DNP Newsletter No. 94 MAY 1993 TO: Members of the Division of Nuclear Physics, APS FROM: Virginia R. Brown, LLNL - Secretary-Treasurer, DNP • 9 July 1993- Election Ballot for ACCOMPANYING THIS NEWSLETTER DNP Div. Councilor (See item 2). : • 9 July 1993- Nomination Ballot for • A ballot for the nomination of DNP DNP Elections (See item 3). Officers and Executive Committee. • 9 July 1993- Ballot for DNP New Bylaws (See item 4). • A ballot for voting for a second • 1 Sept. 1993-Nominations for 1994 DNP Division Councilor. Dissertation Award (See item 5). • A ballot for the Adoption of the • 1 Sept. 1993-Nominations for 1994 New DNP Bylaws. Bonner Prize (See item 6). • "New" DNP Bylaws. • 17 Sept. 1993-Last day for Asilomar "Special" Preregistration rates and last day for lodging 20-23 OCTOBER DNP MEETING, reservations at the Asilomar ASILOMAR, CA conference grounds. • A pre-registration form which includes workshops and banquet. • A housing form. 1. DNP COMMITTEES Future Deadlines Executive Committee Noemie Benczer-Koller, Rutgers 1993-94 Univ., Chair (1994) DNP Carl B. Dover, BNL, Vice-Chair (1994) Wick C. Haxton, Univ. of • 18 June 1993- Contributed Washington, Past-Chair (1994) Abstracts for the Asilomar Fall Meeting (See item 9). • 25 June 1993 - User Group Virginia R. Brown, LLNL, Secretary- Deadline in Order to Appear in Treasurer (1994) the October Bulletin (See item 9). Gerald T. Garvey, LANL, Division Councilor (December, 1993) Stephen E. Koonin, Caltech, Division S. Kowalski, MIT Councilor (December, 1995) R. E. Pollock, Indiana Univ. Lawrence S. Cardman, CEBAF (1994) 1995 Bonner Prize Committee Walter Henning, ANL (1994) Robert D. McKeown, Caltech (1994). F. P. Calaprice, Princeton (Chair) Susan J. Seestrom, LANL (1995) D. F. Geesaman, ANL (Vice-Chair) Brian D. Serot, Indiana Univ. (1995) H. G. Blosser, Michigan State Univ. Stephen J. Wallace, Univ. of F. Iachello, Yale Maryland (1995) 1994 Dissertation Award Committee Program Committee N. Benczer-Koller, Rutgers (Chair) W. C. Haxton, Univ. of Wash. Carl B. Dover, BNL, Chair B. R. Holstein, Univ. of Mass. Noemie Benczer-Koller, Rutgers E. V. Hungerford, Univ. of Houston Univ., Past Chair J. Rapaport, Ohio Univ. Wick C. Haxton, Univ. of Washington, Past-Chair 1993 Fellowship Committee Virginia R. Brown, Secretary- Treasurer, LLNL G. M. Crawley, MSU (Chair) Frank T. Avignone, Univ. South E. J. Moniz, MIT Carolina V. E. Viola, Jr., Indiana Univ. Bruce R. Barrett, Univ. of Arizona R. Russell Betts, ANL 1994 Fellowship Committee Fred E. Bertrand, ORNL Billy E. Bonner, Rice Univ. W. C. Haxton, Univ. Wash. (Chair) Joseph A. Carlson, LANL J. Matthews, MIT Thomas D. Cohen, Univ. of V. E. Viola, Jr., Indiana Univ. Maryland Paul. D. Cottle, Florida State Univ. Nominating Committee Grant J. Mathews, LLNL James. S. McCarthy, Univ. of T. J. Bowles, LANL (Chair) Virginia J. A. Cizewski, Rutgers Bradley M. Sherrill, Michigan State G. T. Garvey, LANL Univ. S. E. Koonin, Caltech Edward Shuryak, SUNY at Stony Brook Nuclear Science Resources Committee Dennis M. Skopik, Univ. of Saskatchewan L. L. Riedinger, ORNL (Co-Chair) Stephen G. Steadman, MIT G. M. Crawley, Mich. State Univ. Steven E. Vigdor, Indiana Univ. (Co-Chair) Gordon J. Wozniak, LBL J. G. Cramer, Jr., Univ. of Wash. Roy Whitney, CEBAF J. Finck, Central Michigan Univ. L. S. Schroeder, LBL 1994 Bonner Prize Committee Physics News Committee A. B. Balantekin, Univ. of Wisconsin (Chair) C. B. Dover, BNL (Chair) F. P. Calaprice, Princeton (Vice- G. F. Bertsch, Univ. of Wash, Chair) B. S. Kumar, Yale J. A. Cizewski, Rutgers J. W. Negele, MIT R. G. Hamish Robertson, LANL address printed or signed legibly in the S. J. Wallace, Univ. Maryland upper left hand corner of the envelope. It must be received by Virginia R. Brown Appointments of members to DNP on or before 9 July 1993 in order to be committees are for one- or two-year counted. terms. Division Councilors are elected for four-year terms. Candidate Biographies 2. SPECIAL ELECTION FOR PETER PAUL -- Distinguished Service ADDITIONAL DNP COUNCILOR Professor, State University of NY at Stony AND DNP MEMBERSHIP Brook, 1992-present, Professor of Physics, SUNY-SB 1971-92; Associate Professor, Besides the additional dues SUNY-SB 1969-71; Assistant Professor, revenue, the size of the DNP SUNY-SB 1967-69; Act. Assistant membership is a significant factor in Professor, Stanford University 1965-67; how well the DNP can represent the Research Associate, Stanford University, interests of the nuclear physics 1960-64; Ph.D. in Physics, University of community in the APS as well as in the Freiburg (Germany) 1959. A.P. Sloan planning for the future of the field. The Fellow, 1967-70, Humboldt Foundation new APS Constitution and Bylaws state Fellow 1983-84, Fellow American that the number of Division Councilors Physical Soc.; Visiting Professor, is determined by the subunit University of Cologne 1969, MPI- membership at the end of December in Kernphysik Heidelberg, 1975-76 and the year prior to the year an election 1983-84, University of Giessen, 1991; would be held to replace an existing Director, Superconducting Heavy Ion Division