Josiah V. Thompson

Josiah V. Thompson

<p> Josiah V. Thompson Uniontown, Pa Family Record Book 24</p><p>V24 Page 1</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 4, 1930 11:22 AM S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC sent me many Carothers records about last April which I have noted in book 28 including short sketches of Judges Robert L. Caruthers & & Abraham Caruthers, which I have had Virginia Maloney copy & am filing in a large sized envelope in my standing desk & am returning today all remaining papers to Mr Carothers, Sumter SC by registered mail. The sketch of Judge Abraham Caruthers was prepared by his 12th & youngest child, Mrs Fannie Hart & I am recording below the closing part of said article "Upon the occupation of Middle Tenn by the Federal Army in the spring of 1862 fearing arrest, he, Judge Abraham Caruthers, left his home & went to Marietta, Georgia where away from family & friends, he died May 5, 1862. His wife was Eliza Newhall Allen of Smith Co, Tenn. They had twelve children: 1. William 2. Mary 3. Jane 4. Samuel</p><p>V24 Page 2</p><p>5. Louise married Carter 6. Robert 7. Rebekah 8. Sallie married Robertson 9. Eliza 10. Bettie, twin [of whom] 11. Kate 12. Fannie married Hart. Judge Abram Caruthers had one brother Judge Robert L. Caruthers & one full sister Mrs Bettie C. DeBow & several half brothers. His father was Samuel Carothers, his mother Jane? Looney. Refer to the records I got abt Judge Abraham Caruthers when in Nashville, Tenn in 1925. I think in June 21? & compare with the children above listed.</p><p>My dear Mary would have been 88 years old yesterday had she lived.</p><p>V24 Page 3</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 6, 1930 11:30 AM There are a number of letters & papers sent to me last April by S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC which were copies of return of which he did not desire & I will now record from them the important points before filing them away, mainly with the large sized envelopes. From William Caruthers: A branch of the Caruthers family went over to Ireland in 1173 & settled in the city of Dublin & had estates in the county Waterford Motto Promlus et Fedelis, ready & faithful. War Dept Adjutants General's office Wash D.C. Dec 21, 1925 Respectfully returned to S.M. Carothers Sumter SC The records show that one James Caruthers (also spelled Cruthers) served in the Revolutionary War as a private in Capt Griffith John McRees Co 1st NC Battalion also designated 1st NC Regiment commanded by Col Thomas Clark. He enlisted May 1, 1776 for 3 years &</p><p>V24 Page 4 his name last appeared on an undated Roll of that Co giving names of those whose term of service would expire May 1, 1779. The records also show that a Thomas Caruthers (also spelled Cruthers) served in same Co & Reg as a private enlisted Apr 27, 1776 for 3 yrs & name appears on payroll as above. No further record of their service is found. The Rev. War records in this office is far from complete & I refer you for additional information to the NC Historical Society, Raleigh, NC or the Commissioner of Pensions Wash D.C. Robert C. Davis adjutant General To the above S.M.C. has added: James & Thomas Caruthers enlisted in 1776 in 4th NC Continental Line Thos Polk Col John Nelson, Capt & transferred to Col Thomas Clark's battalion in 1777 when the two organizations were consolidated. These are Thomas & James who settled in Kentucky in 1785.</p><p>V24 Page 5</p><p>In reply, U.S. Dept of the Interior refer to Rev Bureau of Pensions Wash D.C. & 1812 Wars section. March 17, 1927 To S.M. Carothers Sumter S.C. The Rev. War Pension papers on file in this office No W 5244 it appears that Samuel Caruthers was born Dec 13, 1759 in Maryland. While a resident of Guilford Co NC, he enlisted in Oct 1778 as a private in Capt John Nelson's Co in Col Wm Pacely's NC Reg & served six months. He was in the battle of Brier Creek. He enlisted in Nov or Dec 1779 & served at various times until peace was declared amounting to 1 mo in all as a private in Capt John Galaspies NC Co. He was in a skirmish at Welzell's Mills. He was allowed a pension on his application executed Sept 25, 1832 at which time he was a resident of Gwinnett Co, Georgia. He died July 5, 1835 in Walker Co, Ga. He married Aug 21, 1787 Hannah, her maiden name not stated. She was allowed pension on her application executed May 1, 1844 then aged 78 yrs & a resident of Walker Co, Ga. Children of Samuel & Hannah Caruthers:</p><p>V24 Page 6</p><p>1. Rachel born Oct 10, 1788 died May 11, 1829 2. John born Feby 15, 1791 3. Martha born Mch 7, 1793 4. James born Jany 4, 1796 5. Thomas born Jany 6, 1798 6. Andrew born in 1801 Respectfully, Winfield Scott Commissioner To this S.M.C. adds: He may have been a son of John who died in Pa in 1783 & Sarah who made a will in 1798 in Mecklenberg Co NC naming a son Samuel & if our James was a son of Sarah, then Samuel may have been his brother. Later, he says James was a son of Sarah & John. This Samuel may have been the Samuel mentioned in wills of John & Sarah or he may have been a brother of Hugh or Orange Co. The date of his birth suits for a son of John & Sarah but being born in Maryland does not. He was living in Appeville [sic] SC in 1790 but not in census reports. Have not been able to trace his record. Make slip to go to Walker Co Ga & do so.</p><p>V24 Page 7 Washington D.C. July 19, 1928 S.M. Carothers Sumter SC I found your name & address in looking over Thomas Caruthers pension papers at Pension office. My great grandfather was James Caruthers who enlisted in 4th NC Reg in Revolutionary War & served 3 yrs. He emigrated to near Lexington, KY & died in Jessamine Co, Ky in 1835. My grandmother was his granddaughter Sally Caruthers who married Jacob Wells in 1818 & lived & died in southern Indiana. I have been trying to find who James Caruthers parents were & when they came to this country. She thinks he was near relative of James & Thomas Caruthers who served from NC for yrs in same Reg. I always thought my grandmother's ancestors were from Virginia until I found above NC record. Miss Sara Carothers Wells 1856 Park Road, Washington D.C. Another letter to him dated Sept 20, 1928 from the same Miss Wells refers to papers from Mrs Flower of Carlisle, Pa he had sent her but says she was not able to make any connection, but think her ancestors were probably originally from Penna.</p><p>V24 Page 8</p><p>She gives the following from the Congressional Directory: Samuel Caruthers, Representative from Missouri born in Madison Co Mo Oct 13, 1820 graduated from Clinton College, Tenn, studied law admitted to the bar & commenced practice at Fredericktown, Mo moved to Cape Guardian Mo 1844, held several local offices & elected as a Whig to 33- & 34th Congress Mch 4, 1857 & Mch 3, 1859. Died in Cape Guardian Mo Aug 20, 1860. Robert Looney Caruthers a Representative from Tenn born in Smith Co, Tenn July 31, 1800 studied law & admitted to the bar in 1823, clerk of the Chancery Court of Smith Co, Tenn & editor of a newspaper moved to Wilson Co in 1826, State Attorney 1827-1832 member of Tenn House of Rep in 1835, founder of Cumberland Univ at Lebanon, Tenn in 1842 & of the law dept in 1847, presidential elector on the Clay & Frelinghuysen ticket in 1844, elected as a Whig to 27th Congress Mch 4, 1841, Mch 3, 1843 appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of Tenn 1852.</p><p>V24 Page 9</p><p>Delegate from Tenn to the Peace Convention in 1860, elected Governor of Tenn in 1862 but on acct of the occupation of the State by Federal troops never assumed the duties of the office. He died in Lebanon Tenn Oct 2d 1882. She looked over the record of Hugh Caruthers in the pension office. He enlisted from Orange Co NC, had removed to Madison Co Alabama when he applied for pension in 1832 aged 74 (born say 1758). He was at a battle near Camden, called "Gates defeat". She says he was probably a brother or cousin of my James Caruthers. She also found a memoir of Daniel Dawson Carothers a railroad man & engineer who built the Union Sta at Washington D.C. His ancestors from Huntingdon, Pa. Refer to U.S. Dept of Interior Rev & 1812 Wars Section bureau of Pensions Wash D.C. July 31, 1929 To S.M.C. I advise you in the papers in the Rev. War claim S 16697 it appears that Hugh Caruthers while a resident of Orange Co, NC enlisted & served with the NC</p><p>V24 Page 10 troops as a private as follows: From July 1775, 3 mos in Capt Williams Co, Col Hugh Tinnings Reg from the fall of 1776 3 mos in Capt Andrew Vanoy's Co Col Lockes Reg, from the first of the year 1777 one year in Capt Wilson's Co, Col Benj Shepherd's Reg, from in Nov 1778 five months in Capt William Jamison's Co under Cols Sanders & Lytle & was in the battle of Brier Creek, from some time in June 1780, five months in Capt Ray's Co, Col Moore's Reg & was in the battle of Camden. He was allowed pension on his application executed Oct 30, 1832 at which time he was living in Madison Co, Alabama & was 74 years old. There is no data as to family. Earl or Kark D. Church S.M.C. adds Apr 7, 1930 in his note to me This Hugh was living in Orange Co NC in 1790 census & that James Caruthers, living in Jessamine Co, Ky gave this Hugh P/A to collect his Rev. War claim</p><p>V24 Page 11</p><p>Hugh may have been a brother of this James & twin brother Thomas. Both went to Tenn in 1784 & to Fayette Co, in 1785 & took up land there. Both made application for & were granted pensions in 1818. Thomas recd his last pension in 1820; James died in 1835. I can give you a little more of James record, but not of Thomas & Hugh. The Samuel who enlisted from Guilford Co NC may have been of this family or he may be a son of John & Sarah.</p><p>Huntsville, Ala Aug 21, 1929 S.M. Carothers: The probate judge gave me your letter since I do all work of this kind. For 6 yrs past, I have been compiling data for a history of Madison Co, Ala which will include abstracts from early wills, deeds & final settlement of estates, marriages etc as well as bible & tombstone records. "Hugh Caruthers aged 77 when received pension, private in North Carolina Continental line Do you have this?</p><p>V24 Page 12</p><p>I have record of John Carothers who died intestate in 1850. Charles W. Carothers applied for letters of administration. Joseph Carothers married Mary Ann Humes 1823, Robert Caruthers married Sarah M. Rather 1823 Morris Carothers married Nancy Morris 1813. The above are from my own records. Miss Pauline Jones</p><p>V24 Page 13</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 8, 1930 11:33 Am Continuing notations from the papers sent me by S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC last spring.</p><p>Will of William Carothers of East Pennsborough Tp Cumb Co, Pa proved Jany 6, 1763 exrs Jonathan Hoge & Nathaniel Nelson will book A page 100 was yeoman & had wife Jean who died 1783 son John who died 1783 daughter Margaret, witnesses Nathaniel Nelson, Wm Orr & Jonathan Hoge. This was half brother of my gggf John.</p><p>John Carothers Dec 17, 1753 letters on the administration of this estate were issued but name of admrs are not given & no account is recorded. I wonder if this can be for my gggfather whose death followed quickly after death of his wife, from grief & the children being very young, attention was deferred.</p><p>John Carothers letters of Admir were issued Nov 16, 1762 to William Carothers (no Tp given here) Final acct gives children as James, Rebecca, John & Hugh, This is gggf.</p><p>V24 Page 14</p><p>Will of John Carothers made Jany 10, 1783, proven Mch 13,1783 will book D p 148 Exr John Baird, John Quigley, Ayles Carothers wife Ayles Carothers sons;William, James, John, daughters Mary Carothers, Ayles Carothers, Jean Carothers, mentions unborn child. Witnesses William Geddes, Nathaniel Nelson & William McTeer</p><p>Will of John Carothers, East Pennsborough Tp Exrs John Carothers & David Bell. Will proven Aug 8, 1783 Will made Oct 14, 1767</p><p>James Carothers of West Pennsboro Tp letters of admr issued Dec 27, 1800 to John Carothers. No children listed in final acct, Perhaps deeds or orphans court might locate this man. See if it was James the cooper or half brother of my gggf born 1715 see Anjou book.</p><p>James Carothers of West Pennsboro Tp letters issued Oct 1, 1803 to wife Elizabeth Carothers, James Carothers, Joseph Pearce & Joseph Hays £1500 sureties John Carothers, Dr John Neal, John Dunbar, large estate listed in final accts page 79, 81, 112 & 139 children listed elsewhere for this ancestor of the writer (Mrs Flower). He was killed in the field.</p><p>V24 Page 15</p><p>James Carothers estate West Pennsboro Tp letters issued Nov 18, 1804 administration William Carothers & John Carothers. No Tp given & no final acct filed.</p><p>John Carothers West Pennsboro Nov 18, 1806 administration letters granted to James Love, final acct filed but no children given. Orphans court or deeds might show children.</p><p>Jean Carothers East Pennsboro Tp will made Aug 26, 1783 widow of William 1763 proven Dec 16, 1783 exrs son-in-law Wm McTeer (who married Margaret ) & Wm Henry. Book D p 187 Daughter Margaret, son Robert decd mentions grandchildren: grandson, William Carothers, grandson James Carothers, grandson John Carothers, granddaughter Jean Carothers, granddaughter Mary Carothers, granddaughter Elsie Carothers, granddaughter Jean McTeer. Bequests to John Quigley, Michael Devester, William Roos, William Henry, Joseph Henry witnesses Samuel Fisher, John Semple.</p><p>V24 Page 16</p><p>Robert Carothers, East Pennsboro Tp will made Jany 1, 1771, will proven July 4, 1771 executor John Carothers book B p 93 "Advanced in years" (he was 81) only daughter Janet Nailor (Make slip to look for will or deed) son John Carothers (who was poisoned) names his cousin John Carothers Exr witnesses Joseph Hudson, David Bell. Note above that David Bell is Co Exr with John Carothers of the will of John Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp made Oct 14, 1767 but not proven until Aug 8, 1783 & this statement of Robert, brother of my gggf John making his cousin John Exrs & having David Bell closely identified as Exr with John to witness his will leads me to believe that this John was making his son John an Exr & he, himself would be an Uncle of Robert 1690-1771 & brother of my ggggfather & son of Robert who died in 1694 & his wife Sarah Holliday. I reiterate again to see Anjou & have him furnish me with the children of my gggggfather Robert Caruthers who died in 1694. Make slip.</p><p>V24 Page 17</p><p>Will of Rebekah (Rebecca) Carothers made July 18, 1810 proven July 2, 1810 (evident error) John Carothers Exr she from West Pennsboro Tp Exrs James Greason, & John Carothers witnesses John Carothers, Mary Carothers, Jean Carothers Agnes Greason Bequest to Isabelle Binnan daughter of Francis Dinnen & also to Francis Dinnen. Also makes bequest to Rebecca Workman daughter of Margery & Samuel Workman, also to Rebecca Noble daughter of testator's sister Isabelle Noble & to her sister Mary wife of James Greason. Rodger Carothers, Dickinson Tp made Feby 27, 1794 proven Mch 28, 1794 exrs Joseph Marlin & James Turner Newton Tp Witnesses John Neal, Perceval Ball. Had wife Sarah, son John (under age) son James (under age) other children could be found perhaps through orphans court records</p><p>V24 Page 18</p><p>Will of Rebecca Carothers West Pennsboro Tp made Feby 5, 1800 proven Mch 9, 1800 will book F p 169 Exrs John Carothers, James Carothers. Had a son William Orr, had a father James Carothers, had a sister Jean Carothers, had a brother John Carothers who she speaks of as "Uncle John" in relation to her son William Orr who is under 21 yrs old. Her exrs are her brothers. Witnesses John Forbes, John Black & John Carothers. Mrs Flower adds: "I cannot tell who this Rebecca is nor where she belongs".</p><p>Nuncupative will of Isabella Carothers (no residence given) proven Feby 16, 1799 c.t.a. James Carothers, John Carothers makes affidavit supported by her brother-in-law Samuel Turner that on her death bed that she wanted her entire fortune to go to her brother James (she was evidently unmarried & her brother then was James Carothers)</p><p>V24 Page 19</p><p>Admr of John Carothers East Pennsborough Tp Feby 14, 1811 letters to William Orr & William Carothers. Final acct C No 119 gives no names of children. There were none. JVT</p><p>Martin Carothers of West Penn Tp (won of William of West Penn who died in 1783) made his will Aug 9, 1801 proven Aug 15, 1801 says his inheritance came mainly from his father & his brother William Exrs Andrew & Armstrong Carothers (his brothers) Makes bequests to his brother Armstrong & to his sister Jean's daughter Nancy Clark & to his sister Isabella Hays & to Robey Hayney witnesses: Wm McNaughlon, Martin Perry in will book F page 231</p><p>Mary Carothers adm letters issued Oct 25, 1824 to Wm Carothers no final acct</p><p>Will of John Carothers West Pennsboro Tp book I p 259 proven Oct 7, 1822 executors William Carothers (son) & wife Mary, James Neal (friend) Joseph Connelly (son-in-law) Son William & daughter Mary married to Joseph Connelly witnesses James Carothers, John Fleck, Geo Davidson.</p><p>V24 Page 20</p><p>Andrew Carothers, East Pennsboro Tp will made Feby 24, 1817 proven Mch 14, 1817 book H p 460 witness Samuel Fought. Sons, William Andrew, Samuel, John, James, Exrs Mary Carothers, Samuel Carothers, John Glendenin. wife Mary daughters, Levila Ann, Mary, Sarah Mickey, grandson Anthony Wayne Carothers.</p><p>Andrew Carothers, Carlisle, Pa will proven Aug 4, 1836 book K p 480 Frederick Watts exr wife Isabelle, brother Thomas sons John, Matthew, & James nephew William Carothers, sister Ann. He left all his land in Ala which he held in common with Mrs Sarah E. Blaine of Phila to her son by her first marriage viz Stephen Duncan of Natchez, Miss. She was second wife of Genl Ephraim Blaine who was commissary General of the Revolution under Washington & was his host in 1794 at Carlisle, Pa when he was there about the Whiskey Insurrection witnesses Alfred Foster & Johnston Moore.</p><p>V24 Page 21</p><p>Armstrong Carothers made Aug 30, 1837 proven Jany 10, 1838 exrs Josiah Carothers, William Carothers. Sons Josiah, William Armstrong, daughters Isabella married Black, Elizabeth married Wm Workman, Martha Carothers, Witnesses Frederick Watts Robert Peters Make slip to see Thos A. Carothers for descendants of the daughters & of William.</p><p>Ann Carothers West Pennsboro Tp made Aug 26, 1842 proven Sept 5, 1848 exr Thomas Carothers, her brother book L page 495 had sister Jane Bell who had son James Bell. Make slip. trace. Nieces Jane Rebecca Aurond Ann C. Aurond. witnesses Hetty Addams, John Clendennin.</p><p>V24 Page 22</p><p>Adm of John Carothers no residence given Apr 5, 1798 letters to Thomas Carothers his son no final acct. This is son of Robert 1690-1771 who was poisoned.</p><p>William Carothers, ancestor of writer (ie Mrs Flower) father of James given before dated Dec 212, 1782 proven Mch 8, 1783 of West Pennsboro Tp Book D p 132 exrs John Forbes (another ancestor of the writer) James Neal, Andrew Carothers. Wife Isabelle, sons James, John, William Martin, Andrew & Armstrong. Daughters Margaret, son-in-law George Clark who married his daughter Jean & makes bequests to her two children, son-in-law Henry Hay (or Hays) & wife who was his daughter Isabel. William Carothers Jr of West Pennsboro Tp son of above Exr Wm C. Clark, James Carothers & John Carothers Proven Jany 25, 1 94 [sic] book H p 313 witnesses John Kean, Armstrong Carithers & James Carrothers noticed different spelling of these two brothers Exrs</p><p>V24 Page 23</p><p>Makes bequests to his brothers John, James, Martin, Armstrong & Andrew & to his sisters Margaret, Jean & Isabelle</p><p>Gerald Carothers Carlisle, Pa will proven Aug 21, 1792 book E p 264 executors Nancy Carothers & Samuel Green had a brother John Carothers & a sister Margaret Carothers will made June 26, 1792. Adm of James Carothers Carlisle, Pa letters issued Sept 26, 1827 to Maria Carothers no final account.</p><p>John Carothers West Pennsboro Tp letters issued Jany 11, 1828 to Thomas Urie no final acct</p><p>Alice Carothers East Pennsboro Tp dated Nov 21, 1804 proven Dec 17, 1803 book G page 91 exrs William Carothers John Carothers witnesses John Orr William Orr Had sons William, John, James (deceased) & daughters Mary, Alice & Jane</p><p>V24 Page 24 Andrew Carothers Dickinson West Pennsborough letters issued Jany 4, 1814 of Admr to Margaret Carothers, Robert McCoy, Andrew Bodeir [best guess] No final acct</p><p>Will of Elizabeth Carothers of West Pennsboro Tp C.t.a. proven Jany 25, 1825 widow of James (writer's ancestor) letters c.t.a. to James Neal book I p 390 was widow of James Carothers Sr had daughter Margery Workman, 2. Elizabeth Holsapple, wife of Erasmus Holsapple & 3. Mary Greason. 4. Had a son James Carothers who was of the Borough of Carlisle. Bequeath silver teaspoons to Mary Greason, daughter of her daughter Polly (Mary) Greason, son James & Saml Douglas Exrs, dated Mch 8, 1824 witnesses Bernard Hendel, Michael Sanno</p><p>V24 Page 25 Carothers, Eliza Ella West Pennsboro Tp proven 3d 1849 book L p 522 left entire estate to her husband Andrew who she made her exr consisting of land deeded her the year before by Josiah Carothers & his wife Mary. This Mary snatched the will, tore a piece out of it & swallowed it but the witnesses who had recently read it were able to piece it out & it stood.</p><p>V24 Page 26</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 9, 1930 1:22 PM Continuing with the S.M. Carothers papers. Cumberland Co, Pa wills & Admin (later years)</p><p>Samuel Carothers made Aug 30, 1854 probated May 20, 1858 book M. P Exr John Lefever witnesses Fredk K. Watts, Jno B. Parker. sons James Carothers, John N. Carothers, Samuel Wood Carothers (under age) wife Jane Carothers, Daughter Mary C. Carothers, grandson John N. Carothers (under age) Adm of Samuel Woods Carothers, son of above Samuel Mch 16, 1865 to Jane Carothers (evidently his mother)</p><p>John R. Carothers, Dickinson Tp made July 6, 1835 Pro Aug 11, 1835 book K p 445 exrs Andrew Carothers, John Lefever, wife Margaret witnesses James Neal, Armstrong Black, Andrew Carothers. sons, John N. Carothers, Andrew Carothers, James Carothers, George Carothers, William Carothers. Estate to be divide when youngest son reaches maturity</p><p>V24 Page 27</p><p>William Carothers West Pennsboro Tp Dec 12, 1838 B L p 48 George Heikes Exr wife Elizabeth, youngest son, William Carothers, daughters Mary married Benj. Myers (grandson Wm Myers) Catharine married Geo Heikes, Isabelle, Emaline, Matilda, sons Andrew, John, James, witnesses John Wyncoop, J.W. Eby</p><p>Orphans Court records Cumberland Co, Pa Carothers Family on Apr 4, 1808 came into court with petition Martha Carothers next friend of John, James & Isabelle Carothers minor orphan children of James Carothers of West Pennsborough Tp under 14 years of age & says they have no guardian. See records later if year is correct.</p><p>On Apr 2, 1801 James McCommen (McCalmont) & Margaret, his wife, daughter of James Carothers (cooper) of West Pennsborough Tp came into court & say he had 8 children viz: 1. Margaret wife of James McCommon 2. Elizabeth married to James Turner 3. Jane married to Richd Stuart 4. John Carothers 5. James Carothers 6. Esther married to Samuel Turner</p><p>V24 Page 28</p><p>7. Rebecca Carothers died intestate 8. Isabella Carothers died intestate</p><p>On May 14, 1794 came into court James Turner & Joshua or Joseph Marlin exrs of Rodger Carothers decd & asked the court to appoint James Carothers Sr of West Pennsboro Tp guardian of John Carothers & Andrew Carothers, minor sons of Rodger under 14 yrs, the court appointed him. James Turner was son-in-law as well as exr of James Carothers (the cooper) of West Penn Tp & this looks as if he may not have been a brother of Rodger. Investigate this & make slips to hunt up the Turners both & James McCalmont & Richd Stuart & see if they can give name of father, brothers or sisters of James the cooper.</p><p>Orphans court Docket L p 77 on Nov 16, 1762 James Carothers (ggf) & Rebecca Carothers (over 14) minor children of John Carothers of Cumb Co, Pa come into court & ask that Wm Clark be apptd their gdn & same day Wm Carothers & asks that Ezekiel Smith be apptd Gdn of their brothers John & Hugh under 14 all of which was done.</p><p>V24 Page 29</p><p>At a court held July 28, 1801 on motion of David Watts court revoked the appt of John Alexander, John Longwell & Sarah, his wife over the persons of John Roger Carothers & Andrew Carothers minor children of Rodger Carothers decd & apptd John Woodburn & Percival Kean in their stead.</p><p>On Oct 20, 1801 John Woodburn & Percival Kean resigned as above gdns & court apptd Simon Ross & John Alexander.</p><p>James Carothers Sr was apptd later over John Roger & Andrew Carothers children of Rodger Carothers of West Penns Tp & years later was dismissed from guardianship & as his death intervened, his estate was answerable for an accounting in 1803. On Nov 29, 1802, John Huston & John Woodburn were apptd their guardians. On Feby 5, 1802 came in court friend Samuel Carothers father & next friend of John Waugh Carothers & Jane Carothers & asked that a gdn be apptd & court apptd him.</p><p>V24 Page 30</p><p>Docket 2 page 61 on Aug 23 1765 came into court William Carothers (probably by his exr) Admin of John Carothers of Cumb Co, Pa & makes distribution to: James Carothers, a minor eldest son Rebecca Carothers, a minor, eldest daughter John Carothers, a minor son Hugh Carothers, a minor son</p><p>Docket 6 p 480 on Dec 22d 1817 appears in court John Carothers, a minor son of Andrew Carothers, late of West Pennsboro Tp setting forth that his father had recently died & asked the court to appt a gdn over his person & estate. John Boden Esq apptd</p><p>At an orphans court held Feby 1, 1802 three men were apptd to audit the account of John Longwell gdn of John Roger & Andrew Carothers, minor children of Rodger Carothers & he was exonerated & he & his wife Sarah widow of Rodger Carothers & their mother were found to be their proper guardians & they appeared no more in court.</p><p>At a court held Feby 18, 1812 Martha Carothers next friend of Jane Carothers & Elsetta Carothers</p><p>V24 Page 31 minor children under 14 yrs of John Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp who had recently died praying for the apptmt of a guardian & court apptd William Bryson guardian.</p><p>At Dec court 1817 Mary Carothers as mother & next friend of Andrew Carothers, Masey Ann Carothers, & James Walker Carothers, minor children under 14 yrs of Andrew Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp & ask for apptmt of a gdn court apptd John Sample. Also came into court at same time, William Patterson Carothers, Lucetta Carothers & Mary Carothers, all minor children of above Andrew Carothers of East Penn Tp above 14 years of age & ask for a gdn & court apptd Samuel Waugh. Make slip examine marriage docket for marriages of daughters etc.</p><p>Mrs Flower of 166 W. Pomfret St Carlisle, Pa writing Nov 10, 1927 to S.M. Carothers gives following abstracts of deeds: Book H. p 15 Deed Dec 9, 1785 between John Carothers, of Mecklenberg Co & Andrew Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp farmer. These are, I believe sons of</p><p>V24 Page 32</p><p>John who made his will 1767 & died 1783 & wife Sarah who died in 1798.</p><p>Deed book 0 page 186 made Oct 28, 1800 between heirs of John Carothers who died intestate in East Pennsborough Tp & John Noble of Carlisle, Pa for £2169.65 shillings conveys 226 A in East Penn Tp surveyed to said later John Carothers on Mch 31, 1767. Heirs signing: 1. James Carothers & Elizabeth his wife 2. William Carothers & Margaret his wife 3. John Carothers & Sarah his wife 4. Thomas Carothers & Elizabeth his wife 5. Andrew Carothers (later prom Carlisle lawyer) 6. James Bell & Jean Carothers Bell his wife 7. Ann Carothers</p><p>Make slip to trace.</p><p>James Carothers et al to Andrew Carothers East Pennsborough Tp book GG p 457 May 12, 1823 James Carothers, William Carothers, Martin Carothers, John Carothers, heirs at law of Andrew Carothers of West Penn Tp to Andrew Carothers Esq lawyer of Carlisle, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 33</p><p>Make slip to trace. John Carothers et al to James Carothers et al book P p 408 Dec 24, 1806 East Pennsboro Tp. James Carothers & Alice of Hanover Tp Beaver Co, Pa (Make slip) to William & John Carothers of East Penn Tp She says brother James died intestate. John Carothers was father of John, William, James (decd) & Alice. I don't understand this why then is James joining in deed.</p><p>James Carothers & wife Maria to George Kline (father of Maria) trust fund created for Maria by James Carothers her husband James Carothers was brother of the writer L.E. Flowers great grandmother Mary Carothers both children of James Carothers Sr of West Penns Tp killed in 1803.</p><p>Carothers record taken from the family bible in possession of Mrs Samuel Line (nee Carothers) 113 S. Pitt ST Carlisle, Pa Births Fanny Clark was born Aug 15, 1787 at 4 PM William Carothers was born Oct 3, 1790</p><p>V24 Page 34 George C. Carothers was born Oct 8, 1814</p><p>Deaths William Carothers died July 27, 1864 aged 73 yrs 9 mos & 18 days Ann Rebecca Carothers died Oct 14, 1866 aged 24 years 7 mos & 24 days</p><p>Mrs Line does not know who this woman was, thinks she might have been a sister of the first wife of James Carothers, father of Mrs Line who was a son of William Carothers whose birth & death are recorded above. Mary Carothers died Aug 29, 1850 aged 23 yrs 8 mos & 20 days, youngest sister of James, father of Mrs Line & daughter of Wm Carothers. Fanny E. Duffy died Oct 22, 1856 aged 2 yrs 8 mos & 6 days An Aunt of Mrs Line (nee Carothers married a Duffy) William Carothers about 1790-1864 was a son of Armstrong Carothers who was a son of William who died in 1783 and Isabella. The above taken by Mrs Flower Oct 29, 1927.</p><p>V24 Page 35</p><p>Samuel Henderson Carothers of Carlisle Pa who I saw in July 1926 told her he was descended from the Huntingdon branch & from immigrants who came to America from Scotland in 1881. Told her as follows: Tradition says two brothers, Samuel & Andrew Carothers came from Scotland about 1781 landing in Phila where they got separated. Samuel went to York Co,Pa & entered the employ of a Mr Lush who owned land in Dickinson Tp, Cumb Co, Pa which Samuel later acquired & moved to near the Dickinson Pres Church. Mr Carothers bible records are as follows: Samuel Carothers married first Mary Nesbit of York & had the following children who lived apparently in York. John Nesbit Carothers (Mr Samuel H. Carothers grandfather) married Sarah E. Carothers of Huntingdon Co. Daughter Mary married a Mr James Carothers of Huntingdon Co Samuel Carothers married 2d Margaret Jane Golden & to this marriage there was one son, Samuel Woods Carothers</p><p>V24 Page 36</p><p>Samuel Carothers, (the immigrant) born Aug 1767 & died Apr 15, 1858 aged 91 yrs John N. Carothers born June 10, 1805 Mary C. Carothers born Feby 13, 1806 James Carothers born Feby 24, 1809 Samuel Woods Carothers born Apr 9, 1839 Mr Samuel Henderson Carothers father was: Samuel Carothers born Mch 10, 1839 Deaths Mrs Jane Carothers died Feby 27, 1867 Samuel Woods Carothers died May 18, 1864 aged 26 yrs 6 mos 4 days? Refer to my own records for this in July 1926 & in book 17 I believe.</p><p>V24 Page 37</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 10, 1930 7:55 AM continuing with the S.M. Carothers records. 5:44 PM The entire day has been taken up in Judge Dawson's court with the arguments of E.C. Higbee, Judge Prather, H.S. Dumbauld, L.K. Porter & E.C. Higbee. Judge Dawson stated that the Princess Thum & Taxis had asked for a copy of these arguments which resulted in the three opposing lawyers painting me doubly black.</p><p>Oak Hill Tuesday Nov 11, 1930 2:11 PM A letter dated Apr 10, 1930 which I answered (Apr 23, from Samuel M. Carothers of Sumter SC says he concluded to send me the following record of William Carruthers thinking I might not have it. It states that there had been no other Carruthers family found in Va but Elmer Irving Carruthers states his branch was in London Co Va about the same time.</p><p>V24 Page 38</p><p>He says they may have come from Pa or NC. The reason he mentions NC is because there was a Carruthers family there as early as 1720. This branch was different from the Carruthers who settled in the Middle Western counties about 1750-1760 as these came mostly through Penna. About all I have of the older branch I got from the "NC Colonial & State records" a 30 vol work of which I have a copy. This branch settled in the extreme north eastern counties on the coast, near the Va line in Perquimons, Carrutuck & adjoining counties & the following is some of what I find: Nathaniel Caruthers, so spelled, paid quit rents in Perquimons Co NC in 1729. In Feby 1737-39 Nathaniel Caruthers was granted 156188 acres of land in Perquimons Co NC, I suppose for colonization. Justice of the Peace in Perquimons Co NC Mch 23, 1737-1738 reappointed in March 1739. In 1740, Nathaniel Caruthers & James Caruthers were both jurors from Perquimons Co NC. I think James was a son as he (Nathaniel) had several grown sons at the time.</p><p>V24 Page 39</p><p>Nathaniel Caruthers made will June 22, 1745 recorded Jany 1, 1750 in Perquimons Co NC in which he names sons James, Jacob & John. John Caruthers made will Feby 2, 1751-52 reported April 1752 Perquimons Co NC & names brothers, James & Jacob & sons Nathaniel & Robert. John Caruthers, Craven Co NC will Sept 20, 1761 recorded 1762 names as heirs Sarah Rice, Lockeshannah [sic] Witherington & Frances Hedges or Hodges, sons John, Joseph & William & wife Content. He says if I am interested, he will send me what he can of them.</p><p>The Caruthers Family of Va. I am putting the information given in a table commencing on next page & covering 3 pages 40-42 incl. He then says: "Don't know to a certainty where these belong viz: James Carothers, Wash Coll 1805 registered from Lexington Va merchant died 1826 John Carruthers Wash Coll 1805 Reg Rockbridge Co John removed to Miss possibly the same as John P. Carruthers son of James see page 41. Madison Carruthers A.B. Wash Coll 1813 Registered from Rockbridge Co. To page 4[doesn't finish entry]</p><p>V24 Page 40 & V24 Page 41</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>William Carruthers was descended from the family of Howmains of Annandale, Scotland whose motto was Promptus et Fidelis & who distinguished themselves in the fight against the English & Baliol. He was one of the first settlers in what is now Rockbridge Co, Va. A deed of land in Augusta Co, Va as early as May 1748 others in 1756 & 1758. They lived on a farm in the forks of James & North Rivers Rockbridge Co, Va. His wife's name was Margaret. They had 5 sons & 2 daughters: [children]</p><p>Samuel Carruthers ob, married May 14, 1779 Rebecca Moffitt Esther Carruthers, ob married Mitchell Woods Mrs Hugh Bradley Esther Carruthers ob 1818 married Henry McClung. This marriage of Esther enables me to place this family as their records are given in one of my Anjou books in the closet in Madame DuBarry room which see. Robert Carruthers ob married Anne Alexander, daughter of Archibald Alexander & Margaret Parks & Aunt of Rev Archibald Alexander of Princeton College either she or her husband died in 1781. William Carruthers ob married Miss Wilson & moved to Alabama Phoebe Carruthers ob married Wilson & lived near Jonesboro, Tenn Esther Carruthers ob married Wm McCrory of Rockbridge Co, Va Anne? Carruthers who may have married a Wilson Rockbridge Co, Va Robert Carruthers ob not married in 1828 Hannah Carruthers ob married Andrew Cummings farmer & lived at North Bend, Va Capt John Carruthers ob married a Miss Poage. He served in Revolutionary War See page 42 James Carruthers ob married Hannah Paxton, daughter of John Paxton & Martha Blair. He was J.P. in 1791 in Rockbridge Co, Va moved to Botetourt Co Va mfr of iron. John P. Carruthers ob moved to Miss William Carruthers ob 1877 Wash Col 1818 farmer in Rockbridge, Bedford & Nottoway [best guess] Cos Va. Held office of C.S.S. Samuel Carruthers ob 1870 Wash Col 1821 Physician at Fincastle, Va & Holly Springs Miss Surgeon in C.S.A. married Anne Backus. Benjamin F. Carruthers ob 1863 district judge circuit court A.B. Wash Col Polly Carruthers ob Margaret Carruthers ob Betty Carruthers Joseph Carruthers ob married Rachel Trimble. Had several children James Carruthers ob 1863 Wash College between 1799-1812 lawyer moved to Jackson Tenn & died there. Rachel Carruthers ob married a Wilson & lived in Tenn.</p><p>V24 Page 42</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Capt John Caruthers page 40 a Revolutionary soldier</p><p>[children]</p><p>William Carruthers ob married Phebe Alexander he was a merchant in Lexington, Va Juliet Carruthers ob married 1824 William Alexander John Franklin Carruthers ob A.B. Wash Col 1815 William Alexander Carruthers ob 1846 Wash Col 1820 physician New York & Savannah Ga. author of several popular novels Sallie Lyle Carruthers married 1832 J.K. Preston of Lexington, Va Phoebe Carruthers ob married Alex Shields of Rockbridge Co, Va A son went to Richmond Va A daughter married Burton A daughter married J.A. Cummings Isaac Carruthers ob married Jane Benson lived at & partly owned Salt Sulphur Springs, Va.</p><p>V24 Page 43</p><p>From Page 39 New Orleans. Had two sons at Washington College Charles Carrothers Washington College 1831 cotton merchant NC. William G. Carruthers, Washington College 1860 registered from DeSoto Miss, soldier in C.S.A. died 1888. In the church yard at Monswald is still to be seen a recumbent effigy of Sir Simon Carruthers, who was killed in 1484. Carruthers Churchyard is an interesting relic of bygone days All the account was copied from papers of Mrs Mary J. Carruthers of Va furnished by Mrs Florence Carruthers Lesper, Little Rock Ark for S.M. Carothers, Sumter SC</p><p>V24 Page 44</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 12, 1930 8:33 Am continuing the S.M. Carothers papers. It is two years today since my dear brother Will was buried & I was not able to get to his funeral.</p><p>In a deed dated Apr 1, 1795 between John Carothers Junior & Sarah his wife & Isabella Hoge of East Pennsboro Tp, Cumb Co, Pa they convey 2/9 of 1/11 of 1/2 of 257 A in said Tp to Andrew Erwin which was willed to Sarah & Isabella by William Armstrong in 1777, the said Sarah Carothers (nee Hoge) being two of the nine children of William's sister Hoge who was a daughter of James Armstrong who in 1766 willed said farm to his eleven children. S.M.C. sends me: Carrutherstown, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Carruthersville, Pemoscot? Co Mo Carruthers, Mt Cassler? Co Canada Carrothers, Seneca Co Ind Crothersville, Jackson Co, Ind Crothers, McCullough Co, Texas</p><p>A letter dated June 14, 1929 to S.M. Carothers which with other papers I am today returning from Mrs D.L. Van Dyke, Liberty MO (Make slip to see her & hunt her sister who has the records & her mother)</p><p>V24 Page 45</p><p>She says the inquiry she made at the pension bureau was for Will Carothers. She evinces much interest, but S.M.C. says she does not answer two later letters he wrote her. I will write her today. She says her sister has all the family records locked up in her safe deposit box in Kansas City & that her mother will be able to tell Sbout the early history of the family. she says her grandfather was James Caruthers (& that they have always spelled the name with U). His father, Joseph Caruthers was the son of a Scotch Presbyterian minister but I have forgotten the dates but my mother to whom I am sending your letter can straighten it out. Most of our relatives seem to be in Kentucky around about Louisville.</p><p>S.M.C's letter of Apr 8, 1930 is entirely about Rev Samuel Carothers Alexander, a native of western Penna whose mother, he thinks was a daughter of a Samuel Carothers & he thinks may</p><p>V24 Page 46 have been the Samuel who was son of John & Sarah Carothers of Cumberland Co, Pa who it is thought moved to western Pa after 1790. This Samuel Carothers Alexander went to college at Danville, Ky two years & then returned to Jefferson college one year & graduated & then went to Theological Sem at Columbia SC. He was licensed to preach in Hpr 1860 & the next year in May finished his course on Dec 20, 1861. He was installed Pastor of Steel Creek & Pleasant Hill Pres Churches in NC. Just prior thereto, Samuel Carothers Dinsmore, an uncle of S.M.C. was an elder in one of the above churches & S.M.C. thinks a relationship of S.C.A. to the Carothers & Neely families was the reason for him locating there. Here he married Miss Nancy Rebecca Price, eldest daughter of Thos E. Price, an elder in Steel Creek Church & a descendant of Thos Neely. He served these churches until 1865 but remained in the county until 1871 when he removed from Charlotte to W. Pa & had something to do with establishing Biddle Institute or college for Colored people at Charlotte NC</p><p>V24 Page 47</p><p>A copy of a letter is as follows: Tennessee Madison Co Mch 29, 1846 Dear Brother: I recd your letter a few months ago dated Apr 29, announcing the misfortune in your family. I will tell you about my children: 1. My daughter Mary married last Feby & is living in Miss at Holly Springs 100 miles from this place. She married a man named Jonesand who is moderately well off. 2. My oldest daughter Permelia is living in Alabama, Lawrence Co 130 miles from here. 3.& 4. Neely & James are living in Tipton Co 60 miles from here. 5, 6 & 7 Margaret, Harriet & Ely are all grown, but not married as yet. 8. Samuel D. is living with me. He was 21 the 8th day of this month (born then Mch 8, 1825) 9. Charles Franklin is a plow boy 11 yrs old 10. Clementine is the youngest. She is 7 yrs old. I have been keeping the Jackson Turnpike for 2 yrs & 6 mos but my time is out Nov 1 when I expect to move to Texas for my last move. I have a small body of land there I expect to settle on which I believe is in the best country in the U.S. [unreadable word] time long or short. Your affectionate brother till death Saml Carrothers P.S. Please write by bearer & let me know how the friends in the old county are. Addressed to James Carrothers South Carolina, York District Catawba River. On reverse Saml M. Carrothers to J.C. Carrothers by J. Adkins over</p><p>V24 Page 48</p><p>S.M.C. adds that this Samuel Carrothers who wrote the foregoing letter was a son of James Carothers & Agnes Neely Carothers. James was a son of John & Sarah Carothers of Pa. Samuel died in Madison Co Tenn in 1847 (evidently before he got off to Texas)</p><p>In his letter of Apr 8, 1930 S.M.C. says he is not enclosing the record of his immediate line but will do so in 10 or 15 days. I believe he sent it but I do not recall recording it. He says that John Carothers who made his will in 1767 probated 1783 got his land in Cumb Co, Pa before 1767 from a Robert Carrothers & that Robert got it by warrant in 1750. He says Hugh Carothers died the same year he made his will 1783 & was living in that part of Mecklenberg Co, NC which was cut off in 1792 to form Cabarrus Co in the Rocky River section 12 to 15 miles NW of Charlotte. The land deed to John is 9 miles south of Charlotte bordering on the SC line. The Carothers were members of the Rocky River Pres Ch but the church records are lost.</p><p>V24 Page 49 Mrs A.W. Goodman of Concord NC 7 miles north of Rocky River has made search of all the old Cemeteries in the neighborhood, but could not find any gravestone for Hugh Carothers but did find Margaret, wife of Robert Carothers. He says all of Hugh's sons & daughters were married when he made his will. He says Sarah, the wife of his John was born in 1727 as is shown by her gravestone. She died 1798. He thinks John would likely be a little older & that they were married about 1747 but according to census reports, Hugh's other children must have married 1761 to 1776. Robert, son of Hugh, married Margaret White born in Mecklenberg territory (not then a county) in 1745. We know by her gravestone & Robert must have been about the same age. Hugh Jr & James were younger. Sometime, I think that John Carruthers who is down in Mrs Pilcher's book as son of James (or Robert) & Margaret Gillespie Caruthers is really the son of Hugh & daughter Sarah (see Mrs Pilcher's account of hunting John). This John was born 1743 married about 1767 & died in 1822 in</p><p>V24 Page 50</p><p>Rowan Co NC. I have copy of his will made in 1820. Mrs Pilcher is misleading in several instances. He says they have no trace of John & Sarah's son Archibald after 1790 & thinks the one I found in Adams Co, Ohio might be him. Says he has trace of an Archibald Carothers in Tenn but he is of a later generation & a son of William Carothers who is said to have married his cousin Sarah Carothers & Archibald was one of their children. Mrs Ellen Rankin, Rankin Texas has this record. Am writing her today. He speaks of an old James Caruthers bible which he had once but says it is now in possession of Miss Margaret Powell, Rock Hill SC. He says it was published in 1797 in London or Edinburgh but he don't recall by whom The record was began in 1803 after James came to York Dist SC but was continued until about 1850 by others as James died in 1836.</p><p>V24 Page 51</p><p>The James Carothers Jr bible is in possession of Mrs Mary Thomas Martin Box 300 Charlotte NC who is my sister. I will give you the full data with my records. I copied the record from them myself in 1910 & since & will give you the older part now.</p><p>James Carothers born Apr 17, 1750 James Carrothers [sic] came to Mecklenberg Co NC from Penna & settled 12 miles south of Charlotte near Black Stock Church. On Nov 21, 1803 he went to SC & settled on the west bank of the Calawba River in York District. James & Mary Carothers married Jany 11, 1776. Hannah Carrothers born Nov 15, 1776 John Carrothers born July 20, 1778 Sarah Carrothers born Sept 10, 1780 Moses Carrothers born July 30, 1782 Mary Carrothers died Sept 10, 1784</p><p>James & Agnes Carrothers married June 9, 1785 Samuel Carrothers born Mch 31, 1786 James Carrothers born Oct 25, 1787 Main [sic] Carrothers born May 11, 1790 Thomas Neely Carrothers torn off 1792 tombstone William Carrothers born Sept 21, 1796 The first wife was Mary Neely & the 2d was Agnes Neely both daughters of Thomas & Hannah Neely of Mecklenberg Co NC. Thomas Neely, Hannah & Man [sic] Carrothers are all buried in Steel Creek Pres Ch g.y. Mecklenberg Co NC V24 Page 52</p><p>Hannah, Sarah & Moses, children of James & Mary Carrothers all have headstones except Thomas Neely who is buried beside Hannah with a blank space on her tombstone for him which was never filled in. We have records of deaths of all. This Thomas Neely was a close relative to the two Neely women who Andrew & James Carrothers, twin brothers married in York Co, Pa about 1767 (see Mrs Pilcher's account for them) but he was not their father. We do not know what relationship Andrew & James bore to John & his family but it was close & all knew of it at that period, but later generations forgot & there seems to be no reliable record. I wrote to Mrs Pilcher but she would not reveal where she got her Caruthers information. Her husband, James S. Pilcher was a descendant of Andrew Caruthers & his wife Margaret Neely who came to NC</p><p>V24 Page 53</p><p>Samuel Madison Carrothers born Mch 31, 1786 in Mecklenberg Co NC see page 51 was a son of James 1750-1836 & Agnes Neely Carothers. He married Nancy Calhoun Neely a first cousin & they lived in York Co, SC where she died in 1818. He married again & moved to Madison Co Tenn about 1830 where he died in 1847 (see copy of letter above to his brother James). He left several children in Tenn as you will see by his letter Thomas Neely Carrothers & James Madison Carrothers were sons by first marriage but I don't know to whom the others belong. Mrs Florence Carrothers Leiper 1603 Broadway Street, Little Rock Ark is a direct descendant & can give you more information than anyone else. I am writing her today. He says he has no record of William Carothers, son of John & Sarah since he sold his interest in the farm in 1790 to Samuel Strohm.</p><p>V24 Page 54</p><p>Mrs Flower sent him a will of William & Jean Carothers of Wash Co, Pa which she thinks is this William who sold to Samuel Strohm. Look up this will. S.M.C. thinks his John who died in 1783 is buried in Silver Springs Pres g.y. Cumb Co, Pa & says his son, Andrew who died in 1817 is buried there & mentions his wife as Mary. He thinks Sarah, widow of John above, went to Mecklenberg Co NC about 1794 & died there 1798 appointing her son James 1750-1836 & her son-in-law Samuel Neely exrs & she left her family bible to her grandson Ezekiel Neely whose descendants live in Mecklenberg Co yet, but he has not been able to get any trace of the bible. He says many things indicate that Sarah Carothers 1727-1798 wife of his John was a sister of Thomas Neely or his wife Hannah who he thinks was married Starr as her tombstone has the Neely armorial insignia with a Star * added.</p><p>V24 Page 55</p><p>My line runs back this way: Samuel McKnight Carothers born Feby 1, 1870 Parents: Thomas Milton Carothers born Nov 18, 1831 & Livicia Jane (Potts) Carothers born Nov 18, 1836 grandparents James Carothers born Oct 25, 1787 & wife Margaret Swann (Neely) Carrothers b 1791 ggparents: James Carrothers born Apr 17, 1750 & wife Agnes (Neely) Carrothers born 1765. gggparents: John Carothers born about 1725 & his wife Sarah ____ Carothers born 1727. I connect with Thos Neely 3 ways through Agnes Neely, Margaret Swann Neely & Livicia Jane Potts whose grandmother was Dorcas Neely (married Grier) who was a granddaughter of Thomas Neely through her father John Neely.</p><p>Nancy Adeline Carothers born Sept 20, 1812 on Oct 6, 1836 married 1 William G. Thompson in York Co SC. They had several children all of whom died in 1845 from a diptheria epidemic & her husband died abt same time. Married 2 in 1846. She married Randolph A. Erwin of Mecklenberg Co NC. They had one child,</p><p>V24 Page 56</p><p>Mary Carothers who married Samuel A. Carothers. Nancy Adeline Erwin died in 1789 (this is before she was born). Her daughter Mary Carothers died Mch 3, 1930. Nancy Adeline was a daughter of James Carothers & his wife Margaret Swann Neely & granddaughter of James Carothers & his 2d wife, Agnes Neely & great granddaughter of John & Sarah Carothers</p><p>10 PM John Taylor Byers & his wife Isa have just left after an hour's call. John said he knew for years William (Bill) Springer above medium size & a bachelor who lived as long as he knew with Philip Wilkey at his home in Dunbar Tp a broad shouldered man who always looked after the farm & died aged abt 65 yrs & was buried in a cemetery of C'ville Pa. Phil Wilkey's widow, still living on the farm with her son Clarence who married daughter of G.O. Rush, Widmer H. is also her son. Springer was a descendant of Col Wm Crawford</p><p>V24 Page 57 being evidently a grandson of his daughter Sarah Harrison who married Capt Uriah Springer. John T. said his grandfather John Taylor an early settler of Connellsville owned where Hill Grove Cem C'ville now is & had 2200 acres running back to Breakneck which estate was not settled up until after John T. was married & he got his mother's share. John Taylor came from old Virginia & was a first cousin of President Zachary Taylor. His son, John was the father of Isaac & John M. Taylor. Make slip to see Mrs Wilkey & see if she has any old papers of Bill Springer & whether he has a tombstone & where.</p><p>V24 Page 58</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 13, 1930 8:40 PM I went to Pittsburgh on the PRR train leaving at 6:35 this morning & got back at 7:25 PM on the B&O. My dear brother, Will was born 79 yrs ago on Nov 13, 1851. About one o'clock in Pittsburgh, I learned that my neighbor adjoining our race track on the east, Robert William Playford had played havoc with his home committing the horrible acts & crime about 7 o'clock this morning of first shooting his wife while she slept in her bed & she is still unconscious in the hospital, then shot & killed his daughter Nancy, 14 who was sitting up in bed studying her lessons, then went in the room of his other two daughters Margaret aged 10 & Pauline aged 7 & shot them both & they have both since died in the hospital. One of them screamed & the maid, hearing her & the shots ran upstairs & he commanded her to "clear out", went in his wife & his room, locked the door & shot & killed himself. Pallini said they were all shot in the head near the ear.</p><p>V24 Page 59</p><p>The horrible cowardly act of killing the innocent children & wife. I met him Monday 10th in front of the old R.M. Modesette home & he asked about the 64 A of coal lands he owned along Mason & Dixon's line & I told him I would get it sold soon, but could not tell just when. He was smiling & seemed very happy, notwithstanding Jasper T. Shepler phoned me about then days, said he was broke up, caught in the stock market drop. He has been very anxious with T.J. McClernan & myself about selling this coal. He could not stand adversity & evidently was too proud to face poverty, if the reported word that he had lost everything is correct. Altha Moser Craig, son of the later Armer S. Craig told me going down on the train this morning that he recently met in Cleveland, O at some convention an F.M. White in the forge business of Rockford, Ills who told him that his wife was a niece of my first wife. He expects to see him soon again in Cleveland at another convention.</p><p>V24 Page 60</p><p>Oak Hill Nov [rest of date cut off] In letter of S.M. Carothers dated Apr 13, 1930 he sends record recd from Miss Ida Murray of Hugh Carothers son Robert but says he has not fully established that. He says there were three Roberts in Mecklenberg Co NC during the Revolutionary War & in 1790 but all were gone by 1800 having all gone to Tenn where they raised families. He says he has the Rev. War record of the other two Roberts. He says Hugh Carrothers of Mecklenberg Co NC died in 1782 & the first they heard of him there was on Dec 4, 1760 when Moses Ferguson schoolmaster of Mecklenberg Co made deed to Hugh Carrothers of same place for five shillings ctg 300 A on north fork of Steel Creek. He made his will July 2d 1782 recorded that fall in Mecklenberg Co in which he made his widow Sarah & son James Exrs.