Attention All Bidders s5

Attention All Bidders s5

<p> ATTENTIONATTENTION ALLALL BIDDERSBIDDERS</p><p>RETURN THE ENCLOSED PROPOSAL IN A SEALED ENVELOPE TO:</p><p>JACK C. COLLAR, PURCHASING MANAGER ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD NORTH BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203</p><p>YOUYOU MUSTMUST MARKMARK ONON THETHE ENVELOPE:ENVELOPE: SEALED BID #208-07 “ARMORED CAR SERVICE”</p><p>RETURN BY 5:00 P.M. ON APRIL 24, 2007</p><p>For questions concerning this ITB Contact: Darryl Tavel, Principal Buyer Phone: (205) 521-7530 Email: [email protected] </p><p>NoNo faxedfaxed oror emailemail responsesresponses willwill bebe acceptedaccepted JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 2</p><p>INVITATION TO BID</p><p>Sealed bids marked "ARMORED CAR SERVICE" will be received by the Purchasing Manager, Room 830 * 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham, Alabama.</p><p>Bids will be accepted until 5:00 P.M. central time (standard or daylight savings time, as applicable) on April 24, 2007. Bids submitted after this date and time will not be considered.</p><p>Bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 P.M. on April 25, 2007.</p><p>The County is not responsible for delays occasioned by the U.S. Postal Service, the internal mail delivery system of the County, or any other means of delivery employed by the bidder. Similarly, the County is not responsible for, and will not open, any bid/proposal responses, which are not received later than the date and time, indicated above. Late bids/proposals will be retained in the bid/proposal file, unopened. </p><p>PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at Jefferson County Courthouse Room 830, 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd North, Birmingham, AL 35203 @ 3:00 p.m. on April 17, 2007.</p><p>CONTRACT PERIOD: The Contract shall be for a period of one year with the option to renew year to year for three years. Either party has the right to terminate the Contract by giving 90 (ninety) days advance written notice to the other party. The notice shall specify the date that the termination is to become effective and the notice shall be served upon the party to whom it is addressed 90 (ninety) days prior to the date upon which the contract is to terminate.</p><p>SCOPE OF WORK: To provide Armored Car Transportation Services on a daily and designated time schedule for various locations throughout Jefferson County. Each designated pickup point may have several Governmental Departments with different bank deposits at various locations. </p><p>SPECIFICATIONS: Jefferson County will have various pick-up points and times. Each area will have one pick-up point and could have multiple deposits and different banks for each deposit. The deposit will be labeled as needed from each department. Each department may have various return receipt requirements. The following is a list of the areas for pickup and department listings for each area with contact person for additional information.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 3</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 3</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #1</p><p>The pick-up point for Area #1 will be at the Jefferson County Courthouse @ 716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. North Birmingham, Al. 35203 in Room 300 Treasurer’s Office. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #1 ARE AS FOLLOWS: </p><p>TREASURER OFFICE REQUIREMENTS: 1. We use 8 (eight) different banks. Theoretically, we could go to all of them everyday. This has never happened. We probably average four banks each day. The banks we use are: Regions, Wachovia, and National Bank of Commerce, Colonial, First Commercial, Compass Bank, Bank of Alabama, and BanCorp South. Addresses will be provided as needed.</p><p>2. We must receive same day credit for our deposits.</p><p>3. We call in a request for petty cash change order to Regions Bank daily, and the cash is ready for us to pick- up when we make our deposit that day. The largest request for petty cash is made each Friday when we cash the check we receive for reimbursement. Presently, this check could be as much as $15,000.00. Our request is mostly for bills, but be do order small amounts of change. Ordering $100.00 in quarters and lesser amounts in dimes and nickels happens.</p><p>4. We request supplies (coin envelopes, coin wrappers, and bill wrappers) as needed from Regions. This may be 2 or 3 shoe-sized boxes every 2 (two) months. The order is ready for us to pick-up when we make our deposit. These supplies must be returned the next business day by the courier.</p><p>5. On the last day of the fiscal year, September 30th , we make two deposits before 2:00 P.M. at the banks to allow departments to get all receipts for the year ending into the bank in that year. Two banks runs per day may be required from time to time.</p><p>For additional information contact Karen Lemley @ (205)325-5373.</p><p>REVENUE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Revenue will use 4 (four) different banks; Regions, Wachovia, Compass, and Alamerica.</p><p>2. The largest single daily deposit is 3 (three) million.</p><p>3. Revenue will need change on a daily basis from Regions and occasionally require supplies.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 4</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 4</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>4. The largest single daily cash deposit is $150, 000.00. 5. Our normal pick-up time is between 9:00 & 10:00 A.M.