<p> YEAR PLAN</p><p> for</p><p>SOLUTIONS Second Edition</p><p>ELEMENTARY</p><p>Oxford University Press</p><p>School: ………………………………………………………..</p><p>School year ……………………………..</p><p>No. of hours per year ………………………….. INTRODUCTION & UNIT 1</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Friends & Family Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 1. IA: General Meeting people Numbers Dialogues practice IB: Grammar Be, possessive, Forum post Whose thing? 2. pronouns 3. IC: Grammar Have got, articles Describing possessions</p><p>4. ID: Vocabulary Time, months, dates Time, dates When is.....?</p><p>5. 1A: Family Possessives Family members, nouns Vowels Asking about someone’s Vocabulary builder 1: family members 6. SB p. 131 1B: Facts about Present Simple Dr. House Writing true/ Talking about family 7. Dr. House Grammar builder false sentences members 1.B: SB p. 110/1 about relatives 1C: The Royal Monarchy People’s attitudes What kind of rule is in your 8. Family to monarchy country? 1D: Present Present Simple Interview with a Interviewing other students 9. Simple Questions Grammar builder Daily routines dancer 1.D: SB p. 110/1 10. 1E: The Amish Everyday activities The Amish Describing Describing people’s life routines and Comparing lifestyles 11. lifestyles 1F: Making Object pronouns Personal profiles Exchanging Welcoming a new student at 12. friends Grammar builder personal details school 1.F: SB p. 110/1 1G: Messages Prepositions School magazine Personal profile Asking about personal 13. personal profiles in school paper details 14. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 1A – 1G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each</p><p>15. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 16. REVISION revision exercises exercises GET READY FOR 17. Personal Profiles Family members EXAM 1, SB p.16 GET READY FOR 18. Multiple choice Activities Family and friends EXAM 1, SB p.17 19. SELF CHECK 1 Workbook Revision of Unit 1 p. 15</p><p>20. SELF TEST 1 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>21. TESTS UNIT 1 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD)</p><p>22. EXAM 1 EXAM PAPER 1 (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 2</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL My Time Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 2A: Free time Hobbies & Sports Millie’s Saturday Hobbies & Sports Describing your Discussing sports & hobbies 23. Activities Verb + noun collocations hobbies & sports Vocabulary builder 2: 24. SB p. 132 2B: Saturday Adverbs of Daily routines Peoples’ routines Preparing Asking about someone’s Routines frequency survey questions routine 25. Grammar builder Class survey 2.B: SB p. 112/3 2C: Cheerleading Free time activities Cheerleading Interview with a Expressing opinion about 26. cheerleader free time activities 2D: Film Star Can for ability & Abilities Film star Discussing abilities requests 27. Adverbs Grammar builder 2.D: SB p. 112/3 2E: Extreme Body parts Free time, Crazy 28. Sports time! 29. Action verbs Song completion Discussing photos/sports 2F: Likes& Expressing opinion People giving Exchanging opinions 30. Dislikes opinion 2G: Club Imperatives Clubs Club Writing a club 31. Announcements Grammar builder announcements announcement 2.G: SB p. 112 32. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 2A – 2G, lasting 2 – 15 minutes each 33. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 34. REVISION revision exercises exercises 35. REVISION LANGUAGE REVIEW 1-2, SB p. 26</p><p>36. REVISION SKILLS ROUND UP 1 – 2, SB p. 27 GET READY FOR 37. School Clubs Event description EXAM 1, WB p.24 GET READY FOR Royal Family Royal Family Member Introductory e-mail to a 38. EXAM 1, WB p.25 Member penfriend 39. SELF CHECK 2 Workbook Revision of Unit 2 p. 23 40. SELF TEST 2 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation 41. TESTS UNIT 2 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD) UNIT3</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL School Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 3A: School School Subjects Identifying Talking about subjects & 42. Subjects lessons schedules Vocabulary builder 3: 43. SB p. 133 3B: There is/are There is/are Prepositions of place Room description Describing a room Some/any/a Identifying position of 44. Grammar builder objects 3.B: SB p. 114/5 & p. 116/7 3C: Schools in Eton College State school State vs public schools 45. England student opinion 3D: Obligations Have to In the Army Soldier’s Ideal school School facts 46. Grammar builder obligations Ideal school 3.D: SB p. 116/7 47. 