SCS District Mission

SCS District Mission

<p>This handbook represents a good faith effort to present to you in writing the policies, expectations, and procedures for parents and students at Willow Oaks Elementary School. Additions and amendments may be given to you during the school year. The administration assumes parents and students will follow the guidelines outlined in this handbook. Please keep your handbook and refer to it throughout the year. </p><p>Destination 2025</p><p>SCS District Mission Preparing all students for success in learning, leadership and life.</p><p>SCS District Vision Our District will be the premier School District attracting a diverse student population and effective teachers, leaders, and staff all committed to excellence</p><p>Willow Oaks Vision</p><p>All stakeholders (parents, students, teachers and administration) will focus on learning and work together to ensure that all students are proficient in all academic areas. 2016-2017 Parent/Student Handbook Receipt</p><p>Child’s Name/Signature:______</p><p>I have read and understand all the policies and procedures in the Parent/Student Handbook. I realize that failure to follow all policies and procedures in the Parent/Student Handbook may result in disciplinary action. I will review SCS policies on-line. The principal reserves the right to make revisions to this handbook during the school year.</p><p>Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>2016-2017 UNIFIED DISTRICT SCHOOLS ACADEMIC CALENDAR </p><p>Before School Begins Date(s) Day(s) Event July 27-28 Wednesday-Thursday New Teacher Induction for New Teachers Aug 1 Monday 1st Day for Teachers AM ½ Professional Development & PM ½ Administration Aug 2 Tuesday Administrative Day & Student/Registration Day</p><p>Aug 3 Wednesday AM ½ Professional Development & PM ½ Administration Aug 4 - 5 Thursday-Friday Professional Development Day</p><p>First Semester (84 Days) Date(s) Day(s) Event Students Teachers First Day of Class for Students August 8 Monday In Staggered Enrollment Begin for KK In September 5 Monday LABOR DAY Out Out</p><p>September 15 Thursday Parent-Teacher Conferences (4 P.M. - 7 P.M.) In In </p><p>September 16 Friday District Learning Day (Professional Development) Out In</p><p>October 7 Friday End of 1st 9 Weeks </p><p>October 10-14 Monday - Friday FALL BREAK Out Out</p><p>October 17 Monday 2nd 9 weeks begins </p><p>November 11 Wednesday VETERANS’S DAY Out Out</p><p>November 23-25 Wednesday-Friday THANKSGIVING BREAK Out Out</p><p>December 14-16 Wednesday-Friday Semester Exams End of 2nd Quarter Semester Exams December 16 Friday </p><p>December 16 Friday ½ Student & ½ Administration Out In</p><p>December 19 Monday District Learning Day (Professional Development) Out In</p><p>WINTER BREAK December 20 - January 2 Tuesday - Monday Out Out Second Semester (96 Days) Date(s) Day(s) Event Students Teachers January 3 Tuesday First Day of School (classes resume as normal) In In</p><p>January 16 Monday MLK JR. HOLIDAY Out Out</p><p>February 9 Thursday Parent Conferences (4-7 P.M.) In In</p><p>February 10 Monday District Learning Day (Professional Development) Out In</p><p>February 20 Monday PRESIDENTS DAY Out Out</p><p>March 10 Friday End of 3rd Quarter</p><p>March 13-17 Monday-Friday SPRING BREAK & GOOD FRIDAY Out Out</p><p>April 14 Friday SPRING HOLIDAY Out Out</p><p>May 24-26 Wednesday- Thursday Semester Exams In In End of 4th Quarter Last Day for Students and Teachers In ½ May 26 Friday In ½ Students / ½ Administrative Day</p><p>ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL – SCHOOL DAY</p><p>All parents and visitors to the school will enter and exit from the front entrance of the building on Willow Road. Parents should drop off students curbside near the school marque. Do NOT park in the pickup/drop-off area! </p><p>The back parking lot and building entrances are for staff use only. No students should be dropped off behind the school or in the side parking lot (near Dearing). </p><p>Adult supervision of students begins at 7:45 a.m. DO NOT drop off your children or have them walk & arrive to school prior to 7:45 a.m. Students will wait outside until the doors open for breakfast at 7:45 a.m.</p><p>Students will enter the school at 7:45 a.m. for students eating breakfast. Breakfast is served between 7:45 – 8:05 a.m. and is free to all students. The cafeteria will be cleared at 8:05 a.m. so that every student has time to arrive in class before 8:15 a.m. </p><p>Dismissal begins at 3:10 for kindergarteners and 3:15 for all other students. Students will use the exit closest to their homeroom class.