<p> Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013</p><p>Question/Program PSEG JCPL Current JCPL Future ACE RECO Rule 1 Is there an indicator in Pre-enrollment – We No for both pre- Once a Change At this time no, No, there is no the EDI file that shows plan to create the net enrollment or on- Control gets however, with the indicator in EDI but whether an account is metering pre- going data approved this will be implementation of our there is an indicator in net-metered? enrollment (867HU) provided via EDI new billing system, we RAIS. Pre- and the 814 Change will identify NEM accts enrollment? alert in 2014 along with via EDI and the active On-going data? the 814 Change alert. customer list. The 814 Enrollment Response net metering alerts will be implemented in mid Nov 2013. On-going data – The current 867 HU and IU have the IN and OUT QTY indicators on the usage file – KA/QD & 87/9H. 2 How is net-metered 867MU – Net Net is reported in BB The structure of this Net consumption is Net usage is generation reported to consumption is Loop and both data within the reported to the reported to supplier; the supplier for billing reported in SU loop generation & 867MU/IU will customer for purposes? consumption change based on any customers with if negative, zero is Is net 867MU – IN and OUT reported in PM loop Change Controls register reads (Scalar). reported. Only net consumption values are reported in being approved Interval billed positive usage is value reported? PM loop customer have a sum reported Are two consumption by separate values See separate interval and the sum transmitted? spreadsheet with of the excess (ie. Customer examples of various EDI generation by interval. generation and 867 transactions. These two values are consumption combined and if the separately value is positive the reported?) customer is billed for net consumption. 3 Are there any Additional No difference except IT Dept. is looking Yes, see above. There is no differences in reporting information is for interval data is into changes to for interval metered and provided; when report net Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 summary (scalar) provided on the interval is net generation but difference metered accounts? interval metered generation the value system currently will account. Hourly IN will show 0 not allow any value and hourly OUT less than 0; may be able to change information is reporting with SAP provided as well. upgrade planned for 05/14 but IT is not Refer to separate sure yet spreadsheet and explanation of metering. 4 How is the utility If the account is BGS Only for distribution No changes A credit kwh Monetary credits currently providing (Supply with utility), anticipated amount is reported are provided by the credits for customers the utility will apply on the bill each utility to customers who have net excess excess-generation month for a generation? For on installation (Bank) to the customer who has example, is the utility anniversary date providing the monetary following month until net excess value for the generation the Customer’s generation, which related net metering anniversary month. reduces that credits to all customers On the Customer’s customer’s future (both distribution and anniversary month consumption until shopping) at the end of the excess the anniversary annual period? generation is month. Then, the credited to the remaining excess customer based on generation is the PSE&G electric converted to dollars tariff calculation. using the annualized LMP for the AE If the Customer zone. The credit chooses to be dollars are applied supplied by a Third to the customer’s Party Supplier, the A/R balance. supplier is responsible for tracking the over- generation that is provided on the 867 Monthly Usage file. Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 The supplier’s anniversary month would be different from the Utilities anniversary month. Since PSE&G is bill ready the supplier is responsible to calculate the over generation credit to the Customer on the anniversary month. 5 Are there any notable Consolidated billing No No In a dual billed There are no differences between and dual billing should account, notable differences consolidated billing and work the same way. adjustments are dual billing situations? PSE&G will accept made immediately credit or negative 810 and a corrected bill Invoice transactions to accommodate any created. For credits due to the over consolidated billing, generated amount. there is a delay waiting for customer charges before adjustments and a corrected bill is created. SUMMARY METERED ACCOUNTS 7 If a customer’s The BB loop A negative value is See answer to Item 2 Due to system Zero usage is generation exceeds shows 0 KWh reported in the BB above limitations, zero is reported consumption for the use. loop reported for any month (effectively The SU loop specific month creating a negative shows the excess where either that consumption) how is this reported via EDI generation with month’s customer billing usage the code 87 generation and / or transactions? (actual the accumulated generation) or generation from 9H previous months’ (estimated results in a Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 generation) “negative No negative sign consumption.” is used 8 Does the supplier See above answer Negative value See answer to Item 2 Not at this time. We do not send net receive a negative(-) above negative values to value or does the supplier receive a zero suppliers. (0) value? If a zero (0) True values are sent value is to customers on the transmitted, is bills there any other way to obtain a true net consumption value? 