Onteora Central School District Louis J. Cioffi III Athletic Director

Onteora Central School District Louis J. Cioffi III Athletic Director

<p> Onteora Central School District Louis J. Cioffi III – Athletic Director</p><p>ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Diane Downes - Secretary 4166 Route 28, Boiceville, NY 12412 Telephone: 845-657-2373 ext. 2101 – Fax: 845-657-8430</p><p>ATHLETE’S PLEDGE</p><p>Any student joining an athletic team accepts the added responsibility of that membership. Being a part of an athletic team(s) is a privilege. Student-athletes must abide by the rules, regulations, responsibilities, and guidelines that accompany this privilege. Student-athletes must adhere to the rules set forth by the Onteora Central School District, Mid- Hudson Athletic League, Section IX, the NYS Public High School Athletic Association, and the New York State Department of Education</p><p>I. Personal and Team Responsibilities: I agree to meet all eligibility requirements, honestly and accurately provide the necessary eligibility information, and work to maintain my eligibility. I accept responsibility for all equipment that is issued to me by the school. Further, I agree to properly use all team equipment. II. Attendance: I shall maintain a good attendance record for practice and school and will adhere to all attendance requirements established by the school and coach. I understand that failure to follow attendance requirements by the coach and athletic department will result in suspension or removal from the team. III. Citizenship: I agree to make a firm commitment to my teammates, my coach, my school, and myself. I shall adhere to all rules and responsibilities as outlined by the school and my coach. I understand that incidents of misconduct in or out of school may have a definite effect on my participation on the athletic team. IV. Medical Requirements: I am responsible for securing my own medical clearance prior to participation and will follow the directions for medical clearance as outlined below. I will follow all concussion management protocols. V. Academic Eligibility: I will achieve and maintain academic success and understand that my eligibility to participate will be withheld as per the requirements below. VI. Parent/Coach Relationships: I shall be a supportive member of the team and maintain open lines of communication with the coach and will expect the same in return. I understand which topics may and may not be discussed with the coach for the benefit of my child and the team. I realize that with my choices are consequences. I agree that I will accept the consequences listed, if I fail to adhere to the Athlete Code of Conduct.</p><p>I have read and understand this Athletic Code of Conduct. Yes______No______</p><p>______Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name - Print Athlete’s Name - Print Date of Birth ______Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature Date Athlete’s Signature Date</p><p>Home Address: ______Sport/Level______</p><p>Home Phone Number: ______Mother Cell: ______Father Cell:______</p><p>Mother Work Number: ______Father Work Number: ______</p><p>Emergency Contact Person: ______Emergency Contact Number: ______</p><p>Medical Conditions / Medications / Allergies (if any): ______</p><p>______</p><p>Physician Name: ______Physician Phone Number: ______INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ONTEORA STUDENT- ATHLETES</p><p>I. PERSONAL AND TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES 1. All athletes have a responsibility to achieve and remain in top physical condition during their sport season. Conflicts with clubs and other extra-curricular activities are not acceptable. 2. The building and maintenance of team morale is the responsibility of all athletes. 3. Athletes must comply with all team rules and regulations. If an athlete fails to comply with the standards, and indicates an insufficient desire to participate, he/she may be denied the privilege of participating.</p><p>Equipment: 1. Every athlete is responsible for the security of his or her own equipment. 2. Care in the use of school-owned athletic equipment is expected. 3. An athlete is financially responsible for issued equipment. Athletic equipment is to be used only for the activity for which it was issued. 4. Student-athletes will not be allowed to try out or practice for the next sport season until all equipment is accounted for. Graduating seniors will have awards and diplomas withheld. Policy for Changing Teams: Once the sport season has started, any athlete wishing to change from one team to another, may only do so with the consent of the Athletic Director and coaches of both teams involved. Changing teams can be detrimental to team morale and unfair to the athletes of both teams. If all agree that no ill effects will be suffered, it may be permitted. If a student-athlete quits a team, they will forfeit all privileges for awards and may jeopardize chances for future participation.</p><p>II. ATTENDANCE 1. All student-athletes must be in attendance for the full school day in order to compete in a contest and/or practice on that day. Legal excuses for part day absences, such as doctor’s appointments meet this attendance requirement. Part day absences shall be defined by no more than three consecutive periods. Attendance in school related activities counts toward fulfilling attendance requirements. 2. Student-athletes must be prepared and punctual to all contests and practices. If an absence is going to occur for any reason the coach must be given prior notice. Attendance will be kept daily by coaches. 