Additional File 1: Mo Del Calculation for PW-Host

Additional File 1: Mo Del Calculation for PW-Host

<p> 1 Additional file 1: Model calculation for PW-host</p><p>2 Every calculus below is made for an equine from species i imported from an area j to the free area k the </p><p>3 month m. All the parameters used are detailed in the Additional file 2.</p><p>4</p><p>5 The probability of introduction for PW-host is the probability to import at least one infected host able to </p><p>6 transmit the infection to at least one local host and is defined as: </p><p>7</p><p>8 Where , the probability of release, depends of the importation procedure implemented and the periods </p><p>9 where a host is infected and, the probability of establishment, is defined as: </p><p>10 </p><p>11 with culikm the number of vectors feeding on an infected viraemic imported host equals at BRkm x Vir x Ckm</p><p>12</p><p>13 For each category of exporting region, there is different import procedure implemented and thus </p><p>14 different periods z where a host can be infected. For a given region j, there is a total of w different time </p><p>15 periods z where the equine can be infected depending on the import procedure implemented for the </p><p>16 region j. The different periods z for each region j are presented below:</p><p>17 - High risk countries: host can be infected 1) Before quarantine, 2) During quarantine but before </p><p>18 the first serological test CF1, 3) During quarantine but between the both serological tests CF1 and </p><p>19 CF2, 4) During quarantine but after CF2 and before clinical exam, or 5) After clinical exam.</p><p>20 - Low risk countries:</p><p>21 o Non EU country member: host can be infected 1) Before quarantine, 2) During </p><p>22 quarantine but before CF1, 3) During quarantine but between CF1 and CF2, 4) During </p><p>23 quarantine but after CF2 and before clinical exam, or 5) After clinical exam.</p><p>24 o EU country member: host can be infected 1) Before clinical exam, or 2) After clinical </p><p>25 exam.</p><p>1 26 - Very low risk countries:</p><p>27 o Non EU country member: host can be infected 1) Before clinical exam, or 2) After clinical </p><p>28 exam.</p><p>29 o EU country member: host can be infected 1) Before clinical exam, or 2) After clinical </p><p>30 exam.</p><p>31</p><p>32 The probability of release by species i from region j to area k during a specific month m ( is thus calculated</p><p>33 as: </p><p>34 Where is the probability of release when the animal i is infected during the time period z.</p><p>35 P(relAijkmz) is calculated for each period z as:</p><p>36</p><p>37</p><p>38 1. Probability for a host to be infected during period z in the month m in area j </p><p>39</p><p>40 The probability of infection during a certain period z (before or during the import procedure) depends on </p><p>41 the fraction of this period z spend in each of the months m, m-1 and m-2.</p><p>42</p><p>43 a. No quarantine and CF test are required</p><p>44 Entire period of being at risk of infection is the high risk period (HRP). </p><p>45</p><p>46  Probability that the imported host is infected before clin </p><p>47 If HRP < e</p><p>48</p><p>49</p><p>50 If HRP > e</p><p>51 If HRP < 30 + e</p><p>2 52</p><p>53</p><p>54 If HRP > 30 + e</p><p>55</p><p>56</p><p>57  Probability that the imported host is infected after clin </p><p>58</p><p>59</p><p>60 b. Quarantine and CF tests required</p><p>61</p><p>62  Probability that the imported host is infected before q </p><p>63 If q – e < 30</p><p>64</p><p>65</p><p>66</p><p>67 If q – e > 30</p><p>68</p><p>69</p><p>70  Probability that the imported host is infected between q and cf1 </p><p>71 If e – cf1 < 0</p><p>72 If q > 30 + e</p><p>73</p><p>3 74 If q < 30 + e</p><p>75</p><p>76 if e – cf1 > 0</p><p>77 if q > 30 + e</p><p>78</p><p>79</p><p>80 if q < 30 + e</p><p>81</p><p>82</p><p>83  