</p><p>V24 Page 61</p><p>I am tabling the information given about Hugh commencing on next page. S.M.C. sends the following dozen Caruthers marriages all in Rockbridge Co, VA Caruthers, Ann B & Alfred Layburn May 10, 1826 Caruthers, Esther & Wm McCrory Nov 28, 1797 Caruthers, James & Hannah Paxton Jany 24, 1793 Caruthers, John & Emily McConkey Apr 6, 1815 Caruthers, John P. & Ann R. White Nov 13, 1823 Caruthers, Julia & Wm H. Alexander Jany 15, 1824 Caruthers, Margaret & Wm McPheeters Dec 8, 1789 Caruthers, Peggy & Thos Wilson Jany 10, 1811 Caruthers, Phoebe & Alex Shields Jany 14, 1796 Caruthers, Sally & Wm Thompson Jany 15, 1806 Caruthers, William & Jennie Wilson Oct 12, 1798 Caruthers, William & Phebe Alexander Nov 17, 1796 copied from Vol XIII No 3 July 1927 Genealogy magazine biblio Co Pompton Lakes NJ Wm M. Clemens Editor whole No 135? page 23?</p><p>V24 Page 62 & V24 Page 63</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Hugh Caruthers first appears in Mecklenberg Co NC in a deed made to him by Moses Ferguson Dec 4, 1760 for 300 A for 5 shillings in Mecklenberg Co 15 miles NE of Charlotte NC in the Rocky River section which in 1792 was cut off into Cabarrus Co. He died there in 1782 & his will probated at fall term that year & made July 21, 1782 made his wife Sarah & son James Exrs. The children named below are as given in his will. He deeded this land to John Caruthers of Cumberland Co Pa who we believe to be his son & who willed it in 1767 to his sons Robert & & James but in 1774 he deeded it to them & he died in 1782 or 1783. I believe this Hugh Caruthers (or Carithers) is a younger full brother of my gggfather John Caruthers (Carithers) who was born in 1798. Note that he calls a daughter Esther.</p><p>[children]</p><p>John Caruthers Robert Caruthers in census 1790 Meck Co NC. He bought land in 1779 from David Oliphant was a "Regulator" & one of the Black boys of Cabarrus who destroyed Gen Hugh Waddell's powder train. He was born probably near 1740. Married Margaret White daughter of Capt James White of Meck Co NC. She born 1745 ob Aug 12, 1794 & buried in an old g.y. near Rocky River Church & had tombstone. In census 1790 he had 2 sons over 16, 3 sons under 16 & six females. Say 5 sons & 5 daughters. About 1800 went to Tenn & settled in Sumner Co & died in Marshall Co Tenn in 1811 see page 64. James Caruthers in census 1790 Meck Co NC. On Nov 7, 1797 deeded 3 tracts joining between Irish Buffalo & Coddle Creeks on NE side Rocky River to his son Hugh being the home place he got by will from his father. No further trace in NC. Think went to Tenn. Hugh Caruthers In census 1790 & 1800 Meck Co NC. No further trace in NC. Think went to Tenn. S.M.C's letter of May 5, 1930 says he married Margaret Carothers daughter of Andrew, his cousin. See Mrs Pilcher's book p 383 Esther Caruthers Rose Caruthers Sarah Purviance Dinsmore?</p><p>V24 Page 64 & V24 Page 65</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Robert Caruthers son of Hugh see page 62. He died in 1811 in Marshall Co, Tenn. Several of his children moved from Sumner Co Tenn to Kentucky & track of them was lost.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Hugh Caruthers Sr b 1766 married in NC Margaret Irwin & went to Sumner Co Tenn with his father. He married 2d a widow Carothers who had a son Hugh A. Carothers who was related. Margaret Caruthers married Jack Woodrow in Marshall Co, Tenn Robert Amzi Caruthers married & died soon after the Civil War in Tupelo, Miss leaving several children. Eliza Caruthers married a Wilson in Marshall Co, Tenn Hugh Caruthers Jr married Jane Wells & had 10 children who lived to be grown. See page 66. Sallie Caruthers married Zack Reed & moved to Mo Edward Caruthers died aged 17 yrs William Caruthers died in Texas Martha Caruthers married a Cathay & lived in Marshall Co, Tenn. Thomas Caruthers Easter Caruthers Robert Caruthers James Caruthers Harriet Caruthers Jane Caruthers Sarah Caruthers William Caruthers Ezekiel Caruthers</p><p>V24 Page 66 & V24 Page 67</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Hugh Caruthers Jr see page 64 [children]</p><p>William Caruthers ob 1858 Emily Caruthers ob 1857 Martha Caruthers ob 1917 married Thomas Murray Mary Caruthers married James Murray, brother of Thomas Ida Murray, She gave the foregoing record to S.M. Carothers in 1929 & he sent it to me Apr 12, 1930 saying that the former part of the record was dictated by Ida's gf Hugh Jr & written down by Ida's sister & balance taken from family records & is correct. The descendants are scattered over the west. I think her address is Lewisburg, Marshall Co, Tenn John Caruthers married Jennie Yokely near Pulaski, Tenn & moved to West Point, Miss. Dean Caruthers married Mary Hunt in Lawrenceburg, Tenn. He died 15 yrs ago in 1914 Samuel W. Caruthers married Fannie Watson in West Point, Miss & died in Temple, Okla Thomas Caruthers married Tonnie [sic] English near Pulaski, Tenn & both died in Temple, Okla Wilson Caruthers married Jennie Beasley in Nashville, Tenn. He died in Louisville, Ky abt 7 yrs ago say 1922.</p><p>V24 Page 68</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 18, 1930 9:40 AM A letter dated Apr 24, 1930 from S.M. Carothers, Sumter SC see b 23 p 192 sends 4 pages legal cap of records of his John & Sarah Carothers & one page of a Robinson record which I will now record in shape of a genealogical table commencing on p 70. He says it was a tradition in the family that Jean, the 11th child of John & Sarah Carothers & her husband, Samuel Neely were cousins. See page 75 & that James Carothers II & his two wives Mary & Agnes were cousins. He says it was perhaps son of Saml & Jean Neely whom married Elizabeth daughter of John Carothers on Jany 3, 1811. He reports Miss Pearl Burnham as saying she got the Andrew Caruthers record see pages 80-82 as being given to her personally by her ggmother Helena Caruthers Robinson but the record she gives shows her to be the granddaughter not ggd.</p><p>V24 Page 69</p><p>Rev. C.D.A. Hoon of Fairchance Pa was here this afternoon between 2 & 4 o'c & spoke of an S.R. Thompson a one time commissioner of Westmoreland Co, Pa who was son of Wm Thompson 1800-1887 & his wife Jane Thompson. He was son of Samuel Thompson & she was daughter of William Thompson & he queried whether these grandparents were the two sons of Alexander. William 1800-1887 was also of Wash Tp Westnd Co, Pa & was an elder of Polk Run Pres Ch, Wash Tp Westnd Co Pa & led its singing for 50 years. He has some data about Thos Thompson etc which he is going to send me.</p><p>V24 Page 70 & V24 Page 71 V24 Page 72 & V24 Page 73 V24 Page 74 [descendant chart]</p><p>John Caruthers probably born not long before 1727 & died probably in 1783 as his will was probated Aug 8, 1783 married about 1747 in Lancaster Co, Pa but probably in the part that is now Cumberland Co, Pa to Sarah _____ born in 1727 & died Sept 15, 1798 as shown on her tombstone in North Carolina. They were living in East Pennsborough Tp, Cumb Co, Pa when he made his will Oct 14, 1767 which was probated Aug 8, 1783 on a tract of land acquired by John Dutton & Robert Caruthers by warrant in 1743 & 1750 & acquired by him before 1767 as he disposed of it in his will. It contained 419 A. She made a will Apr 2, 1798 & recorded at Charlotte NC. She is buried in Steel Creek Pres Ch Cemetery. I have thought this John was son of Hugh who died 1782 see p 62-3. They had eleven children all probably born in Penna as the first three sons stated they were. Record of children ctd on next pages [children]</p><p>Robert Carothers born about 1748. He came to Mecklenberg Co NC before 1774 at which time he got deed from his father for 150 A there & which he sold to Donals Kinnich Dec 8, 1790. He was down as living in Steel Creek Tp in census of 1790 as over 16 yrs old 2 males under 16, 5 females & 1 slave. In his pension application issued Feby 9, 1833 he says he was born Feby 24, 1750 in Lancaster Co, Pa (If this is correct, his brother James must have been born Apr 17, 1751). He moved in 1772 to Mecklenberg Co NC where on June 1, 1780 he enlisted in Capt Brownfield's Co, Col Robt Irwin's Reg & served 3 mos NC Reg. About 1791, he moved to Davidson Co Tenn thence to Williamson Co Tenn & abt 1831 to Bedford Co Tenn where he was living when his pension was allowed.. In another paper he sd he had resided in Marshall Co formerly Bedford Co for 7 yrs. Last payt covering period Sept 4, 1836 to Mch 4, 1837 was made May 4, 1838 at Nashville, Tenn to his Atty James Carothers. He probably died before May 4, 1837 or shortly thereafter. He married Miss Margaret Scott & had eleven children. See pages 76 & 77. James Caruthers b Apr 17, 1750. Am writing S.M.C. abt adjusting these dates. Named as 2d son. Given separate. Margaret Carothers b abt 1753 married Samuel Sloan. In 1789-90, they deeded her interest in her home farm to her sister Isabel Woodward & her husband Absalom. There were two Samuel Sloans in the 1790 census from Westmoreland Co, Pa. No further record of her descendants. Make slip to search at Gbg for both Samuel Sloans. John Carothers born in Pa May 1755 ob Feby 28, 1838 aged 83 in Meck. Co NC. In his application for pension executed Aug 31, 1832 while living in Mecklenberg Co NC, he says that while living in Cumb Co, Pa he enlisted in the Spring of 1776 & served 9 mos under Capt White & Col Gibson. In Spring of 1777, he enlisted & served 9 mos under Capt Hoagland & Col Gibson. Both of above services were on the frontier vs the Indians. In the autumn of 1778, he moved to Mecklenberg Co NC & served 3 mos under Capt Thos Hart & Col Davis in NC troops & again in 1780 under Capt Brownfield & also Capt DeFord & Col Robt Irwin in said troops. Married 1 Mary Vance who died Sept 22, 1785. Had 2 sons & 1 daughter. Married 2d before 1790 Esther ____ who died Mch 23, 1818 aged 52. Had 3 sons & 3 daughters. He & both wives buried at Steel Cr Pres Ch g.y. See pages 78 & 79.</p><p>[These children of John & Sarah Caruthers below appear on pages 72 & 73]</p><p>William Carothers married Jean _____. Both joined in deed in 1790 to Samuel Strom for his interest in the land he got from his father. There were two William Carothers in Cumb Co in census of 1790. Look them up. Also look up wills of Wm & Jean Carothers at Washington Pa & see if they can be identical. Apr 15/31 S.M.C. thinks they are. Andrew Carothers b 1759 ob in Cumb Co Mch 1, 1817 aged 58 yrs married Mary ____. He bought the interest of his brother John in the home farm in 1786. He seems to have bought the interests of his mother Sarah, brother Ezekiel & sister Jean & lived on it until he died. He made a will naming his children which see. Samuel Carothers sold his interest in the home farm to his brother William in 1789 Ezekiel Carothers. He was in Cumb Co, Pa after his father's death & is mentioned by Exrs in settlement of their account. Not named in his mother's will in 1798. Not in census for 1790 in Pa or NC. He was in the Indian campaigns in Tenn in 1793. I found in a hist of Tenn which I got recently that he was mentioned as being killed in one of these campaigns. Archibald Carothers married. He had his 1/9 of farm he got from his father set off by itself & seems to have been living on it in 1790 as he appears in the census there that year with 2 males over 16 & 3 females. The males could not have been a son as he was only about 25 yrs old. No further definite record of him. Look up my 1925 & 1926 Ohio trips & examine about the Archibald I found. Isabella Carothers married Absalom Woodward. They deeded their interest in the home farm to Samuel Strom in 1790. Hunt Saml Strom's descendants in Cumb Co. I think he married a Carothers & came from York Co, Pa. Absalom Woodward appears in 1790 census in Westmoreland Co Pa with 2 males over 16 one male under 16 & 3 females. Make slip to hunt for his will at Gbg & his descendants.</p><p>[the child below of John & Sarah Caruthers appears on page 74]</p><p>Jean Carothers born 1767 or 1768 as she is the eleventh & unborn child mentioned in her father's will dated Oct 1767. She died July 2, 1797 aged 28 years & is buried in Steel Creek Pr Ch Cem in Mecklenberg Co NC beside her mother. Married prior to 1785 Samuel Neely, son of Thomas Neely & his wife Hannah Starr. They were said to be cousins & it is believed her mother Sarah Carothers was either a sister of Thomas Neely or of his wife Hannah Starr. He was exr of her mother's will John Neely Samuel Neely Ezekiel Neely</p><p>V24 Page 75 [blank] V24 Page 76 & V24 Page 77</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Robert Carothers son of John & Sarah see page 70 born Feby 24, 1750 or in 1748 or 1749, died in Tenn in 1837. Married Margaret Scott. so Mrs John L. Neely wife of John L. Neely Asst Atty Genl of Tenn writes & gives their children as listed below. She is wife of his great grandson, see next page.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Sarah Carothers b Feb 5, 1775 Martha Carothers b Feby 177- (say 1777) Margaret Carothers b Aug 25, 177- (say 1779) Mary Carothers b Dec 11, 17-- (say 1782) William Carothers b Feby 10, 1785 Patsy Carothers b Apr 15, 1787 ob 1871 in Mch in Bedford Co Tenn John Carothers b June 25, 1789 Capt James Carothers b Jany 30, 1792 ob 1865 married 1 Miss Jordan married 2 Permelia Wells Noble in 1843. He served in War of 1812. Bettie Carothers married in 1867 George Logan Neely John L. Neely ast Atty Genl of Tenn Married Varon Leech Elizabeth Neely, she joined the daughters of 1812 on record of Capt James Carothers A son living in Calif Robert Carothers b Dec 20, 1795 ob July 17, 1873 in Williamson Co, Tenn Andrew Carothers b Dec 5, 1797 Jane Carothers b Apr 22, 1799 married John Hodge</p><p>V24 Page 78 & V24 Page 79</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>John Carothers son of John & Sarah see page 71. Meck Co NC he was reported as having 3 sons under 16 & 2 females. The first three children by 1st wife & last six by 2d wife. In census of 1790. He made his will June 16, 1835 see my records Apr 1925 at which time his daughter Mary was dead. [children]</p><p>John Carothers ob owned land in Steel Cr Tp near his brothers Wm & James & lived & died there. David Carothers married May 22, 1813 Nancy Knox. He made his will Apr 8, 1865 James D. Carothers married Mch 17, 1851 Nancy H. Knox in Meck Co NC. [both of these Carothers married Nancy Knox.] Mary Vance Carothers ob married Whiteside Rachel L. Whiteside ob married in 1835 in Meck Co NC to Samuel L. Neely James Sample Carothers ob in married Feby 19, 1813 in Meck Co Peggy Starr Neely daughter of Moses Neely Elizabeth Carothers ob married 1811 John L. Neely son of Samuel & Jean John Neely Ezekiel Carothers ob married, lived & died in Meck Co NC Jemima Carothers ob married 1825 in Meck Co NC James McKee. Left issue. Make slip Esther Carothers ob married 1825 in Meck Co, NC James Batchford William A. Carothers b 1806 ob Nov 5, 1840 aged 34, buried in Steel Cr g.y. His father willed him a tract of land & his large family bible & hymn book.</p><p>V24 Page 80 & V24 Page 81</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Caruthers]</p><p>[children]</p><p>Andrew Caruthers Sr a native of Scotland who had moved to Belemeny (Ballyrona) County Tyrone, Ireland along with Joseph Robinson born 1705 [maybe says 170- hard to read] in Scotland died in Lancaster, Pa 1750, had when young moved to Co Antrim. These two about 1742-3 bought passage to America. The night before they were so sail, one of Andrew's children took sick & he left it with his sister, Mrs French who was to soon follow them & he brought her little daughter Ester Carruthers French with him. Mr French died shortly thereafter & the French family never came to America. He moved abt 1752 to Lancaster Pa & then to Writhesille (should it be Wythsville) Va & later to North Carolina. I think it altogether probable that this Andrew is a full brother of my gggfather John Caruthers & if so went on [best guess] to Ireland with his father Robert in 1713. It is significant that his sister Mrs French calls a daughter Esther. Capt Andrew Caruthers was born 1739 or 1740 in County Tyrone Ireland near the City of Belemeny (Ballyrona) & came with his parents & cousin Esther Caruthers French to America 1742-3 & with them settled at Writhesville? Va & then went to NC. He later went to the Wautaga [sic] settlement in East Tenn and in 1818 moved to Coldwater, Lincoln Co Tenn & lived with his daughter Mary Rhea Robinson until he died there in 1827. He married in NC near the time of the Battle of Kings Mountain his first cousin & child shipmate Esther Caruthers French born in Scotland 1740 & died in Princeton, Ind 1846 aged 106 yrs. See next page note that he has a John & Rebecca. Mary Rhea Caruthers (called Polly) b at Kings Mountain NC about 1780 ob at Coldwater Tenn Aug 16, 1842. She was born Nov 10, 1780, married Michael Robinson see on page 82. John Caruthers born at Kings Mountain NC in 1782 & died at Princeton Ind in 1848. Make slip. Married at Knoxville, Tenn Betsy Clark. Andrew Caruthers Rebecca Caruthers A daughter [daughter of Andrew & sister of Capt Andrew] the record indicates that it was a daughter that took sick on the eve of sailing & was left with her Aunt, Mrs French in Ireland A daughter [sister of the original Andrew on this chart] married a Mr French who died shortly after 1743 in Ireland Esther Caruthers French born in Scotland 1740 died in Princeton, Ind 1846 married about the time of the Battle of Kings Mountain NC to her first cousin Capt Andrew Caruthers Jr who was born in Ireland 1739 or 1740 & died at Coldwater, Lincoln Co Tenn in 1827 see the preceding page.</p><p>V24 Page 82</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Caruthers]</p><p>Mary Rhea Caruthers, daughter of Capt Andrew Caruthers see p 80 born Nov 10, 1780 died either Aug or Sept 16, 1842 married Michael Robinson born in NC Jany 19, 1777 died Jany 19, 1861 at Coldwater Tenn at home of his daughter Helena. He was son of William Robinson born in 1732 in Co Antrim, Ireland & died 1815 in Lincoln Co, Tenn & his wife Martha Robinson b Mch 13, 1747 ob 1827. William was only surviving child of Joseph Robinson born in Scotland 1706 & came to Lancaster Co, Pa in 1743 with Andrew Caruthers Sr & all of his children except William died & where he died in 1755. Helena Caruthers Robinson born Feby 10, 1812 at Coldwater, Tenn & died Mch 23, 1890 at Fayetteville, Tenn, married Mch 23, 1834 at Coldwater Tenn her 1st cousin Col Wm Bowen Robinson born July 22, 1807 at Kingston Tenn & died Feby 1, 1885 at Fayetteville, Tenn. He was son of James Robinson ob Aug 25, 1770 brother of Michael & his wife Elizabeth Bowen Pressein & her mother Mary Bowen had a sister Jane who married a Tyler & was mother of John Tyler 10th Pres of U.S. Mary Elizabeth Robinson b Apr29, 1835 ob Apr 15, 1870 married Capt James Henry Burnham son of Judge John Burnham of Bowling Green, Ky Pearl Burnham, Etowah, Tenn Mary E. Burnham, married Leonard Reid Gilreath of Cartersville, Ga on Aug 10, 1893 & she was left with 4 little boys one of whom, Sam Gilreath is now 1930 an attorney at Etowah Tenn. Hettie Robinson b 1837 ob Feby 1, 1921 at Etowah, Tenn.</p><p>V24 Page 83 [blank] V24 Page 84</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 20, 1930 11:55 AM A letter dated Apr 22, 1930 from S.M. Carothers Sumter SC says he is sending me that day by parcel post 10 sheets of the descendants of James Carothers son of John & Sarah, his direct line, so I must have it somewhere but I don't believe I have yet recorded it. He also says he has sent record of Hugh & will send others of John & Sarah's children all of which I have just recorded. He says other of his papers are in the hands of Mrs John L. Neely, Nashville, Tenn, who thinks she can connect up Robert, son of John & Sarah with her line & also give additional information on Archibald. Make slip to go & see her. He says in this letter that Esther French Carruthers & her two sons & daughter Rebecca went to Princeton, Ind & that her father-in-law, Andrew Carruthers Sr also her Uncle was born in Scotland. He thinks as do I that both Hugh & Andrew Sr are brothers of my gggf John.</p><p>V24 Page 85</p><p>In S.M.C.'s letter of Apr 29, 1930, he encloses one dated Apr 27, 1930 from Harry K. Stormont of Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis, Ind in answer to S.M.C's letter of Apr 22, 1930 to his father Col Gil R. Stormont which says that his father died Mch 24, 1930 as a result of injuries received when struck by an automobile in that city the day before. He says his father was much interested in genealogy & spent much time on that of the Stormont family & as the Carithers family was so closely allied with the Stormonts, he prepared a genealogy of the Carithers family. He said his father had several copies of these Carithers genealogies & charged $3 each for them to cover typewriting. I must see if I got one. He signs the letter Harry K. Stormont, administrator. He also encloses a letter dated Apr 29, 1930 from Erwin Carothers Atty at Law, Rock Hill SC answering one he sent Apr 7, to Miss Margaret Powell abt the James Carothers bible which she has given him for safe keeping which is 10 x 8 x 3 1/2 inches printed 1797 at Edinburg by Mark & Chas Kerr</p><p>V24 Page 86</p><p>In S.M.C's letter of May 5, 1930 he says: Now as to John Carothers, down as brother to Andrew, James & Sarah, says he has copies of deeds from him to his wife Eleanor & his daughters, Mary Isabel & Sarah dated 1782. He deeded his tract of 105 A bought in 1771 to his wife Elinor her lifetime & then to Mary now the puzzling part. These deeds are dated in 1782 but in April 1783 Eleanor his wife brings suit before the Governor's council to compel him to deed his lands to his wife & daughters accusing him of absconding. "Wants him to deed lands & other property to her & children" He sends this to show that Mrs Pilcher's acct is partly correct & that this John lived in Meck CO NC from 1767 to 1782. He thinks he is same as was down in census 1790 Meck Co as having 2 females & 7 slaves & in census of Cabarrus Co NC (cut off Meck in 1792) as having 1 female & 6 slaves. Says there are no Caruthers wills in Cabarrus Co but several deeds.</p><p>V24 Page 87</p><p>Since writing he has recd among others, the following papers from Mrs Flower: 1. Deed of Archibald Carothers & wife Christian? for 46 A (his 1/9 of 417 A) to Nicholas Cooper Aug 1, 1791 2. Abstract of will of Alexander Caruthers, Chester Co, Pa Oct 4, 1764. 3. Abstract of will of John Carruthers Chester Co, Pa Sept 16, 1786. He says he will send these & copies of sketch of Andrew Carithers by Col Gil R. Stormont if I wish. I am writing him to send me. His letter of Nov 13th says he has located a daughter of Rev Saml Carothers Alexander viz Mrs George Ficks of eastern Pa & has written to her. He says he recd a letter from Miss Elizabeth Carothers of Portland, Oregon, who is a granddaughter of Andrew Carothers, the crippled lawyer of Carlisle, Pa & his wife Catherine. She gives her line back to the father of John & Mary who were poisoned & he thinks she is confused about James the Cooper but I think she is not as I believe he was son of John & Mary.</p><p>V24 Page 88</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 22, 1930 8:20 AM I have a letter dated Nov 19, 1930 from Philip Mack Smith engaged in historical & genealogical research 1500 Columbia Road, Washington D.C. who refers to the census reports & pension applications as prolific sources of information. He says the census of 1850 gave full names of children with their exact ages & state of birth & that some preceding reports gave approximate ages. He offers his services at what he calls a low price of .85 cts an hour which I deem high. Make slip. Am filing his letter in upper left hand corner of the left hand swing door of my standing desk in the Empire room. All names & ages in the reports after 1850 he says all given.</p><p>A letter dated Nov 19, 1930 from Caroline Frankenrich Bain 2347 Morris Ave, New York City says she was born in New York Jany 11, 1918. V24 Page 89</p><p>A letter of Nov 17, 1930 from Lile T. Jacks Judge of the Superior Court San Francisco, Calif thanks me for my courtesy in assembling data for his pedigree given to Mr Dunlap. I am writing him to give me price of the work if published & I will remit.</p><p>A letter dated Nov 18th 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Abner Alexander RFD 7 Box 51 Huntersville, NC all written by herself says she is in her 1*92nd year born then say in 1839. Says she is a great granddaughter of Margaret Jack (who was daughter of Uncle Patrick Jack born 1700) who was a very lovely christian character. I must make slip to examine C.L. Hunter's Sketches of Western NC for record of her descendants. She says she is gathering information to further answer my letter & will send it on to me as soon as she can. She says she is much interested in the Jack history & I have written her 5 pages of their being Huguenots & of Rev Dr S.J. Niccolls.</p><p>V24 Page 90</p><p>A letter dated Nov 17, 1930 in answer to mine though she gives no book or page from Mrs D.L. Van Dyke, Liberty Mo says as before that her great grandfather Joseph Caruthers was the son of a Presbyterian minister who came from Scotland & that he, Joseph had three sons & one daughter viz: William, Sam & James & she don't give the girls name. She says James was her grandfather James Caruthers was born Jany 19, 1829 & died near Liberty Mo in 1912 aged almost 84 yrs & his outstanding characteristic was being close mouthed. She says she mailed my letter right away to her mother & says she knows she will write me, but does not give her name or address, nor does she mention her sister in Kansas City, MO.</p><p>V24 Page 91</p><p>She asks if I have any record of a Will Caruthers who served all the four years of the Revolutionary War & was from North Carolina. She says the children of Will Carothers (does she mean her gf's brother) live in Ky & spell the name with an O & suggest that I write to Hugh Carothers, Louisville, Ky or Robert Carothers, Little Mound. She says her gf James was born in Ky & came to Mo in 1860. The change of spelling the name was a whim of the three brothers & only designates the three families. She asks if I wrote to Caroline Wells, Washington DC whose mother, she figures was the only sister of Joseph & hence an Aunt of her grandfather which could hardly be. Am writing her again for her address & her mother & sisters.</p><p>V24 Page 92</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 23, 1930 4:37 PM Clippings from West Newton, Pa Times-Sun announces the death & funeral of Theodore J. Highberger 82 years old a pioneer resident of South Huntingdon Tp at his home in Vine St extension Thursday Nov 1930. He was born at Waltz Mills & was a son of Joseph & Susannah Waltz Highberger. He was married in 1881 to Miss Leah Jane (Lillie) Miller of South Huntingdon Tp, daughter of Israel Miller. He was a farmer. In 1922, the moved from their farm to their present Vine St residence. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons. Joseph M. Highberger of Greensburgh, Pa Rev Wm M. Highberger of Pecksville, NY & one daughter, Susan, wife of Charles N. Gordon of West Newton, Pa. He also leaves five grandchildren. Funeral Saturday afternoon, burial in Millgrove Cemetery. Out of town people at funeral were: Mrs Wm Allison & daughter Margaret of Uniontown 1*1 This may be 82. She says Margaret Jack's last words were: "I am like a ship long tossed at sea & am now entering the haven of rest". Miss Jane Boyd & nephew Boyd Duff of Wilkinsburg Mr & Mrs Ralph Markle & mother Mrs Elizabeth Markle & Mrs Eisaman of Edgewood, Misses Alice & Marguerite Markle. He was a life long member of the Presbyterian Church</p><p>V24 Page 93</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 24, 1930 2:22 PM A letter of Sept 24, 1930 from Goodspeeds Book Shop No 7 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass quotes an old want of mine "Old Kent, the Eastern Shore of Maryland with genealogies & records of Kent Co Md with marriages etc by Geo A. Hanson 8 vs cloth binding worn Balto 1876 $40" The price is too big for me now. Their catalogue No 195 of Genealogies & local histories gives on page 119 Hist of Cecil Co Md $20 Cecil Co Marriages 1777-1840 105 ps $8 Am filing this catalogue in library in outer hall. Make slip to see these books in Congressional Library Wash D.C. & examine for Finley, Jack, Thompson & Carrothers genealogies, marriages etc.</p><p>V24 Page 94</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 25, 1930 4 PM I have a letter postmarked Oct 3, 1930 from Rev F.D. Jenkins at Decatur, Ga enclosing 12 closely written large legal cap sized pages of Finley History evidently part of that prepared by Leighton Finley belonging to S.G. Finley, Spartanburg SC which he wants me to return as soon as possible so he can send it back to him. Make slip of his address. He says he has recently recd a letter from Major France who says that he has recd an immense amount of Finley data in the last two years & I understand him to say that France is giving this data 2 vols to the D.A.R. I will write him when I come to his unanswered letters. I gave this history to Virginia Maloney & she copied it for me. Making 32 pages. I am doing it up today & writing F.D. Jenkins at Decatur Ga & will register it tomorrow.</p><p>V24 Page 95</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 26, 1930 11:47 AM A letter dated Nov 12, 1930 from John H. White, Atty at Law Box 325 Borger, Texas who writes me through his Aunt Miss Rose Jane White, Shippensburg, Pa who I visited on Aug 6, 1926 as Miss Jennie White see book 17 p 409-421. He asks about his Jack & Thompson connection. He had also been corresponding with Hon W.H. Jack Sr of Corsicana Texas who sent him some information I had sent him June 22, 1927. He says he is a member of the Penna Scotch Irish Soc & was elected to the 41st Legislature in the 124th dist in Texas but resigned about a year ago & is aspiring to Congress. He gives two of his lines as given in his S.A.R. papers. First 1. Son of John Thompson White b Apr 30, 1862 ob Feby 14, 1928 & his wife Margaret Hemphill Maclay b Jany 14, 1870 ob Sept 12, 1912 2. Grandson of Charles Maclay White b Sept 13, 1813 ob Dec 4, 1885 & his wife Sarah Speer b Mch 31, 1825 ob Feby 17, 1895 3. Ggrandson Charles White 1778-1824 & wife Elizabeth Thompson b July 4, 1775 ob Jany 1, 1880 4. gggson of John White & Nancy Matthews died 1824 married 1772.</p><p>V24 Page 96 Second line The Jack connection 1. son of Jno Thompson White & Margt Hemphill Maclay 2. gson of James Hemphill Maclay & Anna Fickes 3. ggson of John Maclay b July 14, 1807 ob 1871 & wife Margaret Hemphill married 1836 4. gggson of John Herron born 1749 died Oct 1, 1815 & Mary Jack 2d wife b 1753 ob Jany 28, 1808 married 1773 (I think he is wrong here. Mary Jack was his first wife, but he may have married a second wife after she died. I think he is mixed in his generation above) 5. ggggson of James Jack He asks if I can get this James Jack straightened out & also how his Thompsons connect with ours. In his letter of W.H. Jack of Corsicana Tex as of same date a copy of which he sent me he says he is: 4th gggson of David Maclay & Eleanor Herron 2d wife & 5. ggggson of John Herron & Mary Jack 2d wife & 6. gggggson of James Jack & wife.</p><p>V24 Page 97</p><p>A letter dated Nov 18, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Ida E. Preedy 606 3rd St Garden City, Kansas She says her husband Wm P. Preedy see book 15 p 596 was killed in an automobile accident Aug 20, 1926 & is buried in Haskell Co, Kan cemetery, Santa Fe, Kansas. Says she has her four boys here, three are married & one single. She says he recd the letter from me for her mother about a month ago & sent it to her mother who is now living with her (Mrs P's) sister in Eastern Kansas. She says her mother is in poor health & is failing fast but does not give her address. She says she is now working out for a living. Her sister, Mrs Brooks wrote me in 1926 see bk 20 p 588 & b 15 p 596 that Wm P. Preedy was killed Aug 6, 1926 but the date here given of Aug 20, 1926 will be the correct one.</p><p>V24 Page 98</p><p>Thermometer 14 above Oak Hill Thanksgiving Nov 27, 1930 8:18 AM A letter dated Nov 12, 1930 in answer to mine of Aug 29, 1930 from R. Merrill (Mrs Chas H.) of 62 Front St, Exeter N.H. see b 23 p 470 gives her record in a 7 page letter large envelope. She gives references to Penna Archives 2d series Vol 9 page 614 to 714. Also John Jordan Col & Rev Frame. Also D.A.R. through Frederick Yeager, John Baum, Jacob Dreibelbis, Samuel Castner, Thomas McDowell, in later spring I sent in papers for: William Abbott, Ezekiel Rhoads, Peter Rothermel.</p><p>V24 Page 99 [blank] V24 Page 100 & V24 Page 101</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Samuel Hunter Rothermel see b 7 p 498 & b 21 p 158</p><p>[children]</p><p>Annie Wagner Rothermel b Sept 29, 1852 in Phila, Pa died Apr 9, 1928 in Tampa, Florida, buried Laurel Hill Cem, Phila, Pa married 1 Mch 1, 1877 Albert Miller an Episcopalian b Apr 10, 1849 ob Nov 13, 1919 buried Ardsley Cem, Glensette, Phila, Pa (Glenside) married 2d about 1892 to Erwin Hulme Smith who is buried in Laurel Hill Cem Phila, Pa. He was born 1854 & died 1917 a Quaker see page 489. Albert Miller was son of Henry Miller & his wife Anna Maria Rowuldt divorced 1890. Albert Rothermel Miller (Epis) b May 20, 1878 Tioga, Phila, Pa married June 30, 1913 Maud Belle Peterson (Epis) b Apr 28, 1886 at Maple Grove, Mich daughter of Andrew Peterson & wife Mary Hanson. No issue. Lives 935 S. St Bernard ST, West Phila Pa in business as A.P. Miller Co. Louise Rothermel Miller (Epis) b Jany 17, 1880 at Tioga Phila, Pa married June 15, 1904 at St Pauls Mem Ch Fairbrook [best guess, it's something brook for sure] Pa to Charles Henry Merrill Congregationalist son of Joseph William Merrill & wife Emeline Amanda Shiste?. Chas H. Merrill has no occupation. He was born May 12, 1862 at Exeter N.H. No issue. Dorothy McDowell Miller (Epis) b May 23, 1889 at Narberth, Pa married 1st Nov 21, 1913 at New York City to Harry Elias Hall (Epis) b Feby 19, 1886 at Virginia City, Montana ob Feby 26, 1919 in Virginia City Montana. He was son of Amos Cross Hall & his wife Anna Bite Griffeth. Dorothy married 2d in 1923 Raymond Gillespie Church (Epis) born July 16, 1890 Indianapolis, Ind son of James M. Church & wife Emma Jane Gillespie. She has no issue by Church. Lives 1292 Overton Park Ave Memphis, Tenn. Nancy Dalrymple Hall b Oct 2, 1917 in Virginia City, Montana Mrs McDowell [daughter of Samuel Hunter Rothermel] of Narberth Pa other children</p><p>V24 Page 102</p><p>A letter dated Oct 25, 1930 from Mrs Georgia Markle Roat No 316 E. Mahoning St, Milton, Pa. She says that Mr R.E. Krimer, who represents the Markle Bros of Hazleton, Pa & is tracing the genealogy of the Markle family & who makes her Christian a son of Casper which is the error Anjou has in the history he got up for John Markle. Her Christian Markle was born Mch 18, 1758. She asks the privilege of referring Mr Krimer to me.</p><p>A letter dated Oct 8, 1930 from Lois Welch Morrow of 215 Columbia Terrace, Peoria, Ills informs me that her mother Belle Fulton Welch died July 25, 1930 & is buried in Rukkell Cemetery, Bloomington, Ills. She says her father is still living in Bloomington, Ills. She speaks of having sent me last summer the book on the Scotch Irish which I recd & which I had written her mother to get for me & her father sent the letter to her. She is still trying to get the D.A.R. to accept her Thompson line. She wants a book.</p><p>V24 Page 103</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 28, 1930 9:40 AM A letter dated Oct 26, 1930 in answer to mine of Oct 2/30 from Miss Mary I. Thompson of 1003 Tenth Ave, Fulton, Ills says she has written to all the different branches of the Montgomery family whose addresses she had but now replied, but such dates as she has given me have been verified & are correct. 9 PM I have hunted practically all day & leafed through books 19, 20, 21 & 22 trying to find where to record the six pages of record unsuccessfully & am now writing her to send me the book & page I named in my letter of Oct 2, which she failed to do. Nov 29, 1930 4 PM After I went to bed last night I thought that I would have given the page in my book when I wrote on Oct 2d last</p><p>V24 Page 104 turning to that date in Book 23, I found references to pages 348 & 357 in that book & to other books & have spent the day in recording the dates she sent there & on pages 106 & 108 in this book & in writing to seven different parties, she referred me to in seven different states. She says William Thompson to whom she referred is still living & was born Mch 9, 1853 & is the son of Hugh Thompson & his wife Jane Kennedy</p><p>A clipping from yesterday's Morning Herald announces the death on Tuesday Nov 25, 1930 of cousin Miss Clara Stevens aged 84 years at the home of her grand niece Mrs C.E. Carroll, Los Angeles, Calif where she went about 4 yrs ago to make her home. Body is being shipped here for burial & is expected to arrive tomorrow, Sunday Nov 30.</p><p>V24 Page 105 [blank] V24 Page 106</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Montgomery]</p><p>[children]</p><p>William Rankin Montgomery see b 23 p 348 b Aug 28, 1868 ob Dec 30, 1907 married Apr 3, 1895 Zula Synder [sic] born Dec 7, 1874 daughter of William Synder & his wife Anna Cupp. Had two daughters, they & she born at Garden Plains Ills see p 157 Anna Abbolene Montgomery b Oct 27, 1896 married Aug 12, 1925 to Manfred Snow. Have one child. He is an exporter Henrietta Jane Swues [sic] Snow b Dec 19, 1929 at Tsingta, China Ruth Elizabeth Montgomery b Aug 14, 1900 married June 25, 1929 Harold Chas York b Mch 14, 1901 at Daykin, Neb son of Chas York & wife Mary Nelson, mgr of Chevrolet Gar. Residence Blackstone Apts Longview, Washington. Alpheus Stephen Montgomery b May 18, 1870 ob Feby 23, 1929 married Sept 14, 1897 Isabel Eaton born 1879 daughter of Thomas Eaton & his wife Alida Sutherland. Have two children Rankin Eaton Montgomery, married Isabel Montgomery b Nov 3, 1899 address c/o Longfellow School, Iowa City, Iowa</p><p>V24 Page 107 [blank] V24 Page 108</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Montgomery]</p><p>[children]</p><p>Samuel Montgomery b May 7, 1827 ob Sept 24, 1906 married Jany 29, 1863 to Mary Ann Mathews b Aug 20, 1840 ob May 18, 1872 daughter of Alpheus Mathews & wife Abbolene Bethea see b 23 p 348 & p 106. Had 4 children. Mary Abbolene Montgomery b Mch 23, 1866 married Nov 10, 1897 Ezekiel Parsons Thompson Isabella Mary Montgomery b Sept 8, 1829 (twin) married Dec 12, 1848 Ezekiel Kilgore, her first cousin. They had three children. Augustin Parsons Kilgore b Mch 1, 1850 ob when a boy but can't get date as there is no marker at his grave. Elizabeth Jane Kilgore b Apr 13, 1852 married Hupp. Last known address, Tacoma, Wash where I am writing Mch 31/31 lives Ladies G.A.R. Home Puyallup Wash but writing her c/o A.E. Hupp 833 E. 59th ST Seattle, Wash. Samuel Mathers Kilgore b July 19, 1856 ob 1924 married Susan A. Brooth [best guess] Ezekiel Edmond Kilgore b Apr 10, 1891 lives at Folette Texas see p 482.</p><p>V24 Page 109</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Thompson]</p><p>[children]</p><p>Alexander M. Thompson (the M. is but an initial he put in) see b 21 p 212. He is son of Moses Thompson 1821-1862 b Mch 16, 1846 ob Aug 3, 1914 at Seneca S.D. married Sept 12, 1872 Margaret Emeliza Heart b Feby 8, 1846 ob July 11, 1915 daughter of Geo W. Hart [sic] & wife Emeliza Kenworthy Sarah Belle Thompson b Nov 29, 1875 never married Egbert Alexander Thompson b Jany 24, 1880 married Nov 16, 1910 Henrietta Louisa Messenger Glenn Ernest Thompson b Aug 27, 1911 Florence Ethel Thompson b Mch 10, 1916 Kenneth Egbert Thompson b Sept 13, 1920 Verna Belle Thompson b Feby 10, 1925 Etta Jean Thompson b Apr 15, 1929 John Andrew Thompson b Feby 5, 1877 at Seneca S.D. lives Seneca South Dakota. Am writing him for his record. Marked Aug 21, 1912 at Faulkton S.D. to Letha Anna Norris b June 7, 1893 at Guthrie Center, Iowa daughter of Henry H. Norris & wife Lucy Maude Mullis. Have 5 children all born at Seneca S.D. given in his letter of Dec 13/30 Alice Ellen Thompson b July 19, 1913 Margaret Alexandria Thompson b Jany 6, 1915 Olin Charles Thompson b Feby 21, 1918 Dora Maude Thompson b Jany 27, 1924 Derwood Harry Thompson b Mch 2, 1927</p><p>V24 Page 110</p><p>Oak Hill Nov 30, 1930 5:22 PM I have been all afternoon recording in book 21 pages 204-207 data sent me by Mrs Mae J. York of Logansport, Ind & crowding in there much she sent in answer to my letter to her of Nov 15, 1927 which she wants me to check of [sic] & return & she will try to get the balance. For lack of room I am transferring to page 112 this book Ozola Myrtle Jack so as to make record she sent of her grandchildren She had formerly given but two children to Frank Mathew Jack b June 2, 1867 see b 21 p 106 & she now gives a third which died young viz: Lewis Edward jack b Nov 18, 1896 ob Nov 19, 1896 Her letter is postmarked Logansport, Ind Nov 7, 1930 Mae J. York 511 E. Main St. Am sending her an additional questionnaire.</p><p>V24 Page 111 [blank] V24 Page 112 & V24 Page 113</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Ozola Myrtle Jack see book 21 page 206 born Oct 5, 1865 married Sept 19, 1883 Frank M. Hurd b Apr 29, 1859 [children]</p><p>Owen Roscoe Hurd b Sept 17, 1884 see b 21 p 206 Robert Owen Hurd b Sept 22, 1909 Mary Edith Hurd b Mch 13, 1919 Jack Melvin Hurd b Dec 13, 1921 Roy Clifford Hurd b June 21, 1887 married 1 June 15, 1916 Norma Johnson who died Feby 6, 1920 leaving an infant child. Married 2 June 3, 1924 Alice Broch & have two children. Roy Lydiana Hurd b Feby 1920 Jane Frances Hurd b July 25, 1926 Robert Lincoln Hurd b Feby 12, 1929 Cloyd Carlton Hurd b Mch 27, 1891 married Aug 16, 1916 to Frances Estlich Cloyd Donaldson Bodine Hurd b Sept 26, 1917 Richard Carlton Hurd b Dec 20, 1919 Catherine Jane Hurd b June 26, 1923 Max Melvin Hurd b Aug 27, 1893 married May 6, 1914 to Ethel Knotts. Have six children. Mildred Maxine Hurd b Mch 20, 1915 Helen Marie Hurd b Feby 19, 1917 Hazel Irene Hurd b Feby 6, 1919 Ruby Lucile Hurd b Jany 23, 1921 Eva Jeannette Hurd b Feby 9, 1923 Lois Caroline Hurd b Feby 10, 1930</p><p>V24 Page 111</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 1930 4:15 PM 2 finely written note size sheet of two pages probably recd from Mrs Bishop of Calif is being read to me by Rose, treats of the Kilgore Hist written Mch 25, 1914 from copy of J.G. McFarlane who died in Minneapolis, Minn date not know by Isabella M. Barnes. James Kilgore came from Ireland to America settled near Green Springs, Cumb Co, Pa had one brother Charles Kilgore & five step brothers. First wife's name not known. Second wife's name Elizabeth Jack. He had 21 children. First wife's children viz: 1. Charles, 2. Oliver, 3. Daniel, 4. Benjamin, 5 Hugh, 6, Joseph, 7. James, a number died young. Second wife's were: 8. Patrick, 9. David, 10. John, 11. Jonathan, 12. Ezekiel, 13 William 14, Jesse 15, Robert, 16, a daughter supposed to be named Dinah (her name was Mary). Hugh No 5 settled in Sherman's Valley, Perry Co, Pa 6. Joseph settled in Path Valley, Franklin Co, Pa [the following is written in another handwriting, perhaps Rose Maloney's] Patrick was surgeon in War of Revolution, settled between Marion and Pittsburgh Pa. 9. David was Col in Revolutionary War and</p><p>V24 Page 112 lived near Greensburg, Pa 10. John settled near Columbus, Ohio, had two sons John and David who lived in Garden Plains Ills and died there, were married and left families. 11. Jonathan settled in Marion Co 12. Ezekiel left no family, killed near Carlisle, Pa 13. William married Isabelle Mathers Apr 15th, 1784. Their children were 1st, Elizabeth unmarried, 2. Jane, married Robert McFarlane May 2, 1816 born Oct 8th, 1787 died March 11th, 1883. They had three children Robert H., William Kilgore, John Geddis, Ezekiel married Elizabeth Geaton. [sic]. They said Nancy Jane who married Job Crawford. William married Mary Junkin, Ezekiel who died in Civil War in the 60s, Martha Belle died Dec 14th, 1869 Ezekiel and Bell never married. Samuel, No. 4, married Susannah Thompson March 18th 1816. Their children were William when over a year died, Jane McFarlane born Jany 1, 1819, Isabelle Mathers born March 8th 1821, Susannah Thompson born April 12th, 1823, Ezekiel June 7th 1828, Samuel Parsons Dec 15th, 1829 Margaret Sally Aug 4th 1832 all born in Franklin Co, Ohio. It says your great grandmother Barnes taught school in Laron [sic] Ill. Elizabeth Johns married George Rikarde. His Aunt Betsy as he called her, son died of small pox would speak of Aunt Betsy Pool so her second husband must have been Pool. They were all in Marion Co, Ohio. This was sent to me by Aunt Belle Barnes.</p><p>V24 Page 116</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 3, 1930 8 PM I left at 8:06 AM with P. Pallini driving for Washington Pa to attend a 1 PM meeting of the W & J Trustees at 1 PM in Geo Washington Hotel from which I withdrew at 4 PM & got home at 5:33 PM. At 9:15 to 9:50, I saw H.A. Lindley & arranged about the options he is taking at $200 on 3800 A of coal on which I am paying him $10 per acre com & at 11:44 to 12:33, I saw J. Howard Clark at office of his brother, Judge Norman E. Clark & arranged with him for the options at $200 on which I pay him a com of $5 per acre on 4800 A. I also saw Alex W. Asheson, son of Ernest F. & his Uncle Stewart at Trustees meeting & J.V. Clark about the Winfield M. McIlvain coal & all agreed to allow me a full com out to $200. Going Andrew [sic] [unreadable scribble] - 9:55 AM [more unreadable scribbles] then accosted [unreadable] Rebecca E. [unreadable] 93 last Aug was well except her knees & his twins will son be 6 yrs old, he went in Registers office with me & read over a will of William Carothers of Hopewell Tp made in</p><p>V24 Page 117</p><p>Feby 1811 probated Mch 1811 in which he leaves his wife Jane her thirds [sic] & his plantation to his two sons John & David (Make slip to run them down) & names 4 children. 1. Sarah Miller 2. John Carothers 3. Ann Baker 4. David Carothers Gives grandson Eldsy Carothers a horse & saddle & bridle value of $65. Appoints friend John Buchanan & son John Carothers Exrs. Dated Feby 4, 1811 probated Mch 18, 1811 Andrew then went with me to the recorders office where we found that he got deed from Thos Shannon to himself William Carothers on Mch 3, 1792 in which he was named as of Hopewell Tp deed book I No 1 page 418 ctg 733 A Shannon Hall Patent book 11 page 539. Upon looking over the patent sheet maps, he could not locate it. He thought the patent might might disclose where he came from. We think he was son of John & Sarah Carothers of East Pennsboro Tp.</p><p>V24 Page 118</p><p>[following in a female handwriting] Oak Hill Dec 4th 1930 12:40 PM In six of the National Genealogy Society Quarterly notices of data I wish to refer to are given as follows: In July 1914 page 78 gives reference to Macbeth lineage with a genealogical table. I am filing this small quarterly with others in lower compartment & east in bookcase in outer hall. In April 1915 page 7 Cumberland Co, Pa records Big Spring Presbyterian Graveyard Newville, Pa gives William Kilgore born 1756, d Oct 11, 1823, Isabella Kilgore b Oct 1761 d Feby 18, 1826 wife of William Kilgore. Jesse Kilgore b Dec 13, 1773 d Aug 19, 1832 James Kilgore b March 1771 d Dec 5, 1834 Robert Kilgore b Sept 7, 1799 d Aug 27, 1878</p><p>In July 1915 page 30 Cumberland Co Pa Records Big Spring Presbyterian Graveyard Newville, Pa gives: William McFarlane b 1757 d Jany 29, 1802 Esther McFarlane b 1769 d Feb 18, 1789 Eleanor McFarlane b 1776 d Oct 19, 1814 Elizabeth McFarlane b 1767 d Mar 16, 1816 James McFarlane b 1757 d Dec 16, 1807 Elizabeth McFarlane wife of James b 1764 d Mar 26, 1814 Robert McFarlane b Nov 15, 1784 d Apr 24, 1838 Lydia McFarlane wife of Clemans b Aug 1799 d Mar 20, 1846 William McFarlane b 1744 d Apr 8, 1811</p><p>V24 Page 119</p><p>Robert McFarlane b Oct 23, 1776 d Sept 14, 1847 Jane McFarlane wife of Robert b Nov 21, 1799 d Feb 1, 1882 Jane McFarlane wife of Robert b 1787 d Mar 11, 1833 Rosanna McFarlane b 1734 d Nov 26, 1812 page 32 same magazine Mathew Thompson b 1754 d Oct 19, 1823 Joseph Thompson b 1786 d Nov 5, 1823</p><p>In Dec 1929 Page 72 bible records of Christian and Elizabeth Baughman born Schneble had the following children: Christian Baughman b 1785 in Germany Nov 26 d Aug 3, 1836 Elizabeth Baughman b 1785 Jan 24, d Nov 8, 1866 John Baughman b Sept 16, 1804 Jacob Baughman b Oct 31, 1805 Christian Baughman b Apr 27, 1807 Joseph Baughman b Dec 11, 1808 Adam Baughman b Dec 3, 1810 George Baughman b Feb 14, 1813 Andrew Baughman b June 1, 1810 David Baughman b May 19, 1820 Samuel Baughman b May 17, 1822 Elizabeth Baughman b Feb 27, 1824</p><p>In Mar 1930 Page 5 refers to Abstracts of Revolutionary War pensions.</p><p>In Sept 1930 Rev War soldiers (12) buried in Browns Mill Graveyard, Franklin Co page 15. James Poe a patriot of Rev of 1776 sincere friend, honest man, a professor of Christian religion who d June 22, 1822.</p><p>V24 Page 120</p><p>James Poe, private under Capt John Woods but was a Capt in 177, 78, 82 married Elizabeth Cathart Potter & he names children: Margaret, John, Mary, Eliza, Harriet, Susannah, William, Thomas & James (Pa Arch 5th Ser vol 6 libr 91, 512, 520, 523, 532, 571, 575, 582 Capt James Poe was father-in-law of Gen James Potter. J.V.T. thinks it should be that Gen James Potter was father-in-law of Capt James Poe reverse of heretostated. [end of female writing]</p><p>V24 Page 121</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 17, 1930 2:11 PM I just got back at 1:55 PM from jail having been brought out by Pgh road gate by Shff Thos R. Aubrey & Register O. Frank Ruse in the latter's car upon discharge by Judge Dawson. Andrew took me in by dairy farm route Tuesday Dec 9, inst at 11:55 AM on a charge of contempt for not paying the amounts due the estates of John A. Niccolls & Emma Messmore on a miscarriage of justice made by Judge Work. I was taken in charge by Warden Wm Marshall Wilson [born?] in Meyersdale Pa June 27, 1872, son of Wallace Wilson a cripple & his wife Mary Acton, daughter of Noah Acton a veteran of the Civil War & chief of police at Meyersdale who lived to be 87 & his Wm M's grandfather, also a Civil War veteran lived to be 93 yrs old at Meyersdale. He & his good wife took very good care of me in the N.W floor room of their residence. She is a daughter of Jackson Kinnison who used to work for Uncle</p><p>V24 Page 122</p><p>J. Potter Carothers in his tannery & his wife Elizabeth Swaney, daughter of James Swaney of Wzmps [sic] Gap way. Her name is Lily Wilson named for her grandmother, the wife of Absalom Kinnison who was Lily Humbert, the sister she thought of Orlando Humbert who I knew. They treated me very kindly & well & I will not forget them & the friends who brought me out. Mr & Mrs Pallini were rejoiced to welcome me back.</p><p>9 PM Mrs Mary Stevens Carroll of Los Angeles Calif with her sister, Catherine, wife of Percy D. Coates of 98 Highland Ave, City have just left after a half hours call. Mary came on with the body of her father, Frank Stevens' Aunt Miss Clara Stevens who went from here to her in July 1926 & after about two years her mind went bad &</p><p>V24 Page 123 for the past two years, she had been at a sanitarium or old lady's home suffering from senility & died from a second stroke aged 84. Mary says her mother is well & aged 80 yrs. She was Emma Chick & we went to school together at Hagues School house. Mary wanted to know about the father of Ella Peach who died 12 yrs ago & whose mother Theodosia Stevens, had married Joe Peach a 49er to the California who was killed there on a RR on which he was working. Recently when Mary & her 12 yr old son were at Fort Suller at Sacramento, Calif, they saw three photos on which was the query: "Can anyone tell who these men are, they were sent in & we don't know". Mary's son said "Why Aunt Clara, has a tintype of that man" &thus he was recognized.</p><p>V24 Page 124</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 19, 1930 3:07 PM Henry Clay Frick was born 81 yrs ago at West Overton Westmoreland Co, Pa. He died Dec 2d 1919 at his residence corner 5th Ave & 70th St New York City, NY. S.M. Carothers of Box 421 Sumter SC in his letter of Dec 16th sent me an undated two page letter to him from Miss Margaret A. Alexander of Millerstown, Pa written from the home of her sister Rev Geo H. Fickes Phd where she was visiting but said she was soon returning home. She says they are daughters of Rev Samuel Carothers Alexander D.D. She gives notes about the Caruthers family as below which she says she found in the Penna Archives in the State Library at Hbg. The Carothers family came from Carruthers Parish in Dumfriesshire not far from Glasgow, Scotland, one James & his wife tradition says emigrated to Ireland early in the 18th century, thence I believe to America. Their children John & Sarah, James & Andrew, twins</p><p>V24 Page 125 settled in Cumberland Co, Pa. She speaks of children who are probably of James & Abigail Henderson see next page viz: Maria married Campbell Anne married Gallagher Samuel moved to Ky with his brother James married Elizabeth Hamilton Our legend is that James twin brother of Andrew while campaigning as a soldier in the French & Indian War saw the land upon which he afterwards settled in what is called the Loop near Mt Union, Pa Huntingdon Co, Pa. He was an officer in the Revolutionary War & wounded as shown by Penna Archives show [sic] We have a cousin, a physician son of Dr Randall McGinley Alexander born in Fannettsburg, Pa whose descent as a son of the Rev gives James Caruthers as his ancestor See page 128</p><p>V24 Page 126 & V24 Page 127</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>James Caruthers born in Scotland half brother of my gggfather John emigrated to Cumb Co, Pa</p><p>[children]</p><p>John Caruthers Sarah Caruthers James Caruthers (twin) b 1739 married 1 Nancy Neely in 1760 in Adams Co, Pa Married 2d Abigail Henderson from the vicinity of Balto Md. His children by his two marriages were as given below: James Caruthers married Mary Fitzsimmons. He probably married Rebecca Massy Sarah Caruthers married AreDuball [sic] Henderson John Caruthers married Mary Boal Alexander Samuel Caruthers b 1775 married Ann Zimmerman a native of Mifflin Co, Pa James Caruthers married Martha Templeton Rebecca Massy Caruthers from Phila Lewis or David Caruthers lives near Orbisonia, Pa where his son Oliver still lives Abraham Caruthers possibly it was he who married Martha Templeton [note at bottom of page reads:] It was Sarah, daughter of Samuel above 1775-1858 who married Sarah Henderson Caruthers b Oct 30, 1806 married 1830 to Randall Alexander b Feby 7, 1807 See top page 125. [does he mean that this Sarah Henderson was a daughter of Alexander Samuel? The birth dates are a bit far apart to be siblings as the chart indicates.] Andrew Caruthers (twin) b 1739 married Margaret Neely.