3E: Sumo School Training/ doing sports Training to win Collocations Describing photos 48. Remembering detail about a sumo wrestler 3F: Directions Imperatives Prepositions of place Recognizing Giving/ following directions 49. directions 3G: A letter Useful phrases for letters A welcome letter A letter to welcome an 50. exchange student at your school 51. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 3A – 3G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each</p><p>52. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 53. REVISION revision exercises exercises GET READY FOR 54. Foula School School life School life EXAM 2, SB p.36 GET READY FOR 55. Strange Sports Sports Sports EXAM 2, SB p.37 56. SELF CHECK 3 Workbook Revision of Unit 3 p. 33</p><p>57. SELF TEST 3 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>58. TESTS UNIT 3 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD)</p><p>59. EXAM 2 EXAM PAPER 2 (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 4</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Special Occasions Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 4A: Clothes Clothes & colours & body What people wear Describing appearance & 60. features on weekdays & at outfits Vocabulary builder 4: weekends 61. SB p. 134 4B: Current Present Action verbs Text chat Describing Describing present outfit activity Continuous peoples’ present 62. Grammar builder activities 4.B: SB p. 116/7 4C: Halloween Festivals Halloween Describing people’s 63. costumes/ festivals 4D: Routines vs Present Simple Time expressions E-mail Discussing routines & 64. present activity and Continuous present activities Grammar builder 65. 4.D: SB p. 116/7 66. 4E: Weddings Marriage The Big Day Relationships Love song Comparing wedding 67. ceremony venues 4F: Making Pres. Continuous Prepositions of time Making plans Plan an activity arrangements for Future 68. arrangement Grammar builder 4.F: SB p.116/7 4G: An invitation Useful phrases E-mail party Party invitations Guessing about photos 69. invitations 70. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 4A – 4G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each 71. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 72. REVISION revision exercises exercises 73. REVISION LANGUAGE REVIEW 3 - 4, SB p. 46 REVISION SKILLS ROUND UP 1 –4, SB p. 47 74. GET READY FOR 75. Unusual student Special events EXAM 2, WB p.42 GET READY FOR School Describing a Describing photos 76. EXAM 2, WB p.43 special event Talking about school life 77. SELF CHECK 4 Workbook Revision of Unit 4 p. 41</p><p>78. SELF TEST 4 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>79. TESTS UNIT 4 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 5</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Healthy Living Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 5A: Food Types of food/ cooking Expressing 80. Vocabulary builder 5: quantities of food SB p. 135 5B: Quantity Un/countable Eating Discussing quantities nouns How much/many 81. Some/any Grammar builder 5.B: SB p. 118/9 5C: Fussy Eaters Types of food & attitudes Food for thought? Diets Discussing attitudes to food 82. to eating 5D: Advice Should Eating habits Asking for/ giving advice 83. Grammar builder 5.D: SB p. 118/9 84. 5E: Healthy Health Therapies Discussing photos alternatives Medicine Expressing opinions / 85. choosing therapies 5F: In a Café Preferences Food/drink Ordering meals Eating out dialogues 86. Grammar builder 5.F: SB p. 118/9 5G: A Food/lifestyle Healthy lifestyle Discussing healthy living 87. Questionnaire questionnaire questionnaire 88. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 5A – 5G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each</p><p>89. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 90. REVISION revision exercises exercises GET READY FOR 91. Word formation Charity Event Describing photos EXAM 3, SB p.56 GET READY FOR Eating out Comparing eating at home & 92. EXAM 3, SB p.57 eating out 93. SELF CHECK 5 Workbook Revision of Unit 5 p.51</p><p>94. SELF TEST 5 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>95. TESTS UNIT 5 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD)</p><p>96. EXAM 3 EXAM PAPER 3 (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 6</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Going Places Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 6A: In Town Places in town Following Giving directions Directions directions 97. Vocabulary builder 6: SB p. 136 98. 