<p>M E M O TEK UTV TOS STATOIL SDJ 1/10/04</p><p>TO: Participants – Force Field trip to South Africa</p><p>COPY: Anders Rehkopff, Jan Olsnes, Tore Warsla, Vakt HQ</p><p>FROM: Stephen David Johnson, TEK UTV TOS</p><p>SUBJECT: Force Field trip to South Africa </p><p>Stephen Johnson will organise a field trip to the Tanqua Karoo. Dates of the trip are 12th November to 19th November (including travel days). The field accommodation will be at Inverdoorn Game Farm, SW South Africa. (Accommodation here is booked already) and there will be daily drives of up to 2 hours into the field. Localities visited will be exclusively within the Tanqua Karoo outcrops (Permian age).</p><p>Must Do List</p><p>All participants must do the following:</p><p>1 Get required injections (section 9) 2 Make sure you have all the essential personal equipment and those recommended items which each individual feels he/she requires 3 Could all participants send a contact address and telephone number to Steve Johnson ([email protected]) in order that the Statoil Head of Security can be notified. 4 Check this document carefully.</p><p>Field workshop responsibilities</p><p>Project field workshop responsible: Stephen David Johnson (Statoil) Responsible for the technical field program: Stephen David Johnson (Statoil) Logistics and safety ("HMS") responsible: Stephen David Johnson (Statoil) Bjørn Kåre Bryn (Statoil) Field guide: Stephen David Johnson (Statoil)</p><p>1 - SAFETY</p><p>FIELDWORK SAFETY NOTICE: PLEASE READ; THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT</p><p>There is a risk inherent in all geological field excursions so this notice should be read carefully and acted upon. The leaders will take all care in conducting the trip but safety is everyone's responsibility.</p><p>Page 1 1.1 Vehicles. We use Toyota HiLux 4x4 twin cabs or equivalent in the field (booked) for part 2 and Toyota Ventura (booked) for part 1.</p><p>- All drivers MUST concentrate at all times when driving, especially on dirt roads and off-road. Do not allow speeds to creep up - Do not follow in the dust cloud of the vehicle in front, in case they stop suddenly or take a turning. Avoid sharp braking - Slow down using the gears for corners and steer smoothly - When driving down steep roads use a suitable low gear (ie you should minimise on the use of the brake) - If you encounter a rear wheel slide, steer into it and only brake very gently - Drivers take care with regard to alcohol. Do not drink excessively the night before driving. Do not drink on the day when driving. - Passengers must all wear seatbelts if fitted - Passengers may indicate if a driver is driving too erratic, fast or dangerous and can replace a driver if deemed necessary - Breakdowns are covered by vehicle hire company - Road types. Mixed; tarmac (fair to good quality), dirt roads (good to poor quality) and off-road only when necessary - Driving briefing given daily - When groups are working separately, all vehicles will rendezvous at the end of the day before leaving the field area in convoy - The vehicle hire company will be pre informed that Statoil has a HMS policy and all vehicles will be road worthy. - On arrival check all tyres and spares for tread, gashes, holes and very important previous puncture repairs. If a repair has been made on the joint between the wall and the top of the tyre get it changed because this may blow out. Check that there is a warning triangle, proper jack (not a flimsy one) and appropriate tools. Check that the tools do what they should (ie take off the hub cap and remove a wheel nut to check the tools). If any part of the vehicle is unsafe, it must be corrected before proceeding.</p><p>1.2. Hiking up slopes and General Field Working Conditions</p><p>NOTE SOME SLOPES ARE STEEP AND SOME STRENUOUS WALKING IS REQUIRED (GENERALLY UNDER 1 HR WALKS THOUGH)</p><p>- Always be aware of people above or below you with respect to falling rocks - Never take risks on sections where you do not have confidence, where rocks look unsafe, or ropes would be required - Always be guided by the leaders over the safest routes up rocky sections - There may be some long walking days, but generally these will not be overly strenuous. There may be some steep slopes, but no actual climbing. - Participants should have a reasonable to good fitness level. - If you are not able to keep up with the remainder of the working group it is your responsibility to notify the other group members. If this happens, it is then the responsibility of the other group members to make sure that they are not moving too fast for the slowest member of the group. - Everyone is responsible to make sure no one has been left behind.</p><p>Page 2 - It will be hot, dry and sunny. Make sure you have and drink plenty of water regularly before you become thirsty. Carry and use sun-block. Use a wide-brimmed sun hat and good quality sun glasses. - Make sure you do not start to suffer from excessive exposure to the elements. If you feel this happening make this known to others in your group. You should first take some rest in a shaded area and then the whole group go straight back to your vehicle. - Pay attention to the presence of hazardous flora and fauna. - Participants can take and use a hard hat in vicinity of steep cliffs if they desire. - Wear strong walking boots that protect the ankle. - Long trousers and long-sleeved shirts provide some protection against grazes and insect bites.