</p><p> Daycare Riders will be picked up by support teachers and escorted to the daycare pickup behind the school.  Walkers will tap out with their teachers, pickup any siblings, and leave campus immediately. Students are not allowed to conjugate around campus. Students need to walk home in groups at the same time.  Car Riders will be picked up in front of the school between 3:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The sidewalk closest to the school is for immediate drop- off and pickup. Please remain in your vehicle. If you would like to park and walk up to speak with your child’s teacher or another parent, please park on the opposite side of the street, or on Dearing or Cherry. Please note: Older siblings (high/middle school) are not allowed on campus prior to 3:00 p.m. Visitors disrupting the educational environment will be asked to leave the campus. </p><p>For the safety of all of our students we must insist that all children be picked up on time every day. We reserve the right to call outside authorities for students on campus prior to 7:45 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m. </p><p>Please have an “inclement weather plan” in place for your child in case of bad weather or early dismissal.</p><p>Police/Crossing Guards are stationed at the crosswalk in front of our school and at the corner of Cherry Road and Willow Road. Students and Parents must cross the street with the crossing guards. </p><p>Please, Please, Please:</p><p> Do not make u-turns in the middle of the street  Do not double-park in front of the school  Do pull your car to the curb before your child enters or exits your vehicle  ATTENDANCE - TARDIES & ABSENCES</p><p> The school day at Willow Oaks begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.  Children who enter the classroom after 8:15 a.m. are tardy. Teachers will record late arrival in the classroom until 8:30.  If your child arrives after 8:30 a.m., a parent/guardian must accompany the student to the office to receive a tardy slip.  Students checking out of school before 11:30 a.m. will be marked absent for the entire day.  There will be no early checkouts after 2:30 p.m.  All absences are considered “unexcused”. Students must bring a dated, written excuse to the teacher within two days following each absence.  State law recognizes only five reasons for EXCUSED absences:  Personal illness of the pupil.  Validated court appearances of the pupil.  Recognized religious holiday/event.  Death or serious illness in the immediate family of the pupil.  School sponsored/sanctioned activities.  A doctor’s statement is required if a student has ten or more absences.</p><p>CLASSROOM SUPPLIES</p><p>Students need basic school supplies in order to fully participate in classroom instruction. Please be sure your child brings the required supplies to school on the first day of school. A list of school supplies for each grade level is available on our website or in our school office. For your convenience we have school supply pre-packs available for purchase at registration while supplies last. Prices are available in the school office. FOOD POLICY</p><p>We follow state guidelines for approved food and snack items during school hours. All food and snack items must meet minimal nutrition standards as determined by the State of Tennessee’s School Nutrition Program. Snack and food items such as cakes, cupcakes, ice cream, etc… are not allowed during school hours. This does not apply to individual lunches that students bring from home.</p><p>BREAKFAST PROCEDURES  Students line up under the covered walkway.  Students who wish to eat breakfast will be escorted to the cafeteria beginning at 7:45.  Those not choosing to eat breakfast will remain outside under the covered walkway until the 8:00 a.m. bell.  Always get in line at the end of the line. Students will not be permitted to “skip” in line or hold a space for someone else.  Each student will move through the serving line quietly and walk to the assigned table.  Students should use soft, quiet voices in the cafeteria.  Students are to remain seated and facing the front of the cafeteria while eating.  When dismissed from breakfast students must walk directly to their classrooms.</p><p>LUNCH PROCEDURES  Enter the cafeteria in a quiet and orderly manner.  Students who bring a complete lunch from home may be seated immediately.  