sphere." Grimstad Norway, May 2003. Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman, "Networks of Distance and Media: A Case Study of a High Tech Firm." Trust and Communities conference, Bielefeld, Germany, July 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “Embedding the Internet in Everyday Life.” American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “No Group is an Island.” American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August 2003.</p><p>Wenhong Chen and Barry Wellman, “Digital Divides and Digital Dividends.” Computers Networks and Social Networks International Conference, University of Haifa, August 2003.</p><p>KEYNOTE ADDRESSES</p><p>Keynote Speaker, First European Social Network Conference, Paris, February, 1987.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "I was a Teenage Network Analyst: From the Loss of Community to the Virtual Community." Keynote Address, Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb., 1994. </p><p>Distinguished Keynote Speaker, Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf, New Orleans, Feb. 1994. [highest honor of society]</p><p>Barry Wellman "Redes Sociales: Analizando la Privatizacíon de la Communidad en Sociedades Posmodernas: Del Espacio Privado al Ciberespacio." Keynote address to founding conference of Red-Lat [Network of Latin American Social Network Analysts], Seminario Redes Sociales en América Latina. Pontifical Catholic Univ of Peru, Lima, March, 1996. Also presented at SUR, Santiago, Chile, March, 1996.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, “Work and Community in Cyberspace.” Keynote presentation to the Association for Canadian Studies in the Netherlands and Flanders, University of Antwerp, Sept., 1997. [second author; Presented by Prof. Haythornthwaite.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, “Globalisation in a Wired World.” Keynote address, International Conference on Community Informatics, Community Informatics Research and Applications Unit, University of Teeside, Middlesborough, UK, April 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “Living Wired in a Networked World: The Rise of Networked Individualism.” Keynote address, Founding conf, Association of Internet Researchers, Lawrence, KS, Sept 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “From Survival to Sustainability.” Keynote address to the Canadian Learning Networks conference, Toronto, March 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “La Vie en Réseaux.” Keynote address, Conference on Démocraties et Citoyennetés Électroniques Locales, Toulouse, June 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “Little Boxes, GloCalization, and Networked Individualism,” Keynote address to the Digital Cities conference, Kyoto, October 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Designing Communities of Practice." Innovation Laboratory, Sloan School of Business, MIT. Keynote address to "User Innovation Communities" conference, May 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise of Individualized Networking." Keynote talk to Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security Summer Institute, Social Science Research Council, New York, June 2002. Barry Wellman, "Towards a Networked Society: Computer Networks Meet Social Networks." Keynote address to the Webshop Summer Institute, US National Science Foundation, College Park, MD, June 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase, Jeffrey Boase and Wenhong Chen. "Examining the Internet in Everyday Life." Keynote address to the Euricom Conference on e-Democracy and e-Government. Nijmegen, Neth, Oct 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Networked Nature of Communities Online and Offline. Keynote address to "Conference on `Netting Citizens': the CTPI Conference on Exploring Citizenship in an Internet Age." Faculty of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, Nov 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, “Social Engagement of the Internet Generation Across Cultures.” Universiteit van Tilburg, Netherlands, 75th Anniversary Lustrum. Keynote Video Address, March 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “Neighboring and Distancing: On and Off Line.” Keynote address to the Home Informatics Technology Conference, , University of California, Irvine, April 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Internet in Everyday Life." Keynote address to the first Finnish Confernece on Social Networks, Tampere University, Finland, June 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman. "The Internet in Everyday Life." Revised version:” Keynote address to Computer Networks and Social Networks International Conference, Haifa, August 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “The Mobile-ized Society: In Theory and in Practice.” Keynote address to the Information, Communication, Society Research Symposium, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK, September 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, “The Networked Future of Community.” Keynote address to the Community and Technology conference, Amsterdam, September 2003.</p><p>INVITED LECTURES</p><p>Barry Wellman and Leslie Howard. "Connections as Structure: Some Implications of the Social Network Approach to Sociology." Univ. of Surrey, England; Nov., 1974. Guildford. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Community Question." Univ. of Manchester, Feb., 1975; School of Oriental and African Studies, Feb., 1975, London; Inst. for Applied Sociological Research, Nov., 1978, Köln; Oberlin College, April, 1980.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "What is Structural Analysis in Sociology?" Thematic Session on "Formal models in Sociology," Aug., 1980, New York; Boston Univ., Nov., 1980; Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Toronto, Dec., 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Support in Networks," McMaster Univ., March, 1981.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Peter Carrington and Alan Hall, "Networks as Personal Communities." Annenberg School of Communications, April, 1984; Univ. of Southern California, April, 1984.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Implications of the East York Social Network Study for Societal Care of the Aged." Programme in Gerontology, Univ. of Toronto, Jan., 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using Network Analysis to Study Social Support and Community." Laval Univ., Feb., 1983; Univ. of Akron, Feb., 1983.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Domestic Work, Paid Work, Net Work." Univ. of California (separate lectures at Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara), Whittier College, Portland State Univ., Spring, 1984; Brown Univ., 1985; Harvard Univ., Nov., 1985; Univ. of Waterloo, Feb., 1986.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Nature of Network Analysis: Theory, Methods and Some Substance." Indian Statistical Inst., Calcutta, Aug., 1986.