</p><p>1.3. Helicopter flights – NOT USED FOR TRANSPORT OF PERSONNEL ON THIS TRIP. Information kept for emergency use only</p><p>Court Helicopters Ltd.: Cape Town International Airport, P.O. Box 2546, Cape Town 8000, Tel: 00 27 21 934 0560: Fax; 00 27 21 934 0568</p><p>CONTACT FOR TRIP</p><p>Court Helicopters Ltd. Tel. 00 27 21 25 2966 FAX. 00 27 21 25 1941</p><p>- Safety briefing given prior to flight day - Pay particular attention to the safety briefing by the pilot who is an expert in flying the Karoo sections - Never approach the helicopter except from the front or side, and only after the pilot has given you the thumbs up signal - Never leave the helicopter except to the front/side, remember, the rear rotor is almost invisible, and this also ensures that the pilot can see you - In uneven terrain, leave the helicopter downhill and approach uphill - You must wear a seatbelt and headset at all times</p><p>1.4. Working conditions</p><p>- Always wear strong walking boots that protect the ankle and carry sun-block and water. - Under some steep cliff-faces hard hats can be used by participants discression. Trip leaders will provide advice but common sense should be exercised at all times. - Pay attention to the presence of hazardous flora and fauna</p><p>1.5. Flora and fauna that can provide hazards (nature books with photos and descriptions available with leaders)</p><p>Vegetation</p><p>The field localities are located within the Karoo. This area is a semi-arid to desert region and has sparse vegetation. However, the plants that are present tend to be of the spined variety and care should be taken to avoid scratches etc. Particularly nasty acacia (thorn) trees occur, take care to avoid these.</p><p>Page 3 Baboons</p><p>Baboons are present in all the outcrop areas. They form groups of up to 20 animals usually comprising a single dominant male, lesser males, females and juveniles. Baboons can be extremely dangerous and should be treated with extreme caution. They are most aggressive when they have just woken up and if young are present. </p><p>In the Karoo the baboons are generally very timid and we should not come into close proximity to them as they shy away from humans. The risk from baboons in the study area is low.</p><p>If you encounter any:-</p><p>- Behave calm and determined - Evaluate the situation. Is the baboon aggressive or moving away - Move away swiftly but safely</p><p>Caution note. Baboons that are used to humans and have been fed by humans are a very different proposition. Therefore those people who have spare time in the Cape Province should be aware that if you see baboons in tourist areas THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE AND DANGEROUS</p><p>Snakes</p><p>The area contains both venomous and non-venemous snakes. (Non-venemous snakes will not be dealt with). The venemous snakes are the Cape Cobra, the Puff Adder and various Vipers</p><p>Cape Cobra</p><p>An extremely venemous snake. Can be very big, up to 2 m. Although a nervous snake that actively avoids humans it can be aggressive when challenged or startled. Dark brown to golden brown in colour and few markings. Dangerous because it can strike in various directions but unlike other Cobras does not spit venom. If you see one, stay calm, move away securely and quickly but with no sudden movements (Do not run as you will not be paying attention to the new areas you are coming into) ALWAYS OBSERVE WHERE THE SNAKE IS, AND IS MOVING TO, WHILE YOU ARE MOVING AWAY.</p><p>Puff Adder</p><p>Also very venemous. Not long, but often large, max 1.5 m. Sandy brown in colour with diffuse brown diamond pattern. Large flat head. The puff adder is known to bask on trails and will not move. It has to bite to inject venom. Striking distance is not large and they can strike in all directions. If you see one, stay calm, stop moving towards it and slowly move away keeping an eye on where the snake is at all times. </p><p>Vipers</p><p>A number of vipers occur in the area. They tend to be small and slim. Common varieties include the horned viper, a small, brown green snake with small diamond pattern. Adequate</p><p>Page 4 boots should provide protection against Vipers but be observant particularly when examining close to rock sections.</p><p>Further information. I (SDJ) have carried out 200 field days in the study area and in that time I have only seen 2 Vipers (1 Puff Adders and 1 Cobras). During that time within a 50 km radius of the study area I have seen 1 Cobra, 2 Puff Adders and 2 Vipers. In addition over 1500 man days of work have been carried out in this area over the last few years by various groups and sightings of Adders and Cobras are extremely rare and Vipers moderately rare. </p><p>Although the risk appears to be low it is extremely important that participants are observant and vigilant in the field at all times. Due to the vibration caused by 15 people it is very unlikely that we will see snakes.</p><p>Serums and medication are available at hospitals in Ceres (part 2) and in Dordrecht (part 1). Treatment. As little movement as possible before serum injection. Transport to hospital will be via use of our own vehicles in the event of an incident.