Students will obtain all the necessary items from the serving line and then walk directly to the assigned table.  Each student sits in an assigned seat at lunch.  Students must remain seated during lunch.  There will be no loud talking, throwing of food, playing with food, sharing food, or disturbing other students or their food. Students may talk quietly to others near them at their table. Adults monitoring during lunch may call for a period of no talking if voices become unnecessarily loud.  All students will demonstrate good manners while in the cafeteria. No running or playing during lunch.  Students will be directed to carefully place their trays and other items into trash barrels.  Students line up quietly and the teacher escorts them back to class.</p><p>HOMEWORK</p><p>The purpose of homework is to promote mastery of skills and concepts taught during classroom instruction. Research indicates that schools in which homework is routinely assigned and assessed tend to have higher-achieving students.</p><p>Students should:  Understand that homework is part of the course requirements.  Make certain that homework assignments are understood before leaving school.  Complete and submit homework assignments by the due date.</p><p>Parents should:  Provide a quiet and well-lighted workspace for homework.  Remind students that homework is their responsibility.  Guide or assist with homework as needed, but never do the homework for the child.  Limit television and all other distracting activity so that students focus complete attention on homework assignments.  Communicate with the teacher as needed.</p><p>ILLNESS</p><p>When your child becomes ill at school or has an accident, we will contact you first, and then the emergency contact. BE SURE THAT YOU HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS FOR EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OR ILLNESS. WE MUST BE ABLE TO REACH SOMEONE SO THAT YOUR CHILD CAN BE PICKED UP WITHIN THE HOUR. You must come to the school office to pick up your child and sign him/her out. Please be sure to notify the school office and your child’s teacher when contact or emergency information changes throughout the year. The school will only dismiss students to individuals identified in the Student Management System.</p><p>LOST OR DAMAGED PROPERTY</p><p>The school does not and cannot assume any responsibility for loss or damage to any property belonging to or issued to students. The school will, in every possible way, endeavor to protect all properties at school in the students’ possession. However, the ultimate responsibility for damage or loss belongs to the student.</p><p>LOST ITEMS</p><p>Please write your child’s name on coats, hats, sweaters, purses, lunch boxes, etc. Every year dozens of items are found and we are unable to return them because there are no names identifying the rightful owners. If your child is missing a garment or lunch box, have him/her check the lost and found closet located in the Kindergarten Hall next the Guidance Office. </p><p>MEDICATION</p><p>Your doctor must complete a Medicine Administration Form in order for your child to self-administer an inhaler. Parents, please remember that students who need to take prescription medications in pill form can keep only a ten-day supply in the office at school. At the end of each ten days, parents must come to the office and restock the medication. Students are not allowed to restock their medications. Parents must consult with our office staff regarding any other medications your child may need during the school day. The principal will require a statement signed by the parent or legal guardian requesting the school to administer any medication. Forms are available in the school office. </p><p>TELEPHONES</p><p>The school telephone is for business calls only. The day’s plans should be made with children before they leave home in the mornings as to who will pick them up, where to go after school, etc. Changes to dismissal plans cannot be made via the telephone. If a parent calls during instructional time, the call will be sent to voicemail and the teacher will return the call during their planning time. </p><p>Children cannot be called to the telephone. </p><p>PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) Please join our PTO and support its programs. Our PTO plays a very important part in our school program. We cherish the support of our parents. Teachers and parents working together develop strong home, school, and community relationships. You can make a valuable contribution to our school through volunteer service on a PTO committee or project. Even just a few hours of work can make a huge contribution to our school program. Call the school office (416-2196) and we will direct you to the appropriate PTO Executive Board member.