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Getting Social Support." Dept. of Sociology, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, Dec., 1987.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Finding Community in the City," `Theodore Standing Commemorative Lecture,' SUNY-Albany, April, 1987. Rockefeller Inst. of Government, Albany NY, April, 1987.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley, "The Relational Basis of Social Support." Bulgarian Institute of Sociology, Sofia, Oct., 1989. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Implications of Network Analysis for Perestroika". Bulgarian Inst. of Sociology, Sofia, Oct. 1989.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using Networks to Survive in the Global Village." Univ. of California-Irvine, Oct. 1990; Arizona State Univ., Oct. 1990; Univ. of Texas, Nov. 1990.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Men in Networks: The Domestication of Community and Friendship." Univ. of Toronto, June 1991. Univ. of California-Riverside, Feb., 1992; Sophia Univ., Tokyo, July, 1992.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Community Networks in the Global Village." Toronto Assoc. of Business Executives, April, 1991; Matsuyama Univ., Japan, July, 1992.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Social Network Approach to Studying Computer-Supported Cooperative Work." Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Toronto, March, 1992.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Evaluating the Social Use of Computer-Supported Collaborative Work." Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Research and Development Lab, Kurikama, Japan, July, 1992.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Network Analysis: Theories and Methodologies." Hong Kong Polytechnic, June, 1992.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Personal Community and Social Support." Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan; Academa Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, April, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Studying Social Networks in Taiwan." Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan; Academa Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, April, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "An Introduction to Social Network Analysis." Tunghai Univ, Taiwan, April, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Gender and Personal Communities." Tunghai Univ, Taiwan, April, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Public and Private Community," Academica Sinica, Taiwan, April, 1994; Inst for Soc Sci Research; Univ of Groningen, Neth, July, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Social Network is More than the Sum of its Personal Relationships." Plenary lecture, Int'l Conf. on Personal Relationships, Groningen, Neth, July, 1994.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Thematic Review of Network Research into the Study of Communities." Dept. de Sociologie, Univ. de Montreal, March, 1995. Barry Wellman and Charles Wetherell, "A Program for Historical Community Network Research: Some Questions from the Present for the Past." Festspiel in Honor of Charles Tilly, "Structure, Identity and Power: The Past and Future of Collective Action," Amsterdam, June, 1995. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "From Personal Community to Virtual Community: A Network Approach to Sociology." Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem, April, 1995; Univ. of Haifa, May, 1995; UCLA, June, 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Virtual Reality of Virtual Work and Community." Two lectures to seminars in Communications and Organizational Behaviour, Hebrew Univ, Jerusalem, May, 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Space, Time and Networks." European-American Workshop on Structuralism and Rational Choice, Neth. Inst. for Advanced Studies, Wassenaar, July, 1995.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Privatization of Community." INRS-Urbanisation, Montreal, April, 1996.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networks in the Global Village." Dept of Telecommunication, College of Communication, Michigan State Univ, E Lansing, MI, May, 1996.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Net Surfers Don't Ride Alone: Continuities and Change in Computer Supported Social Networks of Work and Community." Harvard Univ, Dept of Sociology, Nov, 1996</p><p>Barry Wellman, ""Face-to-Face, Screen-to-Screen, and Email to Email: How People Work, Learn and Play Together On and Offline -- A Report of Social Research into What Uses Different Kinds of People Have (and Don't Have) for Desktop Videoconferencing, Email and Shared DataBases in Distributed Organizations, Telework, Scholarly Networks and Wired Suburbs." Advanced Development Group, Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR, Feb, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using Social Networks to Analyze Relationships and Social Structure: From Personal Community to Virtual Work." Plenary Lecture to the First All-Swiss Graduate Summer School in the Social Sciences, Geneva, July, 1997.</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman, "Work and Community in Cyberspace." Keynote presentation to the Association for Canadian Studies in the Netherlands and Flanders, University of Antwerp, Sept., 1997. [Presented by Prof. Haythornthwaite.]</p><p>Barry Wellman, Dimitrina Dimitrova, Emmanuel Koku, Keith Hampton and Nancy Nazer, "Computer Networks as Social Networks: Beyond HCI and the Dyad." Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work, Univ of Michigan, Oct, 1997. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Virtual Communities: Questions, Theories, Opportunities" Forum, Media-in- Transition Program, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT], Nov, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Laura Garton and Keith Hampton, "How Organizations and Communities Network." Knowledge Media Design Institute, Univ. of Toronto, Nov, 1997. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Virtual Communities as Social Networks." Dept of Sociology, Florida Int'l Univ, Miami, Feb, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "El análisi estructural: del método y la metáfora a la teoriá y la sustancia," Univ Complutense Madrid, May, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "From Little Boxes to Ramified Networks: A Paradigm Shift." Canada by Design Visionary Speakers Series, McLuhan Programme, Univ. of Toronto, April, 1998. Barry Wellman, "From Little Boxes to the Network Society: GloCalized Communities and Organizations." Advanced Technology and the Dynamics of Everyday Life Symposium, Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, June, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Achievements and Current Directions in Network Research: An International Perspective." Invited Seminar on "Networks, Localities and Communities: New Directions for Research and Social Policy." Univ. of Keele, UK, July, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Development and Underdevelopment Along the Information Highway: Implications for Work, Play, Home and Community" Counselors of Real Estate High-Level Conference. Asheville, NC, Aug, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Beverly Wellman, "Men and Women in Networks." Center for Working Families, University of California, Berkeley, March, 1999. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Networked in a Wired World." Human Centered Computing Seminar, School of Information Management and Systems and the Department of Computer Science, Univ. of California, Berkeley, March, 1999; Haas School of Business, Univ. of California, Berkeley, March, 1999. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Networked in an Uncertain World." Univ. of California, Irvine, April, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Multiplicities, Diversities and Identities." Bellagio (Italy) Center for Study, Nov, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living and Working Networked in a Wired World." Strategy and Organization Workshop, Rotman School of Management, Univ of Toronto, Feb. 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Building Virtual Community." Center for the Study of Work, Technology and Organizations, Stanford Univ, March 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Globalisation in a Wired World." Keynote address, International Conf. on Community Informatics, Community Informatics Research and Applications Unit, University of Teeside, Middlesborough, UK, April 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using the Internet to Build Community." Schl of Public Admin., Univ of Kansas, Sept 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Wired in a Networked World: The Rise of Networked Individualism." Keynote address, Founding conference, Assoc of Internet Researchers, Lawrence, KS, Sept 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Trends in How People Live and Work Online (and Offline)." Population Health Branch, Health Canada, Toronto, Oct 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Out of the Office into the Home, into the Pocket: Where Users Fit in the Design Loop" panelist, CITO User Interface Technologies Conf, Ottawa, Nov 2000. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using Multiple Communication Media in a Networked Society." Bell University Laboratories Discovery Seminar Series, Toronto, Nov 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networks in the Global Village: Evidence from Studies of Work and Community." SUNY-Stony Brook, Feb. 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Networked in a Wired World." Taub Urban Research Center, New York University, March, 2001. Barry Wellman, "Consumer Behavior in the Networked World." College of Communication, Univ of Illinois, March 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "From Survival to Sustainability." Keynote address to the Canadian Learning Networks Conference, Toronto, March 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networks Have No Boundaries." Concluding paper at Social Structure in a Changing World: Presentations in Honour of Barry Wellman ["The Barryfest"]. University of Toronto, April 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "How Canadians Connect with Each Other and the World." Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs, Privy Council Office, Ottawa, May, 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Plague of Viruses: Biological, Computer, Marketing." Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Quebec City, May 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Studying Scholarly Networks." Science of Collaboratories Seminar, School of Information, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Designing Networkware – Not Groupware – for Computer Supported Social Networks." TorCHI, June 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Computer Networks are Social Networks," Dept of Sociology, Universite de Toulouse 2 - Le Mirail, June 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Little Boxes, GloCalization, and Networked Individualism." Keynote address to the Digital Cities conference, Kyoto, October 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Internet and the Networked Society: Implications for Catalonia." Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, November 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networked Individualism." Policy Research Initiatives Conference, Ottawa, December, 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman and Keith Hampton, "Netville On and Offline." Policy Research Initiatives Conference, Ottawa, December, 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Internet in Everyday Life" (co-authored with Anabel Quan-Haase, Wenhong Chen and Jeffrey Boase). HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, March 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise of Networked Individualism," School of Social & Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, March 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Networked in a Wired World." Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, March 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Using Sociological Analysis to Design for a Mobile-ized Society." Lecture series: Immersive Interaction: How Far Are You Willing to Go?" Interactive Multimedia Arts and Technologies Association, Toronto, May 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Designing Communities of Practice." Innovation Laboratory, Sloan School of Business, MIT. Keynote address to "User Innovation Communities" conference, May 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Towards a Networked Society: Computer Networks Meet Social Networks." Keynote address to the Webshop Summer Institute, US National Science Foundation, College Park, MD, June 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Rise of Individualized Networking." Keynote address to Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security Summer Institute, Social Science Research Council, New York, June 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Netting Together: Has There Been a Turn Towards Networked Individualism?" Inaugural Presentation to the New Directions in Digital Government Research Seminar series and the Cambridge Colloquium on Complexity and Social Networks, National Center for Digital Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Sept 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Internet in Everyday Life." Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 2002.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase, Jeffrey Boase and Wenhong Chen. "Examining the Internet in Everyday Life." Keynote address to the Euricom Conference on e-Democracy and e-Government. Nijmegen, Netherlands, Oct 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Wired in a Networked World: the Internet in Everyday Life." Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK. Nov 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Networked Nature of Communities Online and Offline. Keynote address to "Conference on `Netting Citizens': Exploring Citizenship in an Internet Age." School of Theology, University of Edinburgh, Nov 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Online Social Networks and Their Implications for Religious Culture." Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Edinburgh, Nov 2002. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Jeffrey Boase, Wenhong Chen, Keith Hampton, Anabel Quan-Haase, and Isabel Diaz de Isla". "Networking Community: The Internet in Everyday Life." Transforming Enterprise Conference, Department of Commerce, Washington, January 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman. "The Internet in Everyday Life." Critical and Cultural Studies of Information Technology." State University at Buffalo, March 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, Anabel Quan-Haase and Richard Livesley, "Organizational Networks: On and Offline." CITO Innotalk in conjunction with the Information Highways conference, Toronto, March 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Social Engagement of the Internet Generation Across Cultures." Universitet van Tilburg, Netherlands, 75th Anniversary Lustrum. Keynote Video Address, March 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Are We Living Wired or Alone?" College Bowl 40th Reunion Address, Lafayette College, April 2003.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Neighboring and Distancing:On and Off Line." Home Informatics Technology Conference, Keynote Address, University of California, Irvine, April 2003. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Living Networked in a Wired World." Distinguished Scholar Lecture, Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University, April 2003. </p><p>INFORMAL TALKS</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Condos, Communes and Compuserve," Futures Forum, Spaced-Out Research Library, Toronto Public Libraries, July, 1987.</p><p>Harriet Friedmann and Barry Wellman, "Perestroika Urban and Rural". Ctr. for Russian and East European Studies, Univ. of Toronto, Nov. 1989.]</p><p>Participant, "The City: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives." First Joint Symposium, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto and Holy Blossom Temple, May, 1993. Barry Wellman. "Disbelief in Authority: JFK, Milgram and Me" (on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Obedience to Authority), Amer Psych Assoc, Toronto, Aug., 1993.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Relevance of Social Network Analysis for Occupational Therapy." Community Occupational Therapists and Associates, Toronto, Nov., 1994</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Real World of the Information Highway." Lunchtime Lecture Series, School of Continuing Studies, Univ. of Toronto, Jan, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Cool Cats and Hot Nets: Switching Codes and Finding Identity with Harrison White." A Semi-Poetic Toast and Roast in Seven Parts." White Tie Event in Honor of Harrison White, San Diego, Feb., 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Judy Merril: A Great New York Canadian." Memorial Service, Performing Arts Lodge, Toronto, Sept. 29, 1997, on the occasion of her death, Sept. 12, 1997.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Web, the Net and the University." Latin American and Carribean Research Ctr, Florida Int'l Univ, Miami, Feb, 1998.</p><p>Barry Wellman. "The Anthropology of Cyberspace: Bodies and Virtual Community: Discussant's Comments." Toronto: Canadian Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology, May, 1998. </p><p>Barry Wellman. "Judith Merril in Space and Time." Multimedia Presentation, University of California, Berkeley, April, 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "A Conversation with Barry Wellman." Interval Research, Palo Alto, May 1999.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "What Does a Sociologist Do When Studying Computers and the Internet?" Computer and Electrical Engineering Graduate Student Seminar, University of Toronto, Nov, 2000.</p><p>Barry Wellman, Howard Rheingold and Others. "Critics' Corner re Networks in the Global Village," Online Social Networks web discussion, March-April 2001. Available as a CD-ROM and on the web at: 3+0+x+x+x+x+x+</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Pass It On!" Social Structure in a Changing World: Presentations in Honour of Barry Wellman ["The Barryfest"]. University of Toronto, April 2001. </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Networking Canada." Acceptance Speech for Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Assoc. Conference Outstanding Lifetime Contribution Award, Laval Univ., Quebec City, May 2001.</p><p>Barry Wellman, "The Descent of the Internet." Canadian Journalism Fellows, Massey College, Toronto, March 2003. </p><p>TEACHING AND MENTORING</p><p>UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT</p><p>Urban Sociology, Structural Analysis, Technology and Society, Honours Research Seminar, Modernization and Community, Urban Studies, Introductory Sociology, Social Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Relations</p><p>GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT </p><p>Community, Information in Society, Social Network Analysis, Research Methods, Technology and Society </p><p>COMPLETED DISSERTATIONS </p><p>Jack Wayne, 1971. "Networks of Informal Participation in a Suburban Context." (committee member).</p><p>Norman Shulman, 1972. "Urban Social Networks: An Investigation of Personal Networks in Urban Setting." (committee member).</p><p>Linda Gerber, 1976. "Minority Survival: Community Characteristics and Migration from Indian Communities across Canada." (committee member).</p><p>Ellen Derow, 1977. "Married Women's Employment and Domestic Labour." (co- supervisor).</p><p>Allan Gilmore, 1978. "Crowding: An Anatomy of a Spurious Paradigm." (co-supervisor).</p><p>Karen Anderson, 1982. "Huron Women and Huron Men." (co-supervisor).</p><p>June Corman, 1982. "The Sociological Import of a Crown Corporation: The Potash Corporation of Canada." (supervisor).</p><p>Liviana Mostacci Calzavara, 1982. "Social Networks and Job Searches: Variations by Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status." (secondary supervisor).</p><p>R. J[ack] Richardson, 1984. "Toward a `Structural-Rational' Theory of the Functions of Directorship Interlocks." (secondary supervisor).</p><p>Barry Leighton, 1986. "The Experiencing of Community." (supervisor).</p><p>Kathryn Asbury, 1987. "Embedded Social Control: A Study of the Role of the Apartment Superintendent." (committee member).</p><p>Joanne Gard Marshall, (Behavioural Science) 1987. "The Adoption and Implementation of Online Information Technology by Health Care Professionals." (internal appraiser).