PRESENT Chairman: Cllr R Leech

PRESENT Chairman: Cllr R Leech

<p>MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Wednesday 1 May 13 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.</p><p>PRESENT Chairman: Cllr R Leech</p><p>Councillors: R Brocklehurst, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, Mrs M Liddell, D Liddell, P Smith and R Stier.</p><p>In attendance: 1 resident, Diane Brown – Internal Auditor and the Clerk</p><p>PUBLIC QUESTION TIME</p><p>A resident asked if the Council would advise Barnsley MBC waste management that a bin wagon travelled from Oxspring to Silkstone Common with the rubbish lid open causing litter to blow out of the wagon. The Clerk will advise Barnsley MBC waste management.</p><p>Cllr Stier advised that works have been carried out at the sewage works and machinery has scraped the road and left a mess on Cone Lane and also damaged part of the wall.</p><p>Cllr Gallamore advised that an Advertising board at The Cross in Silkstone is obscuring motorists view when turning out of High street onto the A628, the Clerk will advise Barnsley MBC Highways.</p><p>Cllr Stier advised that the Penistone direction sign at the cross roads in Silkstone Common is pointing to Hood Green – the Clerk will advise Barnsley MBC Highways.</p><p>Cllr Leech advised that the path edge boards on the Towngate/Manor park path are slipping away. The Clerk will advise Barnsley MBC Public Rights of Way officer. There are also a few more instances of illegal tipping into the wood from properties on Towngate – the Clerk will advise Barnsley MBC Neighbourhood Pride.</p><p>13-001 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN</p><p>RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Richard Leech as Chairman of Silkstone Parish Council for the forthcoming year.Cllr Leech signed the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office.</p><p>13-002 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN</p><p>RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Peter Handley as Vice-Chairman of Silkstone Parish Council for the forthcoming year. </p><p>13-003 APOLOGIES</p><p>RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Charlesworth who is working. It was noted that Cllr Charlesworth has indicated that he intends to resign from the Parish Council. Councillors agreed that they were sorry that Cllr Charlesworth was leaving the Council and wished to thank him for his work for the Council. As soon as his formal letter of resignation is received by the Chairman a vacancy will be advertised. Ward Councillor P Hand-Davis also sent his apologies to the meeting.</p><p>13-004 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST</p><p>RESOLVED to note Cllr Brocklehurst’s declaration of an interest in the appointment of the newsletter deliverer.</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13 RESOLVED that Cllr Liddell will raise the question of the necessity for the completion of a Declaration of Interest form at meetings with Sheena Spence of the YLCA later this week and will advise the Clerk.</p><p>13-005 REGISTERS OF INTEREST</p><p>RESOLVED that all Councillors present at the meeting had no change to their Registers of Interest, a signed slip confirming this was returned to the Clerk by each Councillor.</p><p>13-006 RE-APPOINTMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR</p><p>RESOLVED to re-appoint Diane Brown as the Internal Auditor for Silkstone Parish Council for the forthcoming year. The Chairman presented the Internal Auditor with a gift in thanks for her hard work for the Council in the past year.</p><p>13-007 REPORT FROM THE INTERNAL AUDITOR</p><p>RESOLVED to note the report from the Internal Auditor. The Internal Auditor advised that she was happy with the systems of control in place. </p><p>13-008 ANNUAL RETURN 2012-2013</p><p>RESOLVED to defer this item to the 10 June 13 Parish Council meeting.</p><p>13-009 NOMINATION OF CHAIRMAN TO PARISH COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND WORKING PARTIES</p><p>RESOLVED to appoint Chairman to Parish Council Committees and Working Parties for the forthcoming year as follows :</p><p>Twinning Committee Cllr Leech </p><p>Silkstone Playing Fields Committee D Walker </p><p>Staffing Committee Cllr Handley </p><p>Planning Committee Cllr Smith </p><p>Allotments Working Party Cllrs P Smith</p><p>Media Group Cllr R Leech </p><p>Parish Plan & Parish Design Cllr Brocklehurst Statement</p><p>War Memorial Working Party Cllr Brocklehurst </p><p>Community Centre Committee Cllr Leech</p><p>13-010 NOMINATIONS OF COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATIVES</p><p>RESOLVED to appoint the following Councillor Representatives to Local Organisations</p><p>Barnsley West Rural Transport Cllr R Stier.</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13 Paramount Cinema Cllr R Stier</p><p>Penistone Partnership Cllr Mrs P Gallamore.