</p><p>PARKING LOT SAFETY</p><p>The parking lot behind the school is for Willow Oaks faculty and staff use only. Students and staff members use the parking lot as a walkway between campus buildings during the school day. The safety of our students is our primary concern.</p><p>PARTIES</p><p>Birthday parties/celebrations are NOT permitted during the school day. Please do not send or arrange for the delivery of balloons, flowers, cupcakes, etc. to students at school. Such items will NOT be delivered during class. Costume characters are not permitted at school. Teachers and room parents will plan class parties to celebrate. They will inform you about parties that they plan.</p><p>PETS Students are not allowed to bring pets or other live animals to school. Pets are not allowed on school property before, during, or after school.</p><p>STUDENT RECOGNITION</p><p>We recognize academic achievement, positive behavior and daily, on-time attendance on Awards Day at the end of each nine-weeks report card period.</p><p>Principal’s List All A’s in academic subjects E or G in Conduct</p><p>Kinderscholars Mastery – 90% of skills in Reading and Math S in 10 or more Skills and Behaviors Conduct Grade of E or G in all Support Classes</p><p>Honor Roll All A’s or B’s in academic subjects E or G in Conduct</p><p>Perfect Attendance No absences No early dismissals or tardies</p><p>Citizenship E or G in Conduct for classroom and all support classes</p><p>Most Improved One student for Academics One student for Conduct End of Year Awards Students who have earned the same award each grading period will receive special recognition during our final ceremony in May.</p><p>SOLICITATION OR FUND RAISING No items are to be distributed or sold at the school by students unless they are part of an approved school fundraiser. No brochures or flyers are to be placed in the teachers’ lounge, in the school building, or passed out to students or staff unless approved by the Principal.</p><p>STUDENT RECORDS</p><p>When your child transfers to another school, his/her cumulative record will be released upon request by the receiving school. This record may be reviewed by scheduling an appointment with the school Principal. Records are only available to legal/custodial parents.</p><p>TEXTBOOKS</p><p>It is the student’s responsibility to take care of his/her textbooks.</p><p>At the beginning of each school year, students and parents sign “TEXTBOOK RULES” which define responsibilities for the care of these books. Textbooks are issued either “new” or “used”. If a book is lost or damaged, the full price is charged for a new book. Seventy-five percent of the “new” price is charged for a “used” book. Five dollars will be charged to rebind a book. Minor damage may also be assessed for markings in books, torn pages, water damage, etc. If books are not paid for, the following actions will be taken:  Replacement textbooks will not be issued.  All report cards will be withheld from pupil, parent, or guardian. WEDNESDAY FOLDERS</p><p>Communication is the key to student success. Willow Oaks has established a school-wide communication system to distribute valuable information to our parents. This system helps everyone stay in the loop regarding student progress, Willow Oaks school information, and district communications. Every Wednesday, all teachers will send home progress notes, papers, class newsletters (weekly or monthly) and other information home. </p><p>IV. Student Conduct No objects that are distracting or dangerous in the school setting, or to other students, will be allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:  Radios, Compact disc/cassette players, iPods  Cell phones, pagers  Water guns, toy guns, pocket knives  Drinking bottles  Laser pointers  Toys, footballs, basketballs, skateboards  Electronic games</p><p>Teachers establish and practice classroom rules and procedures that are age and grade level appropriate.</p><p>Learning takes place more readily in an orderly environment. The development of student self- control/self-discipline is a learning and maturation process similar to other developmental processes. It has to be taught --- it does not just happen.