<p> CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>ACCOUNTANCY, BOARD OF</p><p>1. Ronald F. Kolb *000055 Investigative 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,000.00 Conduct investigations of certified public accountants Louisville, KY and unlicensed persons, as directed by the Board of Accountancy. Perform professional level work in conducting investigations in compliance with KRS 325.360.</p><p>2. Roger D. Johnson *000056 Investigative 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,000.00 Serve as CPA investigator when the board suspects Bowling Green, KY violations of CPA professional standards for financial reporting as specified in KRS 325.340. The CPA investigator shall review financial reports and work papers to determine whether applicable professional standards were properly met when attest engagement services were performed.</p><p>3. Thomas K. Baer *000057 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,000.00 Serve as program coordinator for the Quality Louisville, KY Enhancement Program of the Kentucky Board of Accountancy which is mandated by KRS 325.240 and detailed in 201 KAR 1:68. </p><p>AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>4. Johnson, Judy, True & Guarnieri, *000081 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Represent, advise, and consult with the Department of LLP Agriculture, relative to post trial and appellate duties in Frankfort, KY the case styled Donald R. Vinson and Charles Anderson v. Department of Agriculture, et al. </p><p>ATTORNEY GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE</p><p>5. Nick King 990407 Legal 6/14/99-6/30/99 $2,092.40 Provide legal assistance to police departments relating Louisville, KY to criminal investigations and prosecution of criminal charges.</p><p>6. Kamuf, Yewell & Pace *000182 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide specialized legal services concerning the Owensboro, KY liquidation and winding up of First Mutual Life Insurance Company pursuant to KRS 299.190. 1</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>7. Frost & Jacobs *000152 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide legal services to recovery charitable assets Lexington, KY accumulated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield prior to the 1993 merger with Anthem Insurance Company.</p><p>8. Christopher W. Frost 000175 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide expert consulting and legal services to the Lexington, KY Office of the Attorney General which has filed suit against Anthem Insurance Company in Franklin Circuit Court to recover charitable assets accumulated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield prior to the merger. </p><p>9. John L. Akula Ph.D. 000173 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,750.00 Provide expert consulting and legal services to the Cambridge, MA Office of the Attorney General which has filed suit against Anthem Insurance Company in Franklin Circuit Court to recover charitable assets accumulated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield prior to the merger.</p><p>CHARITABLE GAMING, DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>10. L. J. Hollenbach, III 000116 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide legal services on behalf of the Department of Louisville, KY Charitable Gaming consistent with the department's purposes found in KRS Chapter 238.</p><p>EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY</p><p>11. Corporation for Standards and 99-227 Training 6/8/99-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Provide training in the area of outcomes for the Outcomes Adoption and Safe Families Act. Pittsburgh, PA</p><p>12. Family Options *00-022 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $7,156.64 Provide statewide training on case plans and Morgantown, KY assessments applying solution based casework principles as follow-up to mandatory Family Casework Intervention training.</p><p>13. Elizabeth A. Flannagan *99-229 Miscellaneous 5/25/99-6/30/99 $1,420.00 Serve as speaker at the Adult Services Institute with a Charlottesville, VA focus on Older Battered Women.</p><p>14. Joseph R. Schwendeman *00-025 Consulting 7/1/99-12/31/99 $5,500.00 Provide consultation through Phase A of the law 2</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>Richmond, KY enforcement training facility expansion project.</p><p>15. Dr. Artie Ann Bates *00-023 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $4,702.50 Provide training to staff from the Cabinet for Families Louisville, KY and Children on the medical aspects of Child Sexual Abuse.</p><p>16. Pat Whelan 00-020 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,000.00 Provide training entitled "Working with Substance Louisville, KY Abusing Families." </p><p>17. Crystal Collins-Camargo 00-018 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $7,337.96 Provide training and curriculum development in child Lexington, KY protective services competency based curriculum and other child abuse related training.</p><p>18. Vince Webb 99-224 Consulting 6/1/99-6/30/99 $6,500.00 Examine the organizational structure of EKU law Phoenix, AZ enforcement and serve as consultant / advisor for the Program of Distinction.</p><p>19. Schloemer & Stone Counseling 00-019 Training / 7/1/99-6/30/00 $3,951.00 Provide a four day long training and consulting Louisville, KY Consulting sessions on Interventions with Families with Substance Abuse Issues.