</p><p>Scout Hut Management Committee Cllr D Liddell.</p><p>Silkstone Charities Cllrs P Smith & R Stier.</p><p>YLCA Cllrs D Liddell and R Stier.</p><p>RESOLVED to appoint the following Link Councillors to local groups.</p><p>Brownies Cllr Mrs P Gallamore</p><p>CARE & Silkstone in Bloom Cllrs Mrs P Gallamore, P Smith & R Stier</p><p>Scouts, Cubs & Beevers Cllr D Liddell</p><p>Edward Bear Playgroup Cllr R Brocklehurst</p><p>Guides Cllr Mrs P Gallamore</p><p>Old Silkstone Band Cllr D Liddell</p><p>Roggins Local History Group Cllr P Handley</p><p>Rockin the Rec Cllr R Leech</p><p>Silkstone Luncheon Club Cllr P Handley</p><p>Silkstone Common Good Companions Cllr R Stier</p><p>Silkstone Heritage Cllr R Brocklehurst</p><p>Silkstone Toddler Group Cllr R Brocklehurst</p><p>Silkstone United FC Cllr R Leech</p><p>Silkstone United CC Cllr R Leech</p><p>Silkstone Common Ladies Choir Cllr P Gallamore</p><p>Women’s Institute Cllr Mrs P Gallamore</p><p>13-011 MINUTES</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council meeting on Monday 8 April 2013 as a true and accurate record – the chairman signed the minutes.</p><p>Matters arising :</p><p>Cllr Stier advised that the graffiti on the monkey tunnel has not been removed. Apparently Barnsley MBC and Network rail are involved with the Health & Safety implications of the graffiti removal. The Clerk will e-mail the parents of the children responsible to ask for an update on when the graffiti will be removed.</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13 Cllr Liddell advised that tarmac repairs have been carried out on Cone Lane/Beacon Hill but not outside the Station Inn. The Clerk will contact Barnsley MBC Highways.</p><p>RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Annual Parishioners Meeting held on Tuesday 16 April 13.</p><p>RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Twinning Committee meeting on Wednesday 17 April 13.</p><p>RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Community Centre Working Party meetings on Monday 8 April 13 and Thursday 18 April 13.</p><p>PLANNING</p><p>13-012 PLANNING APPLICATIONS FROM BARNSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL (BARNSLEY MBC)</p><p>RESOLVED to approve ‘No comment’ on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officer of Barnsley MBC.</p><p>2013/0407 Erection of a two storey side extension and single 54 Hall Royd Walk storey front extension to dwelling Silkstone Common</p><p>13-013 PARISH COUNCIL POLICIES</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the following Parish Council policies:</p><p>** Standing Orders ** Financial Regulations ** Complaints Procedure ** Training – Statement of Intent ** Community Engagement Strategy ** Gritting Statement ** Grants Awarding Policy</p><p>13-014 ASSET REGISTER</p><p>RESOLVED to defer this item to the 10 June 13 Parish Council meeting.</p><p>13-015 APPOINTMENT OF NEWSLETTER DELIVERER</p><p>RESOLVED to defer this item to the end of the meeting.</p><p>13-016 BANK RECONCILIATION</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation for the period 1 January 13 to 31 March 13.</p><p>13-017 BUDGET MONITOR</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the Budget Monitor for the period 1 January 13 to 31 March 13.</p><p>13-018 GRANT APPLICATIONS</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13 RESOLVED to pre-approve a grant of £250 for the Silkstone Common WI coach trip in August 13.</p><p>RESOLVED to authorise the release of a £200 advance on the grant to Silkstone in Bloom.</p><p>13-019 INVOICES FOR PAYMENT</p><p>RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 1 May 13. Payments listed below. Full details available from the Clerk on request.</p><p>Payee Net Vat Total Cheque</p><p>Silkstone Common Good Companions 160.00 0 160.00 300557</p><p>Comprehensive Asbestos Removal 250.00 50.00 300.00 300558</p><p>NALC 110.00 22.00 132.00 300559 ‘HOLD PAYMENT’</p><p>J H Mowers Ltd 80.00 0.00 80.00 300560</p><p>Progas Services Ltd 1,500.00 300.00 1,800.00 300561</p><p>Rural Action Yorkshire 35.00 0.00 35.00 300562</p><p>Parish Clerk 900.00 0.00 900.00 SO</p><p>Parish Clerk 187.60 0.00 187.60 300563</p><p>HM Revenue & Customs 191.38 0.00 191.38 300564</p><p>SY Pensions Authority 226.17 0.00 226.17 300565</p><p>Internal Auditor 100.00 0.00 100.00 300566</p><p>Totals 3,740.15 372.00 4,112.15</p><p>RESOLVED that additional payments be made to Botham’s Prestige £901.50, Vision ICT £132 and Silkstone in Bloom £200 (all will be included on the 10 June 13 invoices schedule)</p><p>13-020 MARTIN CROFT PLAY AREA, ROUNDABOUT</p><p>RESOLVED to note that further to the Clerk’s report, the play equipment currently at the Ring O Bells may become available and with the agreement of Barnsley MBC could be relocated to the play areas in the villages. The Clerk will liaise with Barnsley MBC Parks department to discuss the proposal.