Passaic Board of Education

Passaic Board of Education

<p> PASSAIC BOARD OF EDUCATION</p><p>2013 - 2014</p><p>STUDENT TRANSPORTATION</p><p>PARENT HANDBOOK</p><p>SPECIAL EDUCATION AND HANDICAPPED</p><p>Mr. James Shoop Business Administrator, Board Secretary</p><p>Mrs. Aida Esquilin Ms. Nayda Gonzalez Student Transportation Specialist Student Transportation Administrative Secretary PARENT HANDBOOK</p><p>Contact us from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm -- Monday - Friday - According to the Passaic School District Calendar</p><p>Aida Esquilin 973-470-5556 Office of Student Transportation</p><p>Nayda Gonzalez 973-470-5206 Office of Student Transportation</p><p>ACCIDENTS</p><p>In the event of a school bus accident, the procedures listed below will be followed:</p><p> Bus Company will contact the police and/or ambulance, school, and the Office of Student Transportation;</p><p> Office of Student Transportation will contact the parents of the students on the bus, the Office of Special Education, state, county and local officials and assist in the investigation of the accident.</p><p>It is important that the Passaic Public School District has working telephone numbers from you on file, in case of an emergency. Please make sure that the enclosed Emergency Information Form is returned to us, as soon as possible.</p><p>AIDES</p><p>Every school bus has a bus aide who assists the bus driver with the students. </p><p>The bus aide must</p><p> get off the bus and assist children on the bus.  get off the bus and assist children off the bus.</p><p>If the bus aide does not perform these duties, or if there is no bus aide, please contact </p><p>Mrs. Nayda Gonzalez 973-470-5206</p><p>Bus aides cannot pick up your child and carry your child onto the bus. Aides cannot go into your house. The aide must always be near the bus to assist the driver with the students on the bus.</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 2 BEHAVIOR: CONDUCT</p><p>All students are expected to behave in a proper manner while on the bus. The bus driver and aide must ensure that all students get to their school in a safe and timely fashion. </p><p>The bus driver will report all misconduct to the school principal. The driver will also complete an incident/conduct report. A copy of the report will be sent to the school principal, the student’s case manger, and a copy will be mailed to the parent. In cases where the safety of the driver, aide or students on the bus is in question, the driver will call the police.</p><p>Please review the following bus conduct rules with your child:</p><p>General Rules</p><p>1. No smoking is permitted on any bus operated in the State of New Jersey.</p><p>2. No eating or drinking is permitted on any bus contracted by the Passaic Board of Education.</p><p>3. Students must be seated, facing forward, at all times when the bus is in motion. There is to be no sitting or standing in the aisles.</p><p>4. Care must be used when entering or exiting the bus. Students must not run, push or trip others.</p><p>5. No part of the student’s body may stick out from a window opening, particularly hands or head.</p><p>6. No objects may be thrown on the bus or out the window.</p><p>7. Fighting and excessive misbehavior of any kind are prohibited.</p><p>8. Exiting from the bus is only through the front door. In an emergency and at the driver’s direction, the rear emergency exit may be used.</p><p>9. Directions by the driver or aide must be heeded at all times.</p><p>10. No foul or abusive language will be permitted at any time.</p><p>11. Students will be responsible for any damage they may cause.</p><p>12. Seat belts must be worn at all times when the bus is so equipped. (R.S. 39:3B-11)</p><p>13. No sound producing equipment, except IPODS, are acceptable.</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 3 CHANGE OF ADDRESS/TELEPHONE</p><p>The Office of Student Transportation must be notified when there is a change of address and/or telephone number. If you change your address or phone number, immediately contact Ms. Nayda Gonzalez at 973-470-5206.</p><p>CHANGE OF PICK-UP/DROP-0FF ADDRESS</p><p>There may be times when your child may need to be picked up and/or dropped off at a different address in Passaic. All alternate pick-ups and drop-offs must be in the City of Passaic.</p><p>All requests to change the pick-up or drop-off destination must be submitted in writing at least three (3) days in advance to </p><p>Ms. Nayda Gonzalez Office of Student Transportation Passaic Board of Education 101 Passaic Avenue/PO Box 388 Passaic, NJ 07055</p><p>Fax: 973-591-6920</p><p>If approved, the district will contact the bus company. Do not contact the bus company to make these changes.</p><p>COMMUNICATION WITH BUS DRIVERS/AIDES</p><p>The Passaic School District requires that either the bus driver and/or the bus aide speak the English language fluently. It is important that directions given by the bus driver or bus aide be clearly understood by the students.</p><p>Do not discuss problems with the driver or the aide, please call the transportation department if there are any problems.</p><p>Parents, guardians and/or the general public are prohibited from going on the bus without the permission of the bus company and the Passaic Board of Education. PLEASE DO NOT GO ON THE BUS!</p><p>DELAYED OPENING</p><p>In the event the Passaic School District has a delayed opening due to inclement weather or other emergencies, the contractor shall be notified, as soon as possible, by the Passaic School District authorities providing transportation. </p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 4 Elementary and middle school students are to report to school no earlier than 9:30 a.m. and no later than 9:45 a.m. All Passaic High School students are to report to school no later than 9:00 a.m. and shall be dismissed at 2:35 p.m. Pick up for all out-of-district routes shall be delayed by 1½ hours from the regular school schedule, if the school has not notified the bus company otherwise.