</p><p>20. Marlene T. Stewart 00-015 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,970.00 Provide training on the role of law enforcement in the Rush, KY joint investigation of child sexual abuse, with a focus on the Skills Needed to Interview Children.</p><p>21. Keith Hill 00-014 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,984.00 Provide training on the role of law enforcement in the Denton, KY joint investigation of child sexual abuse, with a focus on the Skills Needed to Interview Children and adults.</p><p>22. David Austin Sky 99-222 Training 6/13/99-6/18/99 $3,500.00 Train adult staff on the correct way to run a family Bexley, OH group for teens. Also work with the sponsors of teen groups and conduct core team work that would involve running adult staff meetings and dealing with adult staff issues that may arise.</p><p>23. Randy Hignite 99-221 Instructional 6/1/99-6/30/99 $1,000.00 Provide supervision of Kentucky Department of Versailles, KY Juvenile Justice staff as part of their practicum for their Chemical Alcohol Dependency Counsel coursework. This will involve classroom presentations on the twelve core functions of chemical dependency counseling as 3</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p> well as the supervision of cases presented.</p><p>24. Heath Keller 99-223 Training 6/1/99-6/30/99 $1,005.50 Conduct a maximum of five sessions of computer Murray, KY training's. Training's will include: Introduction to Microsoft Excel, Intermediate Microsoft Excel, Intermediate Microsoft Word, and Advanced Microsoft Word.</p><p>25. Dr. Sally Brenzel *00-035 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,484.00 Provide Child Sexual Abuse Interventions training to Louisville, KY staff from the Cabinet for Families and Children. The training is based on an ecological systems model of treatment interventions.</p><p>26. Jeff Danhauer 99-225 Miscellaneous 5/25/99-6/30/99 $732.88 Serve as speaker at the Adult Services Institute with a Owensboro, KY focus on Mental Health and Drug Issues.</p><p>27. Presbyterian Child Welfare Agency 00-012 Instructional 7/1/99-6/30/00 $4,999.00 Provide a Life Space Crisis Intervention workshop for Buckhorn, KY the Department of Juvenile Justice Academy training program.</p><p>28. Rick Pinette Motivation, Inc. 99-228 Miscellaneous 6/1/99-6/30/99 $2,968.37 Provide the keynote address for the 1999 Kentucky Orlando, FL Foster Parent Statewide Conference. Services include entertainment and motivational program.</p><p>29. Vince Webb 00-013 Consulting 7/1/99-6/30/00 $6,500.00 Examine the organizational structure of EKU law Phoenix, AZ enforcement and serve as consultant / advisor for the Program of Distinction.</p><p>FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET - Office of Financial Management and Economic Analysis</p><p>30. Potter & Company LLP *000096 Auditing 7/1/99-6/30/00 $6,750.00 Audit of KY Local Correctional Facilities Construction Lexington, KY Authority books and accounts for the FY ending June 30, 1999.</p><p>FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>4</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>31. Logan & Gaines *000108 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $7,500.00 Consultation and representation concerning litigation Frankfort, KY filed by a former employee, Patsy Harris, against agency and other state employees.</p><p>JUSTICE CABINET</p><p>32. Robert L. Ennis 000165 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $7,500.00 Provide polygraph examination database Fern Creek, KY management, administrative services specific to polygraph examination services, and preventive and emergency maintenance of Kentucky Law Enforcement Council polygraph devices.</p><p>33. Jerry Lee Crowder 000169 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Rabbit Hash, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>34. Robert N. Pybas *000170 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Mt. Vernon, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>35. Billie Hale 000167 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Hopkinsville, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>36. Royce Winters 000168 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Cincinnati, OH of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>37. Carl Hunt 000123 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Benton, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>38. Douglas K. Ingram *000178 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Louisville, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>39. Robert Louis Ennis *000164 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Fern Creek, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>40. William E. Payton 000166 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional polygraph examination services Louisville, KY of applicants for peace officer positions statewide.</p><p>KENTUCKY COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM</p><p>41. Deloitte & Touche LLP 004 Consulting 6/23/99-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Conduct preliminary evaluation of KCTCS financial 5</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>Louisville, KY records in preparation of audit of consolidated balance sheet.</p><p>KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION</p><p>42. George Ella Lyon *000099 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-8/31/99 $8,100.00 Serve as writer and host of five-part KET writing series Lexington, KY - Everyday Voices.