E896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 6, 1999 RECOGNITION OF THE FIRST AN- ber of the Point Pleasant Planning Board from used the broadcast material to supplement NUAL MEMORIAL DAY FOR THE 1979±82, and he served as Acting Adminis- and enrich their instruction over these GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL AND trator of the Borough from 1979±82. In 1976, years. I have not heard of one negative com- ment about Channel One from students, TRANSGENDER COMMUNITY he was appointed by former New Jersey Gov- teachers, or parents. In addition to providing ernor Brendan Byrne to the Open Access televisions for most of our classrooms, Chan- HON. JERROLD NADLER Public Beaches Study Commission. He has nel One has provided hours of current, rel- OF NEW YORK been a loyal and active member of the Ocean evant, and timely information. Channel One is an excellent program, and the Manchester IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County Democratic Committee, serving as Treasurer and Sergeant-at-Arms from 1985± City School District is pleased to be a mem- Thursday, May 6, 1999 ber of the Channel One family. 1999. He also currently serves as a New Jer- Sincerely, Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sey State Committeeman. GARY W. DYER recognition of the first annual Memorial Day Peter Marone's service to his community DIRECTOR OF ACCOUNTABILITY/ for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and and our country goes back decades. A New TECHNOLOGY. Transgender community. This special day has Jersey native, Mr. Marone served in the Ko- f been established to remember the many who rean War from 1948±52, and is a Life Member have lost their lives due to killings, beatings, of the Disabled American Veterans. He is a READING TOGETHER USA AND and suicides that have resulted from the member of the Chosin Few (Korea±1950) Ex- READING TOGETHER ADULT TU- homophobic attitude prevalent in our society clusive Fraternity, and has been decorated TORS PROGRAMS IN NORTH and throughout history. with the Japan Occupation Ribbon and the CAROLINA Every year, on the anniversary of the War- Korean Campaign Ribbon with five bronze saw ghetto uprising, the world commemorates stars. A past Senior Vice Commander of the HON. BOB ETHERIDGE Yom Hashoah or the Day of Remembrance for Veterans of Foreign Wars, he is a member of OF NORTH CAROLINA the Holocaust. Although several museums VFW Post 4715, and American Legion Post IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES throughout the United States and Europe in- 196. He is also a member of the Loyal Order Thursday, May 6, 1999 clude exhibits recalling the homosexual experi- of Moose. ence during the Nazi era, most Yom Hashoah Peter and Doris Marone have been married Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mr. Speaker, as the services fail to mention that part of Hitler's 42 years, and they have three children. A former North Carolina Superintendent of Schools and the Second District's Congress- reign of terror was the systematic attempt to communicant of St. Martha's Roman Catholic man, I rise today to call the attention of the eliminate homosexuals from Germany. It is es- Church in Point Pleasant, Peter enjoys a num- Congress to the Reading Together USA Pro- timated that, under his plan, tens of thousands ber of activities besides politicsÐbut he enjoys gram and its extension by the proposed Pro- of homosexuals were arrested and thousands nothing more than his seven grandchildren. gram Reading Together Adult Tutors in North were confined to death camps along with oth- As his friends and colleagues in the Ocean Carolina. ers he deemed ``undesirable.'' Today's solemn County Democrats pay tribute to Peter Reading Together USA is a peer tutoring remembrance is part of an effort to remove Marone, I want to add my voice to all those reading program launched to improve the the veil of silence about this tragic history of wishing him well and thanking him for so reading fluency and comprehension skills of persecution and killing, underscore the seem- many years of steadfast service, solid leader- second grade students with the help of fifth ingly endless chain of hate crimes, and pro- ship and true dedication to his town, county, grade tutors. The program was collaboratively vide education aimed at eradicating intoler- state and nation. developed by University of North CarolinaÐ ance and violence against gay, lesbian, bisex- f Greensboro, Guilford County Schools, and the ual and transgender persons. National Council of Jewish Women Institute for I salute Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, CONSTITUENT COMMENTS ON CHANNEL ONE Education and Innovation at Hebrew Univer- the Church of the Holy Apostles, the Inter- sity in Jerusalem. Materials used are devel- national Association of Lesbian and Gay Chil- oped by the reading research literature, an in- dren of Holocaust Survivors and the many HON. VAN HILLEARY stitutional framework that has proved