<p>Greater Glasgow NHS Board Agenda for Change Project Steering Group</p><p>Minutes of a Meeting of the Agenda for Change Project Steering Group held on Friday 8 July 2005 at 12 noon in Boardroom 1, Dalian House</p><p>PRESENT: Rona Agnew, Project Manager, Staff Partner (chair) Janice Whitelaw, Terms and Conditions Project Lead (minutes) Andy Carter, Acting HR Director, Primary Care Division Juli McQueen, KSF Project Lead Ross McCulloch, Area Partnership Forum Representative Caroline Fee, Area Partnership Forum Representative Rosslyn Crocket, Nurse Director, NHSGG Paul Watt, Job Evaluation Project Lead Susan B Russell, Project Manager NGD. Bill Goudie, Employee Director NHSGG. Donald Sime, Area Partnership Forum Representative</p><p>1. Apologies: Elizabeth Stow, Joint Chair, Full Time Officer, Society of Radiographers Jonathan Best, Joint Chair, Chief Executive, Yorkhill Division Ian Reid, HR Director, NHSGG Jim Cameron, HR Director, South Glasgow Division Les Jacobs, Corporate Analyst, GGHB Irene Shields, Project Manager, Management Partner Stewart MacLennan, Area Partnership Forum Representative Frances Lyall, Communications Co-Chair, Staff Partner Anne MacPherson, HR Director, North Glasgow Division</p><p>Jim Whyteside, Public Affairs Manager, GGHB Gordon Anderson, Area Partnership Forum Representative Gavin Millar, Project Admin Assistant </p><p>2. Minutes of Meeting held on 17 June 2005:</p><p>JW requested that the following points be amended to the minutes:</p><p>6.2.1 Janice Whitelaw reported that the unsocial hours paper had been circulated to divisional T&Cs leads for distribution to managers, and payments would commence in July with the proviso that this happens. Back dated payments will be paid in August.</p><p>6.2.3 Within AFC all current leads and allowance codes will cease at assimilation. There are approximately 280 codes for investigation and payroll are currently sifting through the lists and will be distributed to each division for local action. Glasgow and West Lothian have co-ordinated a list on national codes i.e. those contained within the handbook, which have been shared with the National Pay Modernisation Team.</p><p>6.2.4 A dedicated T&Cs letter is being developed which includes: Update on unsocial hours paper, overtime payments and a paragraph on discussions taking place regarding the assimilation timetable. </p><p>No agreement to produce an assimilation timetable for the PSG was taken but JW confirmed that one would be tabled in the near future.</p><p>Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 08.07.05 1 Agenda for Change Project Team, Tel: 0141 951 5840 6.2 RMcC stated at the last PSG he had given a verbal update on KSF which had not been agreed by the KSF group. The minutes did not reflect the true sense of the update which was more of a raw data feedback from the national KSF leads meeting earlier that week.</p><p>3. Matters Arising:</p><p>6.3.2 DS stated that although the KSF paper was welcomed it hadn’t been circulated prior to the AfC staff side meeting. Therefore there had been little opportunity to circulate the paper at divisional level to state preferred option. SR also stated that management would welcome the chance to discuss. It was agreed that Divisions should have an opportunity to comment and consult. It was agreed that a two week turn around should be given. Comments to be returned to JMc/RMc by 25th July 2005.</p><p>RMcC fed back on the opinion from the KSF group saying that the paper had been developed in partnership, had been widely circulated with sufficient time for comment. This had also been endorsed by the PSG.</p><p>Action: Each Division to report back comments by 25.07.05 to KSF Leads with copy going to Gavin Millar for PSG purposes.</p><p>RA invited Brian Mullen to the next PSG meeting in August.</p><p>SR requested clarity over the facilities agreement, DS confirmed that the facilities agreement had been signed off and agreed. DS understood that money had been ring fenced for the JE work. SR also asked if there were arrangements in place should staff partners encounter problems with release time and BG suggested that this should be addressed via HR Leads. </p><p>Action: RA and CF to contact staff side to identify problems </p><p>4. SPRIG Update:</p><p>No SPRIG update was given.