<p> GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>The purpose of this policies and procedures manual is to provide guidance and direction to District personnel charged with the maintenance and accuracy of student records for purposes of identifying student dropouts and reporting in the Annual Audit of Dropouts. The authority for the annual audit of dropouts is provided in Texas Education Code (TEC), §39.055. The focus of the audit is to examine student records for purposes of verifying the accuracy of the dropout information reported through the Public Information Management System (PEIMS), using agreed-upon procedures.</p><p>2. AUTHORITY</p><p>House Bill 1144 was passed by the 77th Texas Legislature and became effective September 1, 2001. This bill included the following:</p><p>(a) The board of trustees of each school district/charter school shall have its dropout records audited annually at school’s expense by a public accountant or certified public accountant who:</p><p>1. is certified or registered, as appropriate, and licensed under Chapter 901, Occupations Code; and</p><p>2. has successfully completed training provided by the Agency in auditing school dropout records; and is not an employee of the school district/charter school.</p><p>(b) The audit of dropout records must be completed following the end of each school year.</p><p>(Beginning with the 2001-02 school year’s records, an audit of the dropout information must be performed and reported to the Texas Education Agency by the 90th day after PEIMS data FINAL Fall submission date [typically, PEIMS data FINAL Fall submission dates occur latter part of January.</p><p>(c) The Annual Audit of Dropout Report must meet at least the minimum requirements and be in the format prescribed by the Commissioner, subject to and comment by the State Auditor.</p><p>(d) The school district/charter school shall submit a copy of the Annual Audit of Dropout Report, approved by the school’s board of trustees, to the Texas Education Agency. If the board of trustees declines or refuses to approve the report, the board shall file with the Agency a copy of the report with the board’s statement giving detailed reasons for not approving the report. The school district/charter school must submit a copy of the report and any statement required by this subsection not later than the 90th day after the last day permissible for PEIMS data FINAL Fall submission date of information required</p><p>Page 1 under §42.006. (Typically, PEIMS data FINAL Fall submission date occurs in the latter part of January).</p><p>(e) The Texas Education Agency shall review each Annual Audit of Dropout Report. The Commissioner shall notify the board of trustees of a school district/charter school of any objection the Commissioner has to the school’s report, any violation of student accounting practices or of a law or rule revealed by the report, or any recommendation by the Commissioner concerning the report. If the report reflects that a penal law has been violated, the Commissioner shall notify the county attorney, district attorney, or criminal district attorney, as appropriate, and the attorney general. The Commissioner is entitled to access to all school’s records the Commissioner considers necessary or appropriate for the review, analysis, or approval of a report.</p><p>3. LEAVERS</p><p>Leavers (dropouts) are those students who were enrolled in a public school, but did not return to school the following school year (or fall). The dropouts are reported using state mandated school leaver codes.</p><p>All school leaver codes include categories such as Completed High School Program; Moved to Other Educational Setting; Withdrawn by District; Other Reasons – School Related, Job Related, Family Related; and Other Reasons. The school leaver codes that define dropouts are included in these categories. </p><p>As defined in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) Data Standards (Aug. 2001), Leavers Defined as Dropouts left or withdrew from school:</p><p> o to pursue a job (leaver code 02);</p><p> o to join the military (leaver code 04);</p><p> o because of pregnancy (leaver code 08);</p><p> o to marry (leaver code 09);</p><p> o to enter college with no evidence of working toward an Associate's or Bachelor's degree (leaver code 25);</p><p> o to enroll in an alternative program, but student is not in compliance with compulsory attendance laws (leaver code 70);</p><p> o to enroll in an alternative program, is in compliance with compulsory attendance laws, but the school does not have acceptable documentation that the student is working toward the completion of a high school diploma or GED (General Educational Development) Certificate (leaver code 71);</p><p> o because the student failed exit TAAS, has not met all other graduation requirements, and has no evidence of further participation in a school or</p><p>Page 2 educational program to continue working toward the completion of a high school diploma or GED Certificate (leaver code 27);</p><p> o did not return to school after completing a JJAEP (Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program) term, and the student has not graduated or completed/received a GED (General Educational Development) Certificate (leaver code 79);</p><p> o because student was expelled but the term of the expulsion expired and the student has not returned to school (leaver code 26);</p><p> o due to alcohol or other drug abuse problems (leaver code 10);</p><p> o because of low or failing grades because of low or failing grades and over 18 years old (leaver code 76);</p><p> o because of poor attendance (leaver code 12);</p><p> o because of language problems (leaver code 13);</p><p> o because of age (leaver code 14);</p><p> o due to homelessness or non-permanent residency; or</p><p> o the reason is unknown (leaver code 99).</p><p>These leaver codes are discussed in more detail in Appendix B of this manual.