</p><p>RESOLVED that due to the significant costs involved even with match funding, the purchase of a new roundabout will be held in abeyance until the situation with the Ring O Bells equipment is clarified.</p><p>RESOLVED that the Clerk will formally write to Barnsley MBC Parks department and copy Ward Councillors referring to letters on file which relate to the ‘adoption’ of the play equipment on Martin Croft and not a transfer of ownership. Reference will also be made to the letters on file from Barnsley MBC which advise that they will consult the Parish Council should any changes to the play area be proposed.</p><p>13-021 SILKSTONE RECREATION GROUND</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13 a. Pavilion Water ingress</p><p>RESOLVED to note that the loss adjuster has authorised the Parish Council’s consultant to proceed with the appointment of a contractor to carry out drainage repair works at the Pavilion. The Clerk will liaise with Mr Sagar regarding contractor’s access to the site.</p><p> b. Health & Safety</p><p>RESOLVED to note that the dehumidifiers are still in the changing rooms and Chemdry visit every few weeks to check on them. The upstairs toilets emergency lighting is not working on test (i.e. when all power is off) so the electrician has been called to look at them. NPS have carried out a Legionella risk assessment; the Clerk will contact them to arrange a follow up visit.</p><p>13-022 MEETINGS</p><p>RESOLVED to note Councillor meetings attendance as follows :</p><p>Cllr Smith Attended a meeting of a new Sustrans volunteers group which is currently active in Silkstone Common.</p><p>Cllr Liddell Attended the Joint Executive Board of the YLCA, the new restructure seems to be working well but few resolutions are making it to the board so if any member have anything for the board to discuss please advise Cllr Liddell.</p><p>Cllr Gallamore Attended the 50th Anniversary of the Silkstone Common WI.</p><p>Cllr Handley Attended the two Community Centre meetings.</p><p>Cllr Stier Attended the Penistone Crime and Safety group meeting. It was noted that there had been a theft from one of the shops in Pot House Hamlet and 8 drive offs from the petrol station. In addition a number of youths were arrested for drugs related offences at a party in Silkstone Common.</p><p>Clerk Attended the Twinning and Community Centre meetings and met with Play equipment representatives on three separate occasions.</p><p>13-023 CORRESPONDENCE FOR NOTE</p><p>RESOLVED to note the following correspondence:</p><p>HMRC – Information relating to reporting payroll in real time. The Clerk advised that the end of year payroll for 12/13 had been completed and the Parish Council are now reporting payroll using HMRC PAYE in real time. P60’s have been issued to the Clerk and Newsletter deliverer.</p><p>Pension information – Annual return requested by e-mail. Annual return completed and information received relating to past service deficit.</p><p>Barnsley MBC – Licensing information received relating to Taxi services in the borough – these have been displayed on the village notice boards</p><p>Ian Turner – Barnsley MBC following advice that BMBC are no longer accepting cheque payments, Ian Turner has advised that arrangements are being put in place for payments to be accepted by bank giro since</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13 Parish Councils legally have to pay bills by cheque.</p><p>Barnsley MBC – Invitation to Mayors Civic Service on 13 June 13 – noted but no Councillors available to attend. </p><p>Civic Theatre programme – Cllr Leech taken</p><p>Silkstone Common Good Companions – Thank you letter for grant.</p><p>CARE – Advising of damage to two of the young trees in The Chestnuts. This was accidental damage by young children playing. The trees have been replaced by CARE.</p><p>Internal Audit report –Partially completed – will be presented to Council when complete at the 10 June 13 Council meeting.</p><p>Hanging Baskets – Agreed that 14 baskets be provided by Barnsley MB as last year and that the cost is held at £77.15 per basket watered. The Clerk will return the acknowledgment.</p><p>Penistone East Crime and Safety Group – minutes of meeting 27 February 2013 handed to Clerk by Mr Fieldsend.</p><p>13-024 APPOINTMENT OF NEWSLETTER DELIVERER</p><p>Having declared an interest in this item earlier in the meeting, Cllr Brocklehurst left the meeting.</p><p>RESOLVED that the two applicants for this post be offered a job share splitting the parish into delivery areas of Silkstone and Silkstone Common. It was agreed that the salary to be offered will be £80 before tax per delivery.</p><p>13-024 DATE OF NEXT MEETING</p><p>RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 10 June 13 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.</p><p>The Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm</p><p>Chairman’s Signature Date</p><p>Silkstone Parish Council 1 May 13</p>

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