</p><p>43. Louis A. Williams 000078 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,000.00 Prepare FCC forms, perform radio frequency studies, Cincinnati, OH assist with re-licensing of transmitters, satellite uplinks, and other technical services.</p><p>44. April Prager 000077 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $2,584.00 Serve as make-up artist for News Quiz and various Lexington, KY KET production projects.</p><p>45. George Ella Lyon 990392 Miscellaneous 5/3/99-6/30/99 $8,100.00 Serve as writer and host of five-part KET writing series Lexington, KY - Everyday Voices. </p><p>KENTUCKY HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENT LOAN CORPORATION</p><p>46. Human Development Company, Inc. *99-002 Counseling 7/1/99-6/30/00 $2,574.00 Provide professional employee assistance counseling Louisville, KY more particularly individual counseling for employees and their immediate families.</p><p>KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY</p><p>47. Fonda Thomsen / Textile *000117 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-9/1/99 $7,425.00 Conservation survey of the historic flags in the Preservation Associates collection of the Kentucky Historical Society. Sharpsburg, MD</p><p>KENTUCKY LOTTERY CORPORATION</p><p>48. Dr. George Manning 99-228 Training 6/1/99-6/30/99 $7,200.00 Provide diversity training services at two one-day long Highland Heights, KY "Team Lottery" meetings.</p><p>49. Fidelity Investments Tax-Exempt 00-99-167 Investment 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide investment managerial, general trustee, 6</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>Services Company Manager communications and administrative services. Boston, MA NOTE: Value of contract is $100,000/year; $90,000.00 to be paid by plan participants.</p><p>50. Betty Griffin *00-99-055 Training 7/1/99-6/30/00 $2,000.00 Provide diversity training services. Frankfort, KY</p><p>51. William Mercer, Inc. *00-99-248 Investment 7/1/99-6/30/00 $1,000.00 Provide investment consulting services during the Louisville, KY Consulting period in which the KLC transfers the assets in its' Money Purchase Retirement Plan from PNC Bank to Fidelity Management Trust Company.</p><p>52. William Mercer, Inc. 99-248 Investment 6/23/99-6/30/99 $1,000.00 Provide investment consulting services during the Louisville, KY Consulting period in which the KLC transfers the assets in its' Money Purchase Retirement Plan from PNC Bank to Fidelity Management Trust Company.</p><p>KENTUCKY REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS BOARD</p><p>53. Patricia Dunn *000100 Computer 7/1/99-6/30/00 $3,000.00 Transfer files from AS/400 to the PC computer and Lexington, KY connect the AS/400 to the PC computer; install and configure PC support on the AS/400 and the PC computer; make software renovations and program assistance and ongoing adjustments to the license files and license programs to conform with federal requirements that are written in RPG language; and train staff as needed.</p><p>54. 21st Century Claims Service 000136 Investigative 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,000.00 Investigate formal complaints filed pursuant to KRS Lexington, KY 324A, conduct investigations initiated by the board, perform all necessary investigative duties including interviewing witnesses, reviewing documents, preparing reports, and testifying at hearings and court actions.</p><p>55. Core Systems Development, Inc. *000150 Computer 7/1/99-6/30/00 $2,500.00 Provide software renovations and program assistance Louisville, KY for the appraiser certification licensing program carried out on the AS/400 System and PC's. 7</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>56. Assessment Systems, Inc. 000171 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-6/30/00 $6,000.00 Provide examinations for Real Estate Appraiser Cynwyd, PA Candidates in accordance with KRS Chapter 324A.</p><p>KENTUCKY STATE POLICE</p><p>57. Daum & Associates *000149 Medical 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide psychological services for employees involved Cincinnati, OH in traumatic situations if necessary. Conduct "Fit for Duty" evaluations for employees who are experiencing psychological problems. </p><p>8</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>LICENSURE FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS, BOARD OF</p><p>58. Truett C. Cohorn 000093 Computer 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,000.00 Creation of a new database program to replace Frankfort, KY existing program; create a WEB page for the agency; continue computer support; provide expertise when necessary to office staff; and train in-house staff on new database when developed.</p><p>MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF</p><p>59. Sharon Oakes 022 Instructional 6/2/99-6/4/99 $1,000.00 Serve as public sssistance workshop instructor. Tampa, FL</p><p>MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY</p><p>60. Patricia A. Breeden 99-119 Instructional 6/7/99-6/11/99 $200.00 Serve as golf camp instructor. Morehead, KY</p><p>61. Jeff N. Eaglin 99-115 Instructional 6/6/99-6/12/99 $300.00 Serve as golf camp instructor June 6-12, 1999. Morehead, KY</p><p>62. Paul R. Stokes 00-03 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,000.00 Provide general legal services on an as needed basis. Morehead, KY</p><p>63. Cindi Salozar 99-118 Photography 6/16/99-6/16/99 $192.00 Serve as photographer of the Minority Teacher Morehead, KY Education Program (MTEP) Summer program during tour of the Underground Railroad.