9 How is the net-metered Preliminary is an Responses per No changes are PJM does not accept Net metering is not consumption reported estimate using Settlement Services: anticipated. negative values for apparent to to the ISO for settlement the profile hourly supplier load NYISO/PJM because purposes? methodology. The net kwh responsibilities. The delivered are settlement it is not Is the true net Final settlement excess generation is consumption reported to the ISO is the actual net part of the done at the value on a daily basis via customer account (consumption – driven by billing. PJM's Inschedule. Unaccounted-For- net metered The net kWh received Energy (UFE) and is level but at generation See above (excess generation) allocated on a Load marketer account transmitted? are reported to PJM Ratio Share basis to level. (For example, If Capacity is in the 60 day all suppliers in the during a given based on the IN- reconciliation zone in the initial, Capacity tag takes month a respective to the LSE channel or “day-after” into account customer consumption. serving the particular settlement. In the generates customer. contribution to The customer’s 60-day 100kWh but system peak load. consumes 50 generation is not Negative reconciliation, the kWh, is the (-) used in the consumption values excess generation is 50kWh calculation. are applied to the accounted-for based reported?) same assigned on the monthly total Net metering How is the customer class profile excess reported by reduces the negative used for positive kwh the billing consumption consumption. department. These contribution to the value applied to amounts are peak load thus the Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 the load Capacity tags are submitted to PJM as capacity tag profile? based only on net “negative load” and How do net kwh delivered values. the revenue (@LMP) metered If customer was is used to off-set the generating more than situations credits paid to impact consuming during any customers. calculation of the five designated the capacity peak hours used to tag? determine Capacity The negative tags a zero kwh value consumption is not is assigned in each applied to the load case. profile. The total monthly excess generation (“negative load”) is spread equally across the daylight hours (i.e., 6:00 am – 8:00 pm) of each day of the reconciled month.</p><p>The net monthly consumption is used in the calculations but the capacity tag cannot be less than zero. 10 How are multiple meter 1. 867IU - The BB No multiple meters No multiple meters It depends on the Multiple meters are situations handled? For loop shows the situation. If there not considered. Only example, if there is a net usage (0 if are 2 or more net metering is separate co-gen meter. generation is meters that bill considered. greater than consumption, they consumption) are added together - 2. BO loop for each generally these are meter will show interval metered summary for the accounts. If one IN usage and meter is a test summary for the meter like for SREC, Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 OUT usage the Test meter data 3. PM Loop for each is ignored for billing. meter will show It is only used to hourly IN and report the amount hourly OUT usage of generation to PJM. The other meter records the net delivered and received and the net is billed. INTERVAL METERED ACCOUNTS 11 If a customer’s 867IU- The BB Summary data is See answer to Item 3 Information is Zero usage is generation exceeds loop shows 0 reported same as above manually adjusted reported consumption for the KWh use. 867MU; when to report a net month (effectively interval is net positive or negative It is unlikely that a creating a negative generation the value 867IU – The BO consumption for consumption) how is will show 0 large non- loop shows the this reported via EDI each interval. residential account summary of the billing usage would have a transactions? IN usage (code used will be QD negative usage. or KA) and the summary for the OUT usage (code used will be 87 or 9H). </p><p> No negative sign is used Hourly IN and hourly OUT is reported in PM loop</p><p>12 Does the supplier Supplier will Negative value in See answer to Item 3 Supplier receives The supplier receive a negative(-) receive a 0 value. summary and zero in above negative values if receives zero usage. value or does the the interval data generation exceeds True values are sent supplier receive a zero Supplier will consumption. (0) value? to customers on the have to subtract If a zero (0) bills. Yes, the Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 value is the values summary value is transmitted, is provided in the calculated from the there any other BO loop. way to obtain a hourly usages true net The monthly consumption summary value for value? the aggregate of Does the the hourly reads monthly should match the summary value hourly reads. for the aggregate of the hourly reads match the hourly reads? 13 How is the net-metered Preliminary is See answers to Item 9 See answer to Item 9 PJM does not accept Net metering is not consumption reported based on the IN above above negative values for apparent to to the ISO for settlement channel. hourly supplier load NYISO/PJMbecause purposes? Final responsibilities. settlement it is not Is the true net settlement is the Currently, interval- consumption actual net driven metered excess done at customer value account level but at (consumption – by billing which generation is net metered includes negative considered marketer level. generation usage. “negative load” and transmitted? Capacity is is aggregated with Capacity tag takes (For example, If based on the IN- the suppliers’ into account actual during a given channel. The “positive load” to contribution to the month a customer’s effectively reduce system peak load. customer generation is not their load generates taken into responsibilities in 100kWh but Net metering consumes 50 account. the given hour. As reduces the such, it is kWh, is the (-) contribution to the considered 50kWh peak load thus the reported?) “accounted-for” and the supplier receives capacity tag How do net the value of the metered situations excess generation. impact calculation In the rare situation Net-Metering Protocols—Spring 2013 of the capacity tag? where the supplier’s total aggregated load, in a given hour, results in a negative value, we must set it to zero in order to submit it to the ISO. </p><p>The net hourly consumption, including excess generation, is used in the calculations but the capacity tag cannot be less than zero.</p>
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