</p><p>Wong Yuk-lin (Sociology, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, M.A.) 1987. "Personal Community, Residential Satisfaction and Community Attachment: A Study of Two Estates in Shatlin." (external appraiser).</p><p>Beverly Wellman (Behavioural Science, M.Sc.) 1990. "Pathways to Back Care." (conjugal consultant).</p><p>Vicente Espinoza. 1992. "Networks of Informal Economy and the Structure of Urban Communities in Santiago de Chile." (supervisor).</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite 1992. (M.I.S.). "Modes of Communication among Comptuer Scientists." (committee member)</p><p>David Tindall, 1993. "Collective Action in the Rain Forest." (committee member).</p><p>Caroline Haythornthwaite, 1996. "Media Use in Support of Communication Networks in an Academic Research Environment.". (Information Studies, co-supervisor). Hanna Rantavuo Lehtimaki, 1996. "To What Extent Do Managerial Relationships in a Finnish Multinational Cross National Boundaries?" (Management Studies, U of Toronto & Tampere U, Finland; co-supervisor).</p><p>N. Scot Wortley, 1996. "Social Networks, Social Support and Substance Abuse: Testing Social Ability and Social Disability Theories of Deviance." (supervisor).</p><p>Nancy Nazer, 2001. "Operating Virtually with a Hierarchical Framework: How a Virtual Organization Really Works." (supervisor). </p><p>Susan Bastani, 2001. "Middle Class Community in Iran: Social Networks, Social Support and Marital Relationships" (supervisor).</p><p>Keith Hampton, "Living the Wired Life in the Wired Suburb: Netville, Glocalization and Civil Society." (supervisor).</p><p>Dimitrina Dimitrova, 2002. "The Telework Mosaic: Forms of Corporate Telework" (co- supervisor). </p><p>DISSERTATIONS IN PROGRESS </p><p>Laura Garton, "Embedding Computer Mediated Communication Technologies in a Social Context: A Case Study of Changing Intraorganizational Relationships and Media Use" (supervisor).</p><p>Emmanuel Koku, "A Virtual University Institute as a Scholarly Network" (supervisor). </p><p>Mark Chapman, "No Longer Crying in the Wilderness: Canadian Evangelical Organizations and Their Networks." (Religious Studies, co-supervisor).</p><p>Anabel Quan-Haase, "Understanding Communication Patterns and the Role of Computer Mediated Communication in an Organization in the Knowledge Based Service Sector." (Information Studies, co-supervisor).</p><p>Detelina Radoeva, "Growing Up in Interesting Times: The Effects of the Rapid Transition to Market-Driven Values on Juvenile Delinquency in East and Central Europe." (committee member).</p><p>Alesia Zuccala, "Investigating the Intellectual Structure and Social Processes of Communication in an Invisible College Network: A Bibliometric and Ethnographic Case Study of Singularity Theory Research in Mathematics." (Information Studies, committee member).</p><p>Rossitza Neikova, "Organizational Networks." (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, committee member). </p><p>POST - DOCTORAL AND COLLEGIAL VISITORS</p><p>Sebastien Reichmann (CNRS, Paris). "Support Networks for Unemployed French Blue-Collar workers." 1988. Endre Sik (Institute of Social Sciences, Budapest). "Informal Economies: Cross-National Comparisons." 1988, 1990, 1992 - 1993. Dafna Carmeli (University of Haifa). "Perception and Social Relationships in an Israeli Neighborhood." 1991 - 1992. Song Lin-Fei (Nanjing University, China). "Canadian Urbanization." 1991 - 1992. Francisco Javier Garrido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), "Municipal Networks in Latin America." 1992 - 1993. Shinsuke Otani (Matsuyama University). "Changing Japanese Relationships." 1992 - 1993. Suraj Bandyopadhyay (Indian Statistical Inst., Calcutta). "Complex Village Relations." 1993. Leslie Howard (Whittier College, Calif). "Links between Canada and Mexico." 1994, 1995. Shinji Nozawa, (Shizuoka University). "Community and Kinship in Japan." 1995-1996. Masao Nobe (Okiyama University). "Old-Age Networks in Japan and Canada." 1996. Scott Feld (Louisiana State University). "Mathematical Models of Social Networks." 1997. J. Jill Suitor (Louisiana State University) "Social Networks Through the Life-Course." 1997. Fleur Thomese (Free Univ of Amsterdam). "Dutch Personal Communities." 1998. Gustavo Mesch (Univ. of Haifa, Israel). "Ecology, Networks and Social Movements." 1998. Uwe Matzat (Univ of Groningen, Neth.). "Academic Communication and Internet Discussion Groups." 1999. Shinsuke Otani (Kwansei Gakuin University). "Changing Social Networks in Japan," 2002. Kakuko Miyata (Meiji Gakuin University). "The Internet in Japanese Society," 2002-2003. Ken’ichi Ikeda (University of Tokyo). “Attitudes and Behaviors Related to the Internet.” 2003. </p><p>Teaching and Mentoring Awards </p><p>Barry Wellman Award, established 1990 by Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, for year's best undergraduate research paper.</p><p>Outstanding Teaching Award, Second Place, Int'l Society for the Study of Personal Relationships, 1996. Mentoring Award, First Place, International Network for Personal Relationships, 1998. </p><p>Teaching-Oriented Publications </p><p>Barry Wellman, "Urban Sociology: A Canadian Course Syllabus." Comparative Urban Research 7, 1 (1979):42-47. [Revised version in Teaching Community and Urban Sociology Washington, DC: ASA Teaching Resources Center, 1981. Further revised version in Urban Sociology Teaching Resources. Washington, DC: American Sociological Assoc., 1988.] Barry Wellman, "Mentoring: A Personal Relationship." International Network Newsletter 43 (1998): 5-6.</p><p>Teaching-Oriented Workshops</p><p>Barry Wellman, "Introductory Workshop to Social Network Analysis" (3 hours). Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., annually, since 1985- Barry Wellman, "Workshop on Writing and Editing." Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, Nov-Dec, 1998. Barry Wellman, "Networks in the Global Village." Long-distance audio workshop with the Department of Sociology, Texas Wesleyan University, May, 2000. Aysan Sev'er and Barry Wellman, "Graduate Workshop on Conference Organizing." Dept of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, July 2000. Barry Wellman, "Studying Social Networks Online." Dept de Sociologie, Univ de Toulouse-Le Mirail, June 2001. </p><p>UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO AFFAIRS</p><p>Department of Sociology, Chair of Computing Committee, 2002-2003 Department of Sociology Program Representative to KMDI Collaborative Graduate Program, 2002 - Knowledge Media Design Institute, Co-Editor of Technical Report and Working Paper Series, 2001 - Knowledge Media Design Institute, Collaborative [Graduate] Program Committee Member, 2001 - Executive Committee, Dept of Sociology, 1999 - Knowledge Media Design Institute, Co-Editor of Technical Report and Working Paper Series, 2001 - Standing Committee on Academic Appeals, Dept of Sociology, 1999 - Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) Steering Committee, 1999 - Knowledge Media Design Institute Decannal Review Committee, 1998. Nominations Committee, Dept. of Sociology, 1998. Development Committee, Dept. of Sociology, 1998 -. Steering Committee, Provostial "Urban Health Initiative," 1995. Director, Writing Workshop (for Graduate Students), Dept. of Sociology, 1989 - 1995. Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Provincial Sociology panel, 1994, 1995. Research Committee, Dept. of Sociology, 1976 - 1990 (usually as Chair) Advisory Board, Innis College Urban Studies Programme, 1977 - 1990 Director, Structural Analysis Programme, 1979 - 1982 Associate Director, Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, 1980 - 1984; Exec Committee, 1984- Board Member, McLuhan Programme in Culture and Technology, 1982 - 1993 Research Committee, Programme in Gerontology, 1983 - 1984 Graduate Program Committee, Knowledge Media Design Institute, 1997 - . Steering Committee, Univ. of Toronto/Univ. of Waterloo Coop. on Info. Technology, 1985 - 1990 Senior Steering Committee, Department of Sociology, 1992 - 1997. Research Coordinator, Dept. of Sociology, 1987 - 1990 Project Director, High School Mentorship Program, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1987 - Review/Chair Search Committee: Ctr. for Urban and Community Studies, 1987 - 1988" Board Member, EPAS/CHASS Computer Centre, 1987 - 1990, 1992 - 1997 Editor, Working Paper Series, Dept. of Sociology, 1988 - 1990 Principal author, "Some Suggestions for Undergraduate Methods Instruction" (with Clayton Mosher), Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Toronto, 1989 Review/Chair Search Committee: Dept. of Sociology, 1990 Faculty of Arts & Science Committee on Effective Writing, 1992 - 1996</p><p>OTHER ACTIVITIES</p><p>PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS</p><p>American Sociological Assoc., including sections on: Community and Urban; Organizations, Occupations and Work; Science, Technology and Knowledge; Sociology and Computing . Assoc. for Computing Machinery: Special Interest Group for Supporting Group Processes (SIGGROUP) Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Assoc. Information Highway Working Group Int'l Network for Social Network Analysis Int'l Network for the Study of Personal Relationships Int'l Society for the Study of Personal Relationships Int'l Sociological Assoc., including Community, Family, and Urban Research Committees</p><p>CONFERENCE and SESSION (CO-)ORGANIZING</p><p>“Internet and Society” session, American Sociological Association conference, San Francisco, August 2004. Chair, Steering Committee AoIR-Toronto, 2002: Organizing group for the 2003 AoIR conference in Toronto. Consultant, IBM Social Technology Group, June 2001: How to Study Social Networks at Work. Consultant, "Federalism and Federations Research Workshop," Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Privy Council Office, May, 2001. Panel (with Caroline Haythornthwaite), "Constructing and Using Social Networks in Cyberspace." Assoc for Internet Research founding conf, Lawrence, KS, Sept 2000. Panel (with Caroline Haythornthwaite), "Community On and Offline." Assoc for Internet Research founding conf, Lawrence, KS, Sept 2000. Workshop: "Research Issues in the Design of Online Communities." CHI 99, Pittsburgh, May, 1999. "Human Centered Computing" Faculty-Graduate Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, 1999. Program Chair, Community and Urban Sociology section, Amer Soc Assoc conference, San Francisco, Aug, 1998. "Community, City, Cyberspace" session, Amer Soc Assoc conference, San Francisco, Aug, 1998. "Computer Networks as Social Networks" session, Int'l Soc Network conf, Barcelona (Sitges), May, 1998 Advisory Committee & Participant, Workshop on Advances in Organizational and Social Informatics, Bloomington, IN, Nov, 1997. Sociological Research Association, Annual Meeting and Banquet, Toronto, Aug., 1997 Community and Urban Sociology section reception and executive committee meeting, Amer Soc Assoc, Toronto, Aug., 1997 "The Internet and the Sociological Landscape," Amer Soc Assoc, Aug, 1997. "Social Network Analysis" 10-day workshop for First All-Swiss Graduate Summer School in the Social Sciences, July - Aug., 1997 "WhiteTie Event": Festschrift for Harrison White, San Diego, Feb, 1997. Tillyfest, International conf in honour of Charles Tilly, Univ of Toronto, Oct, 1995. "Personal Relationships and Social Networks," International Conference on Personal Relationships, Banff, July, 1996. "Contextual & Structural Perspectives on Relationships," Internatonal Society for Personal Relationships, 1993 -. "Network Methods" session, Research Methods committee, International Sociological Association, Bielefeld, Ger, Aug., 1994. Sessions on: "Computer Networks as Social Networks", "Personal Community: Theoretical Interpretations", "Personal Communities and Social Support: International Perspectives", "Personal Communities through the Life-Cycle". Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., New Orleans, Feb., 1994. "Networks in the Global Village," Amer Soc Assoc, Miami Beach, Aug., 1993. "Personal Communities and Social Support," Int'l Sunbelt Social Network Conf., Tampa, Feb, 1993; New Orleans, Feb, 1994. "Introduction to Social Network Analysis" workshops, Sunbelt Social Network Conf., 1989, 1991-. "Networks in the Global Village." International Sunbelt Social Network Conference San Diego, 1992; Tampa, 1993. "Telepresence: Its Design and Opportunities for Social Science Research." Institut de Recherche Pluridisciplinaire sur les Environmments d'Apprentissage et de Communication de Savoirs (IRPEACS), Lyon, 1991. "Politics of Language in Multiethnic Societies," American Sociological Assoc., Cincinnati, 1991. Series of Network Analysis sessions, World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, 1990. Symposium on Network Analysis over a Decade, Int'l Conf. on Personal Relationships, Oxford, 1990. Close Relationships Conf., Nags Head, NC, 1990. International Symposium on the Ethnic Crisis in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Academy of Science, 1990. [North American co-organizer]. Three sessions on social network analysis, World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi, 1986. "The Community Question Re-evaluated" session, American Sociological Assoc., New York City, 1986. [also keynote speaker]. "Networking, Moving, Connecting, Supporting: Getting, Maintaining and Using Supportive Social Networks" (with Beverly Wellman). Wellness `86 conference, Toronto, Dec., 1986. Computers and Society seminar, McLuhan Programme, Univ. of Toronto, 1985 - 1988. Structural Analysis session, North Central Sociological Assoc., 1982. Social Networks session, American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, 1978. Social Network Symposium, World Congress of Sociology, Uppsala, Sweden, 1978. "New Directions in Structural Analysis" colloquium, Univ. of Toronto, 1978. Community session, American Sociological Assoc., Chicago, 1977. Conf. on Social Network Research, World Congress of Sociology, 1974, Toronto. "Utopias: Real and Imaginary," Eastern Sociological Society, 1971, New York. "New Algebraic Models for the Study of Social Structure" conference, Cambridge MA, 1973; "Do Networks Matter?" conference, Camden ME, 1972, sponsored by the Math. Social Sciences Board.