Parish Activities in 2020 EMBRACING THE COMMUNITIES OF: BAPTISMS St Mary’s - South Brisbane; Saturday | 9.30 a.m. | monthly 1st Saturday St Francis’ St Ita’s - Dutton Park; 2nd Saturday St Mary’s St Francis of Assisi - West End & 3rd Saturday St Ita’s Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - Fairfield. Family preparation sessions on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 9.30 a.m. Bookings essential. Under the care of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars ADORATION Sunday: 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. St Mary’s Church DIVINE MERCY Third Sunday of Lent Sunday: 4:15pm St Mary’s Church PRAYER AND QUIET REFLECTION 15 March 2020 - Year A Monday to Friday: 12:00 noon—2:00 p.m. at St Mary’s Church Dear Parishioners Parish notice regarding Coronavirus AWAKEN: TOGETHER IN CHRIST We welcome our Archbishop Mark Coleridge to our parish Directions have been issued from the Australian Catholic 1st Saturday of the month at 6:00 p.m. communities for the pastoral visit 2020. The purpose of this visit is Bishops Conference and the Archbishop of Brisbane and St Francis Hall, 47 Dornoch Terrace, West End to rejuvenate the energies of those engaged in evangelisation, the following protocols will be in place in our parish: website: awaken.org.au to praise, encourage and reassure them in their ministries. It is · Holy Communion from the chalice will not be given. ST FRANCIS TABLE—Ministry to the Elderly also an opportunity to invite the faithful to a renewal of Chris- Christ is fully present under either species. tian life and to an ever more intense apostolic activity. The pas- Every Monday · Holy Communion of the Host will only be given in the toral visit also helps the bishop to evaluate the effectiveness of Monday: 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. hand not on the tongue the structures and agencies designed for pastoral service, tak- St Francis Hall, 47 Dornoch Terrace, West End · Sign of Peace - people should avoid shaking hands ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS ing account of the circumstances and difficulties of the task of evangelisation, so as to determine more accurately the priori- but say “Peace be with you” with some eye contact 1st Friday of the month | St Mary’s Church 7:00 a.m. ties and the means required for overall pastoral provision. and perhaps an appropriate gesture, nod, smile or 1st Sunday of the month | OLPS Fairfield 7:00 a.m. On Saturday the Archbishop will celebrate the Family Vigil similar. PARISH MORNING TEAS Mass. On Sunday, 9 am Mass at St. Mary’s Church South Bris- · Holy water will be temporarily removed from fonts at Every Sunday St Mary’s (and Feast Days) bane will conclude his pastoral visitation in our parishes. the doors of churches. 1st Sunday of the month In the Gospel of today, Jesus encounters the Samaritan · Hand sanitiser wipes and/or pumps will be available OLPS Fairfield after 7:00 a.m. Mass woman at the well and offers her the living water. With this she near the entrances. St Francis Church after 9:00 a.m. mass becomes first evangeliser for the kingdom of God. She and the Unless otherwise advised, masses and other gatherings are FAMILY MASS whole people in Samaria recognise him as the messiah, the expected to continue as normal, however all parishioners 4th Saturday of the month | St Ita’s Church 5:00 p.m. saviour of the world. In the first reading from the Book of Exodus and visitors are encouraged to observe a high level of un- (school term only) we hear of God giving the people of Israel the water they derstanding for one another including not attending if feel- CHILDREN’S LITURGY need to quench their thirst. Moses was commanded by God to ing unwell and not feeling offended with the lack of con- St Ita’s Church 5:00 p.m. (except for family mass) take the elders with him and to strike the rock with the staff. tact during greeting and Sign of Peace. Then, miraculously, water came out of the rock. Paul in the St Mary’s Church 9.00am The Archdiocese will continue to monitor the situation second reading tells us that faith, hope and love are God’s RISING YOUTH MINISTRY RYM closely and provide further advice as required. In the gifts to us. We are all God’s chosen people called upon to live Dates to be advised | St Francis Hall meantime we pray fervently that the threat of COVID-19 purified lives and God’s love was poured into our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us through will ease, that those suffering from the virus will be cured NEW PARISHIONERS and that those working for its relief will be strengthened. We would like to help you feel at home in the Parish. Would you Christ. God bless you all, please make yourselves known to our Priests and to the parish- Fr. Joshy Parappully, Parish Priest Reach Beyond: Become Simply Rich.