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.*' £T O -A0 XT Xp A<> A«> A® cT X* X* cf <* <T A* ^ 378.771 C^vT^' .IBRARY V x* X* o^ <S> <^ A® o,° o° >rJ- <0 <0 ^ <-J ^ The Chronicle. MRALLIANCEROO & O ^° <£ XT J? JP A® cf X^ X^ cF v*>° Ae Ae C^ X* X^ X* <*° <*° xe <r«° ^ «° J**v^° ^rV 3 C A® ^ ^r y ^ V ^ ^ * ** ? & _# _xf .X*° ^ x N N J* cF cT X> ^ ffjrjf$ A° fss*** X* J0 <yyjfj4F? xf # <T X^ ^ / .#° ^ r x^ ^ •• -*• ^ / / <r jfjF JF JF Jf * * <^ X* & A <r xT <F J? A*° A*° a? X* X* X* ^° /*° ^ UiiiianQ0 Jiiqn School fS mmwwa ssm>w^ iw t^"*****- -.lit;:;') \ rnGjlSflrbrgan, ft^fifce^Qhio 44601 w*f|fT' -*M. ^«*>h^^imt82l-2100 : :, , ' 'Sii ' Paul D'Eramo, Principal "»»«rjw«i; Theresa Lattanzi, Assistant Principal "K: -v . .^M ulgiSfP^11 Neil Volk, Vocational Director % Roger Yauman, Vocational Supervisor *i Richard Murray, Athletic Director Joseph Zelasko, Student Activities 'THAT'S THE TICKET" RODMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 37 S ,77 J '7 2 Intro 6 STUDENT LIFE Dances, dinners, plays, giving blood and other fun stuff. 28 PEOPLE Seniors, their graduation, and all night party, underclassmen, and faculty. 110 SPORTS Fall, winter, and spring. 152 CLUBS Academic and vocational. 192 ADS Public spirited businesses who sup­ ported A.H.S. 200 INDEX Senior profiles and a listing of all students. '87 STAFF Gretchen Witte — Editor Michelle Muniz — Senior Editor Daniel Kunz — Photo Editor and Sports Editor Jayne O'Connor — Underclass Editor Kelly Welsh — Editor of Girls' Sports Traci Curtis — Clubs Editor Jennifer Sineri — Faculty Editor Stacy Reed — Vocational Editor Ron Cox — Assistant Sports Editor Tom Egan — Editor-at-Large Julie Roosa — Editor-at-Large Julie Pudloski — Editor-at Large Advisor — Mr. Terry L. Hoopes Business Advisor — Mrs. Judy Honeywell Table of Contents 3 ,- '•" ,"- 4 \ & ^y w%, ^Jl* # ^ * ^ a # ~ ttv « <$^~ #F m <$r M ,.s #r>> e m >^ ^ ^ <# -&**' ..^ <aP •Ae ! ^..tf^.^SP <\>"vV \? ,:fr >, '! <*&* #vv ,^e <#" ACV ,^ as- ^ \\©" A/ • V? v 6 v ^ \\®' V^ ^>^^ :^ S<^> .**• .^ ^ ^ A0 r ^ r,B :CVA c'y- ,:« .3^ .-,,> ::ft>S -Aft .«& 1 1 ,,«» V - '"' ! :i ,CP ^ ^ •Aft ' .;;::;:»* ' V* # :*y " A* v >:C: ^ • •AG S ,\y •rf" tv C c,;'c- V .>-<• *?' 0>" f e .^NV „\£ e"^ f- *© # # V> e \>^ cM* *' : v^ ^ ^>* ° ;• vA^^^^\^^i<?^:^^:^#>e A« ^ ^ est** -J, ,A\^ .^ c*P* x^ ^ v&r #F <*y x-Aex ^ rx ^ ' c^ >^ „<$&*e <3 i<Ay vAe gjjjp Aep> ^v ,to>S „«\C^^^a- v\\ AP^ ^ A© ^.V "?/ CJC A©^ »\>V to- v ^ «.<•• ..v6©N *&V . Y c5S A<?^ ~lN ...r. -.. .A© A J *• • ^f%' ^MiM- b J Homecoming a 'SURFIN' SAFARI' "Let's go surfin, everybody's surfin now, come on a surfin Highlighting the evening was the crowning of the 1986 safari with me," sang the celebrant aviators after their 28-9 homecoming queen, senior Gretchen Witte escorted by homecoming victory over Canton South. But the excitement senior, "peach Leasure." The homecoming court included didn't end there, as a crowd of over 400 students packed the frosh Danielle Furguson escorted by senior Corey Streza, cafeteria on September 27,1986 for a night to remember. sophomore Tracee Mull escorted by senior Len Fraraccio, The setting was that of an aquatic play land, where lobsters junior DeDe Albert escorted by senior Doug Ray, and senior and starfish clung to fishnet and palm trees adorned the Tiffany Ferguson escorted by senior Ted Madison. prestigious AHS "Yacht Club." Above: Up, up and away. Upper right: "Magic" Marcu leads the pace to another aviator victory. Right: Gretchen share a dance. Opposite page: 1986 Homecoming Court. Upper right: Shannon Storck and Joie Thomas "get down." Left: Brian Swankhas Saturday night fever. 