</p><p>CONSULTING</p><p>“Social Capital and Deconcentration: Theoretical and Policy Paradoxes of the HOPE VI Program,” National Science Foundation funded, Prof. Susan Greenbaum, Dept. of Anthropology, University of South Florida, 2003 - 2005 "Social Networks Among School Professionals," NSF-Funded, Dr Bill Penuel, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 2003 - Mitel Networks, Strategic Technology Group, Ottawa, 2000-2002. "Network of Experts", Office of Learning Technology, Human Resources Development Canada. 2000 - 2001. France Telecom, Delphi Study of Effects of Mobile Internet on Corporate Organizations and Their Relationships with Customers, Suppliers and Partners, 2000 - 2001. Published in Marc Grosser and Vйronique Singer, "L'Internet Mobile Changera-t-il Les Entreprises?" Cahiers du Groupe Bernard Brunhes, No. 9, June 2002. Sherpa Ears, Board of Technical Advisors, 2000. [software start-up firm to develop network communities] CalWORKS Sanction Study [of Welfare Mothers], Dept of Social Welfare, UCLA, 2000. U.S. General Social Survey (2000) Module on the Use of the Internet and Web, 1999 - 2000 Canadian General Social Survey (2000) Module on the Internet and Web, 1999 - 2000. "Survey 2000" Advisory Board, National Geographic Magazine, 1998-2000. "Wired Communities," Center for Strategic Technology Research (C*STAR), Andersen Consulting, 1999 "The Internet and the Consumer," Boston Consulting Group, Themes for CEO-St. Gallen Conference on New Trends in Computing and Society 1999. "Organizational Networks of Canadian Health Care Organizations." Canadian Health Network, 1998. "Intergenerational Equity," Statistics Canada, 1997. "Building Virtual Community," International Data Corp, Toronto, 1997 "Developing North-South Scholarly Networks." Janice Stein and Richard Stren for Int'l Dev Res Centre, 1997. "Measuring Social Support Networks." Leroy Stone, Statistics Canada, 1997. "Elliott Lake Tracking and Adjustment Study," Elaine Porter and Derek Wilkinson, Laurentian University, 1996 - 1997. "Using the Information Highway," Publications Committee, American Sociological Assoc., 1995. "Using the Information Highway," Electronic Media Advisor, Int'l Sociological Assoc., 1995. "Pathways to Alternative Health-Care" Project, Merrijoy Kelner & Beverly Wellman, Centre for Studies of Aging, University of Toronto, 1994-1998 "Kenya Women's Discussion Networks," Susan Cott Watkins, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania. 1994-1995. "Ethnicity, Economic Stress and Adaptation in Families." Prof. Ross Parke, et al. (University of California, Riverside), U.S. National Institutes of Health, 1994 - 2001. National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health (UCLA), 1993-1999. Centre for Studies of the Future, Central Mortgage and Housing Corp, "Community and Social Support in Canadian Social Housing," 1993. Providence Villa Hospital [research design], 1986 - 1988; 1992. Evaluation of Income Tax Program, Neighbourhood Information Ctr., East York (Toronto), 1991. Sociological Aspects of Alcohol and Drug Use, Health and Welfare Canada, 1988 - 1992. Chairman, Dept. of Sociology, Tirana Univ., Albania, 1990. Immigration and Refugee Board, Ministry of Employment and Immigration, 1990. Population Studies Division, Statistics Canada "Population Aging in Canada," 1986. Visiting Evaluator, Mathematics/Social Sciences Program, Dartmouth College, March, 1981. "Crime and Urban Neighborhoods" project. National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, 1981. "The Quality of Life on the Urban Rim." Toronto Social Planning Council, 1977 - 1978. "Child Care Networks" project, Univ. of Toronto, School of Social Work, 1978. NSF sponsored ongoing computer conference (EIES) on "Human Communication via Computers: Research Options and Alternatives." 1977 - 1981. Cole, Sherman and Associates, Planners and Engineers. [Reports to the Ont. Min. of Transportation on the impact of new highway corridors and new forms of transportation systems, 1971 - 75.]</p><p>REFEREEING</p><p>JOURNALS: Acta Sociologica; Administrative Science Quarterly; American Journal of Community Psychology; American Journal of Sociology; American Sociological Review; Annals of the Association of American Geographers; Annual Review of Sociology; Canadian Journal of Sociology; Canadian Journal of Urban Research; Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology; City and Community; City and Society; Communication Research; Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery; Community and Technology [conference, Amsterdam 2003], Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory; Criminology; CSCW; CSCW2000 [conference]; Cultural Anthropology; Environment and Behavior; Ethnic and Racial Studies; European Journal of Sociology; Human Biology; Human Organization;The Information Society; Information Communication and Society; International Sociology; Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media; Journal of Computer Mediated Communication; Journal of Media and Religion; Journal of Online Behavior; Journal of Personal and Social Relationships; Journal of Social Issues; Journal of Social Structure; New Media and Society; Philosophy of the Social Sciences; Psychology and Aging; Quantitative Anthropology; Research in Community and Urban Sociology; Rural Sociology; Social Forces; Social Networks; Social Problems; Social Psychology Quarterly; Social Science Quarterly; Sociological Focus; Sociological Forum; Sociological Inquiry; Sociological Perspectives; Sociological Quarterly; Sociological Research Online; Social Theory; Urban Affairs Quarterly; Work and Occupations.</p><p>AGENCIES [for Sociology, except as noted]: British Columbia Medical Council [psychiatry]; Economic and Social Research Council (UK); Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique; Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'aide a la Recherche [Quebec]; Health and Welfare Canada; Israel Science Foundation; [U.S.] National Institute for Mental Health [sociology, social psychology, public health]; [U.S.] National Science Foundation [sociology, information science]; Ontario Mental Health Foundation [public health]; Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada [sociology, psychology, economics, geography]; Statistics Canada [gerontology], United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation.</p><p>PUBLISHERS: Academic Press, American Sociological Assoc. "Rose Series," Cambridge Univ. Press, Harvard Univ. Press, MIT Press, McGraw-Hill, Oxford Univ. Press, Prentice-Hall, Random House, Sage, Univ. of Toronto Press, Westview Press.