</p><p>In order to ensure a safe, quality learning environment, a teacher disciplinary plan was created. This plan is consistent with the Board of Education Code of Conduct and is monitored by the staff elected Disciplinary Advisory Committee & PBIS Committee.</p><p>Behavioral Offenses/Consequences: Level I: Behaviors that mildly disrupt the educational process and do not cause injury: 1. Refusing to participate in class or do assignments 2. Selling unauthorized materials 3. Failure to keep hands, feet and other objects to oneself 4. Name-calling 5. Failure to obey classroom rules Consequences: 1. Classroom management steps 2. Teacher / Parent / Student Conference</p><p>Level II: Deliberate student behaviors that interrupt the educational process. 1. Continued Level I behaviors 2. Obscene, indecent, and/or offensive behavior, language, gestures, pictures, writings, or propositions to peers or staff 3. Refusing punishment 4. Disruptive classroom behavior 5. Threatening, intimidating, or instigating hostile actions 6. Inappropriate physical contact 7. Use of profanity (cursing/swearing) 8. Gestures, signals, literature, drawings, apparel, or manner of grooming implying affiliation with unauthorized clubs or gangs</p><p>Consequences: 1. Student/Parent-Teacher/Principal Conference 2. Peer Counseling / Guidance Referral</p><p>Level III: Serious, disruptive behaviors that demonstrate defiance of authority or continued disruption of the educational process. 1. Continued Level II behaviors 2. Failure to answer conference request 3. Insubordination/verbal, body language, or gestured insolence directed towards any adult 4. Fighting (minor with no injury)</p><p>Consequences: 1. Suspension 2. Pupil Services</p><p>Level IV: Illegal and continued disruptive behaviors 1. Continued Level III behaviors 2. Thefts, extortions, and vandalism 3. Threatening or striking school personnel 4. Possession of drugs or weapons (real or look alike) 5. Fighting (significant injury)</p><p>Consequences: 1. Suspension 2. Expulsion</p><p>Please adhere to the following when making administrative referrals: 1. A Disciplinary Referral Form is to be completed for every student referred to the office. 2. If students are referred to the office when the principal is out for an extended period, the student will be returned to their class. It is unreasonable to expect the secretaries to control students whom the teacher cannot. All students referred to the office should come with work to do! If the work is not self explanatory, please write out directions so that work can be explained by office personnel. 3. Leave the student in the outer office area while conferring with the principal. DO NOT make threats or demands that cannot be fulfilled.</p><p>Cafeteria Rules</p><p>All students are expected to abide by the following rules. Students are to…. 1. Remain in their seats after receiving lunch unless directed to do so by teacher, educational assistant or cafeteria monitor. (Students cannot return to the line or kitchen area to get items.) 2. Use their inside voices and face the front of the cafeteria. 3. Talk only to those students who are seated next to them. 4. Keep their hands, feet, and other objects to themselves. 5. Keep their food on their trays. (No throwing or playing with food).</p><p>Hall Rules</p><p>1. Walk to the right of the hall. 2. Walk at all times. 3. Speak at a low volume or tone. 4. When standing—stand in a square. Leave space between you and the next person.</p><p>Students who are not with their class should have a student pass indicating their destination and time. (Restroom pass, office pass, guidance pass etc.)</p><p>In-School Suspension Rules</p><p>If a student is issued an In-school suspension, it is important that the following rules be followed. 1. The teacher must provide daily assignments. 2. Students must have necessary supplies. (pencils, paper, books, etc,) 3. Students will make up day(s) if absent. 4. Do not issue student a hall pass. 5. Student must complete all assignments. 6. Student must eat and go everywhere with ISS staff. (Must eat lunch away from other students.) 7. Students cannot purchase nor have treats at lunch. (ice cream, popcorn, candy, cake etc). 8. Students are to remain in their seats. 9. Students with in-school suspensions are not allowed to participate in extra curricular activities during this time. (trips, programs, parties, etc.)