<p> Walters Junior High School Newsletter October/November 2014</p><p>Walters Jr. High School Brian W. Weems, Principal Phone (510) 656-7211 39600 Logan Drive Jana Holmes, Assistant Principal Fax (510) 656-4056 Fremont, CA 94538 Tracy Clark, Secretary www.fremont.k12.ca.us/Walters Cheryl Baldwin, Registrar http://walters-fusd-ca.schoolloop.com Alana Sumbler, Attendance Clerk</p><p>Principal’s Message……. events along with the regular academics, athletics, and activities help provide an enriched educational What a great start to our school year. Thank you environment for our students. for the support and dedication you all have given to create a successful beginning. The students Be involved, and please communicate when continue to work hard, the staff is dedicated, and necessary. If you have any concerns, please the parents involved. contact your student’s teachers, counselor or Walters has several activities planned for our administration. I firmly believe addressing issues students and community. We will have an sooner is better than later. Thank you, and let’s informative Latino Night on October 15 from 6:00- continue having a wonderful year. 7:30 in the gym (presented in Spanish). Dinner will be provided. The night will be filled with information Brian W. Weems, Principal on high school, college and how to be more involved with your child’s education. There will be guest speakers and a student panel-all in Spanish. Assistant Principal’s Message…….</p><p>After school Science (Schmahl-Monday and MESA- Thursday) classes are enriching and challenging As we move further into the school year, I would students. Classes last an hour and start around like to thank everyone for a great start. Thanks to 2:45 with many activities infused. Please contact Ms. Alves, Leadership Teacher, and her students, Mr. Kuhlmann at Ext. 28035 for more information. we have enjoyed Hello Day, a Lunchtime Beach Safety is always a priority at Walters. When Party and Basketball Tournament and a Back to dropping and picking up students, please observe School Dance. Counselor Cross kicked off the the following guidelines: Anti-Bullying Club with a focus on Cyber-Bullying. -Arrive earlier so traffic is lighter Mr. Kuhlmann and Mr. Bae are helping students -Avoid u-turns learn more about science through the MESA and -Utilize the pick up/drop off area the Schmahl Science programs. Additionally, Mr. -Avoid left turns Cumpian is teaching students to play percussion -Always drive slow and alert instruments during lunch. As you can see, there are many positive ways for students to get involved School Loop is a great tool for communication and at school. understanding about your child’s class The first quarter will be coming to an end on assignments. Please take the time to get th registered. It is a great tool for parents, October 28 . If you are concerned, please contact students and teachers to stay connected. your teachers directly to see what you son or daughter can do to improve their grades. Parent- I encourage parents to attend Parent/Teacher Teacher Conferences will be held in November, Conferences. They will be held November providing an opportunity to touch bases face to 12th and 19th. These are the two Wednesdays face. Of course, Counselors and Administrators before the Thanksgiving break. Hours will be are always here for any questions. Thank you, and 1pm-4pm, and 5pm-8pm on both days. We look let’s continue to have a forward to seeing you. great year. Walters’ Back to School Night, on September 17th, . was yet another successful turn out! Thanks to the many parents coming to meet their child’s teachers Jana Holmes, Assistant Principal and being involved with their education. These OCTOBER/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Students may dress-up on this day only Costumes may also be worn to the afterschool CALENDAR social October District dress code will be enforced o Costumes must be appropriate length 1 Site Council Meeting - 2:45 PM (in Library) o Costume must cover shoulders, torso, 8 Collaborative Day – Early Release 12:19 PM stomach, and midriff o No aerosol cans Make Up Picture Day o No application of makeup or hair color may 14-16 CELDT Testing be done at school o No toy weapons/accessories (i.e. guns, 15 Latino Parent Night – 6:00 PM (in MPR) swords, chains, knives, etc.) o No masks allowed 20-24Red Ribbon Week – 1st Semester Spirit Week o Avoid costumes that display blood and gore 21 Vision & Hearing Screening 22 Collaborative Day – Early Release 12:19 PM 23 DELAC Mtg. @ Green – 6:30 PM 25 Make a Difference Day 29 First Quarter Ends 31 Halloween Social – 2:30-4:00pm WALK & ROLL TO SCHOOL</p><p>October 8th is International Walk and Roll to school day. Join Walters in walking or riding your bike or skateboard November to school on this day. Live too far to walk or want 3-5 Boys Basketball Tryouts 2:30-4:30pm someone to walk with? Meet us in front of the Adult School on Calaveras at 7:45 and we will walk to school 10-11Holiday – Veteran’s Day – No School