</p><p>4. REPEAT LEAVERS</p><p>For accountability purposes, dropouts are counted only once and only for the year in which they first left school. However, all school leavers should be reported, even if previously reported.</p><p>A state-level dropout recovery system is applied after the school leaver data are received from districts. This system identifies students reported as dropouts who can be "recovered" through access to data not available to the districts. Through the state-level recovery process, TEA is able to identify transfers, GED recipients, previously reported dropouts back to 1990-91, and graduates not known to the district. Recovered dropouts are not included in the state dropout count used for accountability purposes.</p><p>A 203 record must be reported for all students who graduated during the prior school year, including the summer of the prior year. To graduate, students must satisfy the requirements under 19 TAC, § 74, Subchapter B. Special education students must satisfy requirements under 19 TAC, § 89.1070. For GRADUATION TYPE-CODE, report the code that represents the program with the most stringent requirements that was completed by the student. </p><p>Students who complete a GED program are not reported as graduates.</p><p>Page 3 Students who have previously completed all graduation requirements in one school year, but do not pass the exit-level TAAS until the next year, are reported as graduates in the year in which the TAAS test was passed.</p><p>5. ACCOUNTABILITY RATING SYSTEM</p><p>The Accountability Rating System is a system used to measure the performance of school districts. This rating system integrates the state’s public education information for state-level reporting. The dropout information is an essential component in the rating system.</p><p>6. OVERVIEW OF LEAVER DATA PROCESSING</p><p>PEIMS data, including leaver records, are submitted by school districts to TEA. The regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) are responsible for ensuring compliance with basic reporting requirements and schedules. Data checks of student leavers are performed at TEA as part of initial data processing. Each district receives a list of potential underreported students –those Grade 7-12 students served the previous year for whom the district has not submitted either enrollment records (for returning students) or leaver records (for graduates, dropouts, and other leavers). Districts have the opportunity to correct and resubmit their data before the resubmission deadline. The due date for the fall data submission that includes the leaver data is early December. The resubmission deadline is usually mid-January.</p><p>After TEA receives the PEIMS FINAL Fall submission data, an automated statewide search of other data files is conducted to determine if any students reported as dropouts appear elsewhere as non-dropouts. This includes students who are found enrolled in another Texas public school, students appearing on the General Educational Development (GED) information file as having received a GED certificate, students reported as graduated, and any students who have been identified as a dropout in previous school years. </p><p>To determine whether districts have accounted for all students enrolled or in attendance in Grades 7-12, TEA compares the fall enrollment and leaver records with the enrollment and attendance records submitted the previous year. Students are matched across years on student identification number (social security number or state identification number), last name, first name, and date of birth. The student identification number must match, plus any two of the other three criteria. Based on these comparisons, student records are placed in three groups:</p><p>(a) students for whom enrollment or leaver records are expected and are received;</p><p>(b) “Underreported” students for whom enrollment or leaver records are expected but are not received. If a student did not return to the school, and no leaver record was submitted, the student was placed on the school’s list of underreported students. </p><p>Page 4 (c) “Overreported” students are students for whom leaver records are received when none are expected. </p><p>The school submitted the student with an “invalid” identification number, and the record could not be matched against the roster database; or the school roster database contains an “invalid” identification number from last year, and was not corrected from the previous year, which cannot be matched against the current submitted student identification numbers.</p><p>Information on reporting of students is available on website: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/research/pdfs/9900drpt.pdf </p><p>7. DROPOUT RATE</p><p>Once the leaver reporting process is completed, TEA calculates the annual dropout rate for each campus and district with Grade 7-12 enrollment, for all students. These rates, together with Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) scores and attendance rates, serve as academic excellence indicators and are used to determine for each district and campus an accountability rating.</p><p>Only students reported with selected PEIMS leaver codes are defined as dropouts. Once all districts have made data submissions, TEA runs an automated check against other state data sources to attempt to locate reported dropouts in other educational settings. Districts and campuses are held accountable for their official dropouts, i.e., those whose records are not excluded by this process.</p><p>For example, if a reported dropout is discovered to have remained enrolled in a public school somewhere in the state, received a GED certificate, or graduated from a Texas public school, the record is excluded from the official dropout count. </p><p>TEA then determines, on a district-by-district basis, counts of returning students, overreported and underreported student records, graduates, dropouts, and other leavers. Underreported student records as percentages of reported students are also calculated.