</p><p>DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDING SYSTEM</p><p>A digital video recording system may be used on the school vehicle. The use of the digital video recording system will be an aid in monitoring student behavior. </p><p>DROP OFF OF STUDENTS</p><p>A parent or responsible adult must be at home to receive all children:</p><p> from 3 years old - 11 years old and/or  profoundly handicapped students.</p><p>The parent must be seen by the bus driver before the child is dropped off.</p><p>Failure to meet a child at home may result in the Passaic School District contacting the police and/or DYFS and to press charges against the parent for child neglect.</p><p>DRUG, ALCOHOL, TOBACCO USE -- PASSAIC PUBLIC SCHOOL POLICY</p><p>The Passaic District Policy Concerning Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco and Controlled Dangerous Substances contains the following paragraph: </p><p>Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming or distributing drugs or alcohol in any form while at school, in co-curriculum programs, on school grounds, attending a school-related function on or off campus, and when going to and coming from school. Students are further prohibited from smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products in any form in school buildings or on school grounds.</p><p>If the bus driver or the transportation aide observes a student violating the policy by possessing, consuming or distributing drugs or alcohol or if the student appears to be under the influence of a chemical, that behavior will be reported to the school administrator as soon as possible.</p><p>EMERGENCY CHILDCARE SERVICES</p><p>The Passaic School District has entered into a contract with the ABC Enrichment Program to provide emergency childcare services for the school district only. </p><p>Elementary grade students, from three (3) to eleven (11) years old, who do not have a parent or responsible adult meet them at home when the bus arrives will be dropped off at </p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 5 ABC Enrichment Program School No. 16 657 Main Avenue/ Room 101 Passaic, New Jersey 07055</p><p>(973) 614-8003</p><p>The following is an agreement with the ABC Enrichment Program which outlines sanctions against parents who do not meet their children:</p><p> The ABC Enrichment Program will provide emergency childcare services for Special Education students three (3) to eleven (11) years old.</p><p> Services will be provided Monday-Friday, 3:00pm-5:30pm</p><p> The ABC Enrichment Program will provide attendance records, to the Student Transportation Department, of each student who is dropped off.</p><p> The ABC Enrichment Program will make every attempt to reach the parent.</p><p>Warning: The Office of Student Transportation will send notices to parents of children dropped off at the ABC Enrichment Program as follows:</p><p> First time - Warning letter will be sent to parents.</p><p> Second time - Final warning letter sent to parents.</p><p> Third time - District will notify the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS).</p><p>The ABC Enrichment Program contract is not for the benefit of the parents. The ABC Enrichment Program has been contracted by the Passaic Board of Education for emergency drop off of students only if a parent is not at home to receive the child. The Passaic Board of Education pays the ABC Enrichment Program per student whenever a student is dropped off. </p><p>If you are not going to be available for your child when he/she is dropped off after school, you must make the necessary arrangements to have someone available for your child.</p><p>Please do not contact the bus company to have them drop your child off at the ABC Enrichment Program site.</p><p>EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 6 The Office of Student Transportation needs the latest and most accurate phone numbers of the parents/guardians of our students. Emergencies happen and we may need to contact you. Please provide us with the most current telephone numbers.</p><p>If you change your telephone number during the school year, please notify the Office of Student Transportation so that we can update your records.</p><p>GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS</p><p>The Passaic School District requires that all school buses under contract with the district be equipped with a Global Positioning System. The GPS will be able to monitor bus location, direction, speed, stops and idle time at each stop. It will also be able to provide the Passaic School District with reports, with any of the above information, when requested. </p><p>ILLNESS; CHILDREN</p><p>If a student is showing any signs of illness or has complained of any aches and pains (stomach ache, headache, sore throat, pink eye), we ask that parents keep them home. Many illnesses spread easily between students and some are highly contagious. This is not fair to the other students on the bus nor in the school.</p><p>INCLEMENT WEATHER</p><p>In the event that schools in Passaic are closed due to inclement weather, there will be no transportation for any Passaic students.</p><p>Transportation will be cancelled for students who are attending schools in Passaic and for Passaic students who are attending schools in other communities. </p><p>The decision to close the City of Passaic Schools is made for the safety of all students who live in Passaic, whether they go to school in Passaic or are transported to school outside of Passaic.</p><p>School closing announcements will be made on the following stations:</p><p>WOR (710 AM) WINS (1010 AM) Channel 4 - WNBC TV Channel 5- FOX 5 TV News 12- NJ-TV Channel 24-RNN-TV</p><p>You may also call the numbers listed below to receive a voice mail message:</p><p>(973) 470-5206 (973) 470-5556</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 7 Please note: If inclement weather occurs during extended vacation recesses for the Passaic School District i.e. December Holiday Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, it will be the determination of the Superintendent of Schools of Passaic in consultation with the Board President whether Passaic resident students attending out-of-district schools which are not on vacation are allowed to be transported to school.