</p><p>6. Deposit tickets may be returned the next business day in sealed return bags.</p><p>For additional information contact Janice Prisoc @ (205)325-5045 or Willie Stroud @ (205)325-5195.</p><p>PROBATE COURT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Probate Court uses only Regions Bank. </p><p>2. Deposit slip may be returned the next business day in a sealed bag. </p><p>3. Probate Court averages a daily deposit of $52, 000.00. 5% (five percent) of this is cash.</p><p>4. There are three different accounts at Regions Bank.</p><p>5. Our daily pick-up time is before 11:00 A.M.</p><p>For additional information contact Carol Johnson @ (205) 325-5416. </p><p>SEWER BILLING: 1. Sewer Billing uses Captial South Bank. </p><p>2. Sewer Billing averages less than $100,000.00 per day. </p><p>3. Deposit slip may be returned the next business day. </p><p>4. Daily pick-up time is 1:00 P.M.</p><p>For additional information contact Karon Witt @ (205) 325-5390. </p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #1 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 5</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 5 INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #2</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #2 will be Jefferson County Centerpoint Annex located @ 2651 Centerpoint Parkway Birmingham, Al. 35215. In the Revenue Department. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #2 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>REVENUE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Revenue will use 4 (four) different banks; Regions, Wachovia, Compass, and Alamerica. 2. The largest single daily deposit is 3 (three) million.</p><p>3. The largest single daily cash deposit is $150, 000.00.</p><p>4. Revenue will need change on a daily basis from Regions and occasionally require supplies.</p><p>5. Deposit tickets may be returned the next business day in sealed return bags.</p><p>6. Our normal pick time is between 9:00 & 10:00 A.M. </p><p>7. All revenue departments may require change and or supplies on a daily basis. </p><p>For additional information contact Sharon Fairbanks @ (205)856-8815. </p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #2 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>AREA #3</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #3 will be Jefferson County Home located @ 200 North Pine Hill Road Birmingham, Al. 35217. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #3ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON REHABILITATION & HEALTH CENTER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Pick-up twice a week.</p><p>2. Deposits must be made by 2:00 P.M.</p><p>3. Average Pick-up would range from $25,000 to $50,000.</p><p>4. Return receipt in a sealed bag next business day or next pick-up day.</p><p>For additional information contact Marsha Lewis @ (205)849-2352 EXT. 270.</p><p>Other departments may be added to Area #3 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 6 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 6 INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #4</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #4 will be at Jefferson County Bessemer Courthouse located @ 1801 3rd Ave North Revenue Department Room #109 Bessemer, Al. 35020. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #4 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>REVENUE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Revenue will use 4 (four) different banks; Regions, Wachovia, Compass, and Alamerica.</p><p>2. The largest single daily deposit is 3 (three) million.</p><p>3. The largest single daily cash deposit is $150, 000.00.</p><p>4. Revenue will need change on a daily basis from Regions and occasionally require supplies. 5. Deposit tickets may be returned the next business day in sealed return bags.</p><p>For additional information contact Rhonda Simmons @ (205)481-4110. </p><p>BESSEMER TREASURER’S DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>Contact Doris Britton @ 481-4192 for requirements & additional information on daily pick-up.</p><p>BESSEMER PROBATE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>Contact Eddie Vines @ 481-4100 for requirements & additional information on daily pick-up.</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #4 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>AREA #5</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #5 will be at Cooper Green Hospital located @ 1515 6th Ave South Birmingham, Al. 35233. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #5 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>COOPER GREEN HOSPITAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with an average daily deposit of $50, 000 with 35% of this being cash.</p><p>2. Deposit receipts may be returned in a sealed bag the next business day. </p><p>For additional information Rhonda Simmons @ (205)481-4110. </p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #5 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 7 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 7</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #6</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #6 will be at Jefferson County Homewood Annex located @ 809 Green Springs Highway Suite 102, Birmingham, Al. 35209. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #6 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>REVENUE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Revenue will use 4 (four) different banks; Regions, Wachovia, Compass, and Alamerica.