</p><p>V24 Page 128</p><p>From page 125</p><p>We believe that Andrew Caruthers & Margaret Neeley [sic] settled in NC presumably Steel Creek. Our parents were familiar with the name in Steel Creek but so far as she knows they did not try to trace the relationship which undoubtedly existed. In the roster of Penna D.A.R., I saw the name of Dorothy Carothers Kunz of Huntingdon, Pa (make slip) who she hopes to meet her Rev. ancestor is James Caruthers. My sister's husband, Rev Geo H. Fickes Phd is a grandson of Mary Carothers. Her father was Andrew Caruthers (son of Rodger) was a son of Ann Pennwell & John? (Rodger?) Carothers married about 1787. John Caruthers father was Rodger Carothers so she says: A sister of our grandfather Thomas Barnett Price married Star Neeley in Steel Creek. Thos B. Price's mother was Nancy Barnett, daughter of Thomas Spratt Barnett (look up Dr Hunter's Jack record)</p><p>V24 Page 129 who married Ann Graham a sister of Gen Joseph E. Graham on our maternal side our mother Nancy Rebecca Price was descended from Robert Ewart, a scotchman. His daughter Elizabeth married Jonathan Price, youngest brother of the older Isaac Price. Their daughter Mary White Price married John Neagle was our mother's mother & first wife of Thos B. Price. His second wife was Mary Elizabeth. I am not sure of my cousin's address, but possibly Dr Newton Alexander, Forsythe, Montana, Care Dr Archibald Alexander will reach him. She is very much interested & I will write her at Millertown, Perry Co, Pa hoping to reach her. I will look up her record in the Campbell Pilcher book.</p><p>V24 Page 130</p><p>S.M.C. also sends a letter from Calvin T. Young M.D. Plant City, Florida who is descended from Jane Caruthers Young, daughter of Mrs Martha ed [sic] Caruthers, widow abstract of whose will dated Dec 5, 1791 probated 1796 recorded in Will book 1 page 143 Abbeville, Dist S.C. he sends which names sons James, John & Samuel Caruthers, sons-in-law Francis Young & Benj Terry & daughters Marguerite & Martha & Jane Caruthers Young. He also sends copy of will of her son James Caruthers dated Dec 7, 1823 probated also at Abbeville SC in 1824 where he died a bachelor willing to his sister Marguerite Caruthers his goods & chattels & $700 in money & willing residue of his estate to his brother Samuel & his son James. Executor Francis Young & Benj Terry. Francis Young, his brother-in-law had died 2 yrs before but his son Francis Young was then 45 but did not join with</p><p>V24 Page 131</p><p>Benj Terry in taking out letters. The tradition in their family was that the husband of Martha Caruthers (who they vaguely thought was James) was killed at his own door in Guilford NC by the Tories in 1778 or 1779 & the family moved from there to Abbeville, Dist SC about 1785. In his own letter S.M.C. refers to Mrs R.C. Mann of Bardstown, Ky who he thinks was a sister of William Carothers & both were children or descendants of James, brother? of Sarah who married Mr Alexander & their brother Samuel who went to Ky with him. This Samuel died in Georgia in 1835 a copy of whose pension record he sent me.</p><p>V24 Page 132</p><p>The Morning Herald of today announced the death yesterday of Mrs Rachel Finley Core at her home 64 S. Mt Vernon Ave Dec 18, 1930. She was a daughter of Abram Moore & his wife Adaline McLain. She was first married to William Elliott Finley, son of Elliott Finley & after his death she became the second wife of Henry D. Core who she survived.</p><p>V24 Page 133 Oak Hill Dec 21, 1930 4 PM I have a letter yesterday from Mrs Malinda Harper of Redfield Iowa written from the home of her daughter Mrs Dr H.C. White 517 W 8t St Gary, Ind Make slip.</p><p>A letter dated Dec 18, 1930 in answer to one about 3 yrs ago to Arley Early Bunn from Chas Newton French Esq of No 1 North LaSalle St, Chicago Ills speaks of Mary Finley who married Benj Bunn III (whose father & grandfather were both named Benj) thinks but was not sure that she was the daughter of Alexander Finley (she was daughter of his brother Robert's son Eli) "born in Harford Co Md of a New Jersey father of Scotch Irish blood & caned [sic think he means lived] in vicinity of Red Stone Pa." Make slip to look for deeds, wills or estates of Finleys in Harford Co, MD.</p><p>V24 Page 134</p><p>He gets from local history that Alexander Finley settled as first settler in Mohican Tp, Ashland Co, O in Apr 1809 & says that Benj Bunn II, father of the one who married Mary Finley along with William Eagle & his cousin Thomas Eagle with their families were the next settlers in the Tp one month later. I do not have the book & page just now where I have the Eli Finley record. Also see the unrecorded letter I have of the big family of a Finley possibly Alexander. I think of the Basking Ridge NJ which I think is from Mary D. Brown of Ills.</p><p>V24 Page 135</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 23, 1930 1:05 PM Yesterday at office of Charles S. Thompson 624 Weightman Bldg No 1524 Chestnut St, Phila, Pa Ex senator Chas D. Ames told me that the father of James Thompson of Clearfield Co, Pa about whom he spoke to me on Dec 5, was Moses Thompson of Centre Co, Pa who was Scotch Irish coming from the Juniata or Cumberland Valley. Look up the records of the Moses Thompsons I have.</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 24, 1930 9:22 AM I think it is 26 years today since Hunnie & I moved in Oak Hill. I have a letter dated Dec 11, 1930 in cordial terms from Jessie Dean Zanavini of P.O. Box 325 Jeannette Pa stating that she believed she was a relative. I wrote her on 18th inst asking for her line.</p><p>A letter from Claud S. Gordon of C.S. Gordon Co of 708-714 West Madison St Chicago Ills dated Dec 16 in answer to mine of July 8 to Mrs Retta Gordon of Russiaville, Ind says she died in Dec 1928 & asks why I want the information. Am writing for book & page which may be b 23 p 4-1 or b 20 p 128 or b 21 p 5.</p><p>V24 Page 136</p><p>A letter dated Dec 114, 1930 from Grace Frurip (Mrs Leland L. Frurip) c/o Dr L.F. Frurip, Kendallville, Ind states she is a Finley descendant & asks for information. Says she has been in communication with Maj A. Finley France but he cannot place her line which she gives as follows: She says she is a descendant of a James Finley who called himself a Jersey Dutchman, but as all the older members of her family have passed on, she has no one to ask & she finds so many James's that it amazes her. The only thing she can figure out is that he or his father might have been born in New Jersey or his father may have been an early settler who went into Penna from NJ. She does not know the name of James's mother nor of his father but thinks he had an older sister "Mary" but do not know at all what became of her. The story in the family is that the father of James went either to Ireland or Scotland to claim his share in the estate of either his</p><p>V24 Page 137 father or grandfather & the ship was shipwrecked & he was never heard of & six (6) months later James was born in NY state. Says she is not sure of any of this but it seems at an early age the mother placed James in a very strict Presbyterian family, where there were other children where he stayed awhile & either ran away or left with a team of oxen when they were driven away & never went back & not ever hearing what became of the mother & sister, but James had been bound out. He married later, don't know to whom & moved to New York State because a son Jonas was born in Onandago Co NY in 1830 my great grandfather. I will table this in next page. James Finley moved to Rush or Shelby Co, Ind where his daughter Jane was born in Shelby Co, Ind in 1819. His first wife dying in 1838 he married Hannah Stansberry Heymon, widow of Thomas Haymond [sic] who died on May 5, 1836 leaving 5 children viz John Wesley, Sarah Jane, Mary Ann, Edward & Asa, James Finley & Thomas Haymond agreed at a log rolling that if either died the other would look after the other's widow, so James Finley in 1838 married Hannah Stansberry Haymond for his second wife. Am writing her today.</p><p>V24 Page 138 & V24 Page 139</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>James Finley born in 1783 probably in NJ six months after his father sailing to Ireland or Scotland to claim his interest in estate of his father or grandfather was shipwrecked & lost. James died in 1859 in Rolling Prairie Cem, LaPorte Co, Ind beside his 2d wife where his tombstone gives his age as 76 yrs. He was a very religious man & had fought in the battle of Lundys Lane. He had a sister, Mary who with the mother was lost trace of. Married 1 ______who died in Shelby Co, Ind. Had 11 children the oldest Jonas born in Onandago Co NY in 1803 & Jane in Shelby Co, Ind in 1819. Married 2 in 1838 to Hannah Stansberry Haymond widow of Thomas Haymond & moved at once from Shelby Co to LaPorte Co, Ind where she died Nov 24, 1864 & is buried beside her second husband as above. Had 3 children born probably in LaPorte Ind. My informant Grace Frurip thinks his first wife's name was likely Galloway.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Jonas Finley b 1803 married Sally McNair daughter of John McNair & wife Hannah Allin Thomas Galloway Finley ob? named for his mother's brother & his father's brother, Grandfather of my informant. Malinda Finley ob Matilda Finley ob Galloway Finley ob Sally Ann Finley, ob Eliza Finley ob Hannah Finley ob John Finley, ob James Finley ob died young Jane Finley b 1819, ob Benjamin? Finley ob she thinks there was a Benj Amanda Finley ob Joseph Finley, ob Albert Finley</p><p>V24 Page 140 [blank] V24 Page 141 [blank] V24 Page 142</p><p>A letter dated Dec 9, 1930 in answer to mine from cousin Carrie Redburn McKee of Stuart, Iowa see book 5 p 343 says she has not yet heard from cousin Charles Quinche nor has she any word from Okla about Uncle Martin Redburn & thinks our only chance is to trace him through the Pension office of the War Dept. She is writing again to Topeka, Kan to learn of the exact date of Aunt Lou Quinche's death. She reports & sends clipping the death of the husband of her sister Jemima viz: Hamilton R. Myers born in Fayette Co, Ohio Apr 10, 1847 & died Feby 23, 1930 at Greenfield, Iowa where he came with his parents in 1858 from Ohio & has lived there over 70 yrs. He was a Mason for 49 yrs. He was son of Isaac & Elizabeth Myers was aged 82 yrs 10 mos & 23 days. In 1881 her two brothers started a lumber yard which they ran for 40 yrs. He was married Mch 28, 1894 to Jemima Redburn who survives him. He united with the Pres Ch during the pastorate of Mr Dool, one of his first great sorrows was the death of his 4 yr old daughter Ruby.</p><p>V24 Page 143</p><p>Besides his wife, he is survived by his two brothers J.A. & J.P. Myers & a son Dwight. He was one of ten children all of whom lived to be over 70. He made strong & lasting friendships & loved & was beloved by the children.</p><p>Oak Hill Christmas Dec 25, 1930 4 PM I have just returned from Andrew's where I had a fine turkey dinner with him & Lida & their six lovely children. I recd last evening a letter dated Dec 21, 1930 from Joseph M. McKee of Stuart, Iowa supplementing that of his mother just above. He speaks of his desired journalistic career & thinks he will go to NY about Feby 1, & will advise me when he gets located. He says his mother has recd the information about her Aunt Lou from her cousin Chas Quinche of Topeka, Kan. Priscilla Emmilue Redburn Quinche died Dec 29, 1928 (see b 8 605-6) in Topeka, Kan</p><p>V24 Page 144</p><p>& was buried Dec 31, 1928 in Mt Hope Cem, Topeka, Kan. Katherine M. Quinche died on Jany 8, 1925 in Las Vegas NM & was buried in Mt Hope Cem, Topeka Kan Jany 12, 1925. He asks if I have the marriages of their family. I don't. Charley mentioned Carrie Taupert, his sister but not her husband & has lead them to think he is dead. His sister Ida Emmert lives in Tulsa Okla He says he has written to Senator Brookhart to help trace through the war Dept his great Uncle Martin V. Redburn who did not return to the north after he was demobilized from the Union Army but is supposed to have married & lived in Okla. He says he is much interested in family records & stray bits of history. Make slips to go to Topeka & Tulsa.</p><p>V24 Page 145</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 26, 1930 11:15 AM A letter dated Dec 22, 1930 in answer to mine from Miss Margaret A. Alexander of Millerstown, Perry Co, Pa daughter of Rev Dr Samuel Carothers Alexander sends clipping announcing the death at his home in Carlisle, Pa of Samuel Henderson Carothers on Dec 19, 1930 who was then a J.P. recently taking said office who had taught 42 years in the schools of Cumberland Co, Pa. At his bedside was his wife, his daughter Margaret, wife of Dr Wm Foster Burdick of Washington who arrived home late the night before. He started teaching in the public schools at Mt Rock in 1878 & taught continuously until last year when elected J.P. except for 9 yrs during which he was sealer of weights & measures from 1914 to 1920. He was a member of 2d Pres Church & was an active Democrat. He is also survived by a son Carl Carothers of Pittsburgh, Pa who is now in Florida. See b 17 p 60-64 when I saw him July 20, 1926</p><p>V24 Page 146 She is very much interested & will gather in the records of her father's family & send to me. She would like data to get a Carothers bar for her ancestor James Carothers who fought at Kittanning. The Rev record is in Ella Woods Keenan D.A.R. papers who erroneously took him for our James.</p><p>A letter dated Dec 14, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Lois Welch Morrow of 215 Columbia Terrace, Peoria Ills. She encloses a letter of Nov 5, 1930 from Kate B. Van Orsdel Reg Genl of the D.A.R. which states that Samuel Thompson states in his will published in the Penna Gen Soc Pub he states that his children are named in his will in the order of their births, making Agnes his 8th child born in 1762 when her father reported born in 1746 was but 16 yrs old. She asks for correct date & her authority. Make slip to hunt at Gbg when he first bought land there & see if it gave where he was born.</p><p>V24 Page 147</p><p>A letter dated Dec 18, 1930 from Cousin Helen Harvey gives her address as 236 Bradbury, San Gabriel Calif. Am writing her today for names & births of her children.</p><p>Miss Hinch has mailed back to me the Caruthers I gave her last summer when she was going to Ireland & with it a letter from H Gt G. McClenaghan dated Aug 2, 1930 which says that all the records of Letterkenny Parish Church were sent to the Public records office Four Courts Dublin Ireland in 1874 & when these buildings were blown up in 1922 the records perished. The only records they have dating before 1874 are marriages & they only got back to 1845. He is rector of the Parish so Miss Helen Hinch writes Dec giving her address as c/o A. Carhart Esq [unreadable] Pa</p><p>V24 Page 148</p><p>A letter dated Dec 2, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs G.A. Leiper (Florence Caruthers) of 1603 Broadway Little Rock Ark says she is a great granddaughter of Samuel Carothers born in NC. His son Thomas Neeley Carothers having been my grandfather. My own father, James Staughter Carruthers (I think the middle name is Slaughter) adopted the original spelling of Carruthers while his Uncles use but one R. I am very busy just now, but promise to have our record written out & will send it to you. My grandmother was Eliza Gorther (Mrs Thomas Carothers) never yet [long blank space] Gaither who was not descended from John Gaither who came to</p><p>V24 Page 149</p><p>Va & [long blank space] from England. She is very much interested & feels we are of the same branch which we are. Am writing her tonight. Sallie Hadden Cope born Sept 5, 1884 & her older sister Lizzie H. Ruden both former wards of mine called about 5 o'c for a half hours chat as they were leaving. Louise H. Whaley born Dec 31, 1882 weighing 165 called with a big box of fruit & other cakes, fruit for me.</p><p>V24 Page 150</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 28, 1930 3 PM A letter dated Dec 1, 1930 from Mrs Georgia M.D. Roat 376 Mahoning St, Milton, Pa who I visited about Sept 6, 1923. She encloses the record of her ggf Christian Markle which she says is correct. She does not send the record of John gf of the Markle bros at Hazleton, Pa as she does not have all the dates. She gives the name of Mr R.C. Kremer, 215 W 10th St Hazleton, Pa who was to see her & get the record from her old bible. Says he is on the staff of the Markle Bros Hazleton, Pa but she does not think he is a relative. Make slip to see him. Record: Christian Markle 3d oldest son of Peter Markle b 1721-1785 & Catharina B. Grim was born at Moselem Springs in 1758 & died at Milton, Pa in 1836. He married Anna Maria Straub, Lancaster, Pa born 1759 died 1832. Had following children:</p><p>V24 Page 151</p><p>*Jacob Markle b 1782 William Markle b 1783 John Markle b 1785 Elizabeth Markle b 1787 Samuel Markle b 1788 Gideon Markle b 1791 Mary Markle b 1792 Katherine Markle b 1796 Peter Markle b 1798</p><p>William & Samuel died in infancy. Jacob born 1782 married Harriet Eckart & had 4 children: 1. Zachariah married Anna Forest. No children 2. Elizabeth, single 3. Annie</p><p>John born 1785</p><p>Elizabeth born 1787 married Robert Gray & had 4 children: 1. John Gray 2. Jane Gray 3. Katharina Gray married Nathaniel Johnson, Montonsville, Pa 4. Clarissa Gray, single</p><p>Gideon born 1791 married Mary Robbins & had 4 children: 1. John Markle, single</p><p>V24 Page 152</p><p>2. Christiana Markle single 3. Georgianna Markle married Geo B. Cadwallader. They had two daughters: I. Mary Cadwallader, single II. Anna J. Cadwallader, married William Rohrbach, Sunbury, Pa</p><p>Mary born 1792 married Jesse Derickson & had the following children in Milton, Pa: 1. Samuel Derickson b 1815 married Susan Johnson 2. Mary Derickson b 1817 single 3. W. Wood Derickson b 1819 married Mary E. Folmer NY City 4. Gideon Derickson b 1822 5. Peter Markle Derickson b 1824 6. Harriet Ann Derickson b 1826 7. Martha E. Comly Derickson (marked 5) born 1828 married Joseph Anten No children. 8. Christian Markle Derickson b 1832 died in childhood 9. Catherine Louise Derickson b 1834 married George Dy Ball Phila Pa no children 10. Sarah Caroline Derickson b 1839 single Katharine b 1796 married Philip Folmer b 1793 Milton, Pa & had the following children:</p><p>V24 Page 153</p><p>1. Samuel Folmer b 1830 married Sarah Summers & had one daughter I. Ella Folmer married Wm Stout & had 4 children a. Morris Stout b. Sarah Stout c. Lee Stout d. Richard Stout 2. Mary E. Folmer b 1831 married Wm Wood Derickson & had the following children, Milton, Pa I. Jesse Derickson II. William Derickson III. Henry Derickson [all 3 above:] died in childhood IV. Katherine Derickson b 1859 married David H. Ettle & had 2 sons a. George Ettle single b. Myron D. Ettle married Esther Magganson, Rock Island Ills V. Samuel b 1859 married Anna Emerson & had the following children a. Edwin b. Sarah c. William W. married Cecile Morton d. Georgia Markle married Clarence Butterfield e. Jeannette f. John g. Marian h. Olive Virginia VI. Georgia Markle b 1862 my informant married C. Anten Roat. No children.</p><p>V24 Page 154</p><p>3. Philip Henry Folmer b 1835 married Mary Meixel had the following children: I. Catherine Markle Folmer married Rev Noll II. Carrie Folmer, single III. Grace Folmer, single</p><p>V24 Page 155</p><p>Oak Hill Dec 29, 1930 4:54 PM I have just returned from cousin James V. Robinson's George Tp where I saw him & his wife Alcesta & paid their children, Merchant, Emma, Marie & Frank L. each the $100 willed them by cousin Ruth E.V. Ewing. Jim said his father, Samuel Robinson was 83 when he died. Their daughter Ruth's two children by her first husband Reckard were there viz: James aged 13 will be 14 next July & Elsie aged 12 Ruth married second a man named Halman from over the mountain by Maryland who is very unjust by her & she has three children by him. He is a farmer & they live at Jumonsville, Pa where he has charge of the Soldiers Orphan School farm for the present owner Harry Whyel.</p><p>V24 Page 156 Oak Hill Dec 30, 1930 11 AM A letter dated Dec 13, 1930 in answer to mine of Nov 29/30 from William Bigelow Montgomery of NO 901 Montrose Ave, Chicago, Ills says his father Chas Alfred Montgomery 1838-1883, see book 23 page 349 was born in Penna & died in Irving, Kansas. He is very much interested & wants a book. His father Chas A. Montgomery was married in 1868 at St Joseph Mo to Fannie T. Bigelow who was born in Hoboken, NY & was buried in Denver Col in Jany 1891.</p><p>A letter dated Dec 3, 1930 in answer to mine of Nov 29/30 from Mrs Zula Montgomery of Bozeman, Montana gives information which I have entered on page 106 & refers me to Mrs Brook 707 N. McKinley Sand Springs Okla for record of her son Manfred & to Mrs Cecile Clark, Rigby, Idaho for record of H.C. York & I have written both.</p><p>V24 Page 157</p><p>Oak Hill Wednesday Dec 31, 1930 12:46 PM It is 26 years tonight since we gave our housewarming reception here with an attendance of about 300 people. We moved in a week before the day before Christmas on Dec 24, 1904. This is a birthday anniversary of Col A.D. Boyd's of Isa F. Byers born in 1879 & Louise H. Whaley born in 1882. I have a letter dated Dec 6, 1930 from George C. Thompson of the C.C. Thompson Pottery Co of East Liverpool O who says he has learned of my interest in the Thompson genealogy & says he is a grandson of Josiah Thompson (with whom I once corresponded) & whose grandfather came from Ballymena, Ireland where many Thompsons are buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard there & he had no trouble in connecting his family with those now there.</p><p>V24 Page 158</p><p>He says his ancestors were Scotch & left Scotland by reason of religious persecution about three centuries ago & settled in the north of Ireland at Ballymena. He would like to see a copy of my history & I am writing him today for his line & writing him to come & see me.</p><p>V24 Page 159</p><p>I have a letter dated Dec 14, 1930 in answer to mine of June 14, 1930 from Mrs Bertha C. Dawson (Mrs E.E.) of Petersburgh, Ills. She says she has dug her genealogy out of some records in storage & also refers to Mrs G.M. Crawford of No 276 N. Lewis St, Staunton, Va who is writing an extensive Crawford family book. She has asked me for my data & says all Augusta Co, Crawfords are related but I doubt that as mine came from South of Fincastle perhaps toward Roanoke along Craigs Creek. A William Crawford was granted 100 A of land in Botetourt or Augusta, I can't locate the father of my James. There seems to have been three old men in that vicinity. I am sending record & will be glad to furnish more if I can. She recd a letter from Mrs Edgar Udine, Carlisle, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 160 who is of my line. She recd a letter from John S. Crawford who still resides on the old homestead in Ky where the James Crawford of Fincastle settled & was buried. She had removed last winter from Montana to Pa. A Crawford girl gives me the following data which was given her by her great Uncle. Children of James & Sarah Crawford: 1. Alexander Crawford my great grandfather emigrated to Menard Co, Ills & reared his family there. Henry Hogburn Crawford never married. He joined the U.S. army & went to Mexico where he died. Isaiah Crawford married & went to Russels Place, Lawrence Co Ohio. Sarah Crawford a sister married a man named Keeny & lived in Portsmouth, O Margery Crawford, another sister married Blankership & went to the same place. Samuel Crawford went to Ohio joined the Mormon Church & was an Elder in the Church, later moving to Utah. Joshua Crawford went to Cincinnati, O & was a cabinet</p><p>V24 Page 162 maker & raised a family there. William Crawford never married. Lived at home. Elizabeth or Betty Crawford married a Hughes & lived at Crawfordsville, Indiana. Signed Bertha C. Dawson. She now gives the records of her own family, first give a copy from the Bureau of Pensions, Dept of the Interior which shows that: James Crawford was born in Augusta Co, Va (say in 1759) & while residing there, he enlisted on Sept 1, 1778 or 1779 & served 3 mos as a private in Capt Wm Colbert's Co, Col Patrick Lockhart VA Reg. He enlisted in Dec 1780 & served 3 mos in Capt Alex Hanley's Co Col Morgan's Reg & was in a skirmish on the Yadkin River (NC). He was allowed a pension on his application executed Apr 1, 1833 while a resident of Fleming Co Ky aged 74 yrs. James Crawford & Sarah Vansant were married in</p><p>V24 Page 163</p><p>Botetourt Co, Va. Records at Fincastle, Va show where her father, Isaiah Vansant gave writing permitting his daughter Sarah to marry him he giving bond with Samuel Roberts on it with him which was dated Oct 21, 1786. James Crawford moved from Va to Ky in 1795 & settled on a farm near Hillsboro about 1800. This farm is still owned by a Crawford, his grandson James Crawford & his wife Sarah are buried on this farm & their tombstones show James Crawford died May 16, 1836 Sarah Vansant Crawford died Nov 25, 1827 The following was taken from the family bible of James Crawford: "James Crawford & Sarah Vansant were married Oct 20, 1786. There were fourteen children see over</p><p>V24 Page 164</p><p>1. Mary Crawford born Sept 1, 1787 2. Alexander Crawford born Mch 23, 1789 3. Henry Hogburn Crawford born July 9, 1790 4. Isaiah Crawford born June 10, 1792 5. Margery Crawford born Nov 22, 1793 6. Sarah Crawford born Mch 6, 1795 7. James Crawford born Nov 27, 1796 8. Samuel Crawford born Jany 25, 1799 9. Jane Crawford born June 16, 1800 10. John Simpson Crawford born June 8, 1802 11. Joshua Crawford born Apr 3, 1804 12. William Crawford born Nov 25, 1805 13. Elizabeth Crawford born Aug 25, 1807 14. Anna Crawford born Aug 9, 1812 copied from the family bible 2 at Petersburgh, Ills as follows: Alexander Crawford born Mch 23, 1789 married June 26, 1810 by Benj Northcut in Ky to Rebecca Alexander & had following children: 1. William Crawford born June 23, 1811 2. Mary Crawford born Nov 20, 1813 3. Sarah Crawford born Jany 28, 1816 4. Maria Crawford born Jany 28, 1818 5. James Crawford born Nov 2, 1820 6. Green P. Crawford born Oct 10, 1822 7. Alexander Crawford born Aug 27, 1826</p><p>V24 Page 165</p><p>8. Thomas Crawford born July 6, 1828 9. Martha Crawford born Feby 13, 1832 10. Rebecca Crawford born Dec 19, 1833 Deaths Alexander Crawford died Nov 30, 1851 Rebecca Alexander Crawford was born Jany 11, 1793 & died Mch 13, 1865</p><p>Records of the Adjutants Gen office war Dept gives following: Records show that Alexander Crawford served in the War of 1812 as a private in Capt Colman A. Collier's Co of Infantry of 1st Reg Scotts Ky volunteer Militia. His service commenced Aug 15, 1812 & ended Mch 4, 1813</p><p>9. Martha Crawford born Feby 13, 1832 died Feby 13, 1905 married Milton Clark who was born Mch 17, 1831 & died May 27, 1918. Married in Menard Co (Ills) by Rev H. Preston Curry & had children:</p><p>V24 Page 166</p><p>Maria Clark married 1st Harvey Knoles married 2d Charley Parkhurst 2. William Clark married Emma Marietta Strader 3. Etta Clark married Thomas Killion 4. Jasper E. Clark married Emma Hohimer 5. Sarah Belle Clark married Edward E. Godbey No issue 6. Harley Clark married Purilla Rhodes married 2d Norah Taylor No children by 2d wife.</p><p>The children of William Adam Clark & Emma M. Strader Clark are: I. Robert Clarence Caldwell? Two children Donald & Helen. Helen married George Petrie & have one child, Betsy Lou. Robert now deceased Apr 16, 1902 by H. Preston Curry Petersburg, Ills ?? II. Bertha Iona Clark married Edward Everett Dawson & have one child: Scott Clark Dawson who married Verna Mae Jesse in Ohio</p><p>V24 Page 167</p><p>III. Effa Belle Clark married Wm C. Leavitt, one child, Billy Jr. IV. Edith Adella called Della married Joseph W. Dawson a brother of Edwd E. two children, Dorothy Albena who married Robert Lindberg & have one child Rowena, & Lois who married Eugene Perham. V. Clinton Everett Clark married Nina Denton, six children: William, Carol, Marian Louise, Harry, Marjorie, Layman Lee, VI. Rayburn Glenn Clark married Mary Werle 5 children: Mildred Lucile, Elden, Emma, Richard, Arthur Dale</p><p>William Adam Clark was born in Menard Co, Ills on Feby 23, 1857, the son V24 Page 168 of Milton Wm Clark & Martha Crawford Clark his wife. He married Emma Marietta Strader born in Menard Co, Ills the daughter of Isham Perry & Mary Jane Yardley Strader on Dec 7, 1857. She married Wm Clark Jany 27, 1876. She died Oct 26, 1929 in Petersburg, Ills. Bertha Clark 2d child of above parents was born Nov 2, 1880 & was married in Menard Co, Ills at her father's farm 4 miles south of Petersburg, Ills to Edwd E. Dawson who was born in Menard Co, Ills on Jany 14, 1878, married on Apr 16, 1901. One son, Scott Clark Dawson was born Mch 26, 1906 on a farm SE of Petersburgh Ills near Tice. He graduated from Petersburg High School in 1924. He married Verna Mae Jesse of Peoria, Ills in Dec 1927. Scott attended College at Dennison University at Granville, O & later at Columbia Mo State University. </p><p>V24 Page 169</p><p>A letter dated Dec 4, 1930 from Donald J. Lynn of the law firm of Harrington, DeFord, Huxley & Smith of Youngstown, O Mahoning Bank Bldg says he has been corresponding with W.M. Burgett of Pgh, Pa who has referred him to me. He is trying to trace the ancestry of his great grandmother, Sophronia Thomas Burgett who married John Linn (Lynn). He tells him I have been tracing the children down of Sebastian Burgett by his second marriage to Roxanna Markle & seeks information. He says Sophronia Thomas Burgett was born in 1795 in Bedford Co, Pa & died in Canfield Tp Ohio near here, March 9, 1871 & is buried in Zion Church Cemetery near Canfield O. She was a sister of John Burgett whose son Henry Burgett is still living at Canfield, O but he</p><p>V24 Page 170 does not remember the name of his grandfather (that is the father of John & Fromie [best guess]). Henry says his father, John came out there to Ohio from Burgettstown, Pa & he says this would apparently tie him & my great grandmother in with one of the children of Sebastian Burgett, either by the first or second marriage. He can't understand why she was born in Bedford Co, Pa unless they moved from there to Burgettstown, Pa. Elizabeth Burgett one of the children by second marriage married Zachariah Lynn, but I do not think this enters into my ancestry in any way as she moved to Millersburg, Holmes Co, O (make slip for this & above data). If you have a brother & sister</p><p>V24 Page 171 in your notes issued John & Sophronia I believe you will have the information I want. Crumrines History of Washington Co Pa Page 1882 gives an account of Sebastian Burgett (make slip) see book 1 page 104 & 96 to 111 when I was to see Mrs Sarah Jane Burgett in May. June 1, 1931 see book 25 page 257.</p><p>V24 Page 172</p><p>Oak Hill Thursday Jany 1st, 1931 10 AM I have a letter dated Dec 28, 1930 from Mrs Ida Markle 426 Lafayette ST, Grand Rapids Mich in which through my efforts through Marcus Irvin Markle, Portland, Oregon or Mrs Ida Preedy of Garden City, Kan, she has found out that her father-in-law, John Wiest Markle was the son of Moses Markle, see book 9 on Jany 10 & 11 , 1923 when I was at Jesse B. Markle's at Littleton, Col She was here Oct 1, 1930 & did not know. See book 3 page 543 & 600. She mentions Will Markle 225 S. Division Ave, Grand Rapids Mich. He is the brother of her husband. She sends me a two page letter from Mrs Ida Preedy dated Garden City, Kansas. She gives her mother's address as Sarah S. Hutchingson, Burlingame Kan c/o Marie Keeton. V24 Page 173</p><p>A letter dated Dec 3, 1930 in answer to an old one from me from Mrs Fay D. Bacon 649 North Main St, Poplar Bluff, Mo reports financial reverses & I am rtg her today the two $25 cks she sent me in 1927 & 1928. She reports the death last winter of Maggie Muro of Carlisle. Says her Uncle James Greason is living in St Louis now & is 82 yrs old. Says her sister has gone to California & she is the only Greason left there. My brother Hewitt the pride of the family died of cancer of the stomach March 13, 1929 not quite 35. She went to Calif & stayed 9 weeks & speaks of her brother & her bringing Hewitt's body back to Poplar Bluff, Mo & burying him in their family lot.</p><p>V24 Page 174</p><p>A letter dated Dec 29, 1930 in answer to mine from cousin Hannah E. Lawther West Newton, Pa says her brother Charles Markle's youngest daughter Elizabeth aged 19 married Edgar Watt about a year ago & now have a 7 weeks old son which weighed 11 lbs at birth. She & her two sisters brought the baby over to see us Christmas afternoon. She says Edith Holder of Fayette City, Pa who was on my jury Sept 15, & 16 is a sister of Josephine Shepler & wants to see me. Says she is a handsome young woman with a wealth of black hair.</p><p>V24 Page 175</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital, No 1945 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh Pa Jany 12, 1931 I left home on New Year's day on 5:05 PM PRR train & joined J.B.F. Rinehart in the Union Sta shortly after 10 PM, & we left there on the 11:35 PM train for Phila where we arrived 7:50 Am on 2d & going at 9:30 AM to 624 Weightman bldg, we met Charles Shephert [sic] Thompson born Aug 15, 1886 & a little later were joined there by Ex State Senator Charles D. Ames whose father of the Massachusetts family of Ames went from there to Clearfield Co, Pa many years ago & engaged in the timber business & where Chas D. was born 61 yrs ago & he said James Thompson who lived to be up in the 40s left a son Ellwood Thompson still living there. He said the father of James was Moses Thompson who hailed from the Cumb. or Juniata Valley & died in Clearfield Col about 1870 aged over 80 yrs old. Make slip to look up my records for him.</p><p>V24 Page 176</p><p>We all four were busy Friday & Saturday formulating statements to properly present our proposition to the New York parties. Chas S. took us with him Saturday evening to his home on the edge of Vincenttown NJ over the week end where he lives in a fine big frame house built in 1852 with his wife's mother, Mrs Haines. He has three children: Ellen Thompson, Charles Shepherd Jr, Vinton Newbold II named for his grandfather Vinton Newbold Thompson born Feby 21, 1854 still living at or near Eaby or Ely NJ, the son of John W. Thompson who came to NJ & engaged in the iron business. He came from England but was of Scotch extraction coming to England via Co Armagh, Ireland. On Sunday, Mr & Mrs T. drove us about 25 miles</p><p>V24 Page 177 to the cranberry bogs of her brother who sold $180,000 worth of cranberries in 1930. He has dams in the creek & reservoirs so he can put water over his bogs at will which is the essential for their successful culture. They grow on vines like strawberries. He has a drying & clearing house where they are assorted & prepared for market. We were in Phila Monday & Tuesday & on Wednesday morning 7th, the four of us went to NY where I called & saw Geo F. Baker Jr & we then went to No 50 Broadway & met Joseph Adamson, Mr McIntosh & Mr Bradstreet at the Marion? Emery office. Mr Rinehart & I left on the 6:20 PM PRR train & I got off at 6:15 Am 8th at Gbg, then 7 above zero & took the street car to U'town & left there at 2;15 PM & came to the hospital here. My urine showed but 1/2 of 1% sugar, but my blood was 2. 2/10% sugar normal 1% & I was put on a diet.</p><p>V24 Page 178</p><p>Cousin Geo H. Baird & his wife Ella, daughter of John Morgan called last evening Sunday 11th. His sister, Margaret McClure was buried at Oberlin, O & her single daughter, Margaret? died May 18, 1929 in Toronto, Ont, the home of her father's people & she was buried there on May 20, 1929 after hearing from her father who was on his way across the Pacific. George was the only relative at the funeral. George said his sister, Margaret had two other children viz a daughter who is a missionary, married & living in the far western part of China toward Thibet [sic] who has three children. Margaret's son Robert McClure is a doctor & is now in London, England, but expects to visit George at Bridgeville, Pa in a month or so. He will then get Margaret's record & send it with his own to me. He said that Joseph Baird, son of his brother Robert</p><p>V24 Page 179</p><p>Baird of Kansas City, MO has a good position at Allegheny Pa. Their pastor is Rev Mealy who has been preaching there for 30 years. He is of the Claysville Pa Mealys. Shortly after they left, cousin Joseph F. Guffey [best guess] called for a half hour or so. He said he was up at West Newton, Pa last week to see his Aunt, Mrs Mary Jane Wachob who celebrated her 96th birthday anniversary on Nov 29, 1930. He also said that R. Will Playford was a Co trustee with P.F. Sheppard of the money Mrs Rocks recd from the Life insurance on her husband Francis Rocks & a Pgh lawyer representing her had gotten proofs & had so written R.W. Playford on Nov 11, which he recd on 12th & on the next morning 13th, he shot & killed his 3 daughters, his wife & himself, this letter no doubt being an impelling reason for his act.</p><p>V24 Page 180</p><p>My cousin James A. Penney, son of Samuel Elliott Penney called just after supper for an hour. He retired from the heating business 2 yrs ago & now works for the U.S. Steel corporation who have recently built a new pipe mill & an electric welding mill in McK the latter on the site of the fine brick residence of his Grandfather John Penney, my Uncle John Penney whose first wife Ruth Caruthers was mother's older sister who died early in April 1854 & mother took me in arms to the funeral, the boat from Brownsville leaving late did not arrive till after the funeral. Jim says he lives on the hill in McK in the same house he moved in when he was married 30 yrs ago.</p><p>V24 Page 181</p><p>Jim says he has two daughters & a son Ralph. Ralph is employed by the Tidewater Oil Co NY. Jim's brother John [unreadable middle name, written over] Penny is married but has no issue. He lives across the Yough River on a farm in Elizabeth Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa near Boston, Pa. He says his grandfather, John Penny his own father Samuel E. Penny & his Uncles Will C. Penny & Jim C. Penny are all buried in the Penny lot in Versailles Cem just above McKeesport. Make slip to go there. He says his Uncle Will Penny had 4 children: 1. Mary, married 2. Will married twice but no issue 3. John married in bad condition physically. Has a large family. 4. Ruth married & lives in Pgh. He says Mary is the best one to get the record from & that he will see her & get it for me.</p><p>V24 Page 182 Telling him about Dr Geo W. Neff dying on Dec 15, 1930 aged 84 yrs from pneumonia following an operation for carbuncle, he said his father had several carbuncles in his later years & they cured them by poulticing leaving two or three holes the size of walnuts in the back of his neck. Jim had a cyst cut off his eyelid without taking an anesthetic. Rev E.S. Wallace, a W & J graduate & brother of Frank M. Wallace came in today to see me & told of buying Judge S.L. Mestrezat's coal lands at Mapletown, Pa over 300 A for Capt Wm [best guess] Brown in 1919 at $750 per acre during the War the U.S. Steel Corp offered W.H. Brown Six million dollars for his two plants & he refused it & later Rev E.S. Wallace closed the sale for him at $3[too faded to read] after Capt had told him to sell at $ _,000,000 & the Capt didn't pay him & [two faint scribbled unreadable lines]</p><p>V24 Page 183</p><p>Rose met Nurse Welch here who nursed her at the Pgh Hospital when Virginia, Rosemary & Patricia were born. She considers her the best nurse in Pittsburgh. *[No explanation for the asterisk] There were three items noted in West Newton Times Sun Death Roll of Jany 1st all relatives: 1. Mrs Mary Ann Obley Rohland who died at home of her niece Mrs Bruce Shaffer in Duquesne Pa aged 78 yrs. She was born in West Newton & was widow of Francis Rohland & who had lived in McKeesport, Pa 25 yrs. She was a charter member of the shoemaker Memorial A.B. was buried in the West Newton Cem, survived by 3 daughters: 1. Mrs Kate Calloway, Chicago Ills 2. Mrs Geo Kissner McKeesport, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 184</p><p>3. Mrs Lucy Willard, Webster, Pa. She died Dec 28, 1930</p><p>2d Samuel Baughman died at home in Parkersburg, WVA on Sunday Dec 21, 1930 aged 89 yrs. He was born in West Newton, Pa won of Jacob Baughman & wife Margaret Guffey. He served in the Civil War, survived by his widow & the following children: 1. Chester of the U.S. Navy 2. Mrs Wm Tarner of Phoenix, Arizona 3. Dorothy Ann Aughman of New York City & by one brother Eben Baughman of West Newton, Pa (Look up when I was at his home). He was buried on Christmas in Parkersburg, WVA Cem. He served 4 yrs in the U.S. Cavalry having enlisted.</p><p>3. Miss Lottie Milligan aged 86 yrs who died in the Methodist Home Mt Lebanon on Thursday</p><p>V24 Page 185</p><p>Jany 1, 1931. She was born in Sewickly Tp Westnd Co, Pa a daughter of the late James & Jane Milligan & is survived by 4 nieces viz: 1. Mrs Edgar Zimmerman of McKeesport, Pa 2. Mrs Chas McCune, Ruffsdale 3. Mrs Cornelia Huddleston of California 4. Mrs Homer Moody, West Newton, Pa where I visited her a few years ago & got her record. Look up. also survived by three nephews: 1. James M. Everett, Belle Vernon 2. John H. Chain, Arizona 3. Harry Chain, West Newton Buried in West Newton Pa Cem on Jany 3d</p><p>V24 Page 186</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh, Pa Jany 14, 1931 1 PM Miss Agnes McTigue, a native of Cresson, Cambria Co, Pa sector, my present day nurse & in charge of this 3d floor told me to drink plenty of water, so on Saturday 10th, I drank 8 glasses, on 11th nine on 12th ten on 13th eleven & today am drinking twelve with the result that analysis of my urine is negative showing no sugar at all. Dr Chas Clyde Grace interne here aged 25 yrs a native of Arkansas was raised at Wewoka, Okla, the former capital of the Indian Territory located about the center of the state near 100 miles east of Oklahoma City. He was educated at Conway & Little Rock, Ark. Dr Frank J. Corbett was also a temporary 26 day intern. Dr Alvan Woodward Sherrill a native of</p><p>V24 Page 187</p><p>Lisbon, Ills said today that the lens in the back part of my eye had become crystallized or infiltrated with sediment thus destroying the sight. He said it was about one eighth of an inch thick & about the size of one of the old little silver three cent pieces. My Cousin Milo M. Markle called. He moved from New Bethlehem, Pa 2 or 3 yrs ago to about 3 miles west of Tarentum Pa toward Bull Creek where he bought a 39 A hill which is underlaid with 315 A of upper Freeport coal 3 1/2 to 4 ft thick for which he paid $500 per acre or $15,500. He built a brick house on the hillside & lives there & is operating a slope mine from which he pumps the water & supplies custom coal to the neighborhood at 7 cts a bushel at the mine, 9 to 12 cts delivered. There are 76 lbs in a bushel & between 25 & 26 bushels to the ton. This bank was opened 40 yrs ago & about 3 1/2 A has been mined out. He has 25 different working points in the mine. He drilled 2713 feet & got a gas well that almost supplies him. It cost $6000.</p><p>V24 Page 188</p><p>Rose, who came in while he was here said he said he was born in 1884. He said he considered himself worth $50,000, but is in debt some. He is son of Rich Jacob Markle who he said was worth half a million dollars when he died. He & his father had had some differences. Jacob was son of George Markle, oldest son of Moses. George married a Gearhart & died aged 27 or 28 yrs leaving one son Jacob, above & two daughters. His widow married a widower named Proscius & had 4 sons & 4 daughters by him. Moses was son of Christian Markle, Revolutionary soldier who was son of great grand Uncle George Markle who died about 1778. I got a record of his will in book 1 when in Reading Pa Aug 12-20 1898. Asking him about George Markle of Franklin, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 189</p><p>He said his widow was still living in Franklin Pa with an invalid daughter & another daughter was a trained nurse in Washington D.C. & a son lived in the State of California & another Harry who was about half simple worked around among the farmers & lived at Franklin, Pa. Make slips He gave the family as follows: 1. George Markle decd above referred to 2. John Calhoun Breckenridge Markle still living at Clay Center or City the county seat of Clay Co WVA & who I think has a family. 3. Daniel Webster Markle who I understood him to say had died & left a family. 4. Jacob Tomen Markle who is still living there & has a family. 5. Miss Markle, I forgot to ask her name who visited him last year. He thinks she would be the one to see about the family record 6. & 7. two other daughters or sisters who are married & there may be others. These were children of Abraham Markle</p><p>V24 Page 190 who he thought was a cousin of his Milo's grandfather, George. If a first cousin, he might be a son of Benj Markle, record of whose will & about a dozen children I got in the fall of 1923 at Sunbury, Pa. Look this up & see if he had a son Abraham & whether either of the other brothers of Moses had. Try to trace Daniel Markle youngest child of great grand Uncle George as he might be a son of his. Go to our Recorder's office in Uniontown, Pa & see what lot he bought in Uniontown, when he bought it when he sold it & whether it gave his residence & where the deed was ackd & whether a wife joined in the deed. Milo said he had in his files the record he took from me to amplify & would look it up & send me. Follow this up.</p><p>V24 Page 191</p><p>Go to the records at Gbg Pa & see if can find record of marriage of Esther Markle, half sister of grandmother to Geo? Aamen or Ament or will of either or settlement of estate of either. They lived out Latrobe way. Also look for marriages of any of her brothers or sisters. Also of my Caruthers relatives. Rosemary was in last night & read from the Jany magazine of N.E. Hist Gen Soc of the death on Oct 26, 1930 in NY City of Harry Payne Whitney born in 1872 son of Wm C. Whitney one of the wealthiest men of America whose younger brother Payne Whitney died May 25, 1927. Harry had married</p><p>V24 Page 192</p><p>Grace Vanderbilt, daughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt, son of W.H. Vanderbilt whose father was Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. He left two daughters & a son Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney. this was on page 103. On Page 113 among recent books published is a notice of the Kilpatrick genealogy giving the descendants & forebears of Robert Jackson Kilpatrick of Beatrice, Neb. His mother was a daughter of David Thompson of James of Jacob & his wife was Marion Douglas Jones. She was here once & I visited them about Jany 20, 1923 pub 1930. Feby 7/31. I wrote for it & the Co sent me a copy saying he was in Calif & wrote me later that he had died there.</p><p>V24 Page 193</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh, Pa Jany 15, 1931 12:30 PM Mrs Margaret McC Price, my cousin of 6911 Church Av, Ben Avon, Pa has just left after a 15 minutes call with her daughter, Miss Ella. She says Mrs Sue Winner, wife of John E. Winner an able attorney of this city whose office is in the Union Natl Bank Bldg & who lives at 705 Ravenswood Ave City is very much interested in her Markle genealogy & has prepared a history of her branch of the family. She said she would phone her to send or bring it to me but the later sudden death of Harry Darlington, who was a client of Mr Winner prevented. Mrs Winner is a granddaughter, she said of Elizabeth Whitesell,</p><p>V24 Page 194 daughter of Jacob Weitzel & his wife Grand Aunt Catherine Markle, half sister of grandmother & her brother was the grandfather of Mrs Price. Elizabeth Whitesell, she said, married a Spencer. Mrs Price says her own niece nee Johnson daughter of her sister, Mrs Johnson is the wife of Mayor Charles H. Kline of Pgh who is greatly interested in the family history but his wife is not. Arrange to see him. Virginia knows Bud Johnson of this family who she has often met & he has a brother Charles. Mrs Price says they are grandchildren of the late Robert E. Stewart of Braddock, Pa who married a McMasters & whose record I have. Virginia speaks very highly of Bud who is being now educated at Pitt & had formerly gone to Bellefonte Preparatory school.</p><p>V24 Page 195</p><p>Mrs Price's son, Dr Henry Price has his office now in the Physician's building. Mrs Cyrus P.M. Tinstman & his mother H. Cornelia Tinstman told me when at their home in Turtle Creek that a descendant of Grand Aunt Esther Markle Ament lived back of them. Make slip to go see them. Milo M. Markle said when here on 12th that Abraham Markle above referred to went from Perine [best guess] to Clay Co WVA where he died. Dr Stanley Smith said that his father Bemus F. Smith now 80 yrs old lives at Oil City Pa but used to live here & my old friend Rev Dr Thompson F. Pershing lived just across the street from him & they two & Rev Dr Samuel Black McCormick used to play golf together almost daily. Dr Smith's daughter of Chas Lavens, Pres of the Commercial Natl Bank of Bradford McKeen Co Pa who had another child, a son. He was son of John Lavens who had a stone house home six miles out to Letterkenny, county Doengal, Ireland & the lord whose land he farmed treated him unjustly & died rather</p><p>V24 Page 196 suddenly from lead poisoning fired from a shotgun receiving a charge of buckshot. Shortly thereafter, John Lavens with his family of nine children took a sailing vessel for America & after five weeks, landed in Phila.</p><p>V24 Page 197</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Jany 17, 1931 10 AM I recall that my cousin, Miss Markle of Steubenville, O said last Thursday that their great grandfather Abraham Markle born 1767 had 17 children that grew up to maturity. Look up my record of his children that I got in 1898 from his daughter Sarah J. Burgett at Burgettstown, Pa & that I got later at Steubenville & Toronto O in 1923 or 1924. I think she has him confused with his father, Casper Markle my great grandfather of whose 22 children I have trace of 17 who grew up viz 7 by his first wife & 10 by his second wife. See my record Book 1 in Sept 1897 when I got record from Cousin Christian Scholl. Mrs Jessie Dean Zanarini of Jeannette, Pa called here yesterday afternoon for a half hour or so. She works for Kelly & Jones, Gbg Pa & says there are some Byerlys living about two blocks from where she lives in Jeannette, one a woman aged about 60 yrs. Make slip to go see her.</p><p>V24 Page 198</p><p>H.W. Simpson born in Apollo Pa 54 yrs ago, son of Thomas Simpson, grandson of Thomas Simpson, nephew of John D. Swop [best guess] son of Redstone Tp & first cousin of W.A. Finley's wife has just left after an hour's call & says when he last saw me, I wore whiskers & he then worked for Isaac W. Seimans. He has for 25 years been in the soap distribution business in this & nearby counties. My second cousin once removed, Miss Edna Markle of Steubenville, O called here for 3/4 of an hour Thursday afternoon 15th. She says her sister Marie Markle teaches in the Forbes School one block from here. They are daughters of Bazaleel Lorraine Markle who she says was named for a Province in France (our Markles came from Alsace-Lorraine). He was youngest son of Dr Abraham Markle whose father was grand Uncle Abraham Markle born in Berks Co, Pa in 1767. She says that though</p><p>V24 Page 199 he was young, he served in the Revolutionary War & she got a D.A.R. bar for his services & she says he was commander in chief of the Mitary [sic] troops of Westmoreland, Allegheny & Berks Co Pa in 1800. She also got a D.A.R. bar for the service of his father Casper Markle my great grandfather by reason of his having kept a stockade in Westd Co, Pa into which the inhabitants fled for safety during the Revolutionary War. She came here to see cousin Frank McCune who is seriously ill at his home where he has been removed after about two months in a hospital for a bladder operation & treatment. She said she had recently seen in Mr McCune's own room, the old German bible of my great grandfather Casper Markle in which his name was written on the inside covers</p><p>V24 Page 200</p><p>& he told her he was going to give it to me. She said if he was well enough, she would get his consent to bring it here to me. This leads me to wonder about what his wife told me some ten years ago when they both came down from the Summit Hotel to Oak Hill & told me about the contents of their locker at the Iroquois Apartments being rifled. Mrs McCune then told me that her mother had charge & her sister Mrs Tuman to give this old bible to me when they went to Burgettstown, Pa after their mother's death to get her possessions they found several hundred of the inside pages with the family record which had been detached from the main bible in an old desk in the cellar under the stairs covered with black dust, the accumulation of years. She evidently thought this bible record had been stored with the heirloom bedclothes in the locker in the basement at the Iroquois Apts.