</p><p>Annual Dropout Rate Calculation</p><p>The annual dropout rate is the count of dropouts summed across all grades, 7-12, divided by the number of students summed across all grades 7-12. </p><p>It is calculated as follows: </p><p> number of students who dropped out during the school year</p><p> divided by</p><p> number of students who were in attendance at any time during the school year</p><p>Page 5</p><p>Note that a cumulative count of students is used in the denominator as well as the numerator. This method for calculating the dropout rate neutralizes the effects of mobility by including in the denominator every student who enrolled at the school throughout the school year. If the student dropped out, the student was counted as a dropout for the district last attended (as well as for the campus where the student was enrolled in that district). </p><p>Page 6 Central Administration Level Policies, Procedures and Guidelines</p><p>I. Policies</p><p>This Policies, Procedures and Guidelines manual may be updated by bringing the manual, in its entirety, to the Mission CISD Board of Trustees for final approval.</p><p>The Director for Information Systems shall assume the duties of District PEIMS Coordinator. That person for the 2001-2002 and the 2002-2003 school year is Jose M. Cavazos Jr. The phone number is 956 580-5746 and the fax number is 956 580-5582. The Director for Information Systems works in the Information Systems Department located at 1201 Bryce Dr., Mission, Texas 78572.</p><p>The Executive Director for Secondary Education is also responsible for compliance of the leaver and dropout data for all secondary campuses. That person for the 2001- 2002 and the 2002-2003 school year is Dr. Masoud Ahmadian. The location is in the Mission CISD administrative offices at 1201 Bryce Dr., Mission, Texas 78572. Dr. Ahmadian’s phone number is 956 580-5513.</p><p>A qualification of the District PEIMS Coordinator is for the person to be a professional employee from the administration office. Training requirements include Region One PEIMS training sessions in Edinburg, Texas at least twice a year and Texas Education Agency training sessions in Austin, Texas at least twice a year.</p><p>Cross training has been provided to Jorge A. Cavazos, computer programmer/analyst, in the Information Systems Department. This person will attend at least six training sessions a year, which include the above training session plus at least two Mission CISD training sessions.</p><p>Leaver documentation is audited and verified by the Director for Information Systems and the Executive Director for Secondary Education. Documentation and compliance issues are verified by the above named positions in conjunction with campus principals and campus PEIMS coordinators. A set of timelines is set at the beginning of the school year and strictly adhered to. Audits are performed on a cross section of the students who have been identified as leavers during the current school year and during the subsequent year when these leavers are considered dropouts.</p><p>The Campus PEIMS coordinator and the assigned campus PEIMS clerk or attendance clerk are responsible for all changes to student information involving leavers and dropouts. Central Office personnel will not edit codes, or add/delete students from the Vista or PEIMS databases without a signed request from the campus principal or campus PEIMS coordinator. </p><p>All campus principals shall assign a Campus PEIMS Coordinator. This person shall be an administrator from the campus. All questions and concerns shall be routed through the Campus PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>Page 7 The training method shall be the “training of trainers” method. The District PEIMS Coordinator shall provide no less than two PEIMS training session per year, usually in early September for the PEIMS Fall submission and again in May for the PEIMS Summer submission. Training updates may be given for the PEIMS Mid Year submission and the PEIMS Extended submission. It is up to the Campus PEIMS Coordinator to take all information disseminated at the training sessions to the appropriate campus and relay all information to the campus principal. </p><p>The Campus PEIMS Coordinator and Campus Principal shall be responsible for cross training data entry clerks at the campus level, where all student information is to be entered into the Vista Student Attendance Accounting System. Student level information is a campus responsibility and is not to be altered by central office administration without written consent from the campus principal or the superintendent of schools.</p><p>All reports shall be routed to the Campus PEIMS Coordinator for dissemination at the campus level. The District PEIMS Coordinator shall assist the Campus PEIMS coordinator in understanding how to interpret the reports.</p><p>Page 8 II. Procedures</p><p>1. Procedures for student leavers and student file maintenance, such as data collection, recording and reporting.</p><p>Mission Consolidated Independent School District uses the Carter Pertaine, Inc. software named VISTA. A crosswalk is performed to get student data from the Vista database to the PEIMS database. The crosswalk tables are verified and updated by the District PEIMS Coordinator at the beginning of every PEIMS submission. </p><p>Students are withdrawn from the VISTA Student Accounting System as they withdraw from school, or have been identified as no longer members of the district. All students who are determined to be school leavers are immediately recorded on the Mission CISD Withdrawal Verification Form. Leaver Reason Codes are assigned according to the PEIMS Data Standards requirements. Documentation requirements are determined according to the PEIMS Data Standards Acceptable Documentation.