Councilor. At the end of 1991 LINAC project at SUNY-SB, 1977-83; the DNP membership was 2,417, which chairman Department of Physics SUNY- was 5.59% of the APS membership of SB,1986-1990, Associate Dean SUNY-SB, 43,207. This was insufficient for the 1991-93; Member NSAC 1980-83; DNP to maintain two Division chairman, NSAC 1989-92; member DOE Councilors. At the end of 1992, thanks Major Fac. Rev. Committee, 1981; to a vigorous campaign by many DNP Oversight Committee for Physics members, the membership reached Division at BNL, 1982-85; Oversight 2,896, which was 6.62% of the APS Committee for Physics Div. ANL, 1984- membership of 43,710. This is sufficient 87; chairman DOE Review of Heavy Ion to elect a new DNP Councilor, who will Facilities, 1987; chair of Scientific begin a four year term in January 1994, Advisory Council of KVI-Groningen, replacing G. T. Garvey. 1984-present; member Scientific Council, MPI-Kernphysik- Heidelberg, 1986- The candidates selected by the present; chairman, Nuclear and Particle Nominating Committee are Peter Paul, Physics Panel for Physics in Denmark, SUNY at Stony Brook and R.G.Hamish 1991; member NSF Advisory Committee Robertson, LANL. The candidates for Physics, 1992-present, member DOE biographies follow and the ballot is Fusion Energy Advisory Panel for Inertial enclosed. The Nominating Committee Confinement Fusion, 1992/3; member consisted of J. A. Nolen (Chair), B. C. Scientific Advisory Council for COSY- Clark, G. T. Garvey, and S. E. Koonin. Juelich, 1993-present; Research interests include nuclear structure and nuclear The enclosed election ballot must be reaction physics near the barrier, giant signed and may be returned in the resonance studies in hot nuclei and of the enclosed envelope with your name and properties of hot nuclear matter, high energy electromagnetic transitions, Physics Accelerator Laboratories, 1993; development of superconducting Editorial Board, Physical Review D, 1992- resonators for heavy ion acceleration. Research interests: weak interactions, nuclear astrophysics, neutrino properties R. G. HAMISH ROBERTSON -- Fellow, and solar neutrinos, nuclear Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988-; instrumentation, symmetries in nuclear Staff Member LANL, 1981-; Professor of and particle physics. Physics, Michigan State University, 1981- 2; Associate Professor, MSU, 1978-81; 3. NOMINATION OF OFFICERS Assistant Professor, MSU, 1973-78; AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Assistant Research Professor, MSU, 1972- FOR 1994 73; Research Associate, MSU, 1971-72; Ph.D. McMaster 1971; B.A., M.A. Oxon. The terms of the officers and three (1st cl.) 1965; Visiting Scientist, Chalk members of the present Executive River Nuclear Laboratories, 1980; Visiting Committee will expire at the close of the Scientist, Argonne National regular meeting of the Division to be held Laboratory,1979; Research Associate, in conjunction with the APS general Princeton University, 1975; Alfred P. meeting in Crystal City, VA, 18-22 April Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1976; 1994. Carl B. Dover will become Chair Associate Member, Institute of Physics and Susan J. Seestrom, Brian D. Serot, and (London); Member, Canadian Association Stephen J. Wallace will remain members of Physicists; Fellow, American Physical of the Executive Committee. A Chair- Society; Member, ad hoc panel of young Elect, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, nuclear scientists to the Committee on and three members of the Executive Nuclear Science of the National Academy Committee are to be elected before April of Sciences; Member, NSAC 1994. If the new DNP Bylaws are ratified, Instrumentation Subcommittee; Member, the additional DNP officer, Chair-Elect, Nuclear Physics Panel of NAS Physics must be added. (See item 4.) Survey Committee; Member, APS Program Committee, Division of Nuclear The enclosed nominating ballot Physics; Member, APS Bonner Prize must be signed and may be returned in Committee; Member, APS DNP the enclosed envelope with your name Executive Committee; Organizing and address printed or signed legibly in Committee, 6th International Conference the upper left hand corner of the on Atomic Masses, East Lansing, 1979; envelope. It must be received by Review Panel, NSF-supported Tandem Virginia R. Brown on or before 9 July Laboratories, 1981; Review Panel, DOE- 1993 in order to be counted. The DNP supported Heavy-Ion Outside Users' bylaws require that a nominee proposed Programs, 1982; Referee, Physical Review for a given post by not fewer than one- C and D, Physics Letters, Physical Review fiftieth of the members (58 for this Letters, and Journal of Geophysical election) shall be deemed nominated to Research; Member, NSERC (Canada) that post. Grant Selection Committee, 1983 - 86; Member, NSAC Long-Range Plan If you are a DNP member, please Working Group, 1989; Member and exercise your right to nominate Chair, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory candidates for the upcoming DNP Nuclear Science Division Review Panel, elections.
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