10 Student Life Homecoming 11 FAST FOOD HANGOUTS Fashion eca 1. Taco Bell — Sitting in the 1. Sweats ICO. U. V PAT OFF. parking lot munching on a 2. Oversized London Sweaters Taco Bell Grande. 3. Long Skirts 2.McDonald's — The most 4. Bannana Clips/Bows popular "drive-thru" in town. 5. Flat Shoes 3. Friendly's — The place to go 6. Scrunch Socks after an AHS basketball game. 7. Western Clothes/String Ties 4. Pizza Hut — The "parental 8. Gold Shoes and Accessories 9. Big Silver Earrings Levis hangout." 5. Parassons — The place to go 10. Coca Cola Clothes when your not in the dough. MUSIC 1. Bon Jovi — Slippery When Wet 2. Ratt-Dancing Undercover 3. AC DC — Who Made Who 4.VanHalen-5150 5. Smiths — The Queen is Dead 6. Duran Duran — Notorious 7. Genesis — Invisible Touch BURGER 8. Whitney Houston — Whitney Houston 9. Bruce Springteen and the E Street Band Live KING 1975-85 10. Run D.M.C. — Walk This Way 4Iut 12 Student Life ¥M)B *?<sut<Ue4, AND FACTS ENTERTAINMENT 1. Crocodile Dundee — Paul Hogan 2. The Color Purple — Whoopie Goldberg THE TOP TEN NEWS STORIES OF THE YEAR 3. Top Gun — Tom Cruise 4. Star Trek IV — William 1. Space Shuttle Challenger explodes; Seven Die Shatner/Leonard Nimoy 2. White House involved in sale of arms to Iran. 5. Back to School — Rodney 3. The explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor Dangerfield plant in Russia. 4. U.S. Air strike against Libya. 1. The Cosby Show 5. U.S./Soviet arms talks in Iceland fails. 2. Family Ties 6. The vast spread of AIDS. 3. Growing Pains 7. The rise of drug use in sports. 4. Moonlighting 8. Alliance High School's levy passed. 5. Miami Vice 9. The Cleveland Browns with the Eastern Division Football Championship. 10. The Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame was established in Cleveland. DOLLARS AND SENSE 1. For a gallon of gas we payed 890 2. Paying 690 for a Cheeseburger at McDonalds 3. Buying Reebook tennis shoes for ^rrirtffirfnft^m,. $46.67 rirr ft r^Vv^, 4. Guess jeans on sale? NEVER 49.00 uiii 5. Taking a date to the movies can be rather expensive at $4.00 a *ts#*t«i|^ person. Try renting a VCR movie for $3.00 and invite the whole family. CARNATION MALL 6. A pack of gum cost 450 7. To catch your favorite tunes on an CINEMA Jfc album cost $7.99 $ 8. A school lunch which, every AHS ^V 823-5328 V^ student takes for granted can be purchased for only 900 TV Highlights of '87 13 Bottom: Cliff "Duke" Craven ponders life at M*A*S*H. Below: Chad "Radar" Springer listens for helicopters. Right: A surprise reunion between Marc "Hawkeye" Hagge and Mike "Trapper" Hancock. MASH CAST AND CREW Gen. Hammond Donivan Williams Julie Dowdy, and Stacie Schafer Pvt. Boone John Williams Lt. Connie Liebowitz Linda Thomas Col. Blake Gale Wilson Spearchucker Jones Chuck Jones Capt. Bridget McCarthy Trace Curtis Sgt. Devine Bob McClarren Lt. Janice Fury Liz Hanke Cpt. Frank Burns Aaron Lear Lt. Louise Kimble Denise Ellis Cpt. Trapper John Mike Hancock Father Mulcahy Brian Wheatly Cpt. Walt Waldowski Steve Slimak PROPS The infamous 4077th M*A*S*H* unit Cpt. John Black Brian Swank Chairman Jenny Hopper was re-created on the stage at Alliance Radar Chad Springer Wanda Ward and Tammy Wehner Cpt. Hawkeye Marc Hagge COSTUMES High School. The lively comedy was Cpt. Duke Cliff Craven Heather Martain performed on November 