3. Athletes who stay after school for academic assistance will not be penalized if the coach is given prior notice. However if you are having difficulty balancing academics and athletics, you must speak with your coach and the Athletic Director. In consultation with the Athletic Director, Coaches may implement additional attendance requirements. The requirements and consequences will be communicated at the beginning of the season. 4. All team members will ride the authorized vehicle to and from all contests and practices. When written notification from parents is given to the athletic director the day prior to the contest, an athlete may leave with another athlete’s parents. Both parents and coach will be notified of approval. Athletes will be provided one late bus pass for each season they participate. Late bus passes may only be used by members of a team in season. Abuse of a late bus pass will result in loss of eligibility for the next season. 5. Team members, who are medically excused from physical education, or unprepared for class, may not practice or compete that day. </p><p>III. CITIZENSHIP Consequences for violating the code of conduct will be based on the nature of the misconduct, level of severity, and the frequency of misconduct. Continued abuse of the athletic code may result in dismissal and/or denial of future participation in athletics while enrolled in the Onteora Central School District. Guidelines pertaining to consequences for violations are as follows: 1. Disciplinary action and/or suspension at the discretion of the coach may not exceed two weeks without consultation with the Athletic Director and the implementation of due process procedures. 2. Hazing, a form of harassment whether it is physical or verbal, should not be condoned by a victim, coach, staff, family, school personnel, fellow students and especially team members. Students found to have planned, directed, encouraged, aided or participated in an act of harassment against any student in the Onteora School District, including team members will be subject to suspension and/or dismissal from their athletic team. Team members are fully expected to notify a coach if any such behavior is observed. (Please note district and state definitions of hazing and harassment). 3. Dismissal and/or suspension from the team will result for serious infractions such as smoking, use of alcohol, drug use, “hazing” or forms of hazing, harassment, bullying, vandalism, theft, fraud, gambling, destruction of property, illegal or unauthorized possession, use, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons. 4. Violations that reflect poor community citizenship may result in suspension or dismissal from the team. If dismissed from the team prior to the completion of 50% of the regular season competitions, the athlete will be ineligible to participate in athletics for the remainder of that season, including any postseason activities. If dismissed from the team after the completion of 50% of the regular season competitions, the athlete will be ineligible to participate in athletics for the remainder of that season and the following sport season, including any post season activities for either season. The sports seasons are defined as fall, winter, and spring. 5. Any student-athlete demonstrating obscene gestures while in transit to and from an athletic event and/or during home or away contests will be subject to dismissal from the team and/or denial for future high school competition. 6. Any student-athlete striking and/or attempting to put the safety and welfare of personnel working the game and/or contests in jeopardy (i.e. officials, scorekeepers, chaperones, etc.) will be subject to dismissal from the team and become ineligible for a period no greater than one year from the date of the infraction. Suspension will be determined by administration. </p><p>7. All regular school day related disciplinary action (i.e. suspensions, detentions) will be honored and also carry over as restrictions for athletic participation. Athletes, who are being held after school for detention purposes, affect team morale and preparation for competition. Loss of playing time may result at the coach’s discretion.</p><p>8. As stated in the MS/HS handbook, any student may be, at the discretion of the Administration, suspended from the organization for misconduct (on or off school premises), which creates a substantial and material disruption of school activities or endangers the health, safety or welfare of students or staff. An opportunity for a meeting with the coach or Administrator in which the student is given an opportunity to hear the charge and respond will normally occur prior to the suspension. Violations that reflect poor community citizenship will result in suspension or dismissal from the team. If dismissed from the organization the student will be ineligible to participate in extra curricular activities for the rest of the school year. Action occurring in the spring season will affect the following fall and winter seasons. Action occurring in the winter season will affect the spring and fall seasons. NOTE: Disqualifications from one sport season carry over to the next sport season of participation. NOTE: Violations of this code may also result in further consequences under the District’s Code of Conduct, depending upon the nature of the infraction.</p><p>B. SPORTSMANSHIP 1. Visiting team members, students, and adult spectators are guests to be accorded all the courtesy and consideration that a friendly well-mannered, well-intentioned host would normally give. The visitors, in turn, are to act as invited guests, using the home school facilities with care and respecting the rules and customs of the home school. 