</p><p>V24 Page 201</p><p>Edna Markle said that cousin Emma Burgett McCune would never tell her age & once when she went with her to see a doctor, she told him she was 56 which caused her & the doctor to smile. Edna said a member of her family was the same age & she knew that she was 82 yrs old when she died last August born then in 1848 which makes her 17 yrs older than her husband. I think I have dates of her birth & marriage in book no 1 which I got from her mother's bible record in 1898 when at her home in Burgettstown Pa Edna brought me to keep some obituary notices to keep & said cousin Miss Mary Lyons died last Nov 1930 aged 82 & her brother Abraham Lyons died in 1927 but her younger sister Miss Nannie Lyons is still living. Edna's first cousin, William Robert Markle born in Aug 1854 died in Aug 1930. He was son of Thomas Markle oldest brother of Edna's father who had been in the livery business in Steubenville O with his brother Edward. Edna said Wm R. Markle was first person</p><p>V24 Page 202 to have a floating showboat on the Ohio, Mississippi & Missouri Rivers which he followed for 25 years showing at all towns along these rivers. He lost his money & was given a home in Edna's family who kept him the last 6 or 8 yrs & buried him. My pamphlet life of Junius Brutus Booth by Geo O. Seilhamer which I left with Rose shows that Booth showed along the Mississippi in a showboat 1815-20. Wm R. retired from the showboat life about 17 yrs ago. He did not marry until late in life & his wife only lived a year & a half leaving one child, a son now aged about 20 yrs who is married & lives in Zanesville, O but is no good. I told her of Rev Dr Abraham Markle aged 90 yrs together with his wife both living in Anaheim Calif who as I recollect is a son of Dr John Markle a brother of Edna's grandfather Dr Abraham Markle. I asked her if his sister, Mrs Rachel Jane Johnson of Des Moines, Iowa was still living & she thought she was, saying that her grand-</p><p>V24 Page 203 daughter an actress visited them a year ago & she was living then. Dr Stanley Smith said yesterday that he was born Jany 7, 1874 in Warren Co, Pa the son of Bemus F. Smith who had gone to that section in the early oil excitement & who lost his fortune in the panic of 1893 with the result that he was not able to go to college as he expected, but went to work in the rolling mills of Lindsay & McCutcheon in lower Allegheny & saved enough money to start to Jefferson Medical college, Phila against his father's wishes who wanted him to be an engineer & worked his way through. Mrs Margaret M. Price the other day when I spoke of her getting Mrs Tuman's record, said her daughter, Mrs Pargny was so adverse to hospitals that she despaired of having her come. She thought however that her sister, Mrs Fell who lives in the city who had been married before & divorced, her first husband would be glad to give it but she wasn't. Sherrill [best guess, can't make out the last name] says my diet that I was</p><p>V24 Page 204 getting too many carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, oatmeal etc as the starch in them turned to sugar & he said it would be all right to eat onions & cabbage in any form, also pigs knuckle & pigs feet, lettuce, celery, asparagus, spinach, carrots, cauliflower, & cornbread if molasses was not used in the making also tomato & vegetable & tomato soup.</p><p>V24 Page 205</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh, Pa Jany 21, 1931 10 AM Dr Stanley Smith operated at 4:44 PM yesterday for the removal of a cataract from my left eye. He was assisted by Dr John Shaffer Plumer an associate of Dr Blair who is a descendant of Jonathan Plumer from whom the West Newton, Pa Plumers come. They had me back in my bed by 5 o'c when Miss Katherine Baumann came on as my nurse until 7 PM. She was born in the city July 27, 1887 & her father was born Aug 21, 1838 & her mother in 1848 both now dead. Miss Edith K. Ciceske came on at 7 PM & was with me until 7 Am (She was my par excellence night nurse for 16 nights at $6 for night). Her father, Frederick Ciceske was born in Germany on Jany 31, 1851 & she was born on a May 3d in Plum Tp, Allegheny Co Pa on his farm. Plum Tp adjoins Penn Tp Westnd Co Pa & Plum Creek divides them. He came to America when 21 is old & her mother who died 11 yrs ago came 4 yrs before</p><p>V24 Page 206 he did. He is still living. New Kensington & Parnassus in Westnd Co, Pa are towns near to her home. She was very kind to me & read to me from the Pgh Press Wm A. White's article on George Westinghouse born in New York City Oct 6, 1846 the son of George Westinghouse. His father would not help him in any way, calling him a dreamer but by his own efforts in 1869 before he was 23 years old, he had proved his airbrake to be a success in a trail run from the Union Sta Pgh to Steubenville, O. He died Mch 12? 1914. Before leaving at 7 AM, Miss Edith figuratively speaking handed me a nice bouquet saying she had nursed many cataract patients but "I took the prize over them all for lying still & not complaining". I never moved my head or main body for 36 hours & did not sleep not expecting that I would as I was laying on my back. I moved my arms & legs some. At 7 Am, Alice Frances Nelson, day nurse came on. She was born in Warren Co, Pa on</p><p>V24 Page 207</p><p>Oct 28, 1907, daughter of Charles Nelson, still living a native of Stockholm Sweden. Lawrence Davis, born Jany 14, 1922 a 9 yr old 101 lb boy was in yesterday & told me I was to be operated on. He had a mastoid operation on Jany 13. He is son of Allen Davis Esq of Atlantic Ave a lawyer of Duff, Marshall & Davis of Union Trust Bldg. Miss Edith said last night that she had nursed at the Passavant Hospital on the hill two blocks above here at the head of Dinwiddie St which recalled a recent letter from D.L. Passavant of Zelienople, Pa saying I had secured M.M. Caolran [sic] as buyer of the mountain home of his father Rev Dr W.A. Passavant near Jumonville, Pa. Another incident I had forgotten was mentioned by H.W. Simpson who said he had met Rev Dr Seth R. Gordon, the morning after the old Pres Ch on Church St burned down who showed him a ck for $1000, he had already recd from me & over which he was greatly elated.</p><p>V24 Page 208</p><p>Wm P. Lemley, hunchback, who was here the other day said he was born across Mason & Dixon's line in Monon Co WVA about two miles west of Mt Morris, Pa the son of Minor S. Lemley who died in 1896 & grandson of Asa Lemley who died in 1898. Asa was brother of Samuel S. Lemley whose 300 A of coal land I bought 30 yrs ago & sold on Dec 2, 1919 to A.W. Mellon. Wm R. said his Lemleys came from Austria where there is still a province called Lemley to America & first settled in Fayette Co, Pa about 1760 as he had been told by Mrs Isa Greene Sturgis. Rose Constance Carpenter in for half an hour yesterday afternoon said her son Somerset Niel 5 ft 11 in tall now working for the state highway dept was 26 yrs old born Oct 12, 1904. In the Pgh Press night before last, among the deaths was: Ament on Saturday Jany 17, 1931 Mary McKeag Ament beloved wife of Philip W. Ament in her 68th year. Funeral services at the family home 147 Shaw Ave, Turtle Creek. Make slip. Go see him.</p><p>V24 Page 209</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh Jany 22, 1931 8 PM My ex ward, McClean Hadden called to see me for a half hour or so Monday evening 19th inst. He has been a clerk in the bank of Pgh N.A. for 26 yrs since Jany 1, 1905 position secured through recommendation of E.S. Hackney upon my asking him he said they had 240 clerks, 500 out of town bank depositors & abt fifty eight million deposits. For past 3 yrs he had been in the audit dept on last Sunday he was out at Ingomar to see his first cousin Nat Breading for yrs a clerk at Mellon Natl bank a position I helped him get. Nat celebrated his 50th birthday on Wednesday of last week born say Jany 14, 1881. At 5 PM today, Dr Smith after 48 hours took off the bandages from my eye & reported the healing as: "lovely & dandy" I had a letter yesterday from cousin Joseph M. McKee of Stuart, Iowa saying he had heard from their U.S. senator Brookhart advising him that his mother's uncle Martin</p><p>V24 Page 210</p><p>Van Buren Redburn had enlisted in the Civil War at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in 1861 & served 3 years getting his discharge in 1864 & that he had since died. I think in Dec 1914 at Tryon, Lincoln Co, Oklahoma. Dr C.C. Grace tells me that Tryon is on the M.K.&T. RR (the Katy) about half way (80 miles) between Oklahoma City & Tulsa. Senator Brookhart reported that his widow was still living there. If so, she is my only remaining Aunt, her husband being my dear Mary's Uncle as Joseph M. said his Aunt Della had died last Oct 1930. I suppose he means Harriet Cordelia Redburn. I must go to Tryon Okla to see Mrs Redburn as I suppose she is 90 yrs old or near that as I believe her husband was born about 1834 to 1836. Make slip.</p><p>V24 Page 211</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh Jany 27, 1931 11:30 Am In last night's Pgh Press, was the following death notice: Jack. On Monday Jany 26, 1931 at 7 Am, Mrs Alice Jack mother of Mrs L.M. Van Blon, Mrs Ethel Stanier, George R? Jack & the late Clyde A. Jack, funeral on 28th from the home 129 McCandless Ave. Members of Alpha chapter No 930 E.S. South side Circle P. were invited. Milberry Mass & Alexandria Va papers please copy. Make slips</p><p>V24 Page 212 At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh Pa Jany 28, 1931 8:30 PM A couple of my second cousins once removed called here this afternoon for an hour. They were Mrs Ida Pritchard aged 71 yrs, widow of Benjamin Pritchard who died six years ago. Her only child, a son, is married & lives in a home of his own & she & her brother John Dorland aged 82, a bachelor, live together. He too has eye trouble & has been consulting Dr Stanley Smith. With her was her younger sister, Mrs Brown who is very hard of hearing & carries a trumpet. They both live in the city & are children of Jane Dorland nee Smurr, daughter of William Smurr & his wife Elizabeth Richey, sister of cousins David & Hunter Richey. Elizabeth was daughter of mother's Aunt Jane Caruthers & her husband</p><p>V24 Page 213</p><p>John Richey both buried at Wooster, O whose tombstones inscription I got there Nov 13, 1919 & where I think I saw tombstones of Wm Smurr who had lived there & after his death, they said their grandmother went to keep house for her brother John Richey living as they thought near Webster, Pa. She took sick not long after & died. They say she had five children: 1. Elias Smurr 2. Reason Smurr 3. Jane Smurr Dorland 4. Elizabeth Smurr Owens? 5. Amanda Smurr who died young. Neither of them knew the names of the parents of their grandfather William Smurr but said that Harry Smurr, son of Reason& two of his married sisters were living in Connellsville, Pa. They thought that David S. Richey ought to have the records that his sister Lou had gathered which would give valuable data. See him about this.</p><p>V24 Page 214</p><p>They promised to send me a record of the descendants of their mother. Asking them about their mother's Aunt Rebecca Culbertson, they said she had two children viz: 1. John, who died without issue 2. A daughter who married a Brown & left a daughter who married a Krumple & lives here somewhere in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. They will try to get her full name & address & send to me. Their brother has cataracts. Frank Finley, asst cashier of the Wilkinsburg Bank called in the evening after seeing his wife nee Johnson off on the 5 Pm train for Buffalo NY where she goes for a visit with her widowed mother, brother & sister. She is much depressed over the loss of a child 10 lbs born a few months ago with the cord around its neck & died soon thereafter. Frank's father has been bedfast for 12 weeks but is now up & about the room.</p><p>V24 Page 215</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh, Pa Jany 23, 1931 8:30 PM My second cousin Mrs Ida Graeser of 1002 Walnut St, McKeesport Pa daughter of Joseph S. Elliott called for a half hour or so this afternoon. She says her daughter Nell, a widow, is living with her, also Nell's son William Miller aged 20 a natural born musician who is now in New Orleans, La where he went hoping to get the position of playing the organ in one of the big churches through a school friend. She complained greatly that after 20 yrs, her father's estate was still unsettled although two accts have been filed by her brother-in-law, Wm L. Wood who married her sister Grace & her nephew Joseph G. Elliott now a carpenter living in Phila, Pa son of her brother William Elliott. Virginia was here for three hours this evening until after 10 o'c being the honor visitor in point of time. V24 Page 216</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh, Pa Jany 30, 1931 8 PM D.L. Passavant of Zelienople, Butler Co, Pa was here yesterday afternoon. He said his great grandfather took up big areas of land about Zelienople, naming the town for his daughter & sold 1600 A of the land to the Economites. He said M.M. Cochran cut him down $600 for his father's mountain home near Jumonville, Pa paying $4,400 for it & that he sold it soon after to the Swaneys who cut off the timber. He told me about going up to Mrs Libbie Doran Hadden's & buying from her the valuable historical books of her late husband, James Hadden as she claimed she needed the money. He said he sold most of the books but kept a few of them for his own private library. He said there were 3 or 4 large folders about 3 1/2 by 2 1/2 ft pasted full of newspapers & newspaper articles relating to the early history & pioneer settlers of Fayette Co, Pa which she wanted</p><p>V24 Page 217 him to buy, but on his telling her they were too cumbersome for him, he said she had him take them with him, he getting a clothes line & tying them together & he turned them over to the Carnegie Library where they now are. Make slip to examine them. He said one of the folders was composed entirely of articles relating to me. My second cousin, Miss Jane Boyd of 1200 Center Ave, Wilkinsburg, Pa telephone Churchill 1351 called here for two hours this afternoon. Her mother nee Louisa Miller born Nov 5, 1824 died Dec 7, 1900 & was buried Dec 9, 1900 in Homewood Cemetery here. She was a daughter of great Aunt Mary Markle & her husband William Miller whose oldest child she said was Israel Miller. She spoke of having visited her Uncle Dr Gasper Markle Miller's family in Ottawa Ills. She said her grandmother above was 84 yrs old when she died. Her father, William Boyd born in 1816 came from Ireland to America in 1823 with his parents</p><p>V24 Page 218</p><p>David Boyd & wife when he was 7 yrs old. Her father had a brother, David Boyd a well to do farmer who lived up the Allegheny River opposite Verona & raised fine stock. He also had a brother Hugh. She says he came from about 15 miles from Belfast Ireland & about 5 miles from Newton Ards, Co Down, Ireland. She says a first cousin of her father Alexander Boyd had occupied the old home farm but when she was back there some years ago he had died & his son William who cared nothing for family records lived on it, but his sister Jenny whose married name I forget had interested herself & had prepared a history of the family. Jane lives with her sister Mary who is the widow of Judge Alfred W. Duff & their son John Boyd Duff Atty at law in the Berger Bldg lives with them.</p><p>V24 Page 219</p><p>He was abroad the World War [sic] about 13 yrs & has never drunk tea coffee or liquor. She said her mother had often talked to her about her Aunts ie the half sisters of her mother viz: Rosanna Burgett Catherine Weitzel Polly Neyman Esther Ament & Betsy DeCamp The latter was struck by lightening in her home & killed & was found there dead with her two young children who were unharmed, in the house with her. I think this was in West Co Pa out Latrobe Way. She first sd it was Esther, but phoned me later saying it was Betsy DeCamp. She said that Pearie Eagye, daughter of Mr Eagye of Johnson Eagye & Earl wholesale grocers of Wilkinsburg, Pa had married an Ament who Judge Duff [said] was a Markle relative & went to the West. She said her sister, Mrs Duff was named for her</p><p>V24 Page 220 grandmother, Mary Markle Miller & she herself was named for her father's older sister, Miss Jane Boyd born 1799 & died 1881 aged 82 yrs. In the Mch 1930 number of the genealogical society of Penna which I got on Dec 5, 1930 on page 44 among the abstracts of wills of Bedford Co, Pa we find: Thomas Richey's dated Mch 3, 1800 probated Apr 2, 1805 in which he wills £300 to his wife Catherine & named the following children: Samuel, Henry, Michael, John, Christian, Jacob, Phyllis, Isaac & Abraham among whom he divided his estate equally. Executors his friend Samuel Tell, who renounced & his son Samuel Richey. Investigate & see if his son John married Jane Caruthers</p><p>V24 Page 221</p><p>In Burial Book of Moravian Church is mentioned Heinrich Hollencleim [best guess] born Aug 1, 1735 or who died Aug 20, 1809. In a list of marriages by Rev John, Mifflintown & Lost Creek Pa from 1806-1844 are listed the following on page 66: Oct 28, 1806 John McAlister to Jane Thomson Dec 15, 1807 John Elliott to Jane Crawford May 3, 1808 Andrew Thomson to Rebecca Stuart Feby 13, 1810 Wm McAlister to Polly McCully Sept 14, 1812 Hugh McAlister to Sally McAlister Dec 6, 1814 Samuel Metlin to Sally Thompson Oct 19, 1815 John Kelly to Margaret Thompson Aug 15, 1815 Wm Thompson to Hannah Mineer Aug 25, 1819 James Woodward to Elizabeth Thompson Dec 1, 1825 Isaac Thompson to Jane Boal Commencing on page 82 are records of several Revolutionary War soldiers: Gen Benjamin Budd At Bedford Pa, Gen Benj Budd & Mrs Rebecca his wife. In 1775 Gen Budd was a volunteer in Col Thompson's regiment near Boston & was appointed a Lieutenant Columbian Sentinel of Oct 23</p><p>V24 Page 222</p><p>Crawford - At Chambersburg, Pa. Col Joseph Crawford aged 83 yrs of the continental army a native of Ireland. In Boston Patriot & Chronicle of Jany 23, 1819</p><p>Decatur. At Frankford, near Phila, Pa Capt Stephen Decatur Sr a patriot of Penna. Portland Maine Gazette of Nov 28, 1808</p><p>Findley - AT Greensburgh Pa Gen William Findley a hero of the Revolution & many years a member of congress. In Portland Main Gazette Apr 7, 1821 & Rutland Vermont Herald May 1, 1821.</p><p>Finley2* In South Huntington Tp Westnd Co, Pa Andrew Finley aged 79 yrs, one of the remaining few who had </p><p>2*1 Further details may be found in the issue of the recent & more comprehensive copy of the collections of the Genealogical Society. Make slip to investigate. command from Washington, in regard for service in Revolution. In Independent Chronicle & Boston Patriot.</p><p>V24 Page 223 of Aug 8, 1829</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Jany 3, 1931 PM continuing * Where a star marks the name further details may be found in the issue of the recent & more comprehensive copy of the collections of the genealogical society Messer - At Orwigsburg, Schuylkill Co Pa on the 22d ulto Mr Frederick Messer aged 85 years actively engaged on shipboard during the Revolution was with Commodore Barry in hard fought battle off the Capes of Delaware by the ship Hyder Ali & Mont. In Boston Advertiser July 2, 1846. Bernard Merkle below was in same battle.</p><p>V24 Page 224</p><p>*Irvine - AT Phila Pa Gen James Irvine aged 84 yrs Columbian Gazette, May 5, 1819</p><p>*Merkle - At Harrisburg Penna Mr Barney Merkle painter in 65th year, veteran of the Revolution one of those on the Hyder Ali when it captured the General Monk under the leadership of Commodore Barry. He was the gunner. Boston Patriot Nov 28, 1820 [unreadable line] above. Make slip to go to Harrisburg, Pa & see if he made a will or whether there was any settlement of his estate showing his children whether he bought or sold any property & when & get name of wife. If she survived him, she may have applied for a pension 1823-1824. This was a son of Peter Merkle, oldest brother of great grandfather Casper Markle.</p><p>V24 Page 225</p><p>St Clair - near Gettysburg, Pa Aug 31, 1818 General Arthur St Clair Patriot & Chronicle Sept 14, 1818</p><p>Thompson - at Philadelphia Col Benjamin Thompson, A Revolutionary officer Portland Maine Gazette Apr 13, 1887 (this date must be wrong)</p><p>Thompson - In Pennsylvania on the 16th inst the inevitable? Charles Thompson (should be Thomson) aged 95 years, a patriot of the Revolution during which he was sole secretary of Congress Boston Recorder Aug 28, 1824</p><p>I recall that when cousin Jane Boyd was here yesterday, I asked her if she had ever joined the D.A.R. & she said she had not, but could join through her great grandfather Isaac Miller who I think was a General in the Revolutionary War.</p><p>V24 Page 226</p><p>I told her she could also join through her great grandfather, Casper Markle by reason of his having kept a stockade during the Revolutionary War into which the inhabitants fled for protection from the Indians & others during the Revolutionary War. She also said her father, William Boyd, was first cousin of James Laughlin & Alexander Laughlin two of the founders of Jones & Laughlin Steel Cos whose mother was a Boyd - that they often visited her Uncle David Boyd at his fine stock farm back of Aspinwall & Sharpsburgh up the Allegheny River opposite Verona. They always came with a colored coachman in livery driving. My cousin, Milo M. Markle & his present wife called in for an hour yesterday afternoon. V24 Page 227</p><p>He said his grandfather George Markle was running one of the old fashioned saw mills on a creek & that William Brosius (not Prosius) was running a like mill further up the creek & his grandfather was sharpening his saw & was caught by it on his elbow or knee causing the loss of considerable blood, but he kept on at his work in the ice, sleet & mud with the result that gangrene set in & he died at the age of -7 or 8 yrs [exact age not known, first number either faded or JVT's pen didn't connect with the paper] & his widow married a widower named Prosius by whom she had 6 [best guess] sons & 4 daughters. She had three children by George Markel viz: 1. Rebecca Markle who married Jacob Stoup an oil operator who lived across the line at Wellsville NY where they both died leaving two daughters who he says still live at Wellsville NY. Make slip to go see them & the their record. 2. Mary Markle who married John Johns & lived at</p><p>V24 Page 228</p><p>Summerville, Jefferson Co, Pa & had a large family. Two of their sons, Orr & Ed Johns are now living in Akron, O. Another, William, lives on the home farm near Summerville, Pa. He would probably have his parents' bible. See him for record. Harry lives at New Bethlehem Pa where he owns his home. Two other sons, Ralph & Ronald have died. There are also one or more daughters. 3. Jacob Markle called "Rich Jake" born in 1849 as he died at Summerville, Pa on Aug 8, 1925 aged 76 yrs & is buried in a cemetery there which he & another party had owned or operated & where a son built a mausoleum for him costing $13,000. He is the only one buried in it. Milo's wife died just one year later on Aug 8, 1926</p><p>V24 Page 229 and in 1927 he married his present wife, who was a widow & has an 18 year old daughter. They have two children: 1. Milo Marvin Markle Jr 2. Norma Jean Markle Rose talked to him the other day about some coal & he took her address. Robert Maurice Trimble F.A.T.A. architect, Commonwealth Annex, Old Ferguson Bldg, Pittsburgh, Pa whose residence in 1780 Brighton Road, Ben Avon, Pa called here for an hour this afternoon. He is one of my Jack cousins that Mrs Jeannette Briney Kelly wrote me a few months ago to see. He tells me he has been in the Commonwealth Trust Co or old Ferguson Bldg for 30 years & one of his sons is now in the office with [him?] also an architect. One of his sons has the distinction when a star athlete at Princeton College of having</p><p>V24 Page 230 done more for the college than anyone else of the period. He tells me he was the architect for building of the home of Morgan H. Bowman on Ben Lomond St, Uniontown, Pa. He says his father called him Robert Morris in honor of the financier of the Revolution, but while he was yet a child, his mother changed it in the bible to "Maurice". He had been down to Carlisle, Pa & got a photostat copy of the will of his great great grandfather, James Jack 1728-1776 of Newton Tp, Cumberland Co, Pa & also got record of a deed made in 1737 to James Jack who he thought was the above James. I told him this was a mistake & that it was no doubt made to his father James Jack</p><p>V24 Page 231 The third James Jack born in 1758 entered the Revolutionary War in 1776 at 18 yrs in place of his father who was about to go forward when he died. James Jack, his great grandfather came west to this county & among his children were: Lydia Jack who married William McCallister & Lavina Jack who married John McCallister a brother of Wm. He named eight children of Lavina & John & said he would send me a record of them with dates of their births, marriages & deaths etc & also a record of their descendants which he will send to me at Uniontown, Pa among them, Elizabeth McCallister, his mother who married John Trimble & they had three children, Robert Maurice, here today, Another son who has died leaving issue & A daughter who I think he said had never married. I think he said he had</p><p>V24 Page 232 three sons & a daughter whose records he will also send. I told him of having visited more than 50 years ago in the Seventies, the sister of his grandmother viz Nancy Jack who married Robert Fairman at which he was surprised. I must hunt up in my trunk the record of what she then told me. Make slip to do so.</p><p>V24 Page 233</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh Sunday Feby 1, 1931 11:30 AM My month of February, two weeks before my 77th anniversary opened cold & crisp with a light snow falling & the ground covered with snow. I think I ought to note in my records that in Dec 1903 I found on the bridge in Florence, Italy a 344 piece set of dishes of excellent design & exquisite beauty painted by Angelica Kauffmann of Vienna, Austria which I bought & which are now in the pantry at Oak Hill. She was a close personal friend of Sir Joshua Reynolds of England, the celebrated portrait painter & who were attracted to each other by the superior art or each & he painted her portrait & she painted his. I wish I could have those two portraits. I suppose the Encyclopedia Britannica which I have at home gives life sketches of each of them. See.</p><p>V24 Page 234</p><p>At Eye & Ear Hospital, Pgh Feby 3, 1931 11:45 AM I have just returned from second cousin Frank McCune's No 1619 Shady Ave, Tel Hazel 0241 with whom I spent over half an hour. He gave me wrapped up (Feby 14, I not not opened it yet) the main part with covers of the bible of my great grandfather, Casper Markle, who had given it to his son Abraham Markle born 1767 & from him it passed to his daughter Sarah Jane Markle Burgett who I saw at her home in Burgettstown, Pa in 1898 & she told her two children, Mrs Tuman & Mrs Emma McCune late wife of Frank to give it to me. He said he wrapped it up for me this morning. It does not seem</p><p>V24 Page 235 to be as large as I thought it was, but he said it was the one & had great grandfather's name written on the inside cover & is the only one he has. He said there were further records on the inside part of the bible that has become detached & they were on the inside of the bible, but he has not been able to find them. If he can find them, he will send them to me when ever he does, when he is able to make search for them. He said he would find a lot of old German papers of no connection with the bible which were of no interest to him & which I could have if I wanted them. I told him I would be very glad to get them as they would help benefit in proving up matters.</p><p>V24 Page 236 He then [think he means said] when he found them he would do them up & mail them to me at Uniontown, Pa. I asked him to register them. I feel now that the remainder of the bible is there with family records that the old German papers may be dolph-scheins, giving births of great grandfather's children just what I want. Follow this up. The question now arises: Did Emma really think the bible was in the locker & stolen or was that story a myth concocted because of her desire to hold on to the bible. He was in the hospital for two months & had a serious & very painful operation having to go up through the neck of the bladder. He has been housed up at home a month since he left the hospital</p><p>V24 Page 237</p><p>& feels greatly improved now & was sitting up dressed to see me. I told him to keep up the fight, that it was only the grand climacteria [sic] he was passing through & in another year, he would be beyond it & should be good for 20 years more. He said he was born in McKeesport, Pa Sept 13, 1865 (17 yrs younger than his wife) the son of George McCune & his wife Jane Graham. He thought his father was a first cousin of John R. McCune, the elder, but was not sure. Said Jno R. the elder had a son Frank A. McCune now employed by the Union Natl Bank. He said he was very sorry to not be able to get the record of Mrs Pargny & Mrs Fell who would not give it & seemed very indignant in being asked for it.</p><p>V24 Page 238</p><p>He said that left last week by auto for the south & reached Miami Florida in four days & are now in Cuba. I neglected to ask him their first names. They are daughters of Mrs Tuman, sister of his late wife Emma Burgett McCune. Mrs Fell was first married to A.B. Grange, son of Rev Grange Rector of an Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, Pa & they separated & she got a divorce. She then married Fleming Fell who is living & is a broker in Pittsburgh, Pa. She has not had any children by either husband & her sister, Mrs Pargny is also without issue, so Rose & Virginia say. He said he would send me his own & son's record. I have put the old bible in my satchel to take home.</p><p>V24 Page 239</p><p>AT No 157 S. Fairmont Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa Feby 9, 1931 9:50 AM On Feby 5th, my last morning at the Eye & Ear Hospital, I asked my good & highly superior night nurse, Miss Edith K. Ciceske to what church she belonged & she said to the Presbyterian, a member of Kerr Chapel Presbyterian Church near her old home farm in Plum Tp. She said her father Fred Ciceske was a member of the German Lutheran Church & that her mother also a native of Germany was Minnie Moselner before her marriage. Edith is a perfect nurse always knowing what to do & doing it properly & well.</p><p>V24 Page 240</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 12, 1931 10 PM This is the 122nd anniversary of Lincoln's birth. My good friend, Miss Mollie Allen & her sister Nanna, wife of J. Searight Marshall have just gone after a two hours visit. They had with them a large genealogical chart abt 3 x 4 feet of 8 or 10 concentric circles or generations of the descendants of Hugh Paull which Chas I. Kaine told Mollie about when she was with Geo D. Howell & got for her through James L. Paull. It was gotten up in 1859 as a memorial to John Finley Torrence of Cincinnati, O & prepared & completed in 1894 by his nephew,</p><p>V24 Page 241</p><p>William Torrence Handy, presumably of Cincinnati, O. Make slip to see. They say that George Paull came to Fayette Co, Pa then Cumberland Co, Pa from what was formerly Orange or Frederick Co but now Berkeley Co Va from Whence also came our Col Wm Crawford about the same time in 1766 or 1767 & located in Dunbar Tp about five miles from where Col Crawford located at Stewarts Crossing on the Yough River, taking up a tract of land on which later New haven Pa was built. George Paull came with his wife Martha? Irwin daughter of Archibald Irwin of Mercersburg, Pa &</p><p>V24 Page 242 two or three daughters & a son. Of these children were: 1. Elizabeth who married name shown on chart 2. Jane Paull who married George Allen their great grandfather 3. Col James Paull born 1760 who married a Roger & among other children had son Joseph Paull, Pres Elder who I well knew He also had by a woman in central Penna East a natural son Hon Daniel Kaine who likewise I well knew. George Paull died they said in 1778 aged 45 years born then say in 1733 & his widow married Matthew Neely (look up Fayette Co records for him) & her daughter Jane named one of her children Matthew Neely Allen for him who was his step-grandfather.</p><p>V24 Page 243</p><p>Their descent is from: 1. George Allen & his son: 2. Matthew N. Allen & his son: 3. Josiah Allen, their father 4. Mollie Allen & Nannie Allen. They also had a 5 page sketch signed by Robert Galloway Paull of which they will make a copy for me. The letters or writing were so small & fine that I could not read them & they will bring it back when my sight is better. It has many Finleys on it & a Nancy Jack Power. I have the dates of birth of the above Paull children in Jack record I got some years ago. Hunt up this record & see if George Paull's mother was a Jack or if Archibald Irwin's wife was a Jack. Make slips.</p><p>V24 Page 244</p><p>Oak Hill Sunday Feby 15, 1931 1:54 PM This is the 77th anniversary of my birth & since early morning the sun has been shining clear & strong & brightly. I hope & pray it betokens a bright & successful year for me. I got back in the mail this morning, the receipts of my two nurses, Andrew having sent them cks on the 12th. Their addresses are: Day: Miss Alice F. Nelson 104 Robinson St, Pgh, Pa Night: Miss Edith K. Ciceske 5210 Baum Building, Pittsburg, Pa I phoned Cadiz, O at 1 Pm Tel NO 117 & found my good friend Mrs Alberta Hogg Lyon was sick in bed with the influenza & could not come to the phone, but her maid said she was getting better & had been taken down a week ago. I wrote her last Monday night. V24 Page 245</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 17, 1931 12 o'clock noon A letter dated Feby 15, 1931 from Mrs Ida Markle of 926 Lafayette St, Grand Rapids, Mich says they want a book if it does not cost too much & asks for return of the clipping about mother Markle's death. I am writing about being in hospital & will return clipping as soon as I reach it.</p><p>A letter dated Jany 29, 1931 from Kilpatrick Bros Inc of Beatrice Neb advises that Mr Robert J. Kilpatrick died in California yesterday morning Jany 28, 1931.</p><p>A card dated Jany 27, 1931 from Mrs Margaret M. Price 6911 Church Ave Ben Avon, Pa sends me a D.A.R. form (just a skeleton) which says to refer to</p><p>V24 Page 246</p><p>National Number 251678 144019 (add 102) Descendant of Jacob Whitsell otherwise Weitzel 1. I am the daughter of Robert M. Spencer 2. The said Elizabeth Hilands was the child of James Hilands born on Dec 27, 1818 & died Apr 16, 1888 married in 1864 to Cynthia Cortney born on Apr 13, 1834 died Nov 25, 1913 3. The said James Hilands was the child of James Hilands born Sept 16, 1783 died Nov 15, 1864 married to Elizabeth Whitesell born July 3, 1787 & died in 1841 4. The said Elizabeth Whitesell was the child of Jacob Whitsell born 1754 in Holland died July 17, 1809 in Ross Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa married in West Newton, Pa to Catharine Markle born 1762 died Apr 17, 1836</p><p>V24 Page 247</p><p>1st generation: Family bible & tombstones Hilands Cem Perrysville, Pa 2d generation: Partition proceedings estate of Jacob Weitzel orphans court Allegheny Co, Pa No 27, Oct 1836 Term 3d generation: Lieut in the 1st Reg of the Penna Continental line, commanded by Col Brodhead, U.S. Rev Bounty sand warrant No 2385 children: 1. Philip Whitsel 2. Elizabeth Hilands 3. George Whitsel b Jany 23, 1780 4. Hannah Miller 5. Susannah Means 6. Catharine Brown Mary Crider 7. Jacob Whitesel born Mch 10, 1775 8. Joseph Whitesel The above is Mrs Sue Winner's record which I am mailing back to Mrs Price today. She says that Mrs McDonald of Carnegie, Pa wants to see me.</p><p>V24 Page 248</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 18, 1931 10 AM A letter dated Jany 4, 1931 in answer to mine from Donald J. Lynn of the law firm of Harrington, DeFord, Huxley & Smith of Youngstown, Ohio writing about the Burgett family from which he descends says: His great grandfather, John Linn came from Berks Co, Pa & says that Sebastian Burgett had two sons by his first marriage & he names John as one of them & that his sister Sophronia first entered the family as a spinner & afterwards married John Linn. He says his office is on 12th floor of the Mahoning Bank Bldg on the public square.</p><p>V24 Page 249</p><p>A letter from E. Clark McFadden of Geo D. McFadden & Son Cadiz, O hardware & house furnishings says his mother Mrs Ida C. McFadden has been bedfast since last Nov with pus on her lung & also has serious bladder trouble.</p><p>A letter dated Jany 25, 1931 in answer to mine from Dr R. Hawkins Marysville, Kansas says his mother was born in Ireland on July 4,1830 came to America in 1847 & died at his home Mch 13, 1928. Just sleeping away book 17 p 483 & b 22 page 70. My oldest brother, Richard Henry Hawkins born in Canada Nov 24, 1854 died Feby 13, 1930 of bronchial pneumonia.</p><p>V24 Page 250</p><p>Died: Janet Caruthers, died Sunday Feby 1, 1931 at 10:45 PM in her 84th year. Funeral at home of her son George Caruthers 711 Lorimer Ave, Turtle Creek, Pa on Feby 4, 1931 at 2 PM. Interment Union Cem, Irwin, Pa.</p><p>Died on Tuesday Feby 3, 1931 Anna Finley, wife of the late John J. Finley, mother of Joseph Finley in her 68th year. Funeral from family residence 1626 Broadhead ST, East End Friday 6th Requiem Mass at Corpus Christi Church</p><p>The address of J.W. Worrell M.D. is 108? S. Fairmont Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa.</p><p>V24 Page 251</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 19, 1931 12:07 PM A letter dated Jany 12, 1931 from Miss Frances Thompson of Hopedale, O says her sister, Mrs Simpson who I visited once died 2 yrs ago Oct 24th, say then Oct 24, 1928. Also that one of Elizabeth McLaughlin's grandsons had recently married the daughter of their preacher.</p><p>A letter dated Jany 1, 1931 from cousin Joseph M. McKee of Stuart, Iowa, says he has a lot of information to report but has mislaid the greater part of it, but fortunately has the letter of their U.S. Senator Brookhart about the pension issued to</p><p>V24 Page 252</p><p>Martin Van Buren Redburn which says he died Jany 16, 1916 at Tryon, Okla. He enlisted at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas July 12, 1861 & was discharged Aug 11, 1864. His widow, Mrs Georgia A. Redburn is still living at Tryon, Okla. She is old I imagine as Uncle Martin was older than grandfather & Aunt Lou. The other death was that of his Aunt Delia, no doubt Harriet Cordelia Redburn in Oct say last Oct 1930 & the births of the children of his Aunt Jemima Myers of Greenfield, Iowa.</p><p>V24 Page 253</p><p>This morning's Herald announces the death on Monday Feby 17, 1931 at his home in Wilkinsburg, Pa of my good friend & first cousin once removed Robert L. Finley aged 65 President of the Wilkinsburg Bank. Funeral tomorrow 20th in the Wilkinsburg Cem Survuvied by his mother Sallie Finley aged 94 his sister Anna Jenkins of Texas, his brother Wm Arthur Finley of DeLand, Fla, his son Frank asst cash of the Wilkinsburg Bank & his daughter Mrs Lynch. I sent him to A.W. Mellon as a clerk about 40 years ago. He was a fine good man.</p><p>V24 Page 254</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 20, 1931 11 AM The West Newton Times Sun announces the death of John G. Thompson aged 74 yrs at his home in Rostraver Tp on Sunday night say Feby 1 or Feby 8, 1931. He was born at Irwin Pa Apr 16, 1856 surviving are his widow Mary Ann Thompson, two daughters viz: Mrs P.M. Ridgely of Donora & Mrs Gordon Bairtlhwiate [sic] of Scottdale, Pa & 4 sons Lewis Thompson, Rostraver Tp, Albert Thompson of West Newton, Harry Thompson of West Newton, J.B. Thompson of Ruffsdale, Pa. Funeral Wednesday interment in West Newton Cem.</p><p>V24 Page 255</p><p>Also, Katherine Houseman aged 76 yrs died at her home in Belle Vernon, Pa Jany 27, 1931 from a stroke of paralysis about a year ago. She was daughter of late Daniel Pfleghardt of Fayette Co, Pa & spent entire life in that section. Survived by one son, Daniel, one sister Mrs Emma Johnson of Uniontown, Pa & one brother George Pfleghardt of Fullerton, Calif, was preceded in death by her husband James Houseman & one daughter Lucinda. Burial in Rehoboth Cem.</p><p>V24 Page 256</p><p>Two letters dated Jany 19, 1931 from Wm B. Montgomery of 901 Montrose, Ave Chicago, Ills says he was born at Irving, Kansas far away from his relatives & his father dying when he was young, he had to make his own way in life. He asks me to visit him when I come to Chicago, Ills. He says his wife was born in Columbus Junction Iowa Feby 13, 1870 Says he has no record of his mother's birth place or date & cannot furnish names or dates of birth of her parents. He is much interested in the Jack History & wants a book. He gives reference book 23 page 384 is 349 which is evidently an error as I find in turning to it.</p><p>V24 Page 257</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 21, 1931 9:54 AM The Morning Herald announced the death of Joseph H. Moss on Feby 8, 1931 of a complication of diseases. He was born near New Salem, Pa on Dec 28, 1850 & when he died was making his home with his two daughters, Ola & Edith Moss. In addition, he is survived by two grandchildren & one brother, J. Allen Moss of Lincoln, Neb & one sister Mrs Marjory Hindman of Beechwood, Wis. One sister, Sarah Ellen Moss & two children Verda Moss & Mrs Kate Wassan preceded him in death.</p><p>Also that A.A. Carmack died at Orlando, Fla on Sunday night say Feby 8 by word recd by his daughter Mrs W.B. Mason, Brownsville, Pa aged 84 yrs, buried in Redstone Cem.</p><p>V24 Page 258</p><p>I have a letter card post married Jany 12, 1931 from Mrs N. McFarland 1009 9th Ave, Helena, Montana who says she has gotten the birth record of her father, mother & son's wife. Father's name: Edgar Rauel Van Sampson born Apr 25, 1852 at St Petersburg, Russia. Came to America 1872 Mother's name: Bertha Rose Kench born Oct 1, 1864 at Philipsburg, Germany came to America 1872 Son's wife: Ruby Von Sampson McFarland born May 26, 1900 at East Helena Montana.</p><p>V24 Page 259</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 22, 1931 1:33 PM This is the 199th anniversary of Washington's birth & Rev Dr Wm B. Hindman preached a good sermon on him this morning text Deuteronomy Chap 28 verse 1. I have a letter dated Jany 22, 1931 in answer to mine of June 21, 1930 from Miss Jennie G. Finley of Delaware Ohio, General Agent there of the Glens Falls, Ins Co of Glens Falls NY. She says she has recently been corresponding with a Finley cousin in Calif about the Finley genealogy. Also says her father, Isaiah Graham Finley was born in Delawares Ohio Apr 30, 1847 & is still living, but does not know the name of his great grandfather. His father James Finley born Nov 7, 1812 in Virginia as she supposes. His father, William Finley & his wife Margaret Walker Finley came to Ohio about 1816 or 1817 from Virginia with their three children, James above, John & Elizabeth. She does not have the</p><p>V24 Page 260 date of William's birth, but says she can get it from his tombstone in a cemetery 7 miles east of Delaware O. William had a younger brother Samuel Finley who was born Sept 17, 1799. Am writing her today. I had written her on Jany 26, from the hospital.</p><p>I have letter in answer to mine postmarked Jany 12, 19131 from Mrs Ida Markle, Grand Rapids, Michigan who says this is a true copy of letter from the Chicago Surgical Institute 2131 Wabash Ave, Chicago, Ills Dec 26, 1881 She says John Markle, born Feby 17, 1833 & died Dec 19, 1881. Sarah Ann Markle died June 27, this date on Markle on grave, no years. Sylvester Markle died Oct 27, 1920 at John Robinson</p><p>V24 Page 261</p><p>Hospital, Allegan, Mirl [sic] Born Sept 10, 1861. I think in Saint Joe, Mirl [sic] Should be Mich. She says the above are correct dates. Bible Record 1. Marcus Irvin Markle born Dec 5, 1858 2. Mary Lavena b Jany 14, 1860 3. Sarah Lavena b Jany 14, 1860 Mary Lavena died Jany 31, 1861 4. Sylvester Markle b Sept 10, 1861 married to Ida Louise Wieck of Allegan Mich in Grand Rapids Mich Nov 16, 1891 5. Jessie May Markle born June 14, 1867 6. William John Walter Markle born Dec 14, 1870 Pansy born Oct 6, 1823? I don't remember just what I really give you but Will's wife is very busy & she is rather slow.</p><p>V24 Page 262</p><p>Will hear from the girls. Will's eyes are very bad & he can't write. The clipping she sent of her mother-in-law's death which I am returning today is as follows: Sarah A. Markle died at the home of her daughter, Mrs H.L. Boyle 147 Carrier St, Grand Rapids Mich on Saturday morning last at 7:15 AM after a brief illness aged 61 years 6 mos 7 days. The remains were brought to Wayland, Mich for interment funeral from Church of Christ 9 AM by Rev N.B. Rawson. Mrs Markle had been a resident of Michigan since 1850 coming here from her birthplace Northampton Co, Penna with her parents. Her maiden name being Sarah A. Fox. Her husband died some 14 yrs ago with small pox in Chicago Ills at the hospital named above on Dec 19,</p><p>V24 Page 263</p><p>1881, & his body was not returned because of the disease. Seven children were born to her, four girls & three boys or whom five are still living say 1896 viz: Irving & Sylvester of this place & William & Mrs H.L. Boyle of Grand Rapids & Mrs Frank Ayers of Moline, all of whom were present Monday at the funeral. Mrs Markle resided in this village. I figure that she died in 1896 & was born in 1834 or 1835.</p><p>V24 Page 264</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 23, 1931 8:55 AM A letter dated Jany 6, 1931 in answer to one of mine to her mother, Mrs Sarah Smith Hutchingson from her daughter, Mrs Nannie Keeton, Burlingame, Kansas says her mother is very very poorly & the circulation in her little toe of her right foot has stopped & they fear gangrene. She says her mother gave her heart to God when a little girl & has ever since been His faithful servant & so raised us girls. She says this is her birthday born Jany 6, 1872 & says she recd my letter but just neglected to send the record of her family. She says Mr Keeton died on Dec 3, 1929 of double pneumonia, was only sick six days so you see it is lonely for mother & me. My youngest boy who is 18 is with us. Her P.O. is RFD 1 Burlingame, Kansas</p><p>V24 Page 265</p><p>A letter dated Jany 3, 1931 in answer to mine from Geo C. Thompson of the C.C. Thompson Pottery Co, East Liverpool, O says his Thompsons went from Scotland to the North of Ireland about the same time ours did. He says he will get up his record & send or bring it to me when he returns from the south. Am writing him today to come & stay overnight or the week-end.</p><p>V24 Page 266</p><p>Oak Hill, Feby 24, 1931 8:40 AM A letter postmarked Jany 3d 1931 in answer to mine from Cousin Helen Harvey of San Gabriel Calif states that her husband, Eugene C. Harvey my first cousin once removed was born Apr 10, 1895 & died at their home in San Gabriel Calif Feby 11, 1930 of quick Consumption. She says she was born in Chicago, Ills June 18, 1897. Their children were as follows: 1. Jane Tenant Harvey born Dec 3, 1919, died at birth 2. Charles Newhall Harvey born Nov 28, 1920 at Boulder Colo 3. Priscilla Ann Harvey born Jany 22, 1923 at Boulder, Colo 4. Robert Cochrane Harvey born Apr 19, 1924 at Eagle Rock, Calif Her husband Eugene C. Harvey was buried in Mountain View Cemetery, Pasadena, Calif.</p><p>V24 Page 267</p><p>Death notice: Jack, on Monday Jany 26, 1931 at 7 AM Mrs Alice V. Jack mother of Mrs L.M. Van Blom [best guess] & Mrs Ethel Stanier, Geo R. Jack & the late Clyde A. Jack. Funeral from family home 129 McCandless Ave Pgh Pa on Jany 28 at 3 PM member of Alpha Chapter No 93 D.E.S. South side circle P.H.C. & friends invited. A letter dated Feby 18, 1931 in answer to mine from Harriet May Parsons of Denver Col see bk 23 p 349 left says her father George Randolph Parsons was born in Richmond Va & both he & his wife died at Hayden, Colo</p><p>V24 Page 268</p><p>I have a letter of congratulations about my eye from second cousin Oliver Perry Markle dated Feby 17, 1931 from No 1655 Micheltorena St Los Angeles Calif in which he says his brother George Markle who lived at Hunker [sic] Sta, Westnd Co Pa had died recently & his brother Will Markle who went to California in 1929 for his health had died last December leaving him the only survivor of seven children. Am writing him for a record of his brothers & sisters.</p><p>V24 Page 269</p><p>Eye & Ear Hospital Pgh Pa Feby 4, 1931 2 PM I find this record dictated to Virginia the day before I left & was not with the previous records she had written for me. My second cousin Miss Jane M. Boyd on No 1200 Center Ave Wilkinsburg, Pa has just telephoned & says she made a mistake when here recently & said it was not Esther Ament who was struck by lightning, but her full sister, Mrs Betsy DeCamp who she thought lived abt 4 miles back of the home of Jane's grandmother in Westnd Co, Pa. She was struck & killed in her own home, but her two young children were not harmed. She thought Esther Ament lived back of Murrysville, Westnd Co, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 270</p><p>She said they called the Ament who married Pearie Eagye Sr & he & his wife are both living & his address is S.M. Ament, Mercer Island, Seattle, Washington. I wrote him. She spoke of Mayor Kline having married Esther Johnson whose mother is a sister of Margaret M. Price daughters of Dr Whitesell. Mrs Margaret M. Price phoned this morning & said it was her birthday 81 yrs old born then Feby 4, 1850 & was having a celebration & might not get out this afternoon, but she did for a brief call. The telephone book gives: Eugene W. Pargny residence 1054 Beechwood Blvd adjg Richard B. Mellon Tel Montrose 8796. His business office is in the Frank Bldg Virginia does</p><p>V24 Page 271 not think they have any children. The telephone book gives A. Fleming Fell's residence 6630 Kinsman Road, Tel Hazel 0403. She is a broker & his office is in the Oliver Bldg where telephone is Atlantic 2885. His wife is a sister of Mrs Pargny but they have no issue. Yesterday afternoon, Miss Alice F. Nelson said there was a very beautiful & intelligent young woman doctor in Room No 2 & took me around to see her. She said she came to the hospital last Thursday because of trouble in her ears. She said she had had a serious double mastoid operation 14 yrs ago when very young & had not had any trouble since until now. She is leaving this evening for her</p><p>V24 Page 272 home in Stowe Tp, this Co which is just across the creek outside of McKee's Rocks, Pa where she lives with her foster father, a widower viz Samuel Franklin Crothers. Her name is Miss Frances Crothers, a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh & is an M.D. practicing in McKee's Rocks & is the doctor for the Bell Tel Co examining all employees for their sight, hearing & whether they have tuberculosis or pulmonary trouble etc. She is the daughter & youngest child of Frank Major (pronounced Meyer) still living aged 74 yrs & her real mother also living is 72 yrs old. They live at Bruo (in German pronounced Brunn) which is half way between Vienna & Prague.</p><p>V24 Page 273</p><p>She & her foster father were back there last year on a visit being the first time she had seen her real parents for 18 yrs when she came to America before the war say in 1912, coming with a minister who brought 18 girls to a missionary Co. She was the only girl in her parent's family. She was put in the family of a RR freight agent who abused her & Mrs Crothers who had lost her only child & being told by the doctors that she could not have children, she took her in & educated her - Mr Crothers had her study medicine. He came in to see her last night & made a 3/4 hour call on me & I got from him the following information:</p><p>V24 Page 274</p><p>His name is Samuel Franklin Crothers born at Mt Pleasant Ohio July 24, 1867 son of Johnson Chokey [or Clokey] Crothers & was named for two of his Uncles viz: Samuel Crothers, the prominent wealthy farmer of Taylorstown, Washington Co, Pa & Franklin Crothers also I believe of Taylorstown, Pa. These two had a brother Wylie or Wiley Crothers who may have also lived near Taylorstown & an elderly unmarried sister, Barbara Crothers, who lived at Mt Pleasant O where they all were born. He said that he (or was it she) had the bible record of her parents & he thought her father's name was Samuel. He thought it was in 1893 that he saw this bible record at Mt Pleasant, Ohio</p><p>V24 Page 275</p><p>& she died not long thereafter & is buried there. He thinks he can find that bible record if he goes to Mt Pleasant, O & he said he would have his daughter drive him over soon & he would try to hunt it up & would send me the data. He thought also that he had at home the marriage cft of his grandfather, & if he found it, he would send it to me by registered mail to be returned. I told him of finding the old Carothers record in Illinois, Vermont I believe & the grave of Mary Crothers, widow of Robert Crothers who died in 1865 aged 97 & is buried in lot of Josiah Zoll who married her daughter Ruth Crothers & I later traced Robert Crothers as one of the two founders of Mt Pleasant, O</p><p>V24 Page 276 which was first called Jesse-Bob Town named for his co-founder & himself. Robert is buried there. My recollection is that his oldest child was Samuel who I believe will prove to be the same as the grandfather of my informant. He said his father had had a stone in Mt Pleasant O & when he was back in 1893 the sign with his name was still over the door, viz Johnson Crothers. His father enlisted in the Union Army for the Civil War at Mt Pleasant, O & was an officer in the service. He did have his discharge papers, but don't know whether he still has them or not. The only thing he remembers about them is that</p><p>V24 Page 277 he was 5 ft 11 inches tall & weighed 185 lbs. He said that during the Civil War when over in Washington Co, Md he met there Eliza Long a Catholic who lived at Clear Spring, Wash Co, Md about 11 miles NW of Hagerstown, Md & they afterwards married. She was born Feby 14, 1842 & died in 1926 in Hagerstown, Md & is buried there being 84 yrs old when she died. She married second John C. Briggs & her name when she died was Briggs. Her first child was Minnie Crothers who died aged 9 mos before my informant was born. Her husband, Johnson Clokey Crothers went to Tennessee, he didn't know the town or county & wrote regularly to his wife always injoining [sic] her to take good care of little Samuel.