together!! Or, you can set up your own meeting place 12 Collaborative Day – Early Release 12:19 with friends or people that live near you. Let's have the most students in Fremont walking and rolling to school!!! PM Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-8 Go Walters!!! PM 17-21Season of Giving – Food Drive YEARBOOK – DON’T WAIT 19 Collaborative Day – Early Release 12:19 Don't let those junior high memories slip away! Preorder PM Parent/Teacher Conferences 1-8 your 2015 yearbook now. Purchase the 60 page, full PM color, hardback book for $40 online at www.yearbookordercenter.com (order #6803) or with 21 Minimum Day – Early Release 12:19 PM check/cash in Rm. 12. You'll be guaranteed a book in 24-28Thanksgiving Holiday – No School June if you buy now. Don't delay! ALSO: Parents--Are you looking for a special way to December acknowledge your child? You are able to purchase an ad space in the back of the yearbook to congratulate your 9 ELAC Mtg. - Library – 2:45 PM 8th grader as they transition to high school. You can even purchase one for your 7th grader too to send a 10 Collaborative Day – Early Release 12:19 lasting message. You will create it directly online with PM easy directions on www.yearbookordercenter.com. This Winter Concert – MPR – 7:00 PM can make a super gift to stay forever in the yearbook. Check it out! 12 NOF’s (Notice of Failure’s) Mailed 19 Minimum Day – Early Release 12:19 PM CHILD NUTRITION SUBSTITUTES NEEDED 22-Jan 2 Winter Break – No School The school district is now hiring substitutes for CNA 1 positions. You can pick up an application from the Child Nutrition Services Dept., room 116A at the district office, HALLOWEEN GUIDELINES 4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 EARLY RELEASE ONLY THESE DAYS (Collaborative & Minimum Days)</p><p>School will end at 12:19 p.m. only on these early release days. Many of these days are collaborative ITEMS/MESSAGES TO STUDENTS FROM HOME planning days that allow our teaching staff some much needed discussion time for planning future lessons In an effort to keep from disrupting classes, messages and for developing new and improved programs to are only delivered directly to students in emergencies. better serve our students. Refer to the website for bell Items below are NOT CONSIDERED EMERGENCIES: schedules. 1) Forgotten lunches or lunch money, books, homework, PE clothes, papers, etc. (Students October 8 December 10 February 25 should stop by the office and inquire if these October 22 December 19 March 25 items have been dropped off for them.) November 12 January 16 April 2 2) Transportation arrangements. (These should be November 19 January 28 April 22 arranged in advance.) November 21 February 13 May 6 May 22 Students should stop by the office and check the designated table for anything that may have been left for them. Emergency requests sent to classrooms are classified as real family emergencies. Thank you for assisting us by preplanning emergency strategies with your student. PARENT COMMUNICATION DAILY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: Please review the many ways you can stay informed A MUST about Walters: Daily school attendance is extremely important. Be aware that only illness, WEBSITE - www.fremont.k12.ca.us/walters Access doctor/dentist appointment or information regarding early dismissals, school calendar, bereavement are seen as excused and other helpful school information. absences. </p><p>NEWSLETTERS – sent home approximately every If an absence of any kind occurs, a phone call other month and is also posted in its entirety on our (656-7211, press 7 and then press 1 ) or a note is website. required by the State of California Educational Code. MARQUEE – We post early dismissals, holidays, and Please have your student bring the note to the office upcoming events on the school marquee. before school on the first day they return from an absence. The attendance clerk will make every effort to BRIGHT ARROW – is an automated system that can clear such absences daily, calling home and/or work if call and email parents regarding early days, holidays, necessary. It is highly recommended that you call in and other announcements. If you have not been your student’s absence by 9:00 a.m. The district will receiving any calls or emails, we may not have your alert parents/guardians around 10:00 am on the day of current contact information. Please provide us up-to- the absence. If the absence remains uncleared by the date information. end of the school day, a second call will alert parents again around 6:00 pm. SCHOOL LOOP - is a web and browser based application designed specifically to provide parental MEDICAL AND DENTAL access to individual student information such as grades APPOINTMENT/ABSENCES and homework. The “Daily Bulletin” read to the students Please send your student to the office in the morning each morning is posted along with other school events. before the start of school with a note indicating the reason and the time he or she needs to be