<p> ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION "Preparing students to serve as effective, reflective and caring teachers."</p><p>COURSE SYLLABUS EEX 4604 Behavior Management of Exceptional Students</p><p>This syllabus course calendar and other attending documents are subject to change during the semester in the event of extenuating circumstances.</p><p>Course Prefix: EEX 4604 Section #: 3912 Credit Hours: Three Credits Co-requisites: Pre-requisites: Admission to Elementary Education with Infused ESOL and Reading BS, Exceptional Student Education with Infused ESOL and Reading BS, Middle Grades General Science Education BS, Middle Grades Mathematics Education BS</p><p>Day, Time and Campus: Thursday 1:45-4:25pm Tarpon Springs Modality: Blended Professor: Dr. Susan Blanchard Office Hours: As posted or email in 24 Click here to enter text. business hours Office Location: Tarpon Springs BB 114 Office Phone: 727.712-5879 Email Address: [email protected] MyCourses email preferred</p><p>ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: College of Education Dean: Kimberly Hartman, Ph.D. Office Location & Number: Tarpon Springs BB 101</p><p>I. COURSE DESCRIPTION</p><p>This course is designed to prepare teachers for the educational management of exceptional students with emphasis on behavior management and consultation skills. Students will gain a basic knowledge of how to create and maintain an on- task, safe and healthy environment for learning in the exceptional education classroom as well as the inclusive classroom. 47 contact hours.</p><p>II. MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES</p><p>1. The student will analyze the foundations of behavior management theory by:</p><p> a. researching the history of behavior management theory. b. comparing the basic assumptions of behavior management through history.</p><p>2. The student will explain major models of behavior management by:</p><p> a. describing key concepts inherent in each model.</p><p> b. evaluating situations for appropriate choices of behavior models. c. describing effective discipline plans for a variety of educational settings in graduated restrictive environments.</p><p>Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S. Blanchard EEX 4604 3912 Fall 2015 3. The student will manage methods to increase appropriate behaviors by:</p><p> a. creating a resource file of reinforcement techniques with examples of each technique. b. comparing and contrasting reinforcement programs.</p><p>4. The student will manage challenging behaviors by:</p><p> a. designing preventative interventions for the classroom. b. creating a visual, oral or creative summary of behavior reduction guidelines. c. reflecting on specific behavior challenges and generating possible approaches to meet these challenges. d. analyzing case studies to evaluate approaches employed.</p><p>III. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S), RESOURCES AND MATERIALS</p><p>A. Required Textbooks </p><p>Textbook(s) Required : Zirpoli, T. J. (2012). Behavior Management (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 9780137063208 Recommended: Hoover, J. J., Klingner, J. K., Baca, L. M., & Patton, J. R. (2008). Methods for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional learners (on Reserve @ Library). Pearson. ISBN: 9780131720237</p><p>Students using eBooks must have access to the eBooks during class sessions.</p><p>B. Supplemental Material</p><p>Resources: Materials: Library: http://www.spcollege.edu/libraries/</p><p>C. Technology </p><p>Technology is an essential tool for receiving and developing instruction. Students are expected to reference COURSE continuously to assure all current content for class has been accessed. Additionally students are expected to be familiar or familiarize themselves with PowerPoint presentation methods. The instructor of this course frequently uses smart boards, ELMOs, power point, digital media, and web based resources to disseminate information and engage preservice learners and students. All work must be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (e.g.: .doc, .docx, .rtf)</p><p>D. Supplies </p><p>></p><p>IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS & EXPECTATIONS</p><p>A. School Based Hours Course Requirements This course requires 0 hours of observation/participation in an appropriate classroom setting as approved by the Office of School Partnerships. However, time will be needed to perform and FBA and BIP in a classroom or other approved setting.</p><p>B. ALL Course Assignments 2 1. Exams: Three unit exams consisting of True/False, Multiple Choice and short answer essay type questions. (3 @ 50 points each) See the course calendar for dates 150 points</p><p>2. * Journal Article Summary regarding assigned topic Read and review four journal articles pertaining to the topics listed below. Summaries are due on the dates listed on the class calendar. 4 journal article summaries @ 25 points each.