</p><p>Students that withdraw from school are exited from the system by entering a Withdrawal Date in Vista. As a function of the withdrawal procedure, a Withdrawal Form is generated by the computer system. All appropriate personnel at the withdrawing campus and a parent/guardian or student, if allowable sign this form. Leaver codes are assigned by a campus administrator and coded appropriately on the Mission CISD Withdrawal Verification Form and initialed by the administrator. The withdrawal form and any signed statements, etc… are attached to the Withdrawal Verification form and placed in the student’s achievement record file.</p><p>Students that have been determined to no longer be members of the district are withdrawn from campus according to Mission Consolidated Independent School District Board Policy. A Withdrawal Verification Form is completed and placed in the student’s achievement record file along with all appropriate documentation.</p><p>Reports are printed on a weekly basis and distributed to Campus Principals and Campus PEIMS Coordinators. Mission CISD utilizes a “Training of Trainers” training method. The District PEIMS Coordinator at a PEIMS Coordinator training meeting in early September, trains campus PEIMS Coordinators. The District PEIMS Coordinator then meets with the individual campuses, at specified times from September to December, to assist the Campus PEIMS Coordinators in trying to find those leavers that have been identified as possible campus dropouts that will affect the Campus AEIS rating.</p><p>2. Procedures for identifying and resolving unknown status of underreported students.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator prints reports of all students who attended a campus in grade 7 through 12 for the previous year and who have not attended a district campus in the current year. The underreported students, in the case of Mission CISD, are usually misidentified through PEIMS due to changes in the PEIMS ID or student name change. </p><p>Page 9 The crosswalk from the Vista database to the PEIMS database can be done at anytime since the Vista Student Attendance Accounting System is based on beginning and ending dates. All program enrollments have beginning and ending dates that enable crosswalk to be done at any date for the PEIMS “as of” date. This date sensitivity allows for the Vista crosswalk program to be run often and does not require the District PEIMS Coordinator or the Campus PEIMS Coordinators to add, change, or delete students from the PEIMS “as of” database. All changes that are made to the Vista student enrollments will reflect leaver and dropout coding changes that are made by the Campus PEIMS Coordinator clerks. </p><p>3. Procedures for identifying and resolving PID errors.</p><p>PID errors are identified in the PEIMS Edit+ Reporting System. PID errors are distributed to the Campus PEIMS Coordinators with instructions to obtain copies of Social Security Cards and/or copies of Birth Certificates depending on the PID code. Students who are new to the district are asked to provide a Social Security Card and Birth Certificate along with other forms of identification during the registration process.</p><p>The PEIMS Edit+ PID system is utilized to determine if the student has enrolled in another Texas school districts after withdrawing or leaving the Mission Consolidated Independent School District.</p><p>4. Procedures for editing, testing, and analysis performed by the superintendent, director or authorized person(s) used to validate the accuracy of the dropout data.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator has produced several reports that assist the Campus PEIMS Coordinators in editing, testing and analyzing the leaver and dropout data. These reports are run on a weekly basis from the second week after school begins until the final PEIMS Re-submission in January. The reports record any students that have enrolled in Mission CISD schools through the January re-submission date. </p><p>PEIMS Edit+ reports are also run from the middle of November until the January Re- submission date.</p><p>Region One ESC generates reports that show any students who have enrolled in school within the Region One ESC area. These reports are run in December after all school districts have submitted their data to the Texas Education Agency through the PEIMS Edit+ submission process.</p><p>5. Procedures for verifying the accuracy of dropout data submitted to the Education Service Center (ESC).</p><p>Dropout data is compared to previous year dropout information to determine if the rates are comparable. </p><p>A timeline report is generated at each timeline date. This report gives the campus a dropout percentage that is compared to the previous years dropout percentage rate.</p><p>Page 10 6. Procedures for PEIMS Coordinator roles and responsibilities for ensuring accurate reporting of student information.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator creates a district timeline that must be adhered to by all Mission CISD campuses. The PEIMS Coordinator conducts audits of the PEIMS leaver and dropout coding by comparing information in the Withdrawal Verification Form and the documentation provided in the student achievement record.</p><p>7. Procedures for computer system safeguards.</p><p>The information in the VISTA Student Attendance Accounting System is backed up on a nightly basis. The backup tapes are kept in a fireproof safe. The tape is a full backup of the entire system, which is capable of reproducing the entire Vista product, and its databases.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator keeps PEIMS tables up to date. These tables are updated at the beginning of each PEIMS submission and on an as-needed basis throughout the school year.</p><p>Security software is used to monitor access to the HP3000 computer system and the databases that a user wishes to access. The Vista and PEIMS databases are password protected and allows only those users who have been given access to these databases to logon to the computer system. The security software monitors the time that a user is on the system and exits anybody off of the computer when there has been no activity for over one hour. This safeguards the database from the user who walks away from their station and leaves the connection open to the HP3000 computer for one hour.