Initial Research Data Summary of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Initial Research Data Summary of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell

<p> Initial Research Data Summary of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Experiencer Research Study December 1, 2016</p><p>The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) is a not for profit co-founded by the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 Astronaut), Dr. Rudy Schild (Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University), Australian researcher Mary Rodwell and Rey Hernandez, a US federal tax attorney and ex-university professor. The Executive Director of FREE is Dr. Rudy Schild. Shortly before his death, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, in a video recording, expressly gave his permission to allow FREE to be named for his legacy.</p><p>FREE has a 12 member Board of Directors comprised of Ph.D. Physicists, Ph.D. Scientists, Ph.D. Psychologists, Ph.D. Neuroscientists and lay researchers. FREE is researching “What is Consciousness”, what is the nature of our multi- dimensional reality, by undertaking the WORLD'S FIRST COMPREHENSIVE ACADEMIC MULTILINGUAL RESEARCH STUDY on Individuals having UFO related Contact with Non Human Intelligent Being (NHIB) and its associated paranormal activity, from a grounded and rigorous scientific foundation-- THE FREE EXPERIENCER RESEARCH STUDY. </p><p>The Co-Chairs of this research study are Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired Professor of Psychology and one of the world’s leading academics on the “Paranormal” and Dr. Bob Davis, a retired Professor of Neuroscience at the State University of New York. Our primarily focus will be on scientific investigation, through 3 lengthy surveys and a formal interview, of individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non human intelligence. Eventually, we want to compare this UFO related contact group with individuals that have had other types of “paranormal” contact experiences through the following “Contact Modalities”: </p><p>1 Near Death Experiences contact, Out of Body Experiences contact, Shamanic Hallucinogenic contact, Mystical Meditation contact, Channeling, Lucid Dreaming Contact, Remote Viewing contact, and other types of human encounters with non- human intelligence, and related paranormal contact experiences. </p><p>The majority of our FREE Board of Directors, including the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of the world’s leading experts on “The Physics of Consciousness”, Dr. Rudy Schild, a Harvard University Professor and Editor of the Journal of Cosmology, and Dr. Claude Swanson, a Ph.D. in Physics from Princeton University and author of “The Synchronized Universe”, Dr. Bob Davis, a retired professor of Neuroscience, and Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired professor of Psychology and one of the world’s leading academic experts on the “paranormal”, hypothesize that all of these diverse "Paranormal Contact Modalities" (NDEs, OBEs, UFO visitations, Remote Viewing, ESP, Channeling, Spirit Interactions, etc) might be interconnected through an advanced physics theory, the Quantum Hologram Theory of Physics and Consciousness, as developed by the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Harvard Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild. All of these so-called “paranormal” contact phenomena should not be studied separately but as one whole interrelated phenomenon. Unfortunately, today, almost all researchers are studying these contact modalities as separate and distinct from each other. </p><p>WEBSITE:</p><p>METHODOLOGY: Our research study involves two comprehensive quantitative surveys, Phase 1 and Phase 2, totaling more than 600 questions and 2 qualitative research instruments, Phase 3 and 4. Phase 3 is a qualitative instrument involving written responses to 70 open ended questions. Phase 3 is meant for major experiencers with multiple contact events. Phase 4 involves a multi-day formal structured interview that will be audio recorded and transcribed. We expect to interview 200 of the major experiencers from the more than 3,000 that have participated. All 4 phases will be completely anonymous and based solely on conscious explicit memories and not lucid dreams or hypnotic regressions. </p><p>LANGUAGES: Our surveys are being administered in these languages: English, Spanish, German, French, and very soon Slovak, Farsi and Mandarin. </p><p>OUTREACH: The FREE Board engaged in extensive publicity for our