<p>1</p><p>INSOMAR, is also currently under criminal investigation. criminal under currently also is INSOMAR,</p><p> prosecuted by the DNA on charges of blackmail. Sorin Ovidiu Vântu’s old polling firm, polling old Vântu’s Ovidiu Sorin blackmail. of charges on DNA the by prosecuted</p><p> h im CS, wih i we y te Viuec aiy ta s crety being currently is that family Voiculescu the by owned is which CCSB, firm the</p><p> on trial for corruption. Mirel Palada created SOCIOPOL so that it would take the place of place the take would it that so SOCIOPOL created Palada Mirel corruption. for trial on</p><p> agency recently reporting that they made a fictitious market study for a politician that is that politician a for study market fictitious a made they that reporting recently agency</p><p> pno olmre.Oto hm CC 2)i led opoie,te the compromised, already is (2%) CCSCC them, of Out market. poll opinion Mediafax</p><p> hundred percent of the public space exposure hold a maximum of six percent of the of percent six of maximum a hold exposure space public the of percent hundred</p><p> the firms that dominate the political information market and have had this summer one summer this had have and market information political the dominate that firms the</p><p> company that has recently been created and that lacks international affiliation. Overall, affiliation. international lacks that and created been recently has that company</p><p> made up. The exceptions to the rule are the polls financed by Adevărul, from INSCOP, a INSCOP, from Adevărul, by financed polls the are rule the to exceptions The up. made</p><p>Teodorescu, both of whom work for Victor Ponta. Other opinion polls are completely are polls opinion Other Ponta. Victor for work whom of both Teodorescu,</p><p> centre-left alliance. We always read the opinion polls made by Mirel Palada and Bogdan and Palada Mirel by made polls opinion the read always We alliance. centre-left</p><p>The market share of the summer opinion polls is dominated in proportion of 90% by the by 90% of proportion in dominated is polls opinion summer the of share market The</p><p> standard, and at prices that simply don’t warrant quality polls. quality warrant don’t simply that prices at and standard,</p><p>TV, the polls themselves are made with few employees, to almost no polling rigour or rigour polling no almost to employees, few with made are themselves polls the TV,</p><p>Avangarde, seem to be made simply for the purpose of showing some poll numbers on numbers poll some showing of purpose the for simply made be to seem Avangarde,</p><p> lcin hs sme, lk ie aaas SCOO, o NCP r CSC or CCSCC, or INSCOP, or SOCIOPOL, Palada’s Mirel like summer, this elections</p><p> opinion polls. Institutes that have overwhelmed us with opinion polls on the presidential the on polls opinion with us overwhelmed have that Institutes polls. opinion</p><p>Liberal Party - PDL in this case) have a serious market share, but rarely publish their publish rarely but share, market serious a have case) this in PDL - Party Liberal</p><p>The usual suspects, like CSOP, affiliated to TNS, with traditional clients (the Democratic (the clients traditional with TNS, to affiliated CSOP, like suspects, usual The</p><p> share (see figure 1). Most lack employees, experts or both. or experts employees, lack Most 1). figure (see share</p><p> summer belong, with no exceptions, to PR firms or press services that lack any market any lack that services press or firms PR to exceptions, no with belong, summer</p><p> ou n mreig o ulc acin nta. Te pltcl pls anucd this announced polls political The instead. auctions public or marketing on focus</p><p> polls. The pay is poor, so most institutes would rather stay away from politics; they politics; from away stay rather would institutes most so poor, is pay The polls.</p><p> affiliated institutions aimed to gauge public opinion and publish transparent election transparent publish and opinion public gauge to aimed institutions affiliated</p><p>In Romania in 2014 there are almost zero independent, established and internationally and established independent, zero almost are there 2014 in Romania In</p><p> polls (shareholders, market share, analysis) share, market (shareholders, polls</p><p>EXCLUSIVE. Elections in the dark. Who controls public opinion public controls Who dark. the in Elections EXCLUSIVE.</p><p>2014</p><p>RELEVANT CLEAN ROMANIA ARTICLES – – ARTICLES ROMANIA CLEAN RELEVANT October</p><p>INFORMATIVE BULLETIN INFORMATIVE</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p><p>1</p><p> employees, zero profit number, and loses of 74 de lei (!). lei de 74 of loses and number, profit zero employees,</p><p> available data in the Registry of Commerce database. SOCIOPOL is listed with zero with listed is SOCIOPOL database. Commerce of Registry the in data available</p><p>0,155 mil. lei. The last financial situation of CCSB is from 2011. CCSI does not have not does CCSI 2011. from is CCSB of situation financial last The lei. mil. 0,155</p><p>IRSOP – 0,950 mil. lei; GSSC Avangarde – 0,624 mil. lei; CCSCC – 0,388 mil. lei; INSCOP – INSCOP lei; mil. 0,388 – CCSCC lei; mil. 0,624 – Avangarde GSSC lei; mil. 0,950 – IRSOP</p><p>GALLUP – 1,297 mil. Lei, Metro Media Transilvania – 1,106 mil. lei; CURS – 1,099 mil. lei; mil. 1,099 – CURS lei; mil. 1,106 – Transilvania Media Metro Lei, mil. 1,297 – GALLUP</p><p>CSOP – 6,627 million lei; IMAS – 4,073 mil. lei; IRES – 2,469 mil. lei; mil. 2,469 – IRES lei; mil. 4,073 – IMAS lei; million 6,627 – CSOP Info: Category</p><p> calculations based calculations on data from the Registry of Commerce of Registry the from data on </p><p>Figure 1. The market share of opinion poll firms in 2013. in firms poll opinion of share market The 1. Figure Source: Clean Romania’s own Romania’s Clean Source: </p><p> will bring many surprises, because many of the numbers are false. are numbers the of many because surprises, many bring will</p><p> the ACL alliance was still selecting a presidential candidate. In this case, the elections the case, this In candidate. presidential a selecting still was alliance ACL the</p><p>The last political opinion polls done by quality firms like IRSOP or CSOP date back when back date CSOP or IRSOP like firms quality by done polls opinion political last The</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p><p>1</p><p> sondarea-opiniei-publice-actionari-cota-de-piata-analiza/</p><p> http://www.romaniacurata.ro/exclusiv-alegeri-in-intuneric-cine-controleaza- elections:</p><p> business margins and how they reflected in opinion polls focused on the presidential the on focused polls opinion in reflected they how and margins business</p><p>We invite you to look at the data on public opinion polling firm shareholders firm polling opinion public on data the at look to you invite We and their and </p><p> the Training of Teachers and Socio-Human Sciences. Socio-Human and Teachers of Training the</p><p>Justice), university lector at the Bucharest Polytechnic University, in the Department for Department the in University, Polytechnic Bucharest the at lector university Justice),</p><p> founding president of the foundation is sociologist Bruno Ştefan (source: Ministry of Ministry (source: Ştefan Bruno sociologist is foundation the of president founding</p><p>Foundation) and has no business information listed at the Registry of Commerce. The Commerce. of Registry the at listed information business no has and Foundation)</p><p>Research (BCS). This bureau works as a foundation (the ”Bureau of Social Research” Social of ”Bureau (the foundation a as works bureau This (BCS). Research</p><p>The press has presented this summer an opinion poll done by the Bureau of Social of Bureau the by done poll opinion an summer this presented has press The Note:</p><p>As part of the ONG Fund in România in Fund ONG the of part As Project financed through SEE funds 2009-2014, funds SEE through financed Project</p>
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