
Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal) University Archives 9-1910 The Bulletin, series four, number four, September (1910) Minnesota. State Normal School (Moorhead, Minn.) Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/thebulletin Recommended Citation Minnesota. State Normal School (Moorhead, Minn.), "The Bulletin, series four, number four, September (1910)" (1910). The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal). 137. https://red.mnstate.edu/thebulletin/137 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Bulletin (Newsletter/Journal) by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, IN THE INTEREST . • OF PUBLIC SCHOOL EFFORT . • CONTENTS CA LEN DAR FOR 1910-1911 THE SUMMER SESSION LIBRARY CONVENTION A NEW IMPETUS : : : ; FACULTY l\lEETINGS : ; HOUSEWARMING AT THE : : DORMITORIES : : THE MODEL SCHOOL REVERIES AND OTHER : : : : : POEMS::: ·:: FACULTY CHANGES : ; ; RESIDENT TRAINED : : : : NURSE : : : : N. W. EDUCATIONAL : : : ASSOCIATION : : : EVENTS OF THE QUARTER PUBLISHED QUARTERLY SERIES NUMBER FOUR SEPTEMBER 1910 FOUR Entered at the post office at Moorhead, Minnesota, as second clas1 mai~ matter l v· \ - "2 I • x I CALENDAR 1910-1911 FALL TERM. Enn~lLment -0f Studenrt;s ............................ M:onid.ay, September 5 Class W,ork Be.gius ..................................' T'uesday, September 6 Fall Term Closes .................................. Wedne,sday, November 23 WINTER TERM. Enrollment of Students.......................... Tuesd,ay, Nov,ember 29 Class Work Begins.................................. Tuesd,ay, November 29 Holiday V,a,c,atfon Be,gins ............................ Fr,iday, De,c ember 23 Class Work ReS1Umed .................................... Tue,sday, January 3 Winter Term Closes............................................ Fl'liday, March 3 SPRING TERM. EnroHment ,of 8tudelllt.s .................................... M-onday, Marnh 7 Olass Work Beg1ins ............................................ Tuesday, Mamh 8 Easter Vac,ation Be·gins ................................ T,hu11sd,ay, Apl'lil 13 Class w .ork Resu,moo ........................................ Ttuesday, April 18 Sprin1g Term Close,s............ ......... ....................... Friday, June 2 COMMENCEMENT WEEK. Annual ,Sermoill ....................................lSun,day E,vening, M,a,y 29 Annual Recital.. .................................. Monday Evellling, May 30 President ',s Re1ception to Senfor Cla:ss ............................... ........................................................ MondJay E,ve,ning, M,ay 30 Exercises by Model ,School.. ....... !Phursday Afternoon, June· 2 Chapel Exercises· Conducted by ·Se,nior Class .... FridJay, June 3 GradJuartion Exercises and Alumni Reception ..................... ............................................................ Fridiay Evening, June. 3 BELLE C. SCOFIELD 216 EiigMh Street South FACULTY 1910-1911. Inte,ranedi.ate Department FRANK A. WELD, President 403 Eig,Mh ,SrtTeet South ADA B. CLARK 507 Seventh Street South Inrterme,diate De,partme:nit , CAiSWELL A. 'BALLARD, 8ecretary of ,the F,aculty Biologic,al Sciienices 604 Eighth Street South MARY C. RAINEY 503 ,Seventh Str,ee,t ,Sourth Pr1mary Department ADTA A. ROBINSON Wheeler Hall Dean ·of Women, Gra=ar JESSIE G. McKENZIE 614 Eighth ·Street South 'I1RYPHENA ANDERSON, Wheeler Hall Annex Librariain Preceptress, Latin E. ALICE EIRK 505 Eii,ghth Stree,t South EDWIN T. REED 401 Nint•h Street South Re·gisitrar English ,ANN,A HAENERT 425 Seventh Street South *HAROLD M. STANFORD 614 Eighth Street South Secretary Physic,al Sciences CEOILE A. KIMBALL Wlheeler Rall Anrnex KATHARINE DEONARD 323 ,Seven th ,Stre.et South Superiiniten1dent of Dorimiitories Mat!hematics MILLIE DAHL Wheeler Hall Arune,x IDA H. BEl\TEDIOT 403 Eighth s ,treet South Resident Nurse Drawin1g CLARA 0. JOHNSON ALBERT '8. KINQjSFORD 411 Ninth Street South 119 Fourth ,Street South iStenograipher Geography and Hisitory EDWIN R. COLLINIS 521 Eighth S,treet South P,s~olo,gy *On leav.e ,of ,a,'bs,e:n,ce. FLOREN.CE A. MEYER 621 Ninth Street South ·Phys!ical Trwiniing J. HAROLD POWERS 310 ,Sixth Street South JOHN H. NORTON 721 Eleventh Stre.et South Music, Manual· Trainin,g Engin,ee,r WALDO S. HOCKE1TT 624 Ninth Street South EDWARD OBE.RG 1016 Eiightih Avenue Sou,th Phy,sical Sciiernce,s Assistant. Erngineer and N'iight W·aitchman MAUDE HAYES 505 Eighth Street Sou.th Readilllg MABEL C. BENTLEY 621 Ninth Street South Hous,e1hold E,conomy JANITORS. NEJ..LIE A. CHAroJ 624 Ninth Street South EngliS1h and History GUST NORDSTROM 901 E!ighth Street South BELLE M. DEANS 216 Eigh.th Street South NELS ANDERSON 1021 E'ig.hth A venue South Superintendent