surveys. We gave over 100 interviews in the major radio stations focused on science issues, Ufology, the Paranormal, and other related topics. We made weekly postings in over 500 Facebook sites in the following areas: MUFON sites, numerous Ufology </p><p>2 and Paranormal sites, New Age, Energy Healing, CE-5, Consciousness Studies, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, and many others. We also sent out monthly mailings to over 2,500 individuals and organizations involved in the fields of Ufology and the Paranormal. </p><p>RESPONSES: As of December 1, 2016, FREE has received the following responses to its English language surveys-- Phase 1: 2,900; Phase 2: 1,700; Phase 3: 1,070. For the Spanish surveys, we have received 650 responses for Phase 1 and over 200 responses for Phase 2. Our German Survey was recently launched and we have received over 220 responses. We are currently translating our survey to other languages including French and Mandarin. We have also received responses from over 105 countries. </p><p>OVERVIEW OF INITIAL DATA FINDINGS: Many of our summary data responses totally contradict what is being circulated in the field of Ufology. Many of the summary data are rarely or never openly discussed in the field of Ufology. What we found is that the vast majority of individuals that have had UFO related “Contact” with NHIBs view their experiences as “Positive” and they are having a multitude of paranormal experiences. These many diverse paranormal contact experiences provide support towards the hypothesis that we live in a multi- dimensional reality which suggest that humans are both physical and spiritual beings and that the NHIBs that are interacting with us might indeed be multi- dimensional beings interacting with us on multiple levels of reality-- a hypothesis that many of our FREE Ph.D. physicists and scientists call “The Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness”. </p><p>The following is not an “analysis” but just a summary of the “raw data” from Phase 1 and 2 of our English language surveys as of December 1, 2016. This same exact data can be found, via PDF charts, in the Research Menu of our FREE Website, under the menu “Experiencer Researcher”,</p><p></p><p>SIGHTINGS OF UFOS: </p><p> 2,010 individuals have seen a UFO. </p><p>3  63% of these individuals had a witness to the UFO sighting(s). We also collected numerous data about what the UFOs looked like, how it moved and its size and dimensions, etc.  54% have deliberately called down to see a UFO craft.  58% have deliberately called to see a NHIB. </p><p>VISUAL CONTACT WITH NHIBs: </p><p> 1,390 individuals have physically seen a NHIB.  63% said they had witnesses who also saw this Being.  72% have interacted with the being(s);  85% of these individuals have interacted with these beings more than once.  54% have seen them more than 10 times. </p><p>EXPERIENCES WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF BEINGS: </p><p> 55% saw Energy Beings: 6.7% were mainly negative experiences;  52% saw Human Looking Beings: 5.2% were mainly negative experiences;  50% saw Small Greys: 11.5% were mainly negative experiences;  47% saw Spirit/Ghost Beings: 7.4% were mainly negative experiences;  34% saw Tall Greys: 12.4% were mainly negative experiences;  26% saw Hybrid Beings: 6.3% were mainly negative experiences;  25% saw Reptilians: 23% were mainly negative experiences;  21% saw Insectoid/Mantid Beings: 9.5% were mainly negative experiences;  14% saw Small Animal Being: 5.8% were mainly negative experiences;  13% saw Tall Animal Being: 9.6% were mainly negative experiences;</p><p>POSITIVE/NEGATIVE/NEUTRAL EXPERIENCES: </p><p> Overall, 85% have stated their contact with NHIBs have been “Positive”;  84% do not want their Contact experiences with the NHIBs to stop.  9.7% believe the NHIBs are Bad or Malevolent.  62% have stated that the NHIB have tried to help them.  71% feel Expanded Consciousness in the presence of the NHIBs.  66% have felt Love from these NHIBs. </p><p>HOW DID ET CONTACT CHANGE YOUR LIFE: </p><p> 4.3% Highly Negative Effect on changing your life;  6.7% Slightly Negative; </p><p>4  16.5% Neutral;  21.7% Slightly Positive;  50.9% Highly Positive Effect on changing your life. </p><p>HOW WOULD YOU CHARACTERIZE YOUR LAST FEW CONTACT EXPERIENCES WITH NHIBs: </p><p> 8.31%, It was a case of abduction of the most negative kind;  13.56%, It was a case of abduction but of a milder kind, a slightly more caring kind;  8.62%, It was still a case of abduction but where seeking permission, more humane compassionate treatment;  35.12%, You are not an Abductee but a “Contactee” where you are being treated with respect and understanding;  34.38%, It is a case of being a “Conscious Contactee”, an egalitarian and equal relationship. </p><p>RELOCATION/ABDUCTION: </p><p> 68% have had Contact with NHIB but have no recollection of ever being “Abducted” (taken against your will to another location).  