</p><p>Page 11 III. Guidelines</p><p>The Texas Education Agency (TEA) publishes the PEIMS Data Standards on a yearly basis. All PEIMS coding issues are addressed in the PEIMS Data Standards. The entire book is purchased from TEA and distributed to each Campus PEIMS Coordinator, Administration Department Director and/or Coordinator for review.</p><p>Mission CISD conducts a minimum of two PEIMS Training Meetings a year. Individual training sessions at the campus are available upon request from the District PEIMS Coordinator. </p><p>Mission CISD provides data entry training sessions on a monthly basis for PEIMS clerks, attendance clerks, and special program clerks.</p><p>PEIMS related questions at the campus level are directed to the Campus PEIMS Coordinators. Campus PEIMS Coordinators direct all questions to the District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator on a timely basis will answer all coding concerns. Questions or concerns that cannot be answered will be forwarded to the Region One ESC PEIMS Coordinators of the TEA PEIMS Coordinators for a written answer.</p><p>Campus PEIMS Coordinators should look for answers to coding questions in the PEIMS Data Standards before calling the District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>Campus personnel enter all student information into the Vista database where the student is a member of that campus.</p><p>Central Office administration will assist campuses in correcting data only when a written and signed request has been turned in.</p><p>Central Office administration will be available for data entry training at any time that campus data entry clerks are in need of assistance.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator will assist finding leaver/dropouts by assisting in calling other district PEIMS coordinators in neighboring districts and forwarding all information to the Campus PEIMS Coordinators for data entry.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator may make “last minute” changes to the PEIMS database as the PEIMS deadlines for submission and resubmission near and the campus personnel cannot be located.</p><p>The District PEIMS Coordinator shall not make any deletions to the PEIMS database, for any reason, unless the campus principal, department head, or the superintendent has made a signed request.</p><p>Every Campus Principal and Department Director or Coordinator must sign a “Letter of Assurance” that the PEIMS data being sent to TEA by the campus has been closely verified for accuracy. </p><p>Page 12 The Superintendent of Schools must sign the TEA “Superintendents Letter” stating that the district has closely verified the data for accuracy.</p><p>Filling out Mission CISD Withdrawal Verification Form is as follows:</p><p>1. The current school year, student name, campus name and campus id is entered in the top portion of the form. 2. In the Demographic Information area enter the Mission local id, PEIMS ID, Date of Birth, current grade level, and a phone number from where the student can be contacted. 3. In the Withdrawal Information area, the campus administrator enters the withdrawal date, leaver reason code and the destination of the student. 4. In the Documentation area the administrator or designee will check off the forms, letters, or other documentation that can be found in the student’s academic folder. 5. The Comment area is for any other information that may be pertinent to the students leaver status. 6. The administrator filling out the form may initial or sign the bottom of the form. 7. The data entry clerk will initial or sign the bottom of the form after the data has been entered into the computer.</p><p>Documentation Guidelines:</p><p>1. The “Approved MCISD Withdrawal Form” may be used by all dropouts listed in Leaver Reason Codes, Appendix B. 2. “Copy of Transcript (if graduate)” is used for all graduate students. The copy must show the graduate seal. 3. The “Records Request Form” may be used by all Leaver Reason Codes, Appendix B that are used for the student moving to another education setting. 4. “Verification of Departure Letter” may be used by all Leaver Reason Codes, Appendix B that are assigned to a student who has left Mission CISD without following the official withdrawal process, or by students who have “dropped out” of school and the campus administrator or designee has attempted to re-enroll the student. 5. “Court Order” may be used by all Leaver Reason Codes, Appendix B that address the student being placed in another education setting due to an order by a judicial court. 6. “Placement/Expulsion Order” may be used by all Leaver Reason Codes, Appendix B that address the student begin placed in another education setting due to the school district placing or expelling the student. 7. “Death Certificate” may be used for any student who did not return to the district due to the student’s death. 8. “Other” may be used for any other documentation that is not mentioned above.</p><p>Copies of documentation may be found in Appendix A of this manual.</p><p>Page 13 MISSION HIGH SCHOOL Procedures, Policies, and Guidelines</p><p>Personnel Information</p><p>The Campus Principal from Mission High School supervises the duties of the Campus PEIMS Coordinator. That person for the 2001-2002 and the 2002-2003 school year is Janie Connelly. The phone number is (956) 580-5703 and the fax number is (956) 580- 5796. Mission High School is located at 1802 Cleo Dawson, Mission, Texas 78572.</p><p>An administrator from Mission High School assumes the duties of Campus PEIMS Coordinator. That person for the 2001-2002 and the 2002-2003 school year is Jose Luis Rios. The phone number is (956) 580-5706 and the fax number is (956) 580-5890.