Poge Eight July 21. 1978 laturanlo board decides to hire INSIDE ... Voter Assistance Teams .................. 2 elpert on museum design .ork 4-Star Admiral Visits NWC .. ........ ..•. 3 The decisioo to hire a well-known job. A newccmer to Indian Wells Valley, 311 Swnmer Employee Jobs Filled ....... 5 museum ardlItectura! specialist to prepare Mrs. Amster is expected to bring welcome July 21, 1978 Sports .......... ..... ..... .. .......... 6 a master plan fer the new Matlrango expertise on museum fWIctions to the Naval W~apo"s (!!nter Public Works Gas Station To Move ........ 7 Museum was annoWlced recently by the museum board. C1'I iN Lake Vol. XXXIII, No. 29 Ca lifornia Museum Board Hires Designer ........... 8 museum's board of directors. Mrs. Amster, who moved bere this spring This important step in the direction of from Washington, D.C., bad spent the "we rocketeel CIOIISIructing a new building in the civic previous three years working as a docent center complex of the Kern Regional Park for the National Collection of FIne Arts and, III Ridgecrest is the outcome of two years of In that capacity, performed a number of , ests conducted to determine Inl8Ishe study by the museum's building research tasks. An art historian, she also ammltlee. taught art appreciation classes for the adult ''Our study convinced us that the planning education program of Montgcmery County causes, wa,s to avoid, fuel pbaae is aJl.Unportant to the success of a in VIrgInia. new museum," Jim BaIrd, president of the ''WIth her ezpertise and COIUIections with board of truItees, said. "Museums bave Smithsonian and other Washington museum inlestion b, aircraft enlines IDIIIY speda1 demands in the way of people, we ellpeCt Ruth to be an Invaluable The often serious consequences of fuel refueting probes are not adjacent to engine lighting, sIoraIe, security and emIbit space belp to the Maturango Museum," said ingestion by aircraft gas turbine engines inlet airflows," Stull said. This con­ that only an apert can decide," be noted. Baird, who bas aJready 8ssIgned the and the means to avoid the consequences is sideration has been taken ..rious1y and bas E. Verner Jobnson, a Boston-based ar­ board's newest member to restructlre the the subject of a complex test series which resulted in certain configuration changes in chitect who bas made a speciality of museum's volunteer program. has been Wlderway for about five years in contempory aircraft. "However, given that bas hired designing _"""",s, been to the Naval Weapons Center Survivability other design considerations will often take study of FLEET RESERVE AIDS LITTLE LEAGUE - Henry Blecha (at left). president perform an intensive the purpoaes, and Lethality Division. Various other Ar­ precedence, there are a number of other programs, funding prospects, and ar­ of the board of directors ollhe China lake Little League. accepts a donation of $150 my, Navy and ~ Force Laboratories bave approaches being investigated to prevent from Art Trent. president of Branch 95 of the Fleet Reserve Association. The chltectura1 demands of the new museum. also been involved in fuel ingestion related adverse engine response to fuel ingestion," presentation took place during a recent Fleet Reserve meeti·ng, and the money will Jobnson's study will cost $15,000 and will investigations. be continued. be used to purchase some badly needed new equipment for use next season. include a master plan as well as ar­ Fuel ingestion is the passing of raw air­ Ways To Alleviat. Problem Support of activities such as liffle leavue ,Ire a continuing part of the provram of chltectura1 plans and a model of the craft fuel through the inlet plane of gas Some of the techniques WIder develop­ the Fleet Reserve Association, which is composed of active duty and retired proposed new museum. turbine engines. It can lie caused by enemy ment, Stull noted, are structural members of the Navy. Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The board of trustees' decision to hire IMPORTANT ADJUNCT TO TEST WORK - The high velocity air flow syst.m is action, by fuel spillage during in.f1ight modifications to inlet duct fuel tank walls Jolmson to prepare a preliminary ar­ CPO Club an important component of the Naval Weapons Center's Aircr.ft Survivability refueling operations, and during crash with materials designed to limit to tolerable chitectural plan and master plan report was "The Sounds of Country" will make its Test Facility, since air flow pJays a sivnjficant role in determining jet engine landings wben fuel spills occur. levels the volwne of fuel which can be ex­ made only after consideration of a number final China Lake performances at the Chief Coming .eek at COl to be topped response during fuel ingestion tests. The high velocity air flow system is capoble of Enemy projectiles striking aircraft