</p><p>Scorpions, spiders and centipedes</p><p>Scorpions, spiders and centipedes are common in the study area. Some varieties are poisonous. Commonly they are all to be found lurking under rocks and stones. Most will give you a nasty sting so before sitting down have a quick look around to see what's present. Also if you want to pick anything up to look at then be very careful and exercise common sense.</p><p>Nature Conservation</p><p>Show care and concern for the outdoors. The plant life that exists in the Karoo is vulnerable so exercise care. Do not leave litter of any kind in the area.</p><p>2 - STANDARD EMERGENCY PROCEDURES</p><p>If any undesirable incidents should occur, family will be contacted through Statoil's standard emergency procedures. This is a 3rd line procedure, going through the main switchboard in Stavanger (phone no. 00 47 51 99 00 02) to the head of security staff. Head of security staff (Jan Olsnes and Statoil security headquarters) will be informed of your contact addresses.</p><p>2.1 List of participants:- </p><p>Leaders Dr. Stephen Johnson (Statoil, TEK UTV TOS, Stavanger, Norway)</p><p>Participants</p><p>TBA</p><p>3 - FIELD EQUIPMENT</p><p>Each participant is responsible for being dressed properly during the field workshop. It will be spring in South Africa and therefore the weather is unpredictable. Days are variable. If the weather is good the field area can get to 300C+ and therefore long light trousers, long</p><p>Page 5 sleeved shirt and sun block are appropriate and hats are essential. However, at this time of year, fronts can come in off the Atlantic giving rain and low temperatures (100C and less). Therefore you must be prepared for rain. There are 5 full field days so prepare for this amount of time. A suggested list is:-</p><p>3.1 Personal Equipment w Good quality walking boots that protect the ankle. OBLIGATORY w Waterproof jacket (Gortex or similar recommended) w Waterproof overtrousers w Fleece jacket/fleece pullover w Light but strong field trousers and shorts w Short and long sleeved shirt (good for cold and sun protection, carry both) w Walking socks w Hat w Thick wool sweater w Writing equipment with colour pencils and notebook w Camera with film w Sunglasses w Sun lotion and block w Day pack (Ca. 30 litres) w Water bottle Individual water bottles essential w Hand lens w Grain size scale w Binoculars can be useful w 3m measuring tape w Hard hat/helmet</p><p>3.2 Other equipment w Geological and topographic maps (Stephen Johnson) w First aid kits (Stephen Johnson). Participants with personal field first aid kits are encouraged to bring them (standard materials, plasters, support bandages, antiseptic, headache pills, pain killers, creams for insect bites and sunburn, tweezers, etc.)</p><p>4 - FIELD ITINERARY </p><p>5 - CONTACT ADDRESS</p><p>Inverdoorn game reserve and guest House, Erdams Farm, South Africa Tel:- +27 23 316 1264 Fax:- +27 23 312 2187 http://www.inverdoorn.com/uk/index.htm</p><p>6 - LOGISTICS: HOTEL PAYMENT AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS</p><p>Page 6 Guest house accommodation is booked.</p><p>Game Farm. All accommodation is block booked for Some sharing will be necessary. Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard etc are accepted. NOT DINERS). Phone bills etc are individual responsibilities. Water. There have been no previous problems with drinking water at the Hotel or Game Farm Electricity. Same voltage as the UK but uses a two pin plug Currency. South African Rand. ATM machines in Cape Town International arrivals hall. Bring along enough for snacks bar and general shopping post cards etc (all shops accept all major credit cards; less frequently Diners). </p><p>7 - DRIVING AND INSURANCE</p><p>There will be a need for additional drivers from the participants and sharing driving reduces strain on people (Normal driving licence will apply but an international drivers licence [obtainable from the AA in the UK or similar in Norway] would be useful). Please bring along driving licence and we will discuss driving options in South Africa. Vehicles are already booked.</p><p>EACH INDIVIDUAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THAT THEIR COMPANY TRAVEL INSURANCE IS UP TO DATE AND THAT THEY HAVE ADEQUATE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE TRIP. </p><p>REMEMBER TO BRING ALONG YOUR INSURANCE CARD</p><p>8 - LUGGAGE</p><p>Although there should be no problem with space in the vehicles I would like to suggest that people carry only 1 suitcase or rucksack and 1 piece of hand baggage. This will ensure that the travel in the vehicles is comfortable.</p><p>9 - PERSONAL HEALTH</p><p>Please ensure that you have the required vaccinations. Check this ASAP. </p><p>Note: malaria not required for the areas we will visit</p><p>Vaksine antall doser varighet Polio 1 dose 10 år D/T (difteri/tetanus) 1 dose 10 år Tyfoid 1 dose 3 år Hep. A - Havrix 1440 2 doser m. 6 -12 mnd intervall 20 år etter 2. dose ETEC - turistdiare - Dukoral 2 doser drikkbar, 1-4 uker ml dosene 3-6 mnd</p><p>Page 7 Participants with specific health requirements or medication that could affect logistics in the field please inform Stephen Johnson (Tel: 00 47 48127053; e- mail [email protected]). </p><p>This information will remain strictly confidential.</p><p>Special dietary needs should also be passed on to me.</p><p>Could all participants send a contact address and telephone number to [email protected] and [email protected] in order that the Statoil Head of Security can be notified.</p><p>Page 8</p>
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