picked up. YAHOO GROUP - is managed by Walters PTSA to The student will receive an off grounds PASS that provide timely reminders about activities and events at allows him or her to leave class and meet you in the Walters as well as school related topics. All Walters office where an adult will need to sign them out. This families are welcome to join the yahoo group, PTSA saves time (especially if the student is in PE and needs membership is not required. Go to to change clothes) and also minimizes interruptions to http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/Walters_PTSA/ to sign the classrooms (which is naturally our highest priority). up. If it’s a last minute arrangement, even a call ahead to the office will assure that we can send a PASS out to the education or HIV/AIDS prevention classroom with a minimum of disruption. education.” An opt-out permission slip will Adults do need to sign students out in the office when be sent home in May. You can download A leaving but when a student returns from an appointment, Parent’s Guide: Nightmare on Puberty the adult does not need to sign them in. The student Street from their website: does, however, need to come to the office to get a pass http://etnortherncalifornia.kaiserpermanente.org/nig so they can return to class. Students are not permitted htmare-on-puberty-st-parents-and- to leave campus on their own without written parental educators/. permission per FUSD Board Policy. PHYSICAL EXAMS NEEDED</p><p>SICK STUDENTS FOR AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS Reminder – students who are vomiting or have a fever All students participating in our after school cannot be at school. If a student vomits here at school (interscholastic) sports program MUST have a or develops a fever, they must be picked up by someone physical examination within the past year. A form for who is over 18 and listed on their emergency card. physicals is available from the coach. Open gym for boys’ basketball will be Oct 29 & 30 and tryouts will Students cannot return to school until they have been be held Nov 3-5 from 2:45-4:45pm. It is recommended fever free (without the use of medications) for 24 hours that all required medical verifications be completed as or vomit free for 48 hours. Fever is defined as 100° F soon as possible. and above. GIRLS VOLLEYBALL STUDENTS MAY NOT BE RELEASED TO WALK Oct 9 Walters @ Horner HOME FROM SCHOOL BY THEMSELVES without Oct 14 Thornton @ Walters signed written permission. Oct 16 Hopkins @ Walters Oct 21 Walters @ Newark Oct 23 Walters @ Centerville NEWS FROM THE Oct 28 Horner @ Walters LIBRARY…. Your students are off to a great start this year checking 8TH GRADE TRIP TO WASHINGTON D.C. out library books. They can Walters students have the opportunity to go to check out up to 3 books at a Washington DC June 13-18, 2015. 8th graders whose time and keep them for three parents sign up will have an opportunity to see the sights weeks. The books they of DC including George Washington's Mt. Vernon estate, checked out the first week of all the memorials and monuments, Smithsonian's school are now due. If they Museums, the National Archives and much more are still reading the book including a one day trip to Gettysburg, the Civil War site. encourage them to come to the library and renew their This all-inclusive trip costs just $1678 which pays for books. If they are not sure what to read encourage them everything including meals and airfare. For more to come to the library and talk to Ms. Kent-Berge. There information visit Mr. Sachs or Mr. Kenny and get the sign are 12,642 books in our library. The choices are up code or visit their Walters website. See you in DC overwhelming, but the perfect book is waiting for them to 2015! check out. You can look up library books using the library link on the Walters website. You will find the library under Support services. Use the elibrary link to search the card catalog for books. There will be a Book fair in the spring. In the mean time your student can order books using the Tab order form from Scholastic. Pick up the forms in the library. It’s a great way to buy books, no tax or shipping. The library receives books when you order. If you have questions please call Ms Kent-Berge, Librarian at 510-656-7211 x28022.</p><p>NIGHTMARE ON PUBERTY STREET Kaiser Foundation will be presenting “Nightmare on ELAC/DELAC MEMBERSHIP Puberty Street” to our 8th graders on June Attention EL students and parents… we are looking for 4th during the school day. The State of YOU and hope that you will join the Walters’ ELAC. California (Ed Code 51937-51939) requires Membership involves attending after school meetings, school districts to notify parents about any helping make decisions that directly affect our EL “instruction in comprehensive sexual health students and sharing your ideas regarding our program. We are also looking for additional parent representatives to attend DELAC meetings. Please call Jacyln McClintock at (510) 656-7211 ext. 28014 if you’re interested in representing Walters! The first DELAC meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, October 23rd at 6:30 pm at Harvey Green Elementary School.