</p><p>64. Angela Hilterbrand 99-117 Miscellaneous 6/17/99-6/30/99 $2,500.00 Serve as the Morehead Writing Project outreach Wallingford, KY coordinator.</p><p>65. Bob Christian 99-116 Miscellaneous 6/23/99-6/23/99 $200.00 Provide music at the Appalachian Celebration 1999 Clearfield, KY Gathering of Traditional Musicians.</p><p>66. Jason Mitchell 99-120 Instructional 6/7/99-6/11/99 $200.00 Serve as golf camp instructor. 9</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>Lexington, KY</p><p>MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY</p><p>67. John H. Taylor 153-99-1 Consulting 6/1/99-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Conduct two day site visit to include meetings with all Durham, NC key development office, industrial technology, and Morehead State University Foundation staff to evaluate all advancement services operations including gift processing, donor / gift records, alumni records, compliance with IRS guidelines and Council for Advancement and Support of Education recommendations.</p><p>68. Jonathan Freed, Bradley & Freed *104-00-1 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,000.00 Provide legal representation in the trail and appeal of PSC Gale Minger v. Joseph Green. Balance of 162-99-1. Paducah, KY</p><p>69. Judy Williams 103-00-1 Facilitator 7/1/99-8/31/99 $1,000.00 Develop training materials and facilitate technology Murray, KY workshop sessions for Kentucky Academic Technology Education.</p><p>70. Jonathan Freed, Bradley & Freed, 162-99-1 Legal 6/1/99-6/30/99 $5,000.00 Provide legal representation in the trial and appeal of PSC Gale Minger v. Joseph Green. Paducah, KY</p><p>71. Brian Parks 159-99-1 Instructional 6/14/99-6/25/99 $750.00 Serve as art instructor for Youth Authors Camp. Murray, KY</p><p>72. MULTI (Band Symposium) 161-99-3 Instructional 6/14/99-6/15/99 $665.00 Provide teaching and supervision to high school students during the band symposium.</p><p>73. Terry Clark *102-00-1 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $5,000.00 Provide legal/technical assistance in reviewing Falls Church, VA invention and performing patent search regarding predictability for success in patenting said invention and provide legal representation in preparing patent application for filing with patent office.</p><p>74. Eva McGowan 160-99-1 Instructional 6/10/99-6/11/99 $300.00 Facilitate workshop session on improving instructional Hopkinsville, KY technology in the classroom.</p><p>10</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CABINET</p><p>75. Al Goodman and Associates 990418 Training 5/15/99-6/30/99 $5,051.00 Prepare and present two two-day specialized New Albany, IN wastewater treatment operator workshops on Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Advanced Wastewater Technologies.</p><p>NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY</p><p>76. Daum & Associates *321 Medical 7/1/99-6/30/00 $2,000.00 Provide psychological evaluations of future and Cincinnati, OH present public safety officers.</p><p>77. Joel Rogers 2000-350 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-8/1/99 $1,900.00 Serve as musical director, pianist, and conductor for McKenzie, TN summer dinner theater.</p><p>78. Arter & Hadden *2000-97 Consulting 7/1/99-6/30/00 $2,288.58 Provide consulting services to NKU for all Washington, DC communication law matters including services relative to NKU cable and WKU public radio station.</p><p>79. ComNet Marketing Group, Inc. *2000-277 Marketing 7/1/99-6/30/00 $7,920.50 Provide telemarketing services to former and current Medford, OR WNKU members and prospects, for membership.</p><p>80. Spectrum Solutions *2000-358 Consulting 7/1/99-7/23/99 $9,600.00 Consultant will address focus programming issues for Carson City, NV SCT Corporation's Human Resource System, Version 4.1 upgrade from IBM mainframe to Alpha server, and Y2K issues.</p><p>81. Spectrum Solutions 99-358 Consulting 6/28/99-6/30/99 $9,600.00 Consultant will address focus programming issues for Carson City, NV SCT Corporation's Human Resource System, Version 4.1 upgrade from IBM mainframe to Alpha server, and Y2K issues.</p><p>82. Ziegler & Schneider, PSC *2000-104 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $3,375.66 Provide legal services to NKU concerning municipal Covington, KY law as it relates to zoning and annexation matters.</p><p>83. Bartlett & Wiegle Company *2000-78 Consulting 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide general immigration information and advice to Cincinnati, OH prospective and current employees and advise NKU 11</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p> on matters related to foreign student requirements with the Immigrations and Naturalization Service.</p><p>84. Buechel & Conley *2000-262 Consulting 7/1/99-6/30/00 $1,596.16 Provide general tax advisory and consultation Crestview Hills, KY services.</p><p>85. Deloitte & Touche LLP *99-304E Auditing 6/15/99-6/30/99 $1,400.00 Perform annual audit of university records and Cincinnati, OH financial statements and related organizations; conduct an A-133 compliance audit on all federal programs; conduct an audit on WNKU radio station; and conduct two agency audits.</p><p>86. Anita Curry-Jackson *2000-347 Consulting 7/1/99-8/31/99 $875.26 Assist and review re-accreditation materials (self- Centerville, OH study, syllabi, handbooks) in preparation for upcoming re-accreditation.