</p><p>Once again, the safety of the students is the district’s paramount concern.</p><p>INCLEMENT WEATHER BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS</p><p>If inclement weather develops before school starts, contact the school your child attends or your child’s bus company to see if the school is closed or there is a delayed opening.</p><p>You may call our office at 973-470-5206 or 973-470-5556 and listen to a recorded message. If the message states that the Passaic Public Schools are closed because of inclement weather, then no transportation will be provided to students attending schools outside of Passaic.</p><p>INCLEMENT WEATHER DURING THE SCHOOL DAY</p><p>If inclement weather develops during the school day, the Superintendent of Schools may decide to announce an early dismissal for all Passaic City schools. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm or earlier depending on the weather. </p><p>If the weather is getting bad, please contact the school your child attends (in- district and out-of-district) to see if there will be an early dismissal. The Office of Student Transportation is not staffed to contact all parents. </p><p>INCLEMENT WEATHER -- AFTER SCHOOL - ALTERNATE SITES</p><p>Some parents request their children be dropped off at the Boys and Girls Club of Passaic or other after school programs. Our office has been advised that on inclement weather days, the Boys and Girls Club will remain open for those students who already attend their after school program during the school year. All other after school programs will be cancelled. Children, therefore, will be dropped off at home or their assigned baby sitter.</p><p>PARENTS ON THE BUS: PROHIBITED!</p><p>Parents, guardians, relatives, friends and the general public are prohibited from entering the vehicle. The safety of all the pupils on the bus is the district’s paramount concern.</p><p>If a parent has a problem or issue with the driver, aide, or any passenger on the vehicle, the parent should immediately contact the principal of the school or the Office of Student Transportation at 973-470-5206. PLEASE DO NOT GO ON THE BUS!</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 8 PASSENGERS; AUTHORIZED</p><p>Pursuant to New Jersey State Law, only the following people may be authorized to be on the vehicle:</p><p> Enrolled eligible pupils  School personnel  Transportation aides  Public safety officials</p><p>Parents, guardians, relatives, friends of pupils, and the general public are prohibited from entering the vehicle unless expressly invited by the school district in cooperation with the bus company. The safety of the pupils on the bus is the district’s paramount concern. PLEASE DO NO GO ON THE BUS!</p><p>PICK UP/DROP OFF OF STUDENTS</p><p>All students are to be picked up and dropped off by the bus driver on the side of the street on which they reside. No student should have to cross the street to get on the bus or to their house. If the bus driver does not follow this rule, please call</p><p>Mrs. Nayda Gonzalez 973-470-5206</p><p>PICK UP OF STUDENTS</p><p>You can expect delays during the first week of school as the drivers and students become familiar with their routines. Buses follow a pre-determined route and schedule and after the first week or so they will fall into a consistent routine. After that, if the buses do run late it is most likely due to unforeseen circumstances such as traffic or weather conditions or when there is a substitute driver. Your patience and understanding during these adjustment times is greatly appreciated. </p><p>The initial time your child is given as a pick-up time is an approximate time. You will know after the first week of school what time to more accurately expect the bus and should still plan to be ready at least 10 minutes prior to that. Minor modifications to the actual pick-up time may vary during the school year due to changes in a route ie: additional students or fluctuations in traffic patterns.</p><p>Please have your child ready and waiting for the bus. The bus driver cannot blow the horn. It is a violation of Passaic City law. Bus drivers have been instructed to wait no more than two (2) minutes for your child. If your child does not appear, the bus will leave and you will be responsible to get your child to school.</p><p>The bus company has been instructed to notify the Passaic Board of Education when a student does not get on the bus for three (3) consecutive days. After three days, transportation may be suspended until the Board of Education investigates why the student has not been riding the bus.</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 9 SEAT BELTS</p><p>In accordance with R.S. 39:3B-11, each passenger on a school bus which is equipped with seat belts shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt or other child restraint system.</p><p>Passengers are not permitted to stand while the vehicle is in motion.</p><p>SMOKING, EATING, DRINKING PROHIBITTED</p><p>Smoking, eating, and drinking on the bus is prohibited by students, the bus driver, and bus aide.</p><p>If the bus driver or aide is smoking, eating or drinking, please contact</p><p>Mrs. Nayda Gonzalez 973-470-5206</p><p>VEHICLES</p><p>Your child will be picked up in a yellow school van or yellow school bus with all the proper warning lights and signs.</p><p>The Passaic School District does not usually allow cars, mini vans, commercial vans or other non-yellow school buses to transport students. There will be times when a shortage of yellow school buses will necessitate the use of cars, mini vans, commercial vans or other non-yellow school bus vehicles, in which case, parents will be notified. </p><p>Again, our goal is to get your child to and from school in a safe and timely fashion. We are receptive to suggestions from parents to help us meet our goal.</p><p>P/HANDBOOK-MANUALS//PARENT 05/21/18 10</p>

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