fuel pelled into the engine inlet air Oows upon of alternatives. In addition, telepbone calls Petty Officers' Club tonight and tomorrow puffing out a 450.knot blast over an area 9 ft. square, or lower velocities over a cells which are adjacent to engine inlet air fuel tank impact by enemy projectiles. An were made to officIaJs of several museums night, George Barnard, club manager, oft br 'Iembership light' pam larger area. In this set up for a fuel ingestion test, a TF-30 turbofan engine (at left) nows can cause the release of sufficient alternative to this includes development of designed by Jobnson, all of whom were reported. is mated to an extensively modified A-7 .ircraft fuselage inlet duct assembly. quantities of fuel into the engine inlet to self-contained devices which can sense a reported to be bIgbly entbn.iaslic about hls The music group has played several times Three special events are on the calendar evening. evoke a wide variety of adverse responses. fuel ingestion event in progress, wam the work. at the Center's three service clubs during during the coming week at the Com­ Next Friday's " Membership Night" fete The actual nature of the observed (and now pilot and automatically take immediate Among sucb projects completed recently the past few months and bas gained local missioned Officers' Mess, beginning.. with at the COM will be highlighted by the Traleler, ill-prepared for driYing to some extent predictable) responses engine oriented corrective actions that will by Jolmson are the Mempbls Pink Palace popularity. "Italian night" on Tuesday at the COM and country and western music of Gene Bare depend on a large number of variables. reduce the likelihood of a destructive engine MuselD and the Museum of International Barnard said that due to a long-term winding up with the club's monthly and his band, and a country barbecue which on desert, found dead in remote area These include the types of engine, the response to fuel ingestion. - Folk Art in Santa Fe, N.M. contract in Las Vegas, Saturday night will "Membership Night" party on Friday, July (weather pennitting) will be served on the engine power setting, the amount and type In addition, tests will be conducted in Johnson arrived yesterday on hls first mark the end of the music group's rotating 28. I lanai. A preliminary investigation pointed to the equipped for travel on unfami1iar and un­ of fuel tbat is ingested, whether or not the FIscal Year '71 using modified fuels com­ visit to Ridgecrest in order to discuss with engagement here. Some new Italian entrees will be on the The menu will include cbarcoal-hroiled probability that the desert bad claimed mainlained desert roads - an extremely mode of ingestion is steady state or tran­ posed of materials which will serve to interested local area residents any ideas "The SoWlds of Country" will play from 9 menu TueJday night, along with spaghetti chicken, baked potato, salads, corn on the another victim last week when NWC guard dangerous Wldertaklng, especially when sient er both, inlet air Mach number, fuel inhibit severe damage causing explosions. they may bave to contribute about the p.m. until 1 a.m. both tonight and tomorrow and meat,/auce (all you can eat for $1.95). cob, hot biscuits and rolls - all for the Vernon Daley discovered on Saturday the traveling alone. temperature and many others, as was The primary engine tested In the current building of a perman8lt museum here. night with the dining room featlrlng the nominal price of $3 each for COM members body of a man in a 1973 Chevrolet in a The car's left front tire was Oat, and there explained by E. W. Stull, project 8Igineer. series bas been the 'IT -30 tlrbolan engine Members of the museum's board of remote area of Randsburg Wash on the were signs that Zarp had attempted to regular Friday night prime rib and Tu:~,1~dbe~~~ ~:,!~,9 J;' ~~ and the ir guests. Results Widely Varied which powers various models of the CorsaIr trustees bope that the master plan to Icelandic cod dinners and offering patrons which has been designated "International Dirmer will be served from 6 to 9 p.m., and Centefs Mojave "B" Range. change the wheel using a crescent wrench IT. Simi1ar tests also have been carried out of be prepared by Jobnaon will prove a sirloin steak and Alaskan king crab Night... fomplete dinners featuring music for the listening and dancing From the papers found on the body and instead of one of two lug wrenches which be The results fuel ingestion events vary on the J~ and J-79 engines used in the A-4 frOID mildly degraded engine performance valuable asaiIt In obtaining grants of funds Saturday evening. Japanese teriyaki steak, Grand Mamier pleasure of those who attend the "Mem­ from auto registration records, the victim bad overlooked or misplaced.
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