</p><p>A Campus PEIMS Clerk has been assigned on a part-time basis to assist the Campus PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>The Campus PEIMS Coordinator and the assigned Campus PEIMS Clerk are responsible for all changes to student information involving leavers and dropout codes.</p><p>All questions and concerns shall be routed through the Campus Principal and Campus PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>I. Procedures</p><p>1 (a) Procedures for student leavers and student file maintenance</p><p>. When a student withdraws from Mission High School, the student and/or parent will contact the designated student’s administrator.</p><p>. The Administrator will approve the withdrawal of the student and will code the reason why the student is withdrawing on the withdrawal form.</p><p>. The Administrator will make contact with the attendance office and inform the attendance clerks of such student withdrawing.</p><p>. Attendance clerks will explain procedures and process to student and inform the student that he/she will have to make contact with the different parties listed on the withdrawal form.</p><p>. Attendance clerks will collect completed withdrawal form from student and form will be filed in attendance office for documentation.</p><p>Page 14 1 (b) Procedures for data collection, recording and reporting.</p><p>. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward list of leavers to the Campus Principal and PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review list of leavers, duplicate and distribute to a committee composed of all administrators and counselors.</p><p>. Committee members (administrators and counselors) will pair up based on respective student alphabet and review list of leavers that pertain to them.</p><p>. Administrator and counselors will divide their students’ names and request student record/transcript request information from MHS Registrar.</p><p>. Administrators will review information obtained from Registrar and proceed to make phone calls to students and parents. If no contact is made, Parent and Community Liaisons make a home visit to obtain information.</p><p>. Based on information requested from registrar, administrators and counselors will code leavers. Administrators and counselors will keep coded documentation on file and forward a copy of findings to Campus PEIMS Coordinator. </p><p>. Based on information obtained from phone calls, administrators and counselors will code leavers. A request is made to students and/or parents to submit any form of documentation available that will reflect the proper coding of student (i.e., code 31-Student completed the HSEP and has not returned to school) </p><p>. Based on home visits, results by parent and/or community liaisons are used as documentation for identifying the status of the student leaver.</p><p>. Administrators and Counselors will provide Campus PEIMS Coordinator with appropriate documentation in order to accurately code student leavers.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will ensure that students are accurately coded. </p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will also generate a list of student leavers with accurate codes and submit to Campus Principal, Administrators, Counselors and District PEIMS Coordinator as reported documentation.</p><p>Page 15 2. Procedures for identifying and resolving unknown status of underreported students. </p><p>. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward to Campus PIEMS Coordinator a list of students that did not return to school.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will research and make an attempt to locate students and determine their status.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will verify with Registrar the student records/transcripts request.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will collaborate with respective Administrator and Counselor to identify and locate students.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will submit any documentation and/or information to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>3. Procedures for identifying and resolving PID errors.</p><p>. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward to Campus PEIMS Coordinator a list of students that have PID errors.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review list and identify information that needs to be corrected (i.e., State ID# or Social Security #)</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator in collaboration with PEIMS Clerk will review student cumulative folder to obtain accurate information.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will make contact with student and parent to ensure that the documentation is correct and to obtain proper documentation required to verify accuracy.</p><p>4. Procedures for editing, testing, and analysis performed by the principal, or authorized person(s) used to validate the accuracy of the dropout data.</p><p>. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward list of leavers to the Campus Principal and PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review list of leavers, duplicate and distribute to a committee composed of all administrators and counselors.</p><p>. Committee members (administrators and counselors) will pair up based on respective student alphabet and review list of leavers that pertain to them.</p><p>. Administrator and counselors will divide their students’ names and request student record/transcript request information from Mary Ramirez, MHS Registrar.</p><p>Page 16 . Administrators will review information obtained from Registrar and proceed to make phone calls to students and parents. If no contact is made, Parent and Community Liaisons make a home visit to obtain information.