Only 32% that have had contact are “Abductees”. Thus, the UFO related “Contact Phenomenon” is not just about “Abductions”.  605 individuals have been taken or relocated to another location.  How many times taken: once (31%), twice (13%), 3-5 (19.4%), 5-10 (13%), 10+ (23.4%).  475 stated that they were taken to another Planet and of these the vast majority that brought them there were Human Looking Beings.  12%, or 146 individuals, have stated that they have participated in a MILAB (where Humans abducted them). </p><p>TELEPATHIC MESSAGES: </p><p> 1,636 have received “telepathic” messages, or though transferences from a NHIB. </p><p>5  Of these, 1,010 have been downloads of advanced science, physics, and technology.  53% of these telepathic messages contained a vision, a video, or picture.  75% of these communications were in the Experiencer’s native language.  60% have received telepathic messages on more than 5 occasions.  Nature of telepathic messages:  68% contained personally relevant information for the individual;  51% pertained to Spiritual or Religious issues;  51% were philosophical or metaphysical;  34.6% were scientific or technical in nature;  33.7% were social-political in nature;  45% concerned human behavior;  47% were other types of information;  26% concerned advanced physics; </p><p>MISSING TIME: </p><p> 1,345 have had “Missing Time” (time progressed much more rapidly than expected or time that was lost).  830 have had “Extra Time” (arriving much sooner than expected)</p><p>PARANORMAL EXPERIENCES: </p><p> 1,700 have had “paranormal” experiences in their home.  1,950 or 81% who took our Phase 1 survey have had an Out of Body Experiences.  37% who took our Phase 2 survey had a Near Death Experience.  76% have seen a Ghost or Spirit.  67% have had a Past Life Memory.  47% have met and conversed with a deceased person.  29% have Channeled a NHIB(s).  49% have seen their body out in space leaving the planet Earth.  45% have memories of visiting what is commonly called “The Spirit World”.  941 individuals have physically seen an Orb and 66% were seen in their home.  The orbs were seen in all different colors.  46% saw an orb go through an object such as a wall.  82% believe these Orbs are conscious living beings. </p><p>6  47% have seen what can be considered “Shadow People” in their homes, beings that look cloudy human like that streak across their home.  60% have repeatedly experienced objects moving in their home without any logical explanation. </p><p>MEDICAL HEALING: </p><p> 51% of Phase 2 respondents stated that a NHIB has performed a “Medical Healing” on them or a member of their family.  16.5% were specifically told by NHIBs that they were medically healed by them. </p><p>ON BOARD A UFO CRAFT: </p><p> 667 individuals have had “conscious” memories of being on board a UFO craft.  How did you arrive on the craft:  7% walked onto the craft;  31% were dematerialized and traveled through physical objects;  62% said Other type of transportation.  57% of these individuals have had contact with Non Human Intelligence on the craft.  48% said the contact was with a Human Looking Being;  44.6% with a Small Grey;  33.7% with a Tall Grey;  20% Hybrid;  14% Insectoid/Mantid;  12.7% Reptilian;  9% Spirit Form;  31% said “Other”.  163 individuals have stated they have operated a craft.  19% said they know what “Powers” a craft.  Over 75% said they saw more than 3 Entities on the Craft.  The majority have been on board a craft more than 4 times.  195 individuals were taken on a “Tour” of the craft.  212 were allowed to roam the craft without supervision.  41% stated they have been on a craft as a child.  48% stated that the craft “Was Alive”-- the craft was a living entity.  44% know why they were taken aboard the craft.  19% recall seeing other humans on the craft. </p><p>7 CONTACT VIA AN OBE (Out of Body Experience): </p><p> 659 individuals have had contact with a NHIB in an OBE-like reality-- a reality with no boundaries, similar like you are in the middle of outer space.  584 saw these types of entities:  45% Human Looking;  38.3% Other Type;  35.6% Spirit Looking;  21% Short Grey;  15.4% Tall Grey.  60.5% said this Experience occurred while they were physically in their human body.  66.6% said their “Consciousness was separated from their bodies”.  