2. Officials are the proper authorities to make decisions regarding rules and their interpretation, these decisions should be accepted. 3. Spectators, student athletes and coaches must recognize that their conduct plays an important role in establishing the reputation of their school and that their positive actions can relate directly to the success of their teams. 4. It is expected that all spectators will display good sportsmanship. 5. Any spectator who enters the playing area in a disrupting manner will be asked to leave the school premises. Any mass intrusions may cause removal of all spectators. Further problems may cause the termination of the contest. 6. There will be no artificial noisemakers allowed at any contest. This includes but is not limited to the following: sirens, whistles, bells, horns, radios, and all other devices of a distracting nature. Signs, other than those welcoming the other team, face and body paint are forbidden by league rules. 7. Pounding and stomping on the bleachers is discouraged. If there is damage or destruction of school property, the individual/s responsible will be held accountable. 8. Any unruly or disruptive spectators will be removed from the school premises.</p><p>9. NYSPHSAA sportsmanship regulations address disqualification and/or suspension of athletes that are in violation of the sportsmanship rule. Any student-athlete in violation of the sportsmanship rule will be suspended from the next scheduled contest. Athletes may practice during that time, but are not eligible to be in uniform and/or compete in said contest, nor be on site of said contest. A subsequent infraction will result in suspension from the next two contests and will carry over to the next season if the incident occurs in the final game. </p><p>Failure to adhere to conduct and expectations for athletes, students and spectators may result in appropriate disciplinary action.</p><p>C. DUE PROCESS PROCEDURE 1. The office of the Athletic Director will manage notification of any code violation and disciplinary action to the parent/guardian of the student-athlete involved. A copy of this notification will also be sent to the student- athlete’s coach and principal. A follow-up telephone call will be made by the coach to ensure parental notification. 2. If the student-athlete/parents/guardians continue to disagree with the disciplinary solution, a first appeal may be made by contacting the office of the Athletic Director and arranging a hearing with the Athletic Director, Principal, and Coach. 3. If the student-athlete/parents/guardians continue to disagree with the disciplinary solution, a second appeal may be made by requesting a hearing with the Superintendent. This hearing may also include the Athletic Director, Principal, and Coach. 4. If the student-athlete/parents/guardians continue to disagree with the disciplinary solution, a final appeal may be made by requesting a hearing with the Board of Education. </p><p>IV. MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS A. POLICY FOR ATHLETE PHYSICALS All student-athletes participating in interscholastic competition must have a sports physical conducted by the school physician before participating in his or her first organized team practice and/or tryout. One physical qualifies a student-athlete for the entire calendar year unless he or she is injured. However, before the participation of each separate season (fall, winter, spring), the student-athlete must complete the Interval Health History Form and turn it into the nurse’s office before the start of that season. Without this form, a student- athlete WILL NOT be eligible to participate in any tryouts, practices, or competitions. If a student elects to have a physical by his or her own physician, fee payment is the responsibility of the parent or guardian and must follow these steps:</p><p>1. Obtain a physical form and sports approval card from the health office. 2. Make an appointment with his/her private physician and have said physician complete the physical form and sign the approval card noting conditions, if any, which may disqualify a candidate for participation. 3. Return completed forms to the health office for review for final approval by the school physician. 4. If a student-athlete misses five (5) consecutive days of participation due to injury or illness, he/she must be re-evaluated and approved by the school physician to resume participation. The school nurse will obtain clearance through the school physician or arrange for another physical. B. CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT Students and parents will be provided New York State approved information both in print as well as on the athletic webpage with regards to Concussion awareness and management (See Attached). Students and parents are required to follow the district policy and procedures for concussion management as developed by the School’s Chief Medical Officer. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to visit the New York State Department of Health’s website for further information regarding mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI). (www.health.ny.gov/publications/3278.pdf.) C. STUDENT ATHLETE INSURANCE Onteora subscribes to Pupil Benefits Plan, Inc., 101 Dutch Meadows Ln., Glenville, N.Y. 12302. Phone: (800)393-3301. This policy is a secondary form of accident insurance, an excess coverage plan. Any claim must first be submitted to the student-athlete’s health insurance carrier for basic and major medical coverage prior to the application to the school district for coverage under its program. 