</p><p>V24 Page 278</p><p>Finally the letters stopped coming & they never heard anything more of him. He said his father was an officer in the Union Army & was a very hot headed quick tempered man. He sd his mother always thought he had gotten in a dispute with the southerners in Tenn & had been murdered, but they never got anything to confirm it. His mother being a Catholic had differences with the Crothers at Mt Pleasant & took Sammy back to Md & he drifted as a boy into the family of Judge Walsh of Cumberland Md with whom he lived until he was 17 yrs old. The Judge wanted to educate him but his education was so neglected that</p><p>V24 Page 279 he rebelled at going to school with the small children. He met there Frances May Rice a native of Cumberland who he married Feby 15, 1886 before he was nineteen & she would not have been sixteen until May following. She born then in May 1870. They lived together 42 yrs & she died probably in 1928. I think he was employed many years by the P&LE RR. He spoke of John McKee, a lawyer of Steubenville, O who he thinks is still living & whose wife is a member of the Crothers family who corresponded with him in regard to a fortune due the family resulting from 400 A of land in Balto leased for [unreadable] yrs</p><p>V24 Page 280 that they had good chances of recovering 290 A of it & McKee quit writing & he wonders if he got a settlement for himself. He thought this fortune came through the Shumans or Hoggs but didn't know just how they connected up with the Crothers unless his grandfather's wife was a Shuman or Hogg. He said there were a couple Crothers relatives Mt Pleasant, O named Witherows (am not sure of this name) one named Ellen who married there after she was thirty. He thought he could learn something from them if he went there.</p><p>V24 Page 281</p><p>This for the first time connects the Taylorstown Wash Co, Pa with the Mt Pleasant O Crothers. Mrs Price & her daughter-in-law, Mrs Price called here this afternoon since Virginia came & was here a few minutes while my relative Dr J.W. Worrell of 110 S. Fairmont Ave Pgh was in. He gave me his record when at above home a few years ago & just made a friendly visit & asked abt "Bet" Jack from whom he descends. He said he & his brother-in-law Dr Conley of Brownsville will call someday at Rock Hill when up.</p><p>V24 Page 282</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 26, 1931 8 AM I have a letter dated Feby 3, 1931 from Emma Everett Clark of 1273 Dominion Ave, Altadena, Calif who had recd a list of the 7 Finley brothers that I had sent her cousin Miss Jennie Finley of Delawares O. She says she is tremendously interested in the Finley history & I will visit & gather data from any of the family in Calif & cooperate in any way she can. I am writing her today. V24 Page 283</p><p>I have a letter dated Feby 21, 1931 from William Finley Speer of Albert Apts (12) Coraopolis, Pa Tel Coraopolis 514 R who says he has recently come into possession of a typed history of the Finley family prepared by John Borland Finley PhD of Kittanning Pa now deceased a copy of which he will be glad to let me have for awhile & will meet me in Pittsburg with it any time I will phone him an appointment. I am writing him today that I will soon arrange a meeting. I am anxious to see this history as he was in Scotland tracing the family & also to see if he connects his line with ours.</p><p>V24 Page 284 & V24 Page 285</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Stephen Rinehart came at a very early date from the River Rhine, Germany & settled in Greene Co, Pa taking up 12,000 A of land most of it in what is now Franklin Tp. His great great grandson, J.B.F. Rinehart so told me at Hotel Walton, Phila Pa on Jany 5, 1931 & gave a partial list of his children etc as below which I then wrote down & now copy.</p><p>[children]</p><p>William Rinehart Simon Rinehart Stephen Rinehart William Rinehart Simon Rinehart Stephen Rinehart died aged 38 yrs William Rinehart b Feby 2, 1831 ob Aug 15, 1915 paralyzed for 15 years. Married a Porter who died of consumption. Had 6 sons & 3 daughters, all given 3 names. Arthur Inghram Porter Rinehart William Thomas Albert Rinehart James Benjamin Franklin Rinehart b Mch 8, 1874 my informant George Samuel Loewenstein Rinehart M.D. now very sick, married, but no issue Milton Sebastian Ellsworth Rinehart M.D. ob married & his wife died 3 weeks after he did. No issue John Brice Gordon Rinehart Mary Elizabeth Porter Rinehart Jessie Levada ______Rinehart Another daughter Stephen Rinehart [son of Stephen who died aged 38 yrs] went to Mo & left issue Jacob Rinehart [son of Stephen of Stephen the immigrant] married three times & had children by each, 22 in all J.B. Rinehart called Polk by 3d wife, designated as of "third letter" by Jack Buchanan in their lawsuits.</p><p>V24 Page 286</p><p>I find on an envelope in my pocket the following dates of birth that I noted down Jany 4, 1931 at Vincenttown NJ when at Chas S. Thompson's over the week-end. Vinton N. Thompson Feby 21, 1854 Charles S. Thompson Aug 26, 1886 Ellen Haines Thompson Jany 15, 1918 Charles S. Thompson Jr Feby 18, 1920 Vinton N. Thompson 2d Feby 12, 1923</p><p>9:11 PM I went in at 7:30 PM for Miss Mary Henry & Pallini has just taken her back to the skyscraper where she is domiciled in room 1005. She said she was born in Monmouth, Ills, but knew practically nothing of the place as she was taken when a child to Fort Scott, Kan to live & grew up there</p><p>V24 Page 287</p><p>& her father, William Rankin Henry who hailed from Hartstown, Pa near Phila died there at Fort Scott, Kansas in 1887. Her mother's maiden name was Sidney Meason (she died 1914 aged 89 yrs) was one of the eleven children of Isaac Meason Jr & his wife Mary Butler. Mrs Elizabeth Kerr who died in 1904 up in the 80s was a sister as was Miss Frank Meason who lived to be 97 yrs old. Mrs Sowers was another sister. I asked her if she had her grandparents bible & she said they burned it but she thought she kept the leaves with the record & said she would look them up for me. She said her great grandfather, Genl Richard Butler was killed in the St Clair defeat campaign</p><p>V24 Page 288 because being English, he wanted to fight in the English way & would not fight in the Indian way as her ggfather Genl Butler wanted him to. She said the recent Sipe of Butler Pa Indian Wars Book said he was scalped by Simon Girty. She said the Indian Chief Cornplanter brought his papers, his will & valuables to Pittsburgh, Pa to his widow who was Maria Smith of Carlisle Pa where they formerly lived & Cornplanter told her that the Indians did not scalp him as he was their friend & they were his friends, because of his action when on a commission to treat with the Indians about their lands. The will is recorded at Pgh where he & his brother Thomas lived at the time. He had but two children, Mary, her grandmother & James Butler who married a daughter</p><p>V24 Page 289 of Nicholas Biddle of Phila. James got the Society of Cincinnati medal of his father & dying left two children who both died young, his son dying at 16 yrs & the Society of Cincinnati medal & a tall coffee pot of Genl Butler's both were given to the Historical Society of Penna 1300 Locust St, Phila. Make slip to see Ernest Spoffor Secy & have him show them to me & see if the coffee pot is like its mate which Miss Mary has & which I will go in & see. Mary says there are but 3 or 4 descendants of the 11 children & they will leave no issue & Genl Richard's line will then be extinct. She said her Butlers were of the family of which the Duke of Ormonde of Tipperary, Ireland was the head & that the father of Anne Boleyn, wife of Henry the 8th & mother of Queen Elizabeth was of this Butler family.</p><p>V24 Page 290</p><p>I got out my Burke's Peerage bought in 1871 & found several columns of the Butlers under the Duke of Ormonde. I told her her Butlers descended from our Crawford family. She said Smedley Butler used to come to Fort Scott to visit his grandmother Butler & Uncle Henry Butler & she played with him as a boy & he had a brother Samuel. She said his father Thomas Butler of West Chester, Pa was member of Congress for many years until he died 3 or 4 yrs ago, but she did not know whether they were related to them or not. She recalled Pierce & James Butler as brother of Richard & Thomas & I told her I thought the other one was William. She said Thomas moved to New Orleans, La V24 Page 291</p><p>She said Gertrude Overholt of Scottdale, widow of Abe S. Overholt one armed man, was daughter of Geo A. Torrence & that Miss Josephine Torrence & a sister, daughters of his brother Thos R. Torrence lived in York, Pa. She said that Gertrude told her that she had heard that there was an underground tunnel from Mt Braddock to the River used for smuggling whisky. Mary & I considered this an improbable fairy tale. Mary said her great grandfather Isaac Meason Sr who pout the e in Mason because a brother possibly out in Fayette Co had done something bad or got in wrong, could ride from Mt Braddock to Mt Pleasant Pa on his own land. She said he came from the county of which Winchester VA is the county seat & where he the records were burned in Civil War.</p><p>V24 Page 292</p><p>He had married there Catharine Harrison. He built the Mt Braddock stone mansion house & was an early Fayette Co iron mfr. She has a history of the Butler family gotten up by a John Butler of Colorado (her hunch lead her to doubt his connection) which Mrs Mary Trevor Ewing showed me when I was around to see her & which Mrs Ewing told her I found four mistakes which she will let me have temporarily & also two or three magazines of the historical society of Penna which have articles on the Butler Family which she will hunt up & loan me. It is now 10:30 PM In talking to Col Richard Coulter of Gbg, Pa he told her his great grandmother was a Smith of Carlisle & in comparing notes, concluded she was a sister of her ggm Maria.</p><p>V24 Page 293 [blank] V24 Page 294</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 27, 1931 8:25 AM A letter dated Feby 20, 1931 from Cora Lee? Williams of 1249 Greensburgh Ave, East Mckeesport, Pa who was referred to me by Thos E. Finley of Otts, Pa gives her descent from Abram Power whose wife Nellie, she thought might have been a Finley, through the Inmans, one of whom married his daughter & she said her mother called Rev James Power of Mt Pleasant, Pa "Uncle Jim" indicating that Abram was his brother. I wrote her today that Col John Power, brother of Rev James married Margaret Finley, daughter of Rev James Finley of Rehoboth. Her husband is Bion [sic] B. Williams 1249 Greensburgh Ave, East McKeesport, Pa.</p><p>V24 Page 295</p><p>A letter dated Feby 23, 1931 from Mrs Pleasant Rice of Centerview, Mo says she recd a letter from me asking about the Brownlees for the Finley history & ask her her to send me the date when her father's father was killed & I would then send her the Brownlee line. She says she answered, but I never replied & she wonders if I ever got her letter. Says it wasn't her grandfather, but a relative & she asked his son who told her it was Dec 29, 1879 that he was killed & that she recently recd a letter from his granddaughter asking if I got it. She says her grandfather was William Brownlee & he married Margaret Finley & she wants his line back to Scotland if I can give it. Also wants the Finley line & asks the price. She says her father called this William Brownlee who was killed in Missouri, Uncle Billy.</p><p>V24 Page 296</p><p>I don't see how that can be. The granddaughter is seeking D.A.R. information & asks if any Brownlees or Finleys in their line were Rev soldiers. Says if I ever come to Missouri to come to Warrensburg & hunt her up. Am writing her today for book & page. I have a letter dated Jany 7, 1931 from Mrs Lucy C.H. Finley of 903 Cathedral St, Baltimore Md, widow of W. Norville Finley. She was visiting in Indianapolis, Ind & saw Mrs E. Vernon Halmon which her father had gathered much data up to the fall of 1892 who then corresponded with her cousin Kate Gibson to whom Lieut Finley had sent his records.</p><p>V24 Page 297</p><p>Mrs Nannie Gambrill (Mrs Albert Gambrill) niece of cousin Kate Gibson lent me these records & letters & notes of which I copied in 1925. She telephoned to Lieut Finley's daughter last fall & she told her I was preparing a history. My husband Wm Norville Finley was son of Rev John Randolph Finley D.D. son of Ebenezer Finley son of Michael Finley Sr of County Armagh, Ulster, Ireland. She does not know whether her date of marriage & later born children were given. She wants a book.</p><p>V24 Page 298</p><p>A newspaper clipping announcing the death of William Robert Markle born Aug 12, 1854 & died in Aug 1930 was son of Thomas Markle & wife Esther Roberts. His wife was Ethel Kiefer of Chicago, Ills Had one son surviving William R. Markle Jr of Zanesville, O. He was the last surviving member of his own family. He & his brother Edward Markle at one time had a livery stable on lower Market St. He was affiliated with the Methodist Church.</p><p>Mary Lyons died Nov 7, 1930 buried at Toronto, O Abraham M. Lyons died Mch 11, 1929 Toronto, O. I visited them in 1922. Wm R. Markle died on Aug 30, 1930 buried in Union Cem, Steubenville, O another notice says he died Aug 15.</p><p>V24 Page 299</p><p>Mrs Emma Burgett McCune, wife of Frank McCune of 1619 Shady Ave, Shadyside Pgh, Pa died at Cambridge Springs, Pa on Aug 8, 1930 aged 81 yrs. She was the daughter of Boston Burgett & Sarah Markle Burgett of Burgettstown, Pa & later of Steubenville, O One son George McCune survives. I have written Mr McCune today if he has found the record leaves of the bible & the old German papers, most likely dolph scheims to send them to me by registered mail or to notify me & I will go personally & get them.</p><p>V24 Page 300</p><p>I have a letter dated Feby 19, 1931 from Mrs R.V. Toler 913 Overland Court, Shawnee, Okla. In her D.A.R. application she gives: 1. Mrs Robert Vance Toler Desc of Robert W. Finley. Am daughter of Harry White born July 11, 1864 in Fremont, Iowa, living in Kirksville, Mo?? married to Hattie Lawson born on Oct 8, 1866 in Hedrick Iowa & living in Kirksville, Mo 2. Harry White was the child of John Quincy White born July 23, 1824 in Dearborn Co, Indiana died Apr 10, 1915 in Fremont, Iowa married Feby 8, 1844 to Elvira Hough born July 15, 1828 at Fremont, Iowa, died Mch 22, 1919 in Fremont, Iowa 3. The said Elvira Hough was the child of</p><p>V24 Page 301</p><p>Joseph Hough born Nov 1777 died Nov 21, 1844 in Shelby Co, Ind, married to Hannah Finley born Nov 1, 1787 & died Dec 4, 1876 in Fremont, Iowa. 4. The said Hannah Finley was the child of Robert W. Finley born July 9, 1750 & died in 1840 married to Rebecca Bradley born 1752 died 1821 See book 11 pages 478, 479, 486, 490 & 491 etc.</p><p>V24 Page 302</p><p>Miss Mollie Allen sent me a sketch from the Pittsburgh Dispatch of 1899 from which prior to filing, I make the following notes: Early one morning two weeks ago, fire destroyed an historic landmark of Dunbar Tp, Fayette Co, Pa a two story log cabin built between 1790 & 1798 by Col James Paull within 200 yards of the original log cabin built in 1768 by his father George Paull & five miles of "Stewarts Crossings" the famous home of Col Wm Crawford which was the stopping place of all newcomers to this valley. Stewarts Crossing later known as Crawfords Place, embraced a low lying valley on which New Haven was built lying across the Yough River from Connellsville, Pa. The Paull farm later known as "Deer Park" ctg abt 500 A was on the direct line of March of Braddock's army to & from Fort Necessity to Fort Duquesne</p><p>V24 Page 303</p><p>& adjoined the Gist or Meason farm of 2100 A also crossed by said army in its march known now as Mt Braddock farm it was originally owned by Christopher Gist & later by Isaac Meason Sr. When the settlers came from the Braddock army passed within 200 yards of where Col Crawford 12 yrs later built his cabin & crossing the Yough at Stewarts Crossing passed North over the "Narrow" Col Crawford settled in the Yough Valley in 1766 bringing his family from the Shenandoah Valley in Va from Orange Co afterwards Frederick & now Berkeley Cos. George Paull, a son of Hugh Paull also lived in Berkeley Co where his son James Paull was born Sept 17, 1760. C.W. Butterfield's carefully compiled history of Crawford's Sandusky Campaign in 1782 says Geo Paull moved into the Gist neighborhood in 1768 & settled in Dunbar Tp</p><p>V24 Page 304</p><p>George Paull & his family were driven from their home at least once by the Indians but rtd soon & took up the land still own it five generations living on it, but the last one left it 12 or 15 yrs ago while many were massacreed, no Paull was ever killed by the Indians. George Paull died in 1778 aged 45 yrs born say 1733, leaving a widow, three daughters & a son James, scarcely 18 yrs old on whom the family depended. The widow was Martha Irwin a firm Christian woman & a brave one. She was a daughter of Archibald Irwin of Mercersburg, Franklin Co, Pa. Once when sitting by the fire at night, she heard the pigs squealing & snatching up a flaming pine knot, ran out & saw a huge bear with a pig under its fore leg climbing out of the pig sty frightening it away after dropping the pig. James Paul enlisted in the Crawford campaign & getting separated,</p><p>V24 Page 305 made his way home alone. See the story of his thrilling escape by Sherrard which I have. He was made a Colonel & did service in the Revolutionary War, mainly on the western border. James Paull was married the next January to Elizabeth Rodgers whose family had moved in the neighborhood. The widow Paull, his mother later married Matthew Neely & he built the two story log cabin aforesaid on a little hill originally facing a road along a run but the road was later changed to back of the house. The original cabin was built a few hundred yards to the rear of the log house, on another stream at the edge of a woods part of the stone foundation of which was visible a few years ago. In this log house Col Paull lived until 1841 dying in his 81st year. The present brick house on the farm V24 Page 306 or plantation was in course of construction at the time of his death. Col Paull was a great hunter in his young days & in later years, spent much time in the mountains hunting. In an old manuscript written in 1868? by Robert Sherrard is given some account of why my father John Sherrard & Charles May a bound boy raised in the Paull family reaped wheat all night in widow Paulls field. Sherrard explains that is was a custom in this country, Ireland & Scotland to have strife as to which farmer could get their harvest of small grain cut first & it was rife between the family of George Paull deceased & Samuel Work In the harvest of 1780, John Sherrard [faded line]ber of the Paull farm & went May [sic] to spy on the progress of Samuel Work's harvest</p><p>V24 Page 307 resulting in their taking their whisky & working all night by a full moon & finishing the next day ahead of Work & thus having the "brag & boast" of finishing first on Work's. Robt Sherrard said in a life of 80 yrs this is the only instance of such strenuous work just to "boast of". He says the grain cradle was introduced in the Mt Braddock section in 1782 & 1783 by immigrants from New Jersey & mentions Robert & John Junk two of them able bodied men having a strenuous day cradling in a 12 A field with Billy Cornell in the middle. He says the first coke south of Connellsville was burned on this Paull farm a few hundred rods to the right of the House in 1856 in cone shaped ricks fully described for Baldwin & Chevey, owners of the Union Furnace now the Dunbar furnace.</p><p>V24 Page 308</p><p>The Union Furnace burned & used coke in this way hauling it a mile or two by six mule teams In 1871, Brown Bonnell & [unreadable] of Youngstown, O leased the Paull farm coal & build the second plant of beehive ovens south of Connellsville. The first plant of beehive ovens were built a mile or so away, a year or so before by Taylor & Byers & in a few years, other plants sprung up further south. The Paull farm was divided into several farms, one known as "Hill farm" another as Woodvale, owned by William Walker who married Martha Paull, daughter of Col James & another part bought by Moses Porter "Deer Park" still remains in the Paull family, the original patents are still in the family.</p><p>V24 Page 309</p><p>The commonwealth of Penna bought from the Iroquois Indians in Nov 1768 all lands between the Susquehanna River & the Allegheny & Ohio Rivers & opened a land office in April 1769, up to that time all settlers were merely squatters. Signed Robert Galloway Paull</p><p>Finished 12:12 AM Feby 28, 1931</p><p>V24 Page 310</p><p>Oak Hill Feby 28, 1931 10:30 AM In yesterday's Morning Herald, among increased pensions granted & signed by President Hoover was: Minerva N. Hough aged 82 yrs, widow of Joseph W. Hough who was a corporal in Co B 20th Reg Penna Infantry from Feby 1, 1864 to July 18, 1865. He died Nov 24, 1900.</p><p>Referring to the record about the Paull farm last night, I recall that the first beehive coke ovens about Uniontown was in North Union Tp on the Henry W. Beeson heirs farm which was bought by the Stewart Iron Co Ltd of Sharon Pa officered by the McClures in 1879. The next were at Leith in South Union Tp just south of town on property sold by father on Feby 22, 1880</p><p>V24 Page 311 to Chicago people represented by W.R. Stirling, the money of an actress being said to be back of of it. Robert Montgomery was in charge of the company interest here for several years. The third plant of beehive ovens in this sector & further south was at Brownfield, Pa built shortly thereafter by John William Moore of Greensburg, Pa to whom I loaned $79,000 for building the plant on his son individual Judgement note, when about six years before our then cashier James T. Redburn had protested his note for $500 to hold his endorser Solomon Keister of Scottdale, Pa.</p><p>V24 Page 312</p><p>I have a letter dated Feby 9, 1931 to Andrew from Roger K. Patton of 21 North Ave, Washington, Pa asking about the Patton History in Fayette Co, Pa. He says he is the son of the former Rev Joseph G. Patton who was born in Washington Tp, Fayette Co, Pa near the Andrew Brown farm & not far from Rehoboth Pres Church. He says his Uncle John S. Patton then living on the old homestead aforesaid told him of my having called about 1919 or 1920 to get sons Patton records. He says his Uncle John S. Patton died in March 1926 & & in December 1915 published a History a brief one of the Patton family. However, this was four immediate family & many details are lacking. I am seeking to establish my eligibility an S.A.R. & wondered if you could help me.</p><p>V24 Page 313</p><p>Have been able to find that my great great grandfather Joseph Patton come to Fayette Co, Pa in 1778 from Carlisle, Pa & was born in 1752 & died in 1822. He was just of soldier age but I am afraid he was an Indian fighter. His wife was Sarah Weir of Washington C. The next or great grandfather was John Patton born in 1780 & died 1862. His wife was Nancy Woodrow born east of the mountains at Port Deposit. Both the Miss Pattons in Uniontown, Pa are distant cousins & know me personally.</p><p>V24 Page 314</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 1, 1931 1:45 PM Mrs Dora E. Gunnett of Fullerton Calif wrote me Oct 14, 1930 & Jany 19, 1931 about genealogical work she was having done by Mrs Claire E. Shirk a genealogist of Harrisburg, Pa who has sent her several pages of records about my gggfather John Jack of South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co, Pa in which she gives him as: John Jack, Ranger Westnd Co Pa 1778-1783 being son of James Jack & wife Elizabeth McNulty born 1726 in Ireland came to America with his parents</p><p>V24 Page 315 who settled in Guilford Tp Cumb Co later Franklin Co where James Jack was a blacksmith & sometime previous to 1773, he moved his family to Westnd Co Pa where he raised a family of 13 children. He settled in South Huntingdon Tp & when the land office was opened in 1784 he took out a warrant for the tract of land in which he settled. He died there in 1808 & by will devised his property to five children & three grandchildren. John Jack served as Ranger on the frontier 1778 to 1783 in Westnd Co, Pa under Capt Andrew Swearingen. His son John Jack was born in Cumb Co, Pa in 1766 & about 1789 went to Ky where he married</p><p>V24 Page 316</p><p>Dec 1, 1789 Mary Mason. They removed to Switzerland Co, Indiana & their tombstones were located there by me in 1919. Census of 1790 page 266 Westnd Co, South Huntingdon Tp John Jack 4 males over 16 yrs & six females Penna Archives Series Third Vol 22 page 412. John Jack taxable in Huntingdon Tp for 300 A of land, two horses & two cattle. Page 300? John taxable 1786 as for service as Ranger see again Series 3d Vol 23 page 312 compare with Series Third vol 22 page 408-9 it will be seen that Major David Vance adj Thomas Mason & Serg John Brown, James Chambers, James McMullen</p><p>V24 Page 316</p><p>William Nemmans, James Paull, James Reed, John Ross, Wm Scott, Geo Lattimore, Samuel Wilson, James Johnson, Paul Kerr, James McCurdy, Wm Shields, Hugh Nevile were rangers in this Co & taxable in this Tp. Land office state house Harrisburg, patent book H vol 9 p 189 abstract shows John Jack paid at granting of warrant there granted his heirs a tract of land in South Huntingdon Tp adjg the lands of Thos Jones, Thos Robinson, John Carnahan, Hugo H Henderson, Peter Light & John Miller, ctg 328 A warranted in Dec 21, 1785 to John Jack who is now deceased having first made his will dated Aug 2, 1806 & apptd Andrew Finley & John Robertson his Exrs dated Mch 16, 1813.</p><p>V24 Page 317</p><p>Publication of the Genealogical Society of Penna vol 5 abstract of wills of Westnd Co, Pa book 1 p 46 John Jack of Huntingdon Tp will dated Aug 2, 1806 proved Apr 23, 1808 wife Eleanor children: Patrick, Anna Robertson, Elizabeth Marklin & Rebecca Jack, grandsons, John Clark, Andrew Thompson, & John Finley. Sons-in-law Andrew Finley John Robertson & John Marklin son Thomas Jack & other children not named. Andrew Finley & John Robertson Exrs Witnesses John Carnahan & Charles Hunter</p><p>V24 Page 319</p><p>Bard Family by Seilhamer page 366 William Thompson removed about 1780 to Westnd Co, Pa where he was active in repelling the Sanguinary incursions of the Indians on the western frontier. He went to Ky after the Revolution & died there. He married Mary Jack daughter of John Jack & granddaughter of James Jack early settler in the Conococheague Valley, Genealogical notes by G.O. Seilhamer arranged in alphabetical order Vol 6. Patriot John Jack was an early settler in Westnd Co, Pa & was active in fomenting [sic] the Revolution & assisted in forming & promulgating the Hannastown Declaration of Independence in May 16, 1775.</p><p>V24 Page 320</p><p>Mr Jack's parentage is involved in so much obscurity that the compiler of this genealogy has been unable to settle the question satisfactorily (I have however JVT) She says a John Jack & his wife Margaret Jack, kept a stone tavern in Chambersburg, Pa in which house the first courts of Franklin Co were held. Make slip to hunt at Greensburgh Pa for conveyance of this John Jack farm after 1813 when the patent was granted to his heirs.</p><p>V24 Page 321</p><p>Oak Hill March 2d, 1931 8 AM This is the 75th anniversary of the birth of dear Minnie L. Redburn. The West Newton Times Sun of Feby 26, 1931 announces the death of Mrs Margaret Hanna, widow of Thomas Hanna who was buried Friday PM Feby 20th who died Feby 17, 1931 at 9:15 PM at her late home in Washington Pa. Burial was in West Newton, Pa cemetery. She was a daughter of Mr & Mrs David Hunter & was born in South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co, Pa in 1853, surviving are five children: Mrs Margaret L. Wilson Alice M. Henry H. John S. & Thomas W. Hanna. Mrs Hanna was an Aunt of Mrs C.R. Riley of 6th St. I was at her house a few years ago.</p><p>V24 Page 322</p><p>I have a letter dated Nov 26, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs F.E. Rankin, (her Christian name Eliza) of Rankin, Texas, where she is still continuing her husband's business. She says her mother was Sarah Elizabeth Carothers, daughter of Archibald Carothers. The oldest son of the family was John, the other James, only two brothers. The old books of the family some Carothers records from the old country were burned in the old Tennessee home after my mother's death being thought worthless. She said that she had gathered many records of the family, but grew tired of the search some 10 or 12 years ago & bundled them all up & sent them to Mr James T Buck of Crosbyton, Texas who was preparing a history of the family.</p><p>V24 Page 323</p><p>Later on, she had a letter from S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC & referred him to Buck. She says she had quite a bit of history from O.W. Carothers of Monticello, Indiana. He also had a copy of all I had. I remember there was a Carothers in this list who married a Sara Carothers. I believe his name was William. Am writing Buck & Carothers today & also writing her & asking her to give me her immediate line.</p><p>V24 Page 324</p><p>A letter dated July 10, 1931 from Rev C.D.A. Hoon of Fairchance, Pa says he was at Franklin, Pa & saw the data compiled by William I. [or O] Thompson of Phila, Pa & finds that the lists he sent me with one or two exceptions were descendants of William Beatty Thompson. I copied the list out of the Franklin or an old family bible: Children of Samuel & Ruth Rankin Thompson: 1. William Beatty b 1810 d 1862 married Jany 26, 1842 Sarah Elwell Pew 2. Charlotte b Apr 1, 1812 3. Samuel McClelland b May 5, 1814 4. Alexander b Feby 6, 1817 died 1876 married Martha Sheriff 5. Josiah Smith b Apr 19, 1820 d July 12, 1856 married Elizabeth Dunlap 6. James b Sept 26, 1823 not married 7. Rankin b Apr 21, 1827 not married It stated Samuel Thompson was buried in Pittsburgh, Pa but he had nothing beyond Samuel His data is not classified & it would take a week to arrange it. Make slip.</p><p>V24 Page 325</p><p>I have a letter dated July 15, 1930 in answer to mine from Hazel E. Drum of Gridley, Ills who says her father has died since I was there. I will try & send all the records we have in the bible of Henry Drum & Jane Markle Drum's children & the children's births & deaths as nearly correct as I can. Henry Drum born Feby 19, 1813 Henry Drum died Jany 1, 1883 Jane Markle born Dec 19, 1812 Husband & wife Children: 1. Samuel M. b July 12, 1834 died Apr 22, 1921 2. Elizabeth Markle b Feby 6, 1836 3. Marish S. b Dec 27, 1837 4. Christian b May 20, 1839 died May 19, 1845 5. Susan born May 1, 1841 died Oct 15, 1848</p><p>V24 Page 326</p><p>6. John Markle b Mch 11, 1846 died June 29, 1910 7. Macajah Convin [sic] born July 14, 1848 8. William Henry b June 29, 1850 died Nov 27, 1928 9. Mary Catharine b Oct 29, 1852 10. Harmer Denny b Mch 7, 1855 died June 20, 1856 11. David M. born Aug 18, 1857 died July 10, 1930 The ones marked with an x [JVT has not so marked them] we don't know the dates of death Our father married Florella Florence Marteenay & they had three children: 1. Samuel Richard b June 22, 1880 2. Lorena Avis b June 18, 1889 3. Hazel Erma b Oct 2, 1891 We not have the bible of Henry Markle Prople [sic] Hope these records will help in your work.</p><p>V24 Page 327 [blank] V24 Page 328</p><p>I have a letter dated Oct 8th, 1930 from Edmund Hayes Bell No 305 The Wyoming, Columbia Road & California St, Washington D.C. in answer to mine of May 31, 1930 in re: John Elliott, son of Col Robert Elliott he says he was alive & living in Allegheny Co, Pa in 1809 in which year he sold some property in Franklin Co, Pa that he inherited from his father. Make slip to look up estate of John Elliott father of Col Robert at Chambersburg, Pa. He asks if among my Elliott papers, I have anything on the Prendergast & Wilson families of Kentucky.</p><p>He says that Col Robert Elliott's sister, Margaret, married Garrett Prendergast, a pioneer of Kentucky who</p><p>V24 Page 329 was killed by the Indians at Harrodsburg, KY in 1777 leaving descendants & Colonel Robert Elliott's sister Jane of Jean married Capt Robert Wilson at Hagerstown, Md & they later emigrated to Kentucky & left numerous descendants. Make Ky slips. I strongly suspect that Col William Elliot, U.S.A. retired who lives in Calif is a descendant of Col Robert's son William who settled in Canada. Make slip & write to my Calif Elliott correspondent. He says he has written this Col Wm E. several letters but he don't answer.</p><p>V24 Page 330</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 3, 1931 12:22 PM I have a letter dated Dec 31, 1930 from Mrs Elizabeth Calden of 615 State Theatre Bldg 335 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa who saw my name in the Pgh Press & asks if as a boy I knew Daniel Hough who lived at Mill Grove, Pa. She says his children were: Peter, Gusta, Drusilla, Mary & Sarah. The last named was the mother of Abraham Lincoln Hough, who perhaps you might remember & if so might give information of value to my family whose mother was Drusilla Hough & afterwards married Thomas K. Lysle.</p><p>V24 Page 331 I have a letter dated Sept 10, 1930 in answer to mine of Aug 23/30 from Mrs John Van Landingham of Charlotte NC says she was a charter member of a D.A.R. chapter there in 1892 No 773 & also of Colonial Dames. Has been Regent & V.P. & sends her descent from Patrick Jack & says she has a tree of the Jack family. She signs her letter: M.O. Van Landingham Jack Lineage of M.O. Van Landingham: Patrick Jack was descended from William Jack who had a living under Cromwell. He was one of 13 Presbyterian ministers of the Presbytery of Lagan (or Lugan) ejected by Jeremy Taylor</p><p>V24 Page 332</p><p>& Charles II (2d) in 1661. He was born in 1708, emigrated to Penna in 1730 & to North Carolina in 1760. He died in Charlotte, NC in 1780. He was a Patriot. See Hunter's Sketches. Children of Patrick Jack & his wife Lillis McAdoo taken from Jack family tree: 1. Capt James Jack married to Ala or Hle [sic, hard to make out] Beam of Mecklenberg Co. Declarer Bearer to Phila in May 1775 2. John Jack Pa, Phila 3. Col Samuel Jack, Georgia 4. Robert Jack, Chambersburg, Pa 5. Charity Jack married Cornelius Dysart 6. Jane Jack married William Barnett 7. Mary Jack married Robert Alexander 8. Lillis Jack married Joseph Hichnson [sic] 9. Margaret Jack married Samuel Wilson</p><p>V24 Page 333</p><p>Robert Alexander, soldier & patriot was born in Penna in 1742 died in Gaston Co NC in 1813. He was a member of the first Provincial Congress at Newbern NC Aug 25, 1774 see NC Colonial Record Vol XI page 1042. He was a delegate from Tryon Co to the Halifax Convention Aug 20, 1775 See Hunter's Sketches. He was a member of Capt Coburn's Co of Tryon Co NC. He was Capt & Commissary in the Cherokee expedition. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army. He was a member of the committee of Safety. He was appointed by the Provincial Congress to procure arms for troops see Colonial records Vol X page 525. He was a member of the General Assembly from 1781 to 1787. See Hunter's Sketches of Western NC. Continuing her lineage, she gives Mary Oates Spratt, wife of John Van Landingham was born Sept 14, 1852 in Charlotte NC</p><p>V24 Page 334</p><p>She was married to John Henry Van Landingham Dec 18, 1873. She is the daughter of Charles E. Spratt & Margaret Louie Oates, his wife married Feby 5, 1850 Margaret Louise Oates was the daughter of Branbery Oates & Lillis Lowrie, his wife. Lillis Lowrie was the daughter of Judge Samuel Lowrie & Margaret Alexander, his wife. Margaret Alexander was the daughter of Robert Alexander & Mary Jack his wife Mary Jack was the daughter of Patrick Jack & Lillis McAdoo, his wife.</p><p>V24 Page 335</p><p>Oak Hill, Mch 4, 1931 9:33 AM I have a letter dated Oct 3, 1930 in answer to mine of Aug 13, 1930 from Mrs Fannie E. Finley now of American Apts 323 W 4th St, Long Beach, Calif to whom I had written at 361 Douglas Ave, Elgin, Ills see b 23 p 343 She says her daughter's husband Caspin Keen Stewart died Sept 8, 1923 & since Feby 2, 1926 daughter & I have been living in California together, but still keep our home in Elgin, Ills where we expect to return in the spring & asks me to visit them. They arrived in Long Beach Apr 12, 1928 & like it very much. She says Elizabeth Finley meaning no doubt her husband's mother, was born near the White Mountains of Penna. She has printed & sent out questionnaires to different of their Finleys gathering information which she will send me. Writing her today.</p><p>V24 Page 336</p><p>I have a letter dated Nov 21, 1930 in answer to mine of Nov 15, 1927 which had been mislaid from Mrs Mayme Maye of 1017 Sherman Ave Evanston, Ill asking if I still wanted the information asked for & saying her father's only sister Mollie (Mary Finley) died Jany 17, 1929. My youngest brother, Martin Hugh Finley got married June 18, 1930. Will gladly give further information if still desired & was very glad to know from you the name of my great grandfather writing her today & asking her for the information & the book & page then given.</p><p>V25 Page 337</p><p>I have a letter dated Oct 23, 1930 in answer to mine from Nellie McFarland of Helena Mont who says to write to the Woodburn girls at Newville, Pa for the names of the parents of Margery Thompson Davidson. Dates of birth, marriage & death of my father & mother & his parents' full name: My mother Margery Thompson Davidson was born in Newville, Pa July 12, 1837 & was married to Samuel G. Wild Oct 21, 1858 at Newville, Pa. My father was born Newville, Pa Dec 1, 1834 & died May 3, 1911 at Lanark, Ills. Cannot give parents full name. Get that in Penna.</p><p>V24 Page 338</p><p>Their children see b 23 page 538 Her husband was Lucius Griswold McFarland who died Feby 23, 1926 at Helena, Mont. I have given you the names of my brothers & you can write them, signed. Nellie McFarland. See b 23 p 538. My son Married Ruby Pearl Von Sampson. Her father was Edgar Raoul Von Sampson born in Russia. Says her brother Will G. Wild of Lanark Ills is a newspaper man & she thinks he has the family bible. One of the clippings says the mother of the editor of this paper, Mrs Samuel G. Wild died at Boulder, Mont Apr 27, 1911. She, viz Margery Thompson Davidson was born in Newville, Pa July 12, 1837. She married Samuel G. Wild</p><p>V24 Page 339</p><p>Oct 21, 1858 at Newville, Pa. They moved to Paola, Kansas in 1871 & lived there four years. In 1875, they moved to Morrison, Ills. Mr Wild went to Montana for his health in 1883 & the family followed six years later making their home at Boulder, Mont. Mrs Wild was aged 63 yrs 9 mos & 15 days & was the youngest of five sisters. Two of them survive her & was present at the funeral in this city. She was a Christian uniting with the Presbyterian Ch in Newville in early life. Body was brought to Lanark, Ills for burial. Funeral from home of her son W.G. Wild in whose paper this no doubt appeared.</p><p>V24 Page 340</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 5, 1931 8:30 AM I have a letter dated Sept 20, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs George Marshall 276 N. Lewis St Staunton Va who says her ggggrandmother was a Thompson who married William McPheeters the II. She mentions Mrs Dietz, my father? Alexander IV son of Alexander III son of Capt William, Rev, son of Alexander I and Mary McPheeters who was a Thompson (this is indistinct to Mrs Pallini). Col William of Royal grant of land father of Alexander I, altho the son was the founder of the family in Va. Alexander came to the valley with Lewis? & family came in 1735-1737. I am almost completed on the different line [sic]</p><p>V24 Page 341</p><p>& am sending the prominent line to our own Crawford Memorial & trust you will send your line to me. (Can't make out) Says her publication will be next spring.</p><p>A letter dated Oct 7, 1930 in answer to mine from Jean Evans McFarland (Mrs Clarence McFarland) 217 Lincoln Ave, Connellsville, Pa says don't have much will gladly do what she can. Says she is writing to her Aunt in McKeesport, Pa sister to my mother for help. She says I spoke of James Connell who she thinks was probably the father of her grandfather. James Connell L. Evans, my father &</p><p>V24 Page 342 has a book with pictures of both Col Wm Crawford & Zachariah Connell. this book also tells of the early history & settling of Connellsville. It was published for the C'ville Centennial 1906 (I have it) It sketches their early lives. Am enclosing a copy of the sketch in the book. If I can get any information from my aunt, will send it to you at once. My telephone No is 734 R Sketch: The first settler in C'ville was William McCormick who came from Winchester Va about 1770 transporting Salt & iron by packhorses from Cumberland, Md to the Yough & [unreadable 5 letter word] Valleys. His wife was Effe [sic] Crawford, a daughter of Col Wm Crawford. They settled on west side of Yough River</p><p>V24 Page 343 about 1767 at Stewarts Crossings. Zachariah Connell the founder of C'ville came here a few years after the settlement of the McCormicks having married Mrs McCormick's sister Ann Crawford in 1773. He lived on the west side of the river between 1773 & 1778 when he moved to the east side of the river on land designated as "Mud Island" which included the present site of Connellsville. Here he built his log cabin where the Trans Allegheny Hotel on Water Street stands on Water St. He later moved to a stone houe which he built on corner of Grave St & Hill alley. It was later torn down to make room for White Rock Distilling Co. A few years after</p><p>V24 Page 344 the death of his wife Ann Crawford, he married Miss Wallace, sister of Aunt Jenny Wallace, keeper of the toll bridge over the Yough. His later years devoted to the care of his R.E. He became a Methodist & donated the lot on which the church now stands 1906. He died Aug 26, 1813 aged 72 years & was buried in a private lot on east Crawford Ave near the residence of John Freeman or the Springer farm where his remains still rest with those of his two wives (make slip to get inscriptions) & where a broken slab marks the resting place of the founder of C'ville.</p><p>V24 Page 345</p><p>I have a letter dated Oct 10, 1930 from Mrs Lloyd A. Thoroman (Lulu V. Thoroman) now of 3503 Highview Ave Cleveland, Ohio saying they had recently moved to Cleveland & that she had recd a letter or two from me in 1926 on genealogy. She has been looking up the Crawford family in their public library & finds much of interest back to 1000 AD in Scotland, coat of arms, crests etc. She says she finds there were two Col Wm Crawfords & if her children are descended from Ann Crawford, the daughter of Robert as I stated, they are descendants of the other Col Wm Crawford who was in Washington's army & not from Col Wm who was burned at the stake (they are not descendants from either Wm). She says Ole Thoroman died Feby 23, 1928. Also my son Wilfred T. Thoroman</p><p>V24 Page 346 who is working to pay for voice training was attacked by robbers on June 6, 1929 beaten on the head & an eye destroyed. His skull fractured while acting as a filling station attendant. The other boy, Elliott Thoroman works for a Finance Co & studies music & is a clarionetist [sic]. The daughter, Pauline Thoroman is a stenographer. See b 14 p 532-563 See b 20 p 454 & 482.</p><p>Another letter dated Oct 27, 1930 in answer to mine of Oct 12 from the same Mrs Lloyd A. Thoroman as above states that Ole Thoroman said Ann Crawford was born in 1770 & died in 1838. If she was daughter of Robert who you say was born in 1708, he would have been 62 yrs old when she was born. She asks for the parentage of Rosanna Hamilton Thoroman who she says was the grandmother of Ole & Lloyd A. Thoroman.</p><p>V24 Page 347</p><p>Oak Hill, Mch 6, 1931 7:44 AM The ground is covered again with snow which fell last night. I have a letter dated July 17, 1930 from Mrs Ida Bryan RR 5 Marion Indiana in answer to mine. Jonathan Kilgore died Apr 1, 1895 aged 83 yrs 10 mos & 20 days. Margaret Kilgore, his wife died July 16, 1896 aged 81 yrs 3 mos 15 days, her maiden name was Linn. The oldest son was John. He enlisted in the Civil War at the age of 24 served in Co H 101 Ind Aug 1862 died Sept 2, 1864 leaving a wife & three daughters, Belle, Rachel & Lavinia. The next son was David who died in infancy Next Gilbert Next Samantha, daughter Next son Wilson who was my father Next Jefferson Next Charity, a daughter Next a son Joseph</p><p>V24 Page 348</p><p>William Wilson Kilgore born 1844 died 1923. William died Jany 1924 & Jefferson died Mch 1, 1930. My mother, wife of Wilson Kilgore died 55 yrs ago say 1875 they having four children, two died when small. My one sister died at the age of 17 or 19 yrs 11 mos. There were three girls, one boy was William, girls Lillie, Symantha [sic] & Ida (who is the writer) My mother's maiden name was Shields, daughter of John Shields Next Gilbert Kilgore married Mary Minor, they having two sons, one of which past of War last Sept name Joseph then Elmer still living Then Symantha Kilgore married Smith Black. To them was born two children, one girl Margaret who died aged abt 10 yrs, the boy named John Black is still living. Next Jefferson Kilgore married Elizabeth Echelburger [best guess]</p><p>V24 Page 349 To them was born seven children two twin boys, one having passed away shortly after birth, & five little girls, Frances, Ella, Cora, Emma & Mabel, Charlie, living, George Deceased. Charity married Franklin Carroll & had seven children 3 boys having passed away, two boys George & Walter are still living, Ida Alive, a Son Joseph having married Hilda Prertee [not even a good guess, hard to make out] to them was born 8 children 3 boys, Thomas, John & Franklin, girls, Sarah, Margaret, Irene, Emma & Hattie. Son William was married to Sarah Kirttey to them was born a daughter Laura, the separated. William was married to Martha Bennett to them was born 4 children 2 boys John & Charlie & girls Joi, Ethel. Now the sons & daughters I have mentioned are sons & daughters of Jonathan & Margaret Kilgore viz John, David, Gilbert, Wilson Symantha, Jefferson, Charity</p><p>V24 Page 350</p><p>Joseph & William and the rest are grandsons & granddaughters of Jonathan & Margaret Kilgore. The writer will now try to tell about herself viz: Ida Bryan daughter of Wilson & Mary Shields Kilgore was married Dec 3, 1904 to James O. Bryan to this union, no children were born. Now in regard to my father, Wilson Kilgore, he having married the second time his wife being Viola Brand. There were born to them ten children 3 of them having preceded him in death having passed away last Jany 2, 1930. Their names, Nellie & Pearl dead, Laybette, Bertha, Carl, Jessie, Leslie, Jacia [sic], Hettie, James, this is about all I can tell you. Has written dead between the lines & don't know who it refers to. Wants me to send her as much of</p><p>V24 Page 351</p><p>Kilgore record as I can before Aug 10th if possible which is our reunion day at Mattas Park, Marion, Ind.</p><p>I have two letters in answer to mine, one dated June 20, 1930 from Kansas City MO & the other dated Sept 5, 1930 both from A.R. Markle Box 506 Terre Haute, Ind Book 23 p 420-7. He says his ancestor always signed Abm Markle & he had a brother Henry & both lived in Ulysses NY in Onondaga Co in 1800 & later in Canada, present city of Ithaca NY is the old town of Ulysses & I have lately presented the library of Cornell University with the old deeds from Peter Himepaugh to Abram Markle on which land the University now stands & have from them a photostat copy of it & have also a map of the town of Ulysses dated 1822 showing the lost described with old deed.</p><p>V24 Page 352</p><p>A hist of Tompkins Co quotes the old records of the town from its organization showing Abram Markle to have been its first town clerk & his signature to the records for several years beginning with a meeting publicly held in the house of Peter Himepaugh pursuant to due notice at which among others was elected Abram Markle clerk. This also related that he built the first frame house in the town & built a mill on Cascadilla Creek. His brother Henry is given as supervisor later & in another deed for some property there dated July 8, 1808 & of record in Cayuga Co NY, he is given as Abraham Markle of Upper Canada, later of Ulysses. I have gone over the wills & deeds of Ulster Co NY but have nothing of Bernard Markle in either so it is possible that he removed from Ulster Co before his death. Will be glad</p><p>V24 Page 353 to follow your suggestion (when in the hospital in Jany, I found Bernard died in Harrisburg, Pa in 1820 aged 65 yrs) I have a great deal of Abram Markle's writings, deeds, letters, contracts etc & when in Mich next month, will have some of them with me & got to Clifford to see D.B. Markle. His letter of Sept 5, acks receipt of mine of Aug 29, rtg the cards he loaned me in Dec 1925 with my queries. See b 23 p 420. V24 Page 254</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 7, 1931 8:30 AM I have a letter dated Sept 17, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Mary Biddle? Ponting (Mrs Herbert G. Ponting) Sea View Inn Carmel, California. My letter to her was of Aug 26, 1930 coming while she was away at San Francisco & ill. She is delighted that while in Berkeley Calif in the Spring, she had access to her home & trunks & through the aid of a lady at the hotel where she was living who was a Miss Elliott now a Mrs Roundtree, a typist I had my records copied & I have copied them for you & am enclosing them herewith & I hope they will help you to unravel much of the Elliott family history. She speaks of a neighbor there a Miss Maggie Irwin who has relatives in Carlisle, Pa who has friends in Pasadena who had lived in Uniontown, Pa. Her name was Mrs Stanton & she had</p><p>V24 Page 255</p><p>Elliott, Duncan, & Oliphant relations. I will give a complete copy of my records which were at my Berkeley home where my address is 2535 College Ave, Berkeley regarding the Elliott history she says "no doubt you will wonder as I have at the discrepancies in the opening sentence, but I have copied the old document word for word". She speaks of George & John Elliott "the emmigrants" and of [best guess] the Elliotts of Surrey granted to the Elliotts of South Carolina in North America they being the original family of that name in America & descended from the Elliotts of England who first came from Surrey but latterly are dispersed in Devonshire & Cornwall as are testified by those families having the armored crests & arms differently quartered armors? of their marriages with other families. [Some of this doesn't make sense, but is typed as best I can make out] There are many families of Scotch Elliotts & the original crest for them is an elephant head with its trunk extended. The full arms a</p><p>V24 Page 256 resemblance to the Elliotts of Surrey but is a good deal different" (Taken out of the Herald's office London January 15, 1765) The above is a copy of what is written on the back of the Elliotts Arms by Colonel B.S. Elliott March 27, 1833 signed by Gibbes S. Elliott Charleston SC The above does not refer directly to our Penna Elliott JVT.</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 10, 1931 1:06 PM "The Elliott continuing sent me by Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting (nee Elliott) above noted I will so far as I can put the information she sends in a genealogical table commencing on page 358 interpolating in parenthesis certain information about Margaret & Mary which Edmund Hayes Bell sent me. George & John Elliott were born in County Donegal, Ireland</p><p>V24 Page 257 in the year 1712 as near as can be ascertained. He emigrated to America in 1731 married Patience Hogan & settled in Potts Valley Franklin Co, Pa She says two half sisters of Com. J.D. Elliotts mother viz Miss Ellen & Miss Mary I. Duncan lived in Carlisle. One, Aunt Harriet, she thinks died at sea of cholera. Frances married a Spangler & had one daughter Ellen who since childhood became a Catholic & became a Dominican Nun in Newark. She has much information of the family. Her address is "Sister Mary of the Angels Dominican Monastery 13th Ave & S. 10th St Newark NJ. See page 366. Says she will answer if I write her she will answer by typewritten letter & give her family history. She mentions Catherine Blaney Elliott (Schule) No children. She mentions as her family Frances Vansh [sic] Elliott unmarried. V24 Page 258 & V24 Page 259</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>John Elliott was born in County Donegal, Ireland in the year 1712 near as can be ascertained. He died in 1782 married 1 Patience Hogan & had ten children as given below. He emigrated to America in 1731 & settled in Potts Valley, Franklin Co, Penna. Married 2d Frances Childerstone a widow by whom he had a daughter Hannah see b 25 p 121 & 150-2. Her maiden name was Knox.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Margaret Elliott (married 1 Garrett Pendergast who was killed in 1777 by the Indians at Harrodsburg, Ky) Left descendants in Ky see b 25 p 152. James Elliott John Elliott Jane or Jean Elliott (married at Hagerstown, Md, Capt Robert Wilson & went to Ky & left numerous descendants.) (he was brother of her brother Robert's wife. William Elliott (This is evidently my ggfather) Barbara Elliott Benjamin Elliott b 1750 had 10 children James Elliott b 1777 Martha Elliott b 1779 Mary Elliott b 1781 Eleanor Elliott b 1788 Harriet Elliott b 1790 Matilda Elliott b 1793 Patience Elliott b Dec 25, 1805 Benjamin Elliott b Aug 25, 1808 Louise Eliza Elliott b July 15, 1810 John Ohio Elliott b Feby 19, 1816 Robert Elliott he was killed by the Indians in Butler Co, O in the Wayne Campaign in 1794?. Married 1 Miss Quigley E.H. Bell says Jane Wilson Married 2 Ann Duncan of Shippensburg, Pa see over Mary? Elliott Patience Elliott Hannah Elliott by 2d wife.</p><p>V24 Page 260 & V24 Page 261</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Col Robert Elliott see other side of this page was killed by the Indians north of Cincin, O in Butler Co, O. In the year 1794 I think Mother's first cousin Martha Plumer Hornish told me at Keokuk, Iowa when she was aged 90 yrs of her mother Maria Elliott Plumer of West Newton, Pa referring to this spoke of "Poor Uncle Robert being killed by the Indians". Was a Colonel in U.S.A. & commissary to Anthony Wayne army in Ohio copied from a paper in possession of Mary Biddle Elliott Ponting. May 18/31 married 1 at Mercersburg, Pa Jane Wilson so says E.H. Bell by proven records. Her brother Capt Robt Wilson married his sister Jane. Married 2 Ann Duncan of Shippensburg.