<p>Huron School District</p><p>Core Curriculum Guide Grade Level: 2 Content Area: Reading</p><p>Unit Title: Month(s): August/September Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned?</p><p>Phonics: short vowels, long vowels with silent e Vowels, short, long Weekly assessments and Identify and know the meaning of weekly vocab Silent e worksheets words vocabulary 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels</p><p>Analyze character, setting, plot literature Weekly assessments and worksheets Main idea and details character NWEA Retell story plot Taking from different genre books and reading setting Formative assessment main idea Read aloud details</p><p>Identify table of contents, author, illustrator, title title page Weekly reading assessment page, glossary, index, captions, lists, graphs, index Phone book photos table of contents dictionary body of book glossary glossary library books text features ABC order activities alphabetical order author illustrator captions list graph photograph Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction text Fiction Weekly reading assessment Non-fiction Read-aloud True, real, fact Library books Fantasy, make-believe Unit Title: Month(s): October Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned?</p><p>Phonics: Long vowels with silent e, review short Vowels, short, long Weekly assessments and worksheets vowels, -er, -est Vocabulary 44 Sounds Consonant blends (sl,sp,dr, sk, st) consonants Weekly Spelling Weekly vocab. words sight words NWEA Dibels</p><p>Drawing conclusions Summarize Weekly assessments and worksheets Summarizing Conclusion Read aloud and discussions Plot Inference Accelerated reader Inferences Beginning, middle, end Sequencing Fiction Student retell Fiction and nonfiction Nonfiction</p><p>Contractions – she’s, he’s, we’re, they’re, don’t, Contraction Weekly reading sheets and tests doesn’t, we’ll, I’ve apostrophe Grammar books Writing activities</p><p>ABC order Alphabet Weekly reading tests and sheets order Alphabetizing spelling words or other lists Lunch line order daily</p><p>Diagrams and labels, captions Diagram Reading text – diagrams and captions, labels Label in various stories caption Student made diagrams, etc. Weekly tests and sheets for reading series Unit Title: Month(s): November Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: long a, ay, ai, igh, ie, y, long i, long o, ow, Long vowels Weekly assessments and oe, oa, long e, ee, ea, ey, long u, u_e, consonant consonants worksheets digraphs (ch, th, wh, sh, ph, tch) 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels Inferences Inference Weekly assessments and worksheets Cause and effect Cause NWEA Drawing conclusions Effect Taking from different genre books and reading Using Context Clues Conclusion Formative assessment Context clue Read aloud Using Illustrations Illustration Weekly assessments and worksheets Synonyms Synonyms NWEA Antonyms antonyms Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment Read aloud Grammar text Prefixes and Suffixes (-ful, -less, un, re, dis) Prefix Weekly assessments and worksheets suffix NWEA Formative assessment Grammar text</p><p>Fiction and nonfiction Fiction Weekly reading assessment nonfiction Read-aloud Library books Unit Title: Month(s): December Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: triple consonant blends (spr, str, scr), ar, Consonant Weekly assessments and worksheets or blend NWEA Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment Read aloud Cause and effect Cause Weekly reading assessment Character, setting Effect Read-aloud Inferences Character Library books Setting inferences Synonyms and antonyms Synonyms Weekly assessments and worksheets Making predictions Antonyms NWEA Using illustrations Predict Formative assessment Compare and contrast Illustrations Grammar text Compare contrast Main idea/details Main idea Weekly reading assessment details Read-aloud Library books NWEA Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment</p><p>Fiction and nonfiction Fiction Weekly reading assessment nonfiction Read-aloud Library books Unit Title: Month(s): January Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text 2.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast different versions of literature from different cultures</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: er, ir, ur, oo, ou, ui, ew, ue, oe, au, aw R controlled vowels Weekly assessments and Vowels worksheets Variant vowels 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels Cause and effect Cause Weekly reading assessment Character and setting Effect Read-aloud inferences Character Library books Setting inferences Fiction and nonfiction Fiction Weekly reading assessment Predictions Nonfiction Read-aloud Using illustrations Predict Library books Using text features Illustration Caption, diagram Drawing conclusions conclusions Weekly reading assessment Read-aloud Library books Unit Title: Month(s): February Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text 2.