1. If a student-athlete is injured and needs medical attention, he/she must report all athletic injuries to his/her coach and/or athletic director within 24 hours of the injury taking place. An Accident Claim Form must be filled out with all the appropriate information recorded. 2. The object of the school’s insurance is to supplement the student-athlete’s private insurance in order to provide the student-athlete with complete medical coverage. 3. If there are any questions concerning this insurance, please contact the Athletic Director and/or school nurse. Note: There is no district insurance coverage for the personal property of students. </p><p>V. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY Student-athletes are expected to maintain academic success. Grades will be checked by the Athletic Director after the first two weeks of the season. Any student-athlete failing one class will be notified and provided a warning. Fourth quarter grades will be used for fall sports. Grades will be checked again after week 5 of the season. Anyone failing two or more classes at the 5 week check will be placed on a two-week probationary period. During probation an athlete may practice with their team if they attend extra help that day, but may not participate in contests. Written notification indicating their attendance after school from their teacher will be required before the coach allows participation. Student-athletes failing two or more classes at the conclusion of their two week probation will be removed from the team. It is incumbent upon the Athletic Director’s office to compile a list of failing students and to notify coaches, teachers, and the student’s parent/guardian of individuals on academic probation. </p><p>VI. PARENT/COACH RELATIONSHIPS Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide greater benefit to children. As parents, when your children become involved in our program, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach of your child’s program.</p><p>A. COMMUNICATION YOU SHOULD EXPECT FROM YOUR CHILD’S COACH 1. Philosophy of the coach. 2. Expectations the coach has for your child as well as all the players on the squad. 3. Locations and times of all practices and contests. 4. Team requirements (i.e. special equipment, off-season conditioning) 5. Procedure if your child becomes injured during participation. </p><p>B. COMMUNICATION THAT COACHES EXPECT FROM PARENTS 1. Concerns expressed directly to the coach. 2. Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance. 3. Specific concern in regard to a coach’s philosophy and/or expectations. As your children become involved in the athletic program at Onteora, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It’s important to understand that there will also be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. At these times, discussion with the coach is encouraged. </p><p>C. APPROPRIATE CONCERNS TO DISCUSS WITH COACHES 1. The treatment of your child, emotionally and physically. 2. Ways to help your child improve. 3. Concerns about your child’s behavior. It is very difficult to accept that your child is not playing as much as you may hope. But remember that, coaches are professionals. They make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be best for all students involved. As you have seen from the list above, certain things can and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things, such as those on the following page, must be left to the discretion of the coach. </p><p>D. ISSUES INAPPROPRIATE TO DISCUSS WITH COACHES 1. Playing time. 2. Team strategy. 3. Play calling. 4. Other student athletes. </p><p>There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and the parent. These are to be encouraged. It is important that both parties involved have a clear understanding of the others’ position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue. Listed below are procedures you should follow if you have a concern to discuss with the coach: 1. Call the coach to set up an appointment. 2. If the coach cannot be reached, call the Athletic Director. He will set up a meeting for you. 3. The Onteora Athletic Director may be reached at (845) 657-2373 x2101. Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a contest or practice. These can be stressful times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings/confrontations of this nature can only promote conflict and do not foster resolution.</p><p>What can a parent do if the meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution? </p><p>1. Call and set up an appointment with the Athletic Director to discuss the situation. 2. At this meeting the appropriate next step can be determined. </p><p>E. CONCERNS/PROBLEMS Any student athlete or parent who has a concern or problem with any aspect of their athletic experience is encouraged to communicate with the individual coach as soon as possible. Please do not let a problem that is of concern go on for a long period of time before addressing it. Most times a conversation with the coach will help to clear up the problem quickly. If after your conversation with the coach you wish to discuss it further please call the Athletic Director. This is the proper chain of communication. These athletic programs have been established because research indicates a student involved in co- curricular activities has a greater chance for success during adulthood. Many of the character traits required to be a successful participant are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school. We hope the information provided in this code makes both you and your child’s experience with our athletic program less stressful and more enjoyable.</p>

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