</p><p>We would like to thank the many parents and students California English Language who helped to assemble Maze Day packets and Development Test (CELDT) distribute them. This is a huge help to the office during The State of California mandates that the California such a busy time. We truly appreciate the help!! English Language Development Test (CELDT) be given to students who speak another language when they first enter a California public school. This test identifies FUSD NOW ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER students who are English learners (limited in English Stay up to date with all the news and happenings proficiency) so that schools may immediately provide throughout the Fremont Unified School District. Visit and appropriate instruction to meet their needs. The CELDT like FUSD's official Facebook page at Fremont Usd and must also be given to all English learners every year to follow the District on Twitter at @USDFremont. Updated monitor their progress in learning English and to help daily, FUSD's Facebook and Twitter pages are great evaluate the programs they receive. The test has four resources for the latest information from all 42 schools, parts: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. For District Departments - even news from around the the 2014/2015 school year, Fremont Unified will be Fremont community. giving this test starting October 1 until October 31, 2014. Additionally, we found some students who were never initially tested uponThe officeregistr ahastion. been Th ereceivingse students many will calls regarding what time school is out. Every effort has been also made to publicize early release days (i.e. website, newsletters, School Loop, etc.). In addition, our be tested during this time frame. If you have any questions about goalthe test, is to pl easendse caa llBright Federal Arrow (automatic recording) message the night before an early day. Please and State Programsmake at (51note0) of659 the-2531. days in your calendar. Thank you!!!</p><p>INDEPENDENT STUDY BOARD POLICY MESSAGE FROM PTSA 1. Independent Study requests may (or may not) Welcome back to school, Warriors! The Walters PTSA be approved by the principal for no more than board and I are looking forward to making this year ten consecutive days. memorable for our children. I wanted to thank all of the 2. No more than one (1) Independent Study parents for being supportive and helpful in contributing request may (or may not) be approved by the your time, talents, and money to help us make Walters principal per student per school year. and our events successful. 3. No more than three (3) requests for Independent Study will be granted through-out the The Walters Jr. High PTSA empowers students and educational career (K-12) of each student. assists faculty by creating and supporting projects that 4. Requests for Independent Study must be made build sustainable infrastructure. We want the youth to two weeks in advance of the first anticipated day grow and learn, academically and socially, in a fun, of absence. positive environment. Please let us know if you would like to help us. We meet every other Thursday from 1pm - 2pm in Room 38. Dates of our next meetings are Sept BICYLES & SKATEBOARDS 25, Oct 9, and Oct 23. Students who ride bicycles or skateboards to school MUST wear a helmet, use the bike rack, and provide If you are interested in joining our online group, please their own locks and chains. The school is not join [email protected]. If you have responsible for the loss or damage of bicycles or ideas that you want to share with us, please contact me skateboards. All bicycles and skateboards must be at [email protected]. If you would like to walked on campus. become a PTSA member, please contact Tammy Bergquist at [email protected]. California Helmet Law Your board of directors is VERY inclusive and helpful, so In California, anyone under the age of 18 must wear a please provide us with feedback and communication on helmet that is properly fitted and fastened when riding a any ideas, concerns, or questions you may have. bicycle, scooter, skateboard, or when using inline Let's make it a great year! skates. This includes children being towed in a trailer behind a bicycle. Please model and follow this law for Alanna Powell, PTSA President the safety of our children. Walters PTSA Campus Beautification Saturday Oct. 25 – 9am to 12pm Please bring gloves and garden tools. Meet us behind the locker rooms.