</p><p>. Based on information requested from registrar, administrators and counselors will code leavers. Administrators and counselors will keep coded documentation on file and forward a copy of findings to Campus PEIMS Coordinator. </p><p>. Based on information obtained from phone calls, administrators and counselors will code leavers. A request is made to students and/or parents to submit any form of documentation available that will reflect the proper coding of student (i.e. code 31-Student completed the HSEP and has not returned to school) </p><p>. Based on home visits, results by parent and/or community liaisons are used as documentation for identifying the status of the student leaver.</p><p>. Administrators and Counselors will provide Campus PEIMS Coordinator with appropriate documentation in order to accurately code student leavers.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will ensure that students are accurately coded. </p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will generate a list of student leavers with accurate codes and submit to Campus Principal, Administrators, Counselors and District PEIMS Coordinator as reported documentation.</p><p>5. Procedures for verifying the accuracy of dropout data submitted to Central Administration.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review coded data submitted by Administrators, Counselors and Parent/Community Liaisons.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will ensure that all students are coded appropriately using the Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will submit any necessary documentation to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>6. Procedures for PEIMS coordinator roles and responsibilities for ensuring accurate reporting of student information. </p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review coded data submitted by Administrators, Clerk will verify that Counselors, and Parent/Community Liaisons.</p><p>Page 17 . Campus PEIMS Coordinator will ensure that all students are coded appropriately using the Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator in collaboration with PEIMS accurate codes have been input on the District VISTA Program for reporting student information.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review information on VISTA Program – Enrollment Screen – and make any necessary updates and/or changes.</p><p>7. Procedures to correct errors or omissions that are identified in the leaver records at the Central Administration-level. </p><p>. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward to Campus Principal and Campus PEIMS Coordinator any student leaver information that needs to be corrected.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review information and refer back to documentation submitted by Administrators and Counselors.</p><p>. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will correct information and resubmit to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>8. Procedures for deleting student records for students who did not re-enroll from prior school year. [Confirmation of this process to be completed no later than September 30th of each fiscal year.]</p><p>. Students enrollment records are updated throughout the school year as necessary.</p><p>9. Procedures for computer system safeguards.</p><p>. Mission High School computer programs are password protected. All personnel have been assigned a password to have access to a computer. </p><p>Page 18 II. Campus Policies</p><p>1. All Administrators and Counselors will be included in the committee that will identify student leavers.</p><p>2. All Administrators and Counselors will team up, divide, and identify student leavers according to their designated student alphabet. </p><p>3. All Administrators and Counselors will review student records/transcript request information, make phone calls to appropriate student and/or parents, and if needed request home visits from Parent/Community Liaisons to identify student leavers. </p><p>4. All Administrators and Counselors will code student leavers based on the information obtained from student records/transcript request, phone calls and home visits using the Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Requirements.</p><p>5. All Administrators and Counselors will make copies of any type of documentation written and unwritten (i.e., student record/transcript request, phone calls, and home visits) and submit to Campus PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>6. All Administrators and Counselors will work as a team to ensure that proper identification, documentation, and coding of students is accurately submitted in a timely manner.</p><p>7. All Administrators and Counselors will follow-up on the status of their own students who are categorized under school leaver codes that are included in the calculation of the dropout rate used for accountability purposes.</p><p>8. All Administrators and Counselors will recommend to students, who are included in the calculation of the dropout rate, that other educational avenues are available (i.e., Mission Learning Center, Adult Education Program, High School Equivalency Program via UTPA).</p><p>Page 19 III. Campus Guidelines</p><p>1. Students and/or parents of students needing to withdraw will have to obtain approval from their assigned administrator.</p><p>2. Administrators will be the only authorized individuals to approve a student withdrawing from Mission High School.</p><p>3. Administrators will code student withdrawing accordingly to Leaver Reason Codes.</p><p>4. Administrators will confirm withdrawal of student with parents if the student is less than 18 years of age.</p><p>5. Administrators will file a completed copy of student withdrawal form with campus attendance office.</p><p>6. Administrators will be responsible to code students that are withdrawing from Mission High School.</p><p>Page 20 White Junior High School Procedures, Policies, and Guidelines</p><p>1(a) Procedures for student leavers and student file maintenance When a student withdraws, the parent will contact the grade level administrator.