56% stated that their “Thoughts were Sped Up”.  75% stated that their “Senses were more vivid than usual”.  49% stated that in this reality that “Time Stopped or was Slowed Down”.  54.5% stated that they “Felt United or One with the world”.  38% stated that they “suddenly seemed to understand everything about the Universe”.  83% stated that this experience was very real, “As real or normal as speaking with a family member next to you”.  393 individuals had an experience with a “Council” of different Non Human Intelligence. </p><p>8  198 were actually brought to this “Council Meeting”. </p><p>NATURE OF THE BEINGS: </p><p> 35% know when a NHIB will appear before they arrive.  739 individuals stated being paralyzed by a NHIB.  332 stated the beings used a light instrument.  464 individuals have seen a NHIB with a Uniform  51% were Human Looking;  24% were Other;  24% were Short Greys;  22% were Tall Greys;  15% were Hybrids;  14% were Reptilians;  7% were Insectoid/Mantid.  423 individuals have seen a NHIB with a Monk’s Robe.  627 have woken up and have seen a NHIB in their living room.  673 have had a NHIB touch them.  30% have stated that they have reached an “Agreement” with NHIB for a future task.  77.8% stated that the NHIBs have a “Personality”.  44.6% stated that the NHIBs have been “Playful” with them;  56% believe that NHIBS are with them most of the time;  47% believe that if called, a NHIB will appear to them;  82% believe that the NHIBs can travel to the Past and the Future;  97% believe that NHIBs can travel to “Other Dimensions”.</p><p>WHAT THE NHIB TOLD YOU: </p><p> 25% stated that the NHIB told them their “Mission” on Earth;  25% were shown how to do energy work;  21% were told that their DNA was unique;  45% have reached an “Agreement” with NHIB;  30% agreed to be taken aboard a UFO craft;  19% agreed to participate in an Alien Breeding program;  28% stated that the NHIBs told them where they are from;  41% were told by NHIBs to share the information they were given;  55% were given a message of Love or Oneness;  26% were given a message about Reincarnation; </p><p>9  31% were given a message about GOD;  19% were told that the NHIBS created Humans;  25.6% were told that NHIBs are upgrading our Human DNA;  30.2% were told by the NHIBS about the Death Process and the “Spirit World”;  39% were given an environmental message about planet Earth;  34% were told about a future natural catastrophe;  26% were told that they were an actual NHIB or part NHIBs;  15.8% were told about “Soul Swapping”;  24% were told by NHIBS that they interacted with them in a Past Life;  30% were told by the NHIBS about the concept of “Time”;  30% were told by the NHIBS about the concept of “Parallel Universes”;  16.5% were specifically told by NHIBs that they were medically healed by them; </p><p>ALIEN BREEDING PROGRAM: </p><p> 530 individuals believe they are involved in an Alien Breeding Program.  What type of being was involved in the Alien Breeding Program:  48.3% Short Grey;  39.3% Human Looking Being;  34.5% Tall Grey;  31.7% Hybrid;  21.7% Other;  15% Reptilian;  14.2% Insectoid/Mantid Being.  31% know the purpose for the Alien Breeding Program.  399 believe they have a Hybrid child.  194 were presented with a Hybrid child by these NHIBs.  117 individuals know that a fetus has been taken from them.  202 individuals reported having sex with a NHIB and 67.5% stated it was consensual sex.  Of reporting sexual encounters, 98 individuals stated the sex was with a Human Looking Being; 50 were with a Reptilian; 40 with a Hybrid. </p><p>MEDICAL EXAMS & IMPLANTS: </p><p> 34% consciously recall lying on a table and being medically examined by a NHIB;  20% consciously recall receiving an operation by a NHIB; </p><p>10  51% believe than NHIBs placed an Implant in their body;  22% believe the implant is in their sinus area;  34% stated elsewhere in their head;  9% in their neck;  11% in their arms;  9% in their legs.  366 individuals know the type of NHIBs that placed the implant:  41% Short Greys;  25.4% Tall Greys;  21% Other;  18% Human Looking;  10.4% Insectoid/Mantid Being;  5.7% Reptilian.  