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Patience Elliott married Genl Callander Irvine commanding general of Purchases of U.S.A. Dr William Irvine his only son married his cousin Sarah Jane Duncan daughter of Dr Stephen Duncan of Natchez, Miss. They had three children. Callander Irvine a son Mary Irvine married Thomas M. Biddle Sarah Irvine married Dr Newbold of Phila, Pa Wilson Elliott a Col in U.S.A. Jesse D. Elliott lived at New Phila, O Benjamin Elliott? think a son of Wilson had 4 daughters: A daughter married Dr Stereant [best guess] of Indiana Co, Pa A daughter married Miller A daughter married Gregg a daughter married McMurtrim of Huntington [sic] William Elliott Elie Williams Elliott Daniel Elliott who died in Natchez, Miss John Elliott Robert Elliott who became blind St Clair Elliott was in the U.S. Navy Harriet Elliott married Stephen Duncan left six children Ann Ellen Duncan Mary Louisa Duncan Lucy Duncan James Duncan died a Lieut in the U.S.A. Jesse Elliott Duncan died a midshipman in U.S.N. Harriet Duncan Jesse Duncan Elliott my grandfather M.B.P. " A Capt commanding the Niagara in the War of 1812 under Com Perry in the battle of Lake Erie" Married Frances C. Vaugh [sic] of Norfolk Va. They had six children See over.</p><p>V24 Page 262 & V24 Page 263</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Commodore Jesse Duncan Elliott. He is buried in Mt Moriah Cem Phila Pa. Married Frances C. Vaughn who is buried in Carlisle, Pa. "Frances Galen Vaughan Elliott born May 25, 1791 died Dec 22, 1877: tombstone inscription in Cem at Carlisle, Pa as copied Apr 17, 1931 by her granddaughter Mrs Mary Biddle Elliott Ponting.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Sarah Ann Elliott "Sarah Ann Elliott who died of cholera on the Ohio River near Wheeling Virginia separated from her relatives but finding friends among strangers in that sad hour". This is the inscription on a memorial stone. No date on it in the cemetery at Carlisle, Pa as copied Apr 17, 1931 by her niece Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting of 2535 College Ave, Berkeley, California Mary Duncan Elliott b Nov 7, 1814 ob Dec 17, 1869 married May 3, 1838 Thomas Jacobs & once lived at West Chester, Pa & died there. Had 2 sons & 3 daughters. May 3/31 All dead, both buried in West Chester, Pa see b 27 p 324-7. Elliott Jacobs b Mch 19, 1839 ob 1902. Married Margaret Wood. He was a Col in Civil War & later mgr NY Life Ins Co in Balto where he died. No issue. Frances Vaughn Jacobs b June 30, 1844 ob Dec 20, 1921 in West Chester, Pa unmarried aged probably 60. Mary Jacobs b May 20, 1850 ob 1920 in West Chester, Pa aged probably abt 60, unmarried Wm Vaughn Jacobs b June 19, 1853 ob Apr 12, 1923 married Louisa _____ living at Glencoe, Ills 2 children. Elizabeth Jacobs b Feby 8, 1856 ob Aug 26, 1896 in West Chester Pa aged probably abt 60 unmarried. [obviously dates added later than original entry] Harriet Duncan Elliott ob buried in West Chester, Pa Thinks was not married Catharine Howell Elliott born in Norfolk Va Apr 14, 1823 died Oct 16, 1839 in Carlisle, Pa & buried there. Washington Lafayette Elliott "my father M.B. Ponting" born in Carlisle she thinks possibly Mch 31, 1822 & died in June 1888 was an army officer of 31 yrs service. Can get full data from War Dept. Married 1______. Married 2 Valeria Biddle Blaney born in Smithville, SC, daughter of Major George Blaney U.S. Corps of Engineers U.S. Army whose wife was Mary Elizabeth Dagwuthy [best guess] Biddle of Phila Pa. He came to Calif when Mrs Ponting was a baby & was stationed there. Had two children by first wife possibly it is [two unreadable words] see next page see b 27 p 238. Jessie Vaughn Elliott married Charles Woodward? of Carlisle, Pa. She died at Newark NJ when on a visit. William Woodward married Robert Woodward married Florence Woodward married Moore. No issue Jessie Woodward ob June 28, 1929 married Fred Stitt no issue. Ellen Woodward married ob married Hoover A son born in insane asylum at Harrisburg, Pa. William Graham Elliott married twice, over Mary Biddle Elliott my informant, over Frances Robison Elliott ob 1901 buried in Holy Sepulchre Cath Cem Newark NJ</p><p>V24 Page 264 & V24 Page 265</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Washington Lafayette Elliott born in Carlisle, Pa Mch 31, 1822 died June 1888. Married 1 Oct 20, 1846 at Newport Barracks Harriet Eloise Jones daughter of Michael Jones of Cincinnati, O. Married 2 Valeria Biddle Blaney about 1852 or so. She was mother of Mrs Ponting. He & his wife Valeria both buried in the National Cemetery at the Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. [children]</p><p>Jessie Vaughn Elliott married William Graham Elliott b Apr 25, 1852 at Fort Merrill, Tex married 1 Florence Myrick married 2 Jany 29, 1895 Etta Cox. Son & daughter by 1st wife & two daughters by 2d wife. Harriet & Alice live at Yonkers NY see b 25 p 343. Jesse Duncan Elliott Col in U.S.A. see war Dept records military attache at Constantiople. Married, has one son. Frances Vaughn Elliott married an army officer viz Gose, deceased had one child. She lives 3675 7th St San Diego, Calif Lieut Elliott Gose graduated at West Point, married & has 2 sons. Katharina Blaney Elliott b July 11, 185- oldest by 2d wife. married Eugene Schule a native of Germany where they lived & he died during the World War thinks Dec 1916 They were married in London Eng abt Oct 1909 & he was never in America. Resident of Calif but now traveling in Europe & at present in Dresden. She was born at fort Stanton, New Mex. Frances Vaughan Elliott b Oct 22, 18-- resident now of Berkeley Calif but now traveling in Europe born in Carlisle, Pa, unmarried A son born in Carlisle Pa & only lived one day. George Blaney Elliott b Jany 27, 1863 in Carlisle, Pa ob Jany 12? 1893 at Santa Monica, Calif & buried there, unmarried a great reader Mary Biddle Elliott b Sept 3, 1866 at Carlisle, Pa married Herbert G. Ponting on June 5, 1895. Has two children permanent address 2535 College Ave Berkeley Calif. He born Salisbury Eng on Mch 21, 1866 son of Wm Francis Ponting a banker & wife Mary Sydenham. Mildred Spencer Ponting b Jany 14, 1897 married Edmd Chamberlin Rose Major Infantry U.S.A. on Dec 27, 1917 b Dec 15, 1890, son of Rev Saml Rose Elliott Chamberline Rose b Oct 28, 1920 at Presidio San Francisco, Calif Mary Elizabeth Rose b Jany 13, 1923 at West Point NY Arthur Elliott Ponting b Mch 16, 1899 in London married Dec 23, 1924 to Catherine Weston Beecher b Mch 12, 1899 daughter of Geo Weston Beecher & _____ Fuller Arthur Elliott Ponting Jr b Nov 25, 1925 at San Francisco.</p><p>V24 Page 366</p><p>From page 357 I think the Catharine Blaney Elliott (Schule) & Frances Vaughn Elliott as "my family" are her father's children by his second wife. She says one sister (apparently a sister of Harriet who died at sea of cholera & of Frances who married Spangler & had the daughter Ellen a nun), married a Mr Jacobs & had several children viz: Mary Elizabeth Frances Elliott Jacobs & William Joseph Jacobs. I am writing her tonight Mch 11, 1931 to know who this was & for name. Am also writing to the nun.</p><p>My grandson Gilbert Markle Thompson phoned today & said it was his birthday 7 yrs old born then on Mch 11, 1924.</p><p>V24 Page 367 [blank] V24 Page 368</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 13, 1931 10 AM I have a letter in answer to mine dated Mch 3, 1931 from Joseph M. McKee of Stuart, Iowa. He says Harriet Cordelia Shroder was born Dec 4, 1853 at Spencerville, DeKalb Co, Indiana & died at Oskaloosa, Iowa Oct 15, 1930. She was married to Henry S. Redburn Feby 14, 1872. Four small children preceded them in death. Her husband died Apr 17, 1910. These are Jemima Redburn Myers children viz: Dwight F. Myers b Aug 31, 1889 Ruby Myers born Apr 7, 1895. She is dead but I have not yet been able to find out exact date Mrs E.S. Emmert 1524 South Utica, Tulsa Okla is Aunt Lou's daughter & should be able to give inf.</p><p>V24 Page 369</p><p>I have a letter dated Mch 3, 1931 in answer to mine of Feby 27, from Mrs Pleasant Rice of Centerview, MO. She says Warrensburg Mo is their RR Sta & telephone office & says they live 12 miles NW of Warrensburg 4 miles north of Highway 50 & 17 miles south of 40. Says to phone from Warrensburg & they would meet me. She says I wrote her that her grandmother Brownlee was Margaret Finley. She said I wrote if she would send me the date when her grandfather Brownlee was killed by neighbors with whom he had trouble I could give her the Brownlee line. She says it was Dec 29, 1879 but says it was not her grandfather. She says her father was from Washington Co, Pa. She says Mrs R.R. or R.A. McMillan lives at Warrensburg or Centerview, MO.</p><p>V24 Page 370</p><p>I have a letter dated Mch 4, 1931 from Mrs Margaret McC Price of 6911 Church Ave, Ben Avon, Pa in answer to one from me. She had a very enjoyable birthday celebration on her 81st anniversary Feby 4, 1931. She says Mr Trimble will come up to see me this summer.</p><p>I have a letter in answer to mine dated Mch 5, 1931 from Mrs Abner Alexander route 1 box 51 Huntersville NC saying she is sending me a book which I have recd of the lineal descendants of Samuel Wilson Sr written by a descendant, Mrs J.B. Eaves. She passed away lately at her daughter's home in Rockbuck SC aged 88 yrs. Hope you will find</p><p>V24 Page 371 much of interest to you. I have corrected some of the mistakes she has made. Says her health has been quite feeble for several months which accounts for her delay in answering me & could not write but is now improving & can't use pen so please excuse pencil. Mrs Dunlap has not yet published her book so far as I know. I will see that you get a copy. I hope to be able to send you the Wilson - Barry - Alexander - Hampton lines in a few days. My father was born at Jonesville, Surry Cty. The old Hampton ancestral home was at Hamptonville. It is owned by the children of Dr John Hampton, son of Henry Hampton a brother of my grandfather, Thomas Hampton. It is in sight of Flat Rock Baptist Church, Pa? The baptists as far back</p><p>V24 Page 372 as I can trace were Baptists [sic] The younger generations mostly Presbyterians. I made a visit to the old home at Hamptonville. The first home, no trace only a large walnut tree marks the place at the foot of the mountain land the one my grandfather owned, not a stone's throw is near spring in solid rock from which generations of Hamptons drank its delicious water. [looks like many small words were left out] Dr John Hampton built his home in town & had this water piped to his home. The house is in a state of perfect preservation & cared for as if it was a lump of gold. Frank Hampton, his oldest son is Senator Simmons a splendid man (I don't understand this) [me too] I went to the old church & cemetery where I found</p><p>V24 Page 373 what a long row of Hamptons buried there. My great grandfather stones had scaled off so that I could only find the letter H. H have been told that was all he had had put on his & his wife's stones. I went into the church alone & sat down & waited & prayed & said the 23d Psalm & felt sure I had an answer & advice. I hope I can meet you & give you the glad to give to all my kin no difference how far back they are & who. I will live to read your book (I must give her a prominent place & worthy mention). I am sending with the book a pamphlet a funeral sermon almost a sketch of my father Jos Wade Hampton as I thought it would go safer with the book than in an envelope. It will tell you many things about him</p><p>V24 Page 374 that Mrs Eaves told. He was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bynum Carmichael Hampton. He was born at Jonesville, Surry Cty 1813 & died in Houston, Texas 1855. Will enclose a list of his brothers & sisters. Jos W. Hampton served his apprenticeship under Charles Fisher, editor of the Salisbury Watchman. After finishing there, he came to Charlotte NC & was editor of the Mecklenberg Jeffersonian. He married my mother, Cynthia Wilson in 1844. After the birth of their second child, his health began to fail. His physician advised him to try Texas. On his way, he was providentially detained & was converted under Rev Daniel Baker who was having a revival there V24 Page 375 at the close of which a Presbyterian church was organized & he was one of the Elders, having with Rev Wm Baker, son of Rev Daniel Baker organized the church at Houston, Texas. He was elected State Editor, the Texas Gazette. I am sorry there is a blank 'age in this pamphlet. I have a perfect copy, this page was only his farewell to his distant wife & loved one after committing her & his children to the care of God believing that believers entrusted to his care will be saved. Mother, after his death came back to her ancestral home where she remained until the date of her death. I am sending this so you may know what a good useful man he was. His children followed in</p><p>V24 Page 376 his training. His brothers & sisters: 1. Mary Hampton married Mr Johnston 2. Dr Bynum located in Nashville Tenn (Bynum Hampton) 3. Gray Preston Hampton, his home was hear Jonesville. He was sheriff of Surry Co for 20 years 4. Sarah Hampton married Volen Stirewat 5. Martha Hampton married DR William Akinson of Tenn 6. Rose Hampton married Mr Martin of Stokes Co 7. John Bined? married Anna Doyur of Tenn. They followed my father to Texas only one son Dr Wade Hampton accidentally killed when shooting geese by moonlight off Sand bar of the Colorado. Franklin was a merchant moved to Albany Ga & married</p><p>V24 Page 377</p><p>Eliza Oliver. Make slip to go see her viz Mrs Abner Alexander route 1 box 51 Huntersville, NC Her father, Joseph Wade Hampton born 1813 married Cynthia Wilson in 1844 & died in 1855 so that she is older than I am. In the book she sent me lineal descendants of Saml Wilson Sr by Mrs J.B. Eaves a descendant who lived to be 88 yrs 8 x 5 inches commencing at chapter VIII page 45 is record of Samuel Wilson Sr & his third wife Margaret Jack daughter of Patrick Jack of Charlotte. Also is the discourse on the death of her father Joseph Wade Hampton 1813-1855 in a small pamphlet. I must embody this or much of it with proper reference to her in my history & must go see her.</p><p>V24 Page 378</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 14, 1931 8:25 AM I have a letter in answer to mine dated Mch 6, 1931 from Rev C.D.A. Hoon dated Lake Lynn, Pa referring to the court petition of the heirs of Alexander Thompson at Gbg, Pa in regard to the land at Beaver Dam Creek Washington Tp Westnd Co, Pa also to the sale of land in Franklin Co, Pa to Nath. McBriar by Samuel & William Thompson. This no doubt is the land deed book 3 p 478 court house at Chambersburg, Pa deed of Thos Thompson to Alexander Thompson of Hempfield Tp Westnd Co & runs along land owned by Samuel Thompson & Thomas Thompson & Saml McCutcheon along line from Huston line to Dickinson line land formerly owned by John Huston dated Feby 27k 1775 ackd July 15, 1776</p><p>V24 Page 379 recorded Jany 23, 1796. Compare this with data Saml & William sold land to Nathl McBriar Aug 23, 1796. It looks as if this might be the same land. Then I found this in an old history of Westnd Co, Pa. S.G. Thompson born about 1833 son of William Thompson born Apr 10, 1800 died Oct 5, 1887. William Thompson married Jane Thompson daughter of William Thompson & William Thompson, father of S.G. Thompson was the son of Samuel Thompson. William Thompson & Samuel were brothers of Irish descent. They took up land on Beaver Run, Wash Tp, Westnd Co, Pa. I an wondering if those could have been the sons of Alexander Thompson. Here is a deed which I think clears up some history book 4 p 179 C.H. Chambersburg</p><p>V24 Page 380</p><p>Heirs of Thomas Thompson to Francis Robinson. Between Samuel Thompson & his wife Elizabeth, Wm Archibald & Margaret his wife, Mary Thompson & George Thompson legatees of Hamilton Tp & Francis Robinson of Hamilton Tp original owners. Wm Adair sold to John Holliday. John Holliday sold to John Huston & John Huston sold to Thomas Thompson dated Apr 4, 1785 Rec July 14, 1797. Bard History makes Mary the wife of Wm Archibald then I found estate of Saml Thompson, Franklin Co, then I found letters granted to Elizabeth Thompson June 14, 1786, found no settlement. Did not have time to trace title Vol A page 86. I am wondering if in the will of Thomas Thompson the above property as willed to those four as the other three names do not appear Samuel must have died between the</p><p>V24 Page 381 making of the deed & the granting of these letters. In the history, I find the name Jane Jack died Aug 5, 1821 aged 50 yrs. The name Jack appears on the Church roll 1870 (could this be 1770). The name Margaret Thompson appears on tombstone dated Aug 10, 1853 aged 74 yrs 5 mos 25 days. I have quite a number of Thompson marriage records. Guess this is all for this time. Want to see yr records of Hugh Thompson of Chester Co when you have leisure. Make slip to examine for deeds at Carlisle & Chambersburg from Alexander, William & Joseph just after 1782 or that year. My old friend Geo A. Seilhamer must have been mistaken in his Bard book as above records show that Margaret Thompson & not her sister Mary who married Wm Archibald.</p><p>V24 Page 382</p><p>A letter dated Mch 6, 1931 from Mrs Ans. Jack No 715 N 6th St Enid Okla asks when the history will be ready</p><p>I have a letter dated Mch 10, 1931 from Mrs C.A. Bikloren? No 74 Mabon? St Brookville, Pa who says she is daughter of John L Markle who was son of Eli Markle & says that when at their home a few years ago I told them they were eligible for the D.A.R. She now writes for the data so they can join. Her name & street are indistinct to Mrs Pallini & I am writing her to write again in may plainly so I can read it & I hope then to have my sight & can give her the data she wants.</p><p>V24 Page 383</p><p>Oak Hill March 15, 1931 10:05 AM It is 42 years today since my dear father Jasper Markle Thompson died at his residence Springdale on the McClellandtown road, Meridian Tp, Fayette Co, Pa of pneumonia. He was born Aug 30, 1822 in mason Co, Ky. His judgment was wonderfully good & accurate, was fully endowed with good common sense an active working Christian & a very handsome man weighing 220 lbs & about 5 ft 10 or 11 in in height.</p><p>I have a letter dated Mch 5, 1931 from Russell C. Kramer 215 W. 10th St Hazleton Luzerne Co, Pa says he has been collaborating with Mrs Roat of Milton, Pa & has traced the Markles back to John</p><p>V24 Page 384 Christian Markle of Moselem Springs, Berks Co, Pa who tells me that I am descended from him through his son Casper & wants to know my descent. He wants to know how he got into Berks Co, Pa & from where. Has heard he came to the Maxatawny Valley in 1732 but his name is not in Rupps 30,000 names. Also heard he came from NY State via of Susquehanna. Says if I do not have the record of the Luzerne Co Markles, he will be glad to send me what I have. I am writing him for them. John Christian's parents were located at Metz, German Lorraine where he was born July 19, 1678 & following the Revocation went with his parents to Amsterdam</p><p>V24 Page 385</p><p>A letter dated Mch 10, 1931 from S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC says Miss Pearl Burnham has moved to Charlotte NC & may have additional records of the Andrew Caruthers family to send. He asks me to return the Stroment records of this family which he sent me in Nov last. He says something about a Hugh Caruthers buried in 1760 & dying in Mecklenberg Co NC in 1782 but I can't see it & Mrs Pallini can't make it out. He says Mrs Eliza Rankin of Rankin Texas sent him the records of a Geo Carrothers who went from NY State to Western Ohio & then to Indiana where one of them Wm O. Carothers of Monticello Indiana still lives. She told me O.W.C. & I wrote & my letter came back. Speaks also of Jim Caruthers born in 1774 & having his record, but can't connect them with our families also speaks of Mr Jarnion [best guess] & says he will send me these records which I am asking him to do & am rtg the Storment records tomorrow.</p><p>V24 Page 386</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 16, 1931 8:11 AM I have a letter in answer to mine dated Oct 20, 1930 from Mrs Carrie Bell Jack Kinter No 7 Wallace Ave New Castle, Pa who wants to join the D.A.R. & wants dates etc. Says that she got some of her information from the family bible of her grandfather Samuel Jack. She sends me a typewritten record of her Jack line back to her ggggfather, William Jack which I am tabling commencing on page 388 but she does not give their places of residence which however I am today writing her for See b 23 p 557. Also make slip to search my Anjou Jack history & see if he does not mention this William Jack who heads the table following.</p><p>V24 Page 387 [blank] V24 Page 388 & V24 Page 389</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>William Jack & his wife emigrating from Ireland had a son named James born at sea.</p><p>[children]</p><p>James Jack born at sea married Mattie Morrison John Jack b April 27, 1788 ob Oct 27, 1858 married Mch 29, 1814 to Mary Ann Smith born Mch 19, 1794 ob Mch 24, 1847 1. Martha Jack b Apr 22, 1816 2. James Jack see page 432 b June 26, 1818 3. 3*Samuel Jack married Apr 14, 1840 to Catherine Beck born Nov 28, 1816 3*1 See p 388 Samuel Jack was born Apr 26, 1820 this & the births of his parents brothers & sisters is taken from his bible. Daniel Jack George Jack John Jack Matthew Jack Samuel Smith Jack B Apr 8, 1842 ob Dec 10, 1909 married Feby 23, 1865 to Hannah Ulam Truby born June 29, 1848 ob Dec 27, 1902. He enlisted in Co G 63 Penna Vol July 17, 1863, wounded May 12, 1864 discharged Jany 2, 1865 page 390. David Jack Harry Ford Jack Mary Jane Jack 4. Sarah Jack b June 7, 1822 5. Molly Jack b Mch 28, 1824 6. Smith Jack b Feby 15, 1826 7. Cynthia Jack b Sept 19, 1928 8. Mary Ann Jack b Feby 11, 1831 9. John Jack Jr b Feby 12, 1834 10. David Jack b Nov 9, 1838 ob Apr 1, 1863 in the U.S. army at Nashville, Tenn.</p><p>V24 Page 390</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Samuel Smith Jack see page 388 Apr 30, 1931 see too b 25 p 74-5 [children]</p><p>Lillie May Jack Carrie Bell Jack b Jany 11, 1870 my informant married Oct 26, 1893 to Edwin E. Kinter b Nov 22, 1866 Edwin Jack Kinter Madeline Kinter</p><p>V24 Page 391 [blank] V24 Page 392</p><p>I have a letter in answer to mine dated Sept 24, 1930 from Faye Fergus Simon (Mrs Arthur Simon) of Turon, Kansas who is anxious to join the D.A.R. & says she is daughter of Margaret Jane Anderson Fergus who was the only daughter of Cyrus Anderson & his wife Eliza Fulton. Mother's parents were born in Butler Co, Pa. My mother was born June 8, 1870 in Washington, Iowa & in 1893 she was married to Irwin Baird Fergus in Lenox, Taylor Co, Iowa. I am the only child & was born Nov 26, 1902 in Lenox, Iowa. My mother's father served in the Civil War but further back information is lacking. Robert Fulton inventor of the steam boat was a cousin of my</p><p>V24 Page 393 maternal grandmother. Mother has three brothers living: 1. Frank Hayes Anderson 4628 Dren Ave, south Minneapolis, Minn 2. Dr Cyrus Everett Anderson Roswell, Chavis [Chavez] Co N. Mex 3. Dr Frid [sic] Meade Anderson Nickerson, Kansas Do you have any acct of when the Andersons or Fultons first came to America. They are of Scotch Irish descent. I cannot see what I have of records of above at Book 12 page 290 & 289 & will needs defer writing them until I can see. See book 12 p 289 & 290 & earlier & book 6 page 574 & 517</p><p>V24 Page 394</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 18, 1931 9:30 AM I have a letter in answer to mine dated Oct 20, 1930 from Mrs Laura Carter 1203 S. Anderson ST, Elwood, Ind gives data which I have entered in place in Book 23 p 471 & 416 & she says her Uncle John Young has two children living east of Frankton, Ind. See book 23 p 414 & at 412 bottom where five children are named (three probably dead) a daughter Jane Johnson & a son Walter Young. Thinks can get information by writing Mrs Johnson & sends envelope addressed to Mrs John Johnson Alexandria, Ind. RFD</p><p>V24 Page 395</p><p>Aunt Nancy Young Tharp has no children living but three sons-in-law are living. John Mason being the one who I believe will write you what you want to know. He has been on an extended trip through the west this summer is possibly the reason you didn't hear from him. She sends envelope to Mr John Mason Franktown, Ind Box 114. Am writing them both today. See b 23 p 414.</p><p>V24 Page 396</p><p>I have a letter dated Mch 14, 1931 from Mrs Agnes Jack Winkelman, Omaha, Neb No 103 S 41st St. She finds an old letter in her files, a letter of mine which Mrs Coddington left with her. I got the information you wanted from my father who is now 91 yrs old, who is alert mentally & in perfect health. He, David Jack was born in Canonsburg, Wash Co, Pa & his parents left there for Lee Co, Iowa when he was 3 mos old. His mother died when he was two yrs old & he was adopted by his maternal grandfather Barnes. His father married again moving to Texas about sixty years ago so my father never knew the Jack side of the house. He knows nothing of the Aunts or Uncles you mentioned.</p><p>V24 Page 397</p><p>The only Uncle he knew was one in North East Iowa who had two sons, one a businessman & the other sheriff of his Co, one named David the other James. His mother was Miss Jane Barnes of Brush Creek Westnd Co, Pa which seems to tally with the records you sent. Father will answer any letters. His address, David Jack Peru, Nebraska. She sends copy of letter from me dated June 6, 1927 to Mrs Kate M. Coddington, Hotel Hamilton Omaha, Neb who had written me July 29, 1926 in which I ask if he had Uncles Washington & Everett Jack & an Aunt Susan Jack. Please mention b 20 p 575 & 616. Did he have an Uncle Samuel & an Aunt Polly Shields & Betsy Woods for this mention book 5 p 512-13 also b 16 p 98.</p><p>V24 Page 398</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 19, 1931 9:54 AM I have a letter dated Mch 12, 1931 in answer to mine from Mr & Mrs Marcus Irwin Markle 9408 57th Ave S.E. Portland Oregon which says Eleanora Hetzer born Oct 22, 1886 in Sharpsburg, Pa. Her father was Anthony Hetzer, mother's name Amelia Stehle born in Butler Pa. Can't give names of May Cremminger Markle. Parents May Markle died here in Portland & was married here & buried here. Lillian Alfreda Watson Markle was born Dec 25, 1894 married to Ben Butler. He died about 15 yrs ago. I think one child was born to them. viz: Ben Butler who is still living. Earl John Hodge? was born in Mich in 1900 was married to Isah Lova? Markle in 1922. See b 23 p 600 V24 Page 399</p><p>Frank Ayers was born in Indiana about 72 yrs ago can't remember his parents. Names of children: Charlie Ayers Danny Ayers Trom [best guess] Ayers & Edith Ayers & Lillie Ayers Edith married John Damoth. They have five children. Can't give names as we have been away so long. P.O. Moses Markle was born 1799 & died in 1860. His wife died in Penna then he married again & came to Iowa, then to Missouri. He had 12 children, 8 boys & 4 girls. Frank Ayers address is Bradley, Mich RFD. They are both living. Don't know where Homer Boyles was born but he has been dead about six years on Apr 13th. His wife is Jessie Boyle [sic] still</p><p>V24 Page 400 living in Lansing Mich. They had three children, one Homer died in Lansing one brother Maxwold, and Elvina Boyle Knert lives in Grand Rapids, Mich. William John Walter Markle born Dec 14, 1870 married Mable ____ Can't remember maiden name. No issue. Live 225 Division Ave S. Grand Rapids Mich. Mrs Hutchingson had six girls: Ida Preedy, Sophia Fazter, Sarah Smith Brooks, Mamie Keeton where Mrs H. lives, Mary Mosens [sic] Moffett, N.D. Drew. Irwin Markle, my husband don't know where the where [sic] his Uncles were.</p><p>V24 Page 401</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 20, 1931 8:11 AM I have a letter dated Mch 16, 1931 from cousin Robert Maurice Trimble, architect Commonwealth Annex, Pittsburg, Pa. He says the first Jack he knows of was his gggfather James Jack who came to America about 1731 & settled in the Cumb valley & purchased farm on Conodoquinnet Creek in 1738 deed on record at Carlisle, Pa. His will dated 1776 (this is son of the first James) is also on record at Carlisle, Pa. He married Jane Carnahan & had 4 sons & 9 daughters. His third son, Andrew & some of his descendants are buried in Bull Creek Churchyard Cemetery near Culmerville, Pa. Cynthia Jack Black is buried in the Deer Creek Churchyard also near Culmerville, Pa. Make slips. Nancy Jack Fairman & Lavina Jack McAllister, my maternal grandmother</p><p>V24 Page 402 are buried in the Uniondale cemetery, Pgh (Allegheny). I have not yet located yet the graves of James Jack the first & second. James Jack 2nd, my ggfather married Nancy McKinney daughter of Major McKinney of Cumb Co & had five children all girls. He says Mrs Wm H. Taft is a descendant of Francis Herron as are some of the Chalfants. Make slip. Cynthia Jack Hemphill is buried in the Middle Spring Churchyard near Shippensburg, Pa. Expects to be in Cumb Valley this summer & will advise me what he finds. Descendants of Lavina Jack, granddaughter of James Jack James Jack [sic] the first? had 4 sons & 9 daughters wife Jane Carnahan sons Patrick, John, Andrew & James. V24 Page 403</p><p>Daughters: Nellie Scroggs, Polly Herron, Betsy McFarland, Peggy Clark, Nancy McComb, Cynthia Hemphill, Jemima Dunlap, Hannah Wills & Jane Cooper James Jack the second had five daughters, wife Nancy McKinney: Jane Galbraith Lydia McAllister Cynthia Black Lavinia McAllister Nancy Fairman Lavinia Jack McAllister had three sons & five daughters by her husband John McAllister: Martha, Mary, Elizabeth, Lydia, Anna, John, James & Luther A. Mary McAllister Harper 7 sons & one daughter by her husband Thomas Harper viz James, John, Frank Wakeham, Luther, Ira, Mark, Henrietta married John Crawford</p><p>V24 Page 404</p><p>B. Elizabeth McAllister Trimble husband John Harvey Trimble 2 sons & 1 daughter: 1. Robert Maurice Trimble Francis Herron Trimble Anna McAllister Trimble C. Robert Maurice Trimble wife Sarah Latimer Hamill 3 sons & 1 daughter Robert Maurice Jr William Hamill John Harvey Mary Hamill married Howard Wilcox D. Francis Herron Trimble wife Louise Evans 2 daughters & one son viz Elizabeth McAllister Trimble Martha Evans Trimble Francis Herron Trimble</p><p>V24 Page 405</p><p>A letter postmarked Mch 16, 1931 from Mrs Ida Markle 426 Lafayette Ave Grand Rapids Mich announces the death on Feby 19, 1931 of plural pneumonia & peritonitis of her beloved daughter Pansy May Markle who was born Oct 6, 1893 & on Dec 11, 1915 at Muskegon, Mich married Leon Wilkinson & in 1921 they had a son born to them in Detroit, Mich but it did not live. They were divorced & he is living in Los Angeles, Calif but is sick & she has asked him to come & live with her. Pansy was buried in the family lot at Wayland, Mich. She was affianced to Edwin Cape, but died before marriage. She had been for 2 yrs working for Franks [sic] Seders of Detroit Mich as a fitter & was greatly beloved by all who knew her. She had an unnamed son born & died Feby 2, 1921 at Detroit Mich.</p><p>V24 Page 406</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 21, 1931 8:33 AM I have a letter in answer to mine dated July 10, 1930 from Manville Carothers Kirksville, Mo who says the address of the party who wrote him in 1928 was Mrs Letitia P. Wilson 1601 Park Ave, Baltimore, Md. She was at Carlisle, Pa several times & consulted with Mrs Flower. Mrs Wilson gives it as her opinion that my great grandfather James Carothers was one of the two boys who beat James Carothers in 1803 after they had been shot by James Carothers Sr during an altercation over a piece of ground. They were acquitted in court Aug 29, 1803. The story is in Dr C.P. Wing's Hist of Cumb Co, Pa page 116. Make slip to see sd history. She based her opinion on that.</p><p>V24 Page 407 James left home & was declared legally dead Nov 18, 1806. Make slip to see who his parents were etc. & that later when he came to Mo, he was taciturn & never spoke of any relatives back in Penna. However, John Anderson Carothers, son of Andrew the crippled lawyer & Catherine Londen Carothers come to this state in 1836 & knew the family of James. I am confident from information at hand James was a brother of John who was the father of Andrew, the crippled lawyer who was the father of John Anderson Carothers, who in1 844 married Mary Forsyth Carothers, daughter of James who was evidently his second cousin & it is from these facts that we assert that the James who is mentioned above so many times if from Mrs Wilson's deduction the son of James Carothers the cooper &</p><p>V24 Page 408</p><p>Margaret Henderson. Mrs Wilson gives the children of this marriage as follows: 1. Margaret married to James McCominan 2. Elizabeth married James Turner 3. Jane married Richd Stewart 4. John 5. James 6. Esther married to Saul Turner decd 7. Rebecca unmarried 8. Isabella died in 1800 unmarried. I have no information as to who was father, mother brother or sister of James, the cooper nor I do not know where James & John went from Carlisle, Pa except that James was married in 1814 in Allegheny Co, Pa to Sarah Livingston a widow with four children & whose maiden name was Forsyth & that most of their children were born here. Afterwards emigrated to Ralls, Shelby Co, Mo.</p><p>V24 Page 409</p><p>I am enclosing some material just obtained from a bible give to me by Mrs H.A. Wright of Clarence, Mo. Her father was William T. Carothers & his father was William. William T. came to Mo in 1841 with John Anderson Carothers on one of his several trips back & forth & lived with Doctor & Mrs Bell who was a Carothers in Shelbyville in an early day. Hope this will be of use to you & I can further serve you. Make slip to examine in Allegheny Co, Pa for marriage & deed records of James Carothers & also for the Mo locations. From Bible in possession of Manville Carothers, Kirksville, Mo Andrew Carothers born Jany 20, 1778 Catharine Carothers born Feby 15, 1783 intermarried June 11, 1812</p><p>V24 Page 410</p><p>1. John Anderson Carothers born Apr 6, 1813 2. Matthew Londen Carothers born Feby 22, 1815 3. James Armstrong Carothers born May 1818 Catharine Carothers died Jany 11, 1820 Andrew Carothers died Wednesday at 16 minutes before 9 AM July 27, 1836 aged 58 years in a full hope of immortality beyond death. John Anderson Carothers b Apr 6, 1813 Mary Forsyth Carothers b Mch 10, 1821 intermarried Dec 24, 1844 1. Catharine Londen Carothers born Mch 18, 1846 2. Sarah Jane Carothers b Mch 5, 1849</p><p>Sept 1836 emigrated from Carlisle Cumb Co, Pa to state of Mo. Hunt record I have somewhere of the children V24 Page 411 of John Carothers poisoned in 1798 & with the above data with it make up a genealogical table but supplement it with the data gotten from Miss Elizabeth Carothers, Portland, Oregon a descendant of Andrew the lawyer which I have not yet recorded. This bible record does not give second marriage of Andrew Carothers, lawyer. Should be had in his other obituary Make slip.</p><p>V24 Page 412</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 22, 1931 10:17 AM My niece Catherine Thompson came out in her car at 2 PM & went back home at 8 PM. She read much for me including a 2 1/2 newspaper column sketch of Robert Jackson Kilpatrick born in Jasper Co, Mo Sept 11, 1856 & died in Los Angeles, Calif Jany 24, 1931 which had been sent to me by the family from Beatrice Neb acknowledging my letter of sympathy & signed by: The Kilpatrick family, Mrs A.D. Hancock & family, Mr & Mrs C.L. Sherwood & family Mr & Mrs J.S. Elliott & family. The sketch embraced a brief outline of his very active life & I am filing it in upper left hand corner of the left hand swinging door of my standing desk.</p><p>V24 Page 413</p><p>He published in 1930 as a memorial to his late wife Mrs Marian Douglas Jones Kilpatrick who was here once to see me a book, 8 by 5 3/4 & 3/4 inch thick 311 pages "The Kilpatrick Family" including her own family compiled from notes & records she had gathered. He presented me with a copy of this book just before his death when I wrote for one having seen notice of its publication. His mother was I think Hannah or Harriet Thompson, daughter of David Thompson born in this Co 1801 twin son with Joseph of James Thompson 1758-1836. Robt J. was a 32 Degree Mason & built & gave them a Masonic Home in Beatrice Neb. He also gave the pipe organ to the Methodist Episcopal Church there. He was</p><p>V24 Page 414</p><p>Catherine also read to me letters to me dated in Sept & Oct last from Gains M. Brumbaugh of the National Genealogical Soc Quarterly of 905 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington DC in answer to one I had written his wife about indexing. He asked what families I was working on & I am writing him today giving him the dozen names.</p><p>Catherine also read me a letter from James T. Buck of Crosbyton, Texas his permanent address where I had written him & where he says to address him. His letter is dated Mch 13, 1931 & he says he is at his old home at Dossville, Miss for the winter preparing a history of his Buck family & his branch of the Caruthers family. His letterhead shows him to be in the Real Estate Loan & Insurance business.</p><p>V24 Page 415</p><p>He sent along account of the Caruthers family, most of it copied from Mrs Pilcher's Campbell - Pilcher History with some from S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC who gives some Caruthers inscriptions from the tombstones in the [blank] Creek Presbyterian Cemetery in Cabarrus Co NC. John Caruthers B Mch 19, 1777 died May 31, 1854 Mary Caruthers died Sept 19, 01WX [sic] aged 44 yrs 6 mos 7 days John & Rachel Caruthers had the following children: Wm Eli? born Apr 16, 1834, died July 19, 1854 John Ross Caruthers b Feby 22, 1836 died Feby 11, 18-- From old parish register in Perquimans Co NC James & Rose Caruthers had the following children: William born Dec 15, 1738 Jeremiah born Jany 2, 1740 Sarah born May 23, 1748 John born Feby 17, 1745</p><p>V24 Page 416</p><p>Col James Caruthers married Mary Gillespie & had Robert born May 3, 1759 died Oct 7, 1826 married in 1781 to Elizabeth Patillo who was born in 1762 & died in 1830 they had: Samuel born in 1782 died in 1812 married Elizabeth Looney born in 1763? died in 1806 & had: Looney born Nov 29, 1805 died Aug 1, 1887, married in 1822 Annette Larfong who was born May 11, 1805 died June 5, 1826. They had: Elizabeth born Jany 9, 1824 died Nov 19, 1853 married in 1841 to Alexander David Baird who was born Jany 2, 1820 & died Aug 19, 1849. The above information furnished by Mrs Lily Doyle Dunlap of Ansonville, NC under date of July 9, 1929</p><p>V24 Page 417</p><p>Lieut Andrew Caruthers of Kings Mountain fame was born in Dumfriesshire Scotland Mch 10, 1739 with his twin brother James came to America & lived at Carlisle, Pa in 1769. Afterwards settling in Cabarrus Co NC, he married Margaret Neely & died July 25, 1826 & is buried at Poplar Tent Pres Ch Cabarrus Co, NC. A letter dated Columbia Tenn Sept 10, 1906 from John Draper Love to whom it may concern, says: Robert Caruthers was born in NC in 1762 or 1763 in Darke Co. Before he had entered in 18th year, he had become a member of NC militia of minute men</p><p>V24 Page 418</p><p>& encamped in the hills of Burke Co. He was wounded by the British & made a prisoner of war. After being held some time, his mother went afoot 20 miles & secured his release as he was suffering from a sabre cut wound in the head, the scar from which he carried till his death. He violated his parole & joined Sevier & Shelby in the Kings Mountain battle. He came to Tennessee in 1806 or 1807 & settled a few miles south of Columbia, Williams Co where he lived many years. My mother, Susanna, his second daughter & his wife Elizabeth Patillo married Mch 12, 1812 to my father John Draper Love & I am grandson of Robert Caruthers. The facts above</p><p>V24 Page 419 recited are as fresh in my mind as if they had recently taken place & had just been repeated by my mother. Robert Caruthers two oldest sons, John & Tom were not married. His youngest son Robert Caruthers Jr married July 9, 1812 to Elizabeth Brown Porter & several children were born to them. The 3d daughter, Sarah married L.D. Myers Esq of Columbia Tenn a distinguished lawyer who died many years ago. This sketch is written for the daughter of L.D. Myers & his wife Sarah, viz Miss Mary Myers a granddaughter of Robert Caruthers. The grave of this patriot soldier is at Knob Creek Maury Co, Tenn. signed & sworn to Oct 18, 1906 Signed J.D. Love</p><p>V24 Page 420 Col Robert Caruthers Love their oldest son was the grandfather of James T. Buck who sends me these records. Says he can send me later the generations down to date for which I am writing him & also subscribing to his book which he expects to get out the coming summer, which is to be entitled my ancestors & other families. He enters his subscription for my book. Doing the same kind of work he appreciates the herculean task I have undertaken. Am writing him today.</p><p>V24 Page 421</p><p>Catherine also read to me a seven page letter from Mrs Mary Lenore Flower (Mrs Giles Flower) of No 166 W. Pomfret St, Carlisle, Pa dated Nov 29, 1930 in answer to an old letter of mine of Apr 23, 1930. She says she has examined all Armstrong wills & administrations in the orphans court & says will of John Armstrong of Tuscarora made in 1770 mentioned a daughter Isabella with no last name mentioned. That could be Isabella Carothers father. She says Isabella's son Capt John Carothers of West Pennsboro Tp might be named for his grandfather & further that he married Mary Armstrong, Armstrong probably of East Pennsborough Tp made his will in 1766 leaves a legacy to his daughter Mary, wife of John Carothers.</p><p>V24 Page 422</p><p>The will of James's son William Armstrong made Mch 14, 177- mentions sister Mary Carrothers children Andrew, son of Andrew who died 1885. Said he died a few months before his father. In added [sic] that among Andrew Carothers heirs were brothers & that John Carothers High Sheriff of the County in 1808 was a brother-in-law. She says will of Jonathan Holmes of Middleton Tp made Feby 5, 1800 then in perfect health proven July 2, 1803 mentions among other children daughter Mary, wife of John Carothers. She thinks this Mary is the wife of her gggrand Uncle John Carothers son of William & Isabella. Says the years are right for the generation.</p><p>V24 Page 423</p><p>This John Carothers died in 1822. His eldest daughter was Jane as was Jonathan Holmes eldest daughter named probably for her mother who was dead in 1800 when his will was made. Referring to the trial in Aug 1803 of John & James Carothers for beating & killing her ancestor James Carothers Sr, she says the Oyer & Fermann [best guess] court records show nothing, but three newspaper reports & the Herald which says John & James were cousins of James Sr. The other papers say nothing of the relationship. The Gazette (Klines) expresses great indignation that so well known & honored a man as James Carothers Sr should meet so unseemly a death & promises to write a pamphlet on the travesty of the trial.</p><p>V24 Page 424</p><p>The Volunteer refuses to comment when feeling runs so high viz: ancestor James of West Pennsboro Tp was three times a J.P. & must have had much standing but evidently was irascible & all were sure the land belonged to them (make slip to examine for deeds for all of this land, but am writing her about it) She says there is absolutely no doubt that John & James were sons of James Carothers the cooper She speaks of the nuncupative wills of their sisters Isabelle & Rebecca abt 1799 & 1800 & speaks of getting their ages but does not give them & they were then old enough to be executors of those wills. James estate had letters of admr in Nov 180[unreadable]</p><p>V24 Page 425 date was Nov 18, 1806 to James Love & Samuel Postlethwaite who was an early J.P. & she thinks he was their backer in the trial. John's estate had James Love only for his administrator letters issued on same day as James. James Love left no will but there is only one marriage, of a James Love in the 1st Pres Ch Carlisle, Pa none in Newville, Pa & there in 1787 he married Mary Passell. For service of Capt John Carothers of East Penn Tp son of Uncle Wm (see Penn Archives 5th Series Vol 6 pages 3, 5 & 6 227, 233, 590, 91, 92, 93 & 94. The second John Carothers who served 1st as a Lieut later as a Capt of the 2d Battalion Cumb Co was from West Pennsboro Tp. The list of officers when he was Lieut are from West Pennsboro Tp</p><p>V24 Page 426 or near by, his class roll as shown on page 196 is made up almost exclusively of West Pennsboro men. Henry Hay the ensign of his Co was a brother-in-law of Capt John Carothers while five of Capt John Carothers brothers served in his regiment in various classes viz: 3d class William Carothers 5th class Andrew Carothers 5th class Armstrong Carothers 6th class Martin Carothers 8th class James Carothers Senr eldest brother, while another brother-in-law, George Clark served in the 4th class. All of those men were of West Pennsboro Tp & the place upon which John Carothers lived was about six miles west of Carlisle, Pa. For service of this Capt John Carothers see Penna Archives vol 6 fifth series,</p><p>V24 Page 427 pages 161, 155, 184, 172, 196, 198 sworn to & subscribed this Oct 1928 before Leona M. Coover of Carlisle. Lenora E. Flower wife of Guiles Flower While the letter mentioned under 22d from 412 to here 127 were read to me yesterday by Catherine the records have all been written today Monday with the help of Mr & Mrs Pallini reading. JVT 10:46 PM Mch 22d</p><p>V24 Page 428</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 24, 1931 9:50 AM I have a letter in answer to mine of last week dated Mch 20, 1931 from David Jack in his 92d year born Feby 13, 1840 of Peru, Nebraska of six pages note size apparently all written by himself. He says his father was James Jack but he does not know the date of his birth or death or exact date of his marriage. He says he was born in Canonsburg, Pa Feby 13, 1840 & when he was 3 mos old, his parents along with his mother's father John Barnes & his wife who has sold their farm on Brush Creek (Westnd Co, Pa) & a family of 4 boys & 3 girls departed for Lee Co, Iowa where his mother Jane Jack nee Barnes died in the year 1843 leaving two children John B. Jack & himself.</p><p>V24 Page 429</p><p>He says his mother died "about" the year 1843 & his father soon after left for the salt mines of Wisconsin where he remarried, but he don't know the date nor the name of his second wife. I am making a genealogical table from what he sends me commencing on page 432. David's mother, Jane Jack who died abt 1843 is buried in the cemetery at West Point, Lee Co, Iowa. Make slip to look in lot of her father, John Barnes & see if she has marker & get dates & name of her mother. The Barnes bible might be found there giving date of her marriage. He says he never knew his grandmother Jack. Says his wife is a niece of former Bishop Hennessy of Dubuque, Iowa. He said his father left Wisconsin for Tex as "about 1859" with quite a family, did not know the names or number with little money & he loaned him the money to buy seed for his crops.</p><p>V24 Page 430</p><p>He says one of his father's brothers left Penna for NE Iowa & settled in Clayton Co (don't give his name). He had two sons, David & James. David was a business man & sold farm machinery in Iowa. Make slip. James was once sheriff of a county in Iowa the name of which I have forgotten & was killed by one of the convicts. He says he has two son & one daughter living. His oldest son, Dr John B. Jack has a large medical practice in Chicago where he owns five properties & is surgeon in chief of the Burlington RR His youngest son, Dr William D. Jack lives at Palm Beach Fla where he has an annual practice aggregating $18,000 & is a fine surgeon & etc. Mr Winkelman is with Paxton & Gallagher & has a fine salary My daughter Cora M. was a noted teacher</p><p>V24 Page 431 of the deaf school at Omaha & St Augustine Florida. Says his Irish wife keeps him straight & on the move. Says he tends the heater & planted potatoes on St Patricks Day. Says he is not a church member but is a 32d degree mason & aims to be a good decent American citizen. All of my mother's people but one were old time Presbyterians. My grandmother being from the Highlands of Scotland & my grandfather Barnes from the North of Ireland. Mch 29/31 a later letter dated Mch 25/31 says he don't remember name of his father's brother who settled in Clayton Co, Iowa & don't know where he died. Go there. Make slip see top of preceding page. Cora M. Jack married Lee R or I.R. Windle born near Salem, Neb & had 3 children one living & two dead. He is married again & lives at Columbus, Kansas, son of Joseph Windle writing him tonight.</p><p>V24 Page 432 & V24 Page 433</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>James Jack see page 388 as I think this James is the father of my informant David Jack for this record b June 26, 1818 Married 1 Jane Barnes daughter of John Barnes & his wife Catharine McCutcheon. Jane died abt 1843 in Lee Co, Iowa and left two children both boys. She is buried in Cemetery at West Point Iowa. Her mother Catharine McCutcheon was a native of the Highlands of Scotland. Married 2 in Wisconsin & in 1859 moved to Texas, but he don't know the town or county. I think he died in 1873 as stated in a former record. He had several children some born in Wisconsin & some in Texas. He is buried in Texas.</p><p>[children]</p><p>1. David Jack b Feby 13, 1840 in Canonsburg, Pa my informant for this record. Married Dec 31, 1869 Mary C. Henessy born in Tipperary, Ireland Feby 2nd, 1852 daughter of James Henessy & wife Margaret Herrig. Had 5 children born in Nemaha Co, Neb. Jessie Benton Jack b Nov 29, 1870 ob Jany 28, 1874 buried in Mt Vernon Cem Peru, Neb Dr John Barnes Jack b may 17, 1872 married & living in Chicago, Ills see record I got from him. Married Aug 23, 1894 to Maude Backers Agnes D. Jack b Apr 8, 1874 married 1902 to E.E. Winkelman. Live Omaha, Neb. See p 478 Cora M. Jack b Aug 10, 1876 ob May 12, 1914 buried in Mt Vernon Cem Peru, Neb. Married Lee [Leo?] R. Windle, living Columbus, Kans. Had 3 children Dr William D. Jack b Mch 1, 1888. He is a doctor & lives in Palm Beach, Fla Married Sept 1923 Miss Julia Sharp. Now living at Ponce De Leon Hotel St Augustine, Fla. No issue. 2. John Alexander Barnes Jack b 1842 ob 1918 never married. No issue</p><p>V24 Page 434</p><p>I have a letter in answer to mine dated Mch 20, 1931 from Mrs Lucy C.H. Finley (Mrs W. Norville Finley) of 903 Cathedral St Baltimore Md saying she hopes soon to fill out my questionnaire. At present is waiting to hear from one of her sons who has a new position in the west. Asks if I have in my records a Dr F.W. Finley of Williamsburg, Ky one of his daughter Lera [sic] of Spottswoods Finleys graduated at Randolph Macon Womens College Lynchburg, Va where my brother-in-law Dr Matthew Allen Pattillo is dean. Says I attended the graduation exercises, my niece Grace Pattillo being one of the graduates but didn't have an opportunity to talk with Lera Finley. This was almost 9 yrs ago.</p><p>V24 Page 435</p><p>She had a sister who came to the college but did not remain long enough to graduate. I have forgotten her name. Genealogical records have a fascination for me. Says she is hunting up her Peale & Newman ancestry. See b 13 p 307-8 for Lera Spottswood Finley.</p><p>V24 Page 436</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 26, 1931 8:40 AM Yesterday afternoon at the meeting of the W & J College Trustees in Parlors E & F 17th floor Wm Penn Hotel Co trustee Rev Dr Henry A. Riddle of Greensburgh Pa spoke of his Uncle Rev Dr Matthew Brown Riddle having often spoken to him of the delight he experienced in his visits with me here at Oak Hill. He said his father, Harry Riddle a brother of M.B. was a railroad man. I said your Uncle was one of the three or four who graduated at W & J younger than I did & he said he graduated when 16 & I when 17. He said his grandfather had organized the 3d Pres Ch of Pittsburgh, Pa on the site of the Wm Penn</p><p>V24 Page 437</p><p>Hotel where we then were & I spoke of my relative Dr Francis Herron's early connection in 1810 with the first Pres Ch & he said that Dr Herron & his great grandfather Matthew Brown having been classmates in Dickinson College Carlisle, Pa & said they were brothers-in-law having married Blaine sisters. At our meeting the walk out strike of the student body on 19th inst came up for consideration. Their petition promulgated by a couple hot headed seniors recited twice as many grievances that were misrepresentations & untrue as appeals that were true. I had to leave the meeting at 3:30 for other appointments while the discussions was still in progress.</p><p>V24 Page 438</p><p>I wrote last week to cousin Robert Maurice Trimble of Commonwealth Annex, Pgh for record of the descendants of his grandmother Lavinia Jack McAllister with dates & have this week three large pages all duplicates of each other without dates & not letter. I am however making a skeleton genealogical table of the names he gives commencing on page 440.</p><p>V24 Page 439 [blank] V24 Page 440 & V24 Page 441</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>James Jack born 1758 4th son of James Jack 1728-1776 who had 4 sons & 9 daughters & with his father settled in 1731 in Cumb Valley. Married Nancy McKinney, daughter of Major McKinney & they had five daughters.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Jane [Jack] Galbraith Lydia [Jack] McAllister Cynthia [Jack] Black Lavinia Jack (McAllister) ob, married John McAllister & had 3 sons & t daughters. Martha McAllister, ob Mary McAllister ob married Thomas Harper Had 7 sons & 1 daughter James Harper John Harper Frank Harper Wakeham Harper Luther Harper Ira Harper Mark Harper Henrietta Harper married John Crawford Elizabeth McAllister ob married John Harvey Trimble had 2 boys 1 daughter Robert Maurice Trimble my informant married Sarah Latimer Hamill 3 sons & 1 daughter Robert Maurice Trimble Jr William Hamill Trimble John Harvey Trimble Mary Hamill Trimble married Howard Wilcox Frances Herron Trimble married Louise Evans Elizabeth McAllister Trimble Martha Evans Trimble Francis Herron Trimble Jr Anna McAllister Trimble Lydia McAllister [dau of Lavinia Jack McAllister] ob Anna McAllister, ob John McAllister, ob James McAllister, ob Luther McAllister, ob Nancy [Jack] Fairman [daughter of James Jack]</p><p>V24 Page 442 [blank] V24 Page 443 [blank] V24 Page 444</p><p>I have a letter in answer to a recent one from me dated Mch 22, 1931 written from Fort Benning, Georgia by Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting (nee Elliott) of Berkeley & Carmel, Calif where she is visiting her daughter where she came 4 mos ago & will be leaving presently. She expects to be leaving Apr 10 & will be visiting friends in Morgantown, WVA living there at 325 Maple Ave & from where she would come to see me & I am writing her to do. She says her reduced income may however prevent her coming this way. She wants to visit a cousin in Carlisle, Pa if at all possible. She says her grandmother Elliott died when she was 8 yrs old & she is now 64. She don't know who got bible record of Com Jesse Duncan Elliott</p><p>V24 Page 445</p><p>She got the data about the children of Benjamin Elliott from a paper in my father's scrapbook & knows nothing about them except what I sent you. There was a Col Elliott who spelled his name differently on a corps of engineers in San Francisco, Calif but was no relation. George Blaney Elliott is deceased, unmarried I know nothing of my father's first wife but think her name was Graham They had two children viz: Jessie Vaughn Elliott & William Graham Elliott both dead. Know nothing of grandfather Elliott's children all are dead. My father had a sister Mary married to Thomas Jack or Jacobs living in West Chester Pa. All dead.