</p><p>5. Changed Arrangements</p><p>5.1 Dedicated Job Matchers</p><p>5.1.1 CF and RA updated on this agenda item. It had proved difficult to populate the extra panels due to the fact that July was a particularly busy time for holidays. RA updated the group that the Project Unit was set up to take another 3 panels per day. Following the remaining staff vacating the premises and moving to Dalian House, 8 panels are due to commence. . RA to raise issue and discuss with Management team around other suitable accommodation. increasing to 6 per day once the remaining staff vacated the premises and moved to Dalian House. RA stated that staff side partners were unhappy for the JE leads to move out of the unit. </p><p> for the following reasons: Not logical as JE Leads are required for batching of job descriptors, ensure that the process is being done properly and that there are people at hand to advise the job matching panels. Action: RA to raise issue and discuss with Management team around other facilities within Golden Jubilee </p><p>5.1.2 DS suggested that SPRIG were considering a payment for payroll staff and perhaps a similar payment could be proposed to entice JE matchers as staff will not work in the evenings without pay enhancement. Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 08.07.05 2 Agenda for Change Project Team, Tel: 0141 951 5840</p><p>5.2 Panel schedules</p><p>5.2.1 RA tabled a paper for information which indicated that 30.5% of panel members may not have been used. It was suggested that this information may not be accurate and requires further exploration and data cleansing.</p><p>5.2.2 CF mentioned that concern about the national league table should not compromise the robust process in place in NHS Greater Glasgow. Cognisance must be taken of the large numbers of Job descriptions which have been matched with NHSGG competing favourable with other Scottish boards. It was highlighted that the current problem for panels was not having enough staff side representatives and that we would have to be creative on how we populate panel membership. It was suggested that we consider evening or weekend panels. PW agreed but confirmed that this would be subject to CAJE availability and the availability of admin support to run panels. 5.2.3</p><p>Action: RA and CF to go through list of panel usage PW and CF to explore ways of increasing job matching panels. PW to explore training opportunities for additional job matcher with dates in August 2005.</p><p>5.3 Submission of Job Descriptions</p><p>SR requested that divisions have a say in the format of the information being collected. DS raised concerns on resourcing of the unit. CF confirmed that adverts had been placed to recruit 2 Admin and Clerical grade 3 staff. </p><p>BG stated that the accountability review was due in August and that up to date information before that date would be required. BG was confident that by that time Glasgow ‘s position would have improved.</p><p>Action: PW to circulate form for completion by divisions. PW & CF to streamline the JE admin system. JW to enquire about central platform for divisions to access.</p><p>6. Sub-Group Feedback</p><p>6.1 Job Matching / Evaluation Group</p><p>6.1.1 The JE Group agreed that Divisions will provide figures for the Golden Jubilee on the submission of job description numbers, and this information will be used for weekly reports to reflect the work done across NHSGG. JW asked if this process would impact on the work Michelle Hosie was undertaking for the assimilation process, CF stated that this was a separate issue and would not impact on that work. It was agreed that this would be raised at the meeting with IT on 13/07/05.</p><p>6.1.2 PW advised that David Renshaw had suggested at a recent JE meeting that NHS Boards should consider running job matching panels with 3 members, rather than 4, to ease capacity issues. The JE Scheme handbook allows between 3 and 5 panel members. This had been raised with the JE Group as an option to explore however, this was not supported by the group. DS stated that staff side partners opposed this as an option.</p><p>6.1.3 JW reminded the group that any further delay would impact on the assimilation timetable.</p><p>6.2 Terms & Conditions </p><p>6.2.1 Training Update: JW updated that no further comments had been received on the training material therefore it was agreed that a final trial at Yorkhill would take place on 25/07/05.</p><p>Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 08.07.05 3 Agenda for Change Project Team, Tel: 0141 951 5840 Divisions to ensure that 2 members of staff attend to undertake thorough testing of the material, as Yorkhill had already forwarded comments previously.