Probability that the imported host is infected between cf1 and cf2 </p><p>84 If e < cf2</p><p>85</p><p>86</p><p>87 If e > cf2</p><p>88 if cf1 > 30 + e</p><p>89</p><p>90</p><p>91 if cf1 < 30 + e</p><p>92</p><p>93</p><p>94  Probability that the imported host is infected after cf2 </p><p>95 If e < cf2 </p><p>96</p><p>97 If e > cf2</p><p>98</p><p>99</p><p>4 100</p><p>101 2. Probability for a host to be vireamic or incubating when imported to area B given being infected</p><p>102</p><p>103 Calculation is based on a constant viraemic and latent period, which is equal for each equine of species i. </p><p>104</p><p>105 a. No quarantine and CF test are required</p><p>106  When infected before clin </p><p>107 If In + Vir < tAB + clin</p><p>108 = 0</p><p>109</p><p>110 If In + Vir > HRP + tAB + clin</p><p>111 = 1</p><p>112</p><p>113 If In + Vir < HRP + tAB + clin</p><p>114</p><p>115</p><p>116  When infected after clin </p><p>117 If In > tAB + clin</p><p>118 = 1</p><p>119</p><p>120 If In < tAB + clin</p><p>121 If In + Vir > tAB + clin</p><p>122 = 1</p><p>123</p><p>124 If In + Vir < tAB + clin</p><p>125</p><p>5 126 b. Quarantine and CF tests required</p><p>127  When infected before q </p><p>128 If In + Vir > Inftime + q + tAB</p><p>129 = 1</p><p>130</p><p>131 If In + Vir < q + tAB</p><p>132 = 0</p><p>133</p><p>134 If In + Vir < Inftime + q + tAB</p><p>135</p><p>136</p><p>137  When infected between q and cf1 </p><p>138 If In + Vir > q + tAB</p><p>139 = 1</p><p>140</p><p>141 If In + Vir < cf1 + tAB</p><p>142 = 0</p><p>143</p><p>144 If q + tAB > In + Vir > cf1 + tAB </p><p>145</p><p>146</p><p>147  When infected between cf1 and cf2 </p><p>148 If In + Vir > cf1 + tAB</p><p>149 = 1</p><p>150</p><p>151 If In + Vir < cf2 + tAB</p><p>6 152 = 0</p><p>153</p><p>154 If cf1 + tAB > In + Vir > cf2 + tAB </p><p>155</p><p>156</p><p>157  When infected after cf2 </p><p>158 If In + Vir > cf2 + tAB</p><p>159 = 1</p><p>160</p><p>161 If In + Vir < tAB</p><p>162 = 0</p><p>163</p><p>164 If cf2 + tAB > In + Vir > tAB </p><p>165</p><p>166</p><p>167 3. Probability for an infected host to be detected during importation procedure </p><p>168</p><p>169 a. No quarantine and CF test are required</p><p>170 Probability to be detected during importation procedure = Probability to be detected by clinical inspection</p><p>171  When infected before clin </p><p>172 If In > HRP – clin </p><p>173 = 0</p><p>174</p><p>175 If In < HRP – clin</p><p>176 If In + Vir < HRP – clin</p><p>177</p><p>7 178 If In + Vir > HRP – clin</p><p>179</p><p>180  When infected after clin </p><p>181 = 0</p><p>182</p><p>183 b. Quarantine and CF tests required</p><p>184</p><p>185 i. Probability for an infected host to be detected by cf1 </p><p>186  When infected before q </p><p>187 if q – cf1 < Sero</p><p>188 = Se</p><p>189</p><p>190 If Inftime + q – cf1 < Sero</p><p>191 = 1 – Sp</p><p>192</p><p>193 If Inftime + q – cf1 > Sero</p><p>194</p><p>195</p><p>196  When infected between q and cf1 </p><p>197 If q – cf1 < Sero</p><p>198 = 1 – Sp</p><p>199</p><p>200 if q – cf1 > Sero</p><p>201</p><p>202</p><p>203</p><p>8 204 ii. Probability for an infected host to be detected by cf2</p><p>205 Assumption: cf1 and cf2 are independent</p><p>206  When infected before q </p><p>207 if q – cf2 > Sero</p><p>208 = Se</p><p>209</p><p>210 If Inftime + q – cf2 < Sero</p><p>211 = 1 – Sp</p><p>212</p><p>213 If Inftime + q – cf2 > Sero</p><p>214</p><p>215</p><p>216  When infected between q and cf1 </p><p>217 if q – cf2 < Sero</p><p>218 = 1 – Sp</p><p>219</p><p>220 If q – cf2 > Sero</p><p>221 If cf1 – cf2 > Sero</p><p>222 = Se</p><p>223</p><p>224 If cf1 – cf2 < Sero</p><p>225</p><p>226</p><p>227  When infected between cf1 and cf2 </p><p>228 if cf1 – cf2 < Sero</p><p>229 = 1 – Sp</p><p>9 230</p><p>231 If cf1 – cf2 > Sero</p><p>232</p><p>233</p><p>234</p><p>235 iii. P(clin) = Probability for an