</p><p>V24 Page 446</p><p>They [sic] daughters two sons all dead My age. I was born in Carlisle Pa Sept 3, 1866 married Herbert J. Ponting of Salisbury, England June 5, 1895 at San Francisco Calif. My children: Her daughter Mildred was born in San Francisco, Calif & her son Arthur in London England. Mildred S. was married in San Francisco Dec 27, 1917 to Edward C. Rose. Arthur E. her son married Dec 23, 1924 at Ossining NY to Catharine Neston Beecher. Mildred S. Rose's children Am writing her today c/o Major S.C. Rose Fort Benning Georgia to come & visit me.</p><p>V24 Page 447</p><p>I have a letter in answer to mine dated July 10, 1930 from Mrs W.T. Packwood Hotel Luxor, Coffeyville, Kansas who says she can't answer all my questions for book 23 p 275 but what she does send is authentic & she sends quite a lot.</p><p>Continuing Mch 27, 1931 7:55 AM see page 450 where I am starting a genealogical table. My informant, Hettie Eliza Weakly Reilly now Mrs Wm T. Packwood is a lovely character & a good business woman loved & respected by all who know her & people marvel how she raised such a large family & keeps so young & she tells them it "does not hurt to do to do the will of God".</p><p>V24 Page 448 [blank] V24 Page 449 [blank] V24 Page 450 & V24 Page 451</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>James G. Weakley died Oct 28, 1922 in Coffeyville, Kansas. He was a carpenter by trade. Married Nov 27, 1865 to Catherine Ann Himes born Nov 27, 1840 & died Jany 18, 1929 at Burlingame, Kansas & is buried in Burlingame Cemetery beside her son & to where they intend to removed her husband. She was daughter of George Himes, a miller of Mill Town, Pa who in Mch 1872 emigrated to Russell Co, Kansas & homesteaded a farm on which he died on June 10, 1889 & on which his wife Catherine had died on May 1, 1882 & both are buried at Dorrance, Kansas. In James G. Weakley went from Penna in 1871 to Russell Co, Kan & took up a farm which in Mch 1872 moved on it & homesteaded & built a house on it which is still standing. His children still own it & his son John Geddes Weakley lives on & farms it. They had six children as listed below.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Hettie Eliza Weakley b Nov 1, 1866 married Mch 4, 1882 Henry Augustine Reilly of Chambersburg, Pa at Wilson, Kan by Rev Chas Dragoon of St Winchelose Church see page 452. Martha Mary Weakley b Mch 13, 1868 married Dec 15, 1887 at Dorrance, Kan by her Uncle Rev Wm Himes a Drunkard to William A. Meggison. He is a coal operator & farmer. Mearl Rebecca Meggison b Oct 5, 1889 married 1914 to Geo Dickirhoof Clyde Edress Dickirhoof b Aug 31, 1915 Howard Eugene Dickirhoof b Mch 5, 1922 William Earl Meggison b Jany 3, 1891 Laurence Everett Meggison b Aug 25, 1896 Leila Amelia Meggison b Mch 1, 1904 ob Feby 17, 1910 William Elmer Weakley b Oct 27, 1870 John Geddes Weakley b May 25, 1873 Emma Jane Weakley b Oct 27, 1875 James Edward Weakley b Feby 14, 1878</p><p>V24 Page 452 & V24 Page 453</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Hettie Eliza Weakley b Nov 1, 1866 see p 450 married Mch 4, 1882 Henry Augustine Reilly. They had 12 children. Henry A. Reilly died at his home 416 N. Maple St Coffeyville, Kansas July 3, 1919 & is buried there in Calvary Cemetery. He was a good Christian man, kind & loving to his wife & children & sacrificing everything to them. Married 2d Nov 14, 1923 William T. Packwood a fine man & they together run the Luxor Hotel 10th & Walnut Sts Coffeyville, Kan the best hotel in the city.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Mary Ellen Reilly b Dec 23, 1882 married Nov 25, 1899 at Sparks Okla by Rev E.V. Reynolds, Catholic Priest of Chandler Okla to Roy Elexander Ernest of Coffeyville, Kan. See page 454 Annie Amelia Reilly b Aug 15, 1885 married Roy Alderman b Oct 17, 1885 see page 456 Agnes Jane Reilly b Aug 11, 1877 married Jany 16, 1908 by Rev E.V Rennolds [sic] to Wm E. Gorgas of Sparks Okla. No issue Florence Letitia Reilly b June 27, 1889 married May 15, 1910 at Prague, Okla to Everett E. Wood who runs a large truck farm near Cedar Rapids Iowa. Have a wonderful family see page 458 James Henry Reilly b Oct 9, 1890 ob Mch 22d, 1891 at Wilson Kan & buried there John Francis Reilly b Feby 13, 1892 a bachelor baker & farmer Victor Laurence Reilly b July 22, 1902 ob Oct 3, 1902 at Sparks, Okla Margaret Lenora Reilly b June 30, 1905 married Jany 30, 1904 at DeVas [best guess] Texas to Louie Lane Moore born Jany 3, 1905, a druggist Mary Margaret Moore b Mch 5, 1925 at Boulder Col Peter Wm Reilly b May 21, 1913 a great worker for his age loved & praised by all Rosa Leola Reilly b Nov 10, 1892 killed Oct 25, 1929 in auto accident from a front tire blow out & only lived long enough to ask God's mercy buried at Mt Calvary Cem Coffeyville, Kan see page 460 Evalena Reilly see pages 461 & 462 Edward Patrick Reilly see pages 461 & 462</p><p>V24 Page 454</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Mary Ellen Reilly see page 452 born Dec 23, 1882 married Nov 25, 1899 Roy Elexander Ernest. He is a baker & they run a bakery at 224 N. Spence Wichita Kan. They are great church workers & very influential. Have had 4 children. John Henry Ernest b Oct 15, 1900 Ruth Mary Ernest b Oct 9, 1904 Unnamed son b Oct 9, 1904 ob Oct 9, 1904 twin with Ruth Agnes Annetta Ernest b Sept 29, 1907</p><p>V24 Page 455 [blank] V24 Page 456 & V24 Page 457 [descendant chart]</p><p>Annie Amelia Reilly see page 452 born Aug 15, 1885 married Roy Alderman a decorator & painter on a large scale. Have had 10 children all born in Coffeyville, Kan Are influential church workers.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Mary Alderman b May 2, 1909 Francis Irene Alderman b Nov 5, 1910 ob July 16, 1912 George Henry Alderman b Mch 4, 1912 Albert Arthur Alderman b Feby 3, 1914 Emery Joseph Alderman b Dec 28, 1915 Charles Edward Alderman b Jany 17, 1919 Ralph Leo John Alderman b Apr 11, 1921 ob Aug 29, 1924 buried in Calvary Cem Coffeyville, Ks John Patrick Alderman b Sept 16, 1923 Elizabeth Ann Alderman b Aug 7, 1925 Helen Louise Alderman b Oct 21, 1928</p><p>V24 Page 458 & V24 Page 459</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Florence Letitia Reilly see p 452 born June 29, 1889 married May 15, 1910 Everett E. Wood have children:</p><p>[children]</p><p>Henrietta P. Wood b Mch 27, 1911 graduated from Bethany College Cedar Rapids Iowa 1930 Leroy W. Wood b Mch 3, 1913 graduate from Bethany College Cedar Rapids Iowa 1931 Delores M. Wood b Apr 23, 1915 Joseph W. Wood b Aug 5, 1917 Theresa R. Wood b Nov 28, 1919 Dorothy E. Wood b Aug 8, 1922 Leo Henry Wood b Feby 23, 1926 [blank, no name given] b June 3, 1930</p><p>V24 Page 460 & V24 Page 461</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Rosa Leota Reilly see page 453 b say Nov 19, 1892 ob Oct 25, 1929 married Aug 23, 1916 at Sparks Oklahoma to Clarence C. Osborne. He is a machinist & wonderfully good father. Had 5 children.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Laurence Kenneth Osborne b Nov 18, 1919 ob Mch 18, 1920 Donald Augustine Osborne b Feby 4, 1921 Delores Cecelia Osborne b June 16, 1922 Herbert Peter Osborne b May 5, 1925 Teresa Ann Osborne b 1929 taken by her Aunt to raise see next page [which says:] Eva Lean Weakley Reilly [sister of Rosa Leota Reilly above] see p 453 married July 23, 1922 in Holy Name Church Coffeyville Kan to Frank P. Walterscheid. No issue, but they took Teresa Ann Osborne, her sister Rosa's baby which was but 2 mos old when Rosa was killed & have been wonderful parents to her. He is a hardware & farm implement merchant.</p><p>V24 Page 462</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Edward Patrick Reilly see page 453 married Dec 22, 1922 to Josie Emeline Bleen [best guess] of Clinton, Okla. They have 4 children They are extensive cattle dealers.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Francis Marcella Reilly b Sept 25, 1923 Laurence Edward Reilly b Jany 7, 1925 Curtis Bernard Reilly b Dec 15, 1925 Leo Patrick Reilly b Dec 20, 1926</p><p>She says died May 22, 1926 but don't say who.</p><p>V24 Page 463 [blank] V24 Page 464</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 28, 1931 10:50 AM Mrs Pallini has just read me from last night's Pgh Sun-Telegraph abt funeral services for Harry A. Carothers formerly connected with the Circulation Dept of the Press & Chronicle Telegraph which was held yesterday in St Philips Church Crafton, Pa. During the World War, he served with 10th U.S. Infantry & was wounded several times. He leaves a sister Mrs Mary Feingold of Crafton & three brothers, W.J., Frank & J.L. Carothers.</p><p>V24 Page 465</p><p>I have a letter in answer to mine dated July 22, 1930 from Mrs Maude M. Kiedaisch nee Moss of 423 Franklin St Keokuk, Iowa see b 23 page 139 who says she was admitted to the D.A.R. in 1929 & also says her Aunt, Miss Jane Moss still lives at Grand Ridge, Ills. She says she is sure that her ancestor, Joseph Moss 1749-1841 who married Ann Thompson daughter of Jacob is buried at Leckys g.y. She sends me a two page record of her Moss line with dates which I am tabling on next page 466.</p><p>V24 Page 466 & V24 Page 467</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Ann Thompson daughter of Jacob Thompson & his wife Ann Downard was born July 15, 1749 & died Apr 22, 1819 married Sept 20, 1772 in Chester Co, Pa Joseph Moss b July 19, 1749 & died Oct 22, 1841 buried in Leckys g.y. They had 2 sons & 5 daughters. He was born in Chester Co, Pa & both died in Fayette Co, Pa</p><p>[children]</p><p>Mary Moss B Aug 26, 1773 ob, married Mr Coates Jacob Moss b Nov 1, 1776 ob Oct 9, 1862 married Mch 27, 1806 to Margery Cunningham born May 7, 1789 & ob Sept 26, 1853 had 10 children all born in Fayette Co, Pa see page 468. John Moss b Mch 27, 1779 ob 1868 married Ann Thompson 1781-1861 Ann Thompson Moss b Nov 3, 1781 ob 1861 married 1799 Robert Galloway Sarah Moss B Jany 18, 1784 ob married Mr Thompson Margaret Moss b Dec 17, 1787 ob married Jas McCombs Elizabeth Moss b June 7, 1789 ob married Mr Reynolds</p><p>V24 Page 468 & V24 Page 469</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Jacob Moss & Margery Cunningham his wife p 466 [children]</p><p>Ann Thompson Moss b July 13, 1807 ob Aug 22, 1834 married John Henry Jane Huston Moss b Jany 27, 1810 ob May 18, 1859 married John A. Moore Joseph Cunningham Moss b Dec 22, 1812 ob Mch 25, 1885 in LaSalle Co Ills married Elizabeth Haney Sarah Louise Moss b Apr 18, 1815 ob Sept 26, 1860 in Fayette Co, Pa married Wilson McWilliams Ebenezer Finley Moss b Mch 15, 1818 ob Jany 12, 1905 in Grand Ridge, Ills married 1 Jany 9, 1840 Sabina Malaby in Fayette Co, Pa married 2 Dec 22, 1857 in Fayette Co, Pa to Mary Hannah Britt Allton. See page 470. Richard William Moss b Oct 22, 1820 ob Aug 18, 1883 in Fayette Co, Pa Robert Allen Moss b Sept 14, 1823 ob June 25, 1871 in Fay Co, married a Langley John Alexander Moss b Apr 29, 1827 ob Jany 18, 1888 in Fayette Co, Pa married Mary Ann Hibbs Mary Margery Moss b Feby 26, 1831 ob Dec 12, 1856 in Fayette Co, Pa Jacob Henry Moss b June 4, 1834 ob Oct 16, 1844 in Fayette Co, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 470 & V24 Page 471</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Ebenezer Finley Moss see page 468 born Mch 15, 1818 ob Jany 12, 1905 at Grand Ridge, Ills married 1 Jany 9, 1840 to Sabina Malaby born Oct 17, 1818 & she died Aug 28, 1854 in Fayette Co, Pa. All children born in Fayette Co, Pa. [children]</p><p>Jacob Thompson Moss b Oct 26, 1840 ob July 25, 1917 in Spring Haven, Fla William Huston Moss b July 13, 1842 ob May 21, 1864 at Pittsburgh, Pa Robert Henderson Moss b July 28, 1844 ob Oct 23, 1917 at Crawford, Neb Mary Ellen Moss b May 19, 1847 ob Mch 5, 1854 in Denver Col Charles Henry Moss b Oct 8, 1850 ob June 22, 1917 at Bluff, Mo married Sept 27, 1876 at Ottawa Ills to Mary P. Fredenburg born Aug 17, 1851 at Ottawa, Ills see page 472. He died at Poplar Bluff, Mo Margery Elizabeth Moss b July 28, 1854 ob Aug 30, 1854</p><p>V24 Page 472 & V24 Page 473</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Charles Henry Moss see page 471 had six children the 4th born in Henry, Ills the 6th in Keokuk, Iowa & the other four in Ottawa, Ills.</p><p>[children] Harmon Walter Moss b June 8, 1879 married Esther Lutz Edith Margery Moss b Mch 8, 1881 married Apr 19, 1923 Martin C. Kersturg Maude Mary Moss b June 20, 1883 married Sept 5, 1905 at Poplar Bluff Mo to John Albert Kiedaisch b Feby 13, 1880 at Keokuk, Iowa. Have two children born in Keokuk. Lida Frances Kiedaisch b Aug 26, 1906 married June 29, 1926 at Keokuk, Iowa to Madison G. Sterne John Albert Kiedaisch Jr b Apr 19, 1908 Henry Earl Moss b June 16, 1889 married Dec 18, 1926 at Keokuk, Iowa Mabel Frescoln Priscilla Pratt Moss b Aug 13, 1893 married June 14, 1916 at Poplar, Bluff Mo to Paul D. Quinn Margery Ellen Moss B Aug 18, 1896 married Feby 20, 1924 at St Louis, Mo to Hardin Marshall Hendrickson</p><p>V24 Page 474</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 29, 1931 6:50 PM Among the announcments of death in yesterday's Morning Herald was that of James R. McAllister aged 70 yrs 7 mos & 26 days, a native of Carmichaels Greene Co, Pa died at 3:40 PM Friday Mch 27, 1831 at the home of his sister-in-law Mrs James Richey of Masontown, Pa. His widow, Mrs Hannah McAllister & the following children survive: Ernest McAllister of Pittsburgh, Pa Mrs Ann Jamison of Akron, O Mrs Margaret Williams of Los Angeles Calif & Robert McAllister of the Panama Canal Zone. Funeral Sunday at the Richey residence 1:30 PM in charge of Rev Rodky, pastor of Carmichaels Meth Epis Ch, Burial at Carmichaels. He was a first cousin of O.M. Bougner</p><p>V24 Page 475 so he told me last night at his home, his mother having been a Huston, a sister of Mrs J. Robison Gray & Henry A. Huston & hence one of my Wilson relatives. Charles S. Bowman died in the Uniontown Hospital last night between 10 & 11 PM Mch 31/31 The Morning Herald of 30th said he was born Oct 25, 1887 but I think it should be 1877 as he was graduated from W&J College in 1899. On Apr 15, 1903, he married Mary Elizabeth Boyd, daughter of Col A.D. Boyd & wife. Has one son Chas S. Bowman. Mch 31, 1931 3:33 PM have just returned from the funeral of Chas S. Bowman, a beautiful sunshiny afternoon.</p><p>V24 Page 476</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 30, 1931 9 PM Going to Pgh on the 6:35 PM PRR train after passing Greensburgh, Mrs Dr H.J. Bell of Dawson Pa came & sat facing me turning a seat & recalled having been here with Mrs Sarah B. Cochran. She said her father Rev John Brice Reed named for his mother's father was born at Buffalo, Washington Co, Pa & had five daughters & one son, the latter living I think in Fairmont WVA. She said her father graduated from W&J College in 1860 & preached at Parkersburg, WVA Sistersville WVA & Fairmont WVA & then he came to Laurel Hill where he was pastor for thirty years. Rev Joel Stonewood was succeeded by Rev S.S. Bergen & he by Rev Robert Gailey & he by Rev J.B. Reed. His daughters: Effie, Mrs Dr Wm H. Hopwood divorced & she lives with her daughter for 2 yrs widow of Fred Munson & her two children C'ville, Pa Helen, my informant wife of Dr H.J. Bell A daughter married James Melom [sic] Smith son of T. Henry Smith living at Phila, Pa A daughter married Mr Silsley, son of Rev Silsley formerly of Scottdale, Pa Cora, wife of Ellis P. Phillips of U'town Pa who was with her sister & came & sat with us. V24 Page 477</p><p>Oak Hill Mch 31, 1931 9:40 AM I have a letter postmarked Mch 28k 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Angnes [sic] Jack Winkelman 103 S. 41st St. Omaha Neb. See pages 388, 396 & 478.</p><p>V24 Page 478</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Agnes Jack b Apr 8, 1874 on a farm in Nemaha Co Neb see p 3896 married Jany 1, 1902 in Peru, Neb to Richard E. Winkelman born at Peru, Neb Jany 23, 1872 who is credit manager of Paxton & Gallagher wholesale grocers of Omaha, Neb. He is son of Lawrence Winkelman a native of Hulme, Germany & his wife Jane Chapman of Glens Falls NY. Have one child born in Omaha, Neb.</p><p>[child]</p><p>Helen Dorothy Winkelman born Jany 10, 1903 married Aug 3, 1927 to Frank Lester Gunderson of Madison Wis in Omaha, Neb. Both graduates of the University of Wisconsin with fine records. She has her master's Degree in Home Economics & he has his PhD. He is now biological chemist for the Quaker Oats Co. They live at 1245 Elmwood Ave Evanston, Ills. He was born at Alledy [best guess] Wis Mch 16, 1902 son of Frank David Gunderson & wife Maria Peterson.</p><p>Mrs Winkelman writing Apr 13, 1931 says she was at Peru, Neb yesterday to visit her father David Jack aged 91 & says he is a wonder having taken up the study of French after he was 70 & have read the French classics with ease.</p><p>V24 Page 479</p><p>A letter in answer to mine dated Mch 24, 1931 from E.E. Kilgore per A. Kilgore of Palo Alto Calif refers to my letter of Nov 29, 1930 forwarded from Follette, Texas. Says my father Samuel Mathers Kilgore died in Apr 1924 buried at Woodward, Okla. My mother's maiden name was Susan A. Booth. She died in Feby 1923 at Follette Texas. Mother & father were both born in Illinois but don't know the city or date. They had four boys: 1. Melvin Marrin eldest now living 303 Lynn St Boone, Iowa to whom write. He is married but don't know his wife's maiden name. 2. William Earl next born in Iowa Mch 28, 1886 present address is 101 W 2nd Ave Spokane, Wash. He is not married 3. Ezekiel Edmond born in Iowa Apr 10, 1891 not married present address 7935 Ramona St Palo Alto Calif 4. Joseph Glin 4th & last</p><p>V24 Page 480 born Aug 22, 1894 present address is 935 Ramona ST Palo Alto Calif. He was married Apr 2, 1914 at Woodward Okla to Mildred Hedrick & had 4 boys by her. 1. Leland Melvin b Apr 11, 1915 2. Walter Emerson b June 22, 1917 3. Oathel Earl b May 23, 1919 4. Howard Glin b Feby 25, 1921 The first & fourth born at Woodward, Okla, the 2d & 3d at Lipscomb, Texas. Joseph & Mildred were divorced in Woodward, Okla in 1924. Joseph remarried to Anna Hagberg in Berkeley Calif on Mch 31, 1928 & is now married to her. The address of Elizabeth Jane Hupp is the Ladies G.A.R. Home Puyallup Wash. Write her soon at A.E. Hupp at 833 East 59th St Seattle, Wash. We will try & send you some more information later as other papers are in Texas.</p><p>V24 Page 481 [blank] V24 Page 482</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Samuel Mathers Kilgore b July 19, 1856 see page 108 he died Apr 1924 & is buried at Woodward, Okla married Susan A. Booth born in Iowa & died in Follette Texas Feby 1923. Had 4 boys, the 2d & 3d born in Iowa.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Melvin Marrin Kilgore lives at 303 Lynn St Boone, Iowa writing, married William Earl Kilgore b Mch 28, 1886 unmarried lives 101 W. 2d Ave Spokane, Wash Ezekiel Edmond Kilgore b Apr 10, 1891 unmarried lives 935 Ramona St Palo Alto Calif my informant Joseph Glin Kilgore b Aug 22, 1894 married 1 Apr 2, 1914 at Woodward Okla to Mildred Hedricks. Had 4 boys the first & last born in Woodward Okla where they were divorced in 1924 & other two in Lipscomb Texas. Married 2 Mch 31, 1928 at Berkeley Calif Anna Hagberg. Live at 935 Ramona St Palo Alto Calif Leland Meloin Kilgore b Apr 11, 1915 Walter Emerson Kilgore b June 22, 1917 Oathel Earl Kilgore b May 23, 1919 Howard Glin Kilgore b Feby 25, 1921</p><p>V24 Page 483 [blank] V24 Page 484</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 1, 1931 9:15 AM John F. Swisher phoned from Morgantown, WVA at 9:20 AM & came in at 10:40 & has just now left at 12:05 PM. I told him we wanted more producing wells for our deal with the Standard Oil Co & he said he knew of 470 wells in North Western Penna he could get west of Tioga Co & north of Venango Co & he would go right after them & he asked to take the leases in my name which he will try & get for 90 days. Says he will go right after them & stop at Punxsutawney on the way & when he gets them, he will bring them to me with full information. He said he ran across an old man in Tulsa Okla to whom he gave a new suit of clothes who had drilled three holes in a triangle 1000 feet apart on a 240 A farm 1 1/2 miles from Wagner Co seat of Wagner Co Okla</p><p>V24 Page 485</p><p>& got neither oil or gas in any of them but he went through a 23 foot vein of lead & zinc in each of them which he struck at 173 ft & this old man still living in Tulsa told him he had never mentioned it to anyone else & John F. says he has told no one but his wife & me. John F. saw Jimmy Keys of Miami, Ottawa Co, Okla NE corner, the lead & zinc center of the west where there are seven millionaires & where they got lead & zinc at a depth of 119 feet & he asked him what a lead & zinc proposition of 23 ft thick on a 240 A farm would be worth & he said it was a twenty million dollar proposition. John F. then went & took a 10 yr lease on the 240 A owned by one man & has been paying the lease money of $1 an acre a year since 2 yrs ago. He took a mineral locator from Springdale, Ark & had him go all over V24 Page 486 the farm with his instruments & he said it was all underlaid with lead & zinc. He said when we got a little money, he would go out & drill it himself with a water well drill & then with a core drill & wrap up the core & got to Miami with it & deal with the lead & zinc man there & we would divide fifty fifty. I told him I would go out with him.</p><p>A letter dated Mch 26, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Ida Markle 426 Lafayette St, Grand Rapids, Mich says her son-in-law Leon Wilkinson was born Feby 27, 1891 in Hope Tp Barry? Co Mich present address Burbank, Calif Box 455 occupation shipping clerk son of Edward B. Wilkinson & wife Dora M. Shedd</p><p>V24 Page 487</p><p>He & Pansy were divorced Apr 20, 1925 in Grand Rapids Mich. Their baby boy was lifeless when born, never breathed. See pages 172 & 405 this book & book 23 page 543</p><p>A letter dated Mch 19, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Dora E. Gunnett 943 West Commonwealth Ave Fullerton Calif gives dates of her attending D.A.R. convention at Wash D.C. & visiting relatives in NC, Ohio & elsewhere & may be able to get here in June but is not sure. Can be reached e/o her sister Mrs Henry Williams, Buffalo Mills. She sends a clipping abt unveiling a D.A.R. tablet on site of a road house given to her Mojave Chapter by her daughter & her husband, Mrs Russell Evans unveiled by their little son. The article mentions a Mrs A.H. Rothermel. Make slip to look up in my book 9 whether I saw her in Dec 1922 when I was there.</p><p>V24 Page 488</p><p>I have a letter from Mrs Nan Allen Marshall of Uniontown, Pa 49 Shady Lane postmarked Mch 30, 1931. She says there is no name of Jack on the Paull chart she showed me when she & Mollie were out, but there is one given name of Nancy Jack. She asks if among the Paull births I spoke of if I have that of her great grandmother Jane Paull Allen sister of Col James Paull. If so, she wants it. She wants to come again to talk over family matters.</p><p>I have a letter in answer to mine dated Dec 4, 1930 from Louisa Rothermel Merrill Exeter NH Edwin H. Smith, second husband of her mother she says was born in 1854 & died 1917 & was a Quaker. He was son of</p><p>V24 Page 489</p><p>James A. Smith, President of Phila Council many years & during the Centennial in 1876. She has written D.A.R. Wash D.C. about 3 early ancestors & they have not answered but if they do, she will let me know. She says her papers passed Marion Chapter & says she is sending me copies of what she sent in. Am also sending some data about William Buckman, another ancestor of Samuel Hunter Rothermel's wife. She mentions the Strassburger Genealogy of Pa by R.D. Strassburger 1922 & asks me to look it up. She gives Ezekiel Rhodes data Penna Archives 6th Series Vol 15 p 897 served in the Revolutionary War 5th Class & 5th Co Norriton Inf Co of Phila, Pa 1781 associators & militia page 908 5th Class 5th Co & 6th battalion of Phila Pa</p><p>V24 Page 490</p><p>Peter Rothermel data. In a certain books "Oaths of Allegiance" in Berks Co, Pa see Hist Soc of Pa 1300 Locust ST Phila name of Peter Rothermel appears on page 144 there as one who took oath of allegiance before Ty Jancial [sic] Rothermel Esq on May 30, 1778 & upon page 145 same book name of Peter Rothermel appears as one of those who took oath of allegiance before the said Daniel Rothermel Esq on May 28, 1778 Second. There is a certain other manuscript book entitled Berks Co tax lists in the Poss of Penna Hist Soc, the name of Daniel Rothermel Esq & Peter Rothermel appears among the taxables of Maiden Creek Tp 1780. The book does not contain the taxables for 1778 to 1779.</p><p>V24 Page 491</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 2, 1931 7:54 AM A letter in answer to mine, dated Oct 20, 1930 from Mrs Emma B. Albright Ravenna, O sends records of her branch & I am making a genealogical table of it commencing on page [blank]. Mary Neal Beazell daughter of John Neal Beazell July 23, 1795-Nov 11, 1861 & his wife Sarah (Shepler) Buzer? Dec 24, 1804-Apr 7, 1872 married Evans Powers & lived at Monongahela City, Pa & had children: 1. John Will Power [sic] 2. Sarah Power Camp 3. Clara Power 4. Jennie Power 5. Joe Power 6. Alton Power 7. Ida Power Shener Mrs Albright's address is 250 S. Prospect St, Ravenna, O.</p><p>V24 Page 492 [blank] V24 Page 493 [blank] V24 Page 494 & V24 Page 495</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Hannah Finley born Dec 10, 1796 Fayette City? Pa daughter of Ebenezer Finley 1760-1849 son of Rev James 1725-1795 by his second wife Violet Lowry. Hannah died Feby 16, 1871 at Apple Creek, O. Married James Cunningham born Sept 26, 1792 at Fayette City, Pa & died May 7, 1868 at Apple Creek, O. They had 9 children the first three born at Fayette City, Pa & the other six at Apple Creek, Ohio.</p><p>[children]</p><p>William Finley Cunningham b July 26, 1817 ob Feby 12, 1873 Wooster, O 3 children born in Apple Creek, O. Married Apr 1838 Catharine Johnson or Hatfield b Dec 8, 1814 ob Nov 12, 1888 [8 children listed] 1. Silas Cunningham ob in infancy 2. Alwinzi Cunningham b Jany 12, 1841 ob Nov 8, 1915 married Dec 1861 Sarah R. Patrick & had 3 children born at Apple Creek, O. Married 2, 1900 Hannah Shepherd. See b 26 p 112 1. May Cunningham 2. Vinnie Cunningham born May 4, 1874, living. Married 1 Aug 12, 1896 Harry Lysenberger b 1871 ob [unreadable] 1902. Married 2 1906 to Stephen Pyle, Melburn WVA. No issue. 3. Horace Cunningham ob in infancy 4. James Cunningham ob in infancy 5. Elizabeth Cunningham ob in infancy 6. Jessie or Jennie Cunningham b Apr 7, 1850 not married. Make slip to see her. 7. Mary E. Cunningham ob in infancy 8. Lyman C. Cunningham ob in infancy Nancy Cunningham b Aug 15, 1819 ob June 5, 1889 Apple Creek, O. Never married Violet Cunningham b Apr 9, 1821 ob July 26, 1822 at Apple Creek, O Elizabeth Cunningham b Nov 18, 1825 ob Aug 1916 at Cleveland, O 3 children. Married John Mackey, ob see page 496 Rebecca Cunningham b Aug 18, 1827 ob Aug 6, 1828 at Apple Creek, O in infancy Jane Cunningham b Aug 19, 1829 ob June 22, 1872 at Wooster O married Cyrus Mackey, ob see p 502 Ebenzer Cunningham b Sept 17, 1831 ob Jany 30, 1872 at Wooster O married Mary Lisle ob Had one daughter born at Apple Creek. Etta Cunningham married Martin David Teeple, live in California Robert James Cunningham b Aug 27, 1833 ob July 24, 1912 at Wooster, O 2 children born at Wooster, O married 1 1859 Mariah Johnson ob Mch 28, 1890 Married 2 May 25, 1892 Alice E. Lawrence see b 26 p 114 Lura Ethel Cunningham b Jany 24, 1874 ob Nov 12, 1914 Roy J. Cunningham b Nov 24, 1879 married 1 1904 Annabel McCullough Married 2 Oct 8, 1913 Nellie Griffin No children see b 26 p 114. Hannah Cunningham b Sept 11, 1835 ob Jany 9, 1914 at Apple Creek, O 6 children. Married Matthew Beazell born Jany 8, 1825 near Webster Pa & died July 6, 1915 at Apple Creek O son of John Neal Beazell 1795-1861 & wife Sarah Shepler 1804-1872 see page 498.</p><p>V24 Page 496 & V24 Page 497</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Elizabeth Cunningham b Nov 18, 1825 see page 494 married John Mackey</p><p>[children]</p><p>Albert B. Mackey born Maysville, O married Clara Henning. Had seven children Edward Mackey Radie Mackey Florence Mackey Daisy Mackey Bessie Mackey John Mackey James Mackey John Mackey b Maysville, O married Mary Grospan Had 4 children born Apple Creek, O Eugenie Mackey Ralph Mackey, married Russell Mackey married Blanche Cutter Charles Mackey, married Jane Mackey born Maysville, O ob Apple Creek O unmarried</p><p>V24 Page 498 & V24 Page 499 V24 Page 500</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Hannah Cunningham see page 495 b Sept 11, 1835 married Matthew Beazell b Jany 8, 1825. They had six children all born at Apple Creek, O</p><p>[children]</p><p>James Harvey Beazell b Feby 12, 1860 ob Apr 25, 1925 at Detroit, Mich 2 children born in Detroit, Mich. Married Margaret McDonald born in Port Huron, Mich in 1861 & died Sept 1924 in Detroit, Mich Linabel Margery Beazell married Howard Carey. Both live Detroit Mich Hugh Carey Grace Neal Biddle Beazell married Alfred Howard born at Wooster, O. Both live at Walkerville, Canda & where Alfred was born two oldest boys born at Wooster, O James Howard Richard Howard Alfred Howard b July 9, 1930 Albert Neal Biddle Beazell b June 26, 1861 ob Feby 4, 1833 unmarried Clarissa Jane Beazell b June 4, 1864 ob Aug 8, 1864 at Apple Creek, O William Sherman Beazell b Aug 7, 1865 ob Dec 24, 1928 at Coronado Beach Fla, No heirs. Franklin Raymond Beazell B Feby 22, 1869, lives at Kent O 2 children born Apple Creek O married Margaret Maurer born at Mt Eaton, O Dec 15, 1869 lives at Kent O. Catharine Hannah Beazell b Feby 17, 1906 married L.A. Wilson b July 1, 1898 at Palmyra, O Live Akron, O James Matthew Beazell B Oct 29, 1908 not married lives at Kent, O Sarah Emma Beazell b Nov 16, 1875 lives at Ravenna, O 3 children born at Ravenna, O married John Eyman Albright. See page 500 [included here for clarity] John Eyman Albright born near Wooster O. Paul Eyman Albright b Feby 25, 1900 married Janet Ferguson of New York. No issue Annabel Margery Albright b Jany 20, 19-- married Horace Wilson of New York. Have 2 children Ann Albright John Albright Anita Albright b Apr 1</p><p>V24 Page 501 [blank] V24 Page 502 & V24 Page 503</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Jane Cunningham see p 495 married Cyrus Mackey had six children all born at Wooster, O</p><p>[children]</p><p>Dr Robert Mackey ob 1928 Millersburg, O not married Elizabeth Mackey ob no issue married Harriet Mackey ob in Wooster, O unmarried Emma Mackey ob 1930 in Wooster, O married William Grady. Had 2 daughters Ola Mackey married A.L. Thompson in Wooster, O Had 2 sons Harry Mackey Albert Mackey</p><p>V24 Page 504</p><p>A letter postmarked Nov 2, 1930 from Mrs Laura Sage Jones Delavan Wis who with her mother, Mrs Sage called about her Ross line sent to me by Johnson Van Kirk of Merrittstown, Pa encloses a record she sent out over 25 yrs ago & says she has been searching through the Dr Draper manuscripts at Madison, Wis which are not indexed & have much of interest about Kentons Sta & advises that I examine them. Make slip. She gives much about the Herrods. She says old Sam Murphy of Mason Co, Ky Beall Sknr [sic] Creek. He said his father died when he was 3 yrs old & he was bound out to John Stephenson who was half brother to</p><p>V24 Page 505</p><p>Valentine & William Crawford. Mrs Crawford was originally Grimes. Her first husband & she had Capt William & Valentine Crawford & by her second: John, Hugh, Richard, James, & Mark Stephenson. She died in 1776. Stephenson was living on the farm (which was in Frederick Co Va on Bullskin Creek) when Crawford died & married the widow where his oldest son John was born in 1737. Says Val Crawford was born in 1733 & William in 1731. Murphy knew Taff Ross in Allegheny Co or Butler said he lived on Thonis [sic] Creek & died there. Taff told Murphy that at the battle of the Point</p><p>V24 Page 506</p><p>& [sic] that he was with the Indians & said that if Elliott failed in success in effecting peace with the whites that they wd shoot Dunmore's camp & then retreat across the Scioto & there make another stand. If pursued, fire & make a final retreat. Elliott went with a white flag to camp Charlotte & sent John Gibson & Simon Girty back to treat with them. Taff said they had just heard at Dunmores Camp. I took it of the battle Boint (should it be Point) (Can't make out) & both armies were sorry peace was made. Taff told Murphy of the battle & said Ellipornosa fired the first shot & he, Taff, the second. He told about the shooting Cherokee prisoner who was among the Indians. Taff caught him</p><p>V24 Page 507 shooting the Indians & silenced his gun with a shot, which was questioned at first but later approved for when they found that those Indians had been shot in the back. [sic] He said that if it had not been for the Indians, the whites would have been defeated. They were too busy plundering. Taff was persuaded at a treaty at Pittsburgh to his white family & Michael Cresap's cousin helped him to court a white wife Aphia (Effie) Ward. Taff's son married a Miss Castleman & moved to Ohio. Old Murphy lived on the Kissemeas River near Freeport, Ky. He said Wm Crawford was a Freemason belonged to near Pittsburgh. He said his master, John Stephenson in 1790 moved to South Fork of the</p><p>V24 Page 508</p><p>Licking in Ky & died leaving no children. He was born on Bullskin Creek Frederick Co, Va in 1737. Col Wm Crawford's record: Father: John Crawford left a widow with four sons & one daughter, children: George, Arthur, William & John. Col William born in Chambersburg, Conococheague region Aug 6, 1744. They moved to Mon. River in 1770 lived on lands they secured near Carmichael Cumberland Tp from 1773 to 1826 west side of the Monongahela. Lands record destroyed in fire in Chambersburg, Pa. Moses Holliday, she said stole horse of Crawford, John. Says she would like to help me index my books in Winter months. She gives Taff Ross name as Tavenor Ross of period 1748-1833.</p><p>V24 Page 509</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 4, 1931 8:30 PM This afternoon in his office NO 20 St Nicholas Bldg John F. Hudson told me some things about his old boyhood neighbors, the Hatfields from which I make a genealogical table supplemented by my own knowledge on the next two pages. Samuel James Harry of Connellsville, Pa born Feby 18, 1864 in Devonshire England emigrated to America with his father John Harry in 1868. He said his people except his father who was a minor, were seafaring people & a brother of his father once located at Old Point Comfort was a sea captain & another brother was last heard from as sailing from San Francisco Calif for Australia. He said a man who stopped with me, one Sunday & to whom I introduced him by phone & they talked half an hour told him that all the early Hoggs of this & Steubenville section had originally been Harrys & changed their names to Hoggs. He said all of old Balto belonged to a Harry estate on 99 yr leases. I think this is the estate Saml Crothers of McKees Rocks referred to in Feby. To page 51-</p><p>V24 Page 510 & V24 Page 511</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Richey] [children]</p><p>Richey, I think his name was William Archibald S. Richey living Millview St, aged 93 yrs Wm R. Richey ob George W. Richey living Daughter married Harrison Dawson Judge John William Dawson James Dawson James Richey lived in Dunkard Tp. John F. said S.W. of Taylorstown. Jimmy Richey died near Garards Fort Miss Richey married George Hatfield had six sons & 1 daughter Dr Jacob Hatfield of Mt Morris, ob Hiram Hatfield ob. He died this week aged 90 John L. Hatfield ex state Senator Morgantown, WVA William K. Hatfield Morgantown, WVA Elizabeth Hatfield married Lindsey Stephens living aged 86 yrs James Stephens John Stephens married Moredock Harry Stephens James Hatfield ob Wilburn Hatfield of Jefferson, Pa ob Frank Hatfield ob Madison Hatfield ob died at Morgantown, WVA</p><p>V24 Page 512</p><p>From page 509 I asked Samuel J. Harry about the coal on Monon River which he sent Margaret M. Callaghan to get about 7000 to 7500 A with outlet to Monongahela river. He said he had given them the price she stated of $1150 per acre & I told him tonight I would shade that 10%. He said they have the money arranged for to build the canal from Lake Erie to Pgh but the man says they will not come by Youngstown, O & he can't tell him any more as he has already told him too much. Says it will not be commenced this year. Says the Jones plant at Annabelle had been offered at $450 & that disturbed them but it does not suit because of affording no river outlet. He says they are also dealing for 100,000 acres in Marshall & Wetzel Cos & mentioned Allan D. Williams & Andrew's names.</p><p>V24 Page 513</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 5, 1931 Easter 10 AM The West Newton Times Sun of Apr 2, 1931 announced the capture of the four bandits who on Jany 8th last at Madison Pa held up & robbed my 2d cousin once removed Cyrus P. Markle of Capt C.C. of Gbg, Pa mail carrier of the $4000 Yukon package. They were from Indianola Library, Canonsburg, & Monongahela Pa. It also announced the death of cousin Frank M. Neth aged 59 yrs local contractor on Wednesday at 5 Am Apr 1, 1931 at his home in Rostraver Tp after a year's illness. He was born in West Newton, Pa son of the late Philip Neth & his wife Susan McClanahan. In 1896 he married Miss Edith Leck [sic] & they had six children. He was a life long member of Christ Lutheran Church of West Newton & was buried Friday 3d in West Newton Cem & was a member of Junior O.U.A.M. He is survived by his widow & three sons: Lawrence W. & Clair of Suterville, Pa Lester at home & one daughter Evelyn at home. Also by four brothers, George E. M. Elliott & J. Clarence of West Newton Pa John W of Monessen Pa & two sisters Mrs Alma Weise of West Newton Pa & Mrs Carl Martin of Webster Pa & four grandchildren. Make slip.</p><p>V24 Page 514</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 7, 1931 9:30 AM Raymond Chester who has a gasoline sta at Charleroi, Pa son of J.J. Chester & grandson of Aiken Chester came out at 11 AM with Ed D. Dilliner who introduced him & have just left at 11:44 AM. He says a man came to him saying he had a buyer for some coal with access to Monon Rive east of Waynesburg & he & E.E. wanted 5% & would take care of the man who spoke to Chester about it & would see there [sic] man at once & if interested in what I offered would introduce me to the buyer. I told them I would allow them the 5% provided their buyer was not the same person I was negotiating with. They both said that was satisfactory. I priced them the Rowe et all coal 2610 A Cumberland Tp at $2250 per acre & 7500 A in Monon Co WVa & Dunkard Tp with West Point Marion outlet at $1100 all for cash preferred or half cash & bals 1 & 2 yrs with int secured against the property.</p><p>V24 Page 515</p><p>A letter in answer to mine dated Apr 3, 1931 from Dr G.M. Brumbaugh of the National Genealogical Society Wash DC offers help in my indexing problem & says his wife's mother was an Elliott. Am writing her today.</p><p>A letter dated Apr 1, 1931 in answer to mine of Feby 28/31 from Roger K. Patton sends me a small 6x4 inch 13 page pamphlet history of the Patton family by John S. Patton of Fayette Co, Pa which he says he got from me without cost. His address is No 21 North Ave Washington, Pa where his mother Irene K. Patton lives & who he said had sent me the data I wrote him for, but he is giving it & says he has marked it on page 5 & 8 of the little book & I am making a table of what he gives on the next page.</p><p>V24 Page 516</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Stephen Woodrow Patton. I got record years ago from his son John S.. Married Susan P. Galloway who I believe was a granddaughter of Ann Thompson Moss. I think they had nine children.</p><p>[child]</p><p>Rev Joseph Galloway Patton youngest child born 1861 died Aug 29, 1922. He was educated at California Pa Normal School taught 2 yrs in Tyrone Tp this Co, saved his money entered Waynesburg College from which he graduated with honors in 1885 & same year entered Union Theological Sem New York City from which he graduated in 1888. His charges were Old Concord Pres Ch Wash Co, Pa 1888-1890 2d Central Pres Ch South Brownsville 1890-1899 3d Central Pres Ch Washington, Pa 1899-1912, 4th Grace Pres Ch Weatherford, Texas 1912-1917 5th Neville Island Pres Ch 1918 to 1922 the day of his death. Married 1891 Irene Morton Knight still living at Wash Pa daughter of Oliver P. Knight of South Brownsville, Pa & his wife Isabell McJunkins & great granddaughter of Jonathan Knight Quaker 1st Chief Engineer of the B&O RR & Division engineer of the National Road for whom Knightstown, Ind was named. Had 3 sons, the first born in Brownsville, Pa other two in Washington, Pa. Roger Knight Patton b Mch 14, 1892 attended W & J College & graduated from Univ of Pgh 1913 was in World War but not abroad Dist Agt in Wash & Green Cos of Conn Mut Life Ins Co. Married 1929 Mary Logan Dunbar of Hickory Pa. John S. Patton b Oct 11, 1901 graduated fr W&J 1921 & is in investment banking business married 1929 Helen Ahlers of N.S. Pgh Joseph Donald Patton b Apr 12, 1904 graduated W&J 1926 studying law & in trust dept Union NBK, Pgh, single</p><p>V24 Page 517</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 8, 1931 7:30 AM I have two letters dated Oct 8 & 16 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs H.B. Dalton West Point, Miss & from Mary Williams Lloyd writing for Mrs Dalton. They give Greenie Jack's record see b 20 p 610. Greenie Jack married 1st Dec 1876 Jasper Basham on Knob Creek Maury Co, Tenn. He was born Apr 12, 1857 & died Jany 2, 1883 son of William Basham & wife Diana Hale. Married 2nd Dec 8, 1885 to William Joseph McKnight born Oct 29, 1863 & died Sept 12, 1924 married at Carters Creek Maury Co, Tenn, Wm Joseph McKnight was son of John Shannon McKnight & wife Mary Carolyn Fox. He was a member of the Cumberland Pres Ch & a teacher in its S.S. He was also</p><p>V24 Page 518 a member of Theta Lodge No 634 F & A.M. & for 22 years taught in the public schools of Maury & Williamson Cos, Tenn. He was a clean mouthed pure Christian & ruled his home with perfect domination by love & affection. They enclose a clipping which treats largely of Capt James Jack the bearer & says that in carrying the Mecklenberg Declaration to Phila in May 1775, he was accompanied by William Ramsey of NC who later moved to Rutherford Co, Tenn where he died in 1824. It said that Capt James Jack was born in Penna in 1738 & came to NC 8 or 10 yrs (I think it was earlier) before the Revolution He married Margaret Houston & kept a hotel in Charlotte NC served in the campaign in Tenn vs the Indians</p><p>V24 Page 519 in 1776 & by reason of his large acquaintance raised a company of his own spending all of his own means & served under Col Thos Polk in the snow campaign. Spoke of Cornwallis entering Charlotte NC Sept 10, 1781 & said the close of the Revolutionary War found him poor & the State of NC or the government owing him 7456 dollars or pounds. Said that in 1783 he moved to Wilkes Co, Georgia. He died there later. Make slip. The above is from letter of Oct 8, from Mrs Lloyd & the letter [unreadable word] is from Mrs Dalton. She gives some of the earlier records which I am tabling on page 522 see book 20 page 610. The records abt Mrs Daltons' mother were given by Mrs Lloyd the interesting data Mrs Dalton says she got from relatives in Ills & is all well proven back to her great great grandfather Samuel Jack & everything so far points to John Jack</p><p>V24 Page 520 as his father. Much of this data she got from M.J. Patterson 85 years old of Beaucoop Ills. She hopes the data Mrs Lloyd sent me about her sisters is what I wanted & hopes she can help still more. William D. Jack 1815-1841 married Leacy or Leacie Fitzgerald & after his death, she married Robert Church & had the following children (not in our line) 1. A.B. Church married Eva? Oakley 2. Talitha Church married Green Sparkman 3. Snow Church died in young manhood 4. Charlie Church died early in life 5. Lunce [sic] Church died early in life 6. Lev [sic] Church married Wiley Hight after her death [he] married May Walters still living Carters Creek Tenn. For Capt James Jack's war record see Colonial records of NC vol 10 p 937 lists 2d Battalion NC Capt James Jack, Wm Alexander, 1st lieut, Zaccheus Wilson 2d lieut</p><p>V24 Page 521</p><p>History of Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence by Geo W. Graham MD Neale Pub Co NY 1905 has this to say abt the activities of Capt James Jack the bearer. He was with the troops who opposed Cornwallis when he entered Charlotte in Sept 1781. On Dec 24, 1781 it was a worthy member of society etc. Get this book.</p><p>V24 Page 522 & V24 Page 523</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Samuel Jack see b 20 p 610 born Aug 4, 1789 ob 1865. Mrs Harry P. Dalton of West Point, Miss writes that she feels sure that she will get proof that his father was John. I figured that his father was John Jack 2d son of Patrick born 1700. He was in the War of 1812. Married Prudence Davis 2d cousin of Jefferson Davis who was born in 1795 & died 1862. Had 8 children.</p><p>[children]</p><p>William D. Jack b Mch 26, 1815 ob 18941 married Leasey Fitzgerald & had one child see b 20 p 610 David L. Jack b Feby 16, 1817 ob 1877 married Desire Ruth Seanks. Had 3 children. Pinckney Jack, ob Elizabeth Jack ob Prudence Jack ob Easter Jane Jack b Oct 2, 1819 ob married Andrew White. Had 2 children Mary White ob Newton White, ob John Erwin Jack b Dec 1, 1821 ob Oct 1852 married Sarah Phillips. Had 4 children Martha Jane Jack still living aged 85 [unreadable] Mrs M.J. Patterson William B. Jack ob aged 5 yrs Samuel Benton Jack living aged 80 John Erwin Jack Jr ob Isaac Berry Jack b July 26, 1824 ob Oct 1852 was in Mexican War. Married Caroline Walker. No issue Andrew Burnie Jack b Nov 19, 1826 ob Dec 1896 married Martha J. White ob. Had 7 children see page 524. Elizabeth Davis Jack b Jany 7, 1830 ob Apr 1858 Samuel C. Jack b Jany 29, 1831 ob Jany 1911 married Emma Seibert. Had 5 children. Clifford Jay Jack Rhoda Jack now Mrs Merkin 219 W. 5th St W. Frankfort, Ills. Make slip Lora Jack now Mrs Pugh Albert Jack a doctor Elizabeth Jack, ob married David T. Levesay. Both dead.</p><p>V24 Page 524 & V24 Page 525 [descendant chart]</p><p>Andrew Burnie Jack see other side p 523</p><p>[children]</p><p>Robert Burnie Jack Samuel Wiley Jack John Jack, ob David H. Jack William Jack Elizabeth Jack Charles Jack</p><p>V24 Page 526 [blank] V24 Page 527 [blank] V24 Page 528</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 9, 1931 8:15 AM I have a twelve page letter dated Nov 9, 1930 in answer to mine of Aug 25, 1930 from William Finley Speer of Albert Apts Mill St Coraoplis, Pa see book 23 page 523. I am starting on page 530 a genealogical table made up first from my data about William Finley & the Speer data all from bible records & family history & tombstone inscriptions he has gathered. After Jane Thomas Finley his first wife died in 1857, Louis M. Speer in 1859 married a second wife Fannie Steart of Coleraine Forge, Pa & had the following 4 children: David S. Speer Calhoun Speer John S. Van Voorhis Speer Frank Speer He then gives three pages of Power records, but I think I have all he gives in my b 10 pages 4 to 8 incl & he may not have his correct & I feel</p><p>V24 Page 529 sure mine is, so I will not record what he gives which might be confusing but will take down a few dates which I may not have. He says Mary Ellen Starritt, wife of John Finley Power see b 10 p 5 is daughter of James & Elizabeth Starritt, child of Margaret Power & James Woods. He gives James F. Woods. I am entering in table on page 540 & 541 the Torrence & Irwin record he gives. He says James Starritt Power on Apr 14, 1810 married Harriet Bennett, daughter of Major Jno Bennett see b 10 p 5. He says a Finley hist loaned to him by Maude Finley does not mention Jane Thomas Finley as a daughter of Wm Finley but he says Dr John S. Van Voorhis in his hist of the Speers says she is daughter of Wm Finley of Rev James. He gives as Wm's children: 1. Jane Thomas Finley 2. Hannah 3. Margaret married McIlvaine 4. James Lowery 5. Robert M. 6. Sarah Ann married Jones 7. Mary</p><p>V24 Page 530 & V24 Page 531 [descendant chart]</p><p>William Finley son of Rev James Finely 1725-1795 born June 10, 1772 ob Aug 20, 1857 buried at Rehoboth. Got home farm by father's will. Married 1 Sarah Patterson. No issue. Married 2 Margaret M. Wilson b 1794 ob Mch 21, 1850 aged 36 yrs. I think the record of the children below except Jane is what I copied from tombstone records at Rehoboth. I have it marked pages 28 & 29 but no book number.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Harriet Atwood Newell Finley ob Feby 17, 1826 aged 14 yrs tombstone says 14 mos Jane Thomas Finley b Apr 28, 1816 ob Mch 13, 1857 married 1834 Louis Marchand Speer born July 26, 1810 on Thornton farm the old Speer homestead Belle Vernon, Pa son of Noah Speer b Mch 27, 1769 ob June 19, 1832 & his wife Nancy Frey b Sept 16, 1774 ob June 19, 1832. He died Sept 15, 1883 while on a visit at Cadiz, Juvation, O & was buried at Rehoboth. She had 8 children. He remarried see page 528. William Finley Speer b Sept 3, 1835 ob Sept 15, 1870 married Dec 29, 1858 to Mary Starrit Power ob daughter of James Starritt Power & wife Harriet Bennett see page 532 Noah Q. Speer b Aug 7, 1837 ob May 21, 1930 married Allen Bughe see page 534 Margaretta B. Speer b Nov 26, 1840 ob, married Solomon Penniman Speer a cousin, see page 536 Nancy Rozenia Speer ob died in infancy Mary Speer b Jany 3, 1845 ob Feby 1, 1894 married Rev Thos S. Park see page 536 Celia Gillett Speer b Nov 14, 1848 ob Apr 30, 1913 married Rev Robt B. Porter See page 537 James Rowland Speer b Mch 11, 1852 ob 1926 married Sue Andrews see page 538 Louis Edgar Speer b Apr 12, 1856 ob Sept 8, 1892 unmarried He had 4 sons by 2d wife see page 528 Hannah Evans Finley [daughter of William] ob Oct 25, 1847 aged 29 yrs Sarah J. Finley ob Feby 24, 1827 aged 8 yrs James Lowery Finley b 1829 ob Dec 31, 1847 aged 19 Robert M. Finley ob got old home farm & lost it.</p><p>V24 Page 532 & V24 Page 533</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>William Finley Speer see page 530 born Sept 3, 1835 ob Sept 15, 1870 married Dec 29, 1858 Mary Starritt Power daughter of James Starrit Power (who was son of John Finley Power who was son of Col John Power & Margaret Finley of Rev James) & his wife Harriet Bennett daughter of Major John Bennett. They had 5 children.</p><p>[children]</p><p>James Power Speer b June 13, 1860 ob Apr 15, 1893 married June 18, 1889 Jennie McGarvey. Don't have record of children. Louis Marchand Speer b Oct 17, 1861 living Married Oct 4, 1889 to Millie Wood. Have 3 children Clyde Edward Speer Louis Marchand Speer Jr William Wood Speer William Finley Speer Jr b Nov 11, 1866 living married Aug 14, 1895 Ann McDonald. Have 2 children. Donald Speer Raymond Speer Nellie Grant Speer b May 11, 1868 ob Dec 29, 1925 married Henry Graff. One child Preston Graff Harry Speer b June 2, 1869 living married June 21, 1904 Gertrude Barratt. Have 4 children all living. William Finley Speer b May 14, 1905 my informant married Dec 28, 1929 Katherine Beatrice Venter Mary Barrett Speer b Aug 6, 1906, single Harry Prosser Speer b Nov 5, 1911, single Eleanor Young Speer b Nov 21, 1918, single</p><p>V24 Page 531 & V24 Page 532</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Noah Q. Speer see page 530 b Aug 7, 1837 ob May 21, 1930 married Allene Bughe. Had 8 children.</p><p>[children]</p><p>James Howard Speer, married Mary Allene Speer James Howard Speer Jr Bedell Hudson Speer Alexander Burns Speer by a 2d wife. Martha Jane Speer unmarried Louis Marchand Speer, married Allandia Allene Speer Joan Rachel Speer Frances Allene Speer married Reed William Speer Allene Frances Speer Hamilton Bughe Speer unmarried Anne Bughe Speer, married Lambing William Brecht Lambing Charles Lambing Annie Speer Lambing Louise Speer Lambing Cecil Allene Speer unmarried Noah Q. Speer Jr married Miss Dellinger Noah Dellinger Speer Frances Allene Speer Lucille Jane Speer</p><p>V24 Page 536 & V24 Page 537 & V24 Page 538</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Speer]</p><p>[children]</p><p>Margaretta B. Speer see page 530 b Nov 26, 1840 married Solomon Penniman Speer R. Janny Speer unmarried Solomon Penniman Speer Jr disappeared Louis Marchand Speer, unmarried Mary Walker Finley Speer unmarried Mary Speer see page 531 b Jany 3, 1845 married Rev Thos S. Park Louis Marchand Park married, has issue but don't have record Sarah B. Park, married widow, no issue Thomas S. Park unmarried Margarette Allene Park married, widow, no issue Celia Gillett Speer see p 531 born Nov 14, 1848 married Rev Robert B. Porter. Had 6 children. Paull [Peall? Pearl?] Porter Louis Edgar Porter Anna Porter John Andrew Porter George Porter Arthur Porter James Rowland Speer see p 531 born Mch 11, 1852 married & has five children Caroline Speer Maude Speer William Speer James Rowland Speer Jr Natalie Speer</p><p>V24 Page 539 [blank] V24 Page 540 & V24 Page 541</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>[Power] [children]</p><p>Mary Power & John Torrence refer to book 10 p 4 to 8 Samuel Torrence b 1820 ob 1896 James Torrence b 1821, ob John Power Torrence b 1823 ob 1848 Mary Jane Torrence b 1832 ob 1884 William Torrence b 1834 Isabella Power married Isaac Irwin refer to b 10 p 4 to 8 Margaret Irwin b 1826 ob married Mr Blackburn Elizabeth Irwin b 1828 ob never married Rebecca Irwin b 1829 ob married Mr Robertson James Irwin b 1831</p><p>V24 Page 542 [blank] V24 Page 543 [blank] V24 Page 544</p><p>At No 123 Church Place Connellsville, Pa back of Fairview Ave where Mrs Ann Wild lives Rose & I stopped here on our way up from Pgh to see her mother's first cousin, Mrs Ann Wild nee Atkinson born Oct 5, 1845 in Bullskin Tp about 5 miles from here just beyond Murphys' siding where she said her grandfather, Thomas Atkinson with his wife Elizabeth (maiden name not recalled with two or three children perhaps more in the late seventeen hundreds moving from Maryland (county not known) in a covered wagon started for the West with eight slaves, stopped there took up 400 A of land built a cabin & made his home</p><p>V24 Page 545 He died in 1831 aged 64 born say 1767 & his wife died in 1841 aged 70 yrs born say 1771. Both were buried in Connells g.y. & when the library was built she had their remains removed to her 20x30 foot lot in Chestnut Hill Cem across the creek from Hill Grove Cem Connellsville, Pa. They had 8 sons & 4 daughters. 