</p><p>Hierarchy of Disciplinary Actions</p><p>Classroom Management Steps (Minimum documented procedures) 1. Teacher warning (verbal) 2. Deprive of free-time, special activities and privileges, isolation 3. Peer counseling 4. Notification of parent or guardian by letter and/or phone 5. Teacher / Parent / Student conference 6. Guidance referral</p><p>Administrative Intervention 1. Behavior Modification Sessions 2. Principal / Teacher / Parent / Student conference 3. In-School Suspension 4. Suspension(s) 5. Pupil Services 6. Alternative School</p><p>Faculty, administration and staff responsibilities 1. Must consistently enforce the disciplinary plan. 2. Follow the disciplinary hierarchy (exceptional cases will be considered separately). 3. Must document student infractions and the disciplinary actions taken.</p><p>Cafeteria / Halls 1. Expected behavior is the same as in each classroom, with the same disciplinary recourse. *** Teacher will be notified of the type of inappropriate behavior displayed by their student.</p><p>Suggestions for Classroom Management 1. Give students positive reinforcement and praise (as often as possible). 2. Review school rules with students on a timely basis. 3. Integrate Responsive Classroom into your curriculum. 4. Students / teacher can hold class meetings weekly to discuss problems and solutions 5. Daily physical exercise for release of pent-up energy. 6. Students can write an essay addressing their behavioral problem. 7. Students can write letters to parents describing their behavioral problem. Parents should sign letter and return to teacher. SCHOOL UNIFORMS</p><p>Tops (shirts, blouses) must be white or navy blue, with collars and sleeves.  All shirts (boys’ and girls’) must be tucked in.  Acceptable styles include Polo or golf-style shirts, Oxford or button-down dress shirts, turtlenecks, and white or navy blouses with Peter Pan collars.  Long sleeves and short sleeves are both acceptable.  Sleeveless tops are not acceptable.  T-shirts may be worn as undergarments. They must be white.  Vests, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, cardigans, and lightweight jackets may be worn over the uniform top. They must be white, tan, navy blue, or black, and have minimal designs/writing.  The approved Willow Oaks T-Shirt may be worn only on Fridays in place of the polo or dress shirt. The appropriate bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) must still be worn with the Willow Oaks T-Shirt.</p><p>Bottoms (pants, walking shorts, skirts and jumpers) must be black, tan or navy blue.  Acceptable pants styles include full-length dress pants, boot cut or straight-leg pants, cargo pants, straight-leg Capri pants, cropped pants and knee-length walking shorts  Pants must fit at the waist and not be oversized or undersized (e.g. baggy pants, sagging pants, tights, or pants made of spandex are not allowed.)  Belts must be fitted and put through belt loops.  Skirts or jumpers must be knee-length or longer.  Shirts must be tucked in.</p><p>Shoes  Should not have heels higher than one and one-half inches.  All athletic or tennis shoes, as well as boots, are acceptable.  If sandals are worn, they must have a heel strap.</p><p>Please note:  No denim material may be worn as uniform clothing.  All uniform clothing must be plain without any manufacturer’s logos, brand names, pictures, or insignias visible on the clothing.  Heavy coats, heavy jackets and raincoats are not covered by these regulations and are not to be worn during the school day unless permitted by the principal for special circumstances.</p><p>If a child comes to school dressed inappropriately, parents will be required to bring appropriate dress before the child is admitted to class. </p><p>Additional Reminders:  No hats, caps, bandannas, day scarves, do rags, or sunglasses are to be worn inside the building.  No carts or backpacks with wheels are allowed.  No “heelies” are allowed inside the building.</p><p>We respectfully request our parents, relatives and friends adhere to the following rules while visiting Willow Oaks or attending school functions:</p><p> Please wear modest, loose-fitting clothing.  No midriff tops or short shorts.  No bare feet in the building.  No cell phone use  No t-shirts advertising smoking, alcohol or gambling.  No clothing with vulgar or offensive language or pictures.  And please, no pajamas. ADDRESSES & PHONE NUMBERS</p><p>Please inform the school office AND your child’s teacher IN WRITING of any changes in ADDRESS or PHONE NUMBERS. This includes HOME, WORK, CELL, and EMERGENCY FRIENDS.</p><p>We must have a working phone number on file in case of an emergency! </p>

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