infected host to be detected by clinical inspection </p><p>236  When infected before q </p><p>237 If In + Vir < q – clin or In > Inf_time + q – clin</p><p>238 = 0</p><p>239</p><p>240 If In + Vir > Inf_time + q – clin</p><p>241 If In < q – clin</p><p>242 = Seclin</p><p>243</p><p>244 If In > q – clin</p><p>245</p><p>246 If Inf_time + q – clin > In + Vir > q – clin</p><p>247 If In < q – clin</p><p>248</p><p>249 If In > q – clin</p><p>250</p><p>251  When infected between q and cf1 </p><p>252 If In + Vir < cf1 – clin or In > q – clin</p><p>253 = 0</p><p>254</p><p>255 If In + Vir > q – clin</p><p>10 256 If In < cf1 – clin</p><p>257 = Seclin</p><p>258</p><p>259 If In > cf1 – clin</p><p>260</p><p>261 If q – clin > In + Vir > cf1 – clin</p><p>262 If In < cf1 – clin</p><p>263</p><p>264 If In > cf1 – clin</p><p>265</p><p>266  When infected between cf1 and cF2 </p><p>267 If In + Vir < cf2 – clin or In > cf1 – clin</p><p>268 = 0</p><p>269</p><p>270 If In + Vir > cf1 – clin</p><p>271 If In < cf2 – clin</p><p>272 = Seclin</p><p>273</p><p>274 If In > cf2 – clin</p><p>275</p><p>276 If cf1 – clin > In + Vir > cf2 – clin</p><p>277 If In < cf2 – clin</p><p>278</p><p>279 If In > cf2 – clin</p><p>280</p><p>281</p><p>11 282  When infected after cf2 </p><p>283 If In > cf2 – clin</p><p>284 = 0</p><p>285</p><p>286 If In < cf2 – clin</p><p>287 If In + Vir > cf2 – clin</p><p>288</p><p>289</p><p>290 If In + Vir < cf2 – clin</p><p>291</p><p>292</p><p>293 4. Probability for an infected host to be detected during transport from A to B given having passed</p><p>294 the examinations and testing prior to embarkation.</p><p>295</p><p>296 a. No quarantine and CF test</p><p>297  When infected before clin </p><p>298 If In > HRP + tAB - clin</p><p>299 = 0</p><p>300</p><p>301 If In < HRP + TAB - clin</p><p>302 If In + Vir < HRP – clin</p><p>303</p><p>304</p><p>305 If In + Vir > HRP – clin</p><p>306</p><p>307</p><p>12 308  When infected after clin</p><p>309 If In > tAB + clin</p><p>310 = 0</p><p>311</p><p>312 If In < tAB + clin</p><p>313 If In + Vir < clin + tAB</p><p>314</p><p>315</p><p>316 If In + Vir > clin + tAB</p><p>317</p><p>318</p><p>319 b. Quarantine and CF tests required</p><p>320  When infected before q </p><p>321 If In + Vir < q + tAB or In > Inf_time + q + tAB</p><p>322 = 0</p><p>323</p><p>324 If In + Vir > Inf_time + q + tAB</p><p>325 If In > q + tAB</p><p>326</p><p>327</p><p>328 If In < q + tAB</p><p>329 = Seclin</p><p>330</p><p>331 If Inf_time + q + tAB > In + Vir > q + tAB</p><p>332 If In > q + tAB</p><p>333</p><p>13 334</p><p>335 If In < q + tAB</p><p>336</p><p>337</p><p>338  When infected between q and cf1 </p><p>339 If In + Vir < cf1 + tAB or In > q + tAB</p><p>340 = 0</p><p>341</p><p>342 If In + Vir > q + tAB</p><p>343 If In > cf1 + tAB</p><p>344</p><p>345</p><p>346 If In < cf1 + tAB</p><p>347 = Seclin</p><p>348</p><p>349 If q + tAB > In + Vir > cf1 + tAB</p><p>350 If In > cf1 + tAB</p><p>351</p><p>352</p><p>353 If In < cf1 + tAB</p><p>354</p><p>355</p><p>356  When infected between cf1 and cf2 </p><p>357 If In + Vir < cf2 + tAB or In > cf1 + tAB</p><p>358 = 0</p><p>359</p><p>14 360 If In + Vir > cf1 + tAB</p><p>361 If In > cf2 + tAB</p><p>362</p><p>363</p><p>364 If In < cf2 + tAB</p><p>365 = Seclin</p><p>366</p><p>367 If cf1 + tAB > In + Vir > cf2 + tAB</p><p>368 If In > cf2 + tAB</p><p>369</p><p>370</p><p>371 If In < cf2 + tAB</p><p>372</p><p>373</p><p>374  When infected after cf2 </p><p>375 If In > cf2 + tAB</p><p>376 = 0</p><p>377</p><p>378 If In < cf2 + tAB</p><p>379 If In + Vir > cf2 + tAB</p><p>380</p><p>381</p><p>382 If In + Vir > cf2 + tAB</p><p>383</p><p>384 </p><p>385 5. Probability that the vector survives to the EIP and can have a blood meal during the month m </p><p>15 386</p><p>387</p><p>388</p><p>389</p><p>390</p><p>391</p><p>392</p><p>393</p><p>16</p>

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