53% have woken up with small Scoop Marks or Puncture Wounds SPIRITUALITY & SPIRIT WORLD: </p><p> 82.5% believe there is a connection between NHIBs and the “Spirit World”;  89% believe there is a connection between NHIBs and the “Paranormal”;  75.4% believe there is a connection between NHIBs and Reincarnation;  26% were given a message about Reincarnation by NHIBs;  31% were given a message about GOD;  30.2% were told by the NHIBS about the Death Process and the “Spirit World”;  25% were told by NHIBs that they at one time were a NHIBs;  58% believe that they have interacted with NHIBs in their past life;  24% were told by NHIBS that they interacted with NHIBs in a Past Life;  38% believe that NHIBs are “Modern Angels”;  82% believe that the NHIBs can travel to the Past and the Future;  97% believe that NHIBs can travel to “Other Dimensions”;  91% believe that there is some sort of a grand plan in motion that Experiencers are all a part of?</p><p>CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES: </p><p> 46% had an Out of Body Experiences;  35% stated that a Physical NHIB appeared to them as a child;  44% stated that a non-physical NHIB appeared to them;  22% stated that this physical NHIB taught them things;  19.4% stated that this physical NHIB played with them;  56% believe that a Guardian Angel or Spirit watched over them as a child; </p><p>11  25% stated that a physical NHIB told them as a child that they had a special purpose in life;  56% had Pre-cognition skills as a child;  41% were conscious of other dimensions, other realities;  84% had very vivid dreams;  27% had pre-birth memories;  34% believed that they had lived before;  20% believe that they had a Near Death Experience as a child;  50% believe that they were very psychic during their childhood.</p><p>PSYCHO-PHYSICAL CHANGES: After my Experiences Began-- </p><p> 68% became more sensitive to other realities;  56% became more psychic;  50% began to feel energy in their hands;  48% said their ability to learn increased;  46% experienced a flooding of information that they could not process;  57% became aware of energy discharges or currents flowing through their body;  61% became more telepathic with others;  60% stated their susceptibility to illness decreased;  57% became more able to absorb complex information;  47% believe they can heal individuals by touching them;  62% have experienced flashes of “Cosmic Consciousness”-- knowing everything;  61% became more aware of the presence of NHIBs;  55% believe that their mind became tremendously expanded;  64% began having Pre-Cognition abilities (knowing events before they happened);  50% stated that electrical devices malfunctioned in their presence.</p><p>PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE CHANGES: </p><p>STRONGLY INCREASED: </p><p> My concern with Spiritual matters;  My desire to help others;  my compassion for others; </p><p>12  my appreciation of the ordinary things in life;  my ability to love others;  my tolerance of others;  my insight into the problems of others;  my concern with the welfare of planet Earth;  my understanding of what life is all about;  my concern with ecological matters;  my conviction that there is life after death; </p><p>STRONGLY DECREASED: </p><p> My concern with material things in life;  my interest in organized Religion;  my fear of death;  my desire to become a well know person.</p><p>OPINIONS: </p><p> 93.5% agree that NHIBs from other planets or dimensions, are already among us;  86.4% agree that there are higher-order intelligences that have a concern with the welfare of our planet;  79% agree that we are already in or at least on the verge of a New Age and that NHIBs have a role in this;  78% believe that the changes they have undergone since becoming interested in UFO experiences are part of an evolutionary unfolding of humanity;  74% believe that evolutionary forces are already at work which will transform humanity at large into a more self-aware, spiritually sensitive species and that the NHIBs have a role in this;  72% believe that we are now living through a time of greatly accelerated spiritual evolution; </p><p>13  69% believe that their UFO experiences were "arranged" or "designed" by a higher intelligence and that the NHIBs have a role in this;  68% believe that unless the human race changes significantly for the better, there will be massively destructive geophysical disturbances very shortly;  65% believe that humanity may be the object of biological experimentation by NHIBs.</p><p>In summary, this document is not a formal “analysis” of our FREE Experiencer Research Study but just a summary of the “raw data” from Phase 1 and 2 of our English language surveys as of December 1, 2016. </p><p>This same exact data can be found, via PDF charts, in the Research Menu of our FREE Website, under the menu “Experiencer Researcher”, </p><p></p><p>14</p>

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