</p><p>2. The largest single daily deposit is 3 (three) million.</p><p>3. The largest single daily cash deposit is $150, 000.00.</p><p>4. Revenue will need change on a daily basis from Regions and occasionally require supplies.</p><p>5. Deposit tickets may be returned the next business day in sealed return bags.</p><p>For additional information contact Brenda Watkins @ (205)916-2707 for additional requirements. Other Departments may be added to Area #6 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Other areas and departments may be added during the duration of this contract. These areas shall be priced separate and will be added as needed.</p><p>AREA #7</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #7 will be at Jefferson County Forestdale Annex located @ 1485 Forestdale Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35214. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #7 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>REVENUE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Revenue uses Regions Bank. 2. Average daily deposit $295,788.00</p><p>TAX COLLECTOR: 1. Tax Collector uses Regions Bank. 2. Average daily deposit $488,000.00</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #7 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 8 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 8</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #8</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #8 will be at Jefferson County Gardendale Annex located @ 651 Main Street, Suite 127, Gardendale, AL 35071. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #8 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>REVENUE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Revenue uses Regions Bank. 2. Average daily deposit $123,328.00</p><p>TAX COLLECTOR REQUIREMENTS: 1. Tax Collector uses Regions Bank. 2. Average daily deposit $701,464.00</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #8 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>AREA #9</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #9 will be at Jefferson Health System Pharmacy#2 located @ 1400 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #9 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON HEALTH SYSTEM PHARMACY# 2 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with one pick up per day. Other Departments may be added to Area #9 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>AREA #10</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #10 will be at Jefferson County Health System Pharmacy#3 located @ 2201 Arlington Avenue, Bessemer, AL 35020. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #10 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON HEALTH SYSTEM PHARMACY# 3 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with one pick up per day.</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #10 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 9 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 9</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #11</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #11 will be at Jefferson County Health System Pharmacy#4 located @ 1308 Tuscaloosa Avenue SW, Birmingham, AL 35211. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #11 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON HEALTH SYSTEM PHARMACY# 4 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with one pick up per day.</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #11 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>AREA #12</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #12 will be at Jefferson County Health System Pharmacy#5 located @ 2817 North 30th Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35211. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #12 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON HEALTH SYSTEM PHARMACY#5 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with one pick up per day.</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #12 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>AREA #13</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #13 will be at Jefferson Health System Pharmacy#6 located @ 1700 Avenue E Ensley, Birmingham, AL 35218. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #13 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON HEALTH SYSTEM PHARMACY# 2 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with one pick up per day.</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #13 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 10 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 10 INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>AREA #14</p><p>Pick-up point for Area #14 will be at Jefferson Metro Clinic located @ 2100 Daniel Payne Drive, Birmingham, AL 35214. ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THIS AREA #14 ARE AS FOLLOWS:</p><p>JEFFERSON HEALTH SYSTEM PHARMACY# 2 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Uses Regions Bank with one pick up per day.</p><p>Other Departments may be added to Area #14 pick-up point and shall be priced separately.</p><p>Proprietary specifications may be waived for functional equivalents offered. Functional equivalents are subject to the approval of the using departments.</p><p>PERMITS, CODES & REGULATIONS: All equipment, construction, and installation will comply with City, County, State and Federal codes and Regulations. Successful bidder will obtain and pay for all permits necessary, notify proper authorities for inspections and furnish any certificates required for the work.