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast different versions of literature from different cultures 2.R.3.3 Students can identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and a simple pattern in poetry</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: diphthongs (ow, ou) oi, oy, schwa (around, Weekly assessments and ago, away) worksheets 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels Author’s purpose Author Weekly assessments and worksheets Possessive nouns Purpose NWEA Nouns Taking from different genre books and reading possessive Formative assessment Read aloud Inferences Inference Weekly assessments and worksheets Summarizing Summarize NWEA Sequencing Sequence Taking from different genre books and reading Compare and contrast Compare Formative assessment contrast Read aloud Text features – charts Chart Weekly assessments and worksheets Problem and solution Problem NWEA solution Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment Read aloud Main idea and details Main idea Weekly assessments and worksheets details NWEA Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment Read aloud Unit Title: Month(s): March Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text 2.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast different versions of literature from different cultures 2.R.3.3 Students can identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and a simple pattern in poetry</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: Silent letters (gn, kn,wr,nb), hard and Silent Weekly assessments and soft c and g Hard and soft sounds worksheets 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels Sequencing Sequence Weekly assessments and worksheets Summarize Summarize NWEA Compare and contrast Compare/contrast Taking from different genre books and reading Inferences Inferences Formative assessment Using illustrations Illustrations Read aloud Problem and solution Problem and sequence Context clues Context clues predictions predict</p><p>Author’s purpose Author Weekly assessments and worksheets Classify Purpose NWEA Categorize Classify Taking from different genre books and reading Compound words Category Formative assessment compound Read aloud Spelling and Grammar Unit Title: Month(s): April Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text 2.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast different versions of literature from different cultures 2.R.3.3 Students can identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and a simple pattern in poetry</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: endings (dge, ge, lge, nge, rge), r- Endings Weekly assessments and controlled (ar, are, air), er, eer, ere, ear worksheets 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels Inferences Inferences Weekly assessments and worksheets Predictions – making and confirming Predict NWEA Using illustrations Confirm Taking from different genre books and reading Fantasy and reality Illustrations Formative assessment Drawing conclusions Fantasy Read aloud Reality conclusion autobiographies autobiography Weekly assessments and worksheets NWEA Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment Read aloud Author’s purpose Author Weekly assessments and worksheets Make judgments Purpose NWEA judgment Taking from different genre books and reading Formative assessment Read aloud Unit Title: Month(s): May Content Standards: 2.R.1.1 Students can decode to read and recognize words 2.R.2.1 Students can apply strategies to read and comprehend text 2.R.2.2 Students can read aloud fluently to comprehend text 2.R.3.1 Students can recognize different genres of literature 2.R.3.2 Students can identify the literary elements of character, setting, plot, and theme in literature 2.R.1.2 Students can read simple contractions and identify the two words that are combined in text 2.R.5.2 Students can apply alphabetical order to the second letter 2.R.4.2 Students can compare and contrast different stories from various time periods 2.R.5.1 Students can identify text features to comprehend informational text 2.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast different versions of literature from different cultures 2.R.3.3 Students can identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and a simple pattern in poetry</p><p> Essential Questions: Assessment Skills Essential Vocabulary How will you know if students have Students Will Be Able To… learned? Phonics: or, ore, oar, ire, ier, ure r-controlled Weekly assessments and worksheets 44 Sounds Weekly Spelling Graph sight words NWEA Dibels Biography Biography Weekly assessments and worksheets Drawing conclusions Conclusion NWEA Inferences Inferences Taking from different genre books and reading Compare Compare/contrast Formative assessment Contrast summarize Read aloud summarize Character and setting Character/setting Weekly assessments and worksheets Context clues Context clues NWEA Re-reads Reality Taking from different genre books and reading Reality and fantasy fantasy Formative assessment Read aloud Fiction and non fiction Fiction Weekly reading assessment Realistic fiction Nonfiction Read-aloud realistic Library books</p>
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