1. Sophia, oldest child never married 2. Thomas, she thought probably the oldest son 3. Susan married George Gregg 4. Jesse, his daughter Catharine married John S. Detwiler & had big family. His son Geo Atkinson had 7 sons & six daughters. 5. James 6. Elizabeth 7. Margaret or Ann or both One of the latter three married a Latta & lived in the mountain.</p><p>V24 Page 546</p><p>8. Charles 9. Richard 10. A son could not recall name. It was John see Everts Hist Bullskin Tp 11. Robert, next to youngest child born Mch 5, 1813 & died Feby 6? 1877 He married Sarah Caldwell born in 1816 & died in 1901 the day after McKinley died. Both buried in her lot. She was daughter of John Caldwell & wife Susan Wilhelm. She married when 19 John Wild a native of England & lived in Columbus & Canton, O. They had but one child, a daughter who married but died 7 yrs later without issue. 12. Alexander Atkinson. She said she was at the John Jones home in North Union Tp now Albert Gaddis missing [does he mean visiting?] a sister of</p><p>V24 Page 547 someone where she saw a history of Fayette Co in an old bookcase Albert's father gave him which had the best history she ever saw of the Atkinsons. She was not sure whether it was under an Atkinson heading or under Bullskin. She thought it an older history than L.H. Everts 1882 History. Mrs Wild was lithe & active & weighed she said less than 100 lbs, one would not take her to be 85 by 20 yrs. She said she nursed Mrs Amanda L. Beeson still living at Sidney, now who she said was born in Feby 1838. The Fayette Co History, if older than Everts would be Veeches. She says a sister of Mrs Albert Gaddis took it with her to Colorado, her home. Left 5 PM</p><p>V24 Page 548</p><p>Her grandfather, Thomas Atkinson was one of the organizers of the first bank in Connellsville, Pa long since defunct.</p><p>V24 Page 549</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 11, 1931 9:33 AM Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of William Allison of 78 McClellandtown Road at 2:30 PM Apr 9, 1931 after a prolonged illness. He was born in Westnd Co, Pa Oct 10, 1858 son of G.A. & Catherine H. Allison. He came to Uniontown, Pa in 1879 mgr of Will Tel Co. Surviving are his widow Mrs Rachel Waltz Allison & two daughters: Mrs Walter Shafer of NY & Rachel Margaret Allison at home & one son: William McMaster Allison of New Haven & one grandson Robert William Allison.</p><p>V24 Page 550</p><p>The West Newton Times Sun of Apr 9, 1931 announces the death of Francis Andrew Gant at his home in South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co, Pa Apr 6, 1931 aged 85 yrs. He was son of John & Mary Gant & was born in South Huntingdon Tp where he resided all of his life. He was a member of The United Pres. Ch & a senior Elder. In 1873, he married Ann Robertson who with the following children survive: Margaret, wife of Albert Miller of West Newton Nancy, wife of L.S. Williams Jessie, wife of J.A. Pore both of Sewickley Tp William R. Gant of West Newton John O. Gant of Pleasant Unity & 13 grandchildren Buried on 9th in West Newton Cem. [Note: Sometimes this surname looks like Gaut. When looking for further information in the notebooks, check both spellings. I really not certain which is correct as in this case the n & the u are very similar.]</p><p>V24 Page 551</p><p>The same paper announces the death of Frank Lassalle aged 27 in Mercy Hospital Pgh Apr 3, 1931 from injuries suffered in Warden Mine from a fall of slate. He was born in West Newton, son of Mr & Mrs Frank Lassalle Sr. Surviving are his widow, Mrs Anna Markle Lassalle & two small children, Frank Jr & Adele Leona, also his parents. buried in West Newton Cem.</p><p>Rose has a letter dated Mch 28, 1931 from W.S. Finley 2492 Derbyshire Road, Cleveland Heights, O of the American Hist Soc Inc. He sends her American? Mag & will help with her Gregg line & me also. Am writing him today.</p><p>V24 Page 552</p><p>The papers sent to me by J. Harry Gorley & his wife Sarah copied records from various old Almanacs & other records as follows: Zalok [sic] Cramers Almanacs for 1803 List of late marriages for 1802: Maj Nathaniel Plummer to Miss Polly Jones Uniontown: Thomas Mason Esq to Miss Nancy Kennedy Deaths for 1802 Mr James Jack of Lancaster, Pa on Sept 6, 1802 Mrs Hiler of Phila aged 103 yrs & 4 mos Mrs Martha Washington wife of the late Gen Washington</p><p>Z. Cramer Almanac for 1808 Marriages, none wanted Deaths Geo W. Elliott drowned up the Monongahela in attempting to save his child At the Bullock Pens June 10, 1802 Mr William Elliott</p><p>V24 Page 553 Cramers Almanac 1812 Marriages: Neville B. Craig Esq to Jane Fulton on May 1 Deaths for 1810 John Moore Feby 17, aged 73 an early settler</p><p>Cramers Almanac for 1813 Marriages Rev John Walker of Mercer Pa to Rachel Scroggs Nov John Austin Esq to Priscilla Stevens Feby 8, 1812</p><p>Cramers Almanac 1815 Marriages: June 7, 1814 John Trevor to Eliza Torrence of Fayette Co, Pa Henry Jack to Elizabeth Boniface 1814 July 17 Deaths: nothing wanted</p><p>Cramers Almanac 1817 Marriages: none wanted Deaths: Mrs Ann Markle Dec 16, 1816 of Ohio Allegheny Co, Pa</p><p>V24 Page 554</p><p>Hon H.H. Brackenridge June 26, 1816</p><p>Cramers Almanac for 1818 Marriages: none wanted Deaths: Westnd Co, Pa Jany 25, 1817 Mrs Sarah Logan</p><p>Cramers Almanac 1819 Marriages: Harmer Denny to Elizabeth Hara [sic] Nov 25, 1817 Deaths 1817 Andrew Jack of the vicinity of Pgh Oct 30, 1817 Gen Arthur St Clair Aug 31, 1817, Chestnut Ridge aged 84 yrs Fayette Co Nov 1817 Isaac Meason Esq the first successful mfr of iron in the western country. William Sherrard Washington Dec 17, 1817</p><p>Cramers Almanac 1820 Marriages: Isaac Peebles to Eliza Herron Feby 2, 1819</p><p>V24 Page 555</p><p>Uniontown, Pa June 12, 1819 Dr Robert MacCall to Anna Maria King (Mrs Huston) Deaths:</p><p>Cramers Almanac 1821 Marriages: Uniontown, Pa Oct 4, 1819 Isaac Beeson to Louisa Carolina Pennock Henry H. Beeson to Ann Downer Dec 19, 1819 Jany 4, 1820 John Dawson to Miss Baily Deaths Pittsburgh, Pa Dec 16, 1819 Col James O'Hara aged 66 yrs Greensburgh, Pa Sept 17, 1819 Mr Casper Markle aged 89 West Point, NY Mr Andrew Elliott Aug 28, 1820 of Pittsburgh, Pa England 1819 James Watt the celebrated engineer aged 84.</p><p>V24 Page 556</p><p>Cramers Almanac for 1832 Marriages: Robert Lecky to Dorcas Allen of Elizabeth Tp Sept 25, 1821 Deaths: James Wills Pittsburgh, Mch 16, 1822 aged 73 yrs</p><p>Cramers Almanac for 1824 Marriages Mch 15, 1822 Henry Sterling to Susan Brown of Greensburgh, Pa</p><p>Cramers Almanac for 1825 Marriages: Pgh Sept 4, 1823 Thomas Davis to Jane D. Peebles Deaths: none taken</p><p>Western Farmer's Almanac for 1830 Marriages: Harvey Childs to Jane Lowrie of Pittsburgh June 5, 1828 William Roseburg to Margaret Garber Apr 2, 1828</p><p>V24 Page 557</p><p>George Shiras Jr to Eliza Herron May 6, 1828 Deaths: Moses Thompson June 31, 1828 aged 37 yrs</p><p>They say Cramers Almanac was first published in 1801 then in 1803 he began the issue of Cramers Magazine Almanac</p><p>V24 Page 558</p><p>A letter dated Nov 30, 1930 from S.M. Carothers Sumter S.C. enclosed a letter dated Oct 14, 1930 from Miss Elizabeth Carothers ggdaughter of Andrew the cripple of Portland, Oregon which he wants returned but which I am laying aside until I come to the letter she wrote me. He had sent this letter to Mrs Flower & she penciled her remarks on it. He sends letter of Mr Jarman of Waterville, NY which he wants rtd & which throws light on the descendants of Robert Carothers born Feby 14, 1750 & furnishes a clue on Hugh Carothers. I am sure it is the same Hugh who settled in Mecklenburg Co, in 1760 & died in 1782 the record of whose will he says I have. He must have come to Virginia from Penna.</p><p>V24 Page 559 & then on to Orange Co NC & on to Mecklenburg Co NC. He has written Mr Jarman for all of his information He has & copies of descendants which he will send me when he gets it. I will write him today for it. He was in error about Rev Archibald Alexander being pastor at Sugar Creek. It was Rev Alex Craighead instead. I made a note that Hugh had a daughter Esther as had William in Va & both had Robert, John, James & James the cooper had a daughter Esther & Rebecca & John 1762 had a daughter Rebecca. It might be that Hugh & William were brothers as both lived in Augusta, Stockbridge? Co, VA.</p><p>V24 Page 560</p><p>The letter to him is from Shelby H. Jarman of Waterville NY where he is Secy & Treas of the Waterville Textile Mills. Make slip. He feels sure that S.M.C.'s James & his own Robert are sons of John & Sarah. He speaks of their [sic] being Caruthers in Augusta Va as early as 1745. He says he will send him shortly what little data he has on the descendants of Robert & Margaret Scott Carothers. Am rtg this letter to S.M.C. today.</p><p>Another 4 page sheet letter from him of Nov 24, 1930 in answer to mine of Nov 11, 1930 which he says he will answer point by point He says in 1750 the British Parliament abolished the old method of computing time & started</p><p>V24 Page 561 the year on Jany 1 instead of Mch 25th. This caused the confusion regarding the births of Robert & James. S.M. says S.H. Jarman of Waterville NY & Eliza Rankin of Rankin Texas are descendants of Robert. Robert's application for pension corresponds almost identically with the application of John the 3d son of John & Sarah as to Regiment, companies & officers. John died in Mecklenberg Co, NC. He says to put Robert's birth on Feby 14, 1749 & James 14 mos later. Am enclosing abstracts of Alexander & John Carothers of Chester Co, Pa. Alexander Carothers is in Cumb Co Census 1790 probably a son of John & also abstract of Robert of Chester Co, in 1770 which mentions same John see[unreadable]</p><p>V24 Page 562</p><p>Robert was born Lancaster Co, Pa evidently before 1750. He says William Caruthers was in Lincoln Co NC of 1790 along side of Robert both having served in Revolutionary War from Apr 1776 to May 1779. Went to Tenn in 1784 to Fayette Co, Ky in 1785 took up land there. James p/a to Hugh Carothers in Orange Co NC. He says this James had a son Joseph & Joseph seems to have had a son Samuel. He says he hasn't gotten back from Mrs Flower but will send it when recd as it was the first letter & gave better information than the second one. He refers to the letters from Miss Elizabeth Carothers, Portland, Oregon. Dr Calvin T. Young Plant City, Fla is a descendant of one Jane Carothers & Francis Young</p><p>V24 Page 563 who were married about 1773. Make slip, later settling in Abbeville, Co, SC with whom I have been corresponding. There was a James in Abbeville Co SC in 1790 he was a brother of above James Carothers & he died there in 1823 leaving a will recorded there, a brother of Jane Carothers Young & also a brother of Samuel Carothers who died in Georgia in 1735 served in Revolutionary War from Guilford Co, NC Mrs Rankin writes that Robert's son of William born in 1785 married Sarah Carothers, his first cousin & they had a son Robert Archibald Carothers. He says Archibald sold his lands in Penna in 1790 & may have gone to Tenn (or was he the Archibald I found record of in Adams Co, O) Am also including letter from Mrs C.R. Mann of Bardstown, Ky. She is not of the</p><p>V24 Page 564</p><p>Fayette or Jessamine Co James but is the twin brother of Andrew & are both treated in Mrs Pilcher's sketch ie Mrs Mann's husband is a descendant of this James & Miss Sarah Carothers is descended from the other James which I think is Mrs Van Dyke's ancestor. I sent Mrs Mann the Pension reports of this latter James & Thomas Carothers but she never rtd them.</p><p>Another letter from S.M.C. dated Dec 7, 1930 in answer to mine of Dec 3 acknowledges the receipt of copy of will of William Carothers of Wash Co, Pa which I sent him & he says I am sure this gives us a line on a son of John & Sarah. We know that his wife's name was Jane & by naming the oldest</p><p>V24 Page 565 daughter Sarah & the oldest son John is another evidence we have the right William. In the census of 1790 Cumb Co, Pa East Pennsboro Tp two Wm Caruthers , either of which could fit him but I think the one in column one page 81 is the right one viz: Wm Carothers Males over 16 males under 16 Females 1 1 3 The other: 2 2 2 He & Jane must have married about 1777 to 1780 & David must have been born after 1790 & as I say the time is just after he sold his land in Cumb Co, Pa. I think Samuel went to western Penna about the same time. I think Samuel is the one who married a Waugh.</p><p>V24 Page 566</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 12, 1931 1:11 PM Rose left with Pallini a few minutes ago to take the 1 o'c street car for Greensburgh Pa where Virginia is to meet her at 3 PM. I have a letter dated Mch 19, 1931 ackg receipt of Registered pkg from me sent Mch 15, (a 3 page letter) & enclosing copies for me to keep of records sent him by Mrs Eliza Rankin of Rankin Tex & Wm O. Carothers of Monticello, Indiana sending their lines of descent (3 pages) which I am embodying in genealogical tables commencing on page 568. Rose weighed 175 net this morning & I 163.</p><p>The New York branch of the Carothers family as furnished me by S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC says he got it from Eliza Rankin of Rankin who could give fuller information & tell who is the author of this record. I am tabling it pages 572-3.</p><p>S.M.C. says that Hugh Carothers Jr or some Hugh was living in Cabarrus Co NC in 1808 when he was on committee to purchase church site at Concord NC as shown by a recorded deed.</p><p>V24 Page 567 [blank] V24 Page 568</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>John & Sarah Carothers of Cumberland Co, Pa. They had a large family of children see his will.</p><p>[children] Robert Carothers b Feby 14, 1749 (or 1750 married Margaret Scott William Carothers born in NC Feby 10, 1785 married Feby 1, 1808 in Tenn Sarah Carothers, his first cousin. Gives one son by her. Married 2d July 29, 1819 Priscilla McBride gives two sons by 2d wife. Married 3 Sept 5, 1835 in Tenn Elizabeth Curl & thinks he had other children. William Archibald Carothers b June 6, 1809 ob 1862 married Juliet McAdams b Nov 23, 1810 ob June 6, 1865 in Tenn. Six children. John F. Carothers b Jany 25, 1831 Robert A. Carothers b Oct 30, 1832 James Carothers b Aug 5, 1834 Sarah Elizabeth Carothers b Dec 21, 1837 ob July 8, 1888 married Jasper Newton Smith b Nov 7, 1828 ob Feby 12, 1912. Both died at Wartrace, Tenn. Eliza Smith married Rankin who has died & she lives at Rankin, Texas Eliza A. Carothers b Nov 5, 1839 William G. Carothers b May 31, 1842 Robert Carothers [son of William b 1785] b July 20, 1820 ob Feby 12, 1849 married Nov 18, 1843 Mary Francis Walker who died June 1, 1844 in a covered wagon rtg from Arkansas to Tenn. No issue James Carothers b Oct 25, 1828 James Carothers [son of John & Sarah] b Apr? 1750 John Carothers to NC William Carothers to Wash Co, Pa Archibald Carothers</p><p>V24 Page 569 [blank] V24 Page 570 & V24 Page 571</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>George Carothers came to North of Ireland to Penna about 1780 to 1785. He had a large family of boys but his great grandson Wm O. Carothers of Monticello, Ind has not trace of any except his son George his own grandfather. He spelled his name Carrothers.</p><p>[children]</p><p>George Carrothers born in Penna in 1792 served in War of 1812. His first wife died & he then married Mrs Mary Barnes Keller a widow with 4 children & had 3 children by her. Births of children given below except George are approximate. First 3 born in Penna & the other 8 in Ohio. Margaret Carrothers b 1815 ob 1899 in Wisconsin. Married John Cramer & had 5 children Gen? Carrothers b 1818 ob about 1839 in Ohio George Carrothers b 1820 ob 1893 in Indiana married Harriet Richardson. Gives 8 children all born in Indiana John Carothers b 1851 Wabash, Ind married Rebecca Bakoharm Avis Carothers b 1853 North Grove, Ind married Newton Freeman William O. Carothers b 1854 Monticello, Ind married Eliza B. Roe Benjamin Carothers b 1857 died away Victoria Carothers b 1860 Amboy, Ind Married W.D. Soward George B. Carothers b 1864 Twelve Mile Ind Mabel Carothers b 1866 Fairmont Ind married Geo Hendricks W.H. Carothers b 1868 Macy, Ind married Viola Biggs William Carrothers b 1833 ob 1893 in Indiana married Mrs Rose Prichett. No issue Rachel Carrothers b 1826 ob 1851 in Indiana married Hiram Barnes No issue Mary Carrothers b 1829 ob 1883 in Indiana married Wm Barnes Had 7 children. James Carrothers b 1832 ob 1894 in Indiana married Mary Storet. No issue. Jackson Carrothers died in infancy & his mother died Elizabeth Carrothers b 1842 ob 1856 in Indiana Cynthia Carrothers b 1844 ob 1915 in Indiana married Robert Morrow Lucinda Carrothers b 1846 ob in Peru Ind married P.M. Holt 2 children.</p><p>Apr 12, 1931. S.M. Carothers writes that this is only a partial record & says there were two letters from W.O.C. to Eliza Rankin that gave more light on the family record.</p><p>V24 Page 572 & V24 Page 573</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>John Carothers see page 566 NY branch was born Dec 9, 1774. Is this the ancestor of S.H. Jarman of Waterville NY & son of Robert of John & Sarah. Married Betsy Sickler 4 years his junior & they had 15 children four of whom died in infancy & last two are twins.</p><p>[children]</p><p>William B. Carothers ob married & settled in Ohio & had 5 children all married. Nathan settled in Noner? [best guess on his best guess] Co Indiana & the other 4 all settled in Ohio Nathan Carothers ob married Rebecca Strouse in Indiana. She is living. Had six children two dead, others living but only names five. Melinda Carothers Mary Carothers ob Edwin Carothers Charles Carothers ob Frank Carothers Newton Carothers [son of William B.] Zilpha Carothers Betsy Carothers Adeline Carothers Clarissa Carothers [daughter of John & Betsy] ob married Enoch Saber & had 7 children but only names six. Jane Saber William Saber John Saber Clarissa Saber Henry Saber James Saber Henry Carothers ob came to Indiana & settled near Kendallville. Married Elizabeth Eaton married 2d ______. Both wives dead. Left one son. Roderick Carothers married Martha Holmes & moved to near Nentashole [best guess] St Joseph Co, Indiana. They have 5 or 6 children & also grandchildren John Carothers Jr ob married & lived in Hobart, Lake Co, Indiana Betsy Carothers ob married a Howard & moved to LaGrange Co, Indiana. Left 4 children. Family all gone except one or two grandchildren. Austin Carothers ob married & lived in Mich. Left 3 daughters & 2 sons Madison Carothers ob married Lydia Eggleston & had 5 children, names six. Sarah Carothers Henry Carothers Ann Carothers Eliza Carothers Lyman Carothers Libbie Carothers Matilda Carothers ob married Stephen Sterns. Lives in Indiana & then moved to Wisconsin 3 children. Aira Sterns Aenad Sterns Elma Sterns Delana Carothers (twin) ob married Anson Herendeen & moved to Indiana. Had 6 children Minerva Herendeen Alzina Herendeen Welthann Herendeen Ellen Herendeen Henry Herendeen James Herendeen Delora Carothers (twin) ob married Martin Follett lived in Indiana for a time & then moved to Iowa Mariah Jan Carothers ob 4 others d.y.</p><p>V24 Page 574</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 13, 1931 8:15 AM Rose was telling me Friday night about having had a Mrs or Miss Zugosmith of Pgh tell her fortune. She was from Franklin, Pa where he father was the rich man of the town & she married a man & on going to the Waldorf-Astoria on her wedding trip, she learned he married her for her money, so she divorced him 3 mos later & took her maiden name. No issue. She knew the Grimms of Franklin & said Daniel Grimm was not worth more than $100,000 (I think in this she is mistaken). Said he kept a grocery store & later a catering shop & that his wife & all the children helped in the store & shop & that the girls all married rich men.</p><p>V24 Page 575</p><p>A letter dated Jany 11, 1931 in answer to mine of August last from Mrs Louisa Sharp (nee Jacks) of Long Crendons Thame Oxon, England gives further records of her family some of which I have entered in place at b 23 p 328-9 & am transferring to next page 576 record of her father's descendants. She says the daughter of her brother Dr L.P. Jacks is the wife of last year's Lord Mayor of Liverpool & one of his sons is the head of Mill Hill School one of England's best known great schools. Her husband sends his regards & wishes he could visit me.</p><p>V24 Page 576 & V24 Page 577</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Jabez Jacks see b 23 p 328 born May 9, 1826 ob May 1, 1874 married May 5, 1853 Anne Steere daughter of William Steere of Nottingham, Eng.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Leonard James Jacks b Feby 16, 1854 ob Nov 13, 1883 Annie Mary Jane Jacks b Mch 16, 1856 married June 1876 Samuel Fisher of Nottingham, Eng. Have three children. Mary Grace Fisher b 1877 married 1904. She died 1907 married Alan Watson. Arnold Lawrence Fisher b Oct 1878 Winifred Annie Stretton Fisher b Dec 1887 married 1911 Gordon Laeroyd of Huddernfield [sic] Louisa Jacks b Jany 20, 1858 married 1883 Thomas Edmund Sharp farmer of Barkestone, Notts. Both living. Edmund Jacks Sharp b Mch 6, 1884 married 1914 Amy Margaret Alice Hinchley of Bristoe Ella Elizabeth Sharp b June 20, 1886 ob 1918 in NY Clara Phyllis Sharp b Dec 19, 1887 married Sept 23, 1922 Chas Gleaford Bothamley of Paradise, Nova Scotia. Leonard Jacks Sharp b Mch 13, 1890 married Sept 16, 1916 Mary Josephine Weale of Constantinople, Turkey Thomas Ralph Taylor Sharp b Sept 29, 1891 married 1912 Suzanne Elizabeth Delemburgher of Randolph, O Mary Hope Sharp b Sept 23, 1895 ob 1918 at River Glade Sanatorium New Brunswick Lawrence Pearsall Jacks prob in Oxford University. Has 5 sons & one daughter. Says she will get & send me his record & I am writing her for it.</p><p>V24 Page 578</p><p>I have a letter dated Jany 7, 1931 from Georgia M.D. Roat of 376 E. Mahoning St Milton, Pa sending me further records, supplementing what I had recorded from her on pages 150-154 this book & I am now tabling what she sends, commencing on page 580. She regrets that she is not able to send me the record of Samuel Derickson of New York.</p><p>V24 Page 579 [blank] V24 Page 580 & V24 Page 581</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Christian Mercklen born in Alsace France 1678 & died in 1766 at Moselem Springs, Berks Co, Pa</p><p>[his son]</p><p>Peter Merkle, eldest son b Apr 15, 1721 ob 1785 at or near Moselem Springs Pa</p><p>[his son]</p><p>Christian Markle b 1758 at Moselem Springs Pa ob 1836 at Milton, Pa married Anna Maria Straub</p><p>[their children]</p><p>Mary Markle b Nov 26, 1792 ob July 26, 1846 at Milton, Pa married Jesse Derickson b Aug 9, 1786 son of David Derickson & wife Mary Wood. He died Feby 27, 1861. They had 10 children born at Milton, Pa all but Samuel died at Milton, Pa Samuel Derickson b Jany 5, 1815 ob in NY City Mary Derickson b Dec 24, 1817 ob Mch 1912 unmarried William Wood Derickson b Dec 16, 1819 ob Nov 17, 1865 married Aug 30, 1854 to Mary Elizabeth Follmer his first cousin see next page. Had six children born in Milton, Pa see page 582 Gideon Markle Derickson b Apr 7, 1822 ob May 16, 1832 Peter Markle Derickson b Sept 3, 1824 ob Mch 16, 1825 Harriet Ann Derickson b Mch 1, 1826 ob May 24, 1832 Mary Elizabeth Comly Derickson b Dec 28, 1828 ob Apr 12, 1854 married Joseph L. Anten. No record. Christian Markle Derickson b Feby 25, 1832 ob Nov 22, 1836 Catharine Louise Derickson b Aug 31, 1834 ob May 5, 1858 married George H. DyBall of Phila, Pa. Have no record Sarah Caroline Derickson b Nov 5, 1839 ob Oct 3, 1920 unmarried Katherine Markle [daughter of Christian & Anna Maria] ob June 21, 1883 at Milton, Pa married Philip Follmer b Dec 15, 1793 ob Sept 16, 1882 son of Henry Follmer & wife Susanna Stahl report 3 children born & died in Milton, Pa. Samuel Follmer b Mch 26, 1829 ob Nov 21, 1866 married Sarah Summers b Feby 10, 1835 ob Dec 18, 1899 daughter of John & Amanda Summers. Ella Follmer, only child. ob. Had 4 children one living, no record. Married Wm Stout Richard Stout is the one living, a man of many changes. He left Milton, Pa many yrs ago & don't know where he is Mary Elizabeth Follmer b Nov 29, 1831 ob Jany 4, 1919 married Aug 30, 1854 Wm Wood Derickson her first cousin see page 582 Philip Henry Follmer b May 19, 1835 ob July 11, 1891 married 1. Sarah Dressler born 1847 ob 1869 daughter of Daniel & Mary Dressler (Had one child) of Milton, Pa. Married 2 Mary Meixell ob daughter of Lewis & Catharine Meixell (report 2 children) of Milton, Pa. He had four daughters one died in infancy. Katherine Markle Follmer married Rev Noll Carrie Follmer Grace Follmer a daughter ob in infancy</p><p>V24 Page 582</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>William Wood Derickson married Mary Elizabeth Follmer see pages 580 & 581.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Jesse Derickson b May 1855 ob Sept 4, 1860 Katherine Markle Derickson b Sept 9, 1857 ob Dec 17, 1917 married Jany 28, 1885 Harry D. Ettla son of George & Mary Ettla two sons born in Milton, Pa George Henry Ettla b June 30, 1888 Myron Derickson Ettla b Apr 7, 1891 married Sept 20, 1929 Miss Esther Maganson of Rock Island, Ills Philip Henry Derickson (twin) b Oct 3, 1859 ob Feby 23, 1861 Samuel Derickson (twin) b Oct 3, 1859 married Annie E. Emerson born at Dorsey Neb July 5, 1869 daughter of John & Eliza Emerson. Have 8 children born at Dorsey, Neb Georgie Markle Derickson b Jany 8, 1862 married Apr 25, 1912 Clarence Auten Roat son of Lewis Roat & wife Jane Hunter. No issue. She is my good informant for this record William Wood Derickson Jr b Apr 22, 1865 ob Nov 21, 1872</p><p>V24 Page 583 [blank] V24 Page 584</p><p>[descendant chart] John Markle born Oct 24, 1785 ob May 14, 1868 see page 580 married Oct 11, 1821 Elizabeth Bright daughter of Jacob & Sara Bright. She was born Mch 10, 1799 & died Aug 5, 1837. Their children were born in Milton, Pa.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Eveline Bright Markle b Oct 14, 1822 ob Oct 7, 1843 William Christian Markle b Nov 25, 1824 ob Apr 8, 1826 George B. Markle b July 1, 1827 ob Aug 18, 1888 married Emily _____ who died Sept 17, 1888 George B. Markle Jr ob July 11, 1914 Mary Margaret Markle b Dec 19, 1829 ob July 15, 1908 married Griffin Emma Jane Markle b Aug 15, 1834</p><p>V24 Page 585 [blank] V24 Page 586</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 14, 1931 7:42 AM I have a letter dated Mch 8, 1931 in answer to mine of Mch 6, from A.R. Markle Box 506 Terre Haute, Ind saying he has spent much time in Markle research work in the past six months & says the records of the Moselem Church tell the whole story of the family. Several old theories have been disproved by my research work in Penna & NY in past six months & I will rehearse some of them to you: I am making up a table commencing on page 590 & using the dates & information he gives. The boys & girls are given in order of ages but as to where the girls come as relates to the boys is guess work except that Catharine is the oldest child. He says the records show that both Peter & Casper married Catharine daughter of Egibus Grimm & that Casper's first child Ann Rosina born Feby 7, 1756 was named as daughter of Casper & Catharine but in the births of his other children, his wife was named as Elizabeth which is correct. Records he says shows Magdalena born in 1769 when it should be 1764 which I got from same Church records which Looks as if his examination is careless</p><p>V24 Page 587</p><p>He says Rev John Casper Stover gives his wife's name as Maria Catharina born May 14, 1715 at Lambesheim in Chur Pfaltz, a small village about 15 miles from Mannheim (make slip). He states they arrived in America Sept 9, 1728. He is the authority for the name of the wife given above of John Christian Mercklen so generally given as Jemima Wuertz's & as written by him in 1778, 45 years after his marriage to her daughter & his continued connection with the family builds for the correctness of his statements. Anna Lena, youngest daughters on Dec 3, 1750 married Peter Biehl as Magdalena daughter of Christian Mercklen. Her tombstone in Moselem Churchyard names her as Anna Helena Biehlen born he says Feby 21, 1775 (25 yrs after her marriage) See if I got date when there in Aug 1898. Make slip. At Reading, look for will of Peter Biehl who died Dec 20, 1802. Make slip. He says he has a great deal more of the Moselem Church records. I am writing today asking for them. The deed from Peter Heimpaugh to Abraham Markle is dated Dec 3, 1795 & is for 115 A in lot 94 Ulysses Tp Onondaga Co (since Tompkins) NY. He sold this land Dec 1, 1800 when he is described as of "upper Canada, late of Ulysses". Abram bought & sold as follows: Jany 15, 1796 bought 100 A in lot 7</p><p>V24 Page 588</p><p>Jany 20, 1796 bought part of lot 85 which he sold July 19, say 1796 (he said 1786) Nov 22, 1797 he sold part of lot 85 & Catharine joined in deed. Sept 1, 1798 his name appears again on the records as Town Clerk Oct 8, 1798, he sold the balance of lot 85 In 1799 the meetings of the town were held in his home & on Page 101 Landmarks of Tompkins Co J.H. Sebkreg D. Mason & Co Publishers Syracuse 1894: "Abram Markle came to Ithaca soon after the settlement & in 1800 built the first frame house in the place. There was then a carpenter here named Delano who had for an apprentice, Luther Gore (who afterwards rose to influence & wealth) & they built the house. It was situated & stood until recent years just north of the Cascadilla on the west side of the street, the second building from the mill. Mr King says that probably Mr Markle brought up a small store of goods, but could scarcely be considered a regular merchant". Page 102 "Abram Markle town clerk 1795 & both supervisor & town clerk for several years thereafter. He was J.P. in 1800. Henry Markle (farmer & innkeeper) was Overseer of the Highways in 1800" Page 103 "The town meetings of the town of Ulysses from 1785 to 1817 were held within the present limits of the town of Ithaca, viz: In 1795 in the house of Peter Hinepaw in 1799 at the house of Abram Markle"</p><p>V24 Page 589</p><p>Page 213 "Abram Markle was town clerk in Apr 1795 & in Sept 1795 he certified to himself - Abram Markle Esq & Henry Markle, farmer being on Jury"</p><p>V24 Page 590 & V24 Page 591</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>John Christian Markle (Mercklen) born in Alsace or Lorraine July 19, 1678 (Anjou record) & died at Moselem Springs Berks Co, Pa in 1766 probably early in May when he made his will Apr 25, 1749 it was Phila Co, Pa & when it was probated on May 22, 1766 it was Berks Co, Pa. He named 4 sons & 5 daughters. A.R. thinks he finds evidence there may have been other children. Married in Germany (it may have been Holland) Catharine Brucher (not Jemima Wuertz as we have always thought) & to them were born the nine children below.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Catherine Markle b May 14, 1715 see p 587 ob married Apr 8, 1733 Rev John Casper Stover Frankiena Markle ob married Rugh Mary Appolonia Markle ob married John Jacob Hill Johan Hill b June 10, 1751 Peter Markle b Apr 15, 1721 ob 1785 married Nov 16, 1750 Catharine Grimm daughter of Egibus (he says Egidius) Grimm see pages 592-3 Anna Maria Markle ob married Frederick Kramer Frederick Kramer b Aug 30, 1749 George Markle ob married Dec 18, 1750 Christina Hill daughter of Jacob Hill Christian Markle ob married Anna Lena or Magdalena Markle b Feby 21, 1725 ob Mch 18, 1805 married Dec 3, 1750 Peter Biehl b Mch 21, 1726 ob Dec 20, 1802 both buried in Moselem G.Y. & have stones. Casper Markle b 1732 ob Sept 19, 1819 married 1 Apr 1, 1755 Elizabeth Grimm daughter of Egibus Grimm Married 2 May 1776 Mary Rothermel daughter of John Rothermel Anna Rosina Markle b Feby 7, 1756 Catharine Elizabeth Markle b Aug 20, 1757 Magdalena Markle b Apr 20, 1764 Esther Markle b Sept 13, 1766 Abraham Markle b Feby 20, 1769 Daniel Markle b Aug 14, 1771</p><p>V24 Page 592 & V24 Page 593</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Peter Markle see page 590 born Apr 15, 1721 ob 1785 married Nov 16, 1750 Catherine Grimm. A.R. Markle of Terre Haute, Ind says the baptismal record of Moselem Church shows the first seven given below as their children. His will names the next two & Mrs Ella Zerbe Elliott author of the Blue Book of Schuylkill Co, Pa his descendant is authority for Michael being a son & for his children. He has overlooked Christian whose name I have added.</p><p>[children]</p><p>Catherine Eva Markle b Sept 22, 1751 ob Maria Appolonia Markle b Feby 18, 1783 ob Anna Elizabeth Markle b Aug 11, 1755 ob Sophia Dorothea Markle b Jany 27, 1758 ob bap Feby 19, 1758 Bernhard Markle b Apr 17, 1762, ob Johanna Guti [sic] Markle b Oct 13, 1764, ob Anna Maria Markle b June 21, 1767 ob Gideon Markle, ob Esther Markle Michael Markle b Jany 8, 1771 ob Mch 5, 1829 married Elizabeth Erbe b 1774 ob 1857 Had 10 children Philip Markle b July 21, 1794 ob Magdalena Markle b Sept 29, 1796 ob married George Zerbe A.R.M. says she was the mother of Ella Zerbe Elliott Elle Zerbe married Elliott Catherina Markle b Sept 8, 1798, ob Elizabeth Markle b Feby 8, 1803 ob married Samuel Yost Susanna Markle b May 8, 1805 ob married Bernard Shartte [or Shartle] Sarah Markle b July 7, 1807 ob Henry Markle b 1809, ob Hannah Markle b Oct 11, 1812 ob married David Scholl John George Markle b July 7, 1814 ob William Markle b Feby 8, 1816, ob Christian Markle b 1758 evidently twin of Sophia Dorothea ob 1836 see pages 150-4 and 578-84</p><p>V24 Page 594</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 15, 1931 7:50 AM It is 66 years this morning since Lincoln died shot the night of Apr 14, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth. In the Penna Magazine of History for Apr 1931 Vol LV NO 218 on page 164 under Bibliography is noted: 1. "History of Berkeley Co & Martinsburg WVA by F.V. Aler Hagerstown 1888" make slip to get it. 2. The Discovery Settlement & present State of Kentucky by John Filson Wilmington 1784" 3. Sketches of Virginia Historical & Biographical by W.M. Foote Phila, 1850"</p><p>The above are from 5 pages of bibliography in connection with a 30 page good article on "Pennsylvania as an early distributing center of population" by Wayland Fuller Dunaway PhD of Pennsylvania State College. A bunch of papers sent me by S.M. Carothers enclosed a certified copy of a P/A recorded deed book "A" p 18 Jessamine Co Ky Nicholasville, Ky from James Carothers dated Mch 25, 1799 to Hugh Carothers of Orange Co NC to collect any monies due him as a soldier in the late war with Great Britain.</p><p>V24 Page 595</p><p>In a letter dated Apr 16, 1928 from S.M. Carothers to W.W. Quinn Jr, Clerk of Jessamine Co, KY asking for a synopsis of deeds relating to James Carothers he said he died in your Co in 1835 Quinn gives following: James Carothers to Hugh Carothers 1799 James Carothers to Joseph Carothers 1823 James Carothers & Joseph Carothers to James S. Nicholson 1823 James Carothers & Susan Carothers to Samuel Carothers 1857 Same to Alfred McTyre 1860</p><p>James Carothers from Natl Evans 1796 James Carothers from Wm Evans 1804</p><p>In Will Book "E" page 196. The estate of James Carothers is appraised at $178.62 on Nov 6, 183 by M.T. Singleton, Jeremiah Singleton & Andw Hampton.</p><p>Patrick Henry, governor of Ky by virtue of a pre-emption Treas warrant no 838 issued June 28, 1780 to James Caruthers hereby grants to him a tract of land ctg 1000 Acres as per survey made May 21, 1785 lying & being in the county of Fayette on the waters of the south Fork of Elkhorn on the south side thereof & bounded as follows: Beginning on the south side of a ridge thence south 600 rods to Buffalo</p><p>V24 Page 496</p><p>Road, thence east 226 2/3 rods thence north 600 rods thence west 266 2/3 rods to beginning. Dated Aug 20, 1786 11th yr of Com. Patrick Henry Gov. Clell [sic] Coleman auditor Book 9 p 381 Scott Co Ky was once a part of Fayette Co, Ky</p><p>Deed dated June 18, 1823 from James Carothers of Jessamine Co Ky to his son Joseph Carothers of same county in consideration of his natural love & affection for his son conveys a tract of land in said con on the waters of Clear Creek whereon the said James now resides ctg 125 A to Joseph Carothers being land conveyed to James by heirs of Nathl Evans. But James retains management & control of said property for support of himself & daughter Polly Carothers if she should remain single with him until his death & for her support after his death if still remaining single, but if she should marry, Joseph is to pay her $200 to clear the land. James Carothers, Joseph Carothers Many deeds to Samuel Carothers viz: In 1857, 1863, 1856, 1872, 1876, 1880, 1885, & 1888</p><p>V24 Page 597</p><p>S.M.C. writing Apr 21, 1928 to the Secy of State Frankfort, Ky says that James Carothers & Thomas Carothers both Revolutionary Soldiers serving from NC James lived in Jessamine Co Ky in 1796 & died there in 1835. Thomas lived in Scott Co & died about the same time Both were granted Pensions in 1818 when living in these respective counties. Jessamine Co was formed from Fayette Co, in 1796. V24 Page 598</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 16, 1931 7 AM I come again to letter postmarked Oct 25, 1930 from James A. Britton sent from 702 Pierepont St Brooklyn NY & while Pallini sd his little book showed we had been at Mrs Axton's at end of bridge West Brownsville, Pa in Apr 1923 I do not find in in book 9 but find that was when we were at John O. Stewart's in Luzerne Tp. Rather than spend further time hunting, I will now record in table form com. on Page 600 the data he sends, although I have much of it recorded heretofore. I am not so sure as to whether he has the first part of the Gibbons record page 601 right. I have a letter dated Feby 22, 1931 from Mrs Wm Porter Brown very hard of hearing & carrying a trumpet of 1726 Irwin Ave, North side Pittsburgh, Pa pursuant to her & her sister Mrs Pritchard's call on me at the Eye & Ear Hospital. She says she is the youngest child of Jane Smurr Dorland & says the grandparents on both sides were dead before she was born. She says Reason Smurr's son Harry Smurr, Connellsville, Pa can give me their dates. Make slip to see him. Elias Smurr (brother of Reason) has not been heard of for</p><p>V24 Page 599</p><p>45 years & I suppose he is dead. His sons, I only saw when I was quite young, the middle one being about my age & there was one older & one younger than me. In moving from our old home in Manchester, my sister lost some of the things & has not been able to find the family bible which I remember had written in it all of the births, marriages & deaths written by my father, John M. Dorland a fine penman gifted from his father & mother who wrote like copper plate. She sends a three page large sheet closely written copper plate hand record of the Richey - Smurr family which I am tabling on pages 602 & 603 making the first generation from my won knowledge to establish connection & using only such names as she gives for second generations, which is but part of the children & all the later generations just as she gives them. I have added names of James Jesse & Samuel to the 2d generation. Her husband, Wm Porter Brown was in the city treas office 25 years & is now treas of the James & Brown Ins Agency. Her eldest daughter, Marian Lavinia is a graduate of the Indiana State Normal School & is now teaching in Daniel Webster School, Pgh, Pa William Roseberg who married Martha Owens page 602 was cashier of the bank of Pittsburgh, Pa.</p><p>V24 Page 600 & V24 Page 601</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Elizabeth Jack called "Bet" Jack in the family married Elisha Peairs both buried at Laurel Hill Pres Ch g.y. Fayette Co, Pa see b 5 p 372 see b 8 p 56 see b 13 p 123</p><p>[children]</p><p>Jeremiah Peairs b Apr 6, 1758 Joseph Peairs b Apr 10, 1760 ob Apr 3, 1807 see b 26 p 96 John Peairs b Mch 29, 1763 Mary Peairs b Feby 23, 1765 ob Jany 24, 1795 married James Allen Anna (Nancy Ann) Peairs b Dec 25, 1769 married 1 Harry Stevens ob, married 2 William Horner ob Elizabeth Horner ob, married John Pringle, ob Sarah L. Pringle b July 11, 1840 ob Dec 6, 1925 I got record from her in 1923 at West Brownsville, Pa married Andrew K. Axton b Dec 16, 1839 ob July 10, 1906 Elizabeth Victoria Axton b Apr 24, 1861 ob Dec 1, 1929 Thomas Moffitt Axton b Dec 15, 1865 ob June 11, 1926 Margaret Gertrude Axton b July 1, 1867 Anna Louise Axton b Aug 10, 1870 ob Oct 25, 1901 Helen Blanche Axton b May 19, 1872 married Wm Alexander Britton born Sept 9, 1872. Have 3 children all living. Owen Underwood Britton b Feby 27, 1900 James A. Britton b Aug 31, 1904 William Wallace Britton b Dec 29, 1908 Emmett Ryman Axton b Nov 14, 1874 ob Mch 12, 1913 Grace Axton b Sept 20, 1878 ob in infancy Effie Belle Axton b May 24, 1882 Isaac Peairs [son of Elisha] b Apr 5, 1772 (twin) Isabella Peairs b Apr 5, 1772 (twin) Elisha Peairs b Dec 4, 1774 Sophia Peairs b Dec 11, 1776 married Dr Benjamin Stevens Betty Stevens ob William Stevens, ob Jane Stevens, ob Nellie Gadd Stevens, ob Elisha Stevens ob see b 26 p 62 & b 25 p 425 Priscilla Stevens ob married Thomas Duncan Sophia Duncan ob married Laning Arthur Duncan ob Elizabeth Duncan ob married Wm Worrell Dr William S. Duncan ob married T. Jeff Duncan of Washington, Pa ob married Sophia Stevens [daughter of Benj] ob school teacher Elizabeth Peairs [dau of Elisha] b Sept 30, 1779 Rachel Peairs b Nov 8, 1787 ob married 1 Rachel Stevens ob married 2 Joshua Gibbons ob see b 25 p 459 Joshua V. Gibbons, ob Elisha Peairs Gibbons ob married Emma Gibbons ob married Geo L. Moore. Think had 5 or 6 children. Guy Moore Ethel Moore</p><p>V24 Page 602</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Jane Caruthers daughter of James Caruthers & his wife Catherine Potter born 1772 & died 1829 buried Wooster, O see b 3 page 139 item 24 aged 57, married John Richey born 1763 & died 1828. Buried Wooster, O see b 3 page 139 item 23 aged 65 yrs.</p><p>[children]</p><p>1. James Richey b 1792 ob June 12, 1836 aged 43 yrs. See June 19, 1929 at Lodi, O b 22 p 540 2. Jesse Richey see b 3 p 139 b Jany 7, 1794 ob Sept 1, 1847 see b 22 p 524 & 529 married 1. Married 2. 3. John Richey b 1797 ob 1878 see g 25 p 280 4. Elizabeth Richey b Mch 11, 1799 ob Aug 23, 1856 [or 1850] at her brother John Richey's home near Webster Pa & taken to Wooster, O for burial. Married William F. Smurr b Dec 14, 1800 ob Jany 9, 1839 aged 38 yrs see tombstone record at Wooster, O Book 3 page 139 item 27 She gives his dates b 1802 ob 1850 & says it is guess work. 4. Jane Smurr born Jany 30, 1826 ob Apr 19, 1897 married Dec 22, 1844 John McNamara Dorland born Jany 20, 1814 ob Jany 2, 1869 residence Pittsburgh, Pa. Had 9 children see next page 603. 6. William F. Smurr b Jany 8, 1830 ob, not heard from since 1849 thinks went to Calif in "gold rush" 7. Elias Smurr b Mch 31, 1832 ob married, not heard from for 45 years. Lived in Iowa Edward Smurr b 1863 Earnest Smurr b 1865 Lewis Smurr b 1867 All three probably living in Iowa 9. Reason Smurr b Mch 6, 1836 ob married David Ralphy [sic] Smurr Harry Smurr, has record William Smurr Kate Smurr Lillie Smurr 10. Elizabeth Smurr b July 8, 1839 ob June 22, 1918 married May or June 1863 to Samuel T. Owens b Mch 23, 1839 ob July 31, 1917 Elizabeth Owens b Feby 22, 1864 married 1 Feby 4, 1883 Saml R. Wightman b 1864. Married 2 1913 Murray G. Livingston who died Dec 20, 1930 Rosalind Wightman B Dec 4, 1885 Nurse West Penn Hosp. Pgh, Pa single Kenneth Wightman b Nov 4, 1895 married Nov 1914 & has 3 boys & 1 girl Martha Owens b Feby 22, 1866 ob July 28, 1906 married Wm Roseburg who died Sept 1, 1906 Samuel T. Owens Jr b Mch 4, 1871 ob Mch 21, 1921 married 1920 Nancy McKee who died Mch 21, 1921 Clara Charles Owens b Jany 3, 1873 married 1902 James Gieseg who died Mch 18, 1905. No issue. See b 25 p [blotted maybe 1-3] for 5 other children [Smurr children] 5. David Richey [son of John] ob July 19, 1879 aged 77 yrs unmarried 6. Samuel Richey b 1804 ob June 12, 1832 aged 28 yrs 7. Rebecca Richey b Jany 24, 1807 ob Sept 3, 1893 married John Culbertson, ob John Culbertson Jr ob Elizabeth Culbertson b Jany 15, 1836 ob Apr 30, 1866 married J.S. Brown from Perrysville, Pa Elizabeth Brown born abt 1864 or 1865 married a man named Krample who at one time was in the coal business in Ben Avon, Pa just at the station. 8. Andrew Finley Richey b Oct 20, 1810 ob Nov 19, 1867 9. Hunter Richey b 1812 ob Nov 7, 1882 aged 70 yrs unmarried</p><p>V24 Page 603</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Jane Smurr see page 602 b Jany 30, 1826 ob Apr 19, 1897 married John McNamara Dorland on Dec 22, 1844 at Red Bank Furnace. He was son of Isaac Dorland b Dec 8, 1782 ob Mch 15, 1846 & his wife Jane McNamara b Dec 8, 1786 ob Sept 22, 1862 [children]</p><p>Jane Collins Dorland b July 6, 1854 ob Feby 2, 1870 Clara E. Dorland b Nov 11, 1845 ob Aug 13, 1871 married Oct 31, 1867 to William A. Sipe lawyer & congressman b July 1, 1844 residence formerly Allegheny, now San Diego, Calif. Nellie E. Sipe b Sept 5, 1868 married Apr 11, 1892 David L. Fulton b May 22, 1864 ob Feby 28, 1927 Helen E. Fulton b Dec 1, 1896 married May 5, 1920 John F. Baker b Jany 31, 1893 see b 25 p 142 No issue. Lieut Alan L. Fulton of U.S. Army b May 27, 1899 married Aug 29, 1924 Kathryn Johnson b June 21, 1899 Annette J. Fulton b Apr 1, 1927 Mary Porter Sipe b Nov 15, 1870 ob Jany 6, 1871 David Richey Dorland b July 17, 1848 ob Apr 15, 1922 married Millie Medberry born Apr 29, 1864 ob July 3, 1902. Have had 2 children born married in Bradford, Pa where the three oldest children were born & the 4th was born in Allegheny, Pa Eva Jane Dorland b Aug 11, 1887 married Claud K. Allison b 1888 live Cleveland, O Claudia D. Allison b [unreadable] 1913 Claud K. Allison Jr b Mch 18, 1915 Sadie Jeannette Dorland b June 9, 1889 married Mont. Denning [best guess] Live in Pgh have 1 son Freda Dorland b July 10, 1892 of Apr 28, 1931 married John Gordon b 1892 David Richey Gordon b 1921 Freda D. Gordon b Mch 29, 1923 John M. Dorland b Mch 26, 1897 married Thelma Ballard, Live Pgh, Pa Have 1 daughter b 25 p [unreadable] John McNamara Dorland Jr b Mch 30, 1850 unmarried lives 72 S. Euclid Ave Bellevue, Pa Isaac Dorland b Mch 18, 1852 ob July 13, 1886 married Apr 15, 1880 Joanna E. McClure B Apr 9, 1856 ob May 16, 1926 1 son born in Allegheny, Pa Charles R. Dorland b May 25, 1881 married 1 Dec 26, 1911 Margaret Mae Reed b Mch 17, 1889 ob May 9, 1921 have had 4 children see b 25 p 142 married 2 July 6, 1929 Ruby Jane Andrews Chas Kenneth Dorland b Mch 11, 1913 Margery B. Dorland b Sept 15, 1915 Jane Evelyn Dorland b Aug 15, 1917 ob Dec 26, 1917 Carroll E. Dorland b Sept 23, 1919 Elias Dorland b Aug 21, 1856 ob Nov 27, 1860 Ida May Dorland b Dec 13, 1858 living, married 1 Nov 3, 1886 Jno K. McBride b Mch 7, 1860 ob Mch 23, 1916 married 2 Sept 23, 1924 Benj E. Pritchard born Nov 30, 1848 ob Feby 13, 1925 a druggist Herbert Dorland McBride b Nov 8, 1892 married June 4, 1923 to Mildred Sensenbaugh b Apr 2, 1895 reside Bellevue, Pa No issue. Harry Dorland b Dec 7, 1860 ob Oct 3, 1904, single Sarah McLain Dorland b Sept 30, 1865 my informant for this record married Dec 5, 1889 Wm Porter Brown b July 8, 1859 both living. Marian Lavinia Brown b Oct 16, 1890, teacher Helen Alexander Dorland Brown b July 20, 1892 married Oct 1, 1919 Robt W. Forsythe b May 27, 1892 Sarah Elizabeth Forsythe b June 28, 1920</p><p>V24 Page 604</p><p>Oak Hill Apr 17, 1931 7:22 AM I have a letter dated Jany 28, 1931 from Miss Elizabeth Carothers 1070 Tillamook ST, Portland, Oregon great granddaughter of Andrew Carothers Esq 1778-1836 & also two letters from her dated Oct 14, 1930 & Nov 9, 1930 to S.M. Carothers Sumter SC (which I will return to him today) from which coupled with my records from Silver Spring Ch g.y. July 18, 1926 see b 17 p 28 & the Andrew Carothers Esq bible record now in possession of Manville Carothers, Kirksville, Mo see page 410 of this book. I will make a genealogical table on next page commencing with John Caruthers who was poisoned. My Anjou history makes him son of Robert 1690-1771 brother of my gggfather John born 1698 but Miss Carothers writes that Mrs Catharine Louden Eskridge aged 84 yrs claims he is a son of James Carothers & Margaret Henderson who were her own great grandparents. Am writing for her address & also that of her Miss Carothers Aunt who she says is 91. In her letter of Nov 9, 1930 to S.M.C., she says that Mrs Eskridge says that James b 1766 & William b 1768 sons of John 1739-1798 who was poisoned went to Frankfort, Pa (Beaver Co) & had farms there. Make slips. She also says she remembers her parents talking about John C. & James C. corresponding with their ancestors (doesn't she mean relatives) in Co Antrim, Ireland. Make slip. She also thinks John b 1770 son of John 1739-1798 was a surgeon & that he served in some war (it might have been 1812) & that he died in Missouri before the Civil War. Make slip. She says my Aunt Mary Carothers Saltmarsh remembers the Henderson & Armstrong connections. Says she is 89 & is old.</p><p>V24 Page 605</p><p>[descendant chart]</p><p>Hon John Carothers a soldier of the Revolution & served several terms in the Penna Legislature, lived in East Pennsborough Tp, Cumb Co, on Hoges run near Silver Spring Ch where he & his wife (& some of his children) are buried. They were poisoned by Sarah Clark who was hung, b 1739 ob Feby 26, 1798 aged 59 years, probably born in Co Antrim, Ireland, married 1765 Mary Armstrong (daughter of James Armstrong) born 1740 ob June 3, 1798 aged 58 yrs. see b 25 p 56 et seq.</p><p>[children]</p><p>James Carothers b 1766 ob see p 606. Had 2 daughters [Page 606 says:] He had an illegitimate son named James see below see b 25 p 129 & 59 married Elizabeth Mary Carothers Sarah Ann Carothers James Carothers b 1788 ob 1865 in MO All that is said in b 25 p 59 as attached to James son of James the cooper is wrongfully attached to him & should with all descendants following go to this James. William Carothers b 1768 ob see 606 [which says:] married Margaret. He had an illegitimate son Wm Thos Carothers called "Billy" listed below William Thomas Carothers born 1799 ob abt 1838 called "Billy" married Margaret Culp 1801-1891 & had 3 children John S. Carothers ob William Thomas Carothers Jr b 1834 ob 1901 married Mrs H.A. Wright of Clarence Mo. Make slip Mary Elizabeth Carothers ob John Carothers b 1770 was shff of Cumb Co in 1798 ob in Mo abt 1856 he was a doctor & surgeon in War of 1812 married Sarah Hoge? went to Mo Had 3 children b 26 p 81. Betty Carothers Mary Jane Carothers died aged 14 yrs Emily Carothers Thomas Carothers b 1772 ob May 14, 1851 aged 81 married Elizabeth b 1774 ob Nov 30, 1814 aged 40 yrs. He admd Apr 5, 1798 on his father's estate. Mary Ann Carothers ob Apr 23, 1800 aged 4 1/2 mos Jane Carothers b 1774 ob Married James Bell see p 606 [which says:] she died Feby 15, 1853. He died Apr 9, 1852 both died in Shelbyville, Mo & buried there. David Bell ob Dr James Bell ob Mary Ann Bell ob married Rev Aurand of Pa see b 26 p 71 bottom, see b 26 p 266. Ann Carothers b 1776 never married ob 1848 Andrew Carothers lawyer b Jany 20, 1778 ob July 26, 1836 aged 58 married 1 June 11, 1812 Catherine Louden daughter of Matthew Louden. She was born Feby 15, 1783 ob Jany 11, 1820 aged 36 yrs 11 mos Married 2 about 1825 Isabella Alexander b Sept 2, 1786 ob June 4, 1861 daughter of Col John Alexander & his wife Jane. Had 3 children sons by first wife. see next page born in Carlisle, Pa [I will incorporate info on both pages for clarity CW] John Henderson Carothers b Apr 6, 1813 ob Dec 11, 1879 married Dec 24, 1844 Mary Forsythe Carothers b Mch 10, 1821 ob Apr 24, 1856 emigrated 1836 from Carlisle Pa to Mo in Sept buried at Clarence, MO. He was a blacksmith. 1. Catherine Louden Carothers b Mch 18, 1846 in Ralls Co, MO living at 120 Logan St Leavenworth, Kan married May 9, 1869 Winfield Scott Eskridge who was born May 6, 1844 & died Dec 22, 1916 in Leavenworth, Kan buried in National Military Home, Kansas, son of Thos Orlando Eskridge born in Fauquier Co, VA 1808 & wife Mary Payton Matson born 1817 in KY. Had 4 children 1st born in Shelbyville, Mo 2d in Brookfield Mo & 3d & 4th near Clarence Shelby Co, MO. He was born in Shelby Co Mo & married in Shelbyville, Mo Anna Belle Eskridge b May 3, 1870 ob Jany 29, 1920 in Kansas City, Mo married in Kansas City, Mo Dec 12, 1888 to Wm R. Prince b say 1860 who now lives in Kansas City aged 71 yrs Richard Henderson Eskridge b Nov 5, 1871 & was with his mother born in Brookfield, MO unmarried Mary Louisa Eskridge b Sept [best guess] 30, 1873 ob Mch 5, 1886 buried in Union Cem Kansas City, MO Olive Eskridge b June 4, 1880 married Jany 26, 1898 in K.C. Mo to J.F. Butler 2. Sarah Jane Carothers b Mch 5, 1849 ob Apr 1868 unmarried. She died in Shelby Co, MO aged 20 yrs 3. Andrew Armstrong Carothers b Sept 27, 1853 ob Apr 1, 1854 aged 6 mos [best guess] 3 days 4. Son b 1855 ob it was stillborn. Matthew Louden Carothers [son of Andrew b 1778] b Feby 22, 1815 ob Jany 8, 1888 married 1838 Elizabeth Wilson ob. Names 5 children then after Catherine`s name says "12 children" Andrew Carothers ob 1876 Nancy Claypool Elizabeth Carothers, my informant Mary Carothers John Wilson Carothers William Carothers Catherine Carothers James Armstrong Carothers b May 9, 1818 ob. He went off to Calif & died there but no one knows where or when. Never married.</p>

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