6B: Past Simple Past of Be & Can Asking about past Making Discussing past Grammar builder activities/events questions about events/activities 99. 6.B: SB p. 120/1 past events/activities 6C: Teen Adjectives for description Teenager’s Guide Radio adverts Plan a tourist 100. Adventure of places to Sydney about Sydney website for a town 6D: Past Simple Past Simple – Time expressions Regular verbs – Past stories Sentence Memory Game Affirmative regular verbs past tense 101. Grammar builder pronunciation 6.D: SB p. 120/1 102. 6E: Out on the Adjectives for feeling A Strange Guided event Describing past events Town Prepositions of place/time Accident description Narrating about a bad 103. experience 6F: Asking for Exhibitions/ events Museum visit Asking for information 104. information about sights/opening times 6G: A note Useful phrases for note Different notes Writing notes 105. writing for different occasions 106. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 6A – 6G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each 107. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 108. REVISION revision exercises exercises 109. REVISION LANGUAGE REVIEW 5 - 6, SB p. 66 REVISION SKILLS ROUND UP 1 – 6, SB p. 67 110. GET READY FOR On the road Interview with an 111. EXAM 3, WB p.60 actress GET READY FOR Pescetarians Article about a Eating out/at home 112. EXAM 3, WB p.61 school canteen 113. SELF CHECK 6 Workbook Revision of Unit 6 p. 59</p><p>114. SELF TEST 6 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>115. TESTS UNIT 6 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 7</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Fame Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 7A: Famous Countries, nationalities Matching famous 20 yes/no questions game Peolpe Biographies people with facts about a famous person Expressions with make, about them 116. do, have& take Vocabulary builder 7: SB p. 137 117. 7B: Irregular Irregular Past Time expressions with Nicolaus Narrating activities of the Verbs Past Simple Past Simple Tense Copernicus last weekend 118. Grammar builder 7.B: SB p. 122/3 7C: Changing the Prepositions of place& Rosa Parks Teenage Heroes Writing about 119. World time someone famous 7D: Past Simple – Past Simple TV Quiz show Asking/answering about Interrogative & Negative & weekend activities 120. Negative Interrogative Grammar builder 7.D: SB p. 122/3 7E: Famous Events in life Picasso & Van Writing about 121. Artists Gogh family events Art Write about a Discussing the paintings 122. famous artist Present a famous artist to your class 7F: Weekends W-Questions Free-time activities Discussing the Expressing interest & 123. weekend sympathy 7G: E-mails Useful phrases in e-mails Personal e-mails Writing a 124. personal e-mail 125. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 7A – 7G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each</p><p>126. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 127. REVISION revision exercises exercises GET READY FOR 128. Famous place Famous Scientist Famous people EXAM 4, SB p.76 GET READY FOR 129. One evening Holiday photos EXAM 4, SB p.77 130. SELF CHECK 7 Workbook Revision of Unit 7 p.69</p><p>131. SELF TEST 7 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>132. TESTS UNIT 7 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD)</p><p>133. EXAM 4 EXAM PAPER 4 (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 8</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL In the Wild Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 8A: Geography Definite article Geographical features Holiday advert Writing a with geographical Adjectives for scenery & holiday advert 134. names landscape Vocabulary builder 8: SB p. 138 8B: Comparisons Comparison of Sharks/ whales Writing a Comparing animals, places, adjectives comparison subjects, actors, etc. 135. Grammar builder about plces 8.B: SB p. 124/5 8C: Famous Outdoor activities Ayers Rock Talking about Description of a Discussing famous 136. Landmarks trips famous landmarks landmark 8D: Superlatives Superlatives Ugliest Fish Expressing opinions about 137. Grammar builder superlative things, places 8.D: SB p. 124/5 138. 8E: Dangerous Wildlife Most Dangerous Planet Earth song Expressing opinions about animals Land/water/air animals Animals animals 139. 8F: Negotiating Types of holiday Arranging a Describing Pros/Cons of Planning a holiday 140. holiday holiday photos different types of holidays 8G: An advert Charity appeal Charity advert Writing a Charity fundraising 141. charity advert discussion 142. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 8A – 8G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each 143. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 144. REVISION revision exercises exercises 145. REVISION LANGUAGE REVIEW 7 - 8, SB p. 86</p><p>146. REVISION SKILLS ROUND UP 1 – 8, SB p. 87 GET READY FOR Emmeline Exmoor National 147. EXAM 4, WB p.78 Pankhurst Park GET READY FOR Dancing Dancing Invitation letter Suggestions 148. EXAM 4, WB p.79 to a friend about Planning a day out a summer camp 149. SELF CHECK 8 Workbook Revision of Unit 8 p. 77</p><p>150. SELF TEST 8 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>151. TESTS UNIT 8 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD)</p><p>UNIT 9</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Work Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 9A: Jobs & work Jobs People talking Describing work & jobs 152. Vocabulary builder 9: about their jobs & SB p. 139 work 9B: Future plans Future intentions People planning Exchanging information with going to their weekend about plans 153. Grammar builder 9.B: SB p. 126/7 9C: Teenage jobs 3 teenagers’ jobs 3 teenagers Discussing pros & cons of 154. discuss their jobs teenage work/jobs 9D: Future Future with Will Will All Teachers Writing about Making predictions 155. technology Grammar builder Be Robots? own future 9.D: SB p. 126/7 9E: A Gap Year 3 young people Discussing pros & cons of a 156. take a gap year gap year Compound nouns Comparing the 157. jobs they have 9F: Phoning Will for offers Phone Writing down Saying numbers on the 158. Grammar builder conversations numbers on the phone 9.F: SB p. 126/7 phone Phoning dialogues 9G: Application Useful phrases Letter of Letter of 159. letter application application 160. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 9A – 9G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each</p><p>161. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 162. REVISION revision exercises exercises GET READY FOR 163. Theme Parks Work Jobs & careers EXAM 5, SB p.96 GET READY FOR Travelling abroad Planning a holiday with 164. EXAM 5, SB p.97 frriends 165. SELF CHECK 9 Workbook Revision of Unit 9 p. 87</p><p>166. SELF TEST 9 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation</p><p>167. TESTS UNIT 9 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD)</p><p>168. EXAM 5 EXAM PAPER 5 (TEST BANK CD) UNIT 10</p><p>LESSON TOPIC LANGUAGE SKILL Travelling Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking 10A: Transport Means of transport Air, Land & Sea Commuting to school 169. Adjectives for transport Transport Vocabulary builder 10: Commuting to 170. SB p. 140 school 10B: Present Present Perfect Listening to 6 Past participles Describing recent actions 171. Perfect Grammar builder situations 10.B: SB p. 128/9 10C: Gateway to Immigration Ellis Island People’s Immigration in your family 172. the New World background 10D: Present Present Perfect Already & yet Getting ready for Writing a to do Checking a to do list Perfect Negative Negative & a trip list Reporting on achieved tasks 173. & Interrogative Interrogative Asking/reporting about tasks Grammar builder 10.D: SB p. 128/9 174. 10E: Solitary Time expressions Lose your arm or Last Train to Making speculations Climber lose your life Clarksville - song Interview with the climber 175. 10F: Buying Telling time Buying a ticket Train Acting out buying a ticket 176. tickets announcements Buying tickets 10G: Writing Useful phrases 2 postcards Writing 177. postcards postcards to friends 178. FUN REVISION TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: printable PDF activities 10A – 10G, lasting 10 – 15 minutes each 179. INTERACTIVE 4 interactive 2 interactive revision 180. REVISION revision exercises exercises 181. REVISION LANGUAGE REVIEW 9-10, SB p. 106</p><p>182. REVISION SKILLS ROUND UP 1 – 10, SB p. 107 GET READY FOR 183. Jobs experience Travel experience EXAM 5, WB p.96 GET READY FOR Gap year Letter of Comparing jobs 184. EXAM 5, WB p.97 application 185. SELF CHECK 10 Workbook Revision of Unit 10 p. 95 186. SELF TEST 10 TEACHER’S RESOURCE DISK: 3 Student self-test sheets – revising useful functional language by way of translation 187. TESTS UNIT 10 PROGRESS TESTS & SHORT TESTS (TEST BANK CD) 188. REVIEW 1-2 E-mails, letters, gap fills, mistake corrections, REVIEW 3 - 4 189. brochures, leaflets, tourist advice & charity REVIEW 5- 6 appeal. 190. REVIEW 7- 8 191. REVIEW 9 - 10 SB p. 98 - 102 192. 193. EXTRA London 194. READINGS A Little Princess 1, 2,3,4,5 195. The Coldest Place SB p. 103 - 107 196. Slow Food 197. Titanic</p>
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