… All trades and profes- ioners who greet you as you arrive. Welcome leaflets with basic sions are being requested by communities abroad seeking to information about the parish are also available either at the MASS TIMES PARISH OFFICE build the capacity of their organisations and the skills of their door of the church or by contacting the parish office. St Mary’s Church (20 Merivale St. South Brisbane) 47 Dornoch Terrace, West End, Qld 4101 people. They’re not asking for money or gifts that contribute Thank you for becoming part of our community. Mon-Fri: 7am; Sat: 8am (Rosary after Mass) Postal: PO Box 3857, West End, Qld 4101 to degrading dependence. Your assistance will help to de- Sunday: 9am and 5pm Emails: [email protected] velop self-reliance and sustainable solutions to poverty. St Francis’ Church (47 Dornoch Tce., West End) [email protected] Palms Australia will provide you with thorough preparation Sunday: 9am Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am - 2pm T/phone: (07) 3844 2744 and support. You will be rewarded with riches greater than Got a business to advertise? St Ita’s Church (Pope St., Dutton Park) South Brisbane website: www.southbrisbanestmarys.org.au you might imagine. Look at www.palms.org.au and talk to Contact the parish office for details. Saturday (Vigil): 5pm; Sunday: 8.00am FB: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryssouthrbisbane/ Roger on O422472567, or email [email protected] Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Dutton Park website: www.duttonparkcatholic.org.au (Victoria St., Fairfield) FB: https://www.facebook.com/Dutton-Park-West-End- Sunday: 7am (Anointing:1st Sunday) Catholic-Parish-296189547643180/ The Catholic Leader: Keeping faith with you Parish Priest: Fr. Joshy Parappully OFM Cap [email protected] * Brisbane archdiocese rolls out extra precaution- CONFESSION ary measures at Masses and in parishes in light of St Mary’s Church: Parish Deacon: Deacon Adam Walk coronavirus (COVID-19). Fri: 7.30am—8am Sat: 8.30-9.00am; Sun: 4-4.45pm [email protected] * Female students at St James College were in- Parish Pastoral Co-Ordinator: Sr Salvacion Bunao SFI spired to become the next generation of strong, St Ita’s Church: Sat: 4-4.50pm Parish Secretary: Bernadette Maguire talented women at an International Women’s Sacramental Administrator: Niken Westerman Day event. ST ITA’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Parish Youth : [email protected] * Breast cancer survivor Jane Anderson throws her 247 Gladstone Rd, Dutton Park, Qld 4102 Safeguarding Officers: support behind a new research biobank at Bris- Phone: (07)3838 8400 St Ita’s Church: Liam O’Rourke 0411 033 321 bane’s Mater Hospital that could fight the dis- Email: [email protected] OLPS Church: Nora King 0481139 070 ease. Web: www.stitasduttonpark.qld.edu.au St Francis of Assisi Church: Liam Cunnane 0477 306 166 Find your copy at the back of the Church for $2. St Mary’s Church: Chris Bolger 0407 480 205 Awaken: Dianne Ezzy 0411 869 017 READINGS AT MASS given you living water.’ ‘You have no bucket, sir,’ she an- Archbishop John Bathersby St Mary’s Passion Play swered ‘and the well is deep: how could you get this living (Archbishop of Brisbane 1991-2011) Entrance Antiphon Cf. Ps 24: 15-16 water? Are you a greater man than our father Jacob who passed into eternal rest on the morning of We are calling for all children who are interest- My eyes are always on the Lord, gave us this well and drank from it himself with his sons and his 9 march 2020. We ask you all to pray for Archbishop John, ed in participating in this year’s St Mary’s Passion for he rescues my feet from the snare. cattle?’ Jesus replied: ‘Whoever drinks this water his family and the Archdiocese at this sad time of loss. Play on Good Friday. will get thirsty again; but anyone who drinks the water that I Practise/rehearsal on Sundays 29 March & 5 April after 9am Turn to me and have mercy on me, Notice of Funeral Liturgies - shall give will never be thirsty again: the water that I shall give Mass at St Mary’s. Please contact Sr. Salvacion to register. for I am alone and poor. Archbishop John Bathersby DD AO, will turn into a spring inside him, welling up to eternal life.’ First reading Exodus 17:3-7 Emeritus Archbishop of Brisbane ‘Sir,’ said the woman ‘give me some of that water, so that I PARISH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DAY 2020 Saturday 28th Tormented by thirst, the people complained against Moses.
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