<p> ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES</p><p>The following Guidelines are presented as construction standards for leaseholders building or remodeling a home at Salishan. These have been prepared by the Architectural Committee which, under Section 29 of the Uniform Lease, is empowered by the Board of Directors of Salishan Leaseholders, Inc. to review and approve all building plans to assure conformance with the terms of the Uniform Lease. It is the function of the committee to carry out the original intent of Salishan as described on page one of the Uniform Lease. “...... Salishan, Inc. wishes to develop Salishan into a fine community of a distinctive character suitable for family living. At the same time it wishes to maintain, insofar as possible, the natural character of this scenic land and to require that all manmade structures blend into the natural background rather than stand out against it.”</p><p>PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY- CONSCIENTIOUS ATTENTION TO THESE GUIDELINES WILL EXPEDITE APPROVAL OF HOUSE PLANS AND AVOID POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL COSTS AND MISUNDERSTANDING</p><p>SECTION A ; PROCEDURES FOR BUILDING AND REMODELING</p><p>1. The procedure outline for a leaseholder to obtain Architectural Committee Approvals is as follows:</p><p> a. Retain an Architect or Designer b. Arrange for a pre-design conference c. Obtain a topographical survey of the site prepared by a Surveyor registered in Oregon. d. Obtain necessary County approval for Septic System if required and V- Zone Requirements if on the beach front. e. Prepare concept drawings and submit to Committee for review. f. Present Preliminary Plan Presentation along with a study model built to scale accurately showing the grading of the site and the massing of the proposed house and adjacent structures and receive written approval to proceed to next step. In the case of a remodel, a study model may be required before approval is given. g. Present Final Plans for approval. h. Obtain a County Building Permit. i. Obtain a Salishan Building Permit. j. Leaseholders must obtain approval to remove or trim trees, landscape (removal or planting of vegetation), paint or otherwise change the external appearance of their lot or dwelling.</p><p>2. It is recommended that a highly competent architect or designer be retained by the leaseholder to assure compliance with all requirements of the Guidelines. Upon request a list of architects and designers familiar with the Salishan area will be provided.</p><p>3. It is MANDATORY that the owner along with his architect-designer arrange for an on-site pre-design conference with the SLI Manager. 1 4. Following the pre-design conference a leaseholder is to present concept drawings to the Architectural Committee prior to Preliminary Plan preparation. Drawings should show four elevations, location of the structure on the homesite and a front elevation showing adjacent properties and structures.</p><p>5. In formulating plans for building or remodeling, special care must be taken to address: (a) the adaptation of the improvement to the type of terrain upon which it will be located. (b) the location and retention of natural foliage and trees. (c) the adequate setbacks from lot boundaries. (d) that homes be located and of such mass and height as is to be compatible with adjacent homes. (e) that views will be safeguarded to the extent reasonable possible. (f) that garages and carports be attached to homes except when prevented by topography. The Committee encourages architectural design attention for all exterior building elevations of structures. It encourages the use of natural and indigenous materials that are selected from the immediate area and for elevated structures, encourages enclosure of the underneath side of the building. The Committee discourages designs that propose ‘blank’ walls facing existing or adjoining lots and that impose new mass and scale on neighboring lots, that obstruct view corridors and that are visually and functionally incompatible with adjoining development.</p><p>6. Setbacks are not detailed in the legal restrictions except on a few oceanfront lots because of the great variety of topography. Buildings and elevated decks (over 18 inches above the ground) should be no closer than ten (10) feet to property lines. The Committee will determine the setback for each lot.</p><p>7. No minimum square footage, roof area or cost has been established in the restrictions. Rather than fix arbitrary standards, size will be reviewed by the Committee. The important thing will be the compatibility of the home or remodeling to its site and to its neighbors. </p><p>8. Homes shall have their exteriors made from materials indigenous to the Northwest such as natural wood shingles, shakes and siding or stone submitted for Committee approval. Roofing shall be of natural shakes or shingles or products that simulate natural shakes and shingles.. Leaseholders are encouraged to use fire resistant materials. The Committee may consider high profile raised asphalt shingles. Substitute roofing materials may require a roof structure that would handle additional weight. Exposed roll roofing, plastic or V-crimp or corrugated metal roofs may not be used on any structure. No asphalted covering shall be used as finished exterior siding. All windows and doors shall be subject to color approval. The use of white or almond colored windows and doors are NOT acceptable. All exposed sheet metal and plastics shall be painted - except copper and in some circumstances stainless steel. From time to time additional building materials may be approved by the Architectural Committee.