</p><p>100 points</p><p>Topic 1: Positive Behavior Management and Disciplinary Actions Topic 2: Functional Assessment Topic 3: A study in a K-12 setting that uses single-subject experimental design Topic 4: Cognitive Behavior Modification </p><p>3. Anecdotal Records Complete three anecdotal entries (format provided) documenting student behaviors. The entry will include the date, student behavior observed, the teacher’s response to the behavior, the student’s response, etc. After each anecdotal, record your analysis of whether or not the behavioral interchange was or was not handled successfully and a comment concerning how you might handle such a situation in “your” classroom should also be included. You will be expected to share some of your observations during regular class meetings. The format for this plan is on the COURSE supplement for this course. 50 points</p><p>4. * Behavior Reinforcement/Reduction Behavior Reinforcement/Reduction: In small groups produce and present several ways to manage behavior in a selected classroom setting. Plan to demonstrate ways of effectively reinforcing appropriate behavior and reducing inappropriate behavior thus creating a positive classroom environment to accommodate the various learning styles and cultural backgrounds of students. </p><p>100 points</p><p>5. * Behavior Intervention Plan Behavior Intervention Plan (RUBRIC): Develop a Behavior Intervention Plan for a student with ongoing behavior issues. The plan should include a functional analysis of a socially unacceptable behavior, goals and objectives for teaching a replacement behavior, instructional strategies that are used to teach the replacement behavior, specific strategies that are used to decrease the problem behavior and increase the replacement behavior, changes in the physical environment that are made to support the desired behavior, the extent to which the replacement behavior is implemented in various settings and the persons responsible for implementation of the plan. A chart including baseline and intervention date should also be included. The format for this plan is on the COURSE supplement for this course. First submission, parts 1-6 is worth 50 pts. Second submission of the complete BIP is worth 100 points.</p><p>50/100 points 6. IRIS Modules and Activities Follow directions in COURSE folders. Ten points each… 100 points</p><p>7. Hoover Chapter 6 Outline the chapter and relate it to Zirpoli text. 30 points </p><p>Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S. Blanchard EEX 4604 3912 Fall 2015 8. Participation: Throughout the course students will be asked to present course material in small groups, participate in on- line discussion forums, or take quizzes. Points are awarded based on full participation and subject matter knowledge. 70 points</p><p>TOTAL 750 POINTS / UCC Assignments: Teacher candidates must demonstrate UCC competencies and earn a ‘C or above (at least 75%)’ on all UCC assignments [FEAP, ESOL, FSAC, Reading Competencies (RC), and Additional Element] in order to successfully pass the course. FEAP Assignment Rubrics: In addition to a ‘C or above’, a teacher candidate must also earn a ‘minimum’ score on the line item of the rubric for assignments aligned to FEAP standards. For example, a 3 (Progressing) or 4 (Target) is required in courses prior to final internship and a 4 (Target) is required for final internship in order to successfully pass the course. If the teacher candidate has not successfully demonstrated the UCC competency as stated above, he/she may have an opportunity (within the term) to work with the instructor to improve the understanding of the concept. The assignment must then be corrected and resubmitted, and will not receive a grade higher than a C. In the event of cheating or plagiarizing, see BOT Rule 6Hx23-4.72 for consequences. Teacher candidates must upload into Chalk & Wire all FEAP, ESOL, and RC assignments (identified as Critical Reading Tasks) as denoted in the Uniform Core Curriculum Assessments table below.</p><p>* Assignments labeled with an (*) denote required assignments that must be passed at 75%.</p><p>V. SYLLABUS STATEMENTS COMMON TO ALL COE SYLLABI</p><p>A. COE SYLLABUS STATEMENTS https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VrvFtlW9RPl2YgbSrHdstAkktd-BtneMQuttI5khNzQ/edit? usp=sharing</p><p>B. SPC SYLLABUS STATEMENTS http://www.spcollege.edu/addendum/ </p><p>Each student must read all topics within this syllabus and the content of the links. If the student needs clarification on any items in the syllabus or linked statements, he/she should contact the course instructor.</p><p>If you remain enrolled after the drop date this signifies that you agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and any syllabus addendum.</p><p>4 VI. CALENDAR AND TOPICAL OUTLINE </p><p>DATE OF CLASS SEE SUPPLEMENTS FOLDERS FOR TOPICS COVERED DIRECTIONS FOR EACH DAY. THIS WEEK – BE SURE TO READ SUBMISSIONS TO HAND IN THIS WEEK CHAPTERS FOR THE WEEK</p><p>WEEK 1 READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Course Introduction, Syllabus review MyCourses supplement. Chapter 1: Basic Concepts AUG 20 How to collect anecdotal data</p><p>IRIS Activity – ABC Analysis (Anecdotal Records) Due by next class</p><p>WEEK 2 READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Chapter 6: Data Collection Techniques MyCourses supplement IRIS Frequency and Interval Recording Practice AUG 27 Submit DOJO class pass IRIS Case Study: Measuring Behaviors Due by next class</p><p>WEEK 3 READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Chapter 2: Legal Considerations for Schools MyCourses supplement IRIS modules due SEPT 3 Take notes from Chap 2 Legal Issues and submit.