</p><p>VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS:</p><p>. Provide dependable Transportation in an armored car.</p><p>. Provide daily pick-up services as specified per area.</p><p>. Sufficient personnel to transport and handle deposits in a professional manner.</p><p>. All personnel must be bonded. Proof of bonding shall be required by the Jefferson County Commission. Bonding must be sufficient to cover each area of pick-up.</p><p>. Minimum of 2 (two) years experience in transporting monetary deposits. </p><p>. Provide $2,000,000 Umbrella Liability Coverage.</p><p>. Documented financial stability and performance.</p><p>. Letters of reference from customers where you have previously provided this service. . Vendor shall provide a brief description of the company and its history. </p><p>Continued On Sheet 11</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 11</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>FINANCIAL STATEMENT The vendor shall provide evidence of demonstrated financial stability. Demonstration of financial stability is defined as a Current Independent Audit or Bank Letter of Credit.</p><p>Failure to deliver as specified and in accordance with the bid submitted, including promised delivery, will constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the order at the option of the County Commission.</p><p>Include transportation, handling, packaging, service charges, assembly, installation and adequate operator instruction.</p><p>TAX: Jefferson County is exempt from all tax. Provided however, bidder shall be responsible for payment of all sales, use, lease, ad valorem and any other tax that may be levied or assessed by reason of this transaction.</p><p>If mutually agreed upon within twelve (12) months from bid opening date, this bid may be used as the basis for additional purchases.</p><p>GUARANTEE: Bidder certifies by bidding, that he is fully aware of the conditions of service and purpose for which item(s) included in this bid are to be purchased, and that his offering will meet these requirements of service and purpose to the satisfaction of the Jefferson County Commission and its agent.</p><p>PROTECTION DAMAGE: Contractor will be responsible for any damage to property of the county or others caused by him, his employees or subcontractors, and will replace and make good such damage. The contractor will maintain adequate protection to prevent damage to his work and property of others, and take all necessary precautions for the safety of his employees and others. The contractors will comply with all safety laws and regulations in effect in the locality.</p><p>BID BOND: Each bidder will furnish a bid bond, or cashier's check for five percent (5%) of bid, and hereby agrees that in case of failure to execute a contract and furnish a performance bond within 14 days after notice of award, the Jefferson County Commission will be paid by this bonding company the difference between the amount of the low bid as submitted, and the amount of the proposal of the next higher bid, or if no other bid is received, the full amount of the proposal guaranty will be recovered as liquidated damages for such default.</p><p>BID BONDS MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE TIME OF THE BID OPENING.</p><p>Continued On Sheet 12</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 12</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>PERFORMANCE BOND: Successful bidder will furnish surety bond equal to the amount of contract at no cost to the County, to guarantee that all conditions and specifications of this Invitation will be fulfilled. Bond will be furnished to the Purchasing Agent not later than 14 days after requested.</p><p>The award will be made on all or none basis. Bidder will quote on all items.</p><p>GENERAL: Jefferson County expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts of bids, and to make the award on merit and/or features of design and quality, delivery, and availability of parts and service as the best interest of the County appears.</p><p>DARRYL TAVEL PRINCIPAL BUYER</p><p>Continued On Sheet 13</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530 PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 13</p><p>BID</p><p>ITEM #1 A. Area #1 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #1 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #2 A. Area #2 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #2 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #3 A. Area #3 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #3 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #4 A. Area #4 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #4 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #5 A. Area #5 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #5 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #6 A. Area #6 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>NAME OF YOUR COMPANY______Continued On Sheet 14 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 14 BID - Continued ITEM #7 A. Area #7 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #8 A. Area #8 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #9 A. Area #8 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #10 A. Area #10 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #11 A. Area #11 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #12 A. Area #12 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>ITEM #13 A. Area #13 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month</p><p>NAME OF YOUR COMPANY______Continued On Sheet 15 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 15</p><p>INVITATION TO BID – Continued </p><p>ITEM #14 A. Area #14 as specified $______Per month B. Additional Departments for area #6 $______Per month ITEM #15 A. Additional Areas as needed throughout Jefferson County $______Per month</p><p>GRAND TOTAL OF ALL (A) ITEMS ONLY...... $______</p><p>5% Bid Bond will be based on Grand Total of ALL (A) columns as listed in each item. BID BOND MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE BID OPENING.