</p><p>TRANSPORTATION CABINET</p><p>87. Lawrence F. Smith *990890 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide various legal services statewide such as, but Radcliff, KY not limited to, legal research and rendering legal opinions; representation of the cabinet in actions before boards and other administrative bodies as well as before all levels of the state and federal court system. Conduct an accurate title examination of land, or interest in land, needed for right of way or land needed for the improvement and construction of public improvements and roads. Represent the cabinet in condemnation actions, under the right of eminent domain; beginning in the circuit court, and to final adjudication.</p><p>88. Aubrey Williams *990881 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide various legal services statewide such as, but Louisville, KY not limited to, legal research and rendering legal opinions; representation of the cabinet in actions before boards and other administrative bodies as well as before all levels of the state and federal court system. Conduct an accurate title examination of land, or interest in land, needed for right of way or land needed for the improvement and construction of public improvements and roads. Represent the cabinet in 12</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p> condemnation actions, under the right of eminent domain; beginning in the circuit court, and to final adjudication.</p><p>89. Reed Law Office *990895 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide legal services that include, but are not limited Magnolia, KY to, legal research rendering legal opinions; all aspects of defending and/or promoting cabinet interests in actions before boards and other administrative bodies as well as before all levels of the state and federal court system.</p><p>90. Arnold Lynch *990897 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide legal services that include, but are not limited Hopkinsville, KY to, legal research rendering legal opinions; all aspects of defending and/or promoting cabinet interests in actions before boards and other administrative bodies as well as before all levels of the state and federal court system.</p><p>91. Todd Hollenbach & Associates *990899 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide title examinations, represent the cabinet in Louisville, KY condemnation actions and other legal services as may be required.</p><p>92. Barber, Banaszynski & Associates *990905 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide legal services that include, but are not limited Louisville, KY to, legal research and rendering legal opinions; all aspects of defending and/or promoting cabinet interests in actions before boards and other administrative bodies as well as before all levels of the state and federal court system.</p><p>UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY</p><p>93. Chance Management Advisors, Inc. K00-106 Consulting 7/1/99-6/30/00 $10,000.00 Provide professional consulting services for evaluation Philadelphia, PA of the university's parking management system and propose changes that would better serve the various user groups.</p><p>94. Whitlow, Roberts, Houtson, and *K00-129 Legal 7/1/99-6/30/00 $9,618.49 Legal representation of the University of KY, Paducah Straub Community College and six university employees in Paducah, KY the lawsuit "Sweatt v. University of KY, et al." in the US District Court for the Western District of KY, and the 13</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p> companion case filed in McCracken Circuit Court. </p><p>UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE</p><p>95. Judge Michael O. McDonald *00-9 Hearing Officer 7/1/99-6/30/00 $8,000.00 Serve as hearing officer services to assist the Board of Louisville, KY Trustees and various faculty grievance committees in conducting hearings requested by faculty under university rules and state laws.</p><p>96. Orr Professional Services *00-8 Miscellaneous 7/1/99-9/30/99 $4,000.00 Review and amend as necessary the university's Louisville, KY confined space entry procedures for each inventoried confined space for specific hazards and the appropriate controls, develop a uniform and consistent format for specific procedures, and develop a template for specific confined space signage.</p><p>97. Orr Professional Services 00-5 Miscellaneous 6/7/99-6/30/99 $4,000.00 Review and amend as necessary the university's Louisville, KY confined space entry procedures for each inventoried confined space for specific hazards and the appropriate controls, develop a uniform and consistent format for specific procedures, and develop a template for specific confined space signage.</p><p>14</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. CONTRACTS FOR $10,000 AND UNDER - JULY, 1999</p><p>AGENCY / CONTRACT TYPE EFFECTIVE MAXIMUM CONTRACT DESCRIPTION / VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT DATES AMOUNT COMMENTS</p><p>WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY</p><p>98. Patricia S. Miller, Ph.D. 61-98 Consulting 6/23/99-6/27/99 $1,888.00 Conduct project Preparation of Early Childhood Greenville, NC Personnel external evaluation.</p><p>15</p><p>*Denotes: extension or renewal into new FY **Denotes: also has an amendment this month on the amendment list. </p>
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