</p><p>9. Skylights must be the flat style. No domed shaped skylights allowed.</p><p>10. Exterior lighting, including beach lights, shall be screened or shielded so that direct light is not visible from a street or from the dwelling of any Salishan tenant. A sample or picture of all exterior lighting fixtures must be submitted to the Committee for approval. 2 11. The use of natural hue wood stains is recommended. Refer to the Committee for acceptable colors.</p><p>(e) Due to prevalent cold NW winds in the summer time, it is strongly recommended that decks, to be usable in summer, be placed on the south side. Design should be adequate for high wind loads.</p><p>13. House plans must provide for the screening of garbage cans, clotheslines and trash areas from view from adjacent property, golf links and roads.</p><p>All decisions of the Architectural Committee as to plan approval and the interpretation of these standards are final. Upon the written request of a leaseholder, the Board of Directors of Salishan Leaseholders, Inc. may review any decision or interpretation and may, with its authority, refer the matter back to the Architectural Committee for reconsideration.</p><p>SECTION B - PRELIMINARY PLAN PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS..</p><p>1. The site must have:</p><p>(a) A stakeout of the house on the site with the use of twine between stakes to show the outline. Ground level decks are to be excluded. (b) The maximum roof height designated by placement of a ridgepole. Placement of the ridgepole will be at the spot where the roof reaches its highest point. (c) The main floor elevation must be clearly designated on the ridgepole and must be based on the datum point. (d) All property corner stakes shall be flagged by a surveyor.</p><p>2. The plans must be 1/8 or 1/4 scale and contain: (a) An accurate survey and site plan showing an established datum point, contours (both existing and final), major trees and vegetation to be removed, driveway access (show edge of road), location of house, garage, retaining walls and walkways. Site plan must show ground floor and ridge elevations of adjacent structures and distance of proposed building from the property lines. Survey and site plan must be prepared and stamped by a registered surveyor. (b) Show sewer hookup location or septic tank and drainfield location. Reference approvals, permits or in place septic system acceptance. (c) Show location of building with two diagonal distances from the datum point to two building corners to allow for building location verification by using direct measurement. (d) General floor plan and four elevations showing existing and final grades. One elevation or section must contain all floor elevations and maximum ridge height based on the established datum point.</p><p>(e) A front elevation (street side) showing adjacent structures in context with grade elevations. A study model built to scale and including adjacent structures and existing and proposed grading. (f) Type of siding material, type of roof, type of windows, exterior color, trim color and chimney finish. (g) All proposed exterior lighting must be shown and must be screened. 3 (h) All existing and final grading schemes must be shown. (i) All off street parking proposals must be shown. Length of driveway must be a minimum of twenty feet. (j) A landscape plan is required showing changes of grades, any retaining walls that are anticipated and any major removal of vegetation.</p><p>3. Plan submittal: The preliminary plans must be submitted to the SLI office at lease fourteen (14) days prior to the monthly Architectural Committee meeting which is held on the second Saturday of every month. The Architectural Committee will not review incomplete preliminary plan presentations. The SLI Manager has been instructed to refuse any plan presentation that fails to comply with all of the requirements.</p><p>4. Building Permit Fee: One-fifth (1/5) of the building permit fee must be paid when preliminary house plans are submitted for review and shall not be refunded should the leaseholder choose not to build.</p><p>5. Plan Approval Time Limit: All plans become void one (1) year after Committee approval of preliminary plans. The ridgepole must be removed within 30 days after preliminary plan approval.</p><p>SECTION C - FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1. Final working drawings must be submitted to the SLI office fourteen (14) days prior to the monthly Architectural Committee meeting. Plans must be identical to the ones to be used by the contractor to construct the home.</p><p>2. Plans must be in conformity with the current Lincoln County Uniform Building Code.</p><p>3. A Salishan Building Permit is required prior to construction. An approved copy of the Lincoln County Building permit application must be submitted with the application for the Salishan Building Permit. (Salishan application and Construction Guidelines are available at the SLI office.)</p><p>4. A final Landscape Plan is required including a materials list of plantings.</p><p>SECTION D - ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED Once a home is built in Salishan it is anticipated that some exterior modifications will take place from time to time. Please keep in mind that all exterior improvement must be approved by the Architectural Committee. This includes structural additions, repainting, tree trimming and tree removal, all removal or painting of foliage and all exterior light fixtures.</p><p>EXTRACTS FROM THE UNIFORM LEASE</p><p>W I T N E S S E T H</p><p>Salishan, Inc. is the owner of an unspoiled wooded wilderness lying between the Pacific Ocean and Siletz Bay in Lincoln County, Oregon, known as Salishan. Salishan, Inc. wishes to develop Salishan into a fine community of a distinctive character suitable for family living. At the </p><p>4 same time it wishes to maintain, insofar as possible, the natural character of this scenic land and to require that all manmade structures blend into the natural background rather than stand out against it.</p><p>Section 30. Approval of plans by architectural committee.</p><p>30.1 Salishan, Inc. recognizes that there can be an infinite number of artistic conceptions and ideas for the development of homesites consistent with its plan for Salishan. Salishan, Inc. wishes to encourage the formulation of such conceptions and ideas. Nevertheless, for the protection of all Salishan tenants, Salishan, Inc. wishes through the architectural committee, to make certain that any development of a homesite will be consistent with its plan for Salishan. The architectural committee has prepared an architectural check list setting forth general concepts for the development of Salishan which is available at the office of Salishan, Inc. Such check list may be modified from time to time.</p><p>30.2 Lessees will not construct, alter or maintain any improvement on the leased premises until: (a) The Lessees have submitted to the architectural committee two complete sets of plans and specifications therefor in form satisfactory to the architectural committee, showing insofar as is appropriate (i) the size and dimensions of the improvement, (ii) the exterior design, (iii) the exterior color scheme, (iv) the exact location of the improvement on the homesite, (v) the location of driveways and parking areas, (vi) the scheme for drainage and grading, and (vii) the landscaping arrangement: and</p><p>(b) Such plans and specifications have been approved in writing by the architectural committee and a copy of such plans and specifications as finally approved deposited for permanent record with the committee.</p><p>Approval of said plans and specifications may be withheld, not only because of their noncompliance with any of the restrictions and conditions contained in this lease, but also because of the reasonable dissatisfaction of the architectural committee with the grading and drainage plan, the location of the structure on the homesite, the color scheme, the finish, design, proportions, shape, height, style, or appropriateness of the proposed improvement or alteration, the material used therein, the kind, shape, or type of roof proposed to be placed thereon or because of its reasonable dissatisfaction with any matters or things which, in the reasonable judgement of the architectural committee, would render the proposed improvement inharmonious or out of keeping with Salishan, Inc.’s objectives or the improvements erected on other homesites in the immediate vicinity of the leased premises.</p><p>30.3 In the event that Lessees shall wish to change the exterior color scheme of any improvement they shall submit to the architectural committee such information with respect to their proposed change as the architectural committee shall require and shall make such change only after approval in writing has been obtained from such committee.</p><p>Section 31. Care and appearance of premises.</p><p>Lessees shall maintain the improvements on the leased premises and the grounds of such premises in a neat and attractive manner, and in particular shall keep the grass and weeds cut, the shrubbery pruned and dead trees, shrubbery and plants removed. Lessees shall keep the exterior of improvements on the leased premises in a good state of repair and appearance. 5 Section 32. Uses permitted and prohibited.</p><p>32.1 Lessees shall use the leased premises solely for residental purposes, and no building, other than a single family dwelling house and appurtenant outbuildings, including garages for private use, shall be constructed or maintained on the leased premises. Outbuildings may include a guest house and servants’ quarters, but no outbuildings shall be used by persons other than immediate family, servants, or guests of the Lessees.</p><p>32.2 Temporary structures shall be permitted on the leased premises during the period of construction of a dwelling house if approved by the architectural committee, but such temporary structure shall be removed within 30 days after completion of said dwelling house or within six months after the date said temporary structure was erected, whichever period expires first.</p><p>32.6 No garbage, refuse, rubbish or cuttings shall be deposited upon or left on the leased premises unless placed in an attractive container suitably located and screened from public view.</p><p>32.7 No clothesline shall be located on the leased premises so as to be visible from a private way, dwelling house on another homesite, from public areas in Salishan or from the golf course.</p><p>32.8 Lessees shall at no time maintain any sign or other advertising device of any character upon the leased premises, except that they may maintain one sign, not larger than 400 square inches, advertising the property for rent or this lease for sale.</p><p>32.9 No fuel tank shall be maintained above ground on the leased premises unless screened from view in a manner satisfactory to the architectural committee.</p><p>32.10 Except with the permission of the architectural committee or except as may be necessary in connection with the construction of an improvement no excavation shall be made on the leased premises nor shall any dirt be removed therefrom.</p><p>32.11 Except with the approval of the architectural committee the natural drainage on the leased premises shall not be changed.</p><p>32.12 Except with the approval of Salishan, Inc. no person shall reside upon the leased premises until such time as the improvements to be erected thereon in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the architectural committee have been completed.</p><p>32.13 Lessees shall not permit the exterior of any improvement to be constructed on the leased premises to remain incomplete for a period longer than one year from the date upon which construction of the improvement was commenced unless they have first obtained permission in writing of Salishan, Inc.</p><p>32.14 The Lessees shall neither install nor maintain exterior lighting of any sort which is visible from a street or from the dwelling house of any Salishan tenant without first obtaining the permission of the architectural committee.</p><p>6 32.15 The Lessees shall not maintain any power, telephone or other utility wires or conduit serving the leased premises above ground without first obtaining the approval of the architectural committee.</p><p>Section 33. View.</p><p>It is important that Lessees shall restrict the height of improvements on the leased premises and the height of trees and vegetation growing thereon to the end that the view of other Salishan tenants shall be preserved to the greatest extent reasonably possible. Limitation as to the height of improvements will be accomplished through the provisions contained in Section 30. The architectural committee shall have the responsibility for determing whether trees or other vegetation on the leased premises unreasonably interfere with the view of other Salishan tenants. In any case in which the architectural committee shall determine that there is such interference it shall send a notice in writing to the Lessees, which notice shall set forth the extent to which the trees or other vegetation shall be pruned or removed. If within 30 days after receipt of such notice the Lessees have not caused trees or other vegetation to be pruned or removed to the extent required by the architectural committee, Salishan, Inc., at its expense, may do such work, provided that Salishan, Inc., if it desires, may charge the cost of such work to the Salishan tenant who has requested the pruning or removal of such trees or other vegetation.</p><p>Section 34. Landscaping.</p><p>34.1 It is the desire of Salishan, Inc. to preserve the natural vegetation of Salishan to the greatest extent possible and to preclude the planting of trees, shrubs, lawns, and other vegetation thereon not indigenous to Salishan.</p><p>34.2 The Lessees shall neither remove from the leased premises any tree, shrub, or other vegetation, nor shall they plant any new tree, shrub or other vegetation, without having first obtained the permission in writing of one member of the architectural committee.</p><p>SEPTEMBER 2007 SCHEDULE A</p><p>MEMBERS OF ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE</p><p>THOMAS WHITTAKER (CHAIRMAN) 12140 SW Riverview Lane Wilsonville, OR 97070 Phone 503-228-7571 (B)</p><p>STEVE BEMIS P.O. Box 336 Gleneden Beach, OR 97388 Phone 764-3302 7 BEVERLY COOK P.O. Box 2488 Vancouver, WA 98668 Phone 764-2625 541-921-7847</p><p>PAULA MAC ALPINE P.O. Box 515 Gleneden Beach, OR 97388 Phone 764-3515</p><p>GEARY TRIPLETT P.O. Box 441 Gleneden Beach, OR 97388 Phone 764-5024</p><p>BARBARA ANDERSON-LOWER (BOARD REPRESENTATIVE) P.O. Box 326 Gleneden Beach, OR 97388 Phone 764-5719</p><p>8</p>
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