to be a other religious and community organizations OF TENNESSEE well developed support system. that have joined in coalition to cosponsor to- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Highly acclaimed by students and tutors, day's solemn commemoration of the many Thursday, May 6, 1999 parents and educators, Reading Together lives lost as a result of a national reaction to USA is a systematic and cost effective pro- homophobia. May their lives serve as remind- Mr. HILLEARY. Mr. Speaker, one of my pri- gram to improve reading and comprehension ers of the horrors of prejudicial acts of this mary concerns, as a member of the House skills of youngsters. The program received kind. Let us honor their memory by committing Education and the Workforce Committee, is governmental funding in the amount of ourselves to ending bigotry toward all people the education of our children. In this regard, $750,000 both in 1998 and 1999. Reading To- regardless of who they are or who they love. we are always looking for new creative ways gether USA consists of nine training sessions f to improve our educational system. More and for the fifth grade tutors who work with the stu- more, the private sector is providing teachers dents in thirty tutorial sessions. The students TRIBUTE TO PETER MARONE and schools with these creative ways to help and tutors meet twice a week for 35 to 45 our children learn. minute sessions. Furthermore, to determine HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. I am pleased to commend the informative the effectiveness of a session, the tutors meet OF NEW JERSEY feedback given by one of my constituents as their students twice a week to plan and pre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a result of his first hand observation of the pare for the next session. Thursday, May 6, 1999 Channel One experience in Manchester, TN. The response to Reading Together USA Gary Dyer is the Director of Accountability and has been very positive as students have Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, May Technology of the Manchester City Schools. gained positive reading experience at a level 7, 1999, the Ocean County, NJ, Democratic His letter to Mr. Jeff Ballabon, Executive V.P. that helps them to develop fluency and read- Party will pay tribute to Peter A. Marone on for Public Affairs for the Channel One Net- ing comprehension. Their tutors have also de- the occasion of his retirement as Assistant Su- work, is as follows: veloped leadership, organization and human pervisor and Investigations Coordinator of the DEAR MR. BALLABON: It is my pleasure to relation skills. Ocean County Board of Elections. Mr. Marone write to you concerning this school district's Because of enormous success of the pro- has served in this post since 1979. experience with Channel One. We have been gram and to meet the growing demand for tu- Peter Marone has been a leader in political, a part of the Channel One family at tors the extension of Reading Together USA civic and community affairs in Ocean County Westwood Junior High School since 1991. by Reading Togehter for Adult Tutors has for as long as most area residents can re- During this time, our experience with the been proposed. This program builds on Read- member. He was a member of the Point Channel One Network has been very positive. ing Together USA but features adult tutors tar- As Director of Accountability/Technology, I Pleasant Borough Governing Body for three have had the opportunity to be in the school geting especially parents tutoring students at decades (the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's), in- on numerous occasions during the Channel home and volunteers working with youngsters cluding a term as mayor from 1979±1982, and One broadcast. I have personally observed in schools in after school programs. The esti- two periods of service as a Councilman, from that the students are very attentive during mated cost of the two programs is $2 million 1974±78 and 1989±91. He also was a mem- this broadcast and that the teachers have annually. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E897 Study after study has demonstrated that MASSACHUSETTS CONGRESSIONAL Housing Survey found that 60% rank home- sound reading skills are essential to a stu- DELEGATION WELCOMES THE ownership as their top priority in life. dent's academic achievement. Students who INTERNATIONAL REGATTA To many Americans, homeownership means learn to read well gain the ability to excel in financial, psychological and familial security. other subjects and enhance their overall edu- HON. JOHN JOSEPH MOAKLEY This is especially true for minorities, younger Americans and those with lower incomes. cational performance. Reading is a particular OF MASSACHUSETTS Homeownership means a stronger economy, important ingredient for success in the Infor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES after neighborhoods and a better quality of life.
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