</p><p>6.2.2 Assimilation Timetable: Awaiting SPRIG update on the assimilation process. JW updated that work has been underway for some time planning numbers and schedules in preparation for the assimilation process commencing. Another test of the assimilation database will be carried out in July/early August to test the process from start to finish including the production of the assimilation letter. This will give a better indication of the number of employees per month; payroll can cope with for assimilation purposes. John Madden, from payroll, conducted a database demonstration for the Terms & Conditions group. JM provided sample assimilation letters, which resulted in 700 sheets of paper for 146 employees, which shows the enormity of this exercise and associated workload. PW and JW were also testing the production of the electronic job match and national profile, which has to be attached to each individual letter.</p><p>6.2.3 Leads and Allowances: First batch of codes have been distributed for local action. HR departments will have to investigate the nature of the payment and state which category it should fall into for assimilation purposes i.e. job evaluation, unsocial hours payments, on call. JW and SMCL will monitor the progress and application of these to ensure a consistent approach is taken across NHSGG.</p><p>6.2.4 JW highlighted that a previous list showing 1800 employees across NHSGG, who have changed posts since last October, may impact on total job descriptions being processed. Although, it is anticipated that as staff are changing posts there should be an existing job description in most instances unless the post is new. This however results in 2 assimilation processes taking place for each individual.</p><p>6.3 Knowledge and Skills Framework:</p><p>6.3.1 Ross McCulloch reported that there had been more developed thinking with regards to the roll out of E-KSF. This will result in a need for a high level of administrative support:e.g. having to log pin numbers, control employee access, cut reports for local areas, monitoring of evaluation roles, looking at interfaces such as SWISS etc. There may be 1 WTE rather than 3, it is anticipated that activity might enhance existing roles. There are 3 options: 1. Every employee having access to E-KSF. 2. Dedicated 8-10 WTE staff released for 1 year to cover all staff 3. Ensure that KSF facilitators are appropriately trained and can assist with PDP and the population of E-KSF. It is recognised that this could result in confidentiality issues.</p><p>6.3.2 JMcQ expanded on above options stating that it wasn’t tenable for a backlog situation to arise. The KSF group had targeted assimilated staff and were encouraging professional groupings to develop outlines, this will reduce the number of divisional job descriptions and the KSF group are encouraging divisional support for this option. The e-KSF in the long term would most likely be under the auspice of Staff Governance / OD Training or HR. The mainstream provision being KSF, induction, PDP reviews, and will be a centrally provided function</p><p>6.3.3 A Sprig reporting request will require periodic confirmation of the number of outlines being produced, also reports on number of national trainers and facilitators. Divisional reporting will be firmed up for SPRIG to ensure this data is available.</p><p>6.3.4 DS asked for an update on the gateways becoming live. This is an outstanding issue with the national team.</p><p>6.4 Management Group:</p><p>6.4.1 Rona Agnew reported that the management group are currently working with the key issues surrounding job matching.</p><p>6.4.2 B Mullan has been invited to the next PSG.</p><p>6.4.3 Lindsay Ferries, HR Director, Golden Jubilee Hospital will be invited to August’s PSG.</p><p>6.4.4 Gavin Millar no longer requires the site administrator training as he is already updating CAJE on a daily basis. Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 08.07.05 4 Agenda for Change Project Team, Tel: 0141 951 5840 6.4.5 Staff side raising objection to JE staff moving base. JW requested that she and Frances Millar be involved with any discussions regarding staff movements.</p><p>7. Any Other Business:</p><p>No other business discussed.</p><p>8. Date of Next Meeting:</p><p>The next meeting will be held on Friday 19 August 2005 at 12 noon in Room B, Ground Floor, Dalian House. Lunch will be provided.</p><p>Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 08.07.05 5 Agenda for Change Project Team, Tel: 0141 951 5840</p>
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