</p><p>APPOINTMENTS, THESES, PROMOTIONS AND TENURE [for Sociology, except as noted]: Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Arizona, California (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles [Sociology, Information], Riverside, Santa Barbara [Communication]), Columbia, Cornell [Communication], Dartmouth [Mathematics Social Science], Edinburgh [Theology], Groningen, Haifa [Information, Sociology], Harvard [Government, Kennedy School] Hebrew, Humboldt, Illinois (Champaign-Urbana [Info Science], Chicago), Indiana [Information], Louisiana State, Michigan [Information, Sociology], National Univ of Ireland (Maynooth), Newcastle [Planning], New Jersey Institute of Technology [Information Systems], North Carolina (Greensboro), Northwestern, Occidental, Pittsburgh, Rensselaer Polytechnic [Communication], Simon Fraser [Communication], South Florida [Anthro], Southern California [Annenberg Schl. of Communication], Southampton, State University of New York (Albany, Stony Brook), Syracuse [Political Science], Vanderbilt, Waterloo. MEDIA</p><p>On-Camera Contributor, TV Ontario Sociology series: "Urban" and "Family" shows, 1984. Feature Writer, "Ties and Bonds" section, Connections, 1988 - . [6-pages, 3 times per year]. University of Toronto "Research Highlight": "Men's Friendships Differ from Women's, Study Finds." August, 1992. Periodical features in Toronto Globe and Mail, (Aug. 27), Canadian Press Syndicate (Aug. 28) Toronto Sun, Chatelaine (Feb., 1993), plus multiple radio interviews. "The Folks Next Door Aren't Strangers After All," Interview with Carin Rubenstein, New York Times, Jan. 7, 1993. Featured in "On the Road -- Again -- to the College Bowl." Lafayette Magazine, Winter, 1994: 8-9. Interviewed and principal source for "A World Divided?" Janice Turner, Toronto Star, Sept. 23, 1995: L2, L18. Photo placed alongside entertainment stars' photos at Toronto's landmark "The Bagel" restaurant. Oct, 1997. Interviewed for "Me and Monica: Social Network Theory Illuminates the Big Story, and a Lot More." Dan Seligman, Forbes magazine, March 23, 1998. Interview for "Mom and Data @," Washington Post National Weekly Edition, Nov. 3, 1997: 29. University of Toronto "Research Highlight": "Internet Encourages New Social Interaction, Research Shows." March 23, 1998. Press release to the media. Research group featured in Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto Promotional Magazine, Fall, 1998, p. 11. Interviewed on "The Future of the Telephone," Beyond Computers (US) National Public Radio show, Nov 13, 1998. Featured role in hour-long documentary, What If: A Film about Judith Merril. Helene Klodawsky, director and writer. Montreal, Imageries, producer. First shown on the Space Channel, Feb, 1999. Research described in "Sociologists @ Work," Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, Dec, 1999. Interviewed for "Wild Tales of Lunatics with Hooks: E-mail Gives New Life to the World of Urban Legends," by Deborah Churchill. Hamilton [Ont., Canada] Spectator, July 27, 2000: R11. [] Research reported in New York Times, August 17 2000 about our National Geographic ("Survey 2000") study of how people use both the internet and traditional means of communication to interact with friends and relatives, near and far. Feature story in Edmonton Journal, Sept 11, 2000, "Logged on to the Guy Next Door: In a Toronto Test, Computers Made the Neighbourhood More Neighbourly, by Scott McKeen. Revised, shortened version, "Wired Community Proves to be More Neighbourly," in [Toronto] National Post, Sept 13, 2000, p. B9. Feature story in Toronto Star, Sept 14, 2000, "In Netville, Good Nexus Makes Good Neighbours," by Elaine Carey, p. B2. [] Panel discussion reported on Associated Press newswire (including USA Today), "Researchers Debate Net's Social Impact," Sept. 18, 2000. Interviewed by Charles Piller for "The Place That Tech Forgot." Los Angeles Times, Oct 19, 2000. [] Research reported in Humanist Discussion Group email list 14 (391), Oct 20 2000. (Based at Centre for Computing in the Humanities, Kings College London; Work discussed by Don Cohen, "Wharton Virtual Communities Workshop," Knowledge Directions 2 (2), IBM Institute for Knowledge Management, Fall 2000: 32-45. Interviewed by Oakland Ross, "Why We Do Things The Way We Do: Unwritten Rules for Urban Survival Toronto-Style." Toronto Star, Dec. 29 Interviewed by Catherine Meury for "Bravo," Radio Canada Toronto (CBC French Radio], Jan 2001. Interviewed by Nick Jesdanun, Associated Press Internet Writer re teaching about the Internet and Society to undergraduates and graduates, April 2001. Story published April 23 2001 in Los Angeles Daily News (and other newspapers) as "Universities Tackle Internet Issues." [] Netville research reported by Sylvia Dennis, "Growing Net Usage Boosts Paper Greeting Card Market." Newsbytes, May 3 2001. [] Listed in "" along with Britney Spears and 50K+ others. May 5 2001. [ bin/pod.cgi/Computers/Internet/Cyberspace/Culture/] Article in Science featured in ACM TechNews, Sept 21, 2001, [ 3/0921f.html#item16] Background resource for Sept 11 2001 attack on New York for New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Sept. 2001: re networked society, network structure, Internet. Feature Story, "Un McLuhan Con Datos." La Vanguardia (Spain), Nov 18, 2001: 10- 11. Feature story, "Preparem-nost per a l'era del coneixement." By Eduard Batlle, El Punt [Girona, Catalonia, Spain], Dec. 4, 2001: 60. Feature story, "Internet en la Vida Cotidiana," by Joan Carles Ambrojo, Ciberpaнs 22, May 2002: 19. Research featured in Bruce Bower, "The Social Net," Science News, May 4 2002: 282-84. Work reported in "AMD Forms Global Consumer Advisory Board." CNet (and other news media). March 20, 2002. Plus: Reports of first GCAB meeting: "AMD Global Consumer Advisory Board Identifies Critical Issues to Improve End Users' Technology Experience." (and other news media), May 13 2002.. Interviewed by Wendy Carlisle about "Netville" study of a wired suburb. To appear on "The Buzz," Radio National, Australian Broadcasting Commission, May 2002. Guest commentator, BBC Radio Scotland, "The Religious Hour": community and citizenship in the age of the Internet, November 17 2002. University of Toronto Research Highlight: "'Global Village' Not an Internet Reality: Sociologist," by Sue Toye., December 11 2002 Research profiled in KMDIary, Knowledge Media Design Institute, University of Toronto, December 2002. Internet in Everyday Life research findings reported in "Internet Uses in U.S. Homes Routine," Laura MacInnis, Reuters News Service. December 29, 2002. Published in the New York Times, December 30, 2002, p. C5 (National Edition), Yahoo News,, and other news media. Radio interview with Mike Larson, "Morning Magazine" News Radio 1040, Tampa, Jan 7, 2003. "How Important is the Internet?" by Ted Landphair. Voice of America worldwide broadcast, Jan 25, 2003 about Internet in Everyday Life research. "Everybody's Getting Wired," by Rosemary McNaughton. Feature story on our research and The Internet in Everyday Life in The Varsity (University of Toronto student newspaper), Feb 4 2003, p. 11. "The Internet is Being Used More for Local, Not Long Distance, Contact," by Jennifer Kavur. Higher Learning [magazine]. April 2003, p. 30 [] </p>

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