14 and 15th. It Ho-Jon Bryan Rodgers SET CONSTRUCTION was a change from the usual fall drama, Pvt. Lopez Chuck Burns Steve Slimak and Chris Hobbs Korean Women Trae Wood, Kiyawana PUBLICITY and was directed by a new staff Powe Lt. Nancy Phillips Amy Johnson Susan Noll and Shannon Burson member James Clegg. Linda Thomas Major "Hot Lips" Houlihan.. Jenny Shreve LIGHTING was hard at work as Student Director. Congresswoman Goldfarb ... Valerie Neel Mike Burner, Brian Shea, Eric Wright, and Major Ruth Haskell Valerie Neel Bob Spencer This production will be remembered by Dean Mercy Lodge Diane Noll STAGE CREW all involved for a long time to come. Miss Randazzle Susan Noll Curtain Tammy Faust The Bonwits Melinda Massey Denise Noll 16 Left: Trace "Bridget" Curtis and Liz "Janice" Hanke discuss the troubles of being a nurse at M*A*S*H*. Bottom Left: Jenny "Hot Lips" Shreve and Aaron "Burns" Lear have a frank discussion. Bottom Right: The much abused John "Boone" Williams Below: Gail "Col. Blake" Wilson, listens to General Hammond's every word. 17 How To Succeed ... Does "How To Succeed In Business involved, which really served as an Without Really Trying" was per­ accomplishment for the school as a formed on March 6 and 7th on the whole. A.H.S. stage. It was directed by a The production itself had a very new member of our staff, Mr. Tom good stage presence. Full use of the Schoeni. stage was used in order to fill the Not only was the production suc­ auditorium. This is important for a cessful on stage, but also backstage. successful production. / This musical represents a combina­ All in all, "How To Succeed In tion of art forms. It seemed as Business" really did. though everyone at the school was CAST and ORCHESTRA Finch John Puterbaugh Mr. Twimble Jackie Haliburton Mathews Bill Hoopes Gatch Brian Swank Hedy La Rue Diana D'Eramo Johnson Tom Blessing Jenkino Chuck Burns Scrubwomen Dawn Manzella T.V. Announcer Chuck Jones Tackaberry Dan McMahan Melissa Mathison Two Wicket Girls Danielle Hagan Peterson Dave Bezon Miss Krumholtz Renee Henry Danielle Ferguson J. B. Biggley Steve Slimak Toynbee Stacey Dias Henchmen John Rittner Rosemary Tiffany Ferguson Ovington Jim Norman Ted Madison Bratt Tony Didonato Policeman Eric Mathison Chris Leasure Smitty Natalie Funk Womper Sean Neilson Len Fraraccio Frump Scott Jones Davis Brian Davis Book Voice John Rittner Miss Jones Beth Miller Chorus and Dancers: Sonia Martin, Kelly Dias, Rose Doyle, Melissa Mathison, Dawn Manzella, Mary Jo Savage, Danielle Hagan, Tiffany Pugh, Monica West, Amy Markley, Rose Valdez, Jill Russell, Randi Weekley, Danielle Ferguson, Christy Peck, Jenny Shreve, Kim Sarchone, Anne Keste-Helle, Asa Furigard, Tonya Robinson, Stacey Dias, Eric Mathison, Dan McMahan, Bill Hoopes, John Rittner, Len Fraraccio, Dave Bezon, Tom Blessing, Brian Davis, Tony Didonato, Brian Swank, Ted Madison, Chris Leasure, Greg Pugh, Bill Odell, Chuck Jones, Chuck Burns, Dave Freedero, Jeff Ramser FLUTE: Mara Synestvedt, Angie Roberts, Becky Lewis, Jennie Sulherin TRUMPET: John Stein, Valerie Valentine, Pam Bacon VIOLIN: Cynthia Kreiner CLARINET: Jenny Black, Kim Schneider, Nancy Sickle, Bob Wilton TROMBONE: Debbie Moore, Paul Brunner CELLO: Joanie Bobish SAX: Chad Springer, Scott Fleishauer, Bob Wilton, Shannon Burson BASSOON: Amy Buckley BASS: Jenny Rupp 18 Student Life Opposite page: Biggley and Miss Jones meet at the elevator after a hard days work.

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