</p><p>Prices quoted herein are guaranteed for 90 days unless so stated below.</p><p>Bidder agrees that he will deliver any items awarded to him, that such items will be manufactured to quoted specifications, that prices billed will be no higher than those quoted herein and that delivery will be made within the time specified herein or within a reasonable time, if not so specified. Bidder hereby guarantees delivery of all items awarded to him hereunder, without any qualification or limitation whatsoever. In making this guarantee, bidder confirms that he has secured the subject items or has obtained guarantee of their availability sufficient to his satisfaction.</p><p>Bidder further agrees that in the event bidder fails to deliver any items awarded to him in accordance herewith for any reason whatsoever, Jefferson County may, at its option, accept the next lowest and best bid for such items, or rebid such items, or obtain substitute items elsewhere. Such substitutes may include later year models, where current year models are not reasonably available. Bidder agrees to pay Jefferson County the difference between the bidder's bid for such items and the cost to Jefferson County to obtain the items elsewhere, if greater, and other incidental and consequential damages. Jefferson County may elect not to effect such cover, and may enforce all remedies authorized by law.</p><p>NAME OF YOUR COMPANY______Continued On Sheet 16 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 16</p><p>INVITATION TO BID – Continued </p><p>The Jefferson County Commission, or it's Agent, shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity. Under certain limited conditions, the Purchasing Department may apply a local preference option in determining the low bid for purchases of personal property.</p><p>All provisions of this Invitation are accepted by bidder as part of any contract or purchase resulting therefrom.</p><p>Please specify terms of payment below; otherwise, the terms will be 2% 10th Prox.</p><p>Date: ______Company Name: ______Web Address: ______</p><p>Terms: ______Address:______City:______</p><p>County: ______State:_____Zip:______Phone :(_____) ______If Jefferson County Business Licenses were issued to your company for the past twelve (12) months, please list numbers: ______.</p><p>Vendor's Federal I.D. Number: ______</p><p>I certify that ______has ___ has not ___ been in operation for one year at (Company Name) (Check one) location(s) zoned for the type of business conducted by my company at the address stated above.</p><p>______(Authorized Signature)</p><p>______(Print Name)</p><p>______(E-Mail Address)</p><p>Toll Free Phone: ______Fax Number: ______</p><p>Return original bid in sealed envelope. Authorized signature of bidder must be in ink.</p><p>Bids received in our office after the specified date and hour will not be considered.</p><p>INDICATE THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 1. BID AWARD NOTICE ADDRESS 2. PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS 3. REMITTANCE ADDRESS (AND NAME IF DIFFERENT THAN ABOVE) Continued On Sheet 17 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 830 * 716 RICHARD ARRINGTON JR BLVD N BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 (205) 521-7530</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DARRYL TAVEL APRIL 3, 2007 BID NO: 208-07 SHEET NO: 17</p><p>INVITATION TO BID - Continued</p><p>INSURANCE The successful bidder will maintain such insurance as will protect him and the County from claim under Workmen's Compensation Acts, and from claims for damage and/or personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract. Insurance will be written by companies authorized to do business in Jefferson County, Alabama and shall include Jefferson County, Alabama as Added Additional Insured including a thirty (30) day(s) written cancellation notice. Evidence of insurance will be furnished to the Purchasing agent not later than seven (7) day(s) after Purchase Order/contract date.</p><p>Insurance Minimum Coverage: Contracting party shall file the following insurance coverage and limits of liability with the County's Human Resource Department Office and Purchasing Department before beginning work with the County.</p><p>General Liability: $2,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined occurrence $2,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined aggregate $2,000,000 - Personal injury aggregate Comprehensive Form including Premises/Operation, Products/Completed Operations, Contractual, Independent contractors, Broad Form property damage and personal injury. Automobile Liability: $2,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined coverage Any automobile including hired and non-owned vehicles</p><p>Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: $100,000 - Limit each occurrence</p><p>Umbrella Coverage: $2,000,000 - Each occurrence $2,000,000 - Aggregate</p><p>Added Additional Insured: Jefferson County, Alabama 30 day(s) written cancellation notice</p>

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