</p><p> The administrator will approve the withdrawal and will code the reason on the withdrawal form.</p><p> The administrator will inform the attendance clerk of the withdrawal. </p><p> The attendance clerk will meet with the student and send him with the withdrawal form to each of his teachers, library, nurse, counselor and grade level administrator.</p><p> Attendance clerk will collect completed form from the student and the form will be filed in the attendance office for documentation.</p><p>1(b) Procedures for data collection, recording and reporting District PEIMS coordinator will forward list of leavers to the Campus Principal and PEIMS coordinator.</p><p> Assistant Principal will work with attendance clerk, counselors, secretary, PEIMS coordinator to make phone calls to obtain information. </p><p> If no contact is made, Parental Liaison will make home visits to obtain information. Additional information will be obtained from students and staff.</p><p> Campus Principal will review list of leavers, duplicate and distribute to Assistant principals, attendance clerk and Peims Coordinator.</p><p> Based on documentation obtained, administrators will code leavers.</p><p> Campus principal will review edited list of leavers based on documentation obtained to ensure accurate coding.</p><p> Campus principal will generate a revised list of student leavers and submit this to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>2. Procedures for identifying and resolving unknown status of</p><p>Page 21 unreported students. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward to Campus Principal a list students that did not return to school.</p><p> Campus Principal will work with Campus PEIMS Coordinator to locate students and determine their status.</p><p> Campus principal will work with counselors to verify student records request.</p><p> Campus principal will work with attendance clerk and staff to identify and locate students.</p><p> Campus Principal will submit any documentation to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>3. Procedures for identifying and resolving PID errors. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward to Campus Principal a list of students that have PID errors.</p><p> Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review list and identify information that needs to be corrected.</p><p> Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review student cumulative folder to obtain accurate information.</p><p> Campus PEIMS Coordinator will make contact with student and parent to ensure that the documentation is correct.</p><p>4. Procedures for editing, testing, and analysis by the principal or authorized person(s) used to validate the accuracy of the dropout data. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward list of leavers to the Campus Principal.</p><p> Assistant Principal will work with attendance clerk, counselors, secretary, peims coordinator to make phone calls to obtain information. </p><p> If no contact is made, Parental Liaison will make home visits to obtain information. Additional information will be obtained from students and staff.</p><p> Campus Principal will review list of leavers, duplicate and distribute to Assistant principals, attendance clerk and Peims Coordinator.</p><p> Based on documentation obtained, administrators will code leavers.</p><p> Campus principal will review edited list of leavers based on documentation obtained to ensure accurate coding.</p><p>Page 22 Campus principal will generate a revised list of student leavers and submit this to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>5. Procedures for verifying the accuracy of dropout data submitted to Central administration. Campus principal will review data submitted by attendance clerk, counselors and administrators .</p><p> Campus Principal will ensure that students are coded appropriately using the leaver reason codes and documentation requirements.</p><p>6. Procedures for PEIMS Coordinator roles and responsibilities for ensuring accurate reporting of student information. Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review coded data submitted by administrators, counselors, and Parent/Community liaisons.</p><p> Campus PEIMS Coordinator will ensure that all students are coded appropriately using the Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation requirements.</p><p> Campus PEIMS Coordinator in collaboration with the Attendance Clerk will verify that accurate codes have been imputed on the District VISTA Program for reporting student information.</p><p> Campus PEIMS Coordinator will review information on VISTA program enrollment screen and make any necessary updates and/or changes.</p><p>7. Procedures to correct errors or omissions that are identified in the leaver records at the Central Administration level. District PEIMS Coordinator will forward to Campus Principal any student leaver information that needs to be corrected.</p><p> Campus Principal will review information and refer back to documentation submitted by attendance clerk, parental liaison, and Campus PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p> Campus Principal will make necessary corrections based on documentation submitted to him and resubmit to District PEIMS Coordinator.</p><p>8. Procedures for deleting student records for students who din not re- enroll from prior school year. (Confirmation of this process to be completed no later than September 30th of each year). Counselors will update student enrollment records throughout the year as necessary.</p><p>Page 23 9. Procedures for computer system safeguards. Attendance Clerk has her own office and keeps it locked when not present.</p><p> Attendance clerk computer has password assessable only to her.</p><p>CAMPUS PRINCIPAL</p><p>Pete Garcia 580-5690</p><p>CAMPUS PEIMS COORDINATOR</p><p>Rosario Munoz 580-5690</p><p>Page 24</p>
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