</p><p>CONFERENCES A parent/guardian-teacher conference is a meeting between you and your child's teacher(s) to discuss your child's progress in school. The purpose of these conferences is to show your students that you support their education goals. These conferences are meant to be a brief 5 minute discussion about your student's progress in the class. Our teachers work hard to value each parent's time and to manage the conference time to ensure they are able to meet with all parents. If you would like a more extended conference, we recommend that you discuss with the teacher a time that allows you a longer opportunity to meet and discuss your students' unique needs. Parents needing translators may contact Anita Yepez at 510-656-7211, extension 28154. Translators are available for Spanish, Punjabi, Hindi, Cantonese, Sign Language, and Mandarin.</p><p>Wednesday Wednesday th November 12 November 19th 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. School is 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. out at Conference will be held in individual Conference will be held in individual teacher classrooms teacher classrooms 12:19pm these days. Report cards not picked up at conferences will be given to students on Friday, November 21st.</p><p>TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR STUDENTS ACADEMIC PROGRESS!!!</p><p>Some parents have yet to take advantage and sign up for School Loop. This is the easiest way for you to stay connected with your student’s assignments and grades, as well as reach out to all teachers via email, all on one website, and it’s FREE and easy to sign up. Access to your students grades and assignments is just a few steps away: 1. Go to the Walters Website home page: http://www.fremont.k12.ca.us//Domain/2215 2. On the left side of page under Quick Links click on School Loop Registration 3. Click the Blue Button that says Register Now 4. Click the Parent Registration Button 5. Fill out the information and click Register and you are all set to take control of your student's progress and eliminate the feeling of being "out of the loop". </p><p>If you have trouble with registering, please contact Mr. Thompson, who is a 7th Grade World History teacher and also the School Loop coordinator this year at [email protected]. </p><p>STAYING ON TOP OF YOUR STUDENT’S PROGRESS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>You’re a busy parent trying to balance work, chores, parenting and squeezing in a little R&R now and then. But how is your child really doing in school??</p><p>Your child is no longer a child that appears to need you as much. You have a teenager and at this age he/she wants to be very independent! But they need you now more than you may think. Your guidance and watchful eye are critical. In the Counseling Department, we see instances regularly where a parent is unaware of their student’s falling grades and it often comes too late in the semester. When parents ask their student how they are doing in school, the response they frequently get is the typical “fine” and they leave it at that. Parents: You must dig deeper! There are plenty of cases where students minimize the grade problems, take progress reports out of the mailbox so their parents won’t see them or boldly lie about their grades! Take nothing for granted: Check the facts yourself! And you can do so from home so that it will not take too much of your time: </p><p> School Loop: Many of you are already dialed in and using School Loop regularly. Terrific! We want every parent checking School Loop WEEKLY! School Loop will provide you with email access with all school personnel, class assignments and tests, academic progress, calendar of events and school news. Access information is provided in this newsletter. Email teachers, counselors and administrators through School Loop: This is an effective way to communicate and often gets a quicker response, and you don’t run the risk of a missed call if trying to make contact by phone. Phone or make an appointment with teachers, counselors and administrators: Always call or make an appointment when a meeting is needed. Walters Website: Stay informed! Visit our school website regularly to get information. Check the daily bulletin and school calendar for events, learn about college prep requirements and more. Every page of the website can be translated into a dozen languages by clicking on the translation button at the top of the page! Naviance: Get your own login to the college and career information website that our school subscribes to. Your student has an account as well and together, you can explore colleges and careers. Go to the Walters website and select Support Services > Counselors > Naviance for login information. PTSA: Join PTSA and be a part of our school community through this organization! Parents who are involved in their child’s school do better in school—this applies to junior high & high school as well! School Activities: Encourage your student to get involved in a school activity. Students who are involved in something they enjoy at school get better grades! Contact your student’s counselor when you have a concern: We are here to help your student be successful in junior high school!</p><p>A parent/guardian’s involvement in junior high and high school is as critical as it was in elementary school!</p>
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