</p><p>ONLINE Week IRIS Activity: Duration and Latency Recordings No face to face class All assignments IRIS Case Study: Defining Behavior due by end of class time Begin to find your Anecdotal/ BIP student</p><p>WEEK 4 READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Chapter 7: Single-Subject COURSE FOLDER Designs</p><p>SEPT 10 Journal One is due. Response to Intervention (RTI)/Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) RtI Quiz to be completed after class before next class.</p><p>WEEK 5 READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Come to class to take Exam One, rest is online. COURSE FOLDER Online: RtI Quiz to be completed Chapter 10: Establishing Reinforcement SEPT 17 Programs – Fill out worksheet Post FBA/BIP student descriptions (use Chapter 12 Schoolwide Strategies for PBS pseudonyms) in dropbox by the start of class for </p><p>Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S. Blanchard EEX 4604 3912 Fall 2015 DATE OF CLASS SEE SUPPLEMENTS FOLDERS FOR TOPICS COVERED DIRECTIONS FOR EACH DAY. THIS WEEK – BE SURE TO READ SUBMISSIONS TO HAND IN THIS WEEK CHAPTERS FOR THE WEEK</p><p>In seat exam, discussion. If placement is late, post explanation Ten Important Points from IRIS Modules: of why you don’t have a student yet. Classroom Management, Parts 1 & 2 due by rest is ONLINE next class. Prepare for Exam 1: Zirpoli Ch 1,2,6,7 and RTI</p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN WEEK 6 COURSE FOLDER Chapter 8: Formal Behavior Assessment</p><p>SEPT 24 IRIS module: Functional Behavioral Assessment due by next class.</p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Chapter 9: Functional and Curriculum WEEK 7 COURSE FOLDER based Assessment Review anecdotal records Journal Review #2 Review of Behavior Intervention Plans OCT 1 and PBS website and book</p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN WEEK 8 COURSE FOLDER Chapter 11: Cognitive Behavior Modifications – See MyCourses module assignment OCT 8 Journal review #3 IRIS SOS Module due ONLINE Week All assignments Journal #3 review due. due by end of No face to face class. class time </p><p>WEEK 9 READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Review for Exam Two COURSE FOLDER Review BIP progress. Peer review of BIP Bring draft of initial part of BIP initial part. OCT 15 Prepare for Exam 2: Zirpoli Ch 8-12, Work time for Behavior Reduction Project PBS video and book IRIS module is online – can stay in computer lab or work at home Anecdotal Application Journal DUE before class IRIS Module: Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors Part I due before class</p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Exam Two WEEK 10 COURSE FOLDER Chapter 13: Individual Strategies for PBS Claim: Journal review #4 Assign Chap 14 presentations OCT 22 LAST DAY TO DROP – talk to me first! IRIS Module: Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behavior Part 2 IRIS Case Study: Encouraging Appropriate Behavior 6 DATE OF CLASS SEE SUPPLEMENTS FOLDERS FOR TOPICS COVERED DIRECTIONS FOR EACH DAY. THIS WEEK – BE SURE TO READ SUBMISSIONS TO HAND IN THIS WEEK CHAPTERS FOR THE WEEK</p><p>Due by next class.</p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN WEEK 11 COURSE FOLDER Read and Outline Chapter 3 Diversity Issues or Diversity issues ONLINE Week Chapter 5 Adolescent Behavior as assigned. Post All assignments in Discussion Board Adolescent Behavior due by end of class time. Study Culture article, your chapter outline plus a Work on BIPs – Part One is due by class time colleague’s outline of the other chapter before Sections 1,2,3,4,5,and 6 DUE taking Quiz. OCT 29 BIP Sections 1 through 6 DUE READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Chapter 14: Strategies for Specific WEEK 12 COURSE FOLDER Behavior Challenges</p><p>DUE: Connect Extend Challenge Chapter 14 Bullying NOV 5 Post summary of assigned behavior before Review BIP Part 1 Submissions Class time and be ready to present </p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Behavior Reinforcement/Reduction Group WEEK 13 COURSE FOLDER Project presentations BIP is DUE in Chalk and Wire . NOV 12 Group Behavior Reinforcement/Reduction Group Project to class for presentation</p><p>READINGS AND ACTIVITIES LISTED IN Journal Articles symposium WEEK 14 COURSE FOLDER Share Charts from BIP Journal #4 summary posted, ready to share NOV 19 at symposium Review for Exam 3</p><p>Be prepared to interpret BIP charts to classmates</p><p>NOV 26 HAPPY TURKEY DAY! NO CLASS</p><p>VII. UNIFORM CORE CURRICULUM ASSIGNMENTS</p><p>Assignment Name UCC Specific Indicator Behavior Intervention Plan FEAP 4.f FSAC ESE 4.2 FSAC ESE 4.3 FSAC ESE 4.4 OE g OE h</p><p>Behavior Reinforcement/Reduction FSAC ESE 4.5</p><p>Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S. Blanchard EEX 4604 3912 Fall 2015 ESOL 1.1</p><p>8</p>
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