of Elementary School IVAR STROM 1018 Fifth A veniue 8outh BELLE DREDGE 403 Eightih Street SoutJi MRS. NELLIE M,cBAIN Eleventh Street Son,th Grammar De,paritmen,t THE BULLETIN Published by the State Normal School. Moorhead, Minnesota Series 4 SEPTEMBER 1910 Number 4 ~ ~ THE SUMMER SESSION. Y.e,a,r by year the sUJilllIIle•r ,se,ssiow has 1been growing in populamty ,and irinpor,tanc,e·. When t 1he legislatur,e, several years ago, ,autho,rize·d su•!lll!Il-er sessiorus iin the normal s-chools, there was a preva,iliing i1I11>res,sfon that the plan was a doubt­ ful experiment. Now, lho•we-ver, at le,aist from ,the standpoint cf the te,a.chers in tfh.e co!lll!Il·oru ,sc1h•ools or of young pe-ople a,spiring ,uo teach, ,t-here is no lon,ger .an\)' room for dou1bt that the summer tel'Ill is a much-needed feature in the ma­ chin,e,ry of ,publfo -edu.catiion. Every se.ssion adds fr.esh tes­ timony to its efficacy. Every summer witnesses a larger enrollment and ,a bette,r-schooled, more capable body of students. 'rhe ,sessfon of ,the, rpast summer at the J\lfoorhead nor.mal school w,as excepti,orual from every point of view. The -irncrease· in erurollment ovier t1he, ,summer sessions of e•arlier ye,ars gre,atly ,exceeded even ·tihe rate of increase of the, reg,ular se,ssions. The s1c,holarship of the s,tuden ts was ,of a be,tter tyrpe. T,here were more regular teachers whose experienc-e was an educational asset. The grade of work ,accomp1ished iwas therefor-e ha.g,he,r. The faculty, com­ pri,sing as it ·did many of the best teac1hers ·of the nor,mal scho'ol as well as several of the recognized leaders among th-e superirntendent,s of thlis rpart of rbhe state, w.as an ex­ cep,tfonally stro,mg ,and ewthusiastfo 1body of te,a.cher.s. As a conse.q,uence of ,experienic,e, in ,offering courses ,of s1tudy, moreover, the wo,rk of t:he ,summer term articula,tes nkely with that of the three r,e,gu1a·r terms, of the year. Alto­ ge•ther the summer ·ses,sion is one of tlh-e s•tronge.s,t fac.to.rs that the state has ever ev,o1v.ed for ·th,e upbuild!in1g of a pr,o­ gress'ive, professionally-compe,tent body of teachers. 7 Minnesota--State N orrnal School-Moorhead THE INTERSTATE LIBRARY MEET. An i=o•vatinn iin· liibrary adminisrt.r.at.ion so far a·s .it coll'cer,n,s the c·onfe·rnnce,s of librarians, w,a,s brough1t a,bo,UJt this year wJ.ien Mis,s Baldiwin, 1st,ate secretary for Minnesota, arranged for a joint :rnee.ting of North Dakota ,and N,orth­ westeim tMiinn,eso,ta librarian,s. The meeting, wihieh took place Septem!be,r 30 ,a·nd Octo/be.r 1, jointly at Fargo and Moorhead, was ,a disrtinguiis1hed slliccess, botlh profo,ssionally and socially. Alb.out fifty ,deleg1ate,s wer,e, in attendance, a thir.d of them from Minnesota. At noon on. the o,penirng day a lurnc;heon ,w,as •served for the dele,ga,tes by the various women's cliubs of Fm1go at rh,e, Gardner Hote.I. Dr. Max Batt, president of t'he Dakota Ass.o,ciat.ion, in h1s opening .address ·On '' The· L~brary and the Pe,ace, M.ove­ meni'' emphasiized the need of •the, library to meet and to en·coura,ge tlhe demarnd for peaice lite ,ra ture. This, he saiid, is a paramoun,t ·obli,gation. As an example of pe,ace, liotera­ tiure likely to rprove p,opu1ar !he men,ti,oned Bertha Von Sut.tner 's· '' Lay Down Your Arms.'' ,M·iJss Mabel N,e,whar,d, librarian at Virginia, diiscussed "T,he library and Munfoipal Betterment", de'Clar,ing ,that the libra,ruan, by bein1g herself ,a conscientious public officer, could best sug;gesrt ,a model for city !housekeeping. Mis•s Winnie Bucklin, Librarian at Minot, a·dV'o,ca,t,ed ,advertisiin,g the library i!Jo make, it more widely helpful to stranger,s and fuose o,utside the, patlhs of reigular patrons. Mi,ss Frances Earhart, Duluth's City Librarian, reported the recent A. L. A. ,Conf.erence a:t M,wckina.c Island. Frid,ay e,vening, t!he t,hirtietlh, a haudsomely aippointed ban•quert was given to the delegates and man,y of the. cit.i­ zen,s o,f Momhead and F.ango ·by the M,oor'head Library Board arnd the S.tate NoNILal 18,chool. It was 1held in the handsome ne,w dining !hall ,of ithe Annex, where, 120 guests sat down to a seve,n .counse, banquet am1d surroundin1gis· of unusual beauty. A profusion of red arnd white ,carnatii-ons 8 September-Quarterly Bulletin-1910 furnished floral decoration, and Putnam's Ornhestr.a played a sele.ct program of music t'hroughout ,t.he din.uer. At <the conclusa.on of the ,banquet, the rprogram of rthe Library Meeting rwa,s re8'11med at the normal ,auditorium, where Dr. Chalme.rs Hadley, Seeretary of ,the American Li­ brary Associatio·n, mad,e an addre,ss on the theme '' Tlhe State Assoeia,tion ,of Librarians".
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