<p>Dear parents, participants and members </p><p>We hope that you are enjoying the summer weather. Looking ahead we would like to take this opportunity to update you on the Tennis Coaching Programmes at the Club from September 2015</p><p>As you know John Carver is retiring on 31 August 2015 after running the tennis coaching programme at the Club for the past 14 years and from September 2015 the Club is taking the full junior and adult coaching programmes in-house and will be managing all coaching </p><p>This will include: Processing all payments Liaising with all players and parents about the various coaching options including age groups and standards available Sub-contracting fully qualified and suitable coaches Providing information about regular junior and adult tournaments and box-leagues and much more</p><p>Toby Huddlestone has been appointed as Tennis Coaching Coordinator and he will primarily be responsible for the smooth running of the junior and adult term time programmes plus the kids camps which will begin in the Easter holiday 2016. Toby has been with us coaching at the Club since January 2015 so some of you may already know him</p><p>The Junior and Adult Coaching Programmes will be delivered by a professional coaching team consisting of: Scott Dobson level 4. Scott has been coaching for many years and has a very successful track record at all levels particularly at mini-red tennis level Toby Huddlestone level 3. Toby has been coaching for a year and has recently qualified as a level 3 coach. He is keen to help the club drive the coaching programme forward Matt Cartwright level 3. Matt will be joining the coaching team following three years of successful coaching at the Oxtalls Tennis Centre in Gloucester and is keen to introduce Cardio Tennis All coaches will be licensed with the LTA and have the required qualifications necessary to coach tennis safely, including a live DBS and First aid certificates and have attended LTA safe-guarding training</p><p>The club will be offering a full Junior Coaching Programme from Monday 7 September 2015 and the intention is to keep as much as possible to the same coaching groups run by John Carver and Scott Dobson in terms of days and times with a few inevitable adjustments depending on final numbers</p><p>For new players or a parent wanting to sign up a new players there will also be free weekly assessment session on Saturday mornings from10am-11am with one of our coaches to enable them to advise which sessions would be appropriate as well as talking through the different options The major proposed changes are to: Implement a coaching philosophy that we expect all coaches, players and parents to adhere to. This will guarantee that the coaching delivered at the Club will be of the highest possible standard and professionally delivered ensuring that participants improve, enjoy and succeed through being involved in training and competing, whilst having fun and making friends along the way </p><p> Introduce a termly squad coaching technical skills programme that all coaches adhere to, so that all players are focusing on the same thing each week, irrespective of their ability and age</p><p> Start an autumn indoor tots session in the week for players aged between 3-5 years, so they can learn the basics of tennis in a warm, safe and enjoyable environment</p><p> Continue and develop adult groups of varying standards throughout the year including Cardio Tennis</p><p> Provide a comprehensive Coaching Policy covering: o Membership requirements for adults and children o Wet weather or snow arrangements for adults and children o Illness or injury o Payment & late payment o Cancellation Please see the attached Coaching Policy for full details</p><p>Coaching Price Rise</p><p>The coaching prices have had to increase due to club and coaching staff costs to ensure higher staff to pupil ratios. This will in turn increase the amount of coach to player time</p><p>Membership</p><p>Children do not need to be a member to join any of our coaching groups. However, non-members will pay a £1 surcharge per coaching session and it may be in your interest to consider joining your child as a member. The cost of junior membership is: U8 @ £10 per annum </p><p> U11 @ £39 per annum (or £13 per term)</p><p> U18 @ £52 per annum (or £17.50 per term)</p><p>The junior membership not only saves money on coaching fees but allows children to book courts within the junior playing times to play with friends and practice their skills. The added bonus is that parents can play with their children and use the club facilities free of charge. (Excludes the Gym, Fitness Studio and Sauna) Please see below for the Autumn Term 2015 junior coaching schedule: COST COST COST COST No in DAY AGE GROUP COACH TIME Member Non Member Non group per member Autumn member and no session per term Autumn of session 14 weeks term courts 14 weeks MON 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 10 - 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 1 sq 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 11am - 12pm £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 1 sq U14 Performance TH 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 U14 Performance TH 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 2 5 - 8 Red SD 4.30 - 6pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 8 / 1 U14 Performance MC 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 2 U14 Development MC 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 Development U12 Girls TH 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 TUE U9 Development SD 4.30 - 6pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 9 / 2 S U16/18 Orange TH 5 - 6.30pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 12 / 3 U10 performance SD 6 – 8pm £11 £13 £154 £182 9 / 2 Performance Green Performance U16 Development MC 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 WED U18 Development MC 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 U14/16 Performance SD 4 - 6pm £11 £13 £154 £182 12 / 3 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 10-11am £5 £6 £70 £84 8 / 1 sq THU 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 11am - 12pm £5 £6 £70 £84 8 / 1 sq R U10 Green TH 4 – 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 5 - 8 Development SD 4 – 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 16 / 1 U16 Red SD 5 – 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 2 U16 Development TH 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 2 U16 Development TH 6 - 7pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 U18 Development TH 7 – 8pm £6 £7 £84 £98 6 / 3 Performance Performance FRI U8 Red SD 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 6 / 1 U14 Performance SD 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 U9 Performance TH 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 6 / 2 U18 Orange TH 5 - 6.30pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 8 / 2 Performance </p><p>5 – 8 Red TH 9 - 10am £6 £7 £84 £98 16 / 1 SAT U9 Orange MC 9 - 10am £6 £7 £84 £98 16 / 2 3 - 6 Tots + Red Dev SD 9 - 10am £3.50 £3.50 Drop In Drop In 24 / 2 Any Assessment TH 10 - 11am - - - - 8 / 1 U10 Hour SD 10 – 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 20 / 4 U14 Green MC 10 – 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 U18 Development TH 10 – 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 2 U18 Girls MC 11 – 12am £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 Development Development SAT U16/18 Performance TH 1 - 2.30pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 8 / 2 5 - 8 Red MC 9 - 10am £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 1 SUN U10 Development MC 10 - 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 12 / 3 U16 Green MC 11 – 12pm £6 £7 £84 £98 8 / 2 Development Mixed Group JUNIOR TENNIS COACHING SCHEDULE – AUTUMN TERM 2015</p><p>*ASSESSMENT HOUR is a free drop-in session on Saturdays from 10-11am to assess your standard, suggest a group and explain the coaching programme at BLTSC</p><p>Coach Code: </p><p> TH – Toby Huddlestone SD – Scott Dobson MC – Matt Cartwright</p><p>Toby Huddlestone and Matt Cartwright are taking over John Carver’s coaching groups Coaching Course Discount If any junior player books and attends more than one weekly coaching session they are entitled to a discount as follows: First session @ full price Subsequent weekly sessions @ £1 discount per weekly hourly session * Please see price list for discounts * Please note that no discount will be given for 1.5 hourly sessions * Please note that only termly block bookings are accepted For further information concerning the junior coaching programme and individual coaching requirements please contact: Reception on: 0117 9731139 or Toby Huddlestone on: 07813728674 between 10am and 6pm</p><p>Toby aims to be in contact (in approximately one week's time) with all the parents & players from John Carver's programme to advise on which groups will remain the same, or if there has been a change of day or time and any suggestions he has for other suitable groups</p><p>If you would like to sign up your child for any of the courses please complete the attached application and medical form and return to reception</p><p>We will accept payment either by cheque (payable to BLTSC) or by BACS by Friday 28 August 2015 </p><p>If you wish to pay by BACS lease pay the appropriate fee to:</p><p>Awards For all Account RBS Bank Sort code: 16-14-28 Account No: 10131771</p><p>Please ensure that you put your child’s name / reference on the BACS payment transaction </p><p>Thank you for taking the time to read this information, and we look forward to welcoming you and your children to the coaching programme on Monday 7 September 2015</p><p>Kind Regards</p><p>Elfriede Seath Operations Director BLTSC JUNIOR TENNIS COACHING APPLICATION FORM Child’s Name: ______</p><p>I wish my child to participate in the following Coaching Course(s): Please tick</p><p>DAY AGE GROUP COACH TIME COST COST COST COST Please Member Non Member Non Tick per member Autumn member Course session per term Autumn session 14 term weeks 14 weeks MON 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 10 - 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 11am - 12pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U14 Performance TH 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U14 Performance TH 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 5 - 8 Red Performance SD 4.30 - 6pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 U14 Development MC 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U14 Development MC 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U12 Girls Development TH 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 TUES U9 Orange performance SD 4.30 - 6pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 U16/18 Performance TH 5 - 6.30pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 U10 Green Performance SD 6 – 8pm £11 £13 £154 £182</p><p>U16 Development MC 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 WED U18 Development MC 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U14/16 Performance SD 4 - 6pm £11 £13 £154 £182 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 10-11am £5 £6 £70 £84 THUR 3 - 5 Tots indoor TH 11am - 12pm £5 £6 £70 £84 U10 Green Development TH 4 – 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 5 - 8 Red Development SD 4 – 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U16 Development SD 5 – 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U16 Development TH 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U16 Performance TH 6 - 7pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U18 Performance TH 7 – 8pm £6 £7 £84 £98 FRI U8 Red Performance SD 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U14 Performance SD 5 - 6pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U9 Orange TH 4 - 5pm £6 £7 £84 £98 U18 Performance TH 5 - 6.30pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147</p><p>5 – 8 Red TH 9 - 10am £6 £7 £84 £98 SAT U9 Orange MC 9 - 10am £6 £7 £84 £98 3 - 6 Tots + Red Dev SD 9 - 10am £3.50 £3.50 Drop In Drop In Any Assessment Hour TH 10 - 11am - - - - U10 Green SD 10 – 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 U14 Development MC 10 – 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 U18 Girls Development TH 10 – 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 U18 Development MC 11 – 12am £6 £7 £84 £98</p><p>SAT U16/18 Performance TH 1 - 2.30pm £9 £10.50 £126 £147 5 - 8 Red Development MC 9 - 10am £6 £7 £84 £98 SUN U10 Green Development MC 10 - 11am £6 £7 £84 £98 U16 Mixed Group MC 11 – 12pm £6 £7 £84 £98</p><p>I would like to pay for the following Coaching Course(s) / termly or annual Membership: (Please tick appropriate box) Please note that only termly block bookings are accepted. Please see the Club Coaching Policy for full terms and conditions</p><p>Member fee: Non-member fee Termly M/ship Fee Annual M/ship Fee</p><p>(Membership Fees: U8 @ £10 / U11 @ £39 or £13 per term / U18 @ £52 or £17.50 per term) I enclose a cheque for £ ______payable to BLTSC OR I have paid £ ______by BACS Ref: ______</p><p>RBS Bank Sort code: 16-14-28 Account No: 10131771 * Please ensure that you put your child’s name / reference on the BACS payment transaction </p><p>Signed: ______(Parent/Guardian)</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>BLTSC Medical and Coaching Database form (Please print in capital letters) Child’s Name: ______</p><p>Home Address: ______</p><p>______Post Code: ______</p><p>Tel: No: (H) ______(M) ______</p><p>Parent /Guardian’s Name: ______</p><p>Contact Name and number in case of emergency: ______</p><p>Date of birth: ______Age: ______</p><p>School: ______School Year: ______</p><p>Child’s Doctor: ______Tel No: ______</p><p>Is the child a BLTSC member? Yes No </p><p>Does your child have any special needs that you feel we should know about? E.g. Asthma, Allergies or other Health problems. Please state below: ______</p><p>Child’s Email address: ______Parent/Guardian’s Email